Why are Human-Computer Interfaces
`Difficult to Design and Implement?
`Brad A. Myers
`July 1993
`Computer Science Department
`Carnegie Mellon University
`Pittsburgh, PA 15213
`Everyone knows that designing and implementing human-computer interfaces is difficult and
`time-consuming. However, there is little discussion of why this is true. Should we expect that a
`new method is around the corner that will make the design easier? Will the next generation of
`user interface toolkits make the implementation trivial? No. This article discusses reasons why
`user interface design and implementation are inherently difficult tasks and will remain so for the
`foreseeable future.
`Copyright © 1993 - Carnegie Mellon University
`This research was sponsored by the Avionics Lab, Wright Research and Development Center,
`Aeronautical Systems Division (AFSC), U. S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
`45433-6543 under Contract F33615-90-C-1465, Arpa Order No. 7597.
`The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be
`interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S.
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`Keywords: User Interface Software, User Interfaces, Human-Computer Interaction,
`Software Engineering, User Interface Design, User Interface Implementation.
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`Why are User Interfaces Difficult to Design and Implement?
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`1. Introduction
`Most articles about design of human-computer interfaces (HCI) start off with a comment like
`"Because user interfaces are hard to design...." and then propose a method or tool to help.
`Similarly, articles about user interface implementation tools such as toolkits and user interface
`management systems (UIMSs) will start "Because user interfaces are hard to implement...." But
`why are human-computer interfaces so hard to design and implement, and can we expect this
`problem to be solved? Like software in general, there is no ‘‘silver bullet’’ [Brooks 87] to make
`user interface design and implementation easier. In addition to the difficulties associated with
`designing any complex software system, user interfaces add the problems that:
`• Designers have difficulty learning the user’s tasks,
`• The tasks and domains are complex,
`• There are many different aspects to the design which must all be balanced, such as
`standards, graphic design, technical writing, internationalization, performance,
`multiple levels of detail, social factors, legal issues, and implementation time,
`• The existing theories and guidelines are not sufficient, and
`• Iterative design is difficult.
`User interfaces are especially hard to implement because:
`• They are hard to design, requiring iterative implementation,
`• They are reactive and must be programmed from the ‘‘inside-out,’’
`• They inherently require multiprocessing,
`• There are real-time requirements for handling input events,
`• The software must be especially robust while supporting aborting and undoing of all
`• It is difficult to test user interface software,
`• Today’s languages do not provide support for user interfaces,
`• The tools to help with user interfaces are extremely complex, and
`• Programmers report an added difficulty of modularization of user interface software.
`This paper discusses these issues in detail, but first, we summarize why a focus on the user
`interface is important.
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`2. Why User Interfaces Are Important
`The primary growth area for computers is their use in consumer electronics. This is why
`computer manufacturers like Apple are getting into the ‘‘personal digital assistant’’ market. The
`Friend21 project in Japan believes that in the 21st century everyone will be using computers for
`their everyday activities [Nonogaki 91]. For the users of these devices, ease-of-use has become a
`prime factor in decisions about which ones to buy. Time is valuable, people do not want to read
`manuals, and they want to spend their time accomplishing their goals, not learning how to
`operate a computer-based system. Usability is now also critical for commercial desktop
`software. User’s demands on software have changed; they expect to be able to sit down and use
`software with little or no frustration. Thus, usability is a do or die decision for developers, and is
`being cited with increasing frequency and explicitness in product advertisements.
`Although American industry has invested heavily in information technology, the expected
`productivity improvements have not been realized [Attewell 93]. Usability at the individual,
`group and firm level has been cited as a culprit in this productivity paradox. For instance, the
`ever-changing computer environments caused by new product introductions and upgrades make
`continual learning demands on workers [Attewell 93].
`There is substantial empirical evidence that attention to usability dramatically decreases costs
`and increases productivity. A model of human performance, and a corroborating empirical
`study, predicted that a new workstation for telephone operators would decrease productivity
`despite improved hardware and software. The resulting decision not to buy the new workstation
`is credited with saving NYNEX an estimated $2 million a year [Gray 92]. A different study
`reported savings from usability engineering of $41,700 in a small application used by 23,000
`marketing personnel, and $6,800,000 for a large business application used by 240,000 employees
`[Karat 90]. This was attributed to decreased task time, fewer errors, greatly reduced user
`disruption, reduced burden on support staff, elimination of training, and avoiding changes in
`software after release. One analysis estimates the mean benefit for finding each usability
`problem at $19,300 [Mantei 88]. A mathematical model based on 11 studies suggests that using
`1Friend21 is a 6-year project started in 1988 with the goal of promoting research and development into next-
`generation user interfaces, primarily intelligent agents and adaptive interfaces. It is funded at about US$120 million,
`and is a consortium of 14 major Japanese companies organized by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
`Friend21 stands for Future Personalized Information Environment Development [Nonogaki 91].
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`software which has undergone thorough usability engineering will save a small project $39,000,
`a medium project $613,000 and a large project $8,200,000 [Nielsen 93a]. By estimating all the
`costs associated with usability engineering, another study found that the benefits can be up to
`5000 times the cost [Nielsen 93b].
`Other studies have shown that it is important to have HCI specialists involved in design. A
`formal experiment reported that professional HCI designers created interfaces that had fewer
`errors and supported faster user execution than interfaces designed by programmers [Bailey 93].
`One reason is that training and experience in HCI design has a clear impact on the designer’s
`mental model of interfaces and of the user interface design task [Gillan 90]. This implies that
`HCI design is not simply a matter of luck or common sense, and that experience using a
`computer is not sufficient for designing a good user interface, but that specific training in HCI is
`The importance of a focus on human-computer interaction has been recognized by industry,
`academia and governments. The Committee to Access the Scope and Direction of Computer
`Science and Technology of the National Research Council in their report Computing the Future
`lists User Interfaces as one of the six ‘‘core subfields’’ of CS, and notes that it is ‘‘very
`important’’ or ‘‘central’’ to a number of important application areas such as global change
`research, computational biology, commercial computing, and electronic libraries [Hartmanis 92].
`Two surveys of Information Services practitioners and managers listed Human Interface
`technologies as the most critical area for organizational impact [Grover 93]. New regulations,
`such as Directive 90/270 from the Council of European Communities, are being passed that
`require interfaces to be ‘‘easy to use and adaptable to the operator’’ [Billingsley 93]. ACM has
`started two new publications about HCI: Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction and the
`magazine Interactions. ARPA and NSF in the United States, ESPRIT in Europe and MITI in
`Japan have all initiated significant HCI initiatives.
`3. Why User Interfaces Are Hard to Design
`Although the benefits of usability engineering are clear, no-one believes that this solves the
`problem of making interfaces easy to use. However, there is surprisingly little attention to why
`user interfaces are difficult to design. This section discusses some of the reasons.
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`3.1 The Difficulty in Knowing Tasks and Users
`The first command to user interface designers is ‘‘know thy user.’’ This has been formalized
`to some extent by the HCI sub-field of ‘‘task analysis.’’ Unfortunately, this is extremely
`difficult in practice.
`Surveys of software in general show that the deep application-specific knowledge required to
`successfully build large, complex systems is held by only a few developers, and is hard to
`acquire [Curtis 88].
`Furthermore, Don Norman reports:
`My experience is that the ... initial specifications ... are usually wrong, ambiguous or
`incomplete. In part, this is because they are developed by people who do not understand the
`real problems faced by the eventual users.... Worse, the users may not know what they want, so
`having them on the design team is not a solution. Actually, developing correct specifications
`may not be solvable, because ... a true understanding of a tool can only come through usage, in
`part because new tools change the system, thereby changing both needs and requirements... All
`the formalization in the world will not help us solve this problem [Norman 93].
`The user interface portion of the code requires even deeper understanding of the users than the
`design of the functionality since the interface must match the skills, expectations and needs of
`the intended users. Users are extremely diverse, and the ‘‘individual differences’’ sub-field of
`HCI is devoted to studying this problem. There is ample evidence that programmers have a
`difficult time thinking like end-users [Gillan 90]. HCI specialists seem to be better at this, which
`is one reason their interface designs are easier to use. But finding HCI specialists who are also
`domain experts is often difficult.
`3.2 The Inherent Complexity of Tasks and Applications
`An ordinary telephone is pretty easy to use, but modern business phones that can hold,
`transfer, record, and playback calls can be quite challenging due to the increased complexity.
`Similarly, Microsoft Word for the Macintosh has about 300 commands and CAD programs like
`AutoCAD have over 1000. It is clearly impossible for applications with that many functions to
`have an interface that is as easy to learn and use as one that has only a few functions.
`This increased complexity comes from many sources. Partly, it results from the complex
`requirements in the domain itself. For example, CAD programs must provide techniques for
`carefully aligning objects, which is not necessary in simple drawing packages. Additional
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`complexity arises from providing a single, generic application that must work for a variety of
`users and domains. Thus, Microsoft Word has dozens of ways to move the cursor, so that
`individuals’ preferences can be accommodated. CAD programs might provide a dozen different
`ways to draw a circle so that users can choose the appropriate method for their tasks.
`One way to try to overcome complexity is to use metaphors that exploit the users’ prior
`knowledge by making interface objects seem like objects that the user is familiar with.
`instead of reducing the absolute complexity of an interface, this approach seeks to increase the
`familiarity of the concepts.... [However] the inevitable mismatches of the metaphor and its
`target are a source of new complexities for users. [Carroll 88]
`3.3 The Variety of Different Aspects and Requirements
`All design involves tradeoffs, but it seems that user interface design involves a much larger
`number of concerns, and they are the purview of widely different disciplines. User interface
`design includes considerations about:
`1. Standards: An interface will usually need to adhere to standard user interface
`guidelines, such as the Macintosh, Windows or Motif user interface styles.
`However, these style guides are usually hard to interpret and apply. Furthermore,
`the standards will only cover a small part of the user interface design, and will not
`insure that even this part has high usability. Other ‘‘standards’’ with which a
`design might need to be compatible include previous versions of the product, and
`related products from competitors.
`2. Graphic Design: An important part of the user interface design is the graphical
`presentation, including the layout, colors, icon design, and text fonts. This is
`typically the province of professional graphic designers.
`3. Documentation, Messages and Help Text: One study showed that rewriting the
`help messages, prompts, and documentation to increase their quality had
`significantly more impact on the usability of a system than varying the interface
`style [Borenstein 85]. Thus it is important to have good technical writers
`participating in the design.
`4. Internationalization: Many products today will be used by people who speak
`different languages. Internationalizing an interface is much more difficult than
`simply translating the text strings, and may include different number, date, and
`time formats, new input methods, redesigned layouts, different color schemes, and
`new icons [Russo 93].
`5. Performance: Users will not tolerate interfaces that perform too slowly. For
`example, it was reported that users did not like early versions of the Xerox Star
`office workstation because there were delays in the response time, even though the
`users’ overall productivity was much higher. Performance concerns explain why
`moving windows on the Macintosh shows XORed outlines rather than having the
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`entire window move as on the NeXT. The designer must always balance what is
`desirable with what will keep up with the mouse.
`6. High-level and low-level details: It is not sufficient to get the overall model
`correct; each low-level detail must also be perfected. If users do not like the
`placement of the ‘‘control’’ key on the keyboard, or cannot find a menu item, they
`will not like the interface. Similarly, even if each low-level detail is perfect, if the
`overall system model does not make sense, the interface may be unusable.
`7. External factors: Many systems fail for political, organizational, and social reasons
`entirely independent of the design of the software. If users perceive that the
`software will threaten their jobs or status, they will not like it no matter what the
`user interface. Designers must be aware of the social context in which their system
`will be used.
`8. Legal issues: One way to get a good design is to copy a design that has proven to
`be workable and popular. Unfortunately, there are many situations where this is
`illegal today. Lotus sued PaperBack software for copying its menu structure, and
`Apple has sued a number of companies for copying its user interface. Designers
`must be aware of which interface elements can be used and which cannot.
`9. Time to program and test: There is always a tradeoff between the time to test and
`perfect a user interface, and the time to ship the product. The more times an
`interface is iteratively refined, the better it is likely to be, but then it will be later to
`reach the marketplace.
`10. Others: Interfaces that are aimed at special audiences have additional concerns.
`For example, software that helps multiple users collaborate (computer-supported
`cooperative work) have interesting design constraints, such as what does Undo
`mean when multiple people are using the same software? Advanced input devices,
`such as pen-based gesture recognition, speech, or DataGloves, also raise many
`interesting issues.
`The implication of these requirements is that all user interface design involves tradeoffs, and it
`is impossible to optimize all criteria at once. Furthermore, people with quite different skills must
`be involved with different parts of the design.
`3.4 Theories and Guidelines Are Not Sufficient
`There are many methodologies, theories and guidelines for how to produce a good user
`interface (each CHI conference proceedings is likely to have a few). Smith and Mosier have
`compiled 944 guidelines in a 478 page report [Smith 86]. Although there are a number of
`reports of successful systems created using various methodologies, evidence suggests that the
`skill of the designers was the primary contributor to the quality of the interface, rather than the
`method or theory. In fact, there are important counter-examples to even the most basic
`guidelines. For instance, most sources put consistency at the top of lists of guidelines, but
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`Grudin discusses many cases where consistency is not appropriate. For example, menu systems
`might have the default selection be the more recent or most likely selection, but still might not
`use this rule for questions confirming dangerous operations [Grudin 89]. In addition, some of
`the guidelines in Smith and Mosier are contradictory.
`Whereas early papers in HCI were full of experimental laboratory studies of small issues in
`user interface design, such as the proper menu organization, you rarely see any of these now
`because the results have failed to generalize. In fact, Tom Landauer says:
`For the most part, useful theory [from cognitive psychology] is impossible, because the
`behavior of human-computer systems is chaotic or worse, highly complex, dependent on many
`unpredictable variables, or just too hard to understand. Where it is possible, the use of theory
`will be constrained and modest, because the theories will be imprecise, will cover only limited
`aspects of behavior, ... and will not necessarily generalize. [Landauer 91]
`3.5 Difficulty of Doing Iterative Design
`Due to all the difficulties described above, all HCI professionals and HCI methodologies
`recommend iterative design, where the interface is prototyped and repeatedly redesigned and
`tested on actual end users. A recent survey reported that 87% of the development projects used
`iterative design in some form [Myers 92a]. However, this process is also quite difficult.
`One important problem is that the designer’s intuition about how to fix an observed problem
`may be wrong, so the new version of the system may be worse than the previous version.
`Therefore, it is difficult to know when to stop iterating. Furthermore, ‘‘... [experimental] data
`supports the idea that changes made to improve one usability problem may introduce other
`usability problems’’ [Bailey 93]. The same data also showed that while iterating on a poor
`design does improve it, iteration never gets it to be as good as an interface that was originally
`well-designed. Thus iterative design does not obviate the need for good designers.
`Another important problem is getting ‘‘real’’ users with which to test. ‘‘Too often ... testers
`have to extrapolate from ‘problem’ users who bring a set of ‘hidden agendas’ with them to the
`test session’’ [Ballman 93]. The actual users of a product may be different from the buyers, so it
`is important not to use the buyers as subjects. Participants in tests are usually self-selected, so
`they are likely to be more interested, motivated, and capable than the actual end users. Each
`iteration of the testing should involve different users, so a large number of people might be
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`Finally, iterative testing can be quite long and expensive. Formal tests may take up to 6 weeks
`so getting answers back to the design team may be slow. A usability lab may cost between
`$70,000 and $250,000 in capital costs to set up, plus professional staff. When contracted out to a
`consulting firm, a single usability test may cost between $10,000 and $60,000, and when
`performed in house, $3000 to $5000 [Abelow 93]. Nielsen provides a survey of the costs for
`various techniques [Nielsen 93a], and shows that the benefits still outweigh the costs.
`Furthermore, there are ‘‘discount’’ usability methods that are often sufficient [Nielsen 90]. Still
`the costs are considerable, and it can take a long time, which conflicts with the desire to get
`products out quickly.
`4. Why User Interfaces Are Hard to Implement
`In addition to being hard to design, user interfaces are also hard to implement. Many surveys
`have shown that the user interface portion of the software accounts for over half of the code and
`development time. For example, one survey reports that over a wide class of program types,
`machine types and tools used, the percent of the design time, the implementation time, the
`maintenance time, and the code size devoted to the user interface was about 50% [Myers 92a].
`In fact, there are a number of important reasons why user interface software will inherently be
`among the most difficult kinds of software to create. For example, if you list the general
`properties that will make any system difficult to implement, multi-processing, robustness and
`real-time requirements will be at the top of the list, and these are all present in user interface
`4.1 Need for Iterative design
`The first reason that user interface software is difficult to implement is the need to use iterative
`design, as discussed above. This means that the conventional software engineering ‘‘waterfall’’
`approach to software design, where the user interface is fully specified, then implemented, and
`later tested, is inadequate. Instead, the specification, implementation, and testing must be
`intertwined [Swartout 82]. This makes it very difficult to schedule and manage user interface
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`4.2 Reactive Programming
`Once the implementation begins, there are a number of properties of user interface software
`that make it more complex than other kinds of software. One big difference is that modern user
`interfaces must be written ‘‘inside-out.’’ Rather than structuring the code so that the application
`is in control, as is usually taught in computer science classes, the application must instead be
`structured as many subroutines which are called by the user interface toolkit when the user does
`something. Each subroutine will have stringent time constraints so that it will complete before
`the user is ready to give the next command. Programmers must be trained to write programs in
`this way, and it appears to be more difficult for programmers to organize and modularize
`reactive programs [Rosson 87].
`4.3 Multiprocessing
`A related issue is that in order to be reactive, user interface software usually must be organized
`into multiple processes. All modern user interface software environments, including most
`windowing systems, queue ‘‘event’’ records to deliver the keyboard and mouse inputs from the
`user to the user interface software. Users expect to be able to abort and undo actions (for
`example, by typing control-C or Command-dot). Also, if a window’s graphics needs to be
`redrawn by the application, the window system notifies the application by adding a special
`‘‘redraw’’ event to the queue. Therefore, the user interface software must be structured so that it
`can accept input events at all times, even while executing commands. Consequently, any
`operations that may take a long time, such as printing, searching, global replace, re-paginating a
`document, or even repainting the screen, should be executed in a separate process.
`Furthermore, the window system itself often runs as a separate process. Another motivation for
`multiple processes is that the user may be involved in multiple ongoing dialogs with the
`application, for example, in different windows. These dialogs will each need to retain state
`about what the user has done, and will also interact with each other.
`Therefore, programmers creating user interface software will encounter the well-known
`problems with multiple processes, including synchronization, maintaining consistency among
`multiple threads, deadlocks, and race conditions.
`2Alternatively, the long jobs could poll for input events in their inner loop, and then check to see how to handle
`the input, but this is essentially a way to simulate multiple processing.
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`4.4 Need for Real-time Programming
`In addition to the problems involved with multiprocessing, user interface programmers will
`also encounter the difficulties of real-time programming. Most graphical, direct manipulation
`interfaces will have objects that are animated or which move around with the mouse. In order
`for this to be attractive to users, the objects must be redisplayed between 30 and 60 times per
`second without uneven pauses. Therefore, the programmer must ensure that any necessary
`processing to calculate the feedback can be guaranteed to finish in about 16 milliseconds. This
`might involve using less realistic but faster approximations (such as XORed bounding boxes),
`and complicated incremental algorithms that compute the output based on a single input which
`has changed, rather than a simpler recalculation based on all inputs.
`4.5 Need for Robustness
`Naturally, all software has robustness requirements. However, the software that handles the
`users’ inputs has especially stringent requirements because all inputs must be gracefully handled.
`Whereas a programmer might define the interface to an internal procedure to only work when
`passed a certain type of value, the user interface must always accept any possible input, and
`continue to operate. Furthermore, unlike internal routines that might abort to a debugger when
`an erroneous input is discovered, user interface software must respond with a helpful error
`message, and allow the user to start over or repair the error and continue.
`To make the task even more difficult, user interfaces should allow the user to abort and undo
`any operation. Therefore, the programmer must implement all actions in a way that will allow
`them to be aborted while executing and reversed after completion. Special data structures and
`coding styles are often required to support this.
`4.6 Low Testability
`A related problem is the difficulty of testing user interface software for correctness. While all
`complex software is difficult to test, one reason that user interface software is more difficult is
`that automated testing tools are rarely useful for direct manipulation systems, since they have
`difficulty providing input and testing the output. For ‘‘regression testing’’ (to see if a new
`version of the software breaks things that used to work in the previous version), tools for
`conventional software will supply inputs and test the outputs against the values produced by the
`previous version. However, in a direct manipulation system, if buttons have moved or new items
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`have been added to menus, a transcript of the input events from the previous version may not
`invoke the desired operations. Furthermore, the outputs of most operations are changes to the
`screen, which can be impossible for an automatic program to compare to a saved picture since at
`least something in each screen is likely to have changed between versions.
`4.7 No Language Support
`Another reason that programming user interface software is difficult is that the programming
`languages used today do not contain the appropriate features. For example, no popular computer
`programming language contains primitives for graphical input and output. Many languages,
`however, have input-output primitives that will read and write strings; for example, C provides
`scanf and printf. Unfortunately, using these procedures produces very bad user interfaces,
`since the user is required to answer questions in a highly-modal style, and there are no facilities
`for undo or help. Therefore, the built-in input/output facilities of the languages must be ignored
`and large external libraries must be used instead.
`Furthermore, as discussed above, user interface software is reactive and requires multi-
`processing. Features to support these are missing from languages. Research into user interface
`software has identified other language features that can make the creation of user interface
`software easier. For example, most people agree that user interface software should be ‘‘object-
`oriented’’ but languages do not seem to provide an appropriate object system: Apple had to
`invent Object Pascal to implement their MacApp framework, and the implementors of Motif and
`OpenLook for Unix could not find an acceptable object system so they hacked together an object
`system into C called xtk. One reason C++ is gaining in popularity is the recognized need for an
`object-oriented style to support user interface programming, but C++ has no graphics primitives
`or support for multi-processing or reactive programming. A recent book discusses languages for
`programming user interfaces at length [Myers 92b].
`4.8 Complexity of the Tools
`Since the programming languages are not sufficient, a large number of tools have been
`developed to address the user interface portion of the software. Unfortunately, these tools are
`notoriously difficult to use. Manuals for the tools often run to many volumes and contain
`hundreds of procedures. For example, the Macintosh ToolBox manuals now fill six books.
`Some tools even require the programmer to learn an entirely new special-purpose programming
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`language to create the user interface (e.g., the UIL language for defining screen layouts for
`Motif). Clearly, enormous training is involved in learning to program user interfaces using these
`tools. In spite of the size and complexities of the tools, they may still not provide sufficient
`flexibility to achieve the desired effect. For example, in the Macintosh and Motif toolkits, it is
`easy to have a keyboard accelerator that will perform the same operation as a menu item, but
`very difficult to have a keyboard command do the same thing as an on-screen button.
`It may also be difficult to use the underlying graphics packages, which allow the rectangles,
`circles and text to be drawn. Since the human eye is quite sensitive to small differences, the
`graphic displays must essentially be perfect: a single pixel error in alignment will be visible.
`Most existing graphics packages provide no help with making the displays attractive.
`4.9 Difficulty of Modularization
`One of the most important ways to make software easier to create and maintain is to
`appropriately modularize the different parts. The standard admonition in textbooks is that the
`user interface portion should be separated from the rest of the software, in part so that the user
`interface can be easily changed (for iterative design). Unfortunately, programmers find in
`practice that it is difficult or impossible to separate the user interface and application parts
`[Rosson 87], and changes to the user interface usually require reprogramming

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