`M. Annavaram†,N. Medvidovic†, U. Mitra†, S. Narayanan† G. Sukhatme†,
`Z. Meng‡, S. Qiu‡, R. Kumar†, G. Thatte†, D. Spruijt-Metz§
`† Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
`Email: {annavara,ubli,thatte}@usc.edu, {neno,gaurav}@cs.usc.edu, shri@sipi.usc.edu
`‡ Tsinghua University, Beijing China
`Email: {third,forth}@institution.edu
`§ Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
`Email: metz@usc.edu
`In this paper, a wireless body area network comprised of heterogeneous sensors is developed for wearable
`health monitoring applications. The ultimate application space is in the context of pediatric obesity. The specific
`task examined herein is activity detection based on heart rate monitor and accelerometer data. Based on statistical
`analysis of experimental data for different key states (lying down, sitting, standing, walking and running), a multi-
`modal detection strategy is proposed. The resulting detector can achieve 85-95% accuracy in state detection. It
`is observed that the accelerometer is more informative for the active states, while the heart rate monitor is more
`informative for the passive states.
`Wearable health monitoring systems coupled with wireless communications are the bedrock of an emerging
`class of sensor networks: wireless body area networks (WBAN). The objectives of such WBANs are manifold
`from diet monitoring [14], activity detection [3], [4], and health crisis support[6]. These new networks demand
`significant technological advances from sensor development to novel software engineering, signal processing,
`wireless communications and networking. Importantly, WBANs must be designed with application-specific design
`and end-use requirements in mind. These advancements are necessary to cope with the unique challenges introduced
`by deployment on people, such as: unpredictable mobility, heterogeneous sensor nodes, new wireless channels, very
`low power requirements, non-invasive sensing and the need for sensors with small footprints. Furthermore, drawing
`robust inference from sensor streams requires information from multiple, often disparate, sources. In the current
`work, we provide preliminary results from the construction of a WBAN which we will use to drive the development
`of assessments and interventions for pediatric obesity applications.
`Pediatric obesity has emerged as a major national and international health crisis. National collected data from
`2003-2006 show 11.3% of adolescents aged 12 - 19 years by some measures could be designated as obese; a further
`16% would be classified as overweight and 32% considered at risk for being overweight [13]. While physical activity
`(PA) is tightly related to lower obesity rates in children [11], [7], there are additional factors leading to obesity. The
`increasing environmental stress may promote both general obesity (through lifestyle behaviors such as decreased
`physical activity) and visceral obesity (through hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation and increased cortisol
`secretion)[5]. Current monitoring systems validated for research in children typically monitor physical activity only
`(such as the much-used Actigraph accelerometer). However, in order to truly understand and reverse childhood
`obesity, we need a multimodal system that will track stress levels, PA levels, blood glucose levels and other vital
`signs simultaneously, as well as anchor these levels to context such as time of day and geographical location. Our
`preliminary KNOWME network is a first step towards such a system.
`A key aspect of our work is the unified design and evaluation of multimodal sensing and interpretation, for
`automatically recognizing, predicting and reasoning about human physical activity and socio-cognitive behavior
`states. On the one hand, this meets the needs of traditional observational research practices in the obesity and
`metabolic health domain (based on, and validated through, careful expert human coding of data) while on the other,
`UrbanSense08 - Nov. 4, 2008, Raleigh, NC, USA
`APPLE 1007
`this enables new analysis capabilities that have not been possible before such as providing information on user
`emotional state in conjunction with physical activity and energy expenditure.
`Many aspects of human behavior are inherently multimodal or require multimodal processing. For example,
`measuring and understanding energy expenditure and its etiology requires processing not only activity from ac-
`celerometers but other data such as pulse rate, ECG, oxygen intake, as well as contextual information such as
`emotions that are marked by humans through their voice, body posture and through physiological signals skin
`conductance measures (electro dermal response). Hence, to model human behavior and task-specific activity, both
`in terms of what people do, how they do it, and why they do it, it is critical to understand and capture the interplay
`between such multimodal streams. Multi-modal coverage of our approach enables cross-channel comparison and
`verification (allowing us, for example, to capture relationships between increased heart rate, increased emotional
`activity, and changes in physical activity). Our approach to this problem is grounded in statistical signal processing.
`In the current work, we summarize preliminary results on activity assessment. We consider a mix of low mobility
`(lying down, sitting, standing) and higher mobility (walking, running) states. Features of our problem and approach
`do appear in the prior literature. Much work on activity detection appears to center on accelerometer data alone
`(e.g.[8], [3], [10]) with some systems employing many accelerometer packages. On the other hand, multi-sensor
`WBANs have been implemented and deployed (see e.g. [12], [9], [6]); however in those works, the emphasis
`was on the higher layer communication network processing and hardware design – signals from each sensor
`were transmitted directly to a central decision making unit. Our focus is on a modest number of heterogeneous
`sensors and the utilization of multi-modal signal processing methods; we wish to design decision making and data
`interpretation methods that will reside within the WBAN and allow for interaction with the WBAN wearer. For
`our pediatric obesity application, activity detection is an indirect measure of energy expenditure quantification as
`discussed above. In [4], multi-modal classification is considered. There are some key differences to the approach
`taken herein. First, while different sensors are employed, they are similar in the types of measurements taken (e.g.
`accelerometers, gyroscopes and tilt measurements), herein we use sensors which measure fundamentally different
`quantities that are correlated, but the statistical relationships are unclear a priori. The goal of [4] is to determine
`a sampling scheme (with respect to frequency of sampling and sleeping/waking cycles) for multiple sensors to
`minimize power consumption. The authors show that their new methods achieve reduced power relative to classical
`joint schemes. Our goal is on classifier performance with heterogeneous sensors – future versions of our methods
`could incorporate power minimization strategies of [4]. An important question to address is how the correlation
`between measurements affects power minimization. We conjecture that the sensors employed in [4] have more highly
`correlated observations with regards to the states of interest than our sensors and thus greater power minimization
`is possible through the use of their methods.
`As our WBAN must be used for a diverse set of decision making processes, all sensors may not be uniformly
`useful for each task. We, in fact, see this with the activity detection problem considered herein.
`The basic foundation of the KNOWME network is our three
`tier network architecture as depicted in Figure 1. The first tier’s
`goal is data collection based on the heterogeneous sensors that
`are coupled to a mobile phone which acts as a “base station,”
`equipped with data transmission and processing capabilities.
`The second tier is a web server that receives data and can
`perform additional processing; the web server transmits the
`data to the final tier: a back-end database server that stores the
`information. In the sequel, we shall discuss the specific sensors
`Currently, the primary focus of this research is to perform multi-modal sensing and interpretation of data to
`serve some of the end-user needs. As such, significant effort has been spent in integrating heterogeneous sensors
`to a mobile phone. One challenge in integrating heterogeneous sensors is that these sensors have different APIs,
`packaging, and data collection methods. In addition to integrating multiple sensors, synchronization of the data
`Fig. 1.
`Three-tier architecture overview of wireless body
`area network sensor system.
`received from multiple sensors in the phone is critical for statistical correlation of sensor data and to perform the
`multi-modal data processing. Sensor information is continuously recorded on the local storage on the mobile phone.
`Our mobile device platform has a 8GB in-built flash memory that can be used for storing sensor information. Sensor
`data rates vary from 300bps for the accelerometers to 100 bps for the heart rate monitor. Using these data rates,
`we estimate that our 8GB local storage can store 1000 days worth of data. As the Bluetooth wireless link is a
`bottleneck for our current data collection, we use time-division multiple-access to schedule the data from different
`sensors (equal time share).
`The software development phase uses well-known unit testing to extensively test the mobile software suite. In
`order to minimize errors in configuring the software, our software has several built-in checks to advise the user if
`any of the sensor readings do not match expected sensor behavior. Since the mobile device has to transmit the data
`to the backend servers, we are currently developing an opportunistic data transfer mechanism that uses an open WiFi
`network where available to transfer data both efficiently and cheaply. In the absence of WiFi networks, the mobile
`software is configured to automatically use the cellular data network to transmit the data. Our initial deployment
`is mostly with graduate and undergraduate student test subjects with limited (on-going) pilot experiments with
`children in the Exercise Physiology Lab at the USC Keck School of Medicine.
`A. Sensor Systems
`The sensor layer is a collection of off-the-
`shelf devices that measure features which can
`provide insight about metabolic activity; most
`(with the exception of galvanic skin response)
`are also capable of wirelessly transmitting this
`data over a Bluetooth interface. The current
`study employs an Alive Technologies[1] elec-
`Fig. 2.
`(a) ECG monitor, (b) pulse oximeter, (c) Nokia Smartphone (GPS and
`trocardiograph (ECG). The ECG is a single
`channel device with 8 bit resolution and a peak sampling rate of 300 samples/second. The pulse-oximeter, also from
`Alive, provides non-invasive monitoring of oxygen saturation (SpO2) and pulse rate. The oximeter is a Bluetooth
`slave device that supports the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP). We also have BodyMedia WMS sensors [2] to
`measure Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) 1 and motion estimation using accelerometers. We use feature rich Nokia
`N95 as the mobile phone platform. N95 supports Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR for quick pairing with external Bluetooth
`sensors, and has 3G and WiFi radios for high bandwidth data transfer. In addition to the high bandwidth radio
`capabilities, the N95 mobile phone platform has a highly accurate built-in assisted GPS unit that uses a combination
`of GPS satellites, cellular tower and WiFi scanning to obtain a GPS position lock in less than 10 seconds. The
`stated location accuracy of GPS unit is 30 meters. We have observed accuracy at less than 3 meters in practice.
`The data collected from multiple sensors is geo-tagged using the location data collected from the in-built GPS.
`Furthermore, our system is also capable of audio and video tagging to assist users to supplement the automatically
`collected sensor data (as in [14]). Some WBAN components are depicted in Figure 2.
`Data collected from our experimental system setup can be used in multiple contexts, for instance by the users
`to regularly monitor their physical well being as well as by medical practitioners in assessing the physical health
`of their patients. Here, we describe one such application of using the data to automatically derive the activity of a
`person with data collected from multiple sensors. Statistical modeling of various test subject states was undertaken
`based on the data collected from the WBAN. We examined five different states: lying down, sitting, standing,
`walking and running. Again, to reiterate, activity detection has been previously considered with an emphasis on the
`use of many accelerometers, yielding a cumbersome network to wear. We conjecture that multimodal data analysis
`will enable the achievement equal or even better accuracy and robustness in activity detection with fewer sensors.
`1The data of the WMS GSRs are not currently included due to issues with time synchronization.
`(a) (b) (c)
`In this research, multiple distributions
`were considered to fit the data which
`for each sensor was predominantly uni-
`modal in nature. After extensive exper-
`imentation, the use of the pulse oxime-
`ter sensor was abandoned due to lim-
`ited change in readings for any of the
`states of interest for our activity de-
`tection problem. Thus, we focused on
`ECG and accelerometer data. The dis-
`tributions under consideration were: T
`log-logistic, one-side Gaussian and Laplacian. Where possible,
`location-scale, Gaussian,
`Gaussian distributions were selected to facilitate the determination of joint densities. The ECG data were pre-
`processed as follows: peak detection was performed and the inter-peak time collected. The inter-peak time was
`modeled as a Gaussian random variable. An average of the empirical variance for each of the axes over a pre-
`specified window of time for the accelerometer data was employed. The walking and running state data were
`modeled as Gaussian; however, the lower-activity level data (lying down, sitting and standing) was modeled as a
`Laplacian to achieve a better fit. Figure 3 (L) and (R) shows the ECG and accelerometer data for the running and
`sitting modes, respectively. We see that both states are relatively well distinguished from each other with significant
`differences in the accelerometer data.
`(L) ECG and (R) accelerometer data from the heart-rate monitor for sitting and
`Fig. 3.
`Fig. 4.
`(L) Statistical fitting for higher activity states (accelerometer data): sitting,
`walking, and running. (R) Statistical fitting for lower activity states (ECG data): lying
`down, sitting, and standing.
`Not surprisingly, ECG and accelerom-
`eter data had different discriminatory
`properties for the various states, un-
`derscoring the benefits of multi-modal
`sensing and signal processing. In Fig-
`ure 4, we see the statistical fits for
`the accelerometer data for high activity
`states and the statistical fits for the ECG
`data for low activity fits. To develop
`bivariate models (joint densities) for the
`ECG and accelerometer data, additional
`processing (resampling) was required to
`determine the correlation between the ECG statistic and the accelerometer statistic in the high-activity levels.
`In the low-activity level
`cases, the ECG and accelerom-
`eter statistics were assumed to
`be independent. The resulting
`bivariate densities for each of
`the five hypotheses are shown
`in Figure 5(L) and (R). For
`clarity, the low activity states
`are shown separate from the
`higher activity states. Bivari-
`ate testing yielded state detec-
`tion rates on the order of 85%
`to 95% – achieving detection
`rates with two heterogeneous
`sensors comparable to the rates found in [3], where nine single mode (accelerometer) sensors were employed.
`Fig. 5. Bivariate distributions for (L) running, walking and sitting and for (R) lying down, sitting
`and standing.
`Running ECG Raw Data
`Sitting ECG Raw Data
`Sitting Data
`Walking Data
`Running Data
`(Sitting) One−sided Normal Fit
`(Walking) Normal Fit
`(Running) Normal Fit
`Standard Deviation of Accelerometer Data
`Lying Data
`Lying Fit
`Sitting Data
`Sitting Fit
`Standing Data
`Standing Fit
`Time (Sample)
`x 10−3
`Std Dev of Accelerometer
` Data
`Inter−peak Time of ECG
`Std Dev of Acceleromter
` Data
`Inter-peak Time
` of ECG
`Our preliminary system successfully collects data and transmits it to the cellular phone. We conjecture from
`our experiments that a few heterogeneous sensors may offer better discrimination and robustness than many
`homogeneous sensors. Our preliminary data for activity detection in comparison to [3] appears to bear this out this
`conjecture. There are however important engineering challenges associated with WBANs, especially for activity
`detection. For our particular set up, we are limited by the mobile phone platform which can only accommodate a
`maximum of eight different sensors. If all sensors sample at their maximum sampling rate, the expected throughput
`would exceed the capabilities of the Bluetooth link leading to dropped packets. The battery power of the cellular
`phone is another bottleneck for the system. Finally, for activity detection, high activity/mobility can impair a sensor’s
`ability to sense. This fact can be viewed two ways: it is detrimental in that we lose sensor accuracy, on the other
`hand, new features are introduced into the signal which are still indicative of high activity. Our preliminary results
`suggest that sensor selection and prioritization will be important to ensure that packets are not lost; furthermore
`energy aware sensor management will be critical.
`We have recently conducted a pilot study with two pre-adolescent girls following an observation protocol typical
`for pediatric obesity studies. We are currently analyzing this data, including designing multi-modal detection
`algorithms for deciding between the various states. We hope to share those findings at the workshop. Finally,
`introducing contextual cues for use of the WBAN in everyday life will be extremely important; to this end, the
`image processing and analysis methods of DietSense [14] will prove very useful. Finally, as noted earlier, power
`minimization is of high importance for WBANs and their attendant applications; we expect the methods of [4] will
`have promise when properly adapted to our context.
`The research is funded in part by Qualcomm. Additional support is from Nokia for the Nokia Smartphones used
`in our studies.
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`[2] Sensewear BMS available at http://www.sensewear.com/solutions bms.php
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