rr=w, School of Medicine
`~ UNIV!.l\$lf"Y 0# CQI.OfV,OQANKKUTZllllOICA'-~AMl"II•
`Uwe Christians, MD, PhD
`Professor, Anesthesiology
`unguages: English
`Department Anesthesiology
`• Hunter SK. Freedman R. Law AJ, Christians u, Holzman JBW, Johnson Z. Hoffman MC. Maternal corticoster~ds and
`depttssion during gestation a.rid decreased ftt<:ll hean rare variability. Neuroreport. 2021 (Kt 6;32(14):1170-1174. PubMed
`PMIO: 34284445
`• ~ G. De 81oois E. Dabelea O. Chrisric:1ns U. Oevelr.tpment and \lalidation of an LC-MS/MS assay for the quantification of
`allopregnanolone and its progesterone-derived isomers. precursors. and cortiSOVcorusone In pregnancy. Anal Bio.anal
`Chem. 2021 Sep:413(21):5427-5438. PobMed PMIO: 34279681
`• Hunter SK. Hoffman MC, McCarthy L O'Alessandro A. Wyrwa A. Noonan K. Christians u. Nak1muli-Mpungu E, Zeisel SH, Law
`AJ, Freedmc1n R.. Targeting Treatm('nts to Healrh Disparities. $(;:hizophr Boll. 2021 Jul 8;47(4):88&-887. PubMed PM!O:
`• Chavant A.JourdilJF. Jouve T. Christi<1ns u, Fonrose X. St<1nke-Labesq11e F. A simple ,:1nd easy-10-perform liql1id
`chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the quanufication of tacrol1mus and its metabohtes in human v-Aiote blood.
`Appli<:arion to the determinarion of metabolic; tatios in kidney rransplam P<ttiems.J Chromatogr BAnalyt Te<:hnol Siomed
`life SC1. 2021 Apr 8:1173:122698. [Epub ahead of prim:] PubMed PMIO: 33878S32
`• 5emplo C. Klawitter J. Jac.kson M. Freni F. Shillingburg R, Hutchison K. Bidwell LC. Christians u, Klawitte< J. Analysis or 14
`endocannabmoids and endocannabinoid congeners in human plasma using column S'Mtchmg high-performance
`armospheric presslIre chemical ioni;zarion liquid chromatography-mass specrromerry. Anal Sioanal Chem. 2021
`May:413(12):3381-3392, PubMed PMID: 33817753
`• Baliga MM. Kla-vvitter J. Christians u. Hopp K. Chonchol M. Gitomer BV. Cadn.apaphomchai MA. Klawitter J. Metabolic profiting
`m children andyoongadults with autosomal dominant polycy,tic k1dneyd1>ease. sc, Rep. 2021 Mar 23:11(1~{)/j29. PubM~d
`PMIO: 33758231
`• Sempio C, Almaraz-Quinones N,Jackson M, Zhao W. Wang GS. Liu Y, Leehey M. Knupp K. Klawitter J. Christians. U, Klawitter J.
`Simul1-,neous Quantific:arion of 17 Cannabinoids bY LC-MS-MS in Human Plasma.J Anal To;,i:te;ol. 2021 Mar 23. [Epub ahead
`of prmtJ PubMed PMIO: 331541 S4
`• Sempio C. 8ictw"ell LC. Hutchison K. Huestis MA. K1awiner J. Chrisrians U, Henthorn TK. Using P-0pulation Pharmacokinetic
`Modeling to Esumate Exposure to ?9,Tetrahydrocannab1nol ln an Observational Study of Cannabis Smokers in Colorado.
`Ther On,g Monit, 2021 Aug 1;43(4):536-545. PuhMed PMII); J.3656464
`• Hunter SK. Hoffman MC, McCarthy L. O'Alessandro A. W{rWa A. Noonan K. Christians u. Naklmuli-Mpungu E, Zeisel SH, Law
`AJ. Freedman R Black American Martrnal P(enara1 Choline. Offspring Gestational Age aI 8irth, and Oevelopmemat
`Predisposition to Memal Illness. Schlzophr Bull. 2021 Ju! 8;47(4):896,90S. PubMed PMIO: 33184653
`• Cl<1vijo CF. Oliva AM, Dingmann C. Kai:zer A. Christians u. 8vrger E. Pat~I v, Klec:k CJ, Vogel SA Sc:ott BK.Janik DJ. Jameson lC,
`GmdeAA Tox1cology Screening lesting in Pauents Undergoing Spine Surgery: A Prospective Observational Pilot Study. lher
`Orug Monit. 2021 Feb 1;43(1):136-138. PubMed PMID: 33181620
`• freedman R. Humer SK, Noonan K. Wyrwa A. Christians U, Law AJ, Hoffman MC. Prenatal Depression in
`Pregnancies Wilh Female cind Mille Fewses and Developmental Assoc.iations Wirh (-reactive Prorein and Corti~. Biol
`Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci NeuroImaging. 2021 Mar;6(3J:3 I 0.320. Pub Med PMIO: 3306003S
`• Ve H, Minhajuddin M, Krug A. Pei S. Chou CH, Culp-Hill R. Ponder J. De Blooii E. S<;:hniedewind B. Amaya ML. lnguva A.
`Stevens BM, PoUyea DA. Chrlsaans u, Grime-s HL.. O'A!essandro A.Jordan CT. The Hepatic Microenvironmem Uniquely
`Prot ects Leukemia Cells through lnductior, of Growth and Survwal Pathw.ays Miediated by L!PG. Cancer Discov. 2021
`Feb; t 1(2):500-519. Pub Med PMID: 3302862 t
`• Sempio C. Wymote E, Palme( C. Sun!k M, Henthorn TK. Christians U, Klawitter J. Detection or Cannab1noids by LC•MS-MS
`and ELISA in Breast Mtlk.J Anal ToxicO,. 2021 Aug 14;45(7):686-692. PubMed PM\D: 33002141
`• Mizuno T, McPh(ILI 6T. ~lll(tt\ciir S, wex~IQla~I $,, Watd L, Christians u, Akinl)j tiT, VjnkS, AA PhySiQIQgiC: lndir«f ReS,pony.
`Modeling to Ce-scribe 8uprenorphine PharmacodynamIcs In Newborns Treated for Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome.
`Clin PharmacOkin('t. 2021 Feb:60(2):249-259. PUbMed PMID: 32939690
`• van Hoogdalem MW.Jonl"\Son TN, McPhail BT, Kam.atkar s. SL ward LP, Chnstians u. Akinbi HT, Vinks AA Mizuno
`T. PhysiologKally-based pharmacokinet,c modeling 10 investigare the ettect ot maturation on buprenorphine
`pharmacokinetics m n~ms with neonatal opioid Vlllthdrawal syndrome. Clm Pharmacol Ther.
`• Pett>rS E. MacNair L Mosesov<1 I. Christklns u. Sempio C. Klawiner J. Land MH. Ware MA. Turcoue c, Bonn-Miller MO.
`Pharmacokmetics of cannabichromene in a medical cannabis product also comaimng cannabidiol and ?9-
`1etr<1hydr0<annabinol: a p1I01 study. eur J Clin Pharmac.ot
`• CaMhon CV, Cooper K. Huen C. t.loret A. Villar-Matamoros e, Stokes L Chnstians u, Schuler M. Yazdani SK. Pre-Clinical
`Investigation ol I.Jquid Pacliraxel lor Local Drug Delivery: A Pilot Study. Pharmaceum:als (Basel). 2020 Nov 28;13(12}. PubM-ed
`PM!D: 332605 17
`• Hunter SK, Hofl,~n MC, McC-,tthy L. O'Alessaodro A. Wyrwa A, Noonan K. Christians u. Nak1mvli•Mpungu e. Ze1set SH. uw
`N, Freedman R. Black American M.aternat Prenat.a! Chotine. Offspring Gestational Age at Birth. and Developmental
`Predisposition ro Memal Illness. Schizophr BUii. 2020 Nov 13. [Epub ahead of prim) PubMed PMID: 33184653
`• Cl.avijo CF, Oliva AM, Dingmann C, Katzer A. Christians U, Burger- E, Patel V, KJeckQ. Vogel SA, Scott BK.Janik. DJ. Jameson LC,
`Ginde AA. Toxicology screening l esring in Patients Uf'ldergoing Spine St.Jrgery. A Prospective Observational Pilot Study. Tt\Er
`Orus Monit. 2020 Nov 9. (Epub ahead of print) PubMed PMIO: 33181620
`• Fref'dman R. Humer SK, Noonan K. \Nyrwa A. Christians u. Law AJ, Hoffman MC. Maternal Prenatal Depression in
`PregJ\llncies With Female and Male Fetuse-s and Oevelopme-ntal Associations With C-re.a(live Protein and Corlisol. 8101
`Psy(hi<1try Cogn Neu rose• Neuroimaging. 2020 Aug 1 l. {Epub .ahead or print] PubMt\1 PMIO: 33060035
`• Ye H, Mmhajuddm M. Krug A. Pei S, 01ou CH, Culp.Hill R. Ponder J, ~ Bloois E, Schniedewmd B, Amaya ML, lnguva A.
`Stevens BM, Poltyea DA. Chtisaans u, Grime"' HL. O'AJessandro A.J0<dan CT. The hepatic mtc:roenvironnw-m uniquely
`prote<ts leukemia cells through induction of growth and survival pathways mediated by UPG. Ca1\cer Di:sc:ov. 2020 Oct 7.
`( ahead ol print) PubMed PMIO: 33026621
`• Sempio C, wyrnore e. Pail mer C, Bunik M, Henthorn TK. ChrtStJ.!lns u, Klawitter J. Oetecuon of Cann.,b,n-o1ds by LC-MS-MS
`.and EUSA In Breast Milk.J Anal Toxicot. 2020 OCt 2. [Epub ahe<ld or print] PubMed PMJO: 33002141
`• Mizuno T, McPhail BT. Kamatkar S, Wexelblatl S. Ward L. Christians U, Ak1nbi Hl, Vioks AA Physiologic Indirect Response
`Mooelmg to Oc-wibe Bopr~orphine Pharm.acodynamics in N~rns Tre,;1ted for Neon,;1tal OpiCMd W11hdr,1wo;ll Syn<frornc.
`Clin Phdrmacoti.1net. 2020 Sep 17. (Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMIO; 32939690
`• Frymoyer A van Meurs KP. Drover DR, Kt.:iwiucr J, ChristiJns U. Chock VY. Theophylhne dosing and ph.armacokinetics for
`renal protection in neon-,tes with hypoxi,-,schemic encephalopathy undergoing therapeutic hypothermia. Pechalr Res, 20:20
`Dec:88(6):871-877. PubMed PMIO: 32919393
`• Christians U. Roger Jelllffe MO. FCF', FAIJIS Obituary. Ther Drug Monit. 2020 Aug 10. (Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMIO:
`• S<hniedewind B. Meyer EJ, Christians U. Long-Term Performance or Laboratory-Developed Liquid Chromatography-Tandem
`M.:lss S~trometry and J Food ,;1nd on,g Adminisrr.;nion-Approvecl Immunoassay for rhe Thernpeutac Drug
`Monitoring of Everolimus. Ther Orug Monit. 2020Jun;42(3):421-426. PubMed PMID; 32427781
`• Jellifle R, Christians U. The N~ Direct-Aeling Oral Antico..lgulants Neect to he Mooitored!. Ther Drug Monit. 2020
`Jun;42(3):357-359. PubMed PMID: 32427780
`• Chris;tians u, Henthorn TK, w,;1Iwn PO. O~lerich M, EliJS.Son e. In Memon.)m: Professor Folke SjOqv,st Ther On.ig Monit.
`2020 APr 1 S. (Epub ahead of print] PubMed PM10; 32304489
`• Goe-IE, Erwin M, Cawthon CV. Schaff C. Fedor N. Rayl T, Wilson 0. Christians u. Register TC. Ge,1ry RL SaulJ. Y,1zd.Jni SK. Pre(cid:173)
`Clirncal Investigation of Ker.atose a~ an Exc1pienl of Drug Coated B.llloons. Molecules. 2020 Mar 31;25(7). PubMed PMID:
`9/28/22, 6:21 PM
`Faculty Profile | School of Medicine | University of Colorado Denver
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`Mylan v. Bausch Health Ireland - IPR2022-01102


`• w21ng GS, Bourne UWA. Klawitter J. Sempro c. Chdpm!n K. Knupp K, Wt'n'lpe. Mt-. Horgelt L. Chr15t1ans u. Leonard J, Heard I<..
`8.ljaj L. Disposition of Or-1I Cann.abidioUlich Canns1b1s. £xtr~crs In Children with Eplll?ps)'. Chn Pta.irm.:icokinc1. 2020
`Aug;59(8r.,OOS-1012. PubMed PMID: 32048179
`• Sempio c, Hucsrls MA. M11<ulich-Gilbenson SK. Kl, J. Christians u. Henthorn TI<. Population ph.armacokineric modeling
`of p1<'IS0\2J ?9+tetrahydrocannab1~ and an actrv~ and ioactrv~ metabolite foUovving controlled -smok~ cannabis
`s1dmin1strJt1on. Sr J Clin PhJrmJCOI. 2020 MJr:86(3):611·619. P1.1bMed PMIO: 31747464
`• Shokati T. Hartmann M. Davari 8. Klaw1tt~ J. Klawiuer J, Chnstians U. Temsarolimus metabohc pathways revis1tl!d.
`XOOCttMotica. 2020 Jun; 50(6):640-653. Pub Med PMID: 31596164
`• Davarr B, Kote<ha N. Clavijo CF. ThomasjJ. Rza-sa Lynn R. GahnkinJL. Christldns U, SempioC.A St'nSJtivie, LC MS/MS Assay for
`rhe Qu~rnrific.;1rio11 of Mi;,th<1done Jnd its MetJboliti?S in Dried Blood Spots: Comp.;1rison With PlaSfl"IJ. Ther Dn.1g Monit. 2020
`feb:4211):118-128. PubMO'll PMID: 31318842
`• Wang GS. 8ourrltl' OWA. Klawitter' J. Sen'lptO C.;:in K. Knupp K. Wempe MF, Borgelt L. ChrisMns u. HtMrd K. 8aJ<'IJ L.
`Oispos,tion of oral delt<'l 9 teuahydrocannabincl (THC) in childf~n re(eiv1ng cannabis extracts fo, epilepsy. Clio Toxiccl
`(Phil>). 2020 Feb:58(2):124-128. PubMe<! PMIO: 31111749
`• An appro.:Kh lo biomarker discovery of cannabis use u tilizing p,oteo!Tllc, metabolom,c, and liptdormc lmalys~. Cdnn
`Cannab Res 2020
`• Alb~1roli S, Buggs V. Schn1~ewrnd B. Sobhao1 K. Chris.ti21ns U. Kelly KA. Therapeutic drug monitoring of
`,mm~inosuppressants. In: Toxicology Ca~ ror the Chrnc.,11 and Foren~ic Labor.itory. Kerha H, Gsirg u (eds) Elsevier AC.1<fem1c
`Pre~s. San Diego {2020}. pp. 317-332.
`• Hinckley JO. S.1ba L, Raymond K, 8Jrters K, Klawitter J, ChriS(klns u. Hopfer C. An Approach ro BiomJrker Discove,y of
`Cann<11bis Use Utilizing Prnteomic, Met<11bolomic. and Lipidomic Analyses. cannabis canoabinoid Res. 2020Jun 19. [Epub
`s1he.)(1 of print] PubMed PMID: 33998853
`• CdWthon CV, Cooper K. Huett C, UoretA Villar-Matamoros: E. Stokes L. Christians U, Schule< M. Ya2:ddni SK. Pr~C11nicdl
`Investigation ot Liquid Pac11tJxel ror Local Drug Delivery: A Pilot Study. Phannaceutic:als {SaS(>I). 2020 Nov 28;13(12). P\itlMed
`PM!D: 33260517
`• frym-O~r A, V.;m Meurs KP, Dr~r OR, Klawiner l. ChnstiJns U, Chock vv. Theophylhn~ and pharmJcok.toctiCS tor
`renal protect.Jon in neonat~ with hypoxic-1schem1c encephdlopathy undergoing therapeutic hypothermia. Pediatr Ft~. 2020
`Oec;88(6):871-877. PubMeCI PMID: 32919393
`• Schniiedew1nd B. Meyer EJ Chnstkln-s U. Long term Perform<11nce of Labor.!ltory-developed LC-MS/MS Tests and an FDA·
`s1pproved lmmuoo..1s.say for the TheriJpeutic Drug Mon itoring of Everol1mus. Ther Drug Mon it. 2019 Oct 7. (Epub ahead Of
`pnntJ PubMed PMIO: 31S967S4
`• Shokari T, Har,m,;1nn M, Davari B, Klawitter J, Klawitter J, Chnsr1ans U. Temsirohmus MetabOlic P.1thways Revisited.
`Xenob1otica. 2019 Oct 9;: t. 30. (Epub ahead of print) P ubMed PMID: 31 S96164
`• Weinberg A. Huo v, K,Konck D, Patel K, wans DH, war a o, Hottman RM, Klawmcr ), CMsuans u. Briel Rcporr. M.rkcrs or
`Spontaneous Preterm Delivery in Womt-n Living With HIV: Relario11Ship With Protease lnh1bttors and V1td1rnn D.J Acqu1r
`lmmu~ Ot?hc Syndr. 20190Cr 1;82(2):181-187. PubM4?<! PMID: 31513074
`• Odvari 8. Kote<ha N. Clavijo CF, momasl]. Rzasa Lynn R, Gahnk1nJL. Chnst1ans U, Sempio (. A SENStTIVE LC·MS/MS ASSAY
`Ther Drug Monit. 2019 Jul 1 S. (Epub ahead of print} PubMed PMID: 31318842
`• Klawitter J, KIJW)tter J, Pennington A, KirkpJtnck 8, RodJ G, Korecha NC, Thurll"IJn JM, Christi.ans U. Cycloph1hn D knockout
`protects the mouse ktdney against cyctosporin A-induced oxidative stress. AmJ Phys,ol Physiol. 2019 Sep
`1;317(3,F683-F694. PubMed PMID: 31188033
`• Wang GS. Bourne OWA. Klawitter J. Sempio C. Chapm,n K. Knupp K. Wempe MF. Borgell L. Christians U, Heard K. EktJaJ L.
`Disposition of oral deltJ-9 rerrahydrocannabinol (THC) in Children re<e-iving cannabis extfacts f0< epilepsy. Ctin Toxicol
`(Phila). 2019 May 21;:1-5. (Epubahead of printJ PubMed PMID: 31111749
`• Brunet M, van GelderT, AsbergA, H,1urroid v, Hesselink DA. wngman L, Lemairre F, Mslrquer P, Seger C. Shipkova M, Vink!.
`A Wallemacq P, Wieland E. Wo1UardJ8. Barlen MJ. Budde K. Colorn H, 01eterlen Ml. Elens L.Johnson•Davis KL Kunicki PK.
`MacPhee I, Masud.J $, MJthew BS, Mill,)n o. Mizuno T, Moes OAR, Mon(hJUd C, Nocer, 0. Pc1winSki T. Picard N, van SC.haik R,
`Somrnerer C. Vethe NT. de Winter B, Christ.ans U. Bergan S. Th~rapeutic Drug Monitoring of Tacrolimus-Persorlcllized
`Therapy: second Consensus Report. Ther OrugMonit. 2019Jun;41(3}:261•307. PubMed PMIO: 31045868
`• Golomb 8A. Kostik HJ. Christians U. Ritchie J, Wilson P, E!kms N. Kldwitter J. Klawitter J, Smith D. Repine JE. Depressed
`prost,.1glandins and teukotrienes In vete<ans Gulf War illness. J Environ Sci HeJlth B. 2019;54{8):623·639. PvbMed PMID:
`• Keller AC, Klawitter J, Hildreth KL. Chnsr1ans u. K. Kohrt WM, Reusch JE8, Morea~! KL. Elevated pl.Jsm.l hOfflOC)'Sl¢1ne
`and ~teine are associaled with endothelial dy'Sfuriruon across menopausal ~tag~s in healthy women.J Appl Phy51ol (1985}.
`2019 Jun 1;126(6):1533-1540. Pub Med PMID: 3089635 7
`• l1chvar A Tremblay 5, Naik D, l ipscomb J. King E, Vinlu M Christians V. Nloway RR. Evaluauon of Clime.I and S.fe<y
`OUrcomes Following Uncontr~led Tacrclimus Conversion in Adult Transplant Recipients. Pharmacothcrapy. 2019
` PubMed PMID: 30892704
`• ShipkOV<'t M, Christi.1ns u. Improving Therapeutic Oe<iSiMs: Ph.)rma('odyn,:1mic Monitonng as Jn Integral Part of Thcr.ap+?UtK
`Drug Monitonng. Ther Orug Mornl 2019 Apr;4 1 (2): 1 1 1-114.. 11ubMed PMID: 30883504
`• Freedman R, Hunter SK, Law AJ, Wagner BO, D'Alessandro A, Chnshans U, Noonan K, Wyrwa A, Hortman MC. Higher
`Ges1atiornl Choline- Levels in Maternal lnft"Ction Are P'rotertrve for lnfa11t Bratn Oevelopment.J Pie,dldtr. 2019 May;208:198,
`206.e2. PubMed PMIO: 30879727
`• \Ian Hove JLK. Freehauf CL. Ficicioglu C, Pena LOM. Moreau KL. Henthorn TK. Christians U. Jiang H. Cowan TM. Young SP, Hite
`M, Friederich MoN, St,lbler SP, Spector EB, Kronqurst KI, ThOmas JA. Emmett P, Hamngron MJ, Pyle L, Creadon-Swlndell G,
`W~pe MF. MacLe<11n KN. Biornarkt-rS of oxidattve Stre'SS, ,nflammation. and va-scular dysfunet1on In inhie,nted cystath1onine
`B-synthaS<' defioenr homocystinuria and the impact of tJurine treatment in a phJse 112 hum.)n <linical trial. J lnhe<it MetJib
`01s. 2019 May:42(3):424-437. PubMed PMIO: 30873612
`• Van HoveJLK, FreehaufCL, Flcidoglu C, Pen-1 LDM, MoreJu KL, Henthorn TK,Christians U,Jiang H, Cowan TM, Young SP, Ht(e
`M. Fn~erich MW. Stahl~ SP. Spectoi- EB. Kronqrnst Kt. ThomasjA. E~ll P, Harrington MJ. Pyle L. Creadon,Swindell G,
`Wempe MF, Macleo<m KN. Biomar1cer$ of oxidanve stress, inflatnm:ition, and Vi1$ dysfunction in inheriti?d cyst..1th1onine
`6-synthase defic1ent homocyst1nuria and the imp.act of taunne treatment in a pha~ 112 hu,nan clinical trial. J lnh~it Metab
`Dis. 2019 May,42(3):424-437. PubMOO PMID: 30873612
`• Emoto C, Johnson TN, Hahn D. Christians u. Alloway RR, Viuks AA. Fukuda T. A Theoretteal P~o1og1calfy•BaS!i!'d
`Pharmacokinetic Approach to Ascert,:1in Covariates Explaining the Large lnterpatient V<uiability In Tacrollmus Otsposmon.
`CPT Pharmacometncs Syst Pharmacol. 2019 May:8(5}~273-284. PubM~ PMIO: 30843669
`• Lerno AO, King EC, Jiang W, Vink$ AA, Klawiner J, Chnsrians U, Woodle ES, Alloway R~ RohanJM. Assessment of 1acrolimus
`mlrapatient vanabi!1ty in ~able adherent transplant r~ip1i!'"nts: Establishing baseline valud. AmJ Transplant 2019
`May;19(5f:14!0-l420. PubMed PMIO: 30506623
`• Senip10 C, Lindley E, Klawitter J. Christldns U, Bowler RP. Adgate JL A.llshouse W, AwdzieJczyk L Fischer S. Ba1nbndge J.
`Vandyke M, NetSilnc1 R, Crume T, Kinney GL Surface Oe1ect1on of THC Anribu1c1ble [O V<1porizcr Use m the Indoor
`Environrnent. SCI Rep. 2019 Dec 9;9(t):18S87. PubMed PMID: 31819131
`• Wemlx:rg A. Huo V, ~c.-inek O, Pa[e/ K, Wans OH, War:;i 0, Hoffm.)n RM, Klawitter J, Christiclns U. 8rief Report: Markers, of
`Spontaneous Pl'eterm Delivery in Women L111ing With HIV: Relationship With Protease tnh1b1tors and V1tarrnn O.J Acquir
`Immune Of?fc.c Syndr, 20190ct 1;82(2};181-187. PubM-ed PMID: 31S13074
`• Pedroso AP. Dornellas APS. de Souza AP. PagoltoJF. Oyan\a LM. Nascimento CMO. Klawitter J. Christians U, Tash11n.:1 AK.
`Ribeiro EB. A proteomics.mecabclornics ,i1pprO<)Ch inchcates<hanges in hypothal;imic glutatll..lte-GA8A metabolism of .1Qul1
`female rats subimtted to intrauterine growth restriction. Eur J Null. 2018 Nov 7. tCpub ahead of print] PubMed PMIO:
`• 'Turner E. Erwin M, Atigh M. OiristJans U. Saul JM, Yazdani SK. In v1lro and 1n vrvoAsses':>ment of Keratose as a Novel
`Excipi~nt of P,,cltt~xel Co.ite<:t Balloons. From Ph,i1rma-col. 20 I 8;9:808. PobMed PMIO: 30104972
`• Jatal D. Renner 8, l.dskowsklJ, Stites: E, Coope, J. Valente K. You z. Per,enoud L Le Quintrec M. Muhamed I, ChnStl<'JOS U.
`Klawlner J, Undorler MA. Taylor RP, Holets VM, Thurman JM. Endorhelial Microparricles and Systemic Complemem
`Activatk>n 1n Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease.J Am Heart Assoc. 2018Jul 13;7{14). PubMed PMID: 30006493
`• Heischm.tnn S, (..)no L8, Quinn K. Li;ing lP, Klepacki J. Chnsti,;1ns U, Reisdorph N, Pate4 M. Reg1,1L1tion of k)'nurenine
`metabohsm bya ketogenic diet.J l.Jp1d Res. 2018Jun;S9{6):958-966. PubMed PMl D: 29605816
`• Goo, SH, KaufrnanJ, Pan Z, Bourne OW/\ HickeyF, Twite M, GahnkinJ, Christians U, ZukJ, d,1 Cruz EM. Morphine
`Pharn\acokinetics ,n Children With Down Syndron,e Following Cdrdiac Surgery. Pediatr Crit Cafe Med. 2018 May;19{S}:4S9
`467. Pul;lMe(f PMIO: 29S474S6
`• 8iuersohl H. Schrnedewind 8. Chnst1ans U. luppa l='B. A simple and highly sens1tIve on-hne cclumn extraction liquid
`9/28/22, 6:21 PM
`Faculty Profile | School of Medicine | University of Colorado Denver
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`chromatography.t.;indcm mass spC<:trometry method tor the determination ot protein.unbound racrollmvs in hum,1n
`plasma samptes.J ChrOfllatogr A. 2018Apr 2?;154?:45•52. l>ubMed PMIO: 29544893
`• Turner EA, Augh MK, EIV.'in MM, Christians U, Yazdani SK. Coating and Pharmacokinetic Evalu.Jrion of Air Spray Coated 0mg
`Coated Balloons. CardiovMC Eng Tech~- 20l8Jun;9(2):240,2SO. PubMed PMIO: 29497966
`• Goetz L Laskowski J, Rennet" 8, Pickering MC, Kulik L Klawin:et" J. Stites E. Chnstians U, v,:1n der \llilg J, Ravichandr <1n K. Holer-s
`VM. fhurman JM. Complement ractor H protects m,ce from ,schemic acute lodney lnJUry but Is not critical for controlling
`complemem acti\lation by glomerular lgM. Eur J lmmunol. 2018 May,48(S):791,802. PubMed PMIO: 29389016
`• Mclay JS. Engelhardt T. Mohamm~ BS, Cameron G. Cohen MN, Galrnkin JL, ChriS11ans U, Avram MJ. Henthorn TK. Osida RM,
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`• OaVlclsooJA. Pfeifer z. f rank 8, Tong S, Urb.:1n TT, Wischmeyer PA. Mourani P, landed< B, Christians U, Klawmer J.
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`• Pedroso AP, Dornellas APS, de Souz.t AP, Pagon:oJF, Oyanltl LM, Nascimento CMO, Klawitter J, Christians U, Tashima AK.
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`• Klawiner J, Pennington A. Klawmer J. ThurmanJM, Christians U. M1t00londri,:1I cytlophil1n D ahlation Is ,:1ssociated with the
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`• Schroeder T, Pianradosi CA, Natoli MJ, Aurmizguine J, Cohen,WoU<owieczs M. HamIlron KL, Bell C, Klawitter J, Christians U,
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`• Klawitter J, 5ernpro C. MOrlein S. De 8I~s E. Klepdcki J, Henthorn T. Leehey MA. Hoffenberg (I. Knupp K. Wang GS, Hopfer C.
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`• Strand TE. Khiabani HZ, 801co A. RacJiloff D. Zhao v. Hamilton KL. Christians u. Klawitter J. Noveck f:{I. P.antados1 CA. Bell C.
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`• Aligh MK, Turner e. Christians U, V.,1zd.;mi SK. The use o f an 0<clus1on pertusiQn <:..itherer (O deliver pachraxel to 1he .,nerial
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`• Diwan TS, Lichvar AB, Leino AO, Vinks AA. Christians U, Shields AR, Cardi MA, Fukuda T, Mizuno T, Kaiser T, Woodle ES,
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`• He1schmann S. Dzie<:iatkomka M, Hansen K. Le1bfritz 0. Christians U. The tmmunosuppressant Mycophenolic Acid Alters
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`Tashima AK, Ribeiro EB-. Intrauterine Growrh Re:ii1m;uon Pragr;;um the Hy!X)tho1l.:imu:. of Adur1 Male R.1t:i: lmcgr,ned Analysi$
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`• Miiuno T, Fukuda T, Christians U. PeremeSts JP, foutc)(li M, Vinks AA. Popu1auon pharmacokinerics of temsirohmus .Jnd
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`• Alloway RR, Vink$ AA. Fukuda T. MiZl lnO T. King EC. Zou Y. Jiang W. Woodle ES. Trern~ay S. Klawitter J. Klawitter J. Christians
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`• Emoto C, Fuk1,1d,1 T, Miwno T, SchniedelNlnd 8, Christians U, Adams OM. Vinks AA. Char.,1cterizIng the Developmental
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`• Klepacki J, Klawiuer J, Klawitter J, Karimpour-Fard A. Thurman J. Ingle G. Patet O, Christians u. Amino ~dds in a tdrgeted
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`• O'Connor S, Zhang vt, Christians U, Morrison JE Jr, Friesen RH. .,1nd propolol undergo sep,ararion and l,:1yer,n.g
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`• Seger C. Shipkova M. Christians u, Billaud EM. Wang F-, Holt ow. Brunet M. l(unick.i PK Pawinski T. Langman U. Marquet P.
`Oetlerich M, Wieland E, Watlemacq P. Assuring rhe Proper Analytical Perfomlo:lnce of Measurement Procedures for
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`• en.met M. Shipkov,1 M. van Gelder T, Wiel.ind E. Sommerer C. Budde K. Haufro1d V, Chri$tians U, L6pez-Hoyos M, Barren MJ.
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`2016 Apr.38 Suppl 1 :S 1 ·20. Pub Med PMID: 26977997
`• Repine JE. Wilson P, Elkins N, Klawiner J, Christi-,ns U, Peters 8, Smith OM. Inhalation of r;wo putauve-G1.1lf War to:ttns by
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`• Fame CK. Moen A, Schn1edCYJind B, Haug Anonsen J, f<lawruer J, Christi.lns U. ~lopment of hquid chromatography,
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`• S.h!pkova M. L6£>ez OM, Piurd N. Noceti O. SOmmerer C. Chris1ians U, Wieland E. Alwlytical A!.pects of the tmplememation
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`• Christians u , Klawitter J. Klawitter J, BiomarkerS iri TransplaritatiOn••Proteomics and Metabolomks. Ther Drug Monit. 2016
`Apr;38Suppl 1:S70•4. PubMed PMIO: 26418702
`• Hadamitzky M. BOsche K. Winh T. Bu<:k 8. BeelZ o. Christians u , SC-hniedewind B. Luckemann L Gunturkun 0, Engler H,
`Schedlowski M. Memory-updating abrogates e:ttincrion of learned immunosupprcssion. Brain Beh.w lmmun. 2016
`Feb:52:40·8. PubMed PMIO; 26386321
`• Shokati T, Bodenbcrger N, G.ldpa1lle H, Schn1edewind 8, Vinks AA. Ji.vng W, Allow.))' RR. Chris1i,1ns U. Quantification ot the
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`9/28/22, 6:21 PM
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`• Shipkova M. L6pez OM, Picard N, Noceti 0, SOmmerer C. Chris1ians U, Wieland E. ANALYTICAL ASPECTS OF THE
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`• Christian!I-u. Vinks AA. Langman IJ, Clafke w. Wallemacq P. van Gelder T. Renjen v, MarQuet P. Meyer EJ. Impact of
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`• Klawitter J, McFann K. Pennington AT, Wang W, Klawitter J. Chri:;.11.,n:;. U, RW, Gnoim-r 8, Cadnapaphorncha1 MA
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`• SChniedewind B. Niederlechner s. GalinkinJL Johnson-Davis KL, Christians u. Meyer EJ. Long-term cross-validation or
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`• Kl.iwitter J, 8. Christi.:ms U. Evcrollmus and sirolimus tn transpl<lnt.ition-retated bUt different. Expert Opin Drug Saf.
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`• Klepacki J, Klawitter J, Klawmer J, Thurman JM, Christians u. A h1gh-pertormance liquid chromatography-tandem mass
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`• 86s-che K. Weissenborn K Christians u. Wiuke O. Engler H, Sc:hedlowski M. ~amiuky M. NeurObehaviCH" al consequences
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`• Emoto C, Fukuda T. Mizuno T. Cox S, Schniedewind 8, Christians u. Widemann BC. Fisher MJ. Weis!I- 8. PE'f'emesisJ. Vinks AA
`Age-dependent changes in Strolimus met.1bolite formauon in p.,tiems with ncurofibrom.1tosis type t. Ther Drug Momt. 201S
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`lmmunosupp(e-ssam Tacrolimuson Oded Blood Spots Using LC-MS/MS.J Vis Exp. 2015 Nov8;(105}:e

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