`Dictionary of
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`ASSA ABLOY Ex. 1017 - Page 1
`ASSA ABLOY AB v. CPC Patent Technologies Pty Ltd.
`IPR2022-01045 - U.S. Patent No. 9,269,208
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`First edition published 1983
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`Paper 0-13-192762-0
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`ASSA ABLOY Ex. 1017 - Page 2
`ASSA ABLOY AB v. CPC Patent Technologies Pty Ltd.
`IPR2022-01045 - U.S. Patent No. 9,269,208
`17 4
`with him. 4 having enough money to live on
`without worrying: We 're 1101 rich, but we are
`comfo11able. --comfortably adv.
`com•fort•er /'kAmfa-ta-/ n. [CJ a thick cover for
`a bed ➔ see picture at BED1
`com•fy /'kAmfil adj. spoken COMFORT~BLE
`com•ic1 /'kam1k/ adj. funny or amusmg: a ~omic
`actress I At least Marlene was there (O giv~ us
`comic relief (=make us laugh in a senous situa(cid:173)
`comic2 n. [CJ 1 a COMEDIAN 2 a COMIC BOO~
`3 the comics [plural] the part of a newspaper tha
`com•i•cal /'kam1k.:iV adj. funny, especially m a
`strange or unexpected way --comically adv.
`' 'comic book n. [CJ a magazine that t_ells ~ story
`using pictures that are drawn hke comic stnps
`'comic strip n. [CJ a series of pictures that are
`drawn inside boxes and tell a story
`drawing, picture, sketch, cartoon
`➔ see Thesaurus box at DRAWING
`com•ing1 /'kAm11J/ n. 1 the coming of sth/sb
`the time when something or someone arrives or
`begins: With the coming of the railroad, the town
`changed considerably. 2 comings and goings
`the movements of people as they arrive and leave
`coming2 adj. [only before noun] happening soon:
`the coming winter
`com,ma /'kam.:i/ n. [CJ the mark (,) used in
`writing to show a short pause
`com•mand1 /k.:i'mrend/ n. 1 [UJ the control of
`a group of people or a situation: How many
`officers are under your command? I Who is in
`command here? 2 [CJ an order that must be
`obeyed: Shoot when I give
`the command.
`3 command of sth knowledge of something,
`especially a language, or the ability to use some(cid:173)
`thing: Fukiko has a good command of English.
`4 [ C] an instruction to a computer to do some(cid:173)
`command2 v. 1 [l,T] to tell someone officially
`to do something, especially if you are a military
`leader, king, etc.: The captain commanded the
`crew to remain on the main deck. 2 [T] to get
`attention, respect, etc. because you are important
`or popular: He commands one of the highest fees
`in Hollywood.
`com•man•dant /'kam.:in,dant/ n. [CJ the chief
`officer in charge of a military organization
`com•man•deer /,kam.:in'dir/ v. [Tl to officially
`take someone's property for ·military use: The
`hotel was commandeered for use as a war hospi(cid:173)
`com•mand•er, Commander /k.:i'mrenda-/ n.
`(~] 1 an officer in charge of a military organiza(cid:173)
`l!on or group 2 an officer who has a middle rank
`in the Navy
`m-mand•ing /k.:i'~rend11J/ adj. [only bef
`l 1 having authonty or confidence Wh?re
`t and obe
`kes people respec
`. Y you: his c
`ma ding presence 2 bemg m a position rOIIJ.
`'k 1
`which you are h e y to wm a rac~ or cornpetitio
`-1 . Stevens has a commanding lead i n
`eas1 y.
`11 the
`1k ,
`.:i mlf:n
`.:int/ n. [CJ
`cof ten rules given by God m the Bible that ~;U
`eople how they should behave
`Jom•man·d~ /k.:i'm~ ndou( n. plur~l comrnan.
`dos [C] a soldier who 1s specially trained tom k
`a e
`quick attacks mto enemy areas
`com•mem•o•rate /k.:i'mcm~,re11/ v.
`[T] 10
`remember someone o_r something by a special
`action, ceremony, obJect, e!c.: The monument
`commemorates those who died during the wa
`--commemoration /k.:i,mcm.:i're1J.:in/ n. [~
`--commemorative /k.:i'mcm.:irn11v/ adj.
`com•mence /k.:i'mcns/ v. [l,T] formal to begin:
`Work on the building will commence soon.
`1 [ c ,U] a ceremony at which COLLEGE or IDG~
`[ = graduation] 2 [U] formal the beginning of
`com•mend /k.:i'mcnd/ v. (Tl formal to praise
`someone or something publicly or formally: The
`three firefighters were commended for their brav(cid:173)
`com•mend•a•ble /k.:i'mcnd.:ib.:iV adj.
`deserving praise: Baldwin answered with com(cid:173)
`mendable honesty. --commendably adv.
`com•men•da•tion /,kam.:in'de1fan/ n. [CJ for(cid:173)
`mal an honor or prize given to someone for being
`brave or successful
`com•men•su•rate /k.:i'mcns.:int, -f.:int/ adj.
`formal matching something else in size, quality, or
`length of time: The salary is commensurate with
`experience (=the salary for the job is higher if you
`have experience).
`com-ment1 /'kamcnt/ n. 1 [C,U] an opinion
`that you give about someone or something: Does
`anyone have any questions or comme11ts? I He
`made rude comments about her. 2 no comment
`spoken said when you do not want to answer a
`question, especially in public
`comment2 v. [l,T] to give an opinion about some·
`one or something: The police have refused 10
`comment on the case.
`com•men•tar•y /'kam.:in,tcri/ n. rit~al co~;
`mentaries [C,U] 1 a spoken descnpt!on of .
`event, given while the event is happening, e;~
`cially on the television or radio: the commell ~at
`011 t~e World Series 2 a book or articlelana·
`explains or discusses something, or the exp sad
`lion itself: political commentary 3 be a le of
`commentary on sth to be a sign or exarnP , 011
`how bad a situation is· It's a sad comme11tar)e,it
`our culture that we need constant entertau
`/'kaman,te1121·/ n.
`ASSA ABLOY Ex. 1017 - Page 3
`ASSA ABLOY AB v. CPC Patent Technologies Pty Ltd.
`IPR2022-01045 - U.S. Patent No. 9,269,208