AMI-C SPEC 4001-0-0
`– Release 1
`Release 1, 2001
`AHM, Exh. 1029, p. 1


`Physical Specification –
`Release 1
`Legal Disclaimer and Copyright Information
`All Automotive Multimedia Interface Collaboration, Inc. (AMI-C) specifications are
`copyrighted and are subject to the following terms and limitations:
`AMI-C specifications are for information and evaluation purposes only. Certain elements
`of AMI-C specifications may be subject to third-party intellectual property rights including,
`without limitation, patent rights (such a third party may or may not be a member of AMI-
`C). By releasing an AMI-C specification, AMI-C grants no license, expressed or implied,
`by estoppel or otherwise under AMI-C’s or any third party’s intellectual property rights,
`which may be embodied in such AMI-C specifications.
`AMI-C is not responsible and shall not be held responsible in any manner for identifying
`or failing to identify any or all such third-party intellectual property rights. In light of the
`above, AMI-C specifications may not be used for the design, development, production or
`commercialization of products, unless proper licenses are taken from the owners of
`intellectual property rights that pertain to each AMI-C specification and the information
`contained therein.
`The AMI-C specifications and the information contained therein are provided on an “as
`is” basis. AMI-C disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited
`to any warranty that the use of the information therein will not infringe the intellectual
`property rights of a third party or any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
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`In no event is AMI-C liable for any loss of profits, loss of business, loss of use of data,
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`information contained therein or the use thereof by anyone.
`All brand and product names may be trademarks that are the sole property of their
`respective owners. All rights reserved.
` Copyright AMI-C 2000.
`AHM, Exh. 1029, p. 2


`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`Revision Log
`[Notice: Refer to the public document section of for most current baseline and revision.]
`Baseline Date
`Document No.
`AMI-C SPEC 4001
`Document Title:
`Physical Specification – Release 1
` 0
`Baseline No:
`Revision Date
`Affected Sections
`Revision No.
`AHM, Exh. 1029, p. 3


`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`Request for Change Form
`[Notice: Use this form to identify any errors or deficiencies or to make general change recommendations.]
`Revision No.
` 0
`Document No.
`AMI-C SPEC 4001
`Document Title:
`Physical Specification – Release 1
` 0
`Baseline No.
`Mail to:
`Don Ingersoll
`AMI-C Vice President
`280 Enterprise Drive, Bloomfield Hills,
`Michigan, USA 48302-0312
`Fax to:
`Don Ingersoll
`AMI-C Vice President
`c/o Results Systems Corp.
`(248) 244-8504
`Description of Change:
`Rational for Change:
`Proposed Revision:
`Affected Sections:
`E-mail to:
`Don Ingersoll
`AMI-C Vice President
`AHM, Exh. 1029, p. 4


`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`Table of Contents
`FOREWORD...................................................................................................... 1
`INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 1
`1. SCOPE ....................................................................................................... 1
`2. NORMATIVE REFERENCES..................................................................... 1
`2.1. AMI-C Documents........................................................................................... 2
`2.2. Other Documents............................................................................................ 2
`3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS....................................................................... 2
`3.1. AMI-C Standard Networks.............................................................................. 2
`3.2. Cable Segment:............................................................................................... 3
`3.3. Customer Access Adaptor:............................................................................ 3
`3.4. Customer Access Connector:........................................................................ 4
`3.5. Embedded Components:................................................................................ 4
`3.6. PMODE Line:................................................................................................... 4
`3.7. Additional Terms: ........................................................................................... 4
`4. SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................ 5
`The Physical Configuration............................................................................ 5
`Representative Block Diagram of the Elements......................................... 5
`AMI Physical System Compliance............................................................. 8
`AMI Physical Component Compliance ...................................................... 9
`5. HARDWARE ELEMENTS .......................................................................... 9
`5.1. Physical Inter-Connection.............................................................................. 9
`IDB-C Physical Inter-Connection Configuration......................................... 9
`IDB-C Cable Segments........................................................................... 10
`IEEE1394b Cable Segment .................................................................... 11
`5.1.4. MOST Cable Segments .......................................................................... 11
`Cable Segments for All Networks............................................................ 12
`AHM, Exh. 1029, p. 5


`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`AMI Backbone Signals ............................................................................ 13
`Connector Specifications......................................................................... 14
`Service Cable Requirements................................................................... 14
`5.2. Power Management ...................................................................................... 14
`Vehicle Power Characteristics................................................................. 14
`Power and Ground Requirements ........................................................... 15
`Power Consumption................................................................................ 16
`Active Power Consumption Management................................................ 17
`Power States........................................................................................... 18
`Power Modes .......................................................................................... 21
`Power Mode Implementations................................................................. 22
`The Power Mode Line ............................................................................. 23
`PMODE Line Detailed Circuit Specifications ........................................... 26
`5.2.10. PMODE Line Control............................................................................... 26
`5.2.11. Long-Term Shut Down ............................................................................ 27
`5.3. Diagnostics ................................................................................................... 28
`Customer Access Connector................................................................... 28
`The Diagnostic Tool ................................................................................ 28
`5.4. Environment.................................................................................................. 29
`Automotive Environment ......................................................................... 29
`5.5. Packaging...................................................................................................... 29
`Package Location.................................................................................... 29
`Release 1 Specifications for Packaging .................................................. 29
`AHM, Exh. 1029, p. 6


`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`Table of Figures
`Figure 1. Representative Block Diagram.................................................................. 5
`Figure 2. Two Implementations of a Customer Access Port ..................................... 7
`Figure 3.
`IDB-C Daisy Chain Wiring Configuration ................................................. 10
`Figure 4. Tree Configuration .................................................................................. 11
`Figure 5. Fibre-Optic Cable Configuration.............................................................. 12
`Figure 6. Extended Power Supply .......................................................................... 16
`Figure 7. Power State Transitions from OFF to RUN.............................................. 20
`Figure 8. Power State Transitions from ON to OFF and ON-OFF-ON .................... 21
`Figure 9. Power Usage in Active Controller Sections ............................................. 22
`AHM, Exh. 1029, p. 7


`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`Physical Specification – Release 1
`The Physical Specification is part of the Automotive Multimedia Interface
`Collaboration, Inc. (AMI-C) Release 1 Specification Set.
`Release 1 specifications are not the definitive source by which AMI-C compliant
`components are to be designed and constructed, but they do serve as the
`foundation for the continuation of specification development activities and
`provide a method for identifying and resolving any discrepancies and
`deficiencies that may be present.
`The specification set resulting from the next phase of development will provide
`the “build-to” requirements for ensuring the interoperability, expandability and
`upgrade-ability of AMI-C compliant components.
`Within the constraints of the relationships shown and described in this
`document, the actual implementation configurations may be quite diverse,
`based on the opportunities to integrate components and the wide variations of
`functional content that are expected across all vehicle lines.
`While some restrictions are put on the vehicle implementer, the actual design
`may be accomplished in any number of ways by the system implementer.
`1. Scope
`This document specifies the physical requirements for configurations and
`interconnections between system components and describes how components
`react under the various operating power modes and states. It also addresses
`the hardware interfaces for external devices, diagnostics, environment and
`packaging standards and specifications.
`2. Normative References
`The following documents form part of the specification to the extent specified
`herein. Unless otherwise noted, this specification refers to the most recent
`version of a particular document.
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`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`In the event of a conflict between the text of this specification and the
`documents cited herein, the text of this specification takes precedence. Nothing
`in this specification, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations,
`unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
`2.1. AMI-C Documents
`AMI-C SPEC 1001 Release 1 Architecture
`AMI-C SPEC 1002 Functional Requirements
`AMI-C SPEC 3001 Vehicle Interface Specification – Release 1
`AMI-C SPEC 3002 Common Message Set
`AMI-C SPEC 3003 OEM to IDB-C Gateway
`AMI-C SPEC 3004 1394 to IDB-C Gateway
`AMI-C SPEC 3005 MOST to IDB-C Gateway
`AMI-C SPEC 1004 AMI-C Release 1 Message-Level Security
`AMI-C Use Cases
`2.2. Other Documents
`IDB Physical Layer
`IDB Link Layer
`IDB Transport Layer
`IDB Application Message Layer
`IDB Lexicon
`IDB Message Set for Device Classes
`SAE J2366-1
`SAE J2366-2
`SAE J2366-4
`SAE J2366-7
`SAE J2366-7LX
`SAE J2366-7X
`3. Terms and Definitions
`Following are some terms that are commonly used throughout this specification:
`3.1. AMI-C Standard Networks
`IEEE1394b and MOST are the high-speed networks used for the purpose of
`Physical Specification – Release 1 Page 2 of 31
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`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`defining this specification. Both are based on Plastic Fiber Optic (POF)
`transmission media.
`IDB-C is the AMI-C endorsed low-speed network. IDB-C network speed is
`targeted at 250 kbps.
`• BlueTooth is an AMI-C preferred wireless network to interface with short-
`range, off-board customer devices or services. Full interface definition,
`standards, and verification will be provided by AMI-C in subsequent releases
`of documentation to support the incorporation of BlueTooth by carmakers or
`manufacturers of after-market devices.
`3.2. Cable Segment:
`A point-to-point cable with a standard AMI Interface Connector on each end.
`3.3. Customer Access Adaptor:
`An interface device between an AMI Interface Connector on an embedded
`device to a Customer Access Connector.
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`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`3.4. Customer Access Connector:
`The connector accessible to a driver or passenger for the connection of a
`temporary or consumer device.
`Embedded Components:
`AMI components that are installed in a vehicle by manufacturing or a service
`technician using conventional wiring and mounting technologies. Embedded
`Components include the following three broad types of network components.
`Devices are low-level components with little or no programmable intelligence.
`They are generally slave devices to other components.
`Controllers are computer-based units performing a dedicated function or
`feature. They frequently uses network devices to gather information or to
`control a system.
`Hosts are general-purpose computers having the capability to execute a variety
`of application software. Hosts easily allow a user to select and change software
`on demand.
`PMODE Line:
`A signal wire used to control and sense wake-up and sleep states in an AMI
`3.7. Additional Terms:
`For additional information, refer to the AMI-C REF DOC 6001, AMI-C Technical
`Glossary, for definitions of terms and acronyms used throughout this document.
`Also refer to Appendix A: Requirement and Recommendation Language for
`guidance on verbal expressions used throughout this specification that are
`indicative of requirements and recommendations.
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`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`4. Specification
`The Physical Configuration
`Representative Block Diagram of the Elements
`An actual system may be combined orintegrated in a variety of ways, but each
`system shall have one or more of the following block-elements represented in
`the diagram below:
`AMI-C Compliant
`i+— system ——?|+ OEMProprietary —
`8£2=a :o©S=o> F
`igure 1.
`Representative Block Diagram
`The block diagram in Figure 1 is a representation of a logical block diagram,
`comprised of physical components. Specifically, the drawing highlights the
`relationships that shall be maintained between the various components to
`maintain compliance with the spirit and intent of this and other AMI-C
`This AMI-C compliant system is comprised of three major sections, including:
`Vehicle Services provided through a Vehicle Services Interface; an AMI-C
`Compliant System, which includes embedded network components making up
`the bulk of the AMI-C system; and, the Customer AccessPorts, which provide
`an interface for users to attach portable devices to access services.
`Physical Specification — Release 1
`Page 5 of 31
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`AHM, Exh. 1029, p. 12


`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
` Vehicle Services
`Vehicle Services are the functions and services provided by the original
`equipment manufacture (OEM) through a Vehicle Services Interface in a
`standard and consistent manner to the AMI-C compliant system. A minimum
`set of services is required to achieve compliancy to AMI-C requirements. These
`services are defined in AMI-C SPEC 3001, Vehicle Interface. The Vehicle
`Services Interface is the only required component to have an AMI-C compliant
` Embedded Components
`The components that provide the bulk of the system are installed in the vehicle
`using conventional mounting and wiring methods. These optional components
`provide standard features and functions, as defined by future AMI-C API
`specifications. These embedded components are considered AMI compliant
`and shall conform to all AMI specifications. All of these components reside on
`one of the two standard AMI-C networks. Services provided by these
`components shall be made available on the vehicle’s standard AMI network.
` Customer Access Ports
`Optional Customer Access Ports provide an interface between portable
`devices, such as PDAs, phones, and laptops, and AMI-C services and
`functions. These ports are comprised of a combination of physical connectors
`(unique to the device) and an adaptor circuit, which provide whatever
`conversion is necessary to change the AMI-C network interface into the type of
`format required by the portable device being used. The connectors and
`adapters may or may not be integrated together.
`Compliance with Interface Requirements:
`Customer Access adapters interfacing with a standard AMI Interface Connector
`shall meet all of the AMI-C interface requirements, as defined by the Release 1
`Specification Set. These documents shall include the physical, network,
`network messages, and architecture specifications.
`The consumer device side of the adapter shall be defined by the appropriate
`specifications of the device to which it is connected. AMI-C does not provide
`specifications for these unique functions.
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`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`Location and Support:
`The location and packaging of the Customer AccessPort is defined by the
`vehicle application. They shall be within easy reach of an occupantin the front
`seat or rear seat, depending on the particular connectors used.
`|Customer Access Connector
`The Customer Access Connectoris a specific physical interface to an AMI
`adapter. This Customer Access Connectoris a connectorthat allows direct
`interface with an external device or tool to the AMI backbonesignal set
`(networks(s), power / ground, PMODE, and analog signals). The connector
`specifications will be defined in the next release of this Physical Specification.
`The adapterfor this connectoris primarily an isolation circuit between the
`networksignals and the external devices to prevent loading, faults in the
`network from shorts, or any other undesirable affect from attaching an external
`device to the AMI-C network.
`Surface mounted «+++>
`Customerportable -—v
`device connector
`\ Mweenanesenanccouanceouunceoen
` a
`: Adapter
`Standard AMI-C
`Figure 2.
`Two Implementations of a Customer Access Port
`The Customer AccessPort shall provide a hot plug-and-playinterface to the
`portable device. The device shall be detachable or attachable to the electrical
`connector while the system is power ON and operating. Through a discovery
`process, the networkwill re-configure upon detecting the addition of a device
`added to the Customer Connector. Like-wise, the network will detect the
`Physical Specification — Release 1
`Page 7 of 31
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`AHM, Exh. 1029, p. 14


`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`removal of a device and re-configure the network accordingly. This process is
`described in more detail in AMI-C SPEC 1001, Release 1 Architecture.
` AMI-C Standard Networks
`IEEE1394b and MOST are the high-speed networks used for the purpose of
`defining this specification. Both are based on Plastic Fiber Optic (POF)
`transmission media.
`IDB-C is the AMI-C endorsed, low-speed network. IDB-C network speed is
`targeted at 250 kbps.
`• Bluetooth is supported as a preferred wireless network to interface with
`short-range, off-board customer devices or services. Full interface
`definition, standards, and verification shall be provided by AMI-C in
`subsequent releases of documentation to support the incorporation of
`Bluetooth by the OEM or the after-market.
`• LISA is an optional audio bus used in combination with IDB-C. IDB-C is
`used for command and control of the audio devices.
`Non-AMI, short-range, wireless network interfaces shall not be excluded, but
`also shall not be supported or developed within the AMI-C standards set. It is
`incumbent upon the unique wireless system or component provider to assure
`the interfaces to the AMI-C compliant system fully meet the appropriate
`requirements of the AMI-C specifications.
`AMI Physical System Compliance
`The following set of requirements is required by a vehicle system to be AMI-C
`a) The system shall provide an IDB-C network, a high-speed network or both.
`b) If the system has both networks, a bridging method shall also be provided to
`allow the networks to communicate between each other.
`c) If the system provides only one network, its design shall not prohibit the later
`use of an after market adapter to another AMI-C standard network or non-
`standard network.
`d) The system shall provide a minimum set of OEM vehicle services, as
`defined in AMI-C SPEC 3001, Vehicle Interface, through at least one AMI-C
`interface connector.
`e) Any AMI-C features or functions offered through the vehicle services
`interface shall be fully compliant with the relevant AMI-C standard APIs.
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`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`f) All network interface rules, message sets, discovery and Plug-and-Play
`(PnP) requirements shall be supported. Refer to other documents in the
`Release 1 Specification Set.
`AMI Physical Component Compliance
`To achieve AMI-C compliance, the following physical component requirements
`shall be met:
`a) All electrical, functional and EMC (Electro-Magnetic Compatibility)
`requirements defined by AMI-C shall be met. These specifications will be
`available in the next AMI-C specification release.
`b) If a Customer Access Connector is provided, it shall be used in combination
`with an acceptable adapter (external device) to an AMI-C Interface
`c) If an external device is interfaced through a Customer Port, the component
`shall meet all intended external interface standards.
`d) If an after-market or third-party component is used, the manufacturer shall
`be in compliance with AMI-C certification requirements. Refer to AMI-C
`SPEC 1002, Functional Requirements.
`5. Hardware Elements
`Physical Inter-Connection
`IDB-C Physical Inter-Connection Configuration
`A point-to-point wiring method is defined to support the inter-connection of all
`components on the IDB-C bus.
`Components used in an AMI-C compliant system may be inter-connected in a
`“daisy chain” fashion, such that a single segment of cable is connected between
`each component. Each component in the chain has a double cavity connector
`to support a cable coming in and going out.
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`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`First and last component
`in chainis left with one
`empty cavity
`Figure 3. IDB-C Daisy Chain Wiring Configuration
`IDB-C Cable Segments
`Cable segments used for IDB-C based components are comprised of
`connectors supporting the IDB-C signal set (refer to IDB-C Signal Set section
`5.1.6). This connector is defined in SAE specification J2366-1. These cable
`segments contain only standard signals. Any additional circuit requirements by
`a component must be contained in a separate, unique harness or cable
`WhenIDB-C components are daisy chained, the end componentsin the chain
`are left with a single vacant cavity. These vacant cavities must be terminated.
`Bus termination resisters are provided by the header connector in each
`component. These header connectorsshall have an internal resister connected
`betweenthe twopinsin such a waythatthis internal resister is disabled when a
`cable segmentis mated to the component.
`Whenthe cable is removed, the internal resister is again connected between
`the two pins. This approach allows the last componentin a daisy chain to be
`automatically terminated without user intervention. The bus termination resistor
`value is 120 ohms. This mechanismis specified in the IDB-C Physical Layer
`Specification, J2366-1.
`The cable segments contain two IDB-C data signals with three power and
`power managementsignals. The IDB-C data signals use a twisted pair of
`conductorsin the cable segments.
`Physical Specification — Release 1
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`AHM, Exh. 1029, p. 17


`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`IEEE1394b Cable Segment
`Cable segments used for IEEE1394b fiber-optic high-speed components
`consist of fiber-optic network pair plus three copper circuits supporting power,
`ground, and the PMODE line.
`The components may have two or more cavities in the component’s header
`These components may be connected in a daisy chain configuration similar to
`IDB-C, or alternately, use a tree configuration as shown in Figure 4.
`Functionally, the network supports both interchangeably.
`Figure 4. Tree Configuration
`Both ends of an IEEE1394b cable segment are identical and the cable segment
`end connectors are identical.
`IEEE1394b fiber-optic connectors must protect any empty cavities with a cover
`of some type when not in use.
`MOST Cable Segments
`Fiber-optic, high-speed cable segments are used for MOST components and
`must be configured using a ring topology as shown in Figure 5. In a MOST ring
`topology, the fiber-optic cables must have keyed or color-coded ends to assure
`that outputs and inputs between components are properly connected. The
`Physical Specification – Release 1 Page 11 of 31
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`copperwiring for PMODE, powerand groundare daisy-chained and not
`configuredin a ring.
`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`Figure 5. Fibre-Optic Cable Configuration
`Cable Segmentsfor All Networks
`Integration into Vehicle’s Wire Harnesses
`Cable segments maybe integrated into a vehicle manufacturer's wiring harness
`from the factory.
`It is not necessary that they be separate wire segments. The
`cable lengths shall be designedto fit the component’s packaging location. To
`accommodate vehicle manufacturing, fiber-optic cable segments shall support
`at least two in-line connections.
`Length Requirement
`To meet network performancespecifications, the maximum length of
`interconnecting media is limited. The networkis not expected to operate when
`longer lengths are used. The maximum lengths allowed for each network are
`dependenton attributes of the network(e.g., speed, powerdissipation, material,
`connectorlosses, etc. ). The lengths for each network can be found in the
`appropriate network specifications:
`IDB-C SAE J2366-1, MOST, and
`Physical Specification — Release 1
`Page 12 of 31
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`AHM, Exh. 1029, p. 19


`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`AMI Backbone Signals
`IDB-C Component / Cable Signal Set
`The IDB-C component / cable signal set is comprised of:
`IDB-C data +
`IDB-C data –
`Spare (undefined)
`LISA Component / Cable Signal Set
`The LISA component / cable signal set is comprised of:
`LISA Left channel +
`LISA Left channel -
`LISA Right channel +
`LISA Right channel -
`LISA Microphone +
`LISA Microphone -
`IEEE1394b Component / Cable Signal Set
`The IEEE1394b component / cable signal set is comprised of:
`IEEE1394b input (plastic optical fiber)
`IEEE1394b output (plastic optical fiber)
`Spare (undefined)
` MOST Component / Cable Signal
`The MOST component / cable signal is comprised of:
`− MOST (plastic optical fiber)
`Spare (undefined)
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`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
` Undefined Pin
`The “undefined” pin is reserved for future AMI-C requirements and shall not be
`used by after-market components or OEM applications.
`Connector Specifications
`IDB-C connector specifications can be referenced in the SAE J2366-1 IDB-C
`Physical Layer Specification. The IEEE1394b connector is referenced in the
`IEEE1394b automotive specification. MOST has not yet defined a standard
`connector, although several recommended connectors are available from
`suppliers. It is expected that a MOST connector will be included in the MOST
`specification set by the completion of the next AMI-C Specification Set.
` Connector Disconnection and Re-Connection
`The number of cycles a cable must withstand being disconnected and re-
`connected to an embedded AMI-C component shall be 20 times over the life of
`the components. An external Customer Access Connector, if provided, must
`withstand 7500 cycles (USCAR report and recommendation).
`Service Cable Requirements
`To support upgrading, modifying, or servicing of an AMI-C compliant system,
`cables must be available in the service community in a variety of lengths to
`support components that are added in a variety of locations and orientations. It
`is expected that standard lengths would be developed ranging between 0.3
`meters and 15 meters.
`Power Management
`Vehicle Power Characteristics
`The following typical values are provided for direction only. For specific values,
`refer to ISO automotive power supply specifications.
`It is expected that AMI compliant components will operate using a
`standard 12-volt automotive power supply. This document does not
`cover any future 42-volt requirements or specifications.
`• Typical system voltage range during normal operation and engine
`running above idle speeds is 12 to 15 volts.
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`AMI-C SPEC 4001.0.0
`• Typical voltage range with ignition key in RUN or ACC and engine off or
`with engine running above idle speed is 8 to 12 volts.
`• Typical voltage range during engine cranking (starter engaged) is 5 to 9
`volts. The lowest voltage occurs during low temperature extreme or
`during low battery state-of-charge.
`• Transient voltage peaks during alternator load dump between +80 to 200
`• Transient voltage peaks during load switching or alternator field decay
`from -100 to -300 volts.
`• Typical voltage during battery jump-start ranges between 12 and 24
`• Typical voltag

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