` ( 858 ) 534-4868
`Tajana Šimunić Rosing
` energy-efficient computing, embedded systems hardware and software design
`05-pres. UCSD Full Professor and Fratamico Endowed Chair in the CSE Department; Adjunct Professor in ECE
` Executive board member of San Diego Supercomputing Center
`leading a diverse research team on projects related to system energy-efficiency:
`o management and optimization of computing systems
` Hyperdimensional Computing grants from DARPA, SRC, NSF
`lead Organization & Hierarchy; and Precision Medicine in $40M JUMP CRISP center
` head of the Large Scale Systems thrust in MuSyC center; faculty from 11 top USA universities
` 10 year NSF ERC CIAN; lead of thrust on energy efficient datacenters; 30 companies, 12 universities
`funded by NSF, DARPA, SRC, Oracle, Google, Microsoft, TI, Cisco, Qualcomm, CEC, Intel, Panasonic,
`Ericson, Broadcom, IBM and others
`resource management and design of heterogeneous wireless sensor-control-actuator networks
` director of $16.3M AI for Healthy Living Center, with faculty from School of Engineering, School of
`Social Sciences, School of Medicine, Contextual Robotics Institute, Center for Healthy Aging, Center for
`Microbiome Innovation, Qualcomm Institute & Design Lab
` $28M TerraSwarm center; 22 faculty from 10 top institutions in the USA; leading the SmartCities theme
`led context-aware distributed optimization thrust as a part of ARPA-E NODES grant
` NSF MetaSense project focused on in-field calibration & NSF CitiSense project focused on mobile air
`quality sensing; coverage in NY Times and the Wall Street Journal, December 2012
`funded by DARPA, NSF, NIH, ARPA-E, DOE, LANL, CNS, Intel, IBM, TI, UTC, Raytheon, Oracle,
`Qualcomm, Panasonic, Broadcom, Ericson, Google, Microsoft, and others.
`published over ~300 publications; got a nomination for one of the best papers in 10 years of DATE, and TODAES
`journal paper was the top most downloaded paper, received a number of best paper awards and nominations, and
`numerous invited talks in academia and industry
`led projects as a PI, co-PI or senior personnel totaling more than $250M
`teaching embedded systems and computer engineering classes
`led a team of researchers developing products for wireless media market, interfaced with HP divisions; 5 patents
`obtained project funding for university collaborations and led collaboration at Stanford
`patented a new testing methodology for FPLDs that enabled Altera to get to market 4 months sooner
`developed, evaluated and managed simulation and testing for 5 product families
`design automation of high-speed VLSI interconnects; the simulator has been used by SRC member companies
` modeled tether dynamics for orbiting stations to aid in the design of orbiting telescopes; designed an image
`processing environment for MRIs; designed an award-winning switched capacitor filter for TI
`EDUCATION PhD in Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 2001, 4.0 GPA.
`Thesis: Energy Efficient System Design and Utilization
`MS in Engineering Management, Stanford University, 2000, 4.0 GPA.
`MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona, 1993, 4.0 GPA.
`BS in Electrical Engineering, Northern Arizona University, 1992, 4.0 GPA.
`AHM, Exh. 1004, p. 1


`Tajana Šimunić Rosing
` ( 858 ) 534-4868
`1. R. Knight, T. Rosing et al, “Wastewater and surface monitoring to detect COVID-19 in elementary school settings:
`The Safer at School Early Alert project,” submitted to Science, 2022.
`2. George Armstrong , Cameron Martino , Justin Morris , Behnam Khaleghi , Jaeyoung Kang , Jeff Dereus , Mr. Qiyun
`Zhu , Daniel Roush , Daniel McDonald , Dr. Antonio Gonzalez , Dr. Justin P Shaffer , Carolina Carpenter , Dr.
`Mehrbod Estaki , Dr. Stephen Wandro , Sean Eilert , Ameen Akel , Justin Eno , Ken Curewitz , Austin D Swafford ,
`Niema Moshiri , Tajana Rosing , Rob Knight, “ Swapping metagenomics preprocessing pipeline components offers
`speed and sensitivity increases,” to appear in American Society for Microbiology mSystems Journal, 2022. 6.496
`impact factor
`3. J. Morris, K. Ergun, B. Khaleghi, M. Imani, B. Aksanli, T. Rosing, “HyDREA:Utilizing Hyperdimensional Computing For
`A More Robust and Efficient Machine Learning System,” to special issue of ACM TECS’22.
`4. S. Gupta, J. Morris, X. Shen, M. Imani, T. Rosing, “Tri-HD: Train, Re-train, and Infer with Hyperdimensional
`Computing in Memory,” IEEE TCAD’22.
`5. S. Gupta, B. Khaleghi, S. Salamt, J. Morris, R. Ramkumar, J. Yu, A. Tiwari, M. Imani, B. Aksanli, T. Rosing,
`“Store-n-Learn: Classification and Clustering with Hyperdimensional Computing across Flash Hierarchy,” Special
`issue of ACM TECS, 2022.
`6. X. Yu, K. Ergun, X. Song, L. Cherkasova, T. Rosing, “Automating and Optimizing Reliability-Driven Deployment
`in Energy-Harvesting IoT Networks,” Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2021
`7. A. Khachiyan, A. Thomas, H. Zhou, G. Hanson, A. Cloninger, T. Rosing, A. Khandelwal, “Using Neural Networks
`to Predict Micro-Spatial Economic Growth,” American Economic Review Insights, 2022.
`8. A. Thomas, S. Dasgupta, T. Rosing,”A Theoretical Perspective on Hyperdimensional Computing,” JAIR, 2021.
`9. S. Gupta, M. Imani, J. Sim, A. Huang, F. Wu, Y. Kim, T. Rosing, “COSMO: Computing with Stochastic Numbers in
`Memory,” JETC 2021.
`10. O. Gungor, T. Rosing, B. Aksanli, "DOWELL: Diversity-induced Optimally Weighted EnsembLe Learner for
`Predictive Maintenance of Industrial Internet of Things Devices", IEEE IoT Journal 2021.
`11. S. Salamat, H. Zhang, YS Ki, T. Rosing, “NASCENT2: Generic Near-storage Sort Accelerator for Data Analytics
`on SmartSSD,” IEEE Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, 2021.
`12. O. Gungor, T. Rosing, B. Aksanli, "RESPIRE++: Robust Indoor Sensor Placement Optimization under Distance
`Uncertainty”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021.
`13. J. Morris, Y. Hao, M. Imani, B. Aksanli, T. Rosing, “Locality-based Encoder and Model Quantization for Efficient
`Hyper-Dimensional Computing,” IEEE TCAD 2020.
`14. X. Yu, K. Ergun, L. Cherkasova, T. Rosing, “Optimizing Sensor Deployment and Maintenance
`Costs for Large-Scale Environmental Monitoring,” IEEE TCAD, 2020.
`15. Sahand Salamat, Mohsen Imani, and Tajana Rosing, "Accelerating hyperdimensional computing on FPGAs by
`exploiting computational reuse," IEEE Transactions on Computing, 2020.
`16. M. Imani, S. Bosch, S. Datta, S. Ramakrishna, S. Salamat, J. Rabaey, T. Rosing, "QuantHD: A Quantization
`Framework for Hyperdimensional Computing'', IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits
`and Systems (TCAD), 2019.
`17. M. Imani, S. Gupta, S. Sarama, T. Rosing, "NVQuery: Efficient Query Processing in Non-Volatile Memory," IEEE
`TCAD, 2019.
`18. M. Imani, X. Yin, J, Messerly, S. Gupta, M. Nemier, X. S. Hu, T. Rosing, "SearcHD: A Memory-Centric
`Hyperdimensional Computing with Stochastic Training", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of
`Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2019.
`19. D. Peroni, M. Imani, H. Nejatollahi, N. Dutt, T. Rosing, "Data Reuse for Accelerated Approximate Warps", IEEE
`Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2019.
`20. S. Vikram, A. Collier-Oxandale, M. Osterhout, M. Menarini, C. Chermak, S. Dasgupta, T. S. Rosing, M. Hannigan,
`W. Griswald, T. S. Rosing, “Evaluating and Improving the Reliability of Gas-Phase Sensor System Calibrations
`Across New Locations for Ambient Measurements and Personal Exposure Monitoring,” Atmospheric Measurement
`Techniques Journal, 2019.
`21. M. Imani, J. Morris, H. Shu, S. Li, T. Rosing, “Efficient Associative Search in Brain-Inspired Hyperdimensional
`Computing”, IEEE Design & Test (D&T), 2019.
`22. M. Imani, R. Garcia, S. Gupta, T. Rosing, “Hardware-Software Co-design to Accelerate Neural Network
`Applications”, ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing (JETC), 2019.
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`Tajana Šimunić Rosing
` ( 858 ) 534-4868
`23. S. Gupta, M. Imani, T. S. Rosing, “NNPIM: A Processing In-Memory Architecture for Neural Network
`Acceleration," IEEE Transaction on Computers, 2019.
`24. Yeseong Kim, Mohsen Imani, and Tajana S. Rosing, "Image Recognition Accelerator Design Using In-Memory
`Processing," IEEE MICRO, 2019.
`25. D. Peroni, M. Imani, T. Rosing, “Runtime Efficiency-Accuracy Trade-off Using Configurable Floating Point
`Multiplier”, IEEE TCAD, 2018.
`26. M. Imani, S. Gupta, S. Sharma, T. Rosing, “NVQuery: Efficient Query Processing in Non-Volatile Memory”, IEEE
`Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2018.
`27. Christine Chan, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Baris Aksanli, and Tajana S. Rosing. “Optimal Performance-Aware Cooling
`on Enterprise Servers,” IEEE TCAD’18.
`28. A. Sinan Akyurek and Tajana S. Rosing, “Optimal Packet Aggregation in Wireless Networks”, IEEE Transactions
`on Mobile Computing, 2018.
`29. M. Imani, Shruti Patil, T. Rosing, "Approximate Computing using Multiple-Access Single-Charge Associative
`Memory" IEEE Transaction on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC), 2017.
`30. M. Imani, D. Peroni, T. Rosing “NVALT: Approximate Lookup Table for GPU Acceleration”, IEEE Embedded
`System Letter (ESL), 2017.
`31. M. Imani, A. Rahimi, Hwang, T. S. Rosing, J.M. Rabaey, “Low-Power Sparse Hyperdimensional Encoder for
`Language Recognition,” IEEE Design & Test, 2017.
`32. M. Imani, A. Rahimi, P. Mercati, T.S. Rosing, "Multi-stage Tunable Approximate Search in Resistive Associative
`Memory", IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems (TMSCS), 2017.
`33. M. Imani, D. Peroni, A. Rahimi, T.S. Rosing, "Resistive CAM Acceleration for Tunable Approximate Computing",
`IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC), 2017.
`34. B. Aksanli, J. Venkatesh, C. Chan, A. S. Akyurek, T. S. Rosing, “Modular and Personalized Smart Health
`Application Design in a Smart City Environment,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2017.
`35. B. Aksanli, T. S. Rosing, “User Behavior and Flexibility based Energy Management in Residential Neighborhoods,”
`Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2017.
`36. Jinseok Yang, A. Sinan Akyurek, Sameer Tilak and Tajana S. Rosing, ”Design of transmission manager in
`heterogeneous WSNs”, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 2017.
`37. A. Sinan Akyurek and Tajana Simunic Rosing, ”Optimal Distributed Nonlinear Battery Control”, IEEE Journal of
`Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2017.
`38. Jagannathan Venkatesh, Baris Aksanli, Christine Chan, Alper S. Akyurek, Tajana S. Rosing,”Scalable Application
`Design for the Internet of Things”, Special Issue of IEEE Software, 2017.
`39. P. Mercati, F. Paterna, A. Bartolini, L. Benini, T. Simunic Rosing, “WARM: Workload-Aware Reliability
`Management in Linux/Android,” IEEE TCAD 2016.
`40. M. Imani, Shruti Patil, T. Rosing, "Approximate Computing using Multiple-Access Single-Charge Associative
`Memory" IEEE Transaction on Emerging Topics in Computing (IEEE TETC), 2016.
`41. Mohsen Imani, Shruti Patil, Tajana S. Rosing, "Ultra-low power FinFET based SRAM cell employing sharing
`current concept", Microelectronic Reliability Elsevier Journal, 2015
`42. Lucas Wanner, Liangzhen Lai, Abbas Rahimi, Mark Gottscho, Pietro Mercati, Chu-Hsiang Huang, Frederic Sala,
`Yuvraj Agarwal, Lara Dolecek, Nikil Dutt, Puneet Gupta, Rajesh Gupta, Ranjit Jhala, Rakesh Kumar, Sorin Lerner,
`Subhasish Mitra, Alexandru Nicolau, Tajana Simunic Rosing, Mani B Srivastava, Steve Swanson, Dennis Sylvester,
`Yuanyuan Zhou. "NSF Expedition of Variability-Aware Software:Recent Results and Contributions", Information
`Technology, Special Issue on Dependable Embedded Systems, 57(3), 2015, pp. 181-198., 2015.
`43. E.A. Lee, J Rabaey, D. Blaauw, P. Dutta, K. Fu, C. Guestrin, B. Hartmann, R. Jafari, D. Jones, J. Kubiatowicz, V.
`Kumar, R. Mangharam, R. Murray, G. Pappas, K. Pister, A. Rowe, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, S.A. Seshia, T.
`Simunic Rosing, B. Taskar, J. Wawrzynek, D. Wessel, "The Swarm at the Edge of the Cloud", IEEE Design & Test,
`44. R. Ayoub, R. Nath, T. Simunic Rosing, “CoMETC: Coordinated Management of Energy, Thermal, & Cooling in
`Servers” TODAES’13.
`45. A. Kahng, S. Kang, T. Simunic Rosing, R. Strong, “Many-Core Token-Based Adaptive Power Gating,” IEEE
`46. P. Aghera, J. Yang, P. Zappi, D. Krishnaswamy, A. Coskun, and T. Simunic Rosing,” Energy Management in
`Wireless Mobile Systems Using Dynamic Task Assignment,” JOLPE’13.
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`Tajana Šimunić Rosing
` ( 858 ) 534-4868
`47. S. Sharifi, T. Simunic Rosing, “PROMETHEUS: A Proactive Method for Thermal Management of Heterogeneous
`48. P. Gupta, Y. Agarwal, L. Dolecek, N. Dutt, R. K. Gupta, R. Kumar, S. Mitra, A. Nicolau, T. Simunic Rosing, M. B.
`Srivastava, S. Swanson, D. Sylvester: “Underdesigned and Opportunistic Computing in Presence of Hardware
`Variability,” IEEE TCAD’13.
`49. B. Aksanli, J. Venkatesh, T. Simunic Rosing, “Datacenter Modeling and Simulation with Focus on Energy
`Efficiency and Green Energy Integration,” IEEE Computer Special Issue on Modeling and Simulation of Smart and
`Green Computing Systems, 2012.
`50. Mohamed M. Sabry, Ayse K. Coskun, David Atienza, Tajana Simunic Rosing, Thomas Brunschwiler, “Energy-
`Efficient Multi-Objective Thermal Control for Liquid-Cooled 3D Stacked Architectures, “IEEE TCAD, 2011.
`51. R. Ayoub, K. Indukuri, T. Simunic Rosing, “Temperature Aware Dynamic Workload Scheduling in Multisocket
`CPU Servers,” IEEE TCAD, 2011.
`52. E. Regini, D. Lim, T. Simunic Rosing, “Energy management in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks,” JOLPE,
`53. G. Dhiman, G. Marchetti, T. Simunic Rosing, “vGreen: A System for Energy Efficient Management of Virtualized
`Environments,” Special Issue of ACM TODAES, 2010. Top most downloaded paper ‘10-‘11
`54. J. Recas, C. B, T. Simunic Rosing, D. Atienza, “HOLLOWS: A Power-aware Task Scheduler for Energy
`Harvesting Sensor Nodes”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2010.
`55. S. Sharifi, T. Simunic Rosing, “Accurate direct and indirect on-chip temperature sensing for efficient dynamic
`thermal management,” IEEE TCAD, 2010.
`56. A. Coskun, T. Simunic Rosing, “Utilizing Predictors for Efficient Thermal Management in Multiprocessor SoCs,”
`IEEE TCAD, 2009.
`57. G. Dhiman, T. Simunic Rosing, “Using online learning for system level power management,” IEEE TCAD, 2009.
`58. A. Coskun, T. Simunic Rosing, K. Whisnant, K. Gross, “Static and dynamic temperature-aware scheduling for
`multiprocessor SoCs,” IEEE TVLSI, 2008.
`59. T. Simunic Rosing, K. Mihic, G. De Micheli, “Power and reliability management of SOCs,” IEEE Transactions on
`VLSI, 2007.
`60. G. Park, T. Simunic Rosing, M. Todd, C. Farrar, W. Hodgkiss, “Energy Harvesting for Structural Health
`Monitoring in Sensor Networks,” ASCE Journal, 2007.
`61. A. Coskun, T. Simunic Rosing, K. Mihic, G. De Micheli, Y. Leblebici, “Analysis and Optimization of MPSoC
`Reliability,” Invited paper to Journal of Low-Power Electronics, April 2006.
`62. T. Simunic, S. Boyd, P. Glynn: “Managing Power Consumption in Networks on Chips,” IEEE Transactions on
`VLSI, pp. 96- 107, Jan 2004.
`63. A. Acquaviva, T. Simunic, V. Deolalikar, S. Roy: “Remote Power Control of Wireless Network Interfaces”, Special
`Issue of Journal of Embedded Computing, No. 3, 2004.
`64. B. Delaney, T. Simunic, N. Jayant: “Power Aware Distributed Speech Recognition for Wireless Mobile Devices,”
`Special Issue on Embedded Systems for Multimedia, IEEE Design & Test, 2004.
`65. A. Peymandoust, T. Simunic, G. De Micheli: “Complex Instruction and Software Library Mapping for Embedded
`Software Using Symbolic Algebra,” Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on CAD, pp.964-975, August 2003.
`66. T. Simunic, L. Benini, P. Glynn, G. De Micheli: “Event-Driven Power Management”, IEEE Transactions on CAD,
`pp.840-857, July 2001.
`67. T. Simunic, M. Smith: “Dynamic Power Management at HP”, Invited Paper in Special Issue of Design and Test
`Journal, 2001.
`68. T. Simunic, L. Benini, G. De Micheli: “Energy-Efficient Design of Battery-Powered Embedded Systems”, Special
`Issue of IEEE Transactions on VLSI, 2001.
`69. T. Simunic, J. Rozenblit, J. Brews: ”VLSI Interconnect Design Automation Using Qualitative and Symbolic
`Techniques”; IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Part B: Advanced
`Packaging, 1996.
`1. Minxuan Zhou, Weihong Xu, Jaeyoung Kang, and Tajana Rosing, “TransPIM: A Memory-based Acceleration via
`Software-Hardware Co-Design for Transformers”, HPCA’2022.
`AHM, Exh. 1004, p. 4


`Tajana Šimunić Rosing
` ( 858 ) 534-4868
`2. Yizhou Wei, Minxuan Zhou, Sihang Liu, Korakit Seemakhupt, Tajana Rosing and Samira Khan. “PIMProf: An
`Automated Program Profiler for Processing-in-Memory Offloading Decisions”, DATE’22.
`3. Yang Ni, Yeseong Kim, Tajana Rosing and Mohsen Imani, “Online Performance and Power Prediction for Edge
`TPU via Comprehensive Characterization,” DATE’22.
`4. Yang Ni, Yeseong Kim, Tajana Rosing and Mohsen Imani,” Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design for Efficient Brain-
`Inspired Hyperdimensional Learning on Edge,” DATE’22.
`5. S. Xia, R. Chandrasekaran, Y. Liu, C. Yang, T. Rosing, X. Jiang, “Drone-based System for Intelligent and
`Autonomous Homes,” ACM SenSys 2021; Best demo award
`J. Kang, B. Khaleghi, Y. Kim, T. Rosing, “XCelHD: Efficient GPU-Powered Hyperdimensional Computing with
`Parallelized Training,” ASPDAC’22.
`7. X. Liu, M. Zhou, R. Ausavarungnirun, S. Eilert, A. Akel, T. Rosing, V. Narayanan, J. Zhao, “Mirage: A Highly
`Parallel And Flexible RRAM Accelerator,” HPCA’21
`8. S. Gupta, R. Camarota, T. Rosing, “ Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Processing in Memory,”
`Invited paper to special session at DAC’21.
`9. M. Zhou, Y. Guo, W. Xu, B. Li, K. Eliceiri, T. Rosing, “MAT: Processing In-Memory Acceleration for Long-
`Sequence Attention,” DAC’21.
`10. X. Yu, W. Xu, L. Cherkasova, T. Rosing, “Automating Reliable and Fault-Tolerant Design of LoRa-based IoT
`Networks,” CNSM’21. Best paper award
`11. Yeseong Kim, M. Imani, S. Gupta, M. Zhou, T. Rosing, “CHOIR: Massively Parallel Big Data Classification on a
`Programmable Processing In-Memory Architecture,” ICCAD 21.
`12. A. Paul, B. Khaleghi, G. Hota, Y. Xu, T. Rosing, Gert Cauwenberghs, “Attention State Classification with In-Ear
`EEG,” BioCAS’21.
`13. S. Salamat, N. Moshiri, T. Rosing, “FPGA Acceleration of Pairwise Distance Calculation for Viral Transmission
`Clustering" BIOCAS’21.
`14. O. Gungor, B. Aksanli, T. Rosing, “CAHEROS: Constraint-Aware Heuristic Approach for Robust Sensor
`Placement" IEEE SENSORS’21.
`15. O. Gungor, B. Aksanli, T. Rosing, “ENFES: Ensemble FEw-Shot Learning for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis with
`Limited Data,” IEEE SENSORS’21.
`16. Justin Morris, Si Thu Kaung Set, Gadi Rosen, Mohsen Imani, Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing,” AdaptBit-HD:
`Adaptive Model Bitwidth for Hyperdimensional Computing,” ICCD’21
`17. Yilun Hao, Saransh Gupta, Justin Morris, Behnam Khaleghi, Baris Aksanli and Tajana Rosing:”Stochastic-HD:
`Leveraging Stochastic Computing on Hyper-Dimensional Computing,” ICCD’21.
`18. A Sokolova, M Imani, A Huang, R Garcia, J Morris, T Rosing, B Aksanli, “MACcelerator: Approximate Arithmetic
`Unit for Computational Acceleration,” ISQED’21.
`19. M. Zhou, L. Wu, M. Li, N. Moshiri, K. Skadron, T. Rosing, “Ultra Efficient Acceleration for De Novo Genome
`Assembly via Near-Memory Computing,” PACT’21
`20. M. Zhou, G. Chen, M. Imani, S. Gupta, W. Zhang, T. Rosing, “PIM-DL: Boosting DNN Inference on Digital
`Processing In-Memory Architectures via Data Layout Optimizations,” PACT’21.
`21. S. Gupta, R. Camarota, T. Rosing, “Priv-PIM: Privacy-Preserved Processing in-Memory,” SPSL’21.
`22. Xiao Liu, Minxuan Zhou, Rachata Ausavarungnirun, Sean Eilert, Ameen Akel, Tajana Rosing, Vijaykrishnan
`Narayanan, Jishen Zhao, “FPRA: A Fine-grained Parallel RRAM Architecture,” ISLPED’21.
`23. K. Ergun, R. Ayoub, P. Mercati, T. Rosing, “Improving Mean Time to Failure of IoT Networks with Reliability-
`Aware Routing,” CPSIoT 2021.
`24. J. Ma, M. Ostertag, D. Bharadia, T. Rosing, "Frequency-aware Trajectory and Power Control for Multi-UAV
`Systems," INFOCOM-DroneCom'21.
`25. Khaleghi B, Akel A, Curewitz K, Eno J, Eilert S, Moshiri N, Rosing T., “FPGA-based acceleration of primer
`trimming,” 28th International Dynamics & Evolution of Human Viruses Conference 2021.
`26. Kang J, Young C, Morris J, Akel A, Eilert S, Eno J, Curewitz K, Moshiri N, Rosing T., “GPU-Powered
`Phylogenetic Analysis for Large-scale Genomic Sequences ,” Int’l Dynamics & Evolution of Human Viruses Conf,
`2021. Poster.
`27. S. Salamat, N. Moshiri, T. Rosing, " FPGA-based acceleration of pairwise distance calculation for viral
`transmission clustering," International Dynamics & Evolution of Human Viruses Conf., 2021. Poster
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`Tajana Šimunić Rosing
` ( 858 ) 534-4868
`28. O. Gungor, T. Rosing, B. Aksanli, "OPELRUL: Optimally Weighted Ensemble Learner for Remaining Useful Life
`Prediction of Industrial Machinery”, IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, 2021.
`29. Mohsen Imani*, Zhuowen Zou, Samuel Bosch, Sanjay Anantha Rao, Sahand, Venkatesh Kumar, Yeseong Kim*,
`and Tajana Rosing, "Revisiting HyperDimensional Learning for FPGA and Low-Power Architectures," HPCA’21.
`30. Namiko Matsumoto, Anthony Thomas, Tara Javidi and Tajana Rosing, “Hyperdimensional Computing and Spectral
`Learning,” CogArch’21.
`31. Minxuan Zhou, Yunhui Guo, Weihong Xu, Bin Li, Kevin W. Eliceiri, Tajana Rosing, “MAT: Processing In-
`Memory Acceleration for Long-Sequence Attention,” DAC’21.
`32. Sahand Salamat, Behnam Khaleghi, Armin Haj Aboutalebi, Joo Hwan Lee, Yang Seok Ki, Tajana Rosing,
`“NASCENT: Near-Storage Acceleration of Database Sort on SmartSSD,” FPGA 2021.
`33. M. Zhou, M. Li, M. Imani, T. Rosing, “HyGraph: Accelerating Graph Processing with Hybrid Memory-centric
`Computing,” DATE’21.
`34. Sahand Salamat, Jaeyoung Kang, Yeseong Kim, Mohsen Imani, Niema Moshiri and Tajana Rosing, "FPGA
`Acceleration of Protein Back-translation and Alignment," DATE’21.
`35. Behnam K., Hanyang Xu, Justin Morris, Tajana S. Rosing, “tiny-HD: Ultra-Efficient Hyperdimensional Computing
`Engine for IoT Applications,” DATE’21.
`36. R. Garcia, F. Asgarinejad, B. Khaleghi, T. Rosing, M. Imani, "TruLook: A Framework for Configurable GPU
`Approximation", DATE, 2021.
`37. Justin Morris, Kazim Ergun, Behnam Khaleghi, Mohsen Imani, Baris Aksanli, Tajana Rosing, “HyDREA: Towards
`More Robust and Efficient Machine Learning Systems with Hyperdimensional Computing,” DATE’21.
`38. M. Zhou, S. Gupta, M. Imani, Y. Kim, T. Rosing,"DP-Sim:A Full-stack Simulation Infrastructure for Digital
`Processing In-Memory Architecture," ASPDAC 2021.
`39. S. Salamat, S. Shubhi, B. Khaleghi, T. Rosing, "Residue-Net: Multiplication-free Neural Network by In-situ, No-
`loss Migration to Residue Number Systems", ASP-DAC, 2021.
`40. Y. Guo, S. Gupta, M. Imani, Y. Kim, J. Morris, T. Rosing, "HyperRec: Efficient Recommender Systems with
`Hyperdimensional Computing," ASPDAC 2021.
`41. K. Ergun, R. Ayoub, P. Mercati, D. Liu, T. Rosing, “Energy and QoS-Aware Dynamic Reliability Management of
`IoT Edge Computing Systems,” ASPDAC 2021.
`42. Saransh Gupta, Mohsen Imani, Behnam Khaleghi, Niema Moshiri, and Tajana S. Rosing, "RAPIDx: A ReRAM
`Processing in-Memory Architecture for DNA Short Read Alignment," American Society of Human Genetics
`(ASHG), 2020. Poster
`43. Salamat S, Kang J, Kim Y, Imani M, Moshiri N, Rosing T., “FPGA Acceleration of Protein Back-Translation and
`Alignment,” American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2020. Poster.
`44. B. Khaleghi, S. Salamat, T. Rosing, "Revisiting FPGA Routing under Varying Operating Conditions", FPT, 2020.
`45. Y. Guo, X. Yu, K. Chaudhuri, T. Rosing, “Efficient Distributed Training in Heterogeneous Mobile Networks with
`Active Sampling,” MSN’20.
`46. X. Yu, X. Song, L. Cherkasova, T. Rosing, “Reliability-Driven Deployment in Energy-Harvesting Sensor
`Networks,” CNSM’20.
`47. K. Ergun, X. Yu, N. Nagesh, L. Cherkasova, P. Mercati, R.Ayoub, T. Rosing, “Simulating Reliability of IoT
`Networks with RelIoT”, IEEE 50th Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2020.
`48. K. Ergun, X. Yu, N. Nagesh, L. Cherkasova, P. Mercati, R.Ayoub, T. Rosing, “RelIoT: Reliability Simulator for
`IoT Networks”, International Conference on Internet of Things (ICIOT), 2020.
`49. M. Imani, S. Pampana, S. Gupta, M. Zhou, Y. Kim, T. Rosing, “DUAL: Acceleration of Clustering Algorithms
`using Digital-based Processing In-Memory,” MICRO 2020.
`50. J. Morris, Y. Hao, S. Gupta, R. Ramkumar, J. Yu, M. Imani, B. Aksanli, T. Rosing, “Multi-label HD Classification
`in 3D Flash,” VLSI-SOC 2020, Invited paper.
`51. Y. Guo, M. Liu, T. Yang, T. S. Rosing, “Improved Schemes for Episodic Memory based Lifelong Learning
`Algorithm,” NeurIPS 2020, Spotlight presentation.
`52. O. Gungor, T. Rosing, B. Aksanli, “RESPIRE: Robust SEnSor Placement OptImization in PRobabilistic
`Environments,” IEEE Sensors 2020. Best paper nomination
`53. O. Gungor, J. Garnier, T. Rosing, B. Aksanli, “LENARD: Lightweight ENsemble LeARner for MeDium-term
`Electricity Consumption Prediction,” IEEE SmartGridComm, 2020.
`AHM, Exh. 1004, p. 6


`Tajana Šimunić Rosing
` ( 858 ) 534-4868
`54. Y. Guo, X. Yu, K. Choudhuri, T. Rosing, “Efficient Distributed Training in Heterogeneous Mobile Networkswith
`Active Sampling,” IEEE Mobility, Sensing and Networking 2020.
`55. Saransh Gupta, Mohsen Imani, Hengyu Zhao, Fan Wu, Jishen Zhao, and Tajana Rosing, “Implementing Binary
`Neural Networks in Memory with Approximate Accumulation,” ISLPED 2020.
`56. B. Khaleghi, S. Salamat, A. Thomas, F. Asgarinejad, Y. Kim, T. Rosing, "SHEARer: Highly-Efficient
`Hyperdimensional Computing by Software-Hardware Enabled Multifold AppRoximation", ISLPED, 2020.
`57. Saransh Gupta, Justin Morris, Mohsen Imani, Ranganathan Ramkumar, Jeffrey Yu, Aniket Tiwari, Baris Aksanli,
`Tajana Rosing , "THRIFTY: Training with Hyperdimensional Computing across Flash Hierarchy," ICCAD 2020.
`58. M. Ostertag, S. Al-Doweeshi, T. Rosing, “Efficient Training on Edge Devices Using Online Quantization,” DATE
`59. Yunhui Guo, Yandong Li, Liqiang Wang, Tajana Rosing, "AdaFilter: Adaptive Filter Fine-tuning for Deep Transfer
`Learning," AAAI 2020.
`60. Yunhui Guo, Noel C. Codella, Leonid Karlinsky, James V. Codella, John R. Smith, Kate Saenko, Tajana Rosing,
`Rogerio Feris , "A Broader Study of Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning," ECCV 2020.
`61. M. Imani, M. Samragh, Y. Kim, S. Gupta, F. Koushanfar, T. Rosing “Deep Learning Acceleration with Neuron-to-
`Memory Transformation”, HPCA, 2020.
`62. Mohsen Imani*, Saikishan Pampana, Saransh Gupta, Minxuan Zhou, Yeseong Kim*, and Tajana Rosing, "DUAL:
`Acceleration of Clustering Algorithms using Digital-based Processing In-Memory," HPCA’20.
`63. B. Khaleghi, M. Imani, T. Rosing “Prive-HD: Privacy-Preserved Hyperdimensional Computing”, DAC, 2020.
`64. H. Nejatollahi, S. Gupta, M. Imani, R. Cammarota*, T. Rosing, N. Dutt “CryptoPIM: In-Memory Acceleration for
`RLWE Lattice-based Cryptography”, best paper award, DAC, 2020.
`65. S. Gupta, M. Imani, J. Sim, A. Huang, F. Wu, H. Najafi, T. Rosing, “SCRIMP: A General Stochastic Computing
`Architecture using ReRAM in-Memory Processing”, DATE, 2020.
`66. Y. Kim, M. Imani, N. Moshiri*, T. Rosing, “GenieHD: Efficient DNA Pattern Matching Accelerator Using
`Hyperdimensional Computing”, best paper nomination, DATE, 2020.
`67. B. Khaleghi, S. Salamat, M. Imani, T. Rosing, "FPGA Energy Efficiency by Leveraging Thermal Margin", ICCD,
`68. K. Ergun, R.Ayoub, P. Mercati, T. Rosing, “Dynamic Optimization of Battery Heath in IoT Networks”, ICCD’19.
`69. S. Salamat, B. Khaleghi, M. Imani, T. Rosing, "Workload-Aware Opportunistic Energy Efficiency in Multi-FPGA
`Platforms", ICCAD, 2019.
`70. J.Morris, M. Imani, S. Bosch, A. Thomas, H. Shu, T. Rosing, “CompHD: Efficient Hyperdimensional Computing
`Using Model Compression”. IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
`(ISLPED), 2019.
`71. J. Sim, M. Kim, Y. Kim, S. Gupta, B. Khaleghi, T. Rosing, "Multi-bit Parallelized Sensing for Processing in Non-
`volatile Memory", NVMW, 2019.
`72. R. Chandrasekaran, Y. Guo, A. Thomas, M. Menarini, M. Ostertag, Y. Kim, T. S. Rosing, “Efficient Sparse
`Processing in Smart Home Applications,” ACM SenSys ML, 2019.
`73. M. Imani, J. Morris, S. Bosch, H. Shu, G. De Micheli, T. S. Rosing, “AdaptHD: Adaptive Efficient Training for
`Brain-Inspired Hyperdimensional Computing,” BioCAS, 2019.
`74. Mohsen Imani, Saransh Gupta, Yeseong Kim, and Tajana S. Rosing, "FloatPIM: In-Memory Acceleration of Deep
`Neural Network Training with High Precision", ISCA, 2019
`75. Mohsen Imani, Yeseong Kim, Sadegh Riyazi, John Merssely, Patrick Liu, Farinaz Koushanfar, and Tajana S.
`Rosing, "A Framework for Collaborative Learning in Secure High-Dimensional Space", IEEE Cloud Computing
`(CLOUD), 2019
`76. Mohsen Imani, Yeseong Kim, Thomas Worley, Sarangh Gupta, and Tajana S. Rosing, "HDCluster: An Accurate
`Clustering Using Brain-Inspired High-Dimensional Computing", IEEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in
`Europe Conference (DATE), 2019
`77. Mohsen Imani, John Merssely, Fan Wu, Wang Pi, and Tajana S. Rosing, "A Binary Learning Framework for
`Hyperdimensional Computing", IEEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2019
`78. Mohsen Imani, Ricado Garcia, Andrew Huang, and Tajana S. Rosing, "CADE: Configurable Approximate Divider
`for Energy Efficiency", IEEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2019
`79. Xiao Liu, Minxuan Zhou, Tajana Rosing, and Jishen Zhao, "HR3AM: A Heat Resilient Design for RRAM-based
`Neuromorphic Computing", ISLPED 2019
`AHM, Exh. 1004, p. 7


`Tajana Šimunić Rosing
` ( 858 ) 534-4868
`80. M. Imani, S. Gupta, T. Rosing “Digital-based Processing In-Memory: A Highly-Parallel Accelerator for Data
`Intensive Applications”, ACM International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS), 2019.
`81. Minxuan Zhou, Mohsen Imani, Saransh Gupta, Yeseong Kim, and Tajana Rosing, "Thermal-Aware Design and
`Management for Search-based In-Memory Acceleration", IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2019
`82. Mohsen Imani, Tarek Nassar, Tajana Rosing, "Moving Toward Real-Time Diagnostics using Brain-Inspired
`Hyperdimensional Computing", AACR conference on Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Prediction in Cancer
`83. Mohsen Imani, Tarek Nassar, Justin Morris, Tajana Rosing, "DNA Sequencing using Brain-inspired
`Hyperdimensional Computing", GOMACTech Conference, 2019
`84. Mohsen Imani, Yeseong Kim, Suransh Gupta, Daniel Peroni, and Tajana S. Rosing, "In-Memory Acceleration of
`Deep Neural Network", GOMACTech Conference, 2019
`85. Mohsen Imani, Tarek Nassar, Tajana Rosing, "Brain-Inspired Hyperdimensional Computing for Real-Time Health
`Analysis", IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 2019
`86. Mohsen Imani, Saransh Gupta, Yeseong Kim, Minxuan Zhou, and Tajana S. Rosing, "DigitalPIM: Digital-based
`Processing In-Memory for Big Data Acceleration", ACM Great lakes symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), 2019
`87. Saransh Gupta, Mohsen Imani, and Tajana Rosing, "Exploring Processing In-Memory for Different Technologies",
`ACM Great lakes symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), 2019
`88. Anthony Thomas, Yunhui Guo, Yeseong Kim, Baris Aksanli, Arun Kumar, and Tajana Rosing, "Hierarchical and
`Distributed Machine Learning Inference Beyond the Edge", IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing
`and Control (ICNSC)
`89. Daniel Per

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