`ASSA ABLOY Ex. 1018 - Page 1
`ASSA ABLOY AB v. CPC Patent Technologies Pty Ltd.
`IPR2022-01045 - U.S. Patent No. 9,269,208
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`ASSA ABLOY Ex. 1018 - Page 2
`ASSA ABLOY AB v. CPC Patent Technologies Pty Ltd.
`IPR2022-01045 - U.S. Patent No. 9,269,208
`::::C:::::om=ed~i:=e~nn~e~---------------~J!!B!!_O _______ ~~--------:::--~c~
`ironic) o Some comedian .Put salt in the sugar bowl
`comic opera n t. an opera. with ~ hUtnorous Pl
`(late ~6C. < French comed,en < comedie (see COMEOY))
`:n!uasrc~~~;~ding 2. comic operas c,onsidered:
`comedienne /ka ~e'edi ~n/ n 1. FEMALE COMIC ENTERTAINER
`a female entertainer who tells jokes 2. COMIC ACTllESs
`a female actor who takes comic roles 3. AMUSING
`comic relief n 1. LITERAT, THEATRE fUNNYsECTIDNINSE~n ~
`IN SERIOUS WORK relief from tension, or a furth b
`heightening of tension .by conti:ast, prov~clect h/!
`~~~~~:~~~~~~~:~s:;:RA~;:R~:~o~!~: serious work
`a character or set of charact
`to provide intervals of comedy in a s,
`laughter in the midst of a tense or serious situation
`Comic strip n a series of cartoons that tell a story or
`a joke
`coming /klimming/ adj , . HAPPENING. SOON about to
`~~~re~~ 2~rPRSO~tv°su~::s~%~1~:~;~:itet~~c~::~
`in the near future o She s the coming power in this
`company. ■ n ARRIVAL the arrival of a person or an
`coming of age n 1. the reaching of the official age
`of adulthood and legal responsibility 2. the reaching
`Of an advanced stage of development o the coming
`of age of the computer
`comings and goings npf busy activity in which
`people arrive and depart frequently
`Comintern /k6mmin turn/ n an international or(cid:173)
`ganization of Communist parties set up by Lenin
`in 1919 and abolished in 1943 [Early 20C. < Russian
`Komintern < kommunisticheskii internatsional'nyi 'com(cid:173)
`munist international']
`&emissi&R incorrect spelling of commission
`&&mitee incorrect spelling of committee
`comity of nations
`/k6mmiti-/ n the mutual
`recognition among nations of one another's laws,
`customs, and institutions [< Latin comitas < comis
`comm. abbr 1. COMM commerce 2. COMM commercial
`3. committee 4. POL commonwealth
`comma /k6mma/ n 1. GRAM a punctuation mark (,)
`that represents a slight pause in a sentence or is
`used to separate words and figures in a list 2. MUSIC
`a short pause or interval in a piece of music 3.
`INSECTS same as comma butterfly [Late 16C. Via Latin
`< Greek komma 'piece cut off' < koptein 'to cut'] .
`USAGE Commas are used in pairs around text that adds
`extra information and that can be omitted without af(cid:173)
`fecting the structure of the sentence, He was staying
`with his sister, a piano teacher, in Paris. The plant,
`which thrives in acid soils, is grown for its scented
`foliage. {An increasingly common error is the omission
`of the second., closing co!llma.) A comma ma~ also
`follow a subordinate clause placed ;it the beginning of
`a sentence, If I miss the train, I will be fate for the
`meeting. Born in 1950, he spent his early childhood m
`India. Wheh commas are used to separate items in lists,
`the final comma (before and, or, or etc.) is optional, We
`invited Sarah, Jack, Kate, and Tom. You can have coffee,
`tea, cold milk or hot chocolate. They self books, paper,
`envelopes, stamps, etc. Similarly, a series of adjectives
`used before a noun may or may not be separated by
`commas: It was a Jong, slow, difficult process. She was
`wearing a long blue knitted scarf. Commas may also be
`inserted at appropriate points to break up a lengthy
`complicated sentence, but it is often bett~r and clearer
`to split the sentence up into smaller units. A comm;
`should not, however, be used to separate a long sub~e~t
`~ v:~~, ::: t~~~c~~~1z~~f:~;/'/:~~~a~ef!een
`...:sc...:ho...:0/...:a...:nd_"'...:•...:s>. _ _ - - , - - - - - - : -
`comma butterfly n an
`;ange and brown hbu::,i;.
`that has a com~a-sha~ed whit': mark o~ ~['ugonia
`side of each hind wmg. Lahn -?.rune.
`command /ka ma'andl . n , . ORDER an _orde;_ ;~;;;
`~~ ! ~~~~
`relaxed (often used ;n the plural) o the comforts of
`home 3. RELIEF FROM PAIN relief from pain or anxiety 0
`They brought comfort to the wounded. 4. SOMEBODY OR
`SOMITHING PROVIDING RELIEF somebody or something that
`provides relief from paln or anxiety o The family
`has been such a comfort to me since my wife die~. ■
`vt (.torts, •forting, •farted) 1: CHEER SOMEBODY to bring
`somebody relief from distress or anxiety o The
`Victim's parents were being comforted at home by
`to make
`sofuebody feel pleasantly relaxed o She was
`comforted by the warmth. [12C. < Old French contort
`<late latinconfortare'strengthencompletely'< Latin fortis
`comfortable /kumftab' I, -fartab'I/ adj 1. RELAXED feeling
`comfort or ease o Sit down and make yourselves
`comfortable. 2. MAKING SOMEBODY RELAXED making
`somebody feel physically relaxed o I changed into
`something more comfortable. 3. NOT ANXIOUS free from
`stress or anxiety o /don 't feel comfortable with that
`idea. '4. MED STABLE PHYSICALLY in a stable physical
`condition o The patient is comfortable. 5. ADEQUATE OR
`LARGE large enough to prevent anxiety or risk o The
`government won by a comfortable majority. 6. WIT~
`ADEQUATE INCOME having enough income o·They're not
`what you'd call well-off, but they're certainly com(cid:173)
`fortable. -comfortableness n
`comfortably /kumftabli, -fartabli/ adv 1. ATEASE with a
`feeling of comfort or ease o Are you sitting
`comfortably? 2. WITHOUT PROBLEMS with enough of
`something to stave off worry, especially enough
`money to live on without worrying a1?out providing
`essentials o We can manage com[ortri.bij,'on what we
`earn together. 3. EASILY by a large margin o The home
`team won comfortably.
`comfortably off adj having an adequate or more than
`adequate income o They often complain th,at they
`can't afford luxuries, but in fact they're quite com(cid:173)
`fortably off.
`comforter /k umfartar/ n 1. somebody who helps ·to
`relieve other .People's 'grief or anxieties 2. N Am a
`warm quilt used as a bed covering 3, same as dummy
`Comforter n CHR same as Holy Spirit
`comfort food n easiJy·prepared unsophisticated food
`that is psychologically comforting, especially' food
`that is high iti carbohydrates (informal)
`comforting /kumfarting/ adj relieving anxiety 'ur
`, ~1
`pain --comfortingly adv
`comfortless· /kumfartlass/ adj affording ml t o~citt o
`a sterile, comfortleSf room -comfortlessly adv
`comfort level n the set of physical or psychoiogical
`circumstances in which somebody .. feels most at
`ease and free from physical diSCOinfcirt or stress
`(informal) o the comfort''l'evel of knowing you have
`enough savings to meet emergencies
`comfort station n N Am a public toilet (used
`comfort zone n same as comfort level
`comfrey /kumfri/ n a plant with hairy leaves and
`stems. Flowers: pink, white, or blue, in clusters.
`Native to: Europe, Asia. Genus: Symphytum. [13C.
`Via Anglo-Norman, Old French< Latin conferva< confervere
`'heal', literally 'boil together'< fervere (see FERVENT)]
`comfy /k umfi/ (-tier, -fies!) adj same as comfortable
`(senses 1-2) (informal) [Early l 9C. Shortened form]
`comic /k6mmi k/ adj 1. FUNNY capable of inducing ~i:;,
`2~ti::~~:~~~~G ;~
`comedy o a great comic routine ■ n 1. ARTS COMEDIAN
`a comedian or comedienne o work~d as a nightclub
`comic 2. PUBL MAGAZINE a magazine that consists of
`stories told in a series of coloured panels. N Am
`term comic book [Late J 6C. Via Latin < Greek kdmikos
`• •
`~;::~ i~on7~7~~-~~o }~r~~,t:~~m tir :0",,,:,;:~s<~~!
`comedo /k6mmidO/ (plural comedones /k6mmi do neez/
`or co~edos) n MED same as blackhead (sense 1)
`~::~:u~~~=!~ [!~;;~;~~]Latin, 'glutton, worm' < comedere
`comedogenic /k6mmido jennik/ adj tending to cause
`or aggravate blackheads
`C~~~~?n~o~~~r down/ n a decline in status or posi(cid:173)
`c~medy /k6mmadi/ (plural-dies_) n 1. FUNNY PLAY, fllM,DR
`DOK a p]ay, film, or book depicting amusing events
`2. c_oM1c GENRE comic works, especially plays,
`considered as a literary genre 3. COMIC ENTERTAINMENT
`entertainment that is amusing 4. COMIC ELEMENTS the
`h.umorous aspects of a situation or work of art [14C.
`Via French comedie < Greek ktJmtJidia < ktJmtJidos 'comic
`actor' < ~tJmos 'revel' + aoidos 'singer' < aeidein 'sing']
`-comedic /ka me'edik/ adj-comedically adv
`comedy of errors n a ludicrous situation in which
`many mistakes are made and things go wrong
`comedy of manners n a comedy that satirizes the
`manners and customs of a section of society es-
`pecially fashionable society
`come-hither adj sexually inviting or provocative
`&eme-mg incorrect spelling of coming
`comely /kummli/ (-lier, -lies!) adj describes a woman
`who is good-looking (archa;c or literary) [13C. Probably
`shortening of obsolete becomely 'becoming' < BECOME]
`come.on n 1- something that arouses interest or
`desire, e.g. a free gift intended to encourage pur(cid:173)
`chasers (informal) 2. a comment or action intended
`to indicate sexual interest in somebody
`comer lktimmarl n somebody or something that is
`likely to succeed (informal)
`comestible /ka mestab'I/ (formal) n something edible,
`usually a cooked food ■ adj edible [15C. Via French
`< medieval Latin comestibilis < Latin comestus, past par•
`ticiple of comedere 'eat completely' <.;~ere 'eat'}
`comet, Hale-Bopp comet, photographed over Bulgaria
`comet /k6mmiti nan astronomical object that is com-
`posed of a mass ,of ice and dust and has a long
`~~~~~~e~~o~~~~~~~ds: [~~~o~~:::1~~r :,~~~n~~
`-comet·,c /ka mBttik/ adi
`/kum _uppanss/ n something un-
`pleasant, regarded as a Just punishment for some-
`~i~:1<~t0:::;e0u!e :,ii!t ~~;'t~~:t:.7i:O': ::::~d.
`GGlllfeftallle incorrect spelling of comfortable
`- - - - - - - -~~~ - - - by personal power or authority o She sz: KNOWLEDGE
`comical /k6mmik'I/ adj funny to the extent of being
`situation and took command. 3. THOROU'·a11y a !an·
`comfit /kumfit/ n a sweet consisting of a piece_of fruit,
`absurd, especially if unintentfon~Jo comjcalfacial
`.thorough knowledge of something, espf14 coMPUT
`a seed, or a nut in a sugar coating [14C. v,a French
`expressions-comicality /k6mmi kalla\if n-com1cally
`guage o a flu·ent command of ·FJ:en~uclion to a
`< Latin confectum, confecta < confectus (see CONFECT)]
`computer to carry out an operation , • ilitaJ'ilY o
`comfort /kumfart/ n 1. STATE OF BEING COMFORTABLE con· _ : : : . . : . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`CONTROL the ability to control 31.' area !nd of the
`SYNONYMS See tunny.
`ditions in which somebody feels physically relaxed
`comic book N Am PUBL same as comic n (sense 2)
`Our primary objective is to gam-•l'om - -
`o Enjoy the comfort of your own home. 2. COMFORTABLE
`. .
`THING somethmg that makes you feel physically
`aa,; aa faclm,aw,U; ayday; ai hai,; a abo"', i"m, edibk, common, mcus; e<gg;ee «I; hw when; l<r, happy; l,ce; I appl,, m rhyr
`ASSA ABLOY Ex. 1018 - Page 3
`ASSA ABLOY AB v. CPC Patent Technologies Pty Ltd.
`IPR2022-01045 - U.S. Patent No. 9,269,208
`n1and and control
`~ round. 6. Mil GROUP OF OFnCERS IN CONTROl a group
`~ii:Jccrs t~~Lci~:;~ ~:Po~:P=~~~.~~~;~
`y or air force that has a particular
`,ecu,:',•;; 11 v(.-ma11ds, -manding, -manded) 1. vt oROER
`~~uo;~~n~i;~r:~:~!o,i5~nm~~::.o;, i~s~~~!~~
`entitled to something
`ca n command a high
`to be in a position
`view over something o The
`mmand~ a breathtaking view of
`sa;EfMING to control a military unit or a specific area
`~o an ~fficer who :::a~~:~0:1:::=:A ~f;~~~:1
`A~:l~::~~m~;::a~:e~~~~: r:t~;;g~;.m:n{:~: ::~~:,:
`ary force oafort that commanded
`ough steep mountains (13C. Via
`::...ANOATEll-COmmandable ad1
`ommand and control n 1. a system that directs
`c the course of a m~ssile 2. ~ mil~tary commander's
`exercise of authority and directrnn of operations
`command performance n a performance of a play
`or film given by command of a ruler or state
`command post n 1. a military headquarters for a
`command group and its officers du r ing a n operation
`2. a temporary headquarters for a team of people
`involved in an opera tion
`commedia dell'arte /ko maydi o del aar tay/ n an
`Italian form of popular comedy developed during
`the 16th and 17th centuries, characterized by the
`use of stock characters and familiar plots {Late 19C.
`<Italian, literalty'comedyof art' )
`commembrate /ko memmo rayt/ (-rates, -rating, -rated)
`vt 1. to honour
`the memory of somebody or
`something in a ceremony o a service held to
`commemorate the dead 2. to serve as a memor ial to
`something [Mid-17C. < Latin commemorat-, past
`participle of commemorare 'call to mind dearly'< memorare
`'remind'< memor'mindful']- commemorative /-rat iv/ adj,
`n - commemorator n - commemoratory adj
`commemoration /l<o memmo raysh'n/ n 1. a ceremony
`or religious service to commemorate a person or
`a n event 2. the act of honourin g the memory of a
`person or an event - commemor~tional adj
`commence /ko menss/ (-mences, -mencing, -menced)
`vti to begin happening, or begin something [1 4C.
`< Old French com(m)encier < Latin initiare (see INITIATE)]
`. - commencer n
`commencement /ko menssmanU n 1. the beginning
`of something '(fbrman o the commencement of open
`hostilities 2. N Am a ceremony during which degrees
`and diplomas are conferred at US high schools,
`colleges, and un iversities, or the day on which this
`ceremony takes place
`commend /l<a mend/ (-mends, -mending, -mended) vt 1.
`PRAISE SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING to praise somebody or
`something in a formal way o She was commended
`show something to possess worthwhile qualities o
`The plan has much to commend it. 3. ENDORSE SOMEBODY
`DR SOMETHING to endorse somebody or something as
`being worthy of approval o I had no hesitation in
`commending her to them. 4. SURRENDER SOMEBODY OR
`to entrust somebody,
`yourself, or your soul to somebody's safekeeping
`(archaic or formal) [14C. < Latin commendare 'entrust
`completely' <' ITlandare (see MANDATE)} - commender n
`commendable /ka mendob'U adj worthy of praise -
`commendably adv
`commendation /1<6mmen daysh'n/ n 1. praise of some(cid:173)
`body's abilities 2. an award or citation Given to
`somebody in recognition of an outstanding achieve(cid:173)
`ment -commendatory /ka mendatari/ adj
`commensal /ka menss'I/ adj describes a relationship
`between organism§ bf two different spec ies in which
`one derives food or other benefits from the as(cid:173)
`sociation while the other remains unharmed and
`unaffected {late 19C. Directly or via French < med ieval
`Latin commensalis 'at table together'< Latin mensa
`'table'] -commensal n - commensality
`sa11ati/ n-commensally adv
`commensalism /ka mens'lizam/ n the relationship
`between organisms of two different species in which
`one derives food or other benefits from the as(cid:173)
`sociation while the other remains unharmed and
`commensurable /ka mensharab'I/ adj 1. REUTEDBYMEAS·
`UREMENT related by virtue of sharing the same system
`of measurement or by being measurable using the
`same units 2. COMMENSURATE proportionate to some(cid:173)
`thing else {formal) o His salary is commensurable to
`his ability. 3. MATHS WITH COMMON FACTOR divisible by
`the same unit an even number of times [Mid-16C.
`< late Latin commensurabilis 'completely measurable'
`< mensurabifis {see MENSURABLE)] - commensurability /ka
`menshara blllati/ n - commensurably adv
`commensurate /ka mensharaV adj 1. EQUAL IN s1zE of
`the same size or extent 2. IN PROPORTION appropriately
`propartionate o The rewards will be commensurate
`with the efforts made. 3. MEASUREO USING COMPATIBLE UNITS
`describes units of measurement that belong to the
`same system such as feet and inches or centimetres
`and metres [Mid-17C. < late Latin commensuratus, lit(cid:173)
`erally 'measured with' < Latin mensura 'measure'] - com(cid:173)
`mensurately adv-commensuration /ka mensha raysh'n/
`c~T:!~~~:~,~~;a~:af i~: u n an officer in comman~
`command economy n an economy in which re(cid:173)
`sources and business activity are controlled by the
`government .
`comm.~ndeer A<6mmon deer/ (-deers, -deering, -dee red )
`to take
`50mething from its owner for official or military
`to take or use
`soroething, often by force 3. Mil FORCE SOMEBODY INTO
`MILITARY SERVICE to force somebody to serve in the
`anned forces (Early 19C. Via Afrikaans kommandeer
`< Dutch kommanderen 'to command' < French commander
`commander /ka ma'andar/ n 1. Mil MILITARY OFFICER an
`officer commanding a military unit 2. NAVY NAVAL
`RANK an officer in the Royal, Canadian, or US navies
`or the US Coast Guard of a rank above lieutenant
`commander 3. POLICE SENIOR POLICE OFFICER an officer in
`charge of a police district in London 4. MEMBER WITH
`HIGH RANK a h igh-ranking member of a kn ightly and
`fraternal order -commandership n
`commander in chief (plural commanders in chief) n
`an officer who has supreme command of military
`Commander in Chief n used as an honorific title
`to denote the president of the United States, as
`commander of the nation's armed forces
`command group n a group of officers and security
`personnel who accompany a military commander
`commanding /l<o maanding/ adj 1. IMPRESSIVE ab/e to
`control or dominate o a commanding pr,serlce 2.
`OVERLOOKING looking out or over something from a
`high position o a commanding view 3. DOMINANT dem(cid:173)
`onstrating clear superiority o a commanding lead
`- commandingly adv
`commanding officer n an officer in command of a
`military unit or establishment
`' ··
`command key n 1. a computer key that gives com(cid:173)
`mands to the computer, expanding the keyboard
`options 2. a key on a keyboard that causes a device
`to initiate a predefined action
`command-line adj using letters or words instead of
`codes to give instructions to a computer [Because
`character called the command prompt)
`commandment /ka ma"andmanV n a command from
`God, especially one of the Ten Commandments
`command module n the part of a spacecraft that
`houses the controls and the crew's living quarters
`commando 11<0 maandO/ (plural -dos or -does) n 1. MIL
`SPf:CIALLY TRAINED SOLDIER a member of a military force
`specially trained to make dangerous raids 2. Mil
`SPECIALLY TRAINED UNIT a military unit made up of
`commandos 3 HIST Mil BOER FIGHTING UNIT a force of
`Boer troops · duri~g the Boer War [Late 18C.
`< Portuguese, 'raiding party' < commandar 'to command')
`c°se~~nd tf a~~li~e;tve:::~~~~u~;nt~;~
`~ \'Uion. ln foreign words: kh German Ba,b; aN Frtn,h vin; aaN French blanc; 0 Gcrnun sch an, French feu; oN French bon; ON French un; 0 as in French rue. Suess marks: u in scnc1 lsetktaU, a,a.dcmic /Aka d~mmik/
`commercial paper
`comment /1<6mmenU n 1. REMARK a remark that states
`a fact or expresses an opin ion o Comments are
`inuitedfrom all participants. 2. CRITICAL OBSERVATION an
`implied or indirect judgment o The fi lm is a
`comment on the materialism of modern society. 3.
`01scuss10N written or spoken discussion, analysis, or
`criticism o The incident attracted a great deal of
`press comment. 4 . EXPLANATORY NOTE a note that ex(cid:173)
`plains a passage in a text 5 . COMPUT NOTE EXPLAINING
`PROGRAM co OE a note embedded in a computer program
`that describes how the following programming code
`works ■ vti (-ments, -menting, -mented ) MAKE COMMENT
`to state a fact or give an opinion [14C. < Latin
`commentum 'invention' < comment-, past participle of
`comminisci'invent',literally'thinktogether' J
`commentary /1<6mmantori/ n (plural -ies) 1. SPOKEN
`DESCRIPTION OF EVINT a spoken description of an event
`as it happens, especially of a sport ing event being
`broadcast on radio or television. N Am term play(cid:173)
`by-play 2. CLARIFICATION or SITUATION an example
`illustrating a situation 3. SERIES OF EXPLANATORY NOTIS a
`series of notes explaining or interpreting a written
`text 4_ EXPLANATORY ESSAY an essay or book that
`explains a text ■ commentaries npl RECORD OF EVENTS a
`record of events, usually written by somebody who
`participated in them -commentarial /k6mma n tairi
`commentary box n a booth at a sports stadium from
`which a television or radio commentator makes a
`commentate /k6mmon tayt/ (-tales, -tating, -tated ) vi to
`provide a commentary, either in radio or television
`broadcasting or on texts
`commentator /1<6mmon taytor/ n 1. a broadcaster for
`radio or television who describes events, especially
`sporting events. as they happen 2. a reporter and
`analyst of the news fo r radio, television, or a news(cid:173)
`commerce /k6mmurss/ n 1. the large-scale buying
`and selling of goods and services 2. the study of the
`principles and practices of commerce [Direct or via
`French< Latin commercium 'mutual trade']
`commercial /ka mUrsh'I/ adj 1. RELATING TO COMMERCE
`relating to the buying and selling of goods or ser(cid:173)
`vices 2. COMM SUITABLE FOR TRAlJING appropriate or suf(cid:173)
`ficient for the purposes of trade 3. COMM FOR INDUSTRIAL
`USE produced. in built for industrial use and often
`unrefined 4. COMM DONE FOR PRUITT done with the
`pr imary aim of making money o a commercial
`venture 5. COMM PA/0 FOR WITH ADVERTISI NG supported by
`i-evE!nue from advertising o commercial radio ■ n
`advertisement broadcast on radio or television
`-commerciality /ka mUrshi a11ati/ n
`commercial art n graphic art produced for purposes
`such as advertising and packaging -commercial
`artist n
`commercial bank n a bank whose primary business
`is providing financial services to companies
`commercial break n an interval during a radio or
`telev ision programme fo r the purpose of broad(cid:173)
`casting advertisements
`commercial college n a college that teaches pri(cid:173)
`marily business-related subjects
`commercialese /ko mursh'I e'ell n the language or
`jargon used by people who work in business
`commercial Internet exchange n <·COMMERCE~ con(cid:173)
`nection point between commercial Internet service
`providers ( used in e-commerce)
`commercialise vt COMM another spelling of com~
`mercial ize
`commercialism /ka mUrsh'lizam/ n 1. the principles
`and methods of commerce 2. excessive emphasis on
`profit-making-commercialist n - commercialistic /ka
`mUrsh'I rstik/adj
`commercialize /ka mUrsh'I Tz/ (•izes, -izing, -ized).
`commercialise (-ises, -ising, -ised) vt 1. to apply
`business principles to something or run it as a
`business 2. to exploit something for financial gain
`-commercialization /ka mUrsh'I T zaysh'n/ n
`commerCially /ka mU rshali/ adv in commercial terms,
`or Crom a profit-making point of view
`commercial paper n short-term negotiable financial
`documents backed only by the good name of the
`ASSA ABLOY Ex. 1018 - Page 4
`ASSA ABLOY AB v. CPC Patent Technologies Pty Ltd.
`IPR2022-01045 - U.S. Patent No. 9,269,208
`instrument landing
`~i~~i·:~g.e~;;b~~:;~:~~~~~a~~~~ob!~~:·;::~~~::E~ in;~~~t~!:~n;~~k~i~s~~:~!c~~lt:~~e~sotne:
`the institution of marriage 3 . STARTING OF SOMITHING the
`instructor - mstructorsh1p n
`a ski
`device, especially one used for precision w:1•~.t
`ins trument /instrOOmanV n 1. TOOL a tool or mech
`science. medici ne, or technology 2_ Music OBIE rk 1n
`PRODUCES MUSIC a n object used to produce mu/
`a flute, guitar, or drum 3, MEASURE MEASURING ~c, e.g.
`dev ice that measures or controls something EVICE a
`speedometer or voltmeter 4. MEANS OF DOING so~ e.g. a
`~~;:b~~r~~ s~~:r ~~g a~~~ as a ~eans or ac::~
`purpose 0 The sec
`in:~t~~or~~ li! f~ ::::::s~:Sch~~:~~~m~n~ :Y~~::~ ~ -menti ng, -mented) 1. Music ARRANGE Music to
`: i :A~[is~~~'!!!!~: o~~H~:~as~l~::~Ys~~:t:~~t! ·g Lt~:t
`has been well known and established in a place for
`a long time (informal) 5. PLACE Of CARE OR CONFINEMENT a
`~: :a~~~l~ot~t-h e:~~!:! ~RG~~~~i~: JIE~:i~
`INVESTOR a lar ge financial organ ization such as a
`: ;:~; i~~:~t!:~t:~sa ~~~~~~e,1;,~~: ~:!~~~r;,~so~~;
`~dv : ~! ~!~~i:~a;!':,jtitutional adj -
`in:t\[~~i~~~~~se vt soc sci another spelling or in-
`institutionalist n
`DOCUMENT a legal document (formal) ■ vt ( · LAW
`arrange a piece of music for perfonn;:1te or
`: ~~!~t~n!~r::i;e:~!t~~:u;~t~UPi~:=MEA~URJ~~
`measurement or control l13C. Via Frenchents f~r
`instrumentum < instruere 'prepare' (see INSTRUCT)}< Latin
`INTO INSTITUTION to put somebody into an institution
`;:~~;:f 0:)~~~:~~ ~~?~i~i::~~r:~~~s~:~~ in:!~~.~e;~~~:~n~~~mm!~:~:~.~ ~:-~: ~:••tTHING
`structure of a large organization or society 3. MAKE
`into a n in stitution, or make someth ing resemble
`an institution -
`institutionalization /lnsti tyobsh'n a IT
`zaysh'n/ n
`institutiona lize d /fnsti tyobsh' na llzd/ adj 1. having
`become an established custom or an accepted part
`of the structure of a large organization or society
`because of hav ing existed for so long 2. lacki ng
`the will or ability to think and act independently
`because of having spent a long time in an institution
`such as a psychiatric hospital or prison
`institutive /insti tyootiv/ adj serving to establish or
`institutively adv
`being established -
`in-store adj happening, available, or situated within
`a large retail outlet such as a supermarket or de-
`partment store O an in-store bakery
`instr. abbr 1. instr uction 2. EDUC instructor 3. in·
`strument 4 · GRAM, MUSIC in Strumental
`instruct /in strUkU (-structs, -structing, -strutted) vt , .
`TRAIN SOMEBODY to teach somebody a subject or how
`!~ ~~ :i:::::J:i~:. ! ;:~~~:ft~ :~~h:~;o:e~!
`order 3. GIVE SOMEBODY INFORMATION to inform somebody
`about something, especially in a formal or official
`manner O We were instructed that the meeting had
`~ ;~~ ~/::eo~~~s~:~ ~!:
`::~i:::ro:::·a~.u~g: :~
`in order to explain the applicable points of law and
`r esult or accomplish ing a purpose O She evmg a
`strumenta l in getting the legi5lationpassed f as in-
`FOR INSTRUMENTS, NOT VOICES performed on a·~ M~sic
`inStrument or inSttuments, not_ with the vo~:c; ~
`; ~~~Tt~~.:::~'t~:R~;:~~~~s ~
`describe a noun case that indicates that someth· 0
`is used for a purpose or is the means by wh:
`something is done 5. PHILOSOPHY OF INSTRUMENTAUsM
`relating to instrumentalism ■ n 1. Music Music PU'ml
`BY INSTRUMENTS a piece of music that is performed on
`a musical instrument or instruments. not with the
`voice 2. GRAM NOUN FORM
`INDICATING Mwcs the in-
`uc:::tatf; a~vnoun in the instrumental
`instrumenta lism /lnstrOOment'lizam/nthebeliefthat
`theories are useful tools for making predictions but
`in:;;:te~~~:;: ; ~~t::e;::~~:t/ n 1. MUSIC PUYEROF
`INSTRUMENT somebody who plays a musical in-
`supporter or advocate of instrumcntalism ■ adj
`=~~:~[i~~ : ~:~~~~!~~!~fsu!ENTAUSM supporting or
`instru menta lity /instrOO men tallati/ (plural -ties) n
`( formal) 1. QUAlln OF MING INSTRUMENTAL the quality or
`:~~~e~tio~~~~!ct~~~~~/!~ he~·ins~::e::al:
`in!t:t~~o! ~ii~~t!~~~~o~.~n~h:.:1~~lw~l~~~~~ic:
`that the universe began as a pea-sized structure of
`in: ~::~~:=~~;:1:~~"g\endee:gy,·cebocrfot1•·•chthncolboigyg btahnagt
`allows for a rapid start-up, so eliminatin g the need
`for a warm-up period
`insta nt replay n ANZ, N Am SPORTS, MEDIA a playing
`bthaeckmoorvaevmiedneot toarpae bina llsloo,rv pn!1aoytleorn,_.nusausalpolyrttoshsho,ovnw
`on television. UK term action repl ay
`in: !:~ ~~ :;:~s;ctn a t~~~~~t;~!:no~;~ :u~~!:=
`1 ;
`in: : :
`(\t: t~:'.i~~t;~~: :'.::~:~)vttoestablish
`somebody in office - instatement n
`in statu quo /i n stattoo kwO/ adv in the same state
`(formal) [< Latin in statu quo ante 'in the (same) state as
`ins tauration /i n staw raysh'n/ n (formal) 1. the res-
`toration of something that has lapsed or fallen into
`instead /in stl!d/ adv as a r eplacement or substitute
`fo r something [13C. < IN 1 + STEAD 'place'] o instead of
`as an alterna tive to or substitute for someth ing
`instep /I n step/ n 1. th e ar ch ed middle portion of th e
`huma n foot between the a nkle and toes, especially
`its upper surface 2. the part of a shoe that covers
`the middle portion of the foot Use. Origin?]
`ins tigate /insti gayt/ (-gates, -a:atin2, -a:ated) vt 1. to
`cause a process to start 2. to cause trouble,
`especially by urging somebody to do something
`destructive or wrong [Mid-16C. < Latin instigat-, past
`participle of instigare < stigare 'prick, incite'] - instigation
`/fnsti gaysh'n/ n-instigative adj - instigator n
`instil /in still (-stils, -stilli n2, -still ed) vt 1. to impress
`ideas, principles, or
`teachings gradually on
`somebody's mind o tried to instil self-respect in my
`students 2. to pour medicine or another liquid into
`~d~:~r.5~s~~i!: t~fi [~i~;h\~a~n .:f~~::1~:; ~ti~
`instilment n
`instill vt US spelling of instil
`instinct /in stingkU n l. STRONG NATURAL IMPULSE a power -
`ful impulse tha t feels n atural rather than r easoned
`0 followed his instincts and took to his heels 2·
`BIOLOGICAL DRIVE a n inborn pattern of beh aviour char-
`acteristic of a species and shaped by biological
`~i~:~~n:i:t a; . s:,:~v~ :ti:J~c~~o~ko~h~
`an instinct for putting peop le at ease ■ adj FILLEO
`;~~:~~ni::i:'~~ :::,~d::sa~a:se;:::: t~~~:e:;
`~:~:~lr~~i°~~b=;!:~~~~~~~; ~:~:~~
`of the Chamley Family; 1865) 3. US POL SEtmM in the
`: ~E~E:~~~ON\~~a:s:~~ !~,t~rr:co:~,; ;e~B::l~~: ~A~
`stinctus 'impulse' < instinguere 'incite' < stinguere 'to
`your behalf and supply him or her with relevant
`United States, a subsidiary branch of a department
`sting'] -insli nctual /i n stfngktyoo al/ adj
`information [ l SC. < Lat in instruct-, past participle of
`or agency
`ins trumenta l lea rn ing n a form of learning thst
`instinctive /i n stfngk