AMI-C SPEC 3002-0-0
`Message Set
`– Release 1
`Release 1, 2001
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 1


`Common Message Set –
`Release 1
`Legal Disclaimer and Copyright Information
`All Automotive Multimedia Interface Collaboration, Inc. (AMI-C) specifications are
`copyrighted and are subject to the following terms and limitations:
`AMI-C specifications are for information and evaluation purposes only. Certain elements
`of AMI-C specifications may be subject to third-party intellectual property rights including,
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`by estoppel or otherwise under AMI-C’s or any third party’s intellectual property rights,
`which may be embodied in such AMI-C specifications.
`AMI-C is not responsible and shall not be held responsible in any manner for identifying
`or failing to identify any or all such third-party intellectual property rights. In light of the
`above, AMI-C specifications may not be used for the design, development, production or
`commercialization of products, unless proper licenses are taken from the owners of
`intellectual property rights that pertain to each AMI-C specification and the information
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`The AMI-C specifications and the information contained therein are provided on an “as
`is” basis. AMI-C disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited
`to any warranty that the use of the information therein will not infringe the intellectual
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`In no event is AMI-C liable for any loss of profits, loss of business, loss of use of data,
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`All brand and product names may be trademarks that are the sole property of their
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` Copyright AMI-C 2000.
` 
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 2


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`Revision Log
`[Notice: Refer to the public document section of for most current baseline and revision.]
`Baseline Date
`Document No.
`AMI-C SPEC 3002
`Document Title:
`Common Message Set – Release 1
` 0
`Baseline No:
`Revision Date
`Affected Sections
`Revision No.
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 3


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`Request for Change Form
`[Notice: Use this form to identify any errors or deficiencies or to make general change recommendations.]
`Revision No.
` 0
`Document No.
`AMI-C SPEC 3002
`Document Title:
`Common Message Set – Release 1
` 0
`Baseline No.
`Mail to:
`Don Ingersoll
`AMI-C Vice President
`280 Enterprise Drive, Bloomfield Hills,
`Michigan, USA 48302-0312
`Fax to:
`Don Ingersoll
`AMI-C Vice President
`c/o Results Systems Corp.
`(248) 244-8504
`Description of Change:
`Rational for Change:
`Proposed Revision:
`Affected Sections:
`E-mail to:
`Don Ingersoll
`AMI-C Vice President
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 4


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`Table of Contents
`FOREWORD...................................................................................................... 1
`INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 1
`1. SCOPE ....................................................................................................... 2
`2. NORMATIVE REFERENCES..................................................................... 3
`2.1. AMI-C Documents........................................................................................... 4
`2.2. Other Documents............................................................................................ 4
`3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS....................................................................... 4
`4. SPECIFICATION: BACKGROUND........................................................... 5
`4.1. Networks and Associated Messages............................................................. 5
`Vehicle Interface ....................................................................................... 5
`IDB-C........................................................................................................ 5
`IEEE 1394................................................................................................. 6
`“Abstract Syntax Notation:” ASN.1 ............................................................... 7
`4.2.1. Why ASN.1? ............................................................................................. 7
`Primitive Type ........................................................................................... 7
`Operators to Combine Them..................................................................... 8
` Sequence.............................................................................................................8
` Sequence of.........................................................................................................9
` Set .......................................................................................................................9
` Set of ...................................................................................................................9
` Choice..................................................................................................................9
`Predefined Types.................................................................................... 10
`AND CLASSIFICATION .................................................................................. 10
`5.1. Common Message Set.................................................................................. 10
`5.2. Vehicle Interface Message Set..................................................................... 11
`5.3. Entertainment Messages.............................................................................. 12
`Audio Line Message Set ......................................................................... 12
`Display Message Set .............................................................................. 12
`AmFm Tuner Message Set ..................................................................... 12
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 5


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`Phone Message Set................................................................................ 13
`General Player ........................................................................................ 13
` Audio Amplifier...................................................................................................13
` Media Player -- Disk Player ...............................................................................14
` Media Player -- DVD Player ..............................................................................14
` Media Player -- Mini Disc Player .......................................................................14
` Media Player -- Audio Tape Player....................................................................15
` Media Player -- Video Tape Player....................................................................15
` Media Player -- Disk Changer ...........................................................................15
`6.1. AMI-C Vehicle Properties ............................................................................. 16
`6.2. ASN.1 AMI-C Vehicle Interface Messages................................................... 17
`6.3. ASN.1 AMI-C Vehicle Interface Message Examples ................................... 22
`Get the VIN number ................................................................................ 22
`Get the Vehicle Description Data Structure ............................................. 22
`Switch ON the Temperature of the Driver Seat ....................................... 23
`Subscribe to Periodic Changing Properties such as Vehicle Speed ........ 24
`Subscribe to Event Changing Properties such as Airbag Status.............. 24
`6.4. Vehicle Interface Services............................................................................ 25
`Core Vehicle Services............................................................................. 25
` Vehicle Identification..........................................................................................25
` Vehicle Manufacturer / Model............................................................................26
` Vehicle Description Data ...................................................................................27
` Vehicle Configured Services .............................................................................29
` Vehicle & AMI-C System Service ......................................................................30
` AMI-C Diagnostics Services..............................................................................31
` Time and Date Service ......................................................................................32
` Vehicle Status Services.....................................................................................33
` Distance.............................................................................................................33
`Airbag ............................................................................................................34
`Brake .............................................................................................................34
`Fuel ...............................................................................................................36
` Warning Lights Vector...................................................................................37
`Traction Control.............................................................................................37
`Cruise Control ...............................................................................................38
`Battery ...........................................................................................................38
`Suspension Control.......................................................................................39
`Body Status and Control Services........................................................... 39
` Antenna .............................................................................................................39
` Doors .................................................................................................................40
` Windows ............................................................................................................41
` Mirrors................................................................................................................42
` Seats..................................................................................................................43
` Seat Belt ............................................................................................................44
` Chime / Horn / General OEM Vehicle Sounds ..................................................44
`Lights .................................................................................................................45
` Wipers................................................................................................................46
` Wheels ..........................................................................................................47
`Interior Temperature .....................................................................................47
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 6


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`Powertrain Status and Control Services .................................................. 48
` Basic Engine Service.........................................................................................48
` Engine Description ............................................................................................49
` Engine Performance Mode................................................................................50
` Alternator ...........................................................................................................50
` Shift Lever and Gear .........................................................................................51
` Steering Wheel ..................................................................................................51
`Vehicle Security Services........................................................................ 52
`Vehicle Diagnostics Services .................................................................. 52
` OBD Code .........................................................................................................52
` OEM Diagnostics...............................................................................................52
` Encapsulated Diagnostics .................................................................................53
`OEM Reserved Services ......................................................................... 54
`Positioning Services................................................................................ 54
`E-Call Services........................................................................................ 55
`Entertainement Services ......................................................................... 55
` Volume, Fader and Balance..............................................................................55
` Mute / Unmute ...................................................................................................56
` Equalizer............................................................................................................57
` Connect Audio Channel.....................................................................................57
` Radio .................................................................................................................58
`6.4.10. HMI ......................................................................................................... 58
`Text Display...................................................................................................58
`Speech Recognition ......................................................................................58
`ISO Display Outputs......................................................................................58
`Buttons / Dial Input........................................................................................58
`7. ANNEX A: ASN.1 MESSAGES............................................................... 59
`7.1. AMI-C ASN.1 Common Message Group ...................................................... 59
`7.2. AMI-C ASN.1 Entertainment Messages ....................................................... 63
`Audio Line Message Set ......................................................................... 63
`Display Message Set .............................................................................. 65
`Am Fm Tuner Message Set .................................................................... 67
`Phone Message Set................................................................................ 70
`General Player ........................................................................................ 82
` Audio Amplifier...................................................................................................83
` Media Player – Disk Player ...............................................................................84
` Media Player – DVD Player...............................................................................87
` Media Player – Mini Disc Player........................................................................87
` Media Player – Audio Tape Player....................................................................87
` Media Player – Video Tape Player....................................................................88
` Media Player – Disk Changer............................................................................89
`Speech Recognition ................................................................................ 91
`8. ANNEX B : IDB-C MESSAGES ............................................................... 92
`8.1. Common Messages ...................................................................................... 92
`8.2. Body Messages............................................................................................. 93
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 7


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`Text Display Messages................................................................................. 94
`9.1. Requirements................................................................................................ 95
`9.2. Recommendations........................................................................................ 95
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 8


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`Table of Figures
`Figure 1. AMI-C Common Message Set................................................................... 2
`IDB-C Application Layer Frame................................................................. 5
`Figure 2.
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 9


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`Common Message Set – Release 1
`The Common Message Set is part of the Automotive Multimedia Interface
`Collaboration, Inc. (AMI-C) Release 1 Specification Set.
`Release 1 specifications are not the definitive source by which AMI-C compliant
`components are to be designed and constructed, but they do serve as the
`foundation for the continuation of specification development activities and
`provide a method for identifying and resolving any discrepancies and
`deficiencies that may be present.
`The specification set resulting from the next phase of development will provide
`the “build-to” requirements for ensuring the interoperability, expandability and
`upgrade-ability of AMI-C compliant components.
`The primary purpose of this specification is to engineer interoperability and
`interchangeability among networked components. This is achieved by
`standardizing on messages for specific buses. The IDB-C messages proposed
`for this standardization is attached in the annex. MOST API (see Section 2:
`Normative References). For 1394, AV/C codes are the standard messages for
`Release –1. HAVi shall be the interface for Release –2. The secondary
`purpose of this specification is to create ability to map messages between AMI-
`C approved busses. Definition of messages for AMI-C approved bus and
`candidate busses will facilitate message mapping.
`This document describes the AMI-C common message set that enables
`interface between AMI-C compliant devices and OEM devices in vehicles. The
`message set is developed to support AMI-C applications in vehicles and is
`derived from AMI-C use case scenarios. Initially, conceptual messages are
`defined in Abstract Syntax Notation (ASN.1) to identify and arrive at consensus
`on the scope. Then for IDB-C, messages in the scope were defined if not
`available from IDB Forum.
`In developing the Common Message Set, the AMI-C Network Team surveyed
`and studied network and application level messages for IDB-C, IEEE 1394 and
`MOST networks to determine their applicability to the automotive multimedia
`interface system that is specified by AMI-C. The survey indicated that only a
`small set of messages is common among the networks and applicable to AMI-
`C, as shown in Figure 1.
`Common Message Set Page 1 of 95
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 10


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`Message Set
`Message Set
`OEM Message Set
`Message Set
`Figure 1. AMI-C Common Message Set
`The automotive multimedia interface system needs to manage several
`networks. The following networks are addressed in this document:
`• Vehicle Interface (ref. AMI-C Document No. NW001) for the OEM
`network to support the OEM proprietary network.
`IDB-C to support the low-speed network.
`IEEE1394 to support the high-speed network.
`1. Scope
`The AMI-C Common Message Set provides a means of translating messages
`among various networks, such as OEM, IDB-C and IEEE1394, at the
`application layer. In addition, it can be used to support the MOST networks.
`Major message groups are:
`1. Entertainment: Audio Amplifier, Audio / Video Disk, Display, Tuner, VCR,
`Web, etc.
`NOTE: Messages for some of these categories are not defined in this
`release. They are deferred until Release 2.
`2. Communication: Telephone, Modem.
`Common Message Set Page 2 of 95
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 11


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`3. Vehicle: Body, Powertrain, Diagnostics, Access Control, Instrument cluster,
`NOTE: Messages for some of the categories are not defined in this release.
`They are deferred until Release 2.
`4. Computation / Storage: PDA etc.
`5. Navigation: Deferred until Release 2.
`6. Diagnostics: Deferred until Release 2.
`7. User Interface: Deferred until Release 2 or 3.
`The messages and associated data structures are defined using ASN.1, an
`OEM independent worldwide industry standard used in the telecom industry.
`ASN.1 provides the means for mapping network messages at the application
`level. The messages are listed in the Appendix as ASN.1 files and are in
`machine compilable format.
`Message descriptions in the ASN.1 format provide the following flexible options:
`1. Message mapping from one network (e.g. IDB-C) to another (e.g. IEEE
` {Net1 message} ASN.1 message {Net2 message}
`2. A method for creating new messages from one network message (e.g.
`IDB-C vehicle body messages) to another network (e.g. 1394 vehicle
`body messages).
` {Net1 message, …} ASN.1 messages {New Net2 message, …}
`The scope of the messages defined in this specification includes only the AMI-C
`domain. Messages defined for vehicle services are for accessing vehicle
`related information /command only. ASN.1 is used just to specify noun level
`messages. In Relase-1, there is no intention of conversion to bit patterns using
`automatic procedures.
`2. Normative References
`The following documents form part of the specification to the extent specified
`herein. Unless otherwise noted, this specification refers to the most recent
`version of a particular document.
`In the event of a conflict between the text of this specification and the
`documents cited herein, the text of this specification takes precedence. Nothing
`Common Message Set Page 3 of 95
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 12


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`in this specification, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations,
`unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
`2.1. AMI-C Documents
`AMI-C SPEC 3001 Vehicle Interface Specification – Release 1
`AMI-C Technical Glossary
`AMI-C API information, by Toru Ito, is available to private members via the
`Network Room of the AMI-C web site:
`2.2. Other Documents
`MOST Specifications & MOST Functions: Catalogs are available through the
`Media Oriented Systems Transfer (MOST) Cooperation (Karlsruhe, Germany)
`ANS.1 Complete Open Systems Solution by Professor John Larmouth
`AV/C Digital Interface Command Set General Specification, Rev. 3.0, (1394TA).
`IDB-0002-0C.pdf, Application Message Layer Lexicon
`IDB-0004-0A.pdf, Other Application MSG
`IDB-0007B.pdf, Entertainment Audio Message List
`IDB-0008-0F.pdf, Phone Application Messages
`3. Terms and Definitions
`Refer to the AMI-C REF DOC 6001, AMI-C Technical Glossary, for definitions of
`terms and acronyms used throughout this document. Also refer to Appendix A:
`Requirement and Recommendation Language for guidance on verbal
`expressions used throughout this specification that are indicative of
`requirements and recommendations.
`Common Message Set Page 4 of 95
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 13


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`4. Specification: Background
`4.1. Networks and Associated Messages
`Vehicle Interface
`Each OEM will be required to implement message mapping for the Vehicle
`Interface (ref. NW001 AMI-C Vehicle Interface Specification) to support their
`proprietary messages and AMI-C related messages. This can be achieved at
`the gateway level by using AMI-C common messages (see Section 5.1) defined
`in ASN.1 format.
`The following figure shows an IDB-C message frame at the Application Layer.
`Refer to AMI-C document NW003 (OEM / IDB-C Gateway Specification -
`Release 1) and IDB-C J2366-1 through 7 for more information.
`Figure 2. IDB-C Application Layer Frame
`Common Message Set Page 5 of 95
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 14


`IEEE 1394
`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`The IEEE 1394 frame description for FCP (Function Control Protocol)
`commandsare defined by IEC 61883 specifications.
`transmitted first
`Destination_ID pthRt|0001|pri
`transmitted last
`e Reservedfor future specification
`header CRC
`FCP data
`data CRC
`CTS code of FCP frame meaning
`a p
`For instance, there are no vehicle body related messagesin 1394. We can
`create AMI-C messages based on ASN.1 description with a new CTS code.
`Common Message Set
`Page 6 of 95
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 15
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 15


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`“Abstract Syntax Notation:” ASN.1
`Why ASN.1?
`We looked at the given requirements and suitability.
`• The message description mechanisms needs to be high level and
`convertible to bit pattern suitable for serial data transmission.
`• The mechanisms shall be OEM independent as well as bus independent.
`• For embedded environment it shall lead to short messages.
`• Must be robust, a lot of usage in embedded environment.
`Alternatives Considered:
`• XML: meet 2 but could be very verbose, serial data transmission with
`short messages questionable, not many report about embedded use.
`IDL: meets 2,and some 1, 4. Convertible to C and C++. But embedded
`serial data transmission suitability in question.
`• ASN.1: Meets all 4. It is very old technology not many young engineers
`available. It is heavily used in telephone and telecommunication
`industry, some fiber optic usage. Convertible to C. Public compilers can
`be used.
`One more added benefit of using a high level mechanism like ASN.1 is that,
`compilers can be written, hopefully in Release –2, to create automatic bit
`pattern suitable for embedded serial transmission. This will go a long way to
`OEM & bus independent bit level message set that the entire industry can
`migrate to.
`In Release-1, we are describing only noun level messages in ASN.1. We do
`not intent to use automatic bit encoding of ASN.1 (e.g. PER & BER). We don’t
`plan to go to ISO and get our own domain objects etc for Release-1.
`Primitive Type
`Arbitrary length integer, no maximum defined.
`Common Message Set Page 7 of 95
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 16


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`Ordered list of bits, ‘0’ or more bits, e.g. ‘01001.’
`OCTET STRING: Ordered list of Bytes can be used to represent
`A special type that can be defined later from valid
`No type at all, complements of ANY.
`OBJECT IDENTIFIER: Essentially library (Class) identifiers.
`Integer and Bit String types can include definition of named constants. For
`types with named constants, either the names can be used as symbolic values
`or usual notations for integers or Bit String values can be used.
`Named numbers defined with an integer type may indicate range or
`enumeration. For example:
`packetSize ::= INTEGER (SIZE(0..1023))
`turnSignal ::= INTEGER { up(0), down(1), left(2), right(3)
`} N
`amed bits defined with a Bit String type refer to bit position within a bit string
`value, with the first bit in the string numbered zero. Named bits may indicate
`the span of a fixed-length bit string or the domain of a bit map (natural numbers
`to Boolean values) or the individual variables of a collection of related Boolean
`nibbleType ::= BIT STRING { first(0), last(3)} –
`daysofWeek ::= BIT STRING { sun(0), mon(1), tue(2), wed(3),
`thu(4), fri(5), sat(6)}
`-- a bit string of ‘011’ means Monday & Tuesday
`Operators to Combine Them
` Sequence
`Ordered list of various types, similar to ‘record’. For example:
`Common Message Set Page 8 of 95
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 17


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`position ::= SEQUENCE {
`} 4
`.2.3.2. Sequence of
`Ordered list of the same type, similar to ‘array’ but different from array. This
`does not list the bound, like stream[3] etc. This is done by the comment ( -- )
`-- 12 integers
` Set
`Unordered list of various types. For example:
`vehicleNumber ::= SET {
`} 4
`.2.3.4. Set of
`Unordered list of same types. For example:
`oems ::= SET OF {
`} 4
`.2.3.5. Choice
`A type of definition that can hold any of several different types. For example:
`Common Message Set Page 9 of 95
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 18


`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`carType :: = CHOICE {
`honda ::= OCTET STRING
`Predefined Types
`NumericString ::= 0 through 9
`PrintableStrings ::= ‘a-through-z’ , ‘A through Z’, ‘0-9’,
`TeletexString ::=
`VideotexString ::=
`GraphicString ::=
`VisibleString ::=
`GeneralString ::=
`GeneralizedTime ::= YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.S
`5. Specification: AMI-C Network Message Set Description and
`Network messages related to IDB-C, IEEE 1394 (AV/C from IEEE 1394TA) and
`MOST are not defined in this release.
`5.1. Common Message Set
`In this category, the common message set for an audio channel is defined.
`Also, a generic device ID is defined as a placeholder for common address
`space, since there is no AMI-C address space defined.
`Common Message Set Page 10 of 95
`AHM, Exh. 1027, p. 19


`File name
`AMI-C SPEC 3002.0.0
`Annex A – 7.1
`These definitions describe data

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