`An Overview of the Analysis of Next Generation
`Sequencing Data
`Andreas Gogol-Do¨ ring and Wei Chen
`Next generation sequencing is a common and versatile tool for biological and medical research.
`We describe the basic steps for analyzing next generation sequencing data, including quality checking
`and mapping to a reference genome. We also explain the further data analysis for three common
`applications of next generation sequencing: variant detection, RNA-seq, and ChIP-seq.
`Key words: Next generation sequencing, Read mapping, Variant detection, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq
`1. Introduction
`In the last decade, a new generation of sequencing technologies
`revolutionized DNA sequencing (1). Compared to conventional
`Sanger sequencing using capillary electrophoresis, the massively
`parallel sequencing platforms provide orders of magnitude more
`data at much lower recurring cost. To date, several so-called next
`generation sequencing platforms are available, such as the 454-
`FLX (Roche), the Genome Analyzer (Illumina/Solexa), and
`SOLiD (Applied Biosystems); each having its own specifics.
`Based on these novel technologies, a broad range of applications
`has been developed (see Fig. 1).
`Next generation sequencing generates huge amounts of data,
`which poses a challenge both for data storage and analysis, and
`consequently often necessitates the use of powerful computing
`facilities and efficient algorithms. In this chapter, we describe the
`general procedures of next generation sequencing data analysis
`with a focus on sequencing applications that use a reference
`sequence to which the reads can be aligned. After describing
`how to check the sequencing quality, preprocess the sequenced
`reads, and map the sequenced reads to a reference, we briefly
`Junbai Wang et al. (eds.), Next Generation Microarray Bioinformatics: Methods and Protocols,
`Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 802, DOI 10.1007/978-1-61779-400-1_16, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
`A. Gogol-Do¨ ring and W. Chen
`Copy Number
`Structural Variations
`Long Inserts
`Using Reference
`Fig. 1. Illustration of some common applications based on next generation sequencing. The decoding of new genomes is
`only one of various possibilities to use sequencing. Variant detection, ChIP-seq, and RNA-seq are discussed in this book.
`Metagenomics (16) is a method to study communities of microbial organisms by sequencing the whole genetic material
`gathered from environmental samples.
`discuss three of the most common applications for next generation
`1. Variant detection (2) means to find genetic differences
`between the studied sample and the reference. These differ-
`ences range from single nucleotide variants (SNVs) to large
`genomic deletions, insertions, or rearrangements.
`2. RNA-seq (3) can be used to determine the expression level of
`annotated genes as well as to discover novel transcripts.
`3. ChIP-seq (4) is a method for genome-wide screening pro-
`tein–DNA interactions.
`2. Methods
`2.1. General Read
`Current next generation sequencing technologies based on photo-
`chemical reactions recorded on digital images, which are further
`processed to get sequences (reads) of nucleotides or, for SOLiD,
`An Overview of the Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data
`dinucleotide “colors” (5) (base/color calling). The sequencing
`data analysis starts from files containing DNA sequences and qual-
`ity values for each base/color.
`1. Check the overall success of the sequencing process by count-
`ing the raw reads, i.e., spots (clusters/beads) on the images,
`and the fraction of reads accepted after base calling (filtered
`reads). These counts could be looked up in a results file gen-
`erated by the base calling software. A low number of filtered
`reads could be caused by various problems during the library
`preparation or sequencing procedure (see Note 1). Only the
`filtered reads should be used for further processing. For more
`ways to test the quality of the sequencing process see Notes
`2 and 3.
`2. Sequencing data are usually stored in proprietary file formats.
`Since some mapping software tools do not accept these for-
`mats as input, a script often has to be employed to convert the
`data into common file formats such as FASTA or FASTQ.
`3. The sequenced DNA fragments are sometimes called
`“inserts” because they are wrapped by sequencing adapters.
`The adapters are partially sequenced if the inserts are shorter
`than the read length, for example, in small RNAs sequencing
`(see Subheading 2.4, step 5). In these occasions, it is necessary
`to remove the sequenced parts of the adapter from the reads,
`which could be achieved by removing all read suffixes that are
`adapter prefixes (see Note 4).
`Many applications of next generation sequencing require a refer-
`ence sequence to which the sequenced reads could be aligned.
`Read mapping means to find the position in the reference where
`the read matches with a minimum number of differences. This
`position is hence most likely the origin of the sequenced DNA
`fragment (see Note 5).
`1. There are numerous tools available for read mapping (6).
`Select a tool that is appropriate for mapping reads of the
`given kind (see Note 6). Some applications may require spe-
`cial read mapping procedures that, for example, allow small
`insertions and deletions (indels) or account for splicing in
`2. Select an appropriate maximum number of allowed errors
`(see Note 7).
`3. For most applications you only need uniquely mapped reads,
`i.e., reads matching to a single “best” genomic position.
`If nonuniquely mapped reads could also be useful, then con-
`sider to specify an upper bound for the number of reported
`mapping positions, because otherwise the result list is blown
`up by reads mapping to highly repetitive regions.
`2.2. Mapping to a
`A. Gogol-Do¨ ring and W. Chen
`4. Most mapping tools create output files in proprietary formats,
`so we advice to convert the mapping output into a common
`file format such as BED, GFF, or SAM (7, 8).
`5. Count the percentage of all reads which could be mapped to
`at least one position in the reference. A low amount of map-
`pable reads could indicate a low sequencing quality (see Note
`3) or a failed adapter removal (see Note 4).
`6. Some pieces of DNA could be overamplified during library
`preparation (PCR artifacts) resulting in a stack of redundant
`reads that are mapped to the same genomic position and same
`strand. If it is necessary to get rid of such redundancy, discard
`all but one read mapped to the same position and on the same
`7. Transform SOLiD reads into nucleotide space after mapping.
`2.3. Application
`1: Variant Detection
`The detection of different variation types requires different
`sequencing formats and analysis strategies. Tools are available for
`the detection of most variant types (2) (see Note 8).
`1. For detecting SNVs, search the mapped reads for bases that
`are different from the reference sequence. Since there will
`probably be more sequencing errors than true SNVs, each
`SNV candidate must be supported by several independent
`reads. A sufficient coverage is therefore required (see Note
`9). Note that some SNVs might be heterozygous, which
`means that they occur only in some of the reads spanning
`2. Structural variants can be detected by sequencing both ends
`of DNA fragments (paired-end sequencing) (see Fig. 2) (9).
`After mapping the individual reads independently to the ref-
`erence, estimate the distribution of fragment lengths. Then
`search for read pairs which were mapped to different chromo-
`somes or have abnormal distance, ordering, or strand orienta-
`tion. Search for a most parsimonious set of structural variants
`explaining all discordant read pairs. The more read pairs can
`be explained by the same variant, the more reliable this variant
`is and the more precise the break point(s) could be deter-
`mined. If only one end of a DNA fragment could be mapped
`to the reference, the other end is possibly part of a (long)
`insertion. Given a suitable coverage, the sequence of the
`insertion can possibly be determined by assembling the
`unmapped reads.
`2.4. Application
`2: RNA-seq
`The experimental sequencing protocols and hence the data analy-
`sis procedures are usually different for longer RNA molecules such
`as mRNA (Subheading 2.4 steps 2 and 3) and small RNA such as
`miRNA (Subheading 2.4 steps 5 and 6).
`An Overview of the Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data
`Long Insertion
`too wide
`too close
`only one read
`same strands
`divergent strands
`mapped on different
`Fig. 2. Different variant types detected by paired-end sequencing (9). (1) Deletion: The reference contains a sequence
`that is not present in the sample. (2–3) Insertion and Long Insertion: The sample contains a sequence that does not exist
`in the reference. (4) Inversion: A part of the sample is reverse compared to the reference. (5) Duplication: A part of the
`reference occurs twice in the sample (tandem repeat). (6) Translocation: The sample is a combination of sequences
`coming from different chromosomes in the reference. Note that the pattern for concordant reads varies depending on the
`sequencing technologies and the library preparation protocol.
`1. Check the data quality. Classify the mapped reads on the basis
`of available genome annotation into different functional
`groups such as exons, introns, rRNA, intergenic, etc. For
`example, in the case of sequencing polyA-RNA, only a small
`fraction of reads should be mapped to rRNA.
`2. Determine the expression level of annotated genes by count-
`ing the reads mapped to the corresponding exons, and then
`divide these counts by the cumulated exon lengths (in kb) and
`the total number of mapped reads (in millions). The resulting
`RPKM (“reads per kilobase of transcript per million mapped
`reads”) can be used for comparing expression levels of genes
`in different data sets (10).
`3. To quantify different splicing isoforms, select reads belonging
`exclusively to certain isoforms, for example, reads mapping to
`exons or crossing splicing junctions present only in a single
`isoform. From the amounts of these reads infer a maximum
`likelihood estimation of the isoform expression levels.
`4. To discover novel transcripts or splicing junctions, use a
`spliced alignment procedure to map the RNA-seq reads to a
`reference genome. Then find a most parsimonious set of tran-
`scripts that explains the data. Alternatively, you could first
`assemble the sequencing reads and then align the assembled
`A. Gogol-Do¨ ring and W. Chen
`contigs to the genome (11). In both cases, it is advisable to
`sequence long paired-end reads.
`5. Small RNA-seq reads are first preprocessed to remove adapter
`sequences (see Subheading 2.1, step 3). To profile known
`miRNA, the reads could then be mapped either to the
`genome or to the known miRNA precursor sequences (12).
`Do not remove redundant reads (see Subheading 2.2, step 6)
`when analyzing this kind of data. The expression level of a
`specific miRNA could be estimated given the number of
`redundant sequencing reads mapped to its mature sequence
`(see Note 10). Normalize the raw read counts by the total
`number of mapped reads in the data set (see Subheading 2.4,
`step 2 and Note 11).
`6. To discover novel miRNAs, use a tool such as miRDeep (13),
`which uses a probabilistic model of miRNA biogenesis to
`score compatibility of
`the position and frequency of
`sequenced RNA with the secondary structure of the miRNA
`In ChIP-seq, chromatin immunoprecipitation uses antibodies to
`specifically select the proteins of interest together with any piece of
`randomly fragmented DNA bound to them. Then the precipi-
`tated DNA fragments are sequenced. Genomic regions binding to
`the proteins consequently feature an increased number of mapped
`sequencing reads.
`1. Use a “peak calling” tool to search for enriched regions in the
`ChIP-seq data (10) (see Note 12). ChIP-seq data should be
`evaluated relative to a control data set obtained either by
`sequencing the input DNA without ChIP or by using an
`antibody with unspecific binding such as IgG (see Note 9).
`2. An alternative way to analyze the data that is especially suited
`for profiling histone modifications is to determine the nor-
`malized read density (RPKM) of certain genomic areas such as
`genes or promoter regions. This method is similar to the
`analysis of RNA-seq data (see Subheading 2.4, step 2).
`In some cases, the sequencing results could be improved by
`manually restarting the base calling using nondefault para-
`meters. For example, choosing a better control lane when
`starting the Illumina offline base caller could boost up the
`number of successfully called sequencing reads. Candidates
`for good control
`feature a nearly uniform base
`2.5. Application
`3: ChIP-seq
`3. Notes
`An Overview of the Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data
`distribution (see Note 2). Note that for this reason a flow cell
`should never be filled completely with, e.g., small RNA
`libraries, since these are not expected to produce uniform
`base distributions.
`2. Check the base/color distribution over the whole read length.
`If the sequenced DNA fragments are randomly sampled from
`the genome – for example, sequencing genomic DNA, ChIP-
`seq, or (long) RNA-seq libraries – then the bases should be
`nearly uniformly distributed for all sequencing cycles. The
`software suite provided by the instrument vendors usually
`creates all relevant plots.
`3. The base caller annotates each base with a value reflecting its
`putative quality. These values could be used to determine the
`number of high/low quality bases for each cycle. The overall
`quality of sequenced bases normally declines slowly toward
`the end of the read. A drop of quality for a single cycle could
`be a hint for a temporary problem during the sequencing.
`4. Since the sequenced adapter could contain errors, it is reason-
`able to allow some mismatches during the adapter search.
`Note that there is a trade-off between the sensitivity and the
`specificity of this search.
`In order to avoid wrongly mapped reads, it is important to use
`a reference as accurate and complete as possible. All possible
`sources of reads should be present in the reference.
`6. Not all tools can handle SOLiD reads in dinucleotide color
`space; Roche 454 reads may contain typical indels in homo-
`polymer runs. When mapping the relatively short reads cre-
`ated by or Illumina Genome Analyzer or SOLiD, it is usually
`sufficient to consider only mismatches, unless it is planned to
`detect small indels.
`7. We recommend to choose a mapping strategy that guarantees
`accurate mappings rather than to maximize the mere number
`of mapped reads. Next generation sequencing usually gener-
`ates huge quantities of reads, so a negligible loss of reads is
`certainly affordable. Consequently, most mapping tools are
`optimized to allow only a small number of mismatches.
`Higher error numbers are only necessary if the reads are
`long or if we are especially interested in variations between
`reads and reference.
`8. Check the success of your experiment by comparing your
`results to already known variants deposited in public data
`bases such as dbSNP (14) and the Database of Genomic
`Variants (15).
`A. Gogol-Do¨ ring and W. Chen
`9. Sequencing reads are never uniformly distributed throughout
`the genome, and any statistical analysis assuming this is inac-
`curate. Some parts of the genome usually are covered by much
`more reads than expected, whereas some other parts are not
`sequenced at all. The experimenter should be aware of this fact,
`for example, when planning the required read coverage for
`variant detection. Moreover, this effect certainly impacts quan-
`titative measurements such as ChIP-seq or RNA-seq. ChIP-
`seq assays, for example, should always include a control library
`(see Subheading 2.5, step 1), and in a RNA-seq experiment, it
`is easier to compare expression levels of the same gene in
`different circumstances rather than the expression level of
`different genes in the same sample.
`10. Note that the actual sequenced mature miRNA could be
`shifted by some nucleotides compared to the annotation in
`the miRNA databases.
`11. One problem of this normalization method is that sometimes
`few miRNAs get very high read counts, which means that any
`change of their expression level could affect the read counts of
`all other miRNAs. In some cases, a more elaborated normali-
`zation method could therefore be necessary.
`12. Most tools for analyzing ChIP-seq data focus on finding
`punctuate binding sites (peaks) typical for transcription fac-
`tors. For ChIP-seq experiments targeting broader binding
`like polymerases or histone marks
`such as
`H3K36me3, use a tool that can also find larger enriched
`regions. In order to precisely identify protein binding sites,
`it is often necessary to determine the average length of the
`sequenced fragments. Some ChIP-seq data analysis tools esti-
`mate the fragment length from the sequencing data. Keep in
`mind that this is not trivial, because ChIP-seq data usually
`consist of single-end sequencing reads. Therefore, always
`check whether the estimated length is plausible according to
`the experimental design.
`An Overview of the Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data
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`7. UCSC Genome Bioinformatics. Frequently
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`8. Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) Format.
`9. Korbel JO, Urban AE, Affourtit JP et al.
`Paired-End Mapping
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`10. Pepke S, Wold B, Mortazavi A (2009) Com-
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`11. Haas BJ, Zody MC (2010) Advancing RNA-seq
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`12. Griffiths-Jones S, Grocock RJ, van Dongen S
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`13. Friedl€ander MR, Chen W, Adamidi C et al
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`14. dbSNP.
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`TEV ellieTCR)
`Junbai Wang
`Next Generation Microarray
`Methods and Protocols
`Edited by
`Junbai Wang
`Department of Pathology, Oslo University Hospital, Radium Hospital, Montebello, Oslo, Norway
`Aik Choon Tan
`Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine,
`University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA
`Tianhai Tian
`School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
`Junbai Wang, Ph.D.
`Department of Pathology
`Oslo University Hospital
`Radium Hospital
`Montebello, Oslo, Norway
`Tianhai Tian, Ph.D.
`School of Mathematical Sciences
`Monash University
`Melbourne, VIC, Australia
`Aik Choon Tan, Ph.D.
`Division of Medical Oncology
`Department of Medicine School of Medicine
`University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
`Aurora, CO, USA
`ISSN 1064-3745
`ISBN 978-1-61779-399-8
`DOI 10.1007/978-1-61779-400-1
`Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London
`e-ISSN 1940-6029
`e-ISBN 978-1-61779-400-1
`Library of Congress Control Number: 2011943561
`ª Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
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