brief communications
`counting absolute numbers
`of molecules using unique
`molecular identifiers
`Teemu Kivioja1–3,5, Anna Vähärautio1,3,5,
`Kasper Karlsson4, Martin Bonke1, Martin Enge3,
`Sten Linnarsson4 & Jussi Taipale3
`counting individual rna or dna molecules is difficult because
`they are hard to copy quantitatively for detection. to overcome
`this limitation, we applied unique molecular identifiers (umis),
`which make each molecule in a population distinct, to genome-
`scale human karyotyping and mrna sequencing in Drosophila
`melanogaster. use of this method can improve accuracy of
`almost any next-generation sequencing method, including
`chromatin immunoprecipitation–sequencing, genome assembly,
`diagnostics and manufacturing-process control and monitoring.
`Determining the relative abundance of two different molecular
`species or the absolute number of molecules in a single sample is
`challenging. We describe an absolute counting method that can
`use amplification but does not require detecting each original
`molecule or keeping track of the number of copies made. In this
`method, each molecule in a population is first made unique. This
`can be accomplished by adding a random DNA sequence label,
`by fragmenting or by taking an aliquot of a complex mixture that
`is small enough to contain only distinct molecules (Fig. 1a–c).
`Any combination of these manipulations can be used to gener-
`ate a library in which each molecule has a distinct identifying
`sequence. We designate the resulting sequences that can be used
`to uniquely identify copies derived from each molecule unique
`molecular identifiers (UMIs; Fig. 1).
`As long as the complexity of the library of molecules is main-
`tained, the library can be amplified, normalized or otherwise
`processed without loss of information about the original molecule
`count because the number of UMIs in the library acts as a molecular
`memory of the number of molecules in the starting sample
`(Supplementary Fig. 1). Upon deep sequencing, each UMI will
`be observed multiple times, and the number of original DNA
`molecules can be determined simply by counting each UMI only
`once. However, long before all UMIs are observed, increasingly
`precise estimates of the absolute molecule number can be made
`(Online Methods). This is in contrast to other counting methods,
`such as direct single-molecule sequencing1–3, which require that
`all counted molecules are observed directly. In addition, many
`existing digital molecule counting methods such as digital PCR4,
`digital microarray profiling5 and direct single-molecule sequenc-
`ing1–3 cannot be effectively multiplexed and are thus generally only
`applicable to measuring one or few molecular species from many
`samples, or many species from a single sample. Counting methods
`that introduce random tags to make molecules unique before
`amplification have been suggested5,6 and applied to analysis of
`RNA-protein interactions7,8. In addition, three recent publica-
`tions applied such labeling methods to the analysis of selected
`target genes by using either microarrays9 or sequencing9–11. Here
`we apply the idea more generally and show that it can be used for
`absolute quantification.
`The UMI method is very effective on simulated data
`(Supplementary Fig. 1). To assess whether it can be used to
`improve experimental measurements, we applied UMI count-
`ing to digital karyotyping and mRNA sequencing (mRNA-seq).
`1 UMI
`3 UMIs
`4 UMIs
`2 UMIs
`13 UMIs
`≈ 20 original molecules
`figure 1 | UMIs can be generated by adding oligonucleotide labels,
`fragmenting, taking a small enough aliquot or a combination thereof.
`(a) Three different DNA species (green, blue and black lines) are labeled
`with a collection of random labels (colored filled circles). Two green
`molecules are originally present (top), corresponding to two different UMIs
`(red, blue) among the sequenced molecules (green; bottom). Information
`about the original number of molecules (top) is preserved in the number
`of different UMIs detected by sequencing a sample of the amplified and
`normalized library (bottom). Even if some UMIs are not observed, the
`original number of molecules can be estimated using count statistics.
`(b) The original molecule is randomly fragmented, and a short unique
`sequence from the resulting fragments constitutes each UMI; here only the
`fragment adjacent to the poly(A) sequence (red vertical bars) is amplified.
`(c) An aliquot is taken from a sample that has many identical molecules
`such that on average, less than one copy of each molecule remains.
`1Genome-Scale Biology Program, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. 2Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
`3Science for Life Laboratory, Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. 4Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska
`Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. 5These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence should be addressed to J.T. ( or S.L. (
`Received 10 MaRch; accepted 27 septeMbeR; published online 20 noveMbeR 2011; doi:10.1038/nMeth.1778
`72  |  VOL.9  NO.1  |  JANUARY 2012  |  nature methods
`© 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.


`brief communications
`21 X
`21 X
`21 X
`21 X
`18 million reads; CV = 7.8%
`Genomic position in chromosome order
`279 million reads; CV = 7.5%
`Number of reads
`Number of reads
`Genomic position in chromosome order
`Digital karyotype (1.28 million molecules); CV = 3.0%
`Genomic position in chromosome order
`Simulated (1.28 million molecules); CV = 2.2%
`Number of molecules
`Number of molecules
`Genomic position in chromosome order
`must all be derived from different copies of the same chromosome.
`In simulated experiments, we found that this information can be
`used to accurately estimate the original number of molecules even
`when only a small fraction of the fragments derived from them are
`detected (Supplementary Fig. 2 and Supplementary Note).
`Generating UMIs from both high- and low-abundance species
`in a single reaction requires the use of sequence labels (Fig. 1a and
`Online Methods). We tested a labeling protocol for counting cellular
`figure 2 | Digital karyotyping by counting the absolute number of molecules.
`(a) Standard digital karyotype based on genomic DNA from a boy with trisomy
`21 and from his mother, mixed 1:1. (b) Standard digital karyotype of a
`sample from a male with a normal chromosome count. (c) The same sample as
`in a was analyzed by UMI counting (CV = 3.0%). Arrow highlights uniformly
`elevated copy number of regions in chromosome 21. (d) Simulated sample
`by uniform random sampling of 1.28 million molecules in silico from the
`NCBI human genome build 37 (CV = 2.2%). Number of reads and of molecules
`aligned to each 5-megabase-pair window is indicated. Chromosomes 21 and
`X are indicated by shading (the Y chromosome was excluded because its
`sequence was too repetitive for reliable alignments).
`For digital karyotyping, we mixed equal amounts of genomic DNA
`from a boy with Down’s syndrome and his mother. We fragmented
`the mixed DNA to generate a library of molecules, after which we
`took a sample containing less than a single genome copy. In com-
`bination with fragmentation, the use of a small aliquot reduces
`complexity such that each molecule is expected to have unique
`ends (Fig. 1b,c). The mapped genomic position of either end can
`be used as an UMI. After amplification by PCR and sequencing
`of 20 million reads, we binned read counts in 5-megabase-pair
`intervals. Total counts did not clearly show that half of the sample
`was derived from DNA with trisomy 21 and a single copy of the
`X chromosome (Fig. 2). In contrast, reanalyzing the sample by
`counting UMIs clearly revealed increased and decreased copy
`numbers of all 5-megabase-pair intervals in chromosomes 21 and
`X, respectively. As cell-free DNA from the plasma of pregnant
`women contains a mixture of parental and fetal DNA, detection
`of aberrant chromosome copy numbers is relevant to noninvasive
`prenatal diagnostics12,13, although in clinical samples the ratio of
`fetal to parental DNA is generally lower than what we used here.
`The accuracy of the UMI method was close to the theoretical limit
`imposed by the sample size (Fig. 2), suggesting that development
`of the UMI method for diagnostic use appears feasible.
`Unlike read-counting methods that are inherently limited by
`errors introduced during amplification, the UMI method can be
`made more accurate by increasing sample size and sequencing
`depth. Accuracy can be increased additionally by considering the
`number of unique consecutive and unique overlapping fragments.
`This is because consecutive fragments are likely to be derived from
`a single chromosome molecule, whereas overlapping fragments
`8 6 3 1
`P < 2.2 × 10–16
`Adjusted R2 = 0.0727
`G+C content (%)
`Copy number
`R2 = 0.99993
`CV = 5.2%
`Molecules at cycle 25
`R2 = 0.94664
`CV = 14.3%
`Reads at cycle 25
`Reads at cycle 15
`Molecules at cycle 15
`a R
`NA fragmentation
`First-strand synthesis
`Template switch
`PCR ampli(cid:31)cation
`figure 3 | Accuracy of mRNA-seq can be improved by the UMI method. (a) mRNA-seq libraries were generated by fragmenting total RNA and reverse-
`transcribing it to cDNA using an oligo(dT) primer with an Illumina linker (blue) and a 5′ template switch adaptor containing another Illumina linker
`(magenta), a 10-base-pair random label (N10) and an index sequence (green). The combination of label sequence and the 5′ mapped position of the
`RNA fragment forms the UMI. (b,c) Measurements of expression of the same set of genes after 15 (x axes) and 25 (y axes) PCR amplification cycles were
`obtained using total read counts (b) or the UMI method (c). Most individual transcript total read counts obtained in the two measurements are far
`from each other and from diagonal (dashed gray line), and this effect is corrected by the UMI method (c). Genes whose mean in the two measurements
`deviated more than 5% from the fitted line (gray, solid) are in red. (d) A density plot shows average copy number of UMIs after 15 PCR cycles as a
`function of the average G+C content of the fragments for each measured gene from b and c. Red line in d indicates a least-squares fit, for which a P value
`and adjusted R2 value are given.
`nature methods  |  VOL.9  NO.1  |  JANUARY 2012  |  73
`© 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.


`brief communications
`mRNA molecules. We fragmented Drosophila melanogaster S2 cell
`RNA, converted it to cDNA using oligo(dT)-primed reverse tran-
`scription and incorporated an oligonucleotide with a 10-base-pair
`random label by template switching (Fig. 3). We amplified the
`resulting cDNA fragments directly by PCR and sequenced them.
`In this method, only one fragment is derived from each mRNA.
`The sequence of the label and the 5′ mapped position of the frag-
`ment together define the UMI (Supplementary Fig. 3).
`Counting the total reads after 15 or 25 PCR cycles revealed an
`amplification bias that resulted in loss of accuracy, with 418 of the
`5,097 measured genes differing more than 5% between the sam-
`ples (Fig. 3b). Using UMIs to estimate the number of cDNAs in
`the original sample resulted in much higher correlation between
`the samples (R2 = 0.99993), and the number of genes differing
`by 5% or more was only ten (Fig. 3c). Whereas robust measure-
`ment of gene expression by read counting requires normaliza-
`tion14 that renders all measurements dependent on each other,
`with the UMI method one can reproducibly detect the number of
`molecules after different numbers of PCR cycles without normali-
`zation. Analysis of the average copy number of UMIs mapping
`to each gene revealed a clear bias in G+C content in the raw read
`counts (Fig. 3d), presumably owing to preferential amplification
`of sequences with low G+C content15. However, the G+C content
`explained only a small fraction of the variance, indicating that a
`simple correction cannot be used to substantially improve the
`accuracy of the total read counting method.
`Analysis of replicate samples revealed that the precision
`of the total read counting and UMI methods were similar
`(Supplementary Fig. 4). This was at least partly due to a repro-
`ducible bias in the total read counting method (Supplementary
`Fig. 5). Read counting biases introduced by PCR (Fig. 3d) or
`in silico (Supplementary Fig. 6) could be identified using the
`UMI method. Furthermore, when we used small amounts of
`input RNA, with the UMI method we could infer the relative
`sizes of the different samples. Also, estimates based on the UMI
`method were better correlated with smaller coefficients of vari-
`ation (CV) between different aliquots than the total read counts
`(Supplementary Fig. 7).
`The UMI method is compatible with sample indexing using
`separate DNA barcodes, allowing parallel analysis of samples. In
`addition to the applications described above, the UMI method
`could be used to monitor mixing of complex solutions and to trace
`flow patterns. In principle, the method can be applied to count
`all types of molecules or particles such as proteins or viruses that
`can be stoichiometrically labeled with DNA and subsequently
`purified from free label.
`In contrast to previous approaches, the UMI method also can
`be used to accurately estimate the number of molecules without
`actually observing all of them. Use of overlapping and consecu-
`tive fragments can extend the method to fragments that were lost
`during sample preparation (Supplementary Fig. 2). Furthermore,
`nonrandom UMI labels can provide information about relation-
`ships or interactions between molecules. For example, UMIs can
`contain information about fragments that were consecutive in the
`original molecule (‘junction labels’) or that were linked together
`as one macromolecular complex (‘correlative labels’). Junction
`74  |  VOL.9  NO.1  |  JANUARY 2012  |  nature methods
`labels could be introduced by inserting a DNA label using viral
`integrase or recombinase; this method is likely to have utility in
`shotgun genome assembly of repetitive sequences. Correlative
`labels, in turn, can be introduced by a ‘split-and-pool’ method,
`whereby the sample is split into a large number of wells, labeled
`with different labels and then pooled. Fragments from a macro-
`molecular complex are more likely to contain the same labels than
`unconnected fragments. Correlative labels can be used to analyze
`chromatin structure.
`The UMI method and its variations are thus likely to improve
`a large number of next-generation sequencing–based molecule-
`counting applications and also enable new methods for tracking
`relationships between molecules.
`Methods and any associated references are available in the online
`version of the paper at
`Accession codes. ArrayExpress E-MTAB-816 and European
`Nucleotide Archive ERA063165 (sequences derived from RNA
`from the S2 cell line).
`Note: Supplementary information is available on the Nature Methods website.
`We thank M. Taipale, H. Secher Lindroos, E. Ukkonen and T. Whitington for
`critical review of the manuscript, and E. Iwarsson (Karolinska University
`Hospital) for the trisomy-21 DNA. This work was supported by European Research
`Council project Growth Control, Academy of Finland postdoctoral researcher’s
`projects 122197 and 134073, and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research
`grant MDB09-0052.
`author contributions
`S.L., J.T., A.V., T.K. and M.E. conceived and designed experiments. A.V., K.K. and
`M.B. performed biological experiments. S.L., J.T., A.V. and T.K. analyzed data.
`J.T., A.V., T.K., M.E. and S.L. wrote the paper.
`comPeting financial interests
`The authors declare competing financial interests: details accompany the
`full-text HTML version of the paper at
`Published online at
`reprints and permissions information is available online at http://www.nature.
`1. Ozsolak, F. et al. Nat. Methods 7, 619–621 (2010).
`2. Lipson, D. et al. Nat. Biotechnol. 27, 652–658 (2009).
`3. Ozsolak, F. et al. Nature 461, 814–818 (2009).
`4. Vogelstein, B. & Kinzler, K.W. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 9236–9241 (1999).
`5. Macevicz, S.C. US patent application 11/125,043 (2005).
`6. Hug, H. & Schuler, R. J. Theor. Biol. 221, 615–624 (2003).
`7. Konig, J. et al. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17, 909–915 (2010).
`8. Wang, Z. et al. PLoS Biol. 8, e1000530 (2010).
`9. Fu, G.K., Hu, J., Wang, P.H. & Fodor, S.P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108,
`9026–9031 (2011).
`10. Kinde, I., Wu, J., Papadopoulos, N., Kinzler, K.W. & Vogelstein, B.
`Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 9530–9535 (2011).
`11. Casbon, J.A., Osborne, R.J., Brenner, S. & Lichtenstein, C.P. Nucleic Acids
`Res. 39, e81 (2011).
`12. Chiu, R.W. et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 20458–20463 (2008).
`13. Fan, H.C., Blumenfeld, Y.J., Chitkara, U., Hudgins, L. & Quake, S.R.
`Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 16266–16271 (2008).
`14. Anders, S. & Huber, W. Genome Biol. 11, R106 (2010).
`15. Benita, Y., Oosting, R.S., Lok, M.C., Wise, M.J. & Humphery-Smith, I.
`Nucleic Acids Res. 31, e99 (2003).
`© 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.


`online methods
`Digital karyotyping. Genomic DNA was obtained by informed
`consent from three individuals, a boy with diagnosed trisomy 21,
`his mother and an unrelated adult male (here referred to as ‘adult
`male’ sample). This study was conducted with the approval of
`the Regional Ethical Review Board in Stockholm (Regionala
`etikprövningsnämnden i Stockholm). The samples from the boy
`and his mother were mixed 1:1 (‘mixed’ sample). Samples were
`prepared by enzymatic fragmentation, adaptor ligation and PCR
`as previously described16, except that the mixed sample was ali-
`quoted before PCR, aiming to obtain ~20 million molecules, and
`was ligated with a mixture of eight adapters carrying distinct
`6-base-pair (bp) barcodes. Thus, before amplification, the adult
`male sample was expected to contain billions of molecules, whereas
`the mixed sample was expected to contain 20 million molecules
`(the actual number of UMIs was 1.28 million; we attribute the
`difference to losses in sample preparation). Sequences were gener-
`ated on an Illumina Genome Analyzer with 76-bp single reads for
`the mixed sample and 100-bp paired-end reads for the adult male
`sample. Reads were mapped to the genome using Bowtie17.
`We analyzed the genome in non-overlapping 5-megabase-
`pair windows. To obtain a reliable estimate of the effective size
`of each window, accounting for repeats and other unmappable
`sequences, we generated a simulated dataset with 34 million reads
`and mapped this to the genome. The number of hits per window
`was taken as the effective size of that window, and windows
`having more than 10% repeats were discarded; this eliminated all
`of the chromosome Y data.
`To ensure that sequencing depth did not limit accuracy of
`the total read count method, we performed the same analysis
`on an adult male genome sequenced to 279 million reads. The
`CV (determined from the 5-megabase intervals) decreased only
`slightly (from 7.8% to 7.5%), showing that standard read counting
`does not converge on the true copy number.
`For absolute molecule counting, we used the 5′ genomic posi-
`tion of each mapped read as the UMI. Among the 20 million
`reads, we observed 1.28 million UMIs. The library was inten-
`tionally made from a small aliquot and sequenced until all
`molecules were observed multiple times to improve precision
`and accuracy of the UMI method. Expected copy numbers per
`genome for chromosomes 21 and X were 1.25 and 0.75, respec-
`tively, as the sample should contain five copies of chromosome
`21, three copies of chromosome X and four copies of all other
`chromosomes. We observed 1.26 copies of chromosome 21 and
`0.75 copies of chromosome X. To verify that UMIs did in fact
`identify single molecules, we searched for instances in which
`copies of a UMI (that is, multiple reads aligned to the same posi-
`tion) had different barcodes. We found only 25 such instances in
`the entire genome, demonstrating that UMIs indeed represented
`single molecules.
`To determine the best accuracy theoretically obtainable with
`1.28 million UMIs, we generated a simulated sample with this
`number of molecules and analyzed it along with the real samples.
`The CV for the UMI method was 3.0%, close to the theoretically
`maximal accuracy of 2.2% obtained by uniform random sampling
`of 1.28 million molecules.
`species are present in very different concentrations in cells.
`Taking a small aliquot can result in loss of low-abundance species.
`Fragmentation of high-abundance species, in turn, can result
`in generation of multiple fragments with the same start and/or
`end positions.
`For mRNA-seq, total RNA from Drosophila S2 cells trans-
`fected with GFP dsRNA was hydrolyzed via a 3-min incubation at
`70 °C in 1× RNA fragmentation buffer (Ambion). The reaction
`was terminated as instructed by the manufacturer. cDNA syn-
`thesis was performed according to the SMART protocol18 with
`addition of adapters for massively parallel sequencing19,20 using
`an oligo(dT)-containing adaptor (see Supplementary Table 1
`for sequence; Eurofins MWG Operon). For absolute molecule
`counting, a random 10-base DNA sequence label (N) was added
`to the 5′ adaptor (see Supplementary Table 1 for sequence;
`Integrated DNA Technologies). To denature RNA and anneal
`the 3′ adaptor, 12 pmol of both adapters were incubated at
`72 °C for 2 min with 3 µl of the unpurified solution containing
`50 ng of fragmented total RNA. RNA was then reverse-transcribed
`with 200 U SuperScriptIII (Invitrogen) in a 15 µl volume with the
`provided buffer, 1 mM dNTPs, 2 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) and
`excess MgCl2 (added to 15 mM). The reaction was carried out at
`55 °C for 1 h and enzyme was inactivated by incubation at 70 °C
`for 15 min. Uracil-specific excision reagent was used to degrade
`the random label sequence in the template-switch oligonucleo-
`tide (5 U of USER per 50 ng of total RNA at 37 °C for 30 min;
`New England Biolabs).
`The libraries were amplified using Phusion High-Fidelity
`DNA polymerase (Finnzymes) from 2 µl of unpurified cDNA
`reaction mixture with 300 nM Illumina single-read sequencing
`library primers. PCR was performed according to manufacturers’
`instructions. In the 50 µl reactions 20% trehalose was included
`and the following cycle settings were used: denaturation, 1 min
`at 98 °C, followed by 15 to 25 cycles of 10 s at 98 °C, 30 s at 64 °C
`and 1 min at 72 °C. Final extension was 11 min. In the PCR-cycle
`experiment, half of the reaction volume was extracted at cycle 15
`and replaced with fresh master mix. PCR products were purified
`with one volume of Agencourt XP beads (Beckman) and sub-
`jected to Illumina GAIIx massively parallel sequencing according
`to manufacturer’s instructions (54-bp reads).
`mRNA-seq with low input. Samples with RNA amounts corres-
`ponding to 10, 100 or 1,000 Drosophila S2 cells (Supplementary
`Fig. 7) were prepared with about 0.07, 0.7 or 7 ng of fragmented
`RNA from the same total RNA from GFP dsRNA–transfected
`cells used in the mRNA-seq experiments (Fig. 3). RNA was con-
`verted to cDNA using a paired-end–compatible oligo(dT) adaptor
`(12 pmol; see Supplementary Table 1 for sequence; Integrated DNA
`Technologies), the labeled 5′ adaptor described in the section above
`(12 pmol) and 300 U SuperScriptIII in 30 µl volume with the pro-
`vided buffer, 0.8 mM dNTPs, 2.9 mM DTT and excess MgCl2 (added
`to 17 mM). The cDNA was treated with 60 U of exonuclease I (New
`England Biolabs) before uracil-specific excision reagent. The whole
`volume of treated cDNA was included in a 100 µl PCR; samples were
`amplified as described above and sequenced (Illumina HiSeq 2000
`instrument, 54-nucleotide reads from both ends).
`mRNA-seq. Application of the UMI method to mRNA sequenc-
`ing requires the use of labels. This is because different mRNA
`Estimation of unobserved molecules. The principle of the UMI
`method is that the original number of molecules in a sample
`nature methods
`© 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.


`can be estimated as the sum of observed and unobserved UMIs.
`The number of unobserved UMIs can be estimated based on
`the distribution of the copy numbers of the observed UMIs. For
`example, if one observes UMIs on average ten times (average copy
`number = 10), it is likely that very few UMIs have been missed.
`However, if the average copy number is two, a substantial fraction
`of all UMIs have not yet been observed. In general, we assumed
`that all of the UMIs of a gene had an equal probability of being
`observed. Thus, the number of molecules from each gene was
`estimated by fitting a zero-truncated Poisson distribution to the
`UMI copy number distribution using the generalized additive
`models for location, scale and shape (GAMLSS) R package21
`and adding the predicted number of unobserved UMIs to the
`observed UMI count.
`mRNA-seq data analysis. The sequencing reads were analyzed
`as follows: after removal of the label and index sequences and the
`following two bases, the sequencing reads were mapped to refer-
`ence sequences from Ensembl version 52 using Burrows-Wheeler
`aligner (BWA) software version 0.5.8 with default parameter val-
`ues22. Two bases were removed from the 5′ end of the reads after
`the index and label sequences to exclude additional guanines
`occasionally added by the template-switch method.
`For each gene, the sequence of its longest transcript was used
`as the reference sequence. Reads were discarded from further ana-
`lysis if they did not contain the constant sequences expected based
`on oligonucleotide design, mapped to the wrong strand, had a
`BWA mapping quality score lower than 20 or a base in the label
`sequence with an Illumina base call quality score lower than 20.
`A total of 14.8 million reads and 23.9 million reads passed these
`criteria in Drosophila S2 cell samples taken after 15 and 25 PCR
`amplification cycles, respectively. Total read count of a gene is the
`number of accepted reads mapped to its reference sequence.
`The mapped reads with the same gene, position and label
`were collected to one UMI and the number of such reads was
`recorded as the copy number of that UMI. Average copy numbers
`were 10.7 and 17.0 for samples taken after 15 and 25 PCR cycles,
`respectively. Sequence errors introduced by library preparation,
`amplification and sequencing can produce false UMIs with a low
`copy number. To limit the effect of such errors, two UMIs were
`merged if they either had identical positions and one mismatch
`in the label sequences (probable substitution) or consecutive
`positions, identical label sequences and the UMI closer to the 3′
`end of the mRNA had a copy number of one and the UMI closer
`to 5′ end had at least a copy number of two (probable deletion).
`In addition, all UMIs from positions where UMI average map-
`ping quality was less than 30 were discarded.
`The approximately one million random labels used were suffi-
`cient to generate UMIs from an mRNA amount that corresponds
`to the amount found in ~1000 Drosophila S2 cells. On average,
`only 0.0005% of all labels were observed per position, and even
`in the position with the highest number of labels, less than 2% of
`over one million labels were observed. In addition, a large fraction
`of all labels (>70%) were observed, and less than 0.12% overlap
`of UMIs (position label pairs) was observed between replicate
`experiments, indicating that the UMIs were not exhausted in the
`experiments and that the labels were incorporated into cDNAs
`effectively randomly, independent of position- or label-specific
`factors. Moreover, the incorporation of the random label sequence
`did not interfere with the mRNA-seq process; similar counts
`of reads mapping to each gene were observed in labeled and
`unlabeled samples (data not shown).
`The expression level of a gene was considered to be measured if
`its total read count was at least 100 and the estimate of the number
`of molecules was at least 10, and at least one of the UMIs had
`two or more copies. These cutoffs correspond to approximately
`0.2–1 mRNA molecules per cell based on yield estimates from RNA
`quantification of total RNA and spike controls (data not shown).
`The G+C content of the sequenced gene fragments was cal-
`culated as the average G+C content of the subsequences from
`the position of the mapped read to the 3′ end of the reference
`sequence. The solid gray line in Figure 3b indicating the size
`factor (1.79) needed to render the total read counts from differ-
`ent samples comparable was fitted analogously to the method
`described in reference 14. First, the mean relative difference
`between the samples was calculated from the Equation d = (1 / N)
`Σi = [1..N](xi − yi) / (xi + yi), where xi and yi are the individual
`total read counts for transcript i, and N is the total number
`of transcripts. Then, the size factor s was calculated from the
`Equation s = (1 − d) / (1 + d), and its logarithm used as the inter-
`cept for the solid fit line shown. The corresponding size factor for
`the absolute molecule counts was 1.02.
`16. Linnarsson, S. Exp. Cell Res. 316, 1339–1343 (2010).
`17. Langmead, B., Trapnell, C., Pop, M. & Salzberg, S.L. Genome Biol. 10, R25
`18. Zhu, Y.Y., Machleder, E.M., Chenchik, A., Li, R. & Siebert, P.D.
`Biotechniques 30, 892–897 (2001).
`19. Cloonan, N. et al. Nat. Methods 5, 613–619 (2008).
`20. Levin, J.Z. et al. Nat. Methods 7, 709–715 (2010).
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`nature methods
`© 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.


`Supplementary information
`Counting absolute number of molecules using unique molecular identifiers
`Teemu Kivioja, Anna Vähärautio, Kasper Karlsson, Martin Bonke, Martin Enge, Sten
`Linnarsson and Jussi Taipale
`Supplementary Figure 1
`Normalized cDNA library simulation
`Supplementary Figure 2
`Estimating the absolute number of molecules before library
`Supplementary Figure 3
`The fraction of used positions and labels
`Supplementary Figure 4
`Reproducibility of the read and umi counting methods
`Supplementary Figure 5
`Copy number correlation in technical replicates
`Supplementary Figure 6
`Estimating the number of molecules after removing part of the
`reads in silico
`Supplementary Figure 7 Measuring mRNA abundances from small amount of RNA
`Sequences for oligomers used in mRNA-seq
`Normalized cDNA library simulation
`Modeling absolute number of molecules before library 
`Simulation of absolute number of molecules before library 
`Supplementary Table 1
`Supplementary Note

`Nature Methods: doi:10.1038/nmeth.1778


`Number of sequenced reads
`Original number of molecules

`Estimated number of molecules

`Supplementary Figure 1. Normalized cDNA library simulation. Simulation of an experiment where labels are
`used to estimate the original number of mRNA species after normalization of a cDNA library. Ten simulations
`were performed and the original number of cDNA molecules prior to normalization (x-axis) was estimated (y-axis,
`blue symbols; see Supplementary Note for details). The raw number of observed cDNA sequences for each gene
`is also shown (red symbols). Note that accurate estimates (blue symbols) can be derived even when the
`normalization decreases high abundance cDNA (GAPD, red circles) to a level that is lower than that of medium-
`abundance cDNA (RPS9, red diamond).

`Nature Methods: doi:10.103

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