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`My Bibliography .,.,.., _,hri,t;,.,·,s;bliocraphy
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`v 303 citat,ons, Sort by n�st to otdtst
`7 Sempio C, Wymort E, Palmier C, Bunik "', Henthorn TK, Christians U, Klawitter J. DdKllOfl of Cannabiooids by LC-MS·MS and ELISA m Brust Milk. J Anal
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`J Sempio C. Lindley E, Klawittier J. Christians U, Bowler RP, Adgate JL, Allshouse W,Awdziejczyk L. Fischier S, Bainbf"idge J, Vandyke M. Netsanet R. Crume T,
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`7 Van Hove JLK, Freehauf Cl, Ficicioglu C, Pena LOM, Moreau KL, Henthorn TK. Christians U, Jian, H, Cowan TM, Young SP, Hite M, Friederich MW, Stabler
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`= Emoto C, John50fl TN, Hahn 0, Christians U, Alloway RR, Vin ks AA, Fukuda T.A ThN»'eUcat Physioloeically·Based Pharmac.okinetic Approach to Ascertain
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`Davidson JA, Pfeifer Z, Frank B, Too& S, Urban TT, Wischmeyer PA, Mourani P, Land eek B, Christians U, Klawitter J. Metabolomic Fingerprintint or Infants
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`L.J Turner£, Erwin M, Ati&h M, Christians U, Saul Jt.,, Yazdani SK. In vitro aod ir'I lrivo�nt of Keratose as a NOYel Exc.ipient of P�litaxel Cobted
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`Li Diwan TS, lichvar AB, Leino /\0, \links M. Christians U, Sh�ld� AR, Cardi MA, Fukuda T, T, Kaise-l' T, Woodle ES, Alloway RR. Ph.>ffflacol.ine11c and
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