`1ST SESSION S. 2891
`To amend title 35, United States Code, to address matters relating to the
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board of the United States Patent and Trade-
`mark Office, and for other purposes.
`SEPTEMBER 29, 2021
`Mr. LEAHY (for himself and Mr. CORNYN) introduced the following bill; which
`was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
`To amend title 35, United States Code, to address matters
`relating to the Patent Trial and Appeal Board of the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office, and for
`other purposes.
`Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-
`tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
`This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Restoring the America
`Invents Act’’.
`Title 35, United States Code, is amended—
`(1) in section 6—
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`APPLE ET AL. 1024


`(A) in subsection (c)—
`(i) in the second sentence, by striking
`‘‘Only the’’ and inserting ‘‘The’’; and
`(ii) by adding at the end the fol-
`lowing: ‘‘After the constitution of a panel
`of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`under this subsection has been made pub-
`lic, any changes to the constitution of that
`panel shall be noted in the record.’’;
`(B) by redesignating subsection (d) as sub-
`section (e);
`(C) by inserting after subsection (c) the
`‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—With respect to a final de-
`cision of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board—
`‘‘(A) the Director may, on the initiative of
`the Director, review, and modify or set aside,
`the decision; and
`‘‘(B) if the decision is issued under section
`318 or 328, a party to the applicable inter
`partes or post-grant review may request that
`the Director review, and modify or set aside,
`the decision.
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`‘‘(2) REQUIREMENT.—Any review by the Direc-
`tor under paragraph (1) shall be issued in a sepa-
`rate written opinion that—
`‘‘(A) is made part of the public record; and
`‘‘(B) sets forth the reasons for the review,
`modification, or setting aside of the final deci-
`sion of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
`later than 18 months after the date of enactment of
`the Restoring the America Invents Act, the Director
`shall promulgate rules addressing the following
`‘‘(A) With respect to review of a decision
`on the initiative of the Director under para-
`graph (1)(A)—
`‘‘(i) the timeline under which the Di-
`rector may review the decision, which shall
`be consistent with the requirements under
`section 318(e) or 328(e), if applicable; and
`‘‘(ii) the bases on which the Director
`may review the decision.
`‘‘(B) With respect to a request by a party
`under paragraph (1)(B)—
`‘‘(i) the timeline for submitting such a
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`‘‘(ii) the content that the party is re-
`quired to include in such a request;
`‘‘(iii) the bases on which the party
`may submit such a request; and
`‘‘(iv) the timeline for any response or
`reply to such a request such that the re-
`quest can be decided within the deadline
`imposed under section 318(e) or 328(e), as
`‘‘(4) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—For the pur-
`poses of an appeal permitted under section 141, any
`decision on review issued by the Director under this
`subsection shall be deemed a final decision of the
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board.’’; and
`(D) in subsection (e), as so redesignated—
`(i) in the first sentence—
`(I) by striking
`‘‘of this sub-
`section’’ and inserting ‘‘of the Restor-
`ing the America Invents Act’’;
`(II) by inserting ‘‘or the Sec-
`retary’’ after ‘‘appointment by the Di-
`rector’’; and
`(III) by inserting ‘‘or the Sec-
`retary, as applicable,’’ after ‘‘on which
`the Director’’; and
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`(ii) in the second sentence—
`(I) by inserting ‘‘, or, before the
`date of enactment of the Restoring
`the America Invents Act, having per-
`formed duties no longer performed by
`administrative patent judges,’’ after
`‘‘by the Director’’; and
`(II) by striking ‘‘that the admin-
`istrative patent judge so appointed’’
`and inserting ‘‘that the applicable ad-
`ministrative patent judge’’;
`(2) in section 302, in the first sentence, by in-
`serting ‘‘, including a governmental entity,’’ after ‘‘A
`(3) in chapter 31—
`(A) in section 311—
`(i) in subsection (a), in the first sen-
`tence, by inserting ‘‘, including a govern-
`mental entity,’’ after ‘‘a person’’; and
`in subsection (b), by striking
`‘‘under section 102’’ and all that follows
`through the period at the end and insert-
`ing the following: ‘‘under—
`‘‘(1) section 102 or 103 and only on the basis
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`‘‘(A) prior art consisting of patents or
`printed publications; or
`‘‘(B) admissions in the patent specifica-
`tion, drawings, or claims; or
`‘‘(2) statutory or obviousness-type double pat-
`enting on the basis of—
`‘‘(A) patents or printed publications; or
`‘‘(B) admissions in the patent specifica-
`tion, drawings, or claims.’’;
`(B) in section 314—
`(i) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘The
`Director may not authorize an inter partes
`review to be instituted unless’’ and insert-
`ing the following: ‘‘Subject only to the dis-
`cretion of the Director under section
`325(d)(4), a petition that meets the re-
`quirements of this chapter shall be insti-
`tuted if’’; and
`(ii) in subsection (d)—
`(I) by inserting ‘‘or maintain’’
`after ‘‘to institute’’; and
`(II) by striking ‘‘section’’ and in-
`serting ‘‘chapter’’;
`(C) in section 315—
`(i) in subsection (a)(1)—
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`(I) by striking ‘‘An inter partes’’
`and inserting the following:
`‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—An inter partes’’; and
`(II) by adding at the end the fol-
`graph (A) may not be construed to prevent an
`inter partes review from being instituted if a
`complaint in a civil action described in that
`subparagraph has been dismissed without prej-
`(ii) by striking subsection (b) and in-
`serting the following:
`‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—An inter partes review may
`not be instituted if the petition requesting the pro-
`ceeding is filed more than 1 year after the date on
`which the petitioner, real party in interest, or privy
`of the petitioner is served with a complaint alleging
`infringement of the patent. The time limitation set
`forth in the preceding sentence shall be subject to
`the following limitations:
`‘‘(A) The time limitation shall not apply—
`‘‘(i) to a request for joinder under
`subsection (c); or
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`‘‘(ii) if the complaint is dismissed
`without prejudice.
`‘‘(B) If new or amended claims issue from
`reexamination after the petitioner, real party in
`interest, or privy of the petitioner is served with
`the complaint, an inter partes review of those
`claims may be instituted if the petition request-
`ing the review is filed not later than 1 year
`after the date on which the challenged claims
`are asserted in the action.
`‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—If a party seeks a stay
`of a civil action brought under section 281 al-
`leging infringement of a patent that is also sub-
`ject to an inter partes review, the court shall
`decide whether to stay the civil action based on
`‘‘(i) the outcome of the inter partes
`review will likely simplify the issues in
`question in the civil action and streamline
`the proceedings in the civil action;
`‘‘(ii) as of the date on which the stay
`is requested, discovery in the civil action is
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`‘‘(iii) a stay, or the denial thereof,
`‘‘(I) unduly prejudice the non-
`moving party; or
`‘‘(II) present a clear tactical ad-
`vantage for the moving party; and
`‘‘(iv) a stay, or the denial thereof, will
`reduce the burden of litigation on the par-
`ties to the civil action and the court.
`‘‘(B) REVIEW.—A party may take an im-
`mediate interlocutory appeal from the decision
`of a district court of the United States under
`subparagraph (A). The United States Court of
`Appeals for the Federal Circuit shall review the
`district court’s decision to ensure consistent ap-
`plication of established precedent, and such re-
`view shall be de novo.’’;
`(iii) in subsection (c)—
`(I) by striking ‘‘If the Director’’
`and inserting the following:
`‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—If the Director’’; and
`(II) by adding at the end the fol-
`‘‘(2) ESTOPPEL.—Any person joined as a party
`to an inter partes review, and any real party in in-
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`terest or privy of such person, shall be estopped
`under subsection (e) to the same extent as if that
`person, real party in interest, or privy had been the
`first petitioner in that inter partes review.’’;
`(iv) by striking subsection (d) and in-
`serting the following:
`‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding sections
`135(a), 251, and 252, and chapter 30, during the
`pendency of an inter partes review, if another pro-
`ceeding or matter involving the patent is before the
`Office, or if there is a pending application claiming
`the benefit of a common filing date to the patent
`under section 120 or 121—
`‘‘(A) the parties shall notify the Director;
`‘‘(B) the Director shall issue a decision de-
`termining the manner in which the other pro-
`ceeding or matter may proceed, including pro-
`viding for stay, transfer, consolidation, or ter-
`mination of any such proceeding or matter.
`‘‘(2) NO EXTENSION.—A decision of the Direc-
`tor under paragraph (1)(B) may not—
`‘‘(A) extend any statutory deadline under
`this chapter; or
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`‘‘(B) terminate an inter partes proceeding
`in favor of an ex parte proceeding.
`‘‘(3) PRESUMPTION.—For the purposes of this
`subsection, if the multiple proceedings described in
`paragraph (1) are of like type and are filed reason-
`ably close in time, there shall be a rebuttable pre-
`sumption that the Director shall consolidate the pro-
`ceedings under that paragraph.’’; and
`(v) in subsection (e)—
`(I) in paragraph (1)—
`(aa) by striking ‘‘The peti-
`tioner in’’ and inserting the fol-
`The petitioner in’’;
`(bb) in subparagraph (A), as
`so designated, by
`after the time for appeal of the
`decision has expired or any such
`appeal has terminated,’’ after
`‘‘may not’’; and
`(cc) by adding at the end
`the following:
`OWNER.—The Office may not issue to a patent
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`owner any claim that is not patentably distinct
`from a claim that was issued and was subse-
`‘‘(i) found to be unpatentable; or
`‘‘(ii) canceled in any proceeding before
`the Office, including under section 135,
`251, 253, 301, 311, or 321.’’; and
`(II) in paragraph (2)—
`(aa) by inserting ‘‘that the
`claim is not unpatentable’’ after
`‘‘section 318(a)’’;
`(bb) by inserting ‘‘, after the
`time for appeal of the decision
`has expired or any such appeal
`terminated,’’ after
`not’’; and
`(cc) by inserting ‘‘or 1498’’
`after ‘‘section 1338’’;
`(D) in section 316—
`(i) in subsection (a)(11), by inserting
`‘‘or consolidation under section 315(d)’’
`after ‘‘under section 315(c)’’;
`(ii) in subsection (c)—
`(I) by striking ‘‘The Patent’’ and
`inserting the following:
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`‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Patent’’; and
`(II) by adding at the end the fol-
`who has review authority, supervisory authority, or
`disciplinary authority with respect to an administra-
`tive patent judge of the Patent Trial and Appeal
`Board (or a delegate of such an officer), and who is
`not a member of a panel described in section 6(c),
`shall refrain from ex parte communication with such
`a judge who is a member of that panel concerning
`any pending matter before that panel, except as al-
`lowed under the Code of Conduct for United States
`Judges.’’; and
`(iii) in subsection (e)—
`(I) by striking ‘‘In an’’ and in-
`serting the following:
`‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In an’’;
`(II) in paragraph (1), as so des-
`ignated, by inserting ‘‘of challenged
`‘‘unpatentability’’; and
`(III) by adding at the end the
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`‘‘(2) CLAIM AMENDMENT.—For any substitute
`claim proposed under subsection (d)—
`‘‘(A) the patent owner shall have the bur-
`den of proving patentability, including under
`sections 101, 102, 103, and 112, by a prepon-
`derance of the evidence;
`‘‘(B) the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`‘‘(i) examine the substitute claim; or
`(c)(2), refer the substitute claim to the Di-
`rector, who shall cause an examination of
`the substitute claim to be made within the
`time limits for the applicable inter partes
`review; and
`‘‘(C) the Director may establish, by regula-
`tion, fees for examination of the substitute
`claim in such amounts as the Director deter-
`mines to be reasonable, taking into consider-
`ation the aggregate costs of examination.’’;
`(E) in section 318—
`(i) in subsection (b), by inserting ‘‘,
`not later than 60 days after the date on
`which the parties to the inter partes review
`have informed the Director that the time
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`for appeal has expired or any appeal has
`terminated,’’ after ‘‘the Director shall’’;
`(ii) by adding at the end the fol-
`‘‘(e) REHEARING.—Not later than 120 days after the
`date on which the Patent Trial and Appeal Board issues
`a final written decision under subsection (a), the Board
`or the Director shall finally decide any request for recon-
`sideration, rehearing, or review that is submitted with re-
`spect to the decision, except that the Director may, for
`good cause shown, extend that 120-day period by not more
`than 60 days.’’; and
`(F) in section 319—
`(i) in the first sentence, by striking
`‘‘A party’’ and inserting the following:
`‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—A party’’; and
`(ii) by adding at the end the fol-
`‘‘(b) STANDING.—
`‘‘(1) INJURY IN FACT.—For the purposes of an
`appeal described in subsection (a), injury in fact
`shall be presumed if the party appealing the deci-
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`‘‘(A) reasonably expects that another per-
`son will assert estoppel against the party under
`section 315(e) as a result of the final written
`decision that is the subject of the appeal; or
`‘‘(B) suffers any other concrete and par-
`ticularized injury that—
`‘‘(i) is fairly traceable to the final
`written decision that is the subject of the
`appeal; and
`‘‘(ii) could be redressed through ap-
`pellate review.
`‘‘(2) ESTOPPEL.—If a court finds that a party
`lacks standing to bring an appeal described in sub-
`section (a) under article III of the Constitution of
`the United States, that party shall not be estopped
`under section 315(e) with respect to the underlying
`inter partes review.’’; and
`(4) in chapter 32—
`(A) in section 321(a), by inserting ‘‘, in-
`cluding a governmental entity,’’ after ‘‘a per-
`(B) in section 324—
`(i) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘The
`Director may not authorize a post-grant
`review to be instituted unless’’ and insert-
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`ing the following: ‘‘Subject only to the dis-
`cretion of the Director under section
`325(d)(4), a petition filed under section
`321 that meets the requirements of this
`chapter shall be instituted if’’; and
`(ii) in subsection (e)—
`(I) by inserting ‘‘or maintain’’
`after ‘‘to institute’’; and
`(II) by striking ‘‘section’’ and in-
`serting ‘‘chapter’’;
`(C) in section 325—
`(i) in subsection (a)—
`(I) in the subsection heading, by
`TION’’ and inserting ‘‘CIVIL ACTION’’;
`(II) by adding at the end the fol-
`‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—If a party seeks a stay
`of a civil action brought under section 281 al-
`leging infringement of a patent that is also sub-
`ject to a post-grant review, the court shall de-
`cide whether to stay the civil action based on
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`‘‘(i) the outcome of the post-grant re-
`view will likely simplify the issues in ques-
`tion in the civil action and streamline the
`proceedings in the civil action;
`‘‘(ii) as of the date on which the stay
`is requested, discovery in the civil action is
`‘‘(iii) a stay, or the denial thereof,
`‘‘(I) unduly prejudice the non-
`moving party; or
`‘‘(II) present a clear tactical ad-
`vantage for the moving party; and
`‘‘(iv) a stay, or the denial thereof, will
`reduce the burden of litigation on the par-
`ties to the civil action and the court.
`‘‘(B) REVIEW.—A party may take an im-
`mediate interlocutory appeal from the decision
`of a district court of the United States under
`subparagraph (A). The United States Court of
`Appeals for the Federal Circuit shall review the
`district court’s decision to ensure consistent ap-
`plication of established precedent, and such re-
`view shall be de novo.’’;
`(ii) in subsection (c)—
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`(I) by striking ‘‘If more’’ and in-
`serting the following:
`‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—If more’’; and
`(II) by adding at the end the fol-
`‘‘(2) ESTOPPEL.—Any person joined as a party
`to a post-grant review, and any real party in interest
`or privy of such person, shall be estopped under sub-
`section (e) to the same extent as if that person, real
`party in interest, or privy had been the first peti-
`tioner in that post-grant review.’’;
`(iii) by striking subsection (d) and in-
`serting the following:
`‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding sections
`135(a), 251, and 252, and chapter 30, during the
`pendency of any post-grant review under this chap-
`ter, if another proceeding or matter involving the
`patent is before the Office, or if there is a pending
`application claiming the benefit of a common filing
`date to the patent under section 120 or 121—
`‘‘(A) the parties shall notify the Director;
`‘‘(B) the Director shall issue a decision de-
`termining the manner in which the other pro-
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`ceeding or matter may proceed, including pro-
`viding for stay, transfer, consolidation, or ter-
`mination of any such proceeding or matter.
`‘‘(2) NO EXTENSION.—A decision of the Direc-
`tor under paragraph (1)(B) may not—
`‘‘(A) extend any statutory deadline under
`this chapter; or
`‘‘(B) terminate an inter partes proceeding
`in favor of an ex parte proceeding.
`‘‘(3) PRESUMPTION.—For the purposes of this
`subsection, if the multiple proceedings described in
`paragraph (1) are of like type and are filed reason-
`ably close in time, there shall be a rebuttable pre-
`sumption that the Director shall consolidate the pro-
`ceedings under that paragraph.
`‘‘(4) CONSIDERATIONS.—In determining wheth-
`er to institute or order a proceeding under this chap-
`ter, chapter 30, or chapter 31, the Director may
`take into account whether, and reject the petition or
`request because, the same or substantially the same
`prior art or arguments previously were presented to
`the Office.’’; and
`(iv) in subsection (e)—
`(I) in paragraph (1)—
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`(aa) by striking ‘‘The peti-
`tioner in’’ and inserting the fol-
`The petitioner in’’;
`(bb) in subparagraph (A), as
`so designated, by
`after the time for appeal of the
`decision has expired or any such
`appeal has terminated,’’ after
`‘‘may not’’; and
`(cc) by adding at the end
`the following:
`OWNER.—The Office may not issue to a patent
`owner any claim that is not patentably distinct
`from a claim that was issued and was subse-
`‘‘(i) found to be unpatentable; or
`‘‘(ii) canceled in any proceeding before
`the Office, including under section 135,
`251, 253, 301, 311, or 321.’’; and
`(II) in paragraph (2)—
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`(aa) by inserting ‘‘that the
`claim is not unpatentable’’ after
`‘‘section 328(a)’’;
`(bb) by inserting ‘‘, after the
`time for appeal of the decision
`has expired or any such appeal
`terminated,’’ after
`not’’; and
`(cc) by inserting ‘‘or 1498’’
`after ‘‘section 1338’’;
`(D) in section 326—
`(i) in subsection (a)(11), by inserting
`‘‘or consolidation under section 325(d)’’
`after ‘‘under section 325(c)’’;
`(ii) in subsection (c)—
`(I) by striking ‘‘The Patent’’ and
`inserting the following:
`‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Patent’’; and
`(II) by adding at the end the fol-
`who has review authority, supervisory authority, or
`disciplinary authority with respect to an administra-
`tive patent judge of the Patent Trial and Appeal
`Board (or a delegate of such an officer), and who is
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`not a member of a panel described in section 6(c),
`shall refrain from ex parte communication with such
`a judge who is a member of that panel concerning
`any pending matter before that panel, except as al-
`lowed under the Code of Conduct for United States
`Judges.’’; and
`(iii) in subsection (e)—
`(I) by striking ‘‘In a’’ and insert-
`ing the following:
`‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In a’’;
`(II) in paragraph (1), as so des-
`ignated, by inserting ‘‘of challenged
`‘‘unpatentability’’; and
`(III) by adding at the end the
`‘‘(2) CLAIM AMENDMENT.—For any substitute
`claim proposed under subsection (d)—
`‘‘(A) the patent owner shall have the bur-
`den of proving patentability, including under
`sections 101, 102, 103, and 112, by a prepon-
`derance of the evidence;
`‘‘(B) the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`•S 2891 IS
`‘‘(i) examine the substitute claim; or
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`(c)(2), refer the substitute claim to the Di-
`rector, who shall cause an examination of
`the substitute claim to be made within the
`time limits for the applicable inter partes
`review; and
`‘‘(C) the Director may establish, by regula-
`tion, fees for examination of the substitute
`claim in such amounts as the Director deter-
`mines to be reasonable, taking into consider-
`ation the aggregate costs of examination.’’;
`(E) in section 328—
`(i) in subsection (b), by inserting ‘‘not
`later than 60 days after the date on which
`the parties to the post-grant review have
`informed the Director that the time for ap-
`peal has expired or any appeal has termi-
`nated,’’ after ‘‘the Director shall’’; and
`(ii) by adding at the end the fol-
`‘‘(e) REHEARING.—Not later than 120 days after the
`date on which the Patent Trial and Appeal Board issues
`a final written decision under subsection (a), the Board
`or the Director shall finally decide any request for recon-
`sideration, rehearing, or review that is submitted with re-
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`spect to the decision, except that the Director may, for
`good cause shown, extend that 120-day period by not more
`than 60 days.’’; and
`(F) in section 329—
`(i) in the first sentence, by striking
`‘‘A party’’ and inserting the following:
`‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—A party’’; and
`(ii) by adding at the end the fol-
`‘‘(b) STANDING.—
`‘‘(1) INJURY IN FACT.—For the purposes of an
`appeal described in subsection (a), injury in fact
`shall be presumed if the party appealing the deci-
`‘‘(A) reasonably expects that another per-
`son will assert estoppel against the party under
`section 325(e) as a result of the final written
`decision that is the subject of the appeal; or
`‘‘(B) suffers any other concrete and par-
`ticularized injury that—
`‘‘(i) is fairly traceable to the final
`written decision that is the subject of the
`appeal; and
`‘‘(ii) could be redressed through ap-
`pellate review.
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`‘‘(2) ESTOPPEL.—If a court finds that a party
`lacks standing to bring an appeal described in sub-
`section (a) under article III of the Constitution of
`the United States, that party shall not be estopped
`under section 325(e) with respect to the underlying
`post-grant review.’’.

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`kjohnson on DSK79L0C42PROD with BILLS

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