`Accurate whole human genome
`sequencing using reversible terminator
`A list of authors and their affiliations appears at the end of the paper
`DNA sequence information underpins genetic research, enabling discoveries of important biological or medical benefit.
`Sequencing projects have traditionally used long (400–800 base pair) reads, but the existence of reference sequences for
`the human and many other genomes makes it possible to develop new, fast approaches to re-sequencing, whereby shorter
`reads are compared to a reference to identify intraspecies genetic variation. Here we report an approach that generates
`several billion bases of accurate nucleotide sequence per experiment at low cost. Single molecules of DNA are attached to a
`flat surface, amplified in situ and used as templates for synthetic sequencing with fluorescent reversible terminator
`deoxyribonucleotides. Images of the surface are analysed to generate high-quality sequence. We demonstrate application of
`this approach to human genome sequencing on flow-sorted X chromosomes and then scale the approach to determine the
`genome sequence of a male Yoruba from Ibadan, Nigeria. We build an accurate consensus sequence from .303 average
`depth of paired 35-base reads. We characterize four million single-nucleotide polymorphisms and four hundred thousand
`structural variants, many of which were previously unknown. Our approach is effective for accurate, rapid and economical
`whole-genome re-sequencing and many other biomedical applications.
`DNA sequencing yields an unrivalled resource of genetic informa-
`tion. We can characterize individual genomes, transcriptional states
`and genetic variation in populations and disease. Until recently, the
`scope of sequencing projects was limited by the cost and throughput
`of Sanger sequencing. The raw data for the three billion base
`(3 gigabase (Gb)) human genome sequence, completed in 2004 (ref. 1),
`was generated over several years for ,$300 million using several hun-
`dred capillary sequencers. More recently an individual human gen-
`ome sequence has been determined for ,$10 million by capillary
`sequencing2. Several new approaches at varying stages of development
`aim to increase sequencing throughput and reduce cost3–6. They
`increase parallelization markedly by imaging many DNA molecules
`simultaneously. One instrument run produces typically thousands or
`millions of sequences that are shorter than capillary reads. Another
`human genome sequence was recently determined using one of these
`approaches7. However, much bigger improvements are necessary to
`enable routine whole human genome sequencing in genetic research.
`We describe a massively parallel synthetic sequencing approach that
`transforms our ability to use DNA and RNA sequence information in
`biological systems. We demonstrate utility by re-sequencing an indivi-
`dual human genome to high accuracy. Our approach delivers data at
`very high throughput and low cost, and enables extraction of genetic
`information of high biological value, including single-nucleotide
`polymorphisms (SNPs) and structural variants.
`DNA sequencing using reversible terminators
`We generated high-density single-molecule arrays of genomic DNA
`fragments attached to the surface of the reaction chamber (the flow
`cell) and used isothermal ‘bridging’ amplification to form DNA ‘clus-
`ters’ from each fragment. We made the DNA in each cluster single-
`stranded and added a universal primer for sequencing. For paired
`read sequencing, we then converted the templates to double-stranded
`DNA and removed the original strands, leaving the complementary
`strand as template for the second sequencing reaction (Fig. 1a–c). To
`obtain paired reads separated by larger distances, we circularized
`DNA fragments of the required length (for example, 2 6 0.2 kb)
`and obtained short junction fragments for paired end sequencing
`(Fig. 1d).
`We sequenced DNA templates by repeated cycles of polymerase-
`directed single base extension. To ensure base-by-base nucleotide
`incorporation in a stepwise manner, we used a set of four reversible
`terminators, 39-O-azidomethyl 29-deoxynucleoside triphosphates
`(A, C, G and T), each labelled with a different removable fluorophore
`(Supplementary Fig. 1a)8. The use of 39-modified nucleotides
`allowed the incorporation to be driven essentially to completion
`without risk of over-incorporation. It also enabled addition of all
`four nucleotides simultaneously rather than sequentially, minimiz-
`ing risk of misincorporation. We engineered the active site of 9uN
`DNA polymerase to improve the efficiency of incorporation of these
`unnatural nucleotides9. After each cycle of incorporation, we deter-
`mined the identity of the inserted base by laser-induced excitation of
`the fluorophores and imaging. We added tris(2-carboxyethyl)pho-
`sphine (TCEP) to remove the fluorescent dye and side arm from a
`linker attached to the base and simultaneously regenerate a 39
`hydroxyl group ready for the next cycle of nucleotide addition
`(Supplementary Fig. 1b). The Genome Analyzer (GA1) was designed
`to perform multiple cycles of sequencing chemistry and imaging to
`collect the sequence data automatically from each cluster on the
`surface of each lane of an eight-lane flow cell (Supplementary Fig. 2).
`To determine the sequence from each cluster, we quantified the
`fluorescent signal from each cycle and applied a base-calling algo-
`rithm. We defined a quality (Q) value for each base call (scaled as by
`the phred algorithm10) that represents the likelihood of each call
`being correct (Supplementary Fig. 3). We used the Q-values in sub-
`sequent analyses to weight the contribution of each base to sequence
`alignment and detection of sequence variants (for example, SNP
` ©2008 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
`NATURE | Vol 456 | 6 November 2008
`calling). We discarded all reads from mixed clusters and used the
`remaining ‘purity filtered’ reads for analysis. Typically we generated
`1–2 Gb of high-quality purity filtered sequence per flow cell from
`,30–60-million single 35-base reads, or 2–4 Gb in a paired read
`experiment (Supplementary Table 1).
`To demonstrate accurate sequencing of human DNA, we sequenced
`a human bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone (bCX98J21) that
`contained 162,752 bp of the major histocompatibility complex on
`Figure 1 | Preparation of samples. a, DNA fragments are generated, for
`example, by random shearing and joined to a pair of oligonucleotides in a
`forked adaptor configuration. The ligated products are amplified using two
`oligonucleotide primers, resulting in double-stranded blunt-ended material
`with a different adaptor sequence on either end. b, Formation of clonal
`single-molecule array. DNA fragments prepared as in a are denatured and
`single strands are annealed to complementary oligonucleotides on the flow-
`cell surface (hatched). A new strand (dotted) is copied from the original
`strand in an extension reaction that is primed from the 39 end of the surface-
`bound oligonucleotide; the original strand is then removed by denaturation.
`The adaptor sequence at the 39 end of each copied strand is annealed to a new
`surface-bound complementary oligonucleotide, forming a bridge and
`generating a new site for synthesis of a second strand (dotted). Multiple
`cycles of annealing, extension and denaturation in isothermal conditions
`result in growth of clusters, each ,1 mm in physical diameter. This follows
`the basic method outlined in ref. 33. c, The DNA in each cluster is linearized
`by cleavage within one adaptor sequence (gap marked by an asterisk) and
`denatured, generating single-stranded template for sequencing by synthesis
`to obtain a sequence read (read 1; the sequencing product is dotted). To
`perform paired-read sequencing, the products of read 1 are removed by
`denaturation, the template is used to generate a bridge, the second strand is
`re-synthesized (shown dotted), and the opposite strand is then cleaved (gap
`marked by an asterisk) to provide the template for the second read (read 2).
`d, Long-range paired-end sample preparation. To sequence the ends of a
`long (for example, .1 kb) DNA fragment, the ends of each fragment are
`tagged by incorporation of biotinylated (B) nucleotide and then circularized,
`forming a junction between the two ends. Circularized DNA is randomly
`fragmented and the biotinylated junction fragments are recovered and used
`as starting material in the standard sample preparation procedure illustrated
`in a. The orientation of the sequence reads relative to the DNA fragment is
`shown (magenta arrows). When aligned to the reference sequence, these
`reads are oriented with their 59 ends towards each other (in contrast to the
`short insert paired reads produced as shown in a–c). See Supplementary Fig.
`17a for examples of both. Turquoise and blue lines represent
`oligonucleotides and red lines represent genomic DNA. All surface-bound
`oligonucleotides are attached to the flow cell by their 59 ends. Dotted lines
`indicate newly synthesized strands during cluster formation or sequencing.
`(See Supplementary Methods for details.)
`human chromosome 6 (accession AL662825.4, previously determined
`using capillary sequencing by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute).
`We developed a fast global alignment algorithm ELAND that aligns a
`read to the reference only if the read can be assigned a unique position
`with 0, 1 or 2 differences. We collected 0.17 Gb of aligned data for the
`BAC from one lane of a flow cell. Approximately 90% of the 35-base
`reads matched perfectly to the reference, demonstrating high raw read
`accuracy (Supplementary Fig. 4). To examine consensus coverage
`and accuracy, we used 5 Mb of 35-base purity filtered reads (30-fold
`average input depth of the BAC) and obtained 99.96% coverage of the
`reference. There was one consensus miscall, at a position of very low
`coverage (just above our cutoff threshold), yielding an overall con-
`sensus accuracy of .99.999%.
`Detecting genetic variation of the human X chromosome
`For an initial study of genetic variation, we sequenced flow-sorted X
`chromosomes of a Caucasian female (sample NA07340 originating
`from the Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH)). We
`generated 278-million paired 30–35-bp purity filtered reads and
`aligned them to the human genome reference sequence. We carried
`out separate analyses of the data using two alignment algorithms:
`ELAND (see above) or MAQ (Mapping and Assembly with
`Qualities)11. Both algorithms place each read pair where it best
`matches the reference and assign a confidence score to the alignment.
`In cases where a read has two or more equally likely positions (that is,
`in an exact repeat), MAQ randomly assigns the read pair to one
`position and assigns a zero alignment quality score (these reads are
`excluded from SNP analysis). ELAND rejects all non-unique align-
`ments, which are mostly in recently inserted retrotransposons (see
`Supplementary Fig. 5). MAQ therefore provides an opportunity to
`assess the properties of a data set aligned to the entire reference,
`whereas ELAND effectively excludes ambiguities from the short read
`alignment before further analysis.
`We obtained comprehensive coverage of the X chromosome from
`both analyses. With MAQ, 204 million reads aligned to 99.94% of the
`X chromosome at an average depth of 433. With ELAND, 192 mil-
`lion reads covered 91% of the reference sequence, showing what can
`be covered by unique best alignments. These results were obtained
`after excluding reads aligning to non-X sequence (impurities of flow
`sorting) and apparently duplicated read pairs (Supplementary Table 2).
`We reasoned that these duplicates (,10% of the total) arose during
`initial sample amplification.
`The sampling of sequence fragments from the X chromosome is
`close to random. This is evident from the distribution of mapped
`read depth in the MAQ alignment in regions where the reference is
`unique (Fig. 2a): the variance of this distribution is only 2.26 times
`that of a Poisson distribution (the theoretical minimum). Half of this
`excess variance can be accounted for by a dependence on G1C con-
`tent. However, the average mapped read depth only falls below 103
`in regions with G1C content less than 4% or greater than 76%,
`comprising in total just 1% of unique chromosome sequence and
`3% of coding sequence (Fig. 2b).
`We identified 92,485 candidate SNPs in the X chromosome using
`ELAND (Supplementary Fig. 6). Most calls (85%) match previous
`entries in the public database dbSNP. Heterozygosity (p) in this data
`set is 4.3 3 1024 (that is, one substitution per 2.3 kb), close to a
`previously published X chromosome estimate (4.7 3 1024)12. Using
`MAQ we obtained 104,567 SNPs, most of which were common to the
`results of the ELAND analysis. The differences between the two sets of
`SNP calls are largely the consequence of different properties of the
`alignments as described earlier. For example, most of the SNPs found
`only by the MAQ-based analysis were at positions of low or zero
`sequence depth in the ELAND alignment (Supplementary Fig. 6c).
`We assessed accuracy and completeness of SNP calling by compar-
`ison to genotypes obtained for this individual using the Illumina
`HumanHap550 BeadChip (HM550). The sequence data cov-
`ered .99.8% of the 13,604 genotyped positions and we found excellent
` ©2008 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
`NATURE | Vol 456 | 6 November 2008
`depth and/or anomalous read pair spacing, similar to previous
`approaches13–15. We detected 115 indels in total, 77 of which were
`visible from anomalous read-pair spacing (see Supplementary Tables
`4 and 5). We developed Resembl, an extension to the Ensembl
`browser16, to view all variants (Supplementary Fig 9). Inversions
`can be detected when the orientation of one read in a pair is reversed
`(for example, see Supplementary Fig. 10). In general, inversions
`occur as the result of non-allelic homologous recombination, and
`are therefore flanked by repetitive sequence that can compromise
`alignments. We found partial evidence for other inversion events,
`but characterization of inversions from short read data is complex
`because of the repeats and requires further development.
`Sequencing and analysis of a whole human genome
`Our X chromosome study enabled us to develop an integrated set of
`methods for rapid sequencing and analysis of whole human genomes.
`We sequenced the genome of a male Yoruba from Ibadan, Nigeria
`(YRI, sample NA18507). This sample was originally collected for the
`HapMap project17,18 through a process of community engagement
`and informed consent19 and has also been studied in other pro-
`jects20,21. We were therefore able to compare our results with publicly
`available data from the same sample. We constructed two libraries:
`one of short inserts (,200 bp) with similar properties to the previous
`X chromosome library and one from long fragments (,2 kb) to
`provide longer-range read-pair information (see Supplementary
`Fig. 11 for size distributions). We generated 135 Gb of sequence
`(,4 billion paired 35-base reads; see Supplementary Table 6) over
`a period of 8 weeks (December 2007 to January 2008) on six GA1
`3.3 Gb
`Supplementary Table 1 for example). The approximate consumables
`cost (based on full list price of reagents) was $250,000. We aligned
`97% of the reads using MAQ and found that 99.9% of the human
`reference (NCBI build 36.1) was covered with one or more reads at an
`average of 40.6-fold depth. Using ELAND, we aligned 91% of the
`reads over 93% of the reference sequence at sufficient depth to call a
`strong consensus (.three Q30 bases). The distribution of mapped
`read depth was close to random, with slight over-dispersion as seen
`for the X chromosome data. We observed comprehensive representa-
`tion across a wide range of G1C content, dropping only at the very
`extreme ends, but with a different pattern of distribution compared
`to the X chromosome (see Supplementary Fig. 12).
`We identified ,4 million SNPs, with 74% matching previous
`entries in dbSNP (Fig. 3). We found excellent agreement of our
`SNP calls with genotyping results: sequence-based SNP calls covered
`almost all of the 552,710 loci of HM550, with .99.5% concordance
`of sequencing versus genotyping calls (Table 1 and Supplementary
`Table 7a). The few disagreements were mostly under-calls of hetero-
`zygous positions (GT.Seq) in areas of low sequence depth, provid-
`ing us with a false-negative rate of ,0.35% from the ELAND analysis
`(see Table 1). The other disagreements (0.09% of all genotypes)
`included errors
`in genotyping plus apparent
`tri-allelic SNPs
`(Supplementary Table 7a). The main cause of genotype error
`(0.05% of all genotypes) is the existence of a second ‘hidden’ SNP
`close to the assayed locus that disrupts the genotyping assay, leading
`to loss of one allele and an erroneous homozygous genotype
`(Supplementary Figs 13 and 14).
`To examine the accuracy of SNP calling in more detail, we com-
`pared our sequence-based SNP calls with 3.7 million genotypes (HM-
`All) generated for this sample during the HapMap project (Table 1
`and Supplementary Table 7b)18 and found excellent concordance
`between the data sets. Disagreements included sequence-based
`under-calls of heterozygous positions in regions of low read depth.
`The slightly higher level of other disagreements (0.76%) seen in this
`analysis compared to that of the HM550 data (0.09%) is in line with
`the higher level of underlying genotype error rate of 0.7% for the
`HapMap data18. To refine this analysis further, we generated a set of
`530,750 very high confidence reference genotypes comprising
`Unique only
`Mapped depth (fold)
`G+C content (%)
`50 60
`Frequency (Mb)
`Mapped depth
`Percentile of unique sequence ordered by G+C content
`Figure 2 | X chromosome data. a, Distribution of mapped read depth in the
`X chromosome data set (NA07340), sampled at every 50th position along the
`chromosome and displayed as a histogram (‘All’). An equivalent analysis of
`mapped read depth for the unique subset of these positions is also shown
`(‘Unique only’). The solid line represents a Poisson distribution with the
`same mean. b, Distribution of X chromosome uniquely mapped reads as a
`function of G1C content. Note that the x axis is per cent G1C content and is
`scaled by percentile of unique sequence. The solid line is average mapped
`depth of unique sequence; the grey region is the central 80% of the data (10th
`to 90th centiles); the dashed lines are 10th and 90th centiles of a Poisson
`distribution with the same mean as the data.
`agreement between sequence-based SNP calls and genotyping data
`(99.52% or 99.99% using ELAND or MAQ,
`Supplementary Table 3). There was complete concordance of all
`homozygous calls and a low level of ‘under-calling’ from the sequence
`data (denoted as ‘GT.Seq’ in Table 1) at a small number of the
`heterozygous sites, caused by inadequate sampling of one of the two
`alleles. The depth of input sequence influences the coverage and accu-
`racy of SNP calling. We found that reducing the read depth to 153 still
`gives 97% coverage of genotype positions and only 1.27% of the het-
`erozygous sites are under-called. We observed no other types of dis-
`agreement at any input depth (Supplementary Fig. 7).
`We detected structural variants (defined as any variant other than
`a single base substitution) as follows. We found 9,747 short inser-
`tions/deletions (‘short indels’; defined here as less than the length of
`the read) by performing a gapped alignment of individual reads
`(Supplementary Fig. 8). We identified larger indels based on read
` ©2008 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
`NATURE | Vol 456 | 6 November 2008
`Table 1 | Comparison of SNP calls made from sequence versus genotype data for the human genome (NA18507) and X chromosome (NA07340)
`HM550 (13,604
`HM550 (552,710
`HM-All (3,699,592
`HM550 (13,604
`HM550 (552,710
`HM-All (3,699,592
`Combined (530,750 SNPs)
`Covered by
`Concordant calls
`All disagreements
`SNP panels referred to are HM550 (Illumina Infinium HumanHap550 BeadChip) and HM-All (complete data from phase 1 and phase 2 of the International HapMap Project). ‘Combined’ is a set of
`concordant genotypes from both sets (HM550 and HM-All; see text). GT.Seq denotes a heterozygous genotyping SNP call where there is a homozygous sequencing SNP call (one of the two
`alleles); Seq.GT denotes the converse (that is, a heterozygous sequencing SNP call where there is a homozygous genotyping call). Other discordances are differences in the two SNP calls that
`cannot be accounted for by one allele being missing from one call.
`concordant calls in both the HM550 and HM-All genotype data sets.
`Comparing the results of the MAQ analysis to this high confidence
`set (see Table 1), we found 130 heterozygote under-calls GT.Seq
`(that is, a false-negative rate of 0.025%). There were also 130 hetero-
`zygote over-calls Seq.GT, but most of these are probably genotype
`errors as 82 have a nearby ‘hidden’ SNP and 3 have a nearby indel. A
`further 41 are tri-allelic loci, leaving at most 4 potential wrong calls by
`sequencing (that is, false-positive rate of 4 per 529,589 positions).
`Finally we selected a subset of novel SNP calls from the sequence data
`and tested them by genotyping. We found 96.1% agreement between
`sequence and genotype calls (Supplementary Table 8). However, the
`47 disagreements included 10 correct sequencing calls (genotyping
`under-calls owing to hidden SNPs) and 7 sequencing under-calls. On
`this basis, therefore, the false-positive discovery rate for the one mil-
`lion novel SNPs is 2.5% (30 out of 1,206). For the entire data set of
`four million SNPs detected in this analysis, the false-positive and
`-negative rates both average ,1%.
`This genome from a Yoruba individual contains significantly more
`polymorphism than a genome of European descent. The autosomal
`heterozygosity (p) of NA18507 is 9.94 3 1024 (1 SNP per 1,006 bp),
`higher than previous values for Caucasians (7.6 3 1024, ref. 12).
`Heterozygosity in the pseudoautosomal region 1 (PAR1) is substan-
`tially higher (1.92 3 1023) than the autosomal value. PAR1 (2.7 Mb)
`In dbSNP
`In dbSNP
`(42.4% dbSNP)
`(75.5% dbSNP)
`(60.8% dbSNP)
`Figure 3 | SNPs identified in the human genome sequence of NA18507.
`a, Number of SNPs detected by class and percentage in dbSNP (release 128).
`Results from ELAND and MAQ alignments are reported separately.
`b, Analysis of SNPs detected in each analysis reveals extensive overlap. The
`percentage of NA18507 SNP calls that match previous entries in dbSNP is
`lower than that of our X chromosome study (see Supplementary Fig. 6). We
`expect this because individual NA07340 (from the X chromosome study)
`was also previously used for discovery and submission of SNPs to dbSNP
`during the HapMap project, in contrast to NA18507.
`at the tip of the short arm of chromosomes X and Y undergoes
`obligatory recombination in male meiosis, which is equivalent to
`203 the autosome average. This illustrates a clear correlation
`between recombination and nucleotide diversity. By contrast, the
`0.33-Mb PAR2 region has a much lower recombination rate than
`PAR1; we observed that heterozygosity in PAR2 is identical to that
`of the autosomes in NA18507. Heterozygosity in coding regions is
`lower (0.54 3 1023) than the total autosome average, consistent with
`the model that some coding changes are deleterious and are lost as the
`result of natural selection22. Nevertheless, the 26,140 coding SNPs
`(Supplementary Fig. 15) include 5,361 non-conservative amino acid
`(Supplementary Table 9), many of which are expected to affect pro-
`tein function.
`We performed a genome-wide survey of structural variation in this
`individual and found excellent correlation with variants that had
`been reported in previous studies, as well as detecting many new
`variants. We
`0.4 million
`(1–16 bp;
`Supplementary Fig. 16), most of which are length polymorphisms
`in homopolymeric tracts of A or T. Half of these events are corrobo-
`rated by entries in dbSNP, and 95 of 100 examined were present in
`amplicons sequenced from this individual in ENCODE regions, con-
`firming the high specificity of this method of short indel detection.
`For larger structural variants (detected by anomalously spaced paired
`ends) we found that some were detected by both long and short insert
`data sets (Supplementary Fig. 17a), but most were unique to one or
`other data set. We observed two reasons for this: first, small events
`(,400 bp) are within the normal size variance of the long insert data;
`second, nearby repetitive structures can prevent unique alignment of
`read pairs (see Supplementary Fig. 17b, c). In some cases, the high
`resolution of the short insert data permits detection of additional
`complexity in a structural rearrangement that is not revealed by
`the long insert data. For example, where the long insert data indicate
`a 1.3-kb deletion in NA18507 relative to the reference, the short insert
`data reveal an inversion accompanied by deletions at both break-
`points (Fig. 4). We carried out de novo assembly of reads in this
`region and constructed a single contig that defines the exact structure
`of the rearrangement (data not shown).
`We discovered 5,704 structural variants ranging from 50 bp
`to .35 kb where there is sequence absent from the genome of
`NA18507 compared to the reference genome. We observed a steadily
`decreasing number of events of this type with increasing size, except
`for two peaks (Supplementary Fig. 18). Most of the events repre-
`sented by the large peak at 300–350 bp contain a sequence of the
`AluY family. This is consistent with insertion of short interspersed
`nuclear elements (SINEs) that are present in the reference genome
`but missing from the genome of NA18507. Similarly, the second,
`smaller peak at 6–7 kb is the consequence of insertion of the long
`interspersed nuclear element (LINE) L1 Homo sapiens (L1Hs) in
` ©2008 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
`NATURE | Vol 456 | 6 November 2008
`8.00 kb
`4 kb
`many cases. We found good correspondence between our results and
`the data of ref. 23, which reported 148 deletions of ,100 kb in this
`individual on the basis of abnormal fosmid paired-end spacing. We
`found supporting evidence for 111 of these events. We detected a
`further 2,345 indels in the range 60–160 bp which are sequences
`present in the genome of NA18507 and absent from the reference
`genome (Supplementary Fig. 19). One example is shown in
`Figure 4 | Homozygous complex rearrangement detected by anomalous
`paired reads. The rearrangement involves an inversion of 369 bp
`(blue–turquoise bar in the schematic diagram) flanked by deletions (red
`bars) of 1,206 and 164 bp, respectively, at the left- and right-hand
`breakpoints. a, Summary tracks in the Resembl browser, denoting scale,
`simulated alignability of reads to reference (blue plot), actual aligned depth
`of coverage by NA18507 reads (green plot), density of anomalous reads
`indicating structural variants (red plot; peaks denote ‘hotspots’) and density
`of singleton reads (pink plot). b, Anomalous long-insert read pairs (orange
`lines denote DNA fragment; blocks at either end denote each read); the data
`indicate loss of ,1.3 kb in NA18507 relative to the reference. c, Anomalous
`short-insert pairs of two types (red and pink) indicate an inverted sequence
`flanked by two deletions. d, Normal short-insert read-pair alignments (each
`green line denotes the extent of the reference that is covered by the short
`fragment, including the two reads). e, The schematic diagram depicts the
`arrangement of normal and anomalous read pairs relative to the
`rearrangement. Top line, structure of NA18507; second line, structure of
`reference sequence. Green bars denote sequence that is collinear in the
`reference and NA18507 genomes. The turquoise–blue bar illustrates the
`inverted segment. Red bars indicate the sequences present in the reference
`but absent in NA18507. Arrows denote orientation of reads when aligned to
`the reference. The display in a–d is a composite of screen shots of the same
`window, overlapped for display purposes.
`Supplementary Fig. 20. The ‘singleton’ reads on either side of the
`event, which have partners that do not align to the reference, form
`part of a de novo assembly that precisely defines the novel sequence
`and breakpoint (Supplementary Fig. 21).
`Effect of sequence depth on coverage and accuracy
`We investigated the impact of varying input read depth (and hence
`cost) on SNP calling using chromosome 2 as a model. SNP discovery
`increases with increasing depth: essentially all homozygous positions
`are detected at 153, whereas heterozygous positions accumulate
`more gradually to 333 (Fig. 5a). This effect is influenced by the
`stringency of the SNP caller. To call each allele in this analysis we
`required the equivalent of two high-quality Q30 bases (as opposed to
`three used in full depth analyses). Homozygotes could be detected at
`read depth of 23 or higher, whereas heterozygote detection required
`at least double this depth for sampling of both alleles. Missing calls
`(not covered by sequence) and discordances between sequence-based
`SNP calls and genotype loci (mostly under-calls of heterozygotes due
`to low depth) progressively reduced with increasing depth (Fig. 5b).
`We observed very few other types of discordance at any depth; many
`of these are genotyping errors as described above.
`Concluding remarks
`Reversible terminator chemistry is a defining feature of this sequen-
`cing approach, enabling each cycle to be driven to completion while
`minimizing misincorporation. The result is a system that generates
`accurate data at very high throughput and low cost. We determined
`an accurate whole human genome sequence in 8 weeks to an average
`depth of ,403. We built a consensus sequence, optimized methods
`for analysis, assessed accuracy and characterized the genetic variation
`of this individual in detail.
`We assessed accuracy relative to genotype data over the entire
`fraction of the human sequence where SNP calling was possible
`(.90%). We established very low false-positive and -negative rates
`for the ,four million SNPs detected (,1% over-calls and under-
`calls). This compares favourably with previous individual genome
`analyses which reported a 24% under-calling of heterozygous posi-
`Paired reads were very powerful in all areas of the analysis. They
`provided very accurate read alignment and thus improved the accu-
`racy and coverage of consensus sequence and SNP calling. They were
`essential for developing our short indel caller, and for detecting larger
`structural variants. Our short-insert paired-read data set introduced
`a new level of resolution in structural variation detection, revealing
`thousands of variants in a size range not characterized previously. In
` ©2008 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
`NATURE | Vol 456 | 6 November 2008
`filtered read data are available for download from the Short Read Archive at
`NCBI or from the European Short Read Archive (ERA) at the EBI.
`Analysis software. Image analysis software and the ELAND aligner are provided
`as part of the Genome Analyzer analysis software. SNP and structural variant
`detectors will be available as future upgrades of the analysis pipeline. The
`Resembl extension to Ensembl is available on request. The MAQ (Mapping
`and Assembly with Qualities) aligner is freely available for download from
`Data access. Sequence data for NA18507 are freely available from the NCBI short
`read archive,
`accession SRA000271 (ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/TraceDB/
`ShortRead/SRA000271). X chromosome data are freely available fro