1/31/2024 | 01-31-2024-Patent_Owner | |
12/7/2023 | 12-07-2023-Board | |
11/6/2023 | 11-06-2023-Petitioner | |
11/6/2023 | 11-06-2023-Patent_Owner | |
10/30/2023 | 10-30-2023-Patent_Owner | |
10/30/2023 | 10-30-2023-Petitioner | |
10/25/2023 | 10-25-2023-Board | |
9/29/2023 | 09-29-2023-Patent_Owner | |
9/29/2023 | 09-29-2023-Petitioner | |
9/27/2023 | 09-27-2023-Petitioner | |
9/27/2023 | 09-27-2023-Patent_Owner | |
9/27/2023 | 09-27-2023-Board | |
9/26/2023 | 09-26-2023-Patent_Owner | |
9/22/2023 | 09-22-2023-Petitioner | |
9/22/2023 | 09-22-2023-Patent_Owner | |
9/18/2023 | 09-18-2023-Petitioner | |
9/18/2023 | 09-18-2023-Patent_Owner | |
9/12/2023 | 09-12-2023-Board | |
9/11/2023 | 09-11-2023-Petitioner | |
9/11/2023 | 09-11-2023-Patent_Owner | |
9/11/2023 | 09-11-2023-Board | |
9/7/2023 | 09-07-2023-Board | |
9/6/2023 | 09-06-2023-Patent_Owner | |
8/7/2023 | 08-07-2023-Board | |
8/3/2023 | 08-03-2023-Patent_Owner | |
7/28/2023 | 07-28-2023-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1009: Prosecution History of U.S. Patent No. 9,168,344
- Petitioner Exhibit 1048: Email thread between C. Tan to L. Nguyen re Bates Deposition, May 2- June 21, 2023
- Petitioner Exhibit 1049: U.S. Patent No. 7,945,303 B2 to Bates
- Petitioner Exhibit 1050: McClure, Kristin et al., Classification and Detection of Breathing Patterns with Wearable Sensors and Deep Learning
- Petitioner Exhibit 1051: Declaration of Dr. Jason Kirkness in Support of Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
- Petitioner Exhibit 1052: Deposition Transcript of Jason Bates Vol. 1
- Petitioner Exhibit 1053: Deposition Transcript of Jason Bates Vol. 2
- Petitioner Exhibit 1054: File History of U.S. Patent No. 9,108,009
- Petitioner Exhibit 1055: U.S. Patent No. 9,108,009 B2 to Rapoport et al.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1056: U.S. Patent No. 9,168,344 B2 to Rapoport et al.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1057: U.S. Patent No. 9,427,539 B2 to Rapoport et al.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1059: Douglas, N.J., Control of breathing during sleep, 67 CLINICAL SCIENCE 465
7/27/2023 | 07-27-2023-Patent_Owner | |
7/20/2023 | 07-20-2023-Petitioner | |
7/13/2023 | 07-13-2023-Patent_Owner | |
5/16/2023 | 05-16-2023-Petitioner | |
5/11/2023 | 05-11-2023-Patent_Owner | |
4/21/2023 | 04-21-2023-Patent_Owner | - Patent Owner Exhibit 2003: Declaration of Dr. Jason Hamilton Tunstall Bates
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2004: Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Jason Hamilton Tunstall Bates
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2005: Publications Relied on by Dr. Bates
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2006: Board Email on Friday February 3, 2023, 3:51 PM
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2007: U.S. Patent No. 6,398,739
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2008: Signal Acquisition and Conditioning With Low Supply Voltages, Texas Instruments Inc., SLAA018, August 1997
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2009: Fifty Years of Signal Processing. The IEEE Signal Processing Society, 1998
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2010: N. Wiener. Extrapolation, Interpolation and Smoothing of Stationary Time Series. The Technology Press of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1950
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2011: Generation of random sequences with jointly specified probability density and autocorrelation functions. Biological Cybernetics. Vol 47, pp. 141-146, 1983
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2012: Deposition Transcript of Jason P. Kirkness, Ph.D. – Volume 1
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2013: Deposition Transcript of Jason P. Kirkness, Ph.D. – Volume 2
3/29/2023 | 03-29-2023-Board | |
3/15/2023 | 03-15-2023-Patent_Owner | |
3/13/2023 | 03-13-2023-Patent_Owner | |
3/8/2023 | 03-08-2023-Petitioner | |
2/27/2023 | 02-27-2023-Patent_Owner | |
1/24/2023 | 01-24-2023-Patent_Owner | |
1/17/2023 | 01-17-2023-Petitioner | |
1/11/2023 | 01-11-2023-Board | |
1/9/2023 | 01-09-2023-Patent_Owner | |
1/4/2023 | 01-04-2023-Petitioner | |
12/19/2022 | 12-19-2022-Patent_Owner | |
12/8/2022 | 12-08-2022-Board | |
10/26/2022 | 10-26-2022-Patent_Owner | |
10/12/2022 | 10-12-2022-Petitioner | |
9/28/2022 | 09-28-2022-Patent_Owner | |
9/9/2022 | 09-09-2022-Patent_Owner | |
9/7/2022 | 09-07-2022-Petitioner | |
9/6/2022 | 09-06-2022-Board | |
8/26/2022 | 08-26-2022-Patent_Owner | |
8/18/2022 | 08-18-2022-Petitioner | |
8/15/2022 | 08-15-2022-Board | |
6/24/2022 | 06-24-2022-Patent_Owner | |
6/15/2022 | 06-15-2022-Board | Board Notice: acceptance corrected petition 4: EXPUNGED |
6/10/2022 | 06-10-2022-Petitioner | |
6/9/2022 | 06-09-2022-Board | |
6/2/2022 | 06-02-2022-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1001: U.S. Patent No. 6,988,994 ("'994 patent")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1002: Prosecution History of U.S. Patent No. 6,988,994 ("'994 FH")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1003: Declaration of Dr. Khosrow Behbehani
- Petitioner Exhibit 1004: Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Khosrow Behbehani ("Behbehani CV")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1005: U.S. Patent No. 5,245,995 to Sullivan et al. ("Sullivan995")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1006: WO 01/05460 to Sullivan ("Sullivan460")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1007: U.S. Patent No. 7,168,429 to Matthews et al. ("Matthews")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1008: U.S. Patent No. 5,490,502 to Rapoport et al. ("Rapoport")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1010: U.S. Patent 6,397,845 (Burton 845)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1012: M. Berthon-Jones, "Feasibility of a Self-Setting CPAP Machine," Sleep 16:S120-123 (1993) ("Berthon-Jones 1993")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1013: U.S. Patent No. 5,704,345 to Berthon-Jones ("Berthon-Jones345")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1014: D. Rapoport, "Methods to Stabilize the Upper Airway Using Positive Pressure," Sleep 19(9):S123-S130 ("Rapoport 1996")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1015: C. Sullivan, "Reversal of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea by Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Applied through the Nares," Lancet 1981:1862-5 ("Sullivan 1981")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1016: M. Pressman et al., "Ramp Abuse: A novel Form of Patient Noncompliance to Administration of Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea,"
- Petitioner Exhibit 1017: U.S. Patent No. 6,484,719 to Berthon-Jones ("Berthon-Jones719")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1018: New York University v. ResMed Inc., Case No. 1:21-cv-00813-JPM, ECF No. 1 (D. Del.), Complaint for Patent Infringement
- Petitioner Exhibit 1019: Exhibit 9 to New York University v. ResMed Inc., Case No. 1:21-cv-00813-JPM, ECF No. 1 (D. Del.), Complaint for Patent Infringement
- Petitioner Exhibit 1021: S. Thompson et al., "Sleep as a Teaching Tool for Integrating Physiology and Motor Control," Advances in Physiology Education (June 2001)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1022: U.S. Patent No. 6,427,689 to Estes et al. ("Estes")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1023: R. Tamisier et al., "Characterization of pharyngeal resistance during sleep in a spectrum of sleep-disordered breathing," J Appl Physiol 89:120-130, 2000 ("Tamisier")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1024: D. Hudgel et al., "Mechanics of the respiratory system and breathing pattern during sleep in normal humans," The American Physiology Society (1984) ("Hudgel")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1025: M. Craske, "Nocturnal Panic," American Psychological Association 153 (1997) ("Craske")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1026: Teschler, H., et al., "Automated Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Titration for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome," Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 54:734-740 (1996)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1027: ResMed, "AutoSet Portable II Plus Overview & Interpretation Guide, Rev. 1," (1999)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1028: ResMed, "Auotset T, Optimal Therapy for your OSA Patients," (2000)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1029: Sunrise Medical, "DeVillibis, AutoAdjust, LT Nasal CPAP System Instructions Guide Model 8054," (1999)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1030: Respironics, "Introducing the REMstar Auto. A simply smarter Smart CPAP" (2002)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1031: ResMed Origins, downloaded from https://document.resmed.com/en-us/documents/articles/resmed-origins.pdf on May 3, 2022.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1032: U.S. Patent No. 7,966,061 to Al-Abed, et al. ("Al-Abed")
- Petitioner Exhibit 1033: Exhibit 8 to New York University v. ResMed Inc., Case No. 1:21-cv-00813-JPM, ECF No. 1 (D. Del.), Complaint for Patent Infringement
- Petitioner Exhibit 1035: F. Roux, et al., "Continuous Positive Airway Pressure: New Generations," Clinics in Chest Medicine (2003)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1036: V. Hoffstein, et al., "Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure," Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. (1992)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1037: R. Berry, et al., "The Use of Auto-Titrating Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment of Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea," (2002)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1038: Hoffstein et al, 1991, Snoring and Sleep Architecture