`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`Alba. A
`0 OO
`(43) International Publication Date
`31 January 2008 (31.01.2008)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2008/014414 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`AG1K 38/17 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`26 July 2007 (26.07.2007)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`26 July 2006 (26.07.2006)
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
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`(71) Applicant
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`[US/US]; 2558 Booker Creek Road, Chapel Hill, North
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`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
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`(74) Agents: HULEATT, Jayme A. et al.; Cooley Godward
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`Suite 500, Washington, District Of Columbia 20036 (US).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`[Continued on next page]
`MPO Secretion from LPS-Primed Human Neutrophils
` 0.00
`Absorbance 450am
`10 uM 8-Br-cGMP
`+ PMA (nM)
`087014414 A2 | IN IV 0000 OO OO
`(57) Abstract: The present invention includes methods of inhibiting or suppressing cellular secretory processes. More specifically
`& the present invention relates to inhibiting or reducing the release of inflammatory mediators from inflammatory cells by inhibiting
`the mechanism associated with the release of inflammatory mediators from granules in inflammatory cells. In this regard, the present
`invention discloses an intracellular signaling mechanism that illustrates several novel intracellular targets for pharmacological in-
`tervention in disorders involving secretion of inflammatory mediators from vesicles in inflammatory cells. Peptide fragments and
`variants thereof of MANS peptide as disclosed in the present invention are useful in such methods.
`WO 2008/014414 A 2
`{NII DA 000 000000 0000 0
`with sequence listing part of description published sepa-
`rately in electronic form and available upon request from
`the International Bureau
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`WO 2008/014414
`Cross Reference to Related Application
`The present application claims priority to U.S. Serial No.: 60/833,239 filed on July 26,
`20006, which is incorporated in its entirety by reference.
`Field of Invention
`The present invention relates to peptides or peptide compositions and methods of their
`use to attenuate (or inhibit or reduce) the stimulated release of mediators of inflammation from
`inflammatory cells during inflammation.
`The present invention also relates to use of these
`peptides or peptide compositions to modulate an intracellular signaling mechanism regulating the
`secretion of inflammatory mediators from inflammatory cells.
`Background of the Invention
`Inflammatory leukocytes synthesize a number of inflammatory mediators that
`isolated intracellularly and stored in cytoplasmic membrane-bound granules. Examples of such
`mediators include, but are not limited to, myeloperoxidase [MPO] in neutrophils (see,
`example, Borregaard N, Cowland JB. Granules of the human neutrophilic polymorphonuclear
`leukocyte. Blood 1997; 89:3503-3521), eosinophil peroxidase [EPO] and major basic protein
`[MBP] in eosinophils (see,
`for example, Gleich G J. Mechanisms of eosinophil-associated
`Allergy ~~ Clin
`Immunol ~~ 2000;
` 105:651-663),
`monocytes/macrophages (see, for example, Hoff T, Spencker T, Emmendoerffer A., Goppelt-
`Struebe M. Effects of glucocorticoids on the TPA-induced monocytic differentiation. J Leukoc
`M A,
`phospholipase A2 is required for lysozyme secretion in U937 promonocytes. J Immunol 2003;
`170:5276-5280), and granzyme in natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic lymphocytes (see, for
`example, Bochan MR, Goebel WS, Brahmi Z.
`Stably transfected antisense granzyme B and
`perforin constructs inhibit human granule-mediated lytic ability. Cell Immunol 1995;164:234-
`239; Gong JH., Maki G, Klingemann HG. Characterization of a human cell line (NK-92) with
`phenotypical and functional characteristics of activated natural killer cells. Leukemia 1994;
`WO 2008/014414
`8:652-658; Maki G, Klingemann HG, Martinson JA, Tam YK. Factors regulating the cytotoxic
`activity of the human natural killer cell line, NK-92. J Hematother Stem Cell Res 2001; 10:369-
`383; and Takayama H, Trenn G,
`Sitkovsky MV. A novel cytotoxic T lymphocyte activation
`assay. J Immunol Methods 1987; 104:183-190).
`Such mediators are released at sites of injury
`and contribute to inflammation and tissue repair such as in the lung and elsewhere.
`It is known
`that leukocytes release these granules via an exocytotic mechanism (see, for example, Burgoyne
`RD, Morgan A. Secretory granule exocytosis. Physiol Rev 2003; 83:581-632; and Logan MR,
`Odemuyiwa SO, Mogbel R. Understanding exocytosis in immune and inflammatory cells: the
`molecular basis
`of mediator secretion. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003;
`111: 923-932), but
`regulatory molecules and specific pathways involved in the exocytotic process have not been
`fully described.
`Several exogenous stimuli can provoke degranulation of leukocytes via a pathway that
`involves activation of protein kinase C and subsequent phosphorylation events (see, for example,
`Burgoyne RD, Morgan A. Secretory granule exocytosis. Physiol Rev 2003; 83:581-632; Logan
`MR, Odemuyiwa SO, Mogbel R. Understanding exocytosis in immune and inflammatory cells:
`the molecular basis of mediator secretion. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003; 111: 923-932; Smolen
`JE, Sandborg RR. Ca2+-induced secretion by electropermeabilized human neutrophils: the roles
`of Ca2+, nucleotides and protein kinase C. Biochim Biophys Acta 1990; 1052:133-142; Niessen
`electropermeabilized human neutrophils. Biochim. Biophys. Acta
`1994; 1223:267-273; and
`Naucler C, Grinstein S, Sundler R., Tapper H. Signaling to localized degranulation in neutrophils
`adherent to immune complexes. J Leukoc Biol 2002; 71:701-710).
`MARCKS protein (where MARCKS as used herein means “Myristoylated Alanine-
`Rich C Kinase Substrate™), is a ubiquitous phosphorylation target of protein kinase C (PKC), and
`is highly expressed in leukocytes (see, for example, Aderem AA, Albert KA, Keum MM, Wang
`JK, Greengard P, Cohn ZA. Stimulus-dependent myristoylation of a major substrate for protein
`kinase C. Nature 1988; 332:362-364; Thelen M, Rosen A, Nairn AC, Aderem A. Regulation by
`phosphorylation of reversible association of a myristoylated protein kinase C substrate with the
`plasma membrane. Nature 1991; 351:320-322; and Hartwig JH, Thelen M, Rosen A, Janmey
`PA, Nairn AC, Aderem A. MARCKS is an actin filament crosslinking protein regulated by
`WO 2008/014414
`protein kinase C and calcium-calmodulin. Nature 1992; 356:618-622. MARCKS protein is
`mechanistically involved in a process of exocytotic secretion of mucin by goblet cells that line
`respiratory airways (see, for example, Li et al., J Biol Chem 2001; 276:40982-40990; and Singer
`et al.,, Nat Med 2004; 10:193-196). MARCKS is myristoylated via an amide bond at the N-
`terminal amino acid in the MARCKS protein’s amino acid sequence at the alpha-amine position
`of the glycine which resides at the N-terminus (i.e.,
`at position 1) of amino acid sequence. In
`airway epithelial cells, the myristoylated N-terminal region of MARCKS appears to be integral
`to the secretory process.
`By the N-terminus of the MARCKS protein is meant the MANS
`peptide which contains Myristoyl-GAQFSKTAAKGEAAAERPGEAAVA (SEQ ID NO: 1),
`which are L-amino acids.
`Additionally, the peptide fragments of the MANS peptide disclosed
`herein, also preferably are composed of L-amino acids.
`The mechanism appears to involve
`binding of MARCKS, a myristoylated protein, to membranes of intracellular granules.
`An N-terminal myristoylated peptide from the N-terminus of MARCKS has been
`shown to block both mucin secretion and binding of MARCKS to mucin granule membranes in
`goblet cells (see, for example, Singer et al., Nat Med 2004; 10:193-196). This peptide contains
`24 amino acids of the MARCKS protein beginning with the N-terminal glycine of the MARCKS
`protein which is myristoylated via an amide bond and is known as myristoylated alpha-N-
`terminal sequence (MANS); i.e., Myristoyl-GAQFSKTAAKGEAAAERPGEAAVA (SEQ ID
`NO: 1). Also Vergeres et al., J. Biochem. 1998, 330; 5-11, discloses that the N-terminal glycine
`residue of MARCKS proteins is myristoylated via a reaction catalyzed by myristoyl CoA:protein
`N-myristoyl transferase (NMT).
`In inflammatory diseases, such as asthma, COPD and chronic bronchitis; in genetic
`diseases such
`allergic conditions (atopy,
`allergic inflammation); in
`bronchiectasis; and in
`a number of acute, infectious respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia,
`rhinitis, influenza or the common cold, arthritis or auto-immune diseases, inflammatory cells are
`usually found in or migrate to areas of injury or infection associated with inflammatory disease
`states, especially in or to respiratory passages or airways of patients suffering from such diseases.
`These inflammatory cells can contribute greatly to the pathology of diseases via tissue damage
`done by inflammatory mediators released from these cells. One example of such tissue damage
`or destruction via this chronic inflammation occurs in cystic fibrosis patients where mediators
`WO 2008/014414
`released from neutrophils (e.g., myeloperoxidase [MPO]) induce the desquamation of the airway
`epithelial tissue.
`MARCKS, a protein of approximately 82 kD, has three evolutionarily-conserved
`regions (Aderem et
`al., Nature 1988; 332:362-364; Thelen et
`al., Nature 1991; 351:320-322;
`Hartwig et al., Nature 1992; 356:618-622; Seykora et al., J Biol Chem 1996; 271:18797-18802):
`an N-terminus, a phosphorylation site domain (or PSD), and a multiple homology 2 (MH2)
`domain. Human MARCKS cDNA and protein is known and reported by Harlan et al.,
`J. Biol.
`Chem. 1991, 266:14399 (GenBank Accession No. M68956) and also by Sakai er al., Genomics
`1992, 14: 175. These sequences are also provided in a WO 00/50062, which is incoporated in its
`entirety by reference. The N-terminus, an alpha-amino acid sequence comprising 24 amino acid
`residues with a myristic acid moiety attached via an amide bond to the N-terminal glycine
`residue is involved in binding of MARCKS to membranes in cells (Seykora et al., J Biol Chem
`1996; 271:18797-18802) and possibly to calmodulin (Matsubara et
`J Biol Chem 2003;
`278:48898-48902). This 24 amino acid sequence is known as the MANS peptide.
`Summary of the Invention
`Involvement of MARCKS protein in release of inflammatory mediators from the
`granules of infiltrating leukocytes is relevant to inflammation in diseases in
`all tissues and
`organs, including lung diseases characterized by airway inflammation, such as asthma, COPD
`and cystic fibrosis. However, inflammation and mucus secretion in the airways are two separate
`and independent processes (Li et al., J Biol Chem 2001; 276:40982-40990; Singer et al., Nut Med
`2004; 10:193-196). While mucus production and secretion can be provoked by a number of
`factors, including mediators released by inflammatory cells, there is no known direct link
`whereby excess mucus causes inflammation.
`[00010] In one aspect of this invention, the MANS peptide can play a role in the reducing the
`rate and/or amount of release of inflammatory mediators granules or vesicles in inflammatory
`In another aspect, peptides derived from the MARCKS N-terminus, especially from the
`24 amino acid N-terminal sequence, i.e., active contiguous peptide fragments derived from
`WO 2008/014414
`within the N-terminal 1-to-24 amino acid sequence of MARCKS having a glycine at position 1,
`as well as N-terminal amides of such fragments, such as N-terminal acetic acid amides of such
`fragments, and/or as well as C-terminal amides of such fragments, such as C-terminal amides of
`ammonia, can inhibit or reduce the rate and/or amount of release of inflammatory mediators
`from inflammatory leukocytes. Such inhibition or reduction in release comprises inhibition of a
`MARCKS-related release of inflammatory mediators from inflammatory leukocytes.
`In another aspect, peptides derived from the MARCKS N-terminus, especially from the
`1-to-24 amino acid N-terminal sequence, i.e., active contiguous peptide fragments derived from
`within the N-terminal 1 to 24 amino acid sequence of MARCKS having a glycine at position 1,
`as well as N-terminal amides of such fragments such as N-terminal acetic acid amides of such
`fragments, and as well as C-terminal amides of such fragments such as C-terminal amides of
`ammonia, can inhibit the rate of release and/or amount of release of inflammatory mediators
`such as those identified herein in this invention, by inhibiting the process of degranulation in
`inflammatory leucocytes.
`In another aspect, the MANS peptide and active fragments thereof, and active amides
`of such fragments as described herein, can compete for membrane binding in inflammatory cells
`with native MARCKS protein to attenuate (lessen or reduce) MARCKS-related release of
`mediators of inflammation from granules or vesicles containing such mediators of inflammation
`in such inflammatory cells.
`[00014] Leukocyte cell types and model cell types that secrete specific granule contents in
`response to phorbol ester induced activation of PKC are useful for in vitro demonstration of
`efficacy of peptides of this invention and of substituted peptides (e.g., alpha-N-amides, C-
`terminal amides and esters) of this invention.
`[00015] The attenuation of release of membrane-bound inflammatory mediators by compounds
`and compositions of this invention can be demonstrated using human leukocyte cell lines. For
`example, neutrophils isolated from human blood can be used to demonstrate attenuation or
`inhibition of release of myeloperoxidase (MPO). The human promyelocytic cell
`line HL-60
`clone 15 can be used to demonstrate attenuation of release or inhibition of release or secretion of
`eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) by compounds and compositions of this invention (see,
`WO 2008/014414
`example, Fischkoff SA. Graded increase in probability of eosinophilic differentiation of HL-60
`promyelocytic leukemia cells induced by culture under alkaline conditions. Leuk Res 1988;
`12:679-686; Rosenberg HF, Ackerman S
`J, Tenen DG. Human eosinophil cationic protein:
`molecular cloning of a cytotoxin and helminthotoxin with ribonuclease activity. J Exp Med
`170:163-176; Tiffany HL,
`F, Rosenberg HF. Hyperglycosylation of eosinophil
`ribonucleases in
`a promyelocytic leukemia cell
`line and in differentiated peripheral blood
`progenitor cells. J Leukoc Biol 1995; 58:49-54; and Badewa AP, Hudson CE, Heiman AS.
`Regulatory effects
`of eotaxin,
`and eotaxin-3
`on eosinophil degranulation and
`superoxide anion generation. Exp Biol Med 2002; 227:645-651). The monocytic leukemia cell
`line U937 can be used to demonstrate attenuation of release or inhibition of release or secretion
`of lysozyme by compounds and compositions of this invention (see,
`for example, Hoff T,
`Spencker T, Emmendoerffer A., Goppelt-Struebe M. Effects of glucocorticoids on the TPA-
`induced monocytic differentiation. J Leukoc Biol 1992; 52:173-182; Balboa M A, Saez Y,
`Balsinde J. Calcium-independent phospholipase A2 is required for lysozyme secretion in U937
`promonocytes. J Immunol 2003; 170:5276-5280; and Sundstrom C, Nilsson K. Establishment
`and characterization of a human histiocytic lymphoma cell line (U-937). Int J Cancer 1976;
`17:565-577). The lymphocyte natural
`line NK-92 can be used to demonstrate
`attenuation or inhibition of release of granzyme by compounds and compositions of this
`invention (see, for example, Gong JH., Maki G, Klingemann HG. Characterization of a human
`cell line (NK-92) with phenotypical and functional characteristics of activated natural killer cells.
`Leukemia 1994; 8:652-658; Maki G, Klingemann HG, Martinson JA, Tam YK.
`regulating the cytotoxic activity of the human natural killer cell line, NK-92. J Hematother Stem
`Cell Res 2001; 10:369-383; and Takayama H, Trenn G,
`Sitkovsky MV. A novel cytotoxic T
`lymphocyte activation assay. J Immunol Methods 1987; 104:183-190). In an in vitro method to
`inhibit or attenuate the release of a mediator of inflammation such as those described herein,
`each of the cell types is preincubated with a peptide compound or peptide composition of this
`invention over a range of concentrations followed by incubation of these cells by a stimulator of
`release of inflammatory mediators, such as phorbol ester. The percent of inhibition of release of
`a mediator of inflammation is determined as compared to the release of the mediator in the
`absence of the peptide compound or peptide composition, such as in a specrophotometric readout
`of a concentration of the mediator released.
`WO 2008/014414
`[00016] To demonstrate the importance of the relative amino acid sequence positioning in the
`peptides of the invention, the relative ability to inhibit or reduce the amount of inflammatory
`mediator released by a peptide which is identical to the 24 amino acid sequence of the MARCKS
`protein N-terminus region (i.e., the MANS- myristoylated alpha-N-terminal sequence peptide)
`was compared to the ability to inhibit or reduce the amount of inflammatory mediator released
`by a peptide containing the same 24 amino acid residues present in MANS but which are
`sequenced in
`a random order (i.e., an RNS peptide, otherwise referred to
`as a “Random N-
`terminal sequence peptide”) with respect to the sequence order in MANS. In each of the cell
`types examined, the MANS peptide, but not the RNS peptide, attenuated release of inflammatory
`mediators in a concentration-dependent manner over a time course of 0.5-3.0 hrs. These results
`suggest that the relative amino acid sequence positioning in the peptides of the invention which
`are in the order found in the MARCKS protein, specifically its N-terminal region, and more
`specifically its 24 amino acid residue N-terminal region are involved in at least one intracellular
`pathway dealing with the inhibition of leukocyte degranulation.
`[00017] The invention relates to a new use for the 24 amino acid peptide sequence, and to the
`alpha-N-terminal acetylated peptide sequence, the myristoylated polypeptide, also known as the
`MANS peptide, and to active fragments thereof, which active fragments can be selected from the
`group of peptides having from 4 to 23 contiguous amino acid residues of the MANS peptide
`amino acid sequence, and which fragments may be N-terminal-myristoylated if they do not begin
`with the N-terminal glycine at position 1 in SEQ ID NO: 1, or which may be N-terminal-acylated
`with C2 to C12 acyl groups, including N-terminal-acetylated, and/or C-terminal amidated with
`an NH2 group.
`[00018] The invention also relates to
`a new method for blocking MARCKS-related cellular
`secretory processes, especially those that involve the MARCKS-related release of inflammatory
`mediators from inflammatory cells, whose stimulatory pathways involve the protein kinase C
`(PKC) substrate MARCKS protein
`and release of contents from intracellular vesicles or
`[00019] The present invention is directed to a method of inhibiting the exocytotic release of at
`least one inflammatory mediator from at least one inflammatory cell comprising contacting the at
`WO 2008/014414
`least one inflammatory cell, which cell comprises at least one inflammatory mediator contained
`within a vesicle inside the cell, with at least one peptide selected from the group consisting of a
`MANS peptide and an active fragment thereof as described herein in an effective amount to
`reduce the release of the inflammatory mediator from the inflammatory cell as compared to the
`release of the inflammatory mediator from the same type of inflammatory cell that would occur
`in the absence of the at least one peptide.
`[00020] The present invention is further directed to a method of inhibiting the release of at least
`one inflammatory mediator from at least one inflammatory cell in a tissue or fluid of a subject
`comprising the administration to the subject’s tissue and/or fluid, which comprises at least one
`inflammatory cell comprising at least one inflammatory mediator contained within a vesicle
`inside the cell, a therapeutically effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition comprising at
`least one peptide selected from the group consisting of a MANS peptide and an active fragment
`thereof in a therapeutically effective amount to reduce the release of the inflammatory mediator
`from at least one inflammatory cell as compared to release of the inflammatory mediator from at
`least one of the same type of inflammatory cell that would occur in the absence of the at least
`one peptide. More specifically, inhibiting the release of an inflammatory mediator comprises
`blocking or reducing the release of an inflammatory mediator from the inflammatory cell.
`More particularly, the present invention includes a method of reducing inflammation
`subject comprising the
`a therapeutically
`effective amount of
`pharmaceutical ~~ composition
`GAQFSKTAAKGEAAAERPGEAAVA (SEQ ID NO: 1)) or an active fragment thereof. The
`active fragment is at least four and preferably at least six amino acids in length. As used herein,
`an "active fragment" of a MARCKS protein is one that affects (inhibits or reduces) MARCKS
`protein-mediated release, such as MARCKS protein-mediated release of an inflammatory
`WO 2008/014414
`GAQFSKT (SEQ ID NO: 154); GAQFSK (SEQ ID NO: 172); GAQFS (SEQ ID NO: 191) and
`GAQF (SEQ ID NO: 211). These peptides, instead of containing a myristoyl moiety at the N-
`terminal amino acid, either contain no chemical moiety or a non-myristoyl chemical moiety at
`the N-terminal amino acid and/or a chemical moiety at the C-terminal amino acid, such as an N-
`terminal acetyl group and/or a C-terminal amide group as described herein. The presence of the
`hydrophobic N-terminal myristoyl moiety in the MANS peptides and N-terminal myristoylated
`fragments thereof can enhance their compatibility with and presumably their permeability to
`plasma membranes, and potentially enable the peptides to be taken up by cells. The hydrophobic
`insertion of a myristoyl group into a membrane lipid bilayer can provide a partition coefficient or
`apparent association constant with lipids of up to 10* M™! or a unitary Gibbs free binding energy
`of about 8 kcal/mol (see, for example, Peitzsch, R.M., and McLaughlin, S. 1993, Binding of
`acylated peptides and fatty acids to phospholipid vesicles: pertinence to myristoylated proteins.
`Biochemistry. 32: 10436-10443) which is sufficient, at least in part, to permit a partitioning of
`the MANS peptide and of myristoylated MANS peptide fragments into the plasma membrane of
`a cell while additional functional groups and their interactions within the MANS peptide (which
`is myristoylated) and within myristoylated MANS peptide fragments can potentiate their relative
`membrane permeabilities. The fragments can each exhibit partition coefficients and membrane
`affinities that are representative of their respective structure. The fragments can be prepared by
`methods of peptide synthesis known in the art, such as by solid phase peptide synthesis (see, for
`example, the methods described in Chan, Weng C. and White, Peter D.Eds., Fmoc Solid Phase
`Peptide Synthesis: A Practical Approach, Oxford University Press, New York, New York
`(2000); and Lloyd-Williams, P.
`al. Chemical Approaches to the Synthesis of Peptides and
`Proteins (1997)) and purified by methods known in the art, such as by high pressure liquid
`chromatography. Molecular weight of each peptide can be confirmed by mass spectroscopy with
`each showing a peak with an appropriate molecular mass. Efficacy of the individual peptides and
`of combinations of individual peptides (for example, combinations of 2
`of the peptides,
`combinations of 3 of the peptides, combinations of 4 of the peptides) in the methods of this
`disclosure can be readily determined without undue experimentation using the procedures
`WO 2008/014414
`described in the examples disclosed herein. A preferred combination will comprise two of the
`peptides; a preferred molar ratio of the peptides can be from 50:50 (i.e., 1:1) to 99.99 to 0.01,
`which ratio can be readily determined using the procedures described in the examples disclosed
`the MANS peptide
`thereof is
`pharmaceutical composition which is useful to block inflammation, The present invention also
`includes methods for inhibiting a cellular secretory process in
`a subject comprising the
`administration of a therapeutically effective amount of a compound comprising a MANS peptide
`active fragment thereof,
`that inhibits
`an inflammatory mediator in
`a subject. The
`administration is generally selected from the group consisting of topical
`parenteral administration, rectal administration, pulmonary administration, inhalation and nasal
`or oral administration, wherein pulmonary administration generally includes either an aerosol, a
`dry powder inhaler, a metered dose inhaler, or a nebulizer.
`[00023] Administration of a composition comprising a degranulation-inhibiting amount of the
`MANS peptide or a degranulation-inhibiting amount of an active fragment thereof, such as a
`pharmaceutical composition of the MANS peptide or an active fragment thereof, for human or
`animal use provides the MANS peptide or active fragment thereof at least to the site in or on a
`tissue or to a fluid-containing layer in contact with the surface of a tissue where an inflammatory
`granulocytic cell resides or into which an inflammatory granulocytic cell
`will invade, thus
`enabling the MANS peptide or
`active fragment thereof to contact the inflammatory
`granulocytic cell. In one aspect, administration of such a composition can be made at the first
`onset or first detection of inflammation or first perception of inflammation by the human or
`animal or at the first perceptible change in the level of inflammation in a human or animal to
`reduce the amount of inflammation that would otherwise occur in the absence of the MANS
`peptide or active fragment thereof. In another aspect, administration can be made during an
`ongoing inflammation of a tissue in the human or animal to reduce the amount of additional
`inflammation that would otherwise occur in the absence of the MANS peptide or active fragment
`thereof. While the amount and frequency of dose can be determined by clinical evaluation and be
`a function of the disease or source of inflammation and the extent of tissue involved and the age
`and size of the patient, it
`is anticipated that dosing of a pharmaceutical composition can be
`WO 2008/014414
`repeated after 3
`§ hours, preferably after 6
`8 hours after the first administration of the
`pharmaceutical composition.
`[00024] The present invention also includes methods of reducing inflammation in
`a subject
`comprising the administration of a therapeutically effective amount of a compound that inhibits
`the MARCKS-related release of inflammatory mediators, whereby the release of at least one
`inflammatory mediator in the subject is reduced compared to that which would occur in the
`absence of said treatment. As used herein "reducing" generally means a lessening of the effects
`of inflammation. Preferably, release of inflammatory mediators are inhibited or blocked by the
`methods disclosed.
`[00025] Another embodiment of
`of reducing
`inflammation in
`a subject comprising administering a therapeutically effective amount of a
`compound that inhibits the MARCKS-related release of inflammatory mediators, whereby the
`inflammation in the subject is reduced compared to that which would occur in the absence of
`The present
`discloses methods of reducing or
`inflammation in a subject comprising the administration of a therapeutically effective amount of
`a MANS peptide or an active fragment thereof effective to inhibit an inflammatory mediator at
`the inflammation site. The term "inhibiting" means a reduction in the amount of inflammatory
`mediator secretion. The term “completely inhibiting” means a reduction to zero in the amount of
`inflammatory mediator secretion. Again, as stated above, the active fragment is at least four and
`preferably at least six amino acids in length. The term “exocytotic process” means exocytosis,
`1.e., a process of cellular secretion or excretion in which substances contained in a vesicle, which
`vesicle resides inside a cell, are discharged from the cell by fusion of the vesicular membrane of
`the vesicle with the outer cell membrane. “Degranulation” means the release of cellular granule
`The term “degranulation-