`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International publication date
`September 26, 2013 (26.09.2013)
`[Logo:] WIPO | PCT
`(10) International publication number
`WO 2013/141658 A1
`International Patent Classification:
`H01Q 1/38 (2006. 01) H01Q 1/24 (2006.01)
`H01Q 7/00 (2006.01) H02J 17/00 (2006.01)
`International Application No: PCT/KR2013/002412
`International Filing Date:
`March 22, 2013 (22 03 2013)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`10-2012-0029987 March 23, 2012 (23.03.2012) KR
`10-2012-0079004 July 19, 2012 (19.07.2012) KR
`10-2012-0123375 November 2, 2012 (02.11.2012) KR
`10-2013-0028300 March 15, 2013 (15.03.2013) KR
`10-2013-0028301 March 15, 2013 (15.03.2013) KR
`10-2013-0028302 March 15, 2013 (15.03.2013) KR
`10-2013-0028303 March 15, 2013 (15.03.2013) KR
`Applicant: LG INNOTEK CO., LTD. [KR/KR]; Seoul
`Square, 541, Namdaemun-ro 5-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul (KR) 100-
`Inventors: AN, Jeong Wook; Seoul Square, 541,
`Namdaemun-ro 5-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul (KR) 100-714. LEE,
`Jung Oh; Seoul Square, 541, Namdaemun-ro 5-ga, Jung-gu,
`Seoul (KR) 100-714. KIM, Yang Hyun; Seoul Square, 541,
`Namdaemun-ro 5-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul (KR) 100-714.
`LEE, Ki Min; Seoul Square, 541, Namdaemun-ro 5-ga, Jung-
`gu, Seoul (KR) 100-714. LEE, Hye Min; Seoul Square, 541,
`Namdaemun-ro 5-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul (KR) 100-714. LEEM,
`Sung Hyun; Seoul Square, 541, Namdaemun-ro 5-ga, Jung-
`gu, Seoul (KR) 100-714. CHANG, Ki Chul; Seoul Square,
`541, Namdaemun-ro 5-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul (KR) 100-714.
`Agent: SEO, Kyo Jun; Seoul Square, 541, Namdaemun-ro
`5-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul (KR) 100-714.
`Designated states (Unless otherwise indicated, for every kind
`of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT,
`AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH,
`CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE,
`EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL,
`IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS,
`LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY,
`MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT,
`QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST,
`SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ,
`VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated states (Unless otherwise indicated, for every kind
`of national protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE,
`LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW),
`Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European
`[Continued on next page]
`(57) Abstract: An antenna assembly comprises a substrate; and a
`wireless charging antenna pattern formed on the substrate, wherein
`the cross-section of the wireless charging antenna pattern has a
`plurality of internal angles comprising two internal angles that are
`different from each other. The antenna assembly may further
`comprise a wireless communication antenna pattern formed on the
`substrate and disposed outside the wireless charging antenna pattern.
`The cross-section of the wireless communication antenna pattern has
`a plurality of internal angles, and the plurality of angle values of the
`plurality of internal angles of the cross-section of the wireless
`communication antenna pattern may correspond to the plurality of
`angle values of the plurality of internal angles of the cross-section of
`the wireless charging antenna pattern, respectively.
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`WO 2013/141658 A1
` AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB,
`GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL,
`CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD,
`— With international search report (Article 21 (3) of the Treaty)
`— Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the claims
`and to be republished in the event of receipt of amendments (Rule
`48.2 (h))
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`WO 2013/141658
`Technical Field
`[1] The present invention relates to an antenna assembly and a method for manufacturing the same. In particular,
`relates to an antenna assembly comprising a wireless charging antenna and a method for manufacturing the same.
`Background Art
`[2] Wireless power transmission technologies (wireless power transmission or wireless energy transfer) for
`wirelessly transmitting electrical energy to desired devices, such as electric motors or transformers using the
`principle of electromagnetic induction were already being used in the 1800s, and since then, methods for
`transmitting electric energy by emitting electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves or lasers, have been attempted
`as well. In fact, electric toothbrushes and some cordless shavers that are commonly used are charged by the principle
`of electromagnetic induction. Electromagnetic induction refers to a phenomenon in which a voltage is induced
`thereby flowing an electric current when a magnetic field is changed around a conductor. Although the
`electromagnetic induction method is being commercialized rapidly, specifically for small devices, there is a problem
`in that the distance for power transmission is short.
`[3] Until now, the energy transfer method by the wireless method has included long-range transmission technology
`using resonance and short wavelength radio frequency, and so forth, in addition to electromagnetic induction.
`[4] However, an antenna assembly built into a terminal generally has problems in that it is thick, and the
`manufacturing process is complicated.
`Detailed Description of Invention
`Technical Problem
`[5] The technical problem to be solved by the present invention is to provide an antenna assembly comprising a
`wireless charging antenna and capable of reducing the thickness and simplifying the manufacturing process and a
`manufacturing method thereof.
`Means to Resolve Problem
`[6] In an embodiment, an antenna assembly comprises a substrate, and a wireless charging antenna pattern formed
`on the substrate, wherein the cross-section of the wireless charging antenna has a plurality of internal angles
`comprising two internal angles that are different from each other.
`[7] The antenna assembly may further comprise a wireless communication antenna pattern formed on the substrate
`and disposed outside the wireless charging antenna pattern.
`[8] The cross-section of the wireless communication antenna pattern has a plurality of inner angles, and the plurality
`of angle values of the plurality of inner angles of the cross-section of the wireless communication antenna pattern
`may correspond to the plurality of angle values of the plurality of inner angles of the cross-section of the wireless
`charging antenna pattern, respectively.
`[9] The thickness of the wireless charging antenna pattern may be the same as the thickness of the wireless
`communication antenna pattern.
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`WO 2013/141658
`Effect of the Invention
`[10] According to an embodiment, the antenna performance can be improved by separating the magnetic substrate
`and the coil unit through an adhesive layer.
`[11] According to an embodiment, the manufacturing process of an antenna assembly can be simplified by directly
`disposing the coil unit on the upper surface of the non-magnetic insulating substrate through just laminating and
`etching processes.
`[12] According to an embodiment, the manufacturing process of the antenna assembly can be simplified by
`connecting the internal terminal of the spiral-shaped antenna pattern and the connection terminal disposed outside of
`the antenna pattern with a conductive bridge.
`[13] According to an embodiment, the manufacturing process of the antenna assembly can be simplified by
`electrically connecting the internal terminal of the spiral-shaped antenna pattern and the connection terminal
`disposed outside of the antenna pattern by cutting the extension pattern of the antenna pattern together with the
`substrate and folding the cut out substrate.
`[14] According to an embodiment, the manufacturing process of the antenna assembly can be simplified by
`simultaneously forming a relatively thick wireless charging antenna pattern and a wireless communication antenna
`pattern through etching.
`[15] According to an embodiment, maintains high power transmission efficiency by directly disposing a coil unit
`and a near field communication antenna on a magnetic substrate, while enabling communication with an external
`device at the same time.
`[16] According to an embodiment, the thickness of the antenna assembly can be greatly reduced by forming a
`conductive pattern inside the magnetic substrate.
`[17] According to an embodiment, has high power transmission efficiency by forming a conductive pattern inside a
`magnetic substrate, while enabling communication with an external device at the same time using a near field
`communication antenna.
`[18] According to an embodiment, as the connection portion gets disposed inside the accommodation space of the
`magnetic substrate, the overall thickness of the antenna assembly can be greatly reduced as much as the thickness of
`the connection portion.
`[19] According to an embodiment, the overall size of the antenna assembly can be reduced by using a tape substrate
`as the connection portion.
`[20] According to an embodiment, by using a lead frame as the connection portion, the wiring layer comprised in the
`connection portion can be protected from heat generation, external moisture, and impact, and the effect of enabling
`mass production can be obtained.
`[21] According to an embodiment, can improve the power transmission efficiency by changing the direction of the
`magnetic field from facing outward to facing the coil unit due to the conductive pattern formed in the magnetic
`substrate and, at the same time, minimize the effect of the magnetic field having a harmful effect on the human body
`by reducing the amount of magnetic field leaked to the outside.
`[22] According to an embodiment of the present invention, can manufacture an antenna assembly through just the
`process for forming a pattern groove and the process for inserting the coil unit, thereby providing the effect of
`simplifying the manufacturing process.
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`WO 2013/141658
`[23] Meanwhile, various additional effects will be directly or implicitly disclosed in the detailed description
`according to embodiments of the present invention that will be described below.
`Brief Description of Figures
`[24] Fig. 1 is an exploded perspective view of the antenna assembly according to an embodiment of the present
`[25] Fig. 2 is a plane view of the antenna assembly according to an embodiment of the present invention.
`[26] Fig. 3 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly according to an embodiment of the present invention.
`[27] Fig. 4 is a plane view of the antenna assembly according to an embodiment of the present invention.
`[28] Fig. 5 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly according to an embodiment of the present invention.
`[29] Fig. 6 is a plane view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present invention.
`[30] Fig. 7 is a bottom view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present invention.
`[31] Fig. 8 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present
`[32] Fig. 9 is a plane view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present invention.
`[33] Fig. 10 is a bottom view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present invention.
`[34] Fig. 11 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present
`[35] Fig. 11 is a perspective view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment another embodiment
`[sic] of the present invention.
`[36] Fig. 13 is a plane view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present invention.
`[37] Fig. 14 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly when cut from A to A’ along the dotted line shown on
`the contact portion of Fig. 13.
`[38] Figs. 15 to 19 are figures for explaining a method for manufacturing the antenna assembly according to an
`embodiment of the present invention.
`[39] Fig. 20 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present
`invention, when cut from A to A’ along the dotted line shown on the contact portion of Fig. 13.
`[40] Fig. 21 is a plane view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present invention.
`[41] Fig. 22 is a perspective view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present
`[42] Fig. 23 is a plane view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present invention.
`[43] Fig. 24 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present
`invention, when cut from B to B’ along the dots shown on the contact portion of Fig. 23.
`[44] Fig. 25 is a perspective view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present
`[45] Fig. 26 is a plane view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present invention.
`[46] Fig. 27 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly cut from C to C’ according to another embodiment of
`the present invention.
`[47] Figs. 28 to 32 are figures for explaining a method for manufacturing the antenna assembly according to another
`embodiment of the present invention.
`[48] Fig. 33 is a drawing for explaining changes in inductance, resistance, and Q value of the inner antenna
`according to the frequency used when the coil unit is disposed on the upper surface of the magnetic substrate
`according to another embodiment of the present invention.
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`WO 2013/141658
`[49] Fig. 34 is a drawing for explaining changes in inductance, resistance, and Q value of the inner antenna
`according to the frequency used when the coil unit is disposed on the pattern groove in the magnetic substrate
`according to another embodiment of the present invention.
`[50] Fig. 35 is an H-Field for showing the radiation pattern of a magnetic field when the coil unit is disposed on the
`upper surface of the magnetic substrate according to another embodiment of the present invention.
`[51] Fig. 36 is an H-Field for showing the radiation pattern of a magnetic field when the coil unit is disposed on the
`pattern groove in the magnetic substrate according to another embodiment of the present invention.
`[52] Fig. 37 is an exploded perspective view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the
`present invention.
`[53] Fig. 38 is a perspective view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present
`[54] Fig. 39 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly according to another embodiment of the present
`[55] Figs. 40 to 48 are figures for explaining a method for manufacturing the antenna assembly according to another
`embodiment of the present invention.
`[56] Fig. 49 is a flowchart of a method for manufacturing the antenna assembly according to an embodiment of the
`present invention.
`[57] Figs. 50 and 53 show a cross-section of a conductive pattern formed by etching according to an embodiment of
`the present invention.
`[58] Fig. 54 is a flowchart of a method for manufacturng a connection portion (500) of the antenna assembly
`according to an embodiment of the present invention.
`[59] Fig. 55 is a graph showing the performance of a conductive bridge according to the printing count of the
`conductive paste according to the embodiment of the present invention.
`[60] Fig. 56 is a flowchart of a method for manufacturing a connection portion of the antenna assembly according to
`another embodiment of the present invention.
`[61] Fig. 57 is a flowchart of a method for manufacturing a connection portion of the antenna assembly according to
`another embodiment of the present invention.
`Modes for carrying out the invention
`[62] Throughout the entire specification, when it says that a certain portion is “electrically connected” with another
`portion, this includes not only the case in which it is “directly electrically connected” but also the case in which it is
`“electrically connected” with another element therebetween.
`[63] Fig. 1 is an exploded perspective view of the antenna assembly according to an embodiment of the present
`[64] Fig. 2 is a plane view of the antenna assembly according to an embodiment of the present invention.
`[65] Fig. 3 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly according to an embodiment of the present invention.
`In particular, Fig. 3 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly shown in Fig. 1 when cut from A to A’.
`[66] Referring to Figs. 1 to 3, the antenna assembly (1000) according to an embodiment of the present invention
`may comprise a magnetic substrate (100), an inner antenna (200), a contact portion (300), a substrate (400), a
`connection portion (500), an outer antenna (600), and an adhesive layer (700).
`[67] The antenna assembly (1000) may be electrically connected to a terminal device having a battery subject to be
`charged wirelessly and a wireless communication module.
`[68] The antenna assembly (1000) may be built into an electronic device, such as a terminal. The terminal may be a
`cellular phone, a PCS (Personal Communication Servie [sic:] Service) phone, a GSM phone, a CDMA-2000 phone,
`a typical mobile phone such as a WCDMA phone, a PMP (Portable Multimedia Player), a PDA (Personal Digital
`Assistants), a smartphone, or an MBS (Mobile Broadcast System) phone, but is not limited thereto. In particular, the
`antenna assembly (1000) may be embedded in the back cover of the terminal. When the back cover of the terminal
`device is coupled to the terminal device, the antenna assembly (1000) may be electrically connected to the terminal
`device through the contact portion (300) of the antenna assembly (1000).
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`WO 2013/141658
`[69] When the antenna assembly (1000) is coupled to the terminal device, the magnetic substrate (100) is positioned
`between the metal portion of the terminal device and the antenna in the antenna assembly (1000), prevents the
`magnetic field induced to the antenna in the antenna assembly (1000) from being lost due to the metal portion of the
`terminal device, and creates a path for magnetic flux. In particular, the metal portion of the terminal may be a metal
`case of a battery of a terminal. The magnetic substrate (100) may change the direction of the magnetic field received
`from the transmitter. The magnetic substrate (100) may reduce the amount of magnetic field that may be leaked to
`the outside by changing the direction of the magnetic field received from the transmitter. As a result, it can have a
`shielding effect. The magnetic substrate (100) changes the direction of the magnetic field received from the
`transmitter to the lateral direction to ensure that the magnetic field can be transmitted to the inner antenna (200) and
`the outer antenna (600) in a more concentrated manner. The magnetic substrate (100) may absorb a magnetic field
`leaking to the outside among the magnetic fields transmitted from the transmitter and release it as heat. When the
`amount of magnetic field leaking to the outside is reduced, a situation that may have a harmful effect on the human
`body may be prevented. The magnetic substrate (100) may comprise a magnetic material (110) and a support (120).
`The magnetic material (110) may comprise a form of particles, and the material thereof may be a ceramic. The
`support (120) may comprise a thermosetting resin or a thermoplastic resin. The magnetic substrate (100) may be
`configured in the form of a sheet and may have a flexible property.
`[70] The substrate (400) may be a printed circuit board (PCB) or a flexible printed circuit board (FPCB). The
`substrate (400) may be a non-magnetic insulating substrate. In particular, the material of the substrate (400) may be
`polyimide (PI) film. The polyimide film usually withstands a high temperature of 400 degrees above zero or a low
`temperature of 269 degrees below zero, has a super heat resistance and super cold resistance, and is thin and has
`excellent flexibility. The polyimide film has strong chemical and abrasion resistance, which allows it to maintain
`stable performance under harsh environments.
`[71] The inner antenna (200) may be disposed on the substrate (400). It will be described below, but the inner
`antenna (200) may be an antenna pattern. In this case, the cross-section of the antenna pattern may have a polygonal
`shape having predetermined angles instead of a circular shape, which is a typical coil shape. In particular, the cross-
`section of the antenna pattern may have a quadrangular shape and more specifically, a trapezoidal shape, and more
`narrowly, a rectangular shape. The antenna pattern may be formed on the substrate (400) by a laminating process
`and an etching process. The inner antenna (200) may have a plane spiral shape. The inner antenna (200) may be a
`wireless charging antenna for wireless charging. The inner antenna (200) may comprise an outer terminal (210)
`positioned on the outside of the plane spiral shape, an inner terminal (220) positioned on the inside of the plane
`spiral shape, and an inner coil (230) having a plane spiral shape. At this time, the coil may be a coil pattern.
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`WO 2013/141658
`[72] The outer antenna (600) may be disposed on the substrate (400). It will be described below, but the outer
`antenna (600) may be an antenna pattern. In this case, the cross-section of the antenna pattern may have a polygonal
`shape having predetermined angles instead of a circular shape, which is a typical coil shape. In particular, the cross-
`section of the antenna pattern may have a quadrangular shape and more specifically, a trapezoidal shape, and more
`narrowly, a rectangular shape. The antenna pattern may be formed on the substrate (400) by a laminating process
`and an etching process. The outer antenna (600) may have a plane spiral shape. The outer antenna (600) may be a
`wireless communication antenna for wireless communication. In particular, the outer antenna (600) may be a near
`field communication (NFC) antenna. The outer antenna (600) may comprise an inner terminal (610) positioned on
`the inside of the plane spiral shape, an outer terminal (620) positioned on the outside of the plane spiral shape, and
`an outer coil (630) having a plane spiral shape. At this time, the coil may be a coil pattern.
`[73] The layer on which the inner antenna (200) is formed may be the same as the layer on which the outer antenna
`(600) is formed. The line width of the coil pattern of the inner antenna (200) may be greater than the line width of
`the coil pattern of the outer antenna (600). The line spacing of the coil pattern of the inner antenna (200) may be
`greater than the line spacing of the coil pattern of the outer antenna (600).
`[74] The thickness of the magnetic substrate (100) may be 0.3 mm to 0.6 mm and the thickness of the inner antenna
`(200) and the outer antenna (600) may be 0.8 mm to 1.4 mm. In particular, the thickness of the magnetic substrate
`(100) may be 0.43 mm, the thickness of the inner antenna (200) and the outer antenna (600) may be 0.1 mm, and the
`combined thickness may be 0.53 mm. However, these values are merely examples.
`[75] The adhesive layer (700) adheres one surface of the magnetic substrate (100) with one surface of the substrate
`(400). In this case, one surface of the substrate (400) in contact with the adhesive layer (700) may be a surface on
`which the inner antenna (200) and the outer antenna (600) are formed among the two surfaces of the substrate (400).
`[76] The contact portion (300) is in electrical contact with the terminal device and comprises a plurality of
`connection terminals (310), a plurality of connection conductive wires (320), a substrate (330), and a plurality of
`contact terminals (340). The plurality of connection terminals (310) comprises a first connection terminal (311), a
`second connection terminal (312), a third connection terminal (313), and a fourth connection terminal (314). The
`plurality of connection conductive wires (320) comprises a first connection conductive wire (321), a second
`connection conductive wire (322), a third connection conductive wire (323), and a fourth connection conductive
`wire (324). The plurality of contact terminals (340) comprises a first contact terminal (341), a second contact
`terminal (342), a third contact terminal (343), and a fourth contact terminal (344).
`[77] The plurality of connection terminals (310) may be disposed on the outside of the inner antenna (200). In
`addition, the plurality of connection terminals (310) may be disposed on the outside of the outer antenna (600).
`[78] The plurality of connection conductive wires (320) may be disposed on the outside of the inner antenna (200).
`In addition, the plurality of connection conductive wires (320) may be disposed on the outside of the outer antenna
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`WO 2013/141658
`[79] The plurality of contact terminals (340) may be disposed on the outside of the inner antenna (200). In addition,
`the plurality of contact terminals (340) may be disposed on the outside of the outer antenna (600).
`[80] The plurality of connection terminals (310) may correspond to the outer terminal (210) of the inner antenna
`(200), the inner terminal (220) of the inner antenna (200), the inner terminal (610) of the outer antenna (600), and
`the outer terminal (620) of the outer antenna (600), respectively. The plurality of connection conductive wires (320)
`corresponds to the plurality of connection terminals (310), respectively. The plurality of contact terminals (340)
`corresponds to the plurality of connection conductive wires (320), respectively. The plurality of contact terminals
`(340) is electrically connected to the corresponding connection terminals (310) through the corresponding
`connection conductive wires (320).
`[81] Specifically, the first contact terminal (341) is electrically connected to the corresponding first connection
`terminal (311) through the first connection conductive wire (321). The second contact terminal (342) is electrically
`connected to the corresponding second connection terminal (312) through the second connection conductive wire
`(322). The third contact terminal (343) is electrically connected to the corresponding third connection terminal (313)
`through the third connection conductive wire (323). The fourth contact terminal (344) is electrically connected to the
`corresponding fourth connection terminal (314) through the fourth connection conductive wire (324).
`[82] The plurality of connection terminals (310), the plurality of connection conductive wires (320), and the
`plurality of contact terminals (340) may be a conductive wire pattern. The conductive pattern may be formed on the
`substrate (330) by a laminating process and an etching process. In particular, the plurality of connection terminals
`(310), the plurality of connection conductive wires (320), and the plurality of contact terminals (340) may be formed
`on the same layer.
`[83] The substrate (330) may be a printed circuit board or a flexible circuit board. Also, the substrate (330) may be a
`non-magnetic insulating substrate. In particular, the material of the substrate (330) may be polyimide (PI) film.
`[84] It will be described later, but in one embodiment, the substrate (330) may be a separate substrate separated from
`the substrate (400).
`[85] In another embodiment, the substrate (330) and the substrate (400) may be formed in an integrated manner. In
`this case, the plurality of connection terminals (310), the plurality of connection conductive wires (320), the plurality
`of contact terminals (340), the inner antenna (200), and the outer antenna (600) may be formed on the same layer.
`[86] When the inner antenna (200) is a wireless charging antenna and the outer antenna (600) is a wireless
`communication antenna, if the back cover of the terminal device is coupled to the terminal device, the inner antenna
`(200) may be electrically connected to the battery of the terminal device through the plurality of contact terminals
`(340) electrically connected to the inner antenna (200), and the outer antenna (600) may be electrically connected to
`the wireless communication module of the terminal device through the plurality of contact terminals (340)
`electrically connected to the outer antenna (600). Specifically, the inner antenna (200) may be electrically connected
`to the battery of the terminal device through the first contact terminal (341) and the second contact terminal (342)
`electrically connected to the inner antenna (200), and the outer antenna (600) may be electrically connected to the
`wireless communication module of the terminal device through the contact terminal (343) and the contact terminal
`(344) electrically connected to the outer antenna (600).
`[87] The connection portion (500) electrically connects the inner antenna (200) to the contact portion (300). In
`addition, the connection portion (500) electrically connects the outer antenna (600) to the contact portion (300).
`Specifically, the connection portion (500) comprises a first sub-connection portion (501), a second sub-connection
`portion (502), a third sub-connection portion (503), and a fourth sub-connection portion (504). The first sub-
`connection portion (501) electrically connects the outer terminal (210) of the inner antenna (200) to the first
`connection terminal (311). The second sub-connection portion (502) electrically connects the inner terminal (220) of
`the inner antenna (200) to the second connection terminal (312). The third sub-connection portion (503) electrically
`connects the inner terminal (610) of the outer antenna (600) to the third connection terminal (313). The fourth sub-
`connection portion (504) electrically connects the outer terminal (620) of the outer antenna (600) to the fourth
`connection terminal (314). Various embodiments of the connection portion (500) will be described below.
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`WO 2013/141658
`[88] Fig. 4 is a plane view of the antenna assembly according to an embodiment of the present invention.
`[89] Fig. 5 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly according to an embodiment of the present invention.
`In particular, Fig. 5 is a cross-sectional view of the antenna assembly shown in Fig. 4 when cut from A to A’.
`[90] In particular, the embodiment of Figs. 4 and 5 embodies the connection portion (500) in the antenna assembly
`of Figs. 1 to 3.
`[91] Referring to Figs. 4 and 5, the substrate (330) and the substrate (400) are formed integrally.
`[92] In an embodiment, the first sub-connection portion (501), the second sub-connection portion (502), the third
`sub-connection portion (503), and the fourth sub-connection portion (504) are conductive bridges (520).
`[93] In another embodiment, the first sub-connection portion (501), the second sub-connection portion (502), and
`the third sub-connection portion (503) may be conductive bridges (520), and the fourth sub-connection portion (504)
`may be a conductive wire pattern formed on the substrate (330). This is because there may not be another
`conductive wire pattern blocking the formation of the conductive wire pattern between the fourth connection
`terminal (314) and the outer terminal (620) of the outer antenna (600). Hereinafter, it is assumed that the fourth sub-
`connection portion (504) is a conductive wire pattern formed on the substrate (330).
`[94] The connection portion (500) further comprises an insulating layer (531). The insulating layer (531)

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