`Patent Owner.
`U.S. Patent No. 10,223,692
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`Introduction ...................................................................................................... 4
`Qualifications and Professional Experience .................................................... 6
`III. Level of Ordinary Skill in the Art ................................................................. 13
`IV. Relevant Legal Standards .............................................................................. 14
`Background .................................................................................................... 16
`VI. Overview of the ’692 Patent .......................................................................... 17
`VII. Claim Construction ........................................................................................ 24
`“from the first portion of the screen” .................................................. 24
`VIII. Identification of how the Claims are Unpatentable ....................................... 27
`A. Ground 1: Claims 1-4 and 11-13 would have been obvious
`under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) over Hertel in view of Chitti, Spodak,
`and Tedesco. ........................................................................................ 28
`Summary of Hertel (APPL-1005) .................................. 28
`Summary of Chitti (APPL-1006) .................................. 35
`Summary of Spodak (APPL-1008) ................................ 39
`Summary of Tedesco (APPL-1007) .............................. 40
`Overview of Analysis .................................................... 42
`Claim 1 ........................................................................... 44
`Claim 2 ......................................................................... 117
`Claim 3 ......................................................................... 123
`Claim 4 ......................................................................... 125
`Claim 11 ....................................................................... 127
`Claim 12 ....................................................................... 133
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`Claim 13 ....................................................................... 135
`Ground 2: Claims 5-6 and 10 would have been obvious under
`35 U.S.C. § 103(a) over Hertel in view of Chitti, Spodak,
`Tedesco, and Bierbaum. .................................................................... 140
`Summary of Bierbaum (APPL-1010) .......................... 140
`Claim 5 ......................................................................... 143
`Claim 6 ......................................................................... 148
`Claim 10 ....................................................................... 148
`Ground #3: Claim 7 would have been obvious under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 103(a) over Hertel in view of Chitti, Spodak, Tedesco,
`Bierbaum and Grigg. ......................................................................... 150
`Summary of Grigg (APPL-1012) ................................ 150
`Claim 7 ......................................................................... 154
`D. Ground #4: Claim 8 would have been obvious under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 103(a) over Hertel in view of Chitti, Spodak, Tedesco, and
`Ording. ............................................................................................... 158
`Summary of Ording (APPL-1016) .............................. 158
`Claim 8 ......................................................................... 159
`Ground #5: Claim 9 would have been obvious under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 103(a) over Hertel in view of Chitti, Spodak, Tedesco, and
`Roman................................................................................................ 164
`Summary of Roman (APPL-1017) .............................. 164
`Claim 9 ......................................................................... 165
`Conclusion ................................................................................................... 169
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`Houh Declaration
`I, Henry Houh, do hereby declare as follows:
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`I am making this declaration at the request of Apple, Inc. in the matter
`of the Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,223,692 (“the ’692 Patent”) to
`Min Hwan Jeon.
`I am being compensated for my work in this matter at my standard
`hourly rate. I am also being reimbursed for reasonable and customary expenses
`associated with my work and testimony in this investigation. My compensation is
`not contingent on the outcome of this matter or the specifics of my testimony.
`I have been asked to provide my opinions regarding whether claims 1-
`13 (“the Challenged Claims”) of the ’692 Patent are unpatentable as they would
`have been obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the art (“POSITA”) at the
`time of the alleged invention, in light of the prior art. It is my opinion that all of the
`limitations of the challenged claims would have been obvious to a POSITA.
`In the preparation of this declaration, I have studied:
`the ’692 Patent, APPL-1001;
`the prosecution history of the ’692 Patent (“’692 File History”),
`c. U.S. Patent Publication No. 2009/0288012 to Hertel et al. (“Hertel”),
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`d. U.S. Patent Publication No. 2009/0037326 to Chitti et al. (“Chitti”),
`e. U.S. Patent 8,296,686 to Tedesco et al. (“Tedesco”), APPL-1007;
`f. U.S. Patent Publication No. 2012/0123937 to Spodak (“Spodak”),
`g. U.S. Patent 7,967,196 to Bierbaum et al. (“Bierbaum”), APPL-1010;
`h. U.S. Patent Publication No. U.S. Patent Publication No.
`2012/0197743 to Grigg et al. (“Grigg”), APPL-1012;
`i. U.S. Patent Publication No. 2009/0183120 (“Ording”), APPL-1016;
`j. U.S. Patent 9,116,596 (“Roman”), APPL-1017.
`k. In forming the opinions expressed below, I have considered:
`the documents listed above;
`the relevant legal standards, including the standard for obviousness,
`and any additional authoritative documents as cited in the body of this
`declaration; and
`my own knowledge and experience based upon my work in the field
`of software and telecommunications as described below, as well as the
`following materials:
`a. U.S. Patent 7,090,577 to Serizawa et al., APPL-1009;
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`b. U.S. Patent 8,140,418 to Casey et al., APPL-1011;
`c. U.S. Patent Publication No. 2013/0339166 to Baer et al., APPL-1013;
`d. U.S. Patent 5,732,230 to Cullen et al., APPL-1014;
`e. U.S. Patent 9,323,442 to Ledet et al., APPL-1015;
`f. U.S. Patent 6,590,568 to Astala et al., APPL-1018;
`g. U.S. Patent 9,436,376 to Shinozaki et al., APPL-1019; and
`h. any other document cited in this analysis.
`The materials I have reviewed and studied, including those listed in this paragraph,
`are the type of evidence an expert in the field of software and mobile application
`development would consider in reaching conclusions.
`Unless otherwise noted, all emphasis in any quoted material has been
`6. My complete qualifications and professional experience are described
`in my Curriculum Vitae, a copy of which can be found in APPL-1004. The
`following is a brief summary of my relevant qualifications and professional
`I received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
`from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“MIT”) in 1998. I also received a
`Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1991,
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`Houh Declaration
`a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`1989, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics in 1990, all from MIT.
`I am currently self-employed as an independent technical consultant. I
`am also president of a company, Einstein’s Workshop, that provides supplemental
`science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (“STEM”) education to
`children of all ages.
`I first entered telecommunications in 1987 when I worked as a
`summer intern at AT&T Bell Laboratories as part of a five-year dual degree
`program at MIT. I continued to work at AT&T Bell Laboratories as part of this
`MIT program. While at MIT, I was a teaching assistant (“TA”) in the Electrical
`Engineering and Computer Science Department’s core Computer Architectures
`course. I first was a TA as a senior for a role typically reserved for graduate
`students. I later became head TA. The course covered various topics in computer
`architectures, as well as programming. As a TA, I helped write homework
`assignments, lab assignments (including those that involved programming), and
`exams. I also taught in the recitation sections.
`10. Later, as part of my doctoral research at MIT from 1991-1998, I was a
`research assistant in the Telemedia Network Systems (“TNS”) group at the
`Laboratory for Computer Science. The TNS group built a high-speed gigabit
`network and created applications that ran over the network. Example applications
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`Houh Declaration
`included ones for remote video capture, processing, and display of video on
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`computer terminals. In addition to working on the design of core network
`components (which was based on FPGAs), designing and building the high-speed
`links (which included programmable logic devices), and designing and writing the
`device drivers for the interface cards (which included programmable logic
`devices), I also set up the group’s web server. Also, I helped to maintain, install,
`and upgrade the networking devices used within the group, along with other
`graduate students.
`I also helped to build the web pages that initiated the above-
`mentioned video sessions via a web interface. Vice President Al Gore visited our
`group in 1996 and received a demonstration of—and remotely drove—a radio-
`controlled toy car with a wireless video camera mounted on it that was built by our
`group. This toy car device received commands transmitted over a network from a
`remote computer, and video data from the toy car was transmitted wirelessly then
`over a computer network back to the user controller. On occasion, we allowed
`users visiting our web site to drive the toy car from their remote computer while
`they watched the video on their computer. The video stream was encoded by TNS-
`designed hardware, streamed over the TNS-designed network, and displayed using
`TNS-designed software.
`I defended and submitted my Ph.D. thesis, titled “Designing Networks
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`Houh Declaration
`for Tomorrow’s Traffic,” in January 1998. As part of my thesis research, I
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`analyzed local area and wide area flows to show a more efficient method for
`routing packets in a network, based on traffic patterns at the time. The traffic flow
`data included Ethernet, IP, TCP or UDP, and RTP header information, which I
`analyzed to come to the conclusions in my thesis.
`13. From 1997 to 1999, I was a Senior Scientist and Engineer at NBX
`Corporation, a start-up that made business telephone systems for streaming
`packetized audio over data networks instead of using traditional telephone lines.
`NBX was later acquired by 3Com Corporation.
`14. As part of my work at NBX, I designed the core audio reconstruction
`software algorithms for the telephones, as well as the packet transmission
`algorithms. I also designed and validated the core packet transport protocol used by
`the phone system. The protocol was used for all signaling in the phone system,
`including for the setup of conference calls. The NBX system also featured a
`computer interface for initiating phone calls, which could also initiate conference
`calls. The NBX system also supported the Telephony Application Programming
`Interface (“TAPI”) that allowed other computer programs to integrate with our
`system telephony features. We obtained U.S. Patent No. 6,697,963, entitled
`“Telecommunication method for ensuring on-time delivery of packets containing
`time-sensitive data,” as part of this work. I also programmed the first prototype of
`APPLE INC. / Page 9 of 169


`Houh Declaration
`our phone which communicated using IP, and I demonstrated our IP phones
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`working over the Internet when we attended a trade show in California. The phone
`connected over the Internet to our headquarters in Andover, MA. I also
`programmed a data capture and analysis system that provided data on the operation
`of the system.
`15. From 1999-2004, I was employed by Empirix or its predecessor
`company, Teradyne. Empirix was a leader in test tools for telecommunications
`protocols and systems, providing functional testing tools as well as load testing
`tools. From 2000-2001, I conceived and built a test platform for testing Voice-
`over-IP (VoIP). The first application on this new test platform was a cloud
`emulator for simulating the effects of transmitting VoIP over a busy network. The
`test platform was based on a network processor chip, which could be programmed
`to cut-through packets while processing packet data such as various protocol later
`headers including addresses included therein and even packet data contents. I also
`designed a protocol analyzer built on the same platform. The application captured
`and performed protocol decoding at various layers in the protocol stacks of
`captured packets, including detailed Ethernet header decoding, IP header decoding,
`TCP header decoding, UDP header decoding, RTP header decoding, and many
`other specified protocols. The application was also designed to reconstruct entire
`conversations that spanned multiple packets.
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`16. At Empirix, I also rearchitected the design of the Web Test division’s
`core product, e-Test Suite. E-Test Suite was a software program designed to
`perform functional and load testing of web applications. I was technical lead on
`the project, and also worked on programming a Javascript interpreter for the
`product. Javascript is the flexible programming layer that allows users to interact
`with web pages through actions such as clicking and dragging that allows web
`page programmers to extend the functionality of a web page beyond clicking on
`In 2006, as part of my role at BBN Technologies, I helped found
`PodZinger Inc., now known as RAMP Inc. PodZinger utilized BBN’s speech
`recognition algorithms to search through the spoken words in audio and video
`segments. While I was Vice President of Operations and Technology, PodZinger
`followed its initial prototype with a full streaming audio and video search solution.
`I also created a social networking web site, which BBN sold to a venture-funded
`startup company. In the process of creating the web site, I designed and specified
`the authentication and authorization protocols.
`18. At my educational company, Einstein’s Workshop, I created the initial
`web site and integrated it with online payment solutions. I also evaluated, sourced,
`and configured the point-of-sale system for the company, which also involved
`integration with and setup of mobile shopping terminals. We also teach
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`Houh Declaration
`programming to children of all ages, starting with Scratch programming for young
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`elementary students and advancing through programming in Python and for game
`development for high school students. I conceived many of the programming
`classes and have taught programming to novice and more advanced students. We
`also created an educational computer-aided design tool, called BlocksCAD. We
`received a grant, on which I was the principal investigator, to further develop
`BlocksCAD and successfully met our grant objectives. BlocksCAD was spun-off
`from Einstein’s Workshop and has been part of various incubator/accelerator
`programs in education as well as at the MIT Media Lab. Today, BlocksCAD is
`used worldwide in makerspaces as well as in schools throughout the U.S.
`I have been awarded several United States patents, including the
`following examples:
`• U.S. Patent No. 7,975,296, “Automated security threat testing of
`web pages”;
`• U.S. Patent No. 7,877,736, “Computer language interpretation and
`optimization for server testing”;
`• U.S. Patent No. 7,801,910, “Method and apparatus for timed tagging
`of media content”;
`• U.S. Patent 7,590,542, “Method of Generating Test Scripts Using a
`Voice-Capable Markup Language”; and
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`• U.S. Patent No. 6,967,963, “Telecommunication method for
`ensuring on-time delivery of packets containing time-sensitive
`I understand there are multiple factors relevant to determining the
`level of ordinary skill in the pertinent art, including (1) the levels of education and
`experience of persons working in the field at the time of the invention; (2) the
`sophistication of the technology; (3) the types of problems encountered in the field;
`and (4) the prior art solutions to those problems.
`21. A person of ordinary skill in the art (“POSITA”) in November 2012
`would have had a working knowledge of network-based payment techniques
`pertinent to the ’692 Patent, including software development in the field of mobile
`payment techniques. Such POSITA would have had a bachelor’s degree in
`electrical engineering, computer science, or equivalent training, and approximately
`two years of work experience in software development. Lack of work experience
`can be remedied by additional education, and vice versa.
`22. For purposes of this declaration, in general, and unless otherwise
`noted, my statements and opinions, such as those regarding my experience and the
`understanding of a POSITA generally (and specifically related to the references I
`consulted herein), reflect the knowledge that existed in the field as of the priority
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`Houh Declaration
`date of the ’692 Patent (i.e., November 28, 2012 (“priority date”)). Unless
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`otherwise stated, when I provide my understanding and analysis below, it is
`consistent with the level of a POSITA prior to the priority date of the ’692 Patent.
`I am not an attorney. In preparing and expressing my opinions and
`considering the subject matter of the ’692 Patent, I am relying on certain basic
`legal principles that counsel have explained to me. These principles are discussed
`I understand that prior art to the ’692 Patent includes patents and
`printed publications in the relevant art that predate the priority date of the alleged
`invention recited in the ’692 Patent. For purposes of this declaration, I am applying
`November 28, 2012, as the priority date of the ’692 Patent (“priority date”).
`It is my understanding that, to anticipate a claim under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 102, a reference must disclose each and every element of the claim. I have been
`informed that a reference may disclose an element expressly or inherently. I
`understand that, for a limitation to be inherently disclosed by a reference, the
`limitation necessarily must be present, or the natural result of the combination of
`elements explicitly disclosed by the prior art.
`I have been informed that a claimed invention is unpatentable under
`35 U.S.C. § 103 if the differences between the invention and the prior art are such
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`Houh Declaration
`that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which the subject
`matter pertains. I have also been informed by counsel that the obviousness analysis
`takes into account factual inquiries including the level of ordinary skill in the art,
`the scope and content of the prior art, and the differences between the prior art and
`the claimed subject matter.
`I further understand that certain factors may support or rebut the
`obviousness of a claim. I understand that such secondary considerations include,
`among other things, commercial success of the patented invention, skepticism of
`those having ordinary skill in the art at the time of invention, unexpected results of
`the invention, any long-felt but unsolved need in the art that was satisfied by the
`alleged invention, the failure of others to make the alleged invention, praise of the
`alleged invention by those having ordinary skill in the art, and copying of the
`alleged invention by others in the field. I understand that there must be a nexus—a
`connection—between any such secondary considerations and the alleged invention
`recited in the claims. I also understand that contemporaneous and independent
`invention by others is a secondary consideration tending to show obviousness.
`I am not aware of any allegations by the named inventor of the ’692
`Patent or any assignee of the ’692 Patent that any secondary considerations are
`relevant to the obviousness analysis of any Challenged Claim of the ’692 Patent.
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`I have been informed by counsel that the Supreme Court has
`recognized several rationales for combining references or modifying a reference to
`show obviousness of claimed subject matter. Some of these rationales include the
`following: (a) combining prior art elements according to known methods to yield
`predictable results; (b) simple substitution of one known element for another to
`obtain predictable results; (c) use of a known technique to improve a similar device
`(method, or product) in the same way; (d) applying a known technique to a known
`device (method, or product) ready for improvement to yield predictable results; (e)
`choosing from a finite number of identified, predictable solutions, with a
`reasonable expectation of success; and (f) some teaching, suggestion, or motivation
`in the prior art that would have led one of ordinary skill to modify the prior art
`reference or to combine prior art reference teachings to arrive at the claimed
`30. Mobile wallet applications, sometimes referred to as electronic wallets
`or “e-wallets,” are virtual wallets that allow users to store several debit card, credit
`card, membership card, coupons, or other account-type information in an
`application on their mobile phones. The mobile wallet application on the mobile
`phone can then be used to pay for goods or services either online or at point-of-sale
`terminals at merchant locations. E-wallets with this functionality were well-known
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`Houh Declaration
`by the time of the ʼ692 Patent. See, e.g., APPL-1005 (Hertel), ¶ 58; APPL-1006
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`(Chitti), ¶¶ 23-25; APPL-1013 (Baer), ¶¶ 1-2. In some cases, the mobile wallet
`application may permit a user to enter several different payment instruments (e.g.,
`credit cards) in the application as available payment cards that the user may select
`to conduct a particular transaction. See, e.g., APPL-1005 (Hertel), ¶ 58; APPL-
`1006 (Chitti), ¶¶ 23-25; APPL-1013 (Baer), ¶¶ 1-2, 51. The user can then designate
`a particular payment card as the “main” or default payment card, but can also
`switch to a “temporary” payment card as the payment instrument for a particular
`transaction instead of the default payment card. See, e.g., APPL-1006 (Chitti),
`¶¶ 26-27, 31; APPL-1008, ¶90; APPL-1013 (Baer), ¶ 51.
`31. The ’692 Patent was originally filed as an international (PCT)
`application on August 29, 2013,1 and claims priority to a Korean patent application
`filed on November 28, 2012 (“priority date”). The ’692 Patent relates to “a method
`for setting a payment card, and more particularly, to a method for setting a mobile
`payment card to be used for payment and a mobile device applying the same.”
`1 I have been informed that Application No. 14/647,859 (“the ’859 Application”)
`was filed on May 28, 2015, as the U.S. national phase application of the PCT
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`Houh Declaration
`APPL-1001, 1:16-20.
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`32. The ’692 Patent explains that “[t]o prevent double payment, a mobile
`wallet application sets one of the issued mobile payment cards as a main payment
`card and makes a payment.” APPL-1001, 1:24-26. However, “[i]t is possible to
`make a payment using a mobile payment card other than the main payment card.”
`APPL-1001, 1:27-28. The ’692 Patent explains that:
`When the user temporarily uses another mobile payment card to make
`a payment (for example, for one-time payment), the user should recover
`the original main payment card after finishing the payment. In this case,
`the operation of recovering the original main payment card may be a
`cumbersome procedure and may cause inconvenience to the user. In
`addition, the operation of changing the main payment card to another
`payment card may also cause inconvenience or difficulty to the user,
`and the user may not be accustomed to that operation, considering that
`mobile commerce is still at an early stage.
`APPL-1001, 1:32-43.
`In view of this background, the objective of the ’692 Patent is to:
`provide a method for setting a temporary payment card, which sets, as
`a temporary payment card, a mobile payment card which is moved by
`a user from among mobile payment cards listed in a list, and resets the
`setting of the temporary payment card when a payable time passes, so
`that a user can change the temporary payment card more easily, swiftly,
`naturally, amusingly, and intuitively, and a mobile device applying the
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`Houh Declaration
`APPL-1001, 1:49-57.
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`34. With reference to annotated Figures 10 and 11 below, the method of
`the ’692 Patent displays a list of mobile payment cards (Fig. 10) at a first portion of
`a touch screen interface of a mobile phone. APPL-1001, 4:36-40. The first portion
`of the touch screen interface is shown toward the lower end of the touch screen
`interface of the mobile phone in Figure 10. As shown in Figure 11, the method also
`includes receiving, through the touch screen interface, a user input selecting a
`mobile payment card (“ABC Premier”) from the list of mobile payment cards, and
`detecting the user input sliding the mobile payment card from the first portion of
`the touch screen interface to a second portion of the touch screen interface. APPL-
`1001, 4:41-48. The second portion of the touch screen interface is shown toward
`the upper end of the touch screen interface of the mobile phone in Figure 11. As
`shown in Figure 11, the user has selected the “ABC Premier” card as the temporary
`payment card. APPL-1001, 4:41-48.
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`portion of
`list of
`first portion
`of touch
`APPL-1001 (’692 Patent), Figs. 10 and 11 (annotated)
`35. The ’692 Patent explains that based upon the user input of sliding the
`mobile payment card (“ABC Premier”), the method includes setting, as a
`temporary card, the mobile payment card, where, while the mobile payment card is
`set as the temporary card, payments will be made by the mobile payment card.
`APPL-1001, 4:56-61.
`36. Payments will be made with the temporary payment card while it is
`set as the temporary card for a limited period of time (e.g., 30 seconds). APPL-
`1001, 4:62-65. As shown in annotated Figure 15 below, a numerical indicator of a
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`Houh Declaration
`payable time (e.g., 30 seconds) is displayed while the temporary payment card is in
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`use. APPL-1001, 4:66-5:2, 5:42-43. Simultaneously, as shown in annotated Figure
`16 below, the temporary mobile payment card is moved a first distance from a first
`portion of the touch screen towards a second portion of the touch screen. As shown
`in FIG. 16, the “ABC PREMIER” card is slid down by one-third (1/3) of the total
`distance by which the card has been slid up, and “20 seconds” is identified as a
`remaining payable time. APPL-1001, 5:43-47, 5:53-58, 5:63-6:2.
`APPL-1001 (’692 Patent), Figs. 15 and 16 (annotated)
`37. When the payable time (e.g., 30 seconds) has passed, the temporary
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`Houh Declaration
`payment card is reset such that the previously selected mobile payment card
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`(“ABC Premier”) is no longer set as the temporary card and payments are made
`through a main/default card. APPL-1001, 4:62-65, 2:44-45, 2:51-52.
`38. To obtain allowance, claim 1 was amended as follows (amendments
`shown with underlining).
`1. A method for setting a temporary payment card, comprising:
`displaying a list of mobile payment cards at a first portion of a touch
`screen interface;
`receiving, through the touch screen interface, a user input selecting a
`mobile payment card from the list of mobile payment card;
`detecting the user input sliding the mobile payment card from the first
`portion of the touch screen interface to a second portion of the touch screen
`based upon the user input sliding the mobile payment card, setting, as
`a temporary card, the mobile payment card, wherein while the mobile
`payment card is set as the temporary card, payments will be made by the
`mobile payment card;
`displaying a numerical indicator of a payable time, wherein the
`numerical indicator initially indicates a first remaining time amount;
`moving the mobile payment card a first distance from the first portion
`of the screen towards a second portion of the touch screen, and
`decrementing the numerical indicator a first difference to display a
`remaining payable time,
`the first distance is proportional to an amount of payable time
`that has passed, and
`the first difference is proportional to the amount of payable time
`that has passed: and
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`resetting the setting of the temporary payment card when the payable
`time passes such that the mobile payment card is no longer set as the
`temporary card and payments are made through a main car

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