`Patent Owner.
`U.S. Patent No. 10,223,692
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`Apple Inc. v. Mozido Corfire-Korea, Ltd.


`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`Introduction ..................................................................................................... 3
`Legal Principles on Claim Construction ......................................................... 5
`Supplemental Claim Construction Analysis ................................................... 6
`Construction of “temporary payment card” / “temporary card” ........... 6
`Dr. Shamos’ constructions to correct errors in the claims. ................. 17
`Applying Dr. Shamos’ corrective construction .................................. 21
`IV. Cited Portions of Dr. Shamos’ Deposition Transcript .................................. 25
`Conclusion .................................................................................................... 40
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`I, Henry Houh, do hereby declare as follows:
`I am making this supplemental declaration at the request of Apple,
`Inc. (“Petitioner”) in the matter of the Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No.
`10,223,692 (“the ’692 patent”) to Min Hwan Jeon.
`I am being compensated for my work in this matter at my standard
`hourly rate. I am also being reimbursed for reasonable and customary expenses
`associated with my work and testimony in this investigation. My compensation is
`not contingent on the outcome of this matter or the specifics of my testimony.
`I have been asked to provide my supplemental opinions as to the
`constructions of certain claim terms recited in claims 1-13 (the “challenged
`claims”) of the ’692 patent. I have provided my supplemental opinions as to the
`constructions of these terms in response to the constructions proposed by Patent
`Owner and Dr. Shamos.
`In the preparation of this Supplemental Declaration, I have reviewed:
`the ’692 patent, APPL-1001;
`the prosecution history of the ’692 Patent (“’692 File History”),
`c. U.S. Patent Publication No. 2009/0288012 to Hertel et al. (“Hertel”),
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`Houh Declaration
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`d. Definition of “temporary,” Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary,
`Tenth Edition (2000), APPL-1022;
`e. Definition of “temporary,” The American Heritage Dictionary,
`Second College Edition (1982), APPL-1023;
`f. Declaration of Dr. Michael I. Shamos in IPR2022-01149, EX2004;
`g. Deposition transcript of Dr. Michael I. Shamos (June 16, 2023),
`In forming the opinions expressed below, I have considered:
`a. the documents listed above;
`b. the relevant legal standards, including the standard for obviousness,
`and any additional authoritative documents as cited in the body of this
`c. my own knowledge and experience based upon my work in the field
`of software and telecommunications as described below; and
`d. any other document cited in this analysis.
`1 The portions of Dr. Shamos’ deposition transcript (APPL-1021) cited in this
`Supplemental Declaration are reproduced in Section IV below.
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`Houh Declaration
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`The materials I have reviewed and studied, including those listed in this paragraph,
`are the type of evidence an expert in the field of software and mobile application
`development would consider in reaching conclusions.
`Unless otherwise noted, all emphasis in any quoted material has been
`I am not an attorney. For the purposes of my Original Declaration and
`this Supplemental Declaration, I have been informed about certain aspects of the
`law that are relevant to my opinions. My understanding of the law was provided to
`me by Petitioner’s attorneys.
`I understand that the claims are to be construed according to the same
`claim construction standard that district courts use wherein claim terms are given
`their ordinary and customary meaning from the perspective of a POSITA at the
`time of the invention (i.e., the Phillips standard). I understand that claim terms are
`generally to be construed according to their plain and ordinary meaning from the
`perspective of a POSITA at the time of the invention in the context of the patent’s
`disclosure, unless the inventor provided an express definition for a claim term (i.e.,
`the inventor acts as his or her own lexicographer), or the applicant disavowed or
`disclaimed the full scope of a claim term either in the specification or during
`prosecution. I understand that when the inventor acts as a lexicographer, the
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`Houh Declaration
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`definition must be definition for a term, and that definition must be set forth in the
`specification with reasonable clarity, deliberateness, and precision. I also
`understand that to constitute disavowal or disclaimer, the applicant must clearly
`and unambiguously express surrender of subject matter during prosecution. I
`understand that it is important not to import limitations from a disclosed
`embodiment—even if it is the only embodiment disclosed in the specification—
`into a claim if the claim does not require those limitations, absent a clear indication
`that the applicant intended the claims to be so limited.
`The analysis in this Supplemental Declaration is in accordance with
`the above-stated legal principles.
`A. Construction of “temporary payment card” / “temporary card”
`10. As shown below, limitations [1.0], [1.4], and [1.8] of claim 1 recite
`the terms “temporary payment card” or “temporary card.” I understand that
`Petitioner and Patent Owner have addressed the “temporary payment card” and
`“temporary card” terms synonymously, and I have done so as well in this
`Supplemental Declaration. For conciseness, I generically refer to both terms as
`“temporary payment card” in this Supplemental Declaration.
`[1.0] A method for setting a temporary payment card, comprising:
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`[1.4] based upon the user input sliding the mobile payment card, setting, as a
`temporary card, the mobile payment card, wherein while the mobile
`payment card is set as the temporary card, payments will be made by the
`mobile payment card;
`[1.8] resetting the setting of the temporary payment card when the payable
`time passes such that the mobile payment card is no longer set as the
`temporary card and payments are made through a main card.
`11. As shown below, claim 13 recites the terms “temporary payment
`card” and “temporary card” in limitations [13.5] (corresponds to limitation [1.4])
`and [13.9] (corresponds to limitation [1.8]).
`[13.5] based upon the user input sliding the mobile payment card, set as
`temporary card, the mobile payment card, wherein while the mobile
`payment card is set as the temporary card, payments will be made by the
`mobile payment card;
`[13.9] reset the setting of the temporary payment card when the payable
`time passes.
`In the following discussion of “temporary payment card,” I refer
`primarily to claim 1 due to the substantial overlap between claims 1 and 13. My
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`comments about claim 1 apply equally to claim 13 unless otherwise noted.
`It remains my opinion that the term “temporary payment card”
`(including “temporary card”) should be construed according to its plain and
`ordinary meaning. I note that the ’692 patent does not define the term “temporary
`payment card” (or “temporary card”). As such, the inventors did not attempt to
`impart a special definition to this term.
`In my opinion, the plain and ordinary meaning of the term “temporary
`payment card” in the context of the ’692 patent is a payment card that can be used
`for a limited time. For example, the Merriam-Webster dictionary (2000) defines
`“temporary” as “lasting for a limited time.” APPL-10222. Similarly, the American
`Heritage Dictionary (1986) defines the term “temporary” as “[l]asting, used, or
`enjoyed for a limited time; impermanent.” APPL-1023.
`15. The ’692 patent explains that “[t]he user may make a temporary
`payment using a mobile payment card other than the main payment card. To
`achieve this, the user should set a mobile payment card to be used for temporary
`payment as a temporary payment card.” APPL-1001, 4:25-28. Thus, the ’692
`patent does not attribute any special meaning to the term “temporary payment
`card.” Therefore, the term “temporary payment card” should be construed
`according to its plain and ordinary meaning as “a payment card that can be used for
`a limited time.”
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`Houh Declaration
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`I understand that Dr. Shamos has proposed to construe “temporary
`payment card” according to its plain and ordinary meaning, but then provides an
`express construction for the plain and ordinary meaning, as shown below.
`EX2004, 16.
`17. Referencing his description of “exemplary embodiments” in the
`“Summary of the ’692 Patent” section of his Declaration (EX2004, ¶¶ 37-46),2 Dr.
`Shamos explains that “a ‘temporary payment card’ is one that can be used only for
`a ‘payable time,’ after which the ‘main payment card’ is used unless another
`temporary payment card is selected.” EX2004, ¶ 50.
`2 I note that during Dr. Shamos’ deposition, Dr. Shamos explained that his
`construction of “temporary payment card” in EX2004, ¶50 refers to the
`“Summary of the ’692 Patent” section of his Declaration (EX2004, ¶¶ 37-46),
`which describes “exemplary embodiments” of the ’692 patent. APPL-1021,
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`18. For the following reasons, I disagree that the plain and ordinary
`meaning of “temporary payment card” is a “payment card that can only be used for
`a payable time,” as Dr. Shamos contends.
`19. First, claim 1 does not recite that a “temporary payment card” is a
`“payment card that can only be used for a payable time.” Thus, Dr. Shamos is
`importing limitations that are not required by claim 1.
`In addition to construing “temporary payment card” to require
`limitations that are not recited in claim 1, Dr. Shamos alternatively argues that “[a]
`‘temporary payment card,’ according to the Patent, is one that is only valid for a
`‘payable time.’” EX2004, ¶ 38. I understand that during his deposition, Dr. Shamos
`acknowledged that “valid” is not part of his proposed construction, and he
`explained that “valid” means “usable in a transaction” while the card is selected,
`rather than permanently unusable such as if the card is expired. APPL-1021, 47:12-
`49:2, 27:20-28:9.
`21. Dr. Shamos bases his proposed construction on the combination of
`two conditions described in 1:24-2:31 of the ’692 patent: (1) if payment is made
`with a temporary payment card during a “payable time,” then the main payment
`card is reset; and (2) if no payment is made with the temporary payment card
`during the payable time, the main payment card is reset at the expiration of the
`payable time. EX2004, ¶¶38-39 (citing 1:49-57, 2:6-8), ¶43 (describing two
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`conditions); APPL-1021, 33:23-36:10 (Dr. Shamos explaining that his construction
`is based on those two conditions).3
`22. Claim 1 does not, however, recite or require the combination of
`conditions (1)-(2) to support Patent Owner’s construction. At most, limitation [1.8]
`recites part of condition (2): “resetting the setting of the temporary payment card
`when the payable time passes” such that “payments are made through a main
`card,” but condition (1) is not required by claim 1. Dr. Shamos is therefore
`improperly reading in limitations from the claims. I have reviewed the prosecution
`history and specification of the ’692 patent. There is no indication in the
`prosecution history or specification of the ’692 patent that the inventors or
`applicant intended “temporary payment card” to be construed based on conditions
`(1)-(2), which are not recited in the claims.
`23. Second, Dr. Shamos’ proposed construction excludes embodiments
`from the specification, in my opinion. As discussed above, Dr. Shamos’ proposed
`construction is based on the combination of conditions (1) and (2) relating to
`resetting the temporary payment card when the payable time ends because either
`3 I understand that Dr. Shamos admitted that the “Summary of the ’692 Patent”
`section of his Declaration (EX2004, ¶¶37-46) refers to only 1:24-2:31 of the
`’692 patent. APPL-1021, 26:8-18.
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`(1) the temporary payment card is used in a transaction during the payable time or
`(2) the payable time expires. The ’692 patent, however, discloses that the user
`herself can reset the temporary payment card “even if the payable time remains” by
`sliding down the temporary payment card on the screen, as shown in Figure 13
`below. APPPL-1001, 5:16-19 (“When the user intentionally slides down the
`temporary payment card as shown in FIG. 13 even if the payable time still
`remains, the setting of the temporary payment card is reset.”), 2:1-3 (“The method
`may further include, when the moved mobile payment card is moved to an original
`position by the user, resetting the setting of the temporary payment card.”).
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`User resets
`payment card
`during payable
`APPL-1001, Fig. 13 (annotated)
`24. Dr. Shamos’ proposed construction that a temporary payment card
`“can only be used for a payable time” does not include this additional condition
`where the user resets the temporary payment card while payable time still remains.
`Rather, Dr. Shamos’ proposed construction is based entirely on the combination of
`conditions (1)-(2) described in 1:24-2:31 of the ’692 patent. EX2004, ¶¶38-39, 43.
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`Houh Declaration
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`In my opinion, Dr. Shamos’ construction that excludes embodiments of the ’692
`patent should not be adopted. I understand that Dr. Shamos argued during his
`deposition that the Figure 13 embodiment, which is not addressed in his
`declaration, is encompassed by his proposed construction because “the user ended
`the payable time.” APPL-1021, 38:13-23, 37:9-43:1 (deposition testimony on
`Figure 13 embodiment). The ’692 patent does not explain that the user can “end[]
`the payable time.” The ’692 patent merely provides that the “payable time may be
`set/changed by the user,” including “extend[ing]” the payable time. APPL-1001,
`4:66-5:28, Fig. 12. Further, Dr. Shamos’ contention that the user “ended the
`payable time” is contrary to the ’692 patent’s express disclosure that the user can
`reset the temporary card “even if the payable time still remains.” APPL-1001,
`The remaining payable time is informed for the user as shown in FIG. 12.
`The payable time may be set/changed by the user through the above-
`described mobile payment card management screen or mobile wallet
`When the payable time passes, the slid up “ABC PREMIER” card is slid
`down and moves to the original position shown in FIG. 10. To let the user
`know that the setting of the temporary payment card is reset, the sliding-
`down process may be performed more slowly than the sliding-up process.
`Furthermore, an announcement to inform the reset of the setting of the
`temporary payment card may be outputted through visual information or
`voice/sound information, and may be outputted through a vibration.
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`When the payment is made within the payable time, the setting of the
`temporary payment card is reset. This is to prevent double payment.
`When the user intentionally slides down the temporary payment card as
`shown in FIG. 13 even if the payable time still remains, the setting of the
`temporary payment card is reset.
`The payable time may be extended. For example, when the mobile device
`is shaken horizontally by the user more than three times before the payable
`time passes, the payable time may be set to be extended. The gesture of
`shaking the mobile device is merely an example and may be substituted with
`a gesture of a different pattern.
`To extend the payable time or induce rapid payment, the mobile device
`may be set to output an alarm when 3 seconds remain as a payable time.
`APPL-1001, 4:66-5:28.
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`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`APPL-1001, Fig. 12
`25. Third, Dr. Shamos’ construction renders superfluous portions of
`limitation [1.8]. Dr. Shamos argues that the term “temporary payment card” itself
`should be construed so that it “can only be used for a payable time” because of
`conditions (1)-(2) described in 1:24-2:31 of the ’692 patent. That construction
`disregards the portion of limitation [1.8] reciting that the temporary payment card
`is reset “when the payable time passes.” This is the only condition recited in claim
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`Houh Declaration
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`1. If the term “temporary payment card” is itself construed so that it “can only be
`used for a payable time,” then that construction renders superfluous the portion of
`limitation [1.8] that specifically recites a condition on resetting the temporary
`payment card (“…when the payable time passes…”).
`26. Accordingly, the term “temporary payment card” should be construed
`according to its plain and ordinary meaning as “a payment card that can be used for
`a limited time.”
`B. Dr. Shamos’ constructions to correct errors in the claims.
`In my original Declaration (APPL-1003), I noted that there was a
`discrepancy in how limitations [1.6.2] and [13.7.2] used the terms “first portion”
`and “second portion” in relation to how limitations [1.1] and [13.2] used the terms
`“first portion” and “second portion.” APPL-1003, ¶¶ 44-47. For example, my
`original Declaration contained the following annotation of Figures 10 and 11 of the
`’692 patent, showing a list of payment cards at a first portion of the touch screen
`interface (towards bottom of the screen) (limitations [1.1] and [13.2]).
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`slid up to
`portion of
`list of
`cards at
`portion of
`APPL-1001 (’692 Patent), Figs. 10 and 11 (annotated)
`28. Dr. Shamos acknowledges that there is an “obvious error” in
`limitations [1.6.2] and [13.7.2]. Specifically, the “first portion” and “second
`portion” in limitations [1.6.2] and [13.7.2] should be reversed. To correct, this
`error, Dr. Shamos proposes the following construction for limitations [1.6.2] and
`[13.7.2]. I have added strikethrough and underline text to show how Dr. Shamos’
`proposed construction alters the original language of limitations [1.6.2] and
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`[1.6.2]/[13.7.2] moving the mobile payment card a first distance from the
`first second portion of the screen towards a second first portion of the touch
`EX2004, ¶68.
`I agree with Dr. Shamos’ proposed construction of limitations [1.6.2]
`and [13.7.2] to correct the obvious errors in these limitations.
`30. My original Declaration contained annotations of Figures 15 and 16
`that were based on the errors in original limitations [1.6.2] and [13.7.2]. APPL-
`1003, ¶46. Below, I have modified my annotations of Figures 15 and 16 by
`switching the “first portion” (near bottom of screen) and “second portion” (near
`top of screen) to correspond to Dr. Shamos’ corrective construction of limitations
`[1.6.2] and [13.7.2].
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`portion of
`the screen
`of the
`first portion
`of the touch
`APPL-1001, Figs. 15-16 (annotated)
`31. As shown in annotated Figure 15 and 16 above, as the payable time
`passes, the payment card is moved a first distance from the second portion of the
`screen (near the top of the screen) towards the first portion of the screen (near the
`bottom of the screen), as recited in limitations [1.6.2] and [13.7.2].
`32. By adopting Dr. Shamos’ corrective construction of limitations [1.6.2]
`and [13.7.2], I agree for purposes of simplicity that the following “screen” terms
`may be used synonymously (despite differences in the terms):
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`EX2004, pp. 16-17
`C. Applying Dr. Shamos’ corrective construction
`33. As noted in Section III.B above, Dr. Shamos has proposed to construe
`limitations [1.6.2] and [13.7.2] by reversing the “first portion” and “second
`portion,” as follows:
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` [1.6.2]/[13.7.2] moving the mobile payment card a first distance from the
`first second portion of the screen towards a second first portion of the touch
`EX2004, ¶68 (my alterations).
`In my original Declaration, using the original language of limitations
`[1.6.2] and [13.7.2], I explained that with reference to the first annotated version of
`Hertel’s Figure 17 below:
`Hertel describes selecting a temporary card to use as the active card for
`payment by dragging and dropping that card from its location in the e-wallet
`into a payment receptacle. As shown below in annotated Figure 17, the
`payment receptacle is displayed toward the right side of the electronic wallet
`([a] first portion of the screen), while the inactive cards are displayed
`toward the left side of the electronic wallet (a second portion of the touch
`APPL-1003, ¶135.
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`a second portion of the
`touch screen
`a first portion of the screen
`wallet 7
`APPL-1005, Fig. 17 (annotated); APPL-1003, ¶135
`35. Applying Dr. Shamos’ corrective construction (“moving the mobile
`payment card a first distance from the first second portion of the screen towards a
`second first portion of the touch screen”) (see Section III.B above), Hertel
`discloses selecting a temporary card to use as the active card for payment by
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`dragging and dropping it from its location in the e-wallet into a payment
`receptacle. As shown below in Figure 17, Hertel’s payment receptacle is toward
`the right side of the e-wallet ([a] second portion of the screen), while the inactive
`cards are toward the left (a first portion of the touch screen).
`a first portion of the
`touch screen
`a second portion of the
`APPL-1005, Fig. 17 (annotated)
`36. Thus, my analysis of Hertel with respect to limitations [1.6.2] and
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`[13.7.2] is the same, except that I reversed the “first portion” and “second portion”
`in my second annotation of Hertel’s Figure 17 above to reflect Dr. Shamos’
`corrective claim construction of limitations [1.6.2] and [13.7.2].
`37. As indicated above, I cited to various portions of Dr. Shamos’
`deposition transcript (APPL-1021). The portions of Dr. Shamos’ deposition
`transcript that I cited to are reproduced below.
`APPL-1021, 47:12-25 (cited in ¶20 above).
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`Houh Declaration
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`APPL-1021, 48:1-25 (cited in ¶20 above).
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`APPL-1021, 49:1-2 (cited in ¶20 above).
`APPL-1021, 27:20-25 (cited in ¶20 above).
`APPL-1021, 28:1-9 (cited in ¶20 above).
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`APPL-1021, 33:23-25 (cited in ¶21 above).
`APPL-1021, 34:1-25 (cited in ¶21 above).
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`APPL-1021, 35:1-25 (cited in ¶21 above).
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`APPL-1021, 36:1-10 (cited in ¶21 above).
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`APPL-1021, 37:9-25 (cited in ¶24 above).
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`APPL-1021, 38:1-25 (cited in ¶24 above).
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`APPL-1021, 39:1-25 (cited in ¶24 above).
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`APPL-1021, 40:1-25 (cited in ¶24 above).
`APPL-1020 / IPR2022-01149 / Page 34 of 40
`Apple Inc. v. Mozido Corfire-Korea, Ltd.


`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`APPL-1021, 41:1-25 (cited in ¶24 above).
`APPL-1020 / IPR2022-01149 / Page 35 of 40
`Apple Inc. v. Mozido Corfire-Korea, Ltd.


`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`APPL-1021, 42:1-43:1 (cited in ¶24 above).
`APPL-1020 / IPR2022-01149 / Page 36 of 40
`Apple Inc. v. Mozido Corfire-Korea, Ltd.


`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`APPL-1021, 23:23-25 (cited in footnote 2 above).
`APPL-1020 / IPR2022-01149 / Page 37 of 40
`Apple Inc. v. Mozido Corfire-Korea, Ltd.


`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`APPL-1021, 24:1-25 (cited in footnote 2 above).
`APPL-1020 / IPR2022-01149 / Page 38 of 40
`Apple Inc. v. Mozido Corfire-Korea, Ltd.


`Houh Declaration
`Inter Partes Review of U.S. 10,223,692
`APPL-1021, 25:1-9 (cited in footnote 2 above).
`APPL-1021, 26:8-18 (cited in footnote 3 above).
`APPL-1020 / IPR2022-01149 / Page 39 of 40
`Apple Inc. v. Mozido Corfire-Korea, Ltd.


`APPL-1020 / IPR2022-01149 / Page 40 of 40
`Apple Inc. v. Mozido Corfire-Korea, Ltd.

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