`– Release 1
`Release 1, 2001
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 1
`OEM to IDB-C Gateway
`Specification – Release 1
`Legal Disclaimer and Copyright Information
`All Automotive Multimedia Interface Collaboration, Inc. (AMI-C) specifications are
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`AMI-C specifications are for information and evaluation purposes only. Certain elements
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`The AMI-C specifications and the information contained therein are provided on an “as
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`All brand and product names may be trademarks that are the sole property of their
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` Copyright AMI-C 2000.
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 2
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`Revision Log
`[Notice: Refer to the public document section of www.ami-c.org for most current baseline and revision.]
`Baseline Date
`Baseline No:
`Document No.
`AMI-C SPEC 3003
`Document Title:
`OEM to IDB-C Gateway Specification – Release 1
` 0
`Revision Date
`Affected Sections
`Revision No.
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 3
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`Request for Change Form
`[Notice: Use this form to identify any errors or deficiencies or to make general change recommendations.]
`Revision No.
` 0
`Baseline No.
`Document No.
`AMI-C SPEC 3003
`Document Title:
`OEM to IDB-C Gateway Specification – Release 1
` 0
`Mail to:
`Don Ingersoll
`AMI-C Vice President
`280 Enterprise Drive, Bloomfield Hills,
`Michigan, USA 48302-0312
`Fax to:
`Don Ingersoll
`AMI-C Vice President
`c/o Results Systems Corp.
`(248) 244-8504
`Description of Change:
`Rational for Change:
`Proposed Revision:
`Affected Sections:
`E-mail to:
`Don Ingersoll
`AMI-C Vice President
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 4
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`Table of Contents
`FOREWORD...................................................................................................... 1
`INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 1
`1. SCOPE ....................................................................................................... 2
`2. NORMATIVE REFERENCES..................................................................... 3
`2.1. AMI-C Documents........................................................................................... 3
`2.2. Other Documents............................................................................................ 3
`3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS....................................................................... 4
`Interacting Domains ....................................................................................... 4
`OEM Domain ............................................................................................ 4
`AMI-C Domain .......................................................................................... 5
`External Domain........................................................................................ 5
`4.2. Vehicle Interface Services.............................................................................. 6
`5.1. Message Mapping........................................................................................... 6
`Perform Message Filtering ........................................................................ 6
`Check for Errors before Translation........................................................... 7
`5.2. Power Mode..................................................................................................... 7
`5.3. Device / Service Discovery............................................................................. 7
`5.4. Performing Access Control............................................................................ 7
`Audio......................................................................................................... 7
`Display ...................................................................................................... 7
`5.5. Security ........................................................................................................... 7
`Theft Deterrence ....................................................................................... 7
`Authentication ........................................................................................... 8
`Security Communication among IDB-C Devices........................................ 8
`5.6. Access to Vehicle Diagnostic Information.................................................... 8
`Fail Safe........................................................................................................... 8
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 5
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`5.8. Battery & Ground Requirements ................................................................... 8
`6. AMI-C VEHICLE INTERFACE SERVICES................................................. 9
`7. OEM / AMI-C GATEWAY SERVICES ...................................................... 10
`7.1. Services at the High Level: .......................................................................... 10
`7.2. Services at the Low Level: ........................................................................... 10
`7.3. Device / Services Discovery......................................................................... 11
`IDB-C Side Device / Services Registry Approach.................................... 11
`OEM Side Device / Services Registry Approach ..................................... 12
`Device / Services Visibility between Domains (OEM / IDB-C).................. 12
`Device / Service Discovery Related Messages ....................................... 12
` Service Registration ..........................................................................................12
` Service Deletion ................................................................................................12
` Request Available Service Information .............................................................12
` Request Available Device Information ..............................................................12
`7.4. Analog Audio Bus Management .................................................................. 13
`7.5. OEM Access Security................................................................................... 13
`Security Policies...................................................................................... 14
`Security Mechanism................................................................................ 14
` Theft Deterrence................................................................................................15
` Authentication of Devices ..................................................................................15
` Secure Communication between a Pair of IDB Devices ...................................15
`Security Protocol..................................................................................... 15
` Theft Deterrence................................................................................................15
` Authentication of Devices ..................................................................................16
` Secure Communication between a Pair of IDB Devices ...................................17
`Secure Communication between an IDB Device and a Remote Server... 17
`Security-Related Messages .................................................................... 18
` Theft Deterrence................................................................................................18
` Authentication of Devices ..................................................................................18
` Secure Communication between a Pair of IDB Devices ...................................18
`7.6. Access to OEM-Display Services ................................................................ 19
`Display Arbitration................................................................................... 19
`7.7. Access to OEM-Vehicle Data / Services ...................................................... 20
`7.8. Access to IDB-C Services from OEM........................................................... 21
`7.9. AMI-C Communication Diagnostics............................................................. 22
`Diagnostic Data Collection Approach ...................................................... 22
`Diagnostic Data Collection-Related Messages........................................ 23
` Request Diagnostic Information ........................................................................23
` Reply Diagnostic Information.............................................................................23
`Power Mode Management ........................................................................ 24
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 6
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`Fail Safe..................................................................................................... 24
`OEM / IDB-C Message Transformation / Filtering ................................... 24
`7.12.1. Protocol / Message Mapping................................................................... 24
`(INFORMATIVE).............................................................................................. 25
`8.1. Gateway Message Transformation / Filtering Functions and Attributes... 25
`IDB-C Protocol Characteristics................................................................ 25
`OEM Protocol Characteristics ................................................................ 25
`OEM Protocol / IDB-C Protocol Gateway Model...................................... 26
`IDB-C Network Data Management and Network Interface....................... 26
`OEM Network Data Management and Network Interface ........................ 27
`Gateway Controller ................................................................................. 28
`8.2. Gateway Device / Service Discovery Functions and Attributes ................ 30
`IDB-C Side Device / Service Discovery ................................................... 30
`OEM Side Device / Service Discovery..................................................... 30
`Gateway Device / Service Discovery....................................................... 31
`9. MESSAGE COMMUNICATION PRIORITIES SCHEME .......................... 32
`IDB-C Application Categories and Priorities............................................... 32
`Transmitter Side Priorities ........................................................................... 33
`9.3. Receiver Side Priorities................................................................................ 33
`9.4. Rx Side / Tx Side Priority Balance ............................................................... 34
`TRANSMISSION WAITING TIME (INFORMATIVE)............................. 34
`Network Traffic.......................................................................................... 34
`10.1.1. Application Level Communication Frequency.......................................... 35
`IDB-C Application Message and Physical Layer Length.......................... 35
`IDB-C LAN Bandwidth Management Method .......................................... 37
`Throughputs and Waiting Time Estimates.............................................. 38
`11. MESSAGE TIME OUT (INFORMATIVE) .............................................. 40
`Time Out Dependencies ........................................................................... 40
`Communication Path Delays.................................................................... 40
`Application Level Time Requirements..................................................... 41
`12. BUFFER SIZE AND FLOW CONTROL (INFORMATIVE).................... 41
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 7
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`Buffer Configuration................................................................................. 41
`High-Level Buffer Size and High-Level Flow Control ............................. 42
`Low-Level Buffer Size and Low-Level Flow Control............................... 43
`13. RELIABILITY ........................................................................................ 44
`TCP / IP (OPTIONAL)........................................................................... 44
`VALIDATION ........................................................................................ 44
`Level Of Vehicle Interface......................................................................... 45
`Extent of IDB Messages ........................................................................... 45
`Audio Functions........................................................................................ 45
`Security Functions.................................................................................... 45
`Display Functions ..................................................................................... 45
`17. GATEWAY HARDWARE PROTOTYPE EQUIPMENT......................... 45
`LANGUAGE..................................................................................................... 46
`Requirements............................................................................................ 46
`Recommendations.................................................................................... 46
`19. APPENDIX B: IDB-C PROTOCOL ....................................................... 47
`IDB-C Application Layer ........................................................................... 47
`IDB-C Transport Layer.............................................................................. 48
`IDB-C Data Link Layer .............................................................................. 48
`IDB-C Physical Layer................................................................................ 49
`Hardware Prototype based on an Xxxxx XX VME Computer ................. 50
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 8
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`Hardware Prototype based on a MMMMMMMMM VME Computer......... 51
`Hardware Prototype based on a YYYYYY Microcomputer..................... 52
`20.3.1. YYYYYY Microcomputer ......................................................................... 52
`20.3.2. YYYYYY Microcomputer as Gateway...................................................... 54
`20.3.3. Hhhhhhh Control Area Network............................................................... 54
`21. APPENDIX D: GATEWAY AND IDB-C MESSAGES .......................... 57
`Device / Service Discovery....................................................................... 57
`Diagnostic Data Collection....................................................................... 57
`Vehicle Identifier ....................................................................................... 57
`Core Services............................................................................................ 58
`Vehicle Data Services............................................................................... 58
`System....................................................................................................... 64
`Security...................................................................................................... 65
`Analog Audio Bus..................................................................................... 65
`Text Display............................................................................................... 65
`22. APPENDIX E: ANALOG AUDIO BUS MANAGEMENT....................... 66
`23. APPENDIX F: GATEWAY SECURITY ................................................. 67
`High-Level Requirements......................................................................... 67
`23.1.1. System Model ......................................................................................... 67
`23.1.2. Security Threats and Protection Services (ISO / CD15764) .................... 67
`Masquerade ..................................................................................................67
`Protection Service Against Masquerades .....................................................67
`Replay ...........................................................................................................67
`Protection Service Against Replays ..............................................................67
`Eavesdropping and Loss of Confidentiality...................................................68
`Protection Service Against Eavesdropping...................................................68
`Manipulation ..................................................................................................68
`Protection Service Against Manipulation.......................................................68
`Repudiation ...................................................................................................68
` Protection Service Against Repudiation........................................................68
`23.1.3. Gateway Security Requirements ............................................................. 69
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 9
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`Table of Figures
`Figure 1. Gateway Interacting Domains (Requirements / Constrains) ...................... 5
`OEM / IDB-C Task Model.......................................................................... 9
`Figure 2.
`Figure 3. Gateway Services ................................................................................... 11
`Figure 4. Device / Service Discovery Services ....................................................... 13
`Figure 5. Access Security Services ........................................................................ 19
`Figure 6. Text Display Model.................................................................................. 20
`Figure 7. Access to OEM-Vehicle Data / Control Services ..................................... 21
`Figure 8.
`Access to IDB-C services from OEM....................................................... 22
`Figure 9.
`Communication Diagnostic Services ....................................................... 23
`Figure 10.
`Two-Channel Gateway Simplified Model ............................................. 26
`Figure 11.
`(a) IDB-C Data Management and Network Interface ........................... 28
`Figure 12.
`(b) OEM Data Management and Network Interface............................. 28
`Figure 13.
` Gateway Controller ................................................................................ 30
`Figure 14.
`Device / Service Discovery Model ....................................................... 32
`Figure 15.
`IDB-C Application Categories and Assigned Priorities......................... 33
`Figure 16.
`Rx/Tx Attributes and Services Associated with Priority Scheme.......... 34
`Figure 17.
`IDB-C Packet Assembly Process ........................................................ 35
`Figure 18.
`Application Layer Header Overhead.................................................... 36
`Figure 19.
`Frames and Frames Composition at the Physical Layer...................... 37
`Figure 20.
`Virtual Token Passing Model............................................................... 38
`Figure 21.
`Token Hold Slots, Throughputs and Waiting Times ............................. 39
`Figure 22.
`(a) Request / Reply Communication Method, (b) Delay Sources ......... 41
`Figure 23.
`Buffer Configuration Model.................................................................. 42
`Figure 24.
`Low-Level Buffer Model....................................................................... 44
`Figure 25.
` IDB-C Application Layer Model .............................................................. 48
`Figure 26.
`(b) IDB-C Transport Layer Model ........................................................ 49
`Figure 27.
`(c) IDB-C Data Link Layer Model......................................................... 49
`Figure 28.
`Gateway Hardware Prototype based on Xxxxx XX.............................. 51
`Figure 29.
`Gateway Hardware Prototype based on a VME Board Computer........ 52
`Figure 30.
`YYYYYY Microcomputer (Internal Components) ................................. 53
`Figure 31.
` Two-Channel Gateway Based on YYYYYY............................................ 54
`Figure 32.
`HCAN (Hhhhhhh Control Area Network) Interfaces ............................. 56
`Figure 33.
`Preliminaries ....................................................................................... 70
`Figure 34.
`Authentication Message Sequence ..................................................... 71
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 10
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`OEM to IDB-C Gateway Specification
`– Release 1
`The OEM to IDB-C Gateway Specification is part of the Automotive Multimedia
`Interface Collaboration, Inc. (AMI-C) Release 1 Specification Set.
`Release 1 specifications are not the definitive source by which AMI-C compliant
`components are to be designed and constructed, but they do serve as the
`foundation for the continuation of specification development activities and
`provide a method for identifying and resolving any discrepancies and
`deficiencies that may be present.
`The specification set resulting from the next phase of development will provide
`the “build-to” requirements for ensuring the interoperability, expandability and
`upgrade-ability of AMI-C compliant components.
`The Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Data Bus (IDB) was designed for a low-
`cost, multimedia, peer-to-peer network that supports audio / video and other
`multimedia applications not typically provided by the automotive original
`equipment manufacturer (OEM) network in the automotive environment. IDB-C
`is an IDB that supports control messages through CAN J2284 based media and
`audio/video through analog lines.
`An IDB-C network is a dedicated entertainment and information network. The
`network is not intended for tasks related to essential vehicle functions.
`However, some devices on the IDB-C side (e.g., navigation) may require
`access to vehicle services in the core segment (e.g., body, power train,
`speakers, amplifier, display, etc.). In order to connect the IDB-C network to the
`OEM networks, a gateway is required.
`This document specifies the function and characteristics of an OEM to IDB-C
`gateway to enable IDB-C devices to be interoperable and interchangeable
`among the unique vehicle models produced by various manufacturers. To
`procure an IEM to IDB-C gateway, an OEM shall need to use information from
`four (4) sources:
`• This specification;
`OEM to IDB-C Gateway Specification – Release 1 Page 1 of 71
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 11
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`• AMI-C SPEC 3001, Vehicle Interface Specification;
`• Specific OEM information about how the services identified in the
`“Vehicle Interface Specification” are to be implemented; and,
`• AMI-C SPEC 3002, Common Message Set.
`The OEM network / system interconnected by the gateway could be a J1850,
`SCP, AVC-LAN, CAN, MOST or multimedia computer, etc. In order to engineer
`plug-and-play of the add-on devices, each vehicle offers a standardized vehicle
`interface, as described in AMI-C SPEC 3001, Vehicle Interface Specification.
`The OEM side of the OEM / IDB-C gateway supports interfaces to sensors,
`switches, vehicle system devices (such as body system controller), etc. The
`vehicle interface conceptually and physically separates the devices into two
`sides: the OEM side and the AMI-C side.
`The vehicle interfaces defined by AMI-C are abstract specifications of the
`vehicle interface. Each OEM has to implement this abstract specification into its
`own specific realization.
`The gateway connects the IDB-C network to the abstract specification of the
`vehicle interface. Through the gateway on the IDB-C side, devices and services
`can be accessed from clients on the OEM side. Likewise, some of OEM
`devices / services can be accessed from clients on the IDB-C side.
`1. Scope
`Functions and characteristics of an OEM/IDB-C gateway and some supporting
`information are provided in this document.
`Section 4 addresses the relationship among the OEM to IDB-C gateway and
`other interacting domains of an AMI-C compatible vehicle.
`Section 5 covers high-level requirements of the gateway.
`Section 6 covers the gateway services or low-level requirements of the
`One gateway design is elaborated from sections 7 through 11. These sections
`are informative only and provide details about functions, attributes, task
`execution priority schemes, response times, error control, flow control, buffer
`size, etc.
`Preliminary validation and reliability requirements are given in Sections 12
`through 14.
`OEM to IDB-C Gateway Specification – Release 1 Page 2 of 71
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 12
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`Appendices provide bus and hardware related details.
`The information contained in this document represents the current state of
`design and shall be subject to further definition. Suppliers may propose some
`additional requirements, as identified in the text. This specification does not
`prevent the supplier from suggesting alternative approaches that would result in
`an improved or more cost-effective product, provided it does not compromise
`interoperability, interchangeability and upgrading architecture guidelines.
`The supplier is encouraged to pursue such suggested change with AMI-C on a
`case-by-case basis. The supplier shall present these recommendations or
`suggested enhancements to the AMI-C Network Team in writing.
`The interacting domains are described in this section to identify the scope of the
`OEM / IDB-C gateway.
`2. Normative References
`The following documents form a part of the specification to the extent specified
`herein. Unless otherwise noted, this specification refers to the most recent
`version of a particular document.
`In the event of a conflict between the text of this specification and the
`documents cited herein, the text of this specification takes precedence. Nothing
`in this specification, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations,
`unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
`2.1. AMI-C Documents
`AMI-C SPEC 1001 Release 1 Architecture
`AMI-C SPEC 1002 Functional Requirements
`AMI-C SPEC 3001 Vehicle Interface Specification – Release 1
`AMI-C SPEC 3002 Common Message Set
`AMI-C SPEC 4001 Physical Specification
`AMI-C SPEC 1004 AMI-C Release 1 Message-Level Security
`2.2. Other Documents
`IDB – 000 DISP
`Text & Graphics Display
`OEM to IDB-C Gateway Specification – Release 1 Page 3 of 71
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 13
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`IDB Data Security Services
`IDB References Model & Functional Requirements
`IDB Physical Layer
`IDB Link Layer
`IDB Transport Layer
`IDB Application Message Layer
`IDB Lexicon
`IDB Message Set for Device Classes
`Road Vehicles - Extended Data Link Security
`SAE J1760
`SAE J2355
`SAE J2366-1
`SAE J2366-2
`SAE J2366-4
`SAE J2366-7
`SAE J2366-7LX
`SAE J2366-7X
`ISO/CD 15764
`3. Terms and Definitions
`Refer to the AMI-C REF DOC 6001, AMI-C Technical Glossary, for definitions of
`terms and acronyms used throughout this document. Also refer to Appendix A:
`Requirement and Recommendation Language for guidance on verbal
`expressions used throughout this specification that are indicative of
`requirements and recommendations.
`4. AMI-C Vehicle Interface / OEM Gateway Relationships
`The gateway shall implement part of the services defined by the vehicle
`interface, but its implementation needs to be achieved without disruption of
`dependability requirements (reliability, timing), security requirements, or specific
`OEM implementation policies associated with the gateway interacting domains.
`Interacting Domains
`Figure 1 illustrates the three interacting domains of the OEM / IDB-C gateway --
`1) the OEM domain, 2) the AMI-C domain, and 3) the external domain.
`OEM Domain
`The OEM domain contains the components that are specified by the vehicle
`manufactures, such as vehicle controllers, radios, switches, etc. Automotive
`manufacturers control these specifications. The level of reliability, security,
`response, and safety consideration for these components varies from low to
`OEM to IDB-C Gateway Specification – Release 1 Page 4 of 71
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 14
`high, depending on the specific component responsibility and the
`manufacturer's policies.
`AMI-C SPEC 3003.0.0
`OEM Data/Services
`AMELC Data/Services |
`OEM Specific Implementation Policies
`OEM Specific Security Policies
`OEM Specific DependabilityRequirement
`OEM Constraints
`Regional Regulations
`Public Network Standards
`Regional Regulations
`Figure 1. Gateway Interacting Domains (Requirements / Constrains)
`AMI-C Domain
`The AMI-C domain consists of componentsinterconnected to the AMI-C bus.
`All of these components comply with the AMI-C Specification. The IDB-C busis
`the networkof this domain.
`External Domain
`The external domain considers those devices or services that are outside of the
`vehicle, but still interact with the AMI-C system by wireless communication.
`External wireless communication protocols are in compliance with Public
`Network Specifications.
`OEMto IDB-C Gateway Specification — Release 1
`Page 5 of 71
`AHM, Exh. 1028, p. 15
`AHM, Exh.