`Lisa.Nguyen@AllenOvery.com; Trials
`llehnert@goldbergsegalla.com; msiem@goldbergsegalla.com; kmatuszewski@goldbergsegalla.com;
`weinblatt@swdelaw.com; vyas@swdelaw.com; ctan@goldbergsegalla.com; cmcarni@goldbergsegalla.com;
`RE: ResMed v. NYU, IPR2022-00989
`Tuesday, September 12, 2023 4:12:59 PM
`The Panel grants Petitioner’s unopposed request in IPR2022-00989 to replace the incorrect version
`of its motion to exclude with the correct version. Specifically, the incorrect version of Petitioner’s
`motion to exclude (Paper 49) will be expunged from IPR2022-00989. Petitioner may file as timely
`the motion to exclude Petitioner previously served on Patent Owner in IPR2022-00989 as a new
`paper, no later than September 14, 2023. A copy of this authorization and the request will be
`entered by the Board as an exhibit in IPR2022-00989.
`Esther Goldschlager
`Supervisory Paralegal Specialist
`Patent Trial & Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
`From: Lisa.Nguyen@AllenOvery.com <Lisa.Nguyen@AllenOvery.com>
`Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 1:06 PM
`To: Trials <Trials@USPTO.GOV>
`Cc: llehnert@goldbergsegalla.com; msiem@goldbergsegalla.com;
`kmatuszewski@goldbergsegalla.com; weinblatt@swdelaw.com; vyas@swdelaw.com;
`ctan@goldbergsegalla.com; cmcarni@goldbergsegalla.com; AO_ResMed_NYU@AllenOvery.com
`Subject: ResMed v. NYU, IPR2022-00989
`CAUTION: This email has originated from a source outside of USPTO. PLEASE CONSIDER THE SOURCE before
`responding, clicking on links, or opening attachments.
`Dear Board,
`For Paper 49 in IPR2022-00989, Petitioner inadvertently filed its motion to exclude evidence for a
`different proceeding. We request permission to replace Paper 49 with the correct motion to exclude for
`this proceeding. Patent Owner has been served with the correct motion and does not oppose the
`Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you.
`Lisa Nguyen
`Lead Counsel for Petitioner ResMed, Inc.
`Lisa K. Nguyen
`Allen & Overy LLP
`Exhibit 3001
`550 High Street | Palo Alto | CA | 94301 | USA
`Direct +1 650 388 1724 | Mob +1 650 391 5373 | lisa.nguyen@allenovery.com
`This email is confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient please delete it and notify
`us immediately by telephoning or e-mailing the sender. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor disclose
`its contents to any other person.
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`Palo Alto
`CA 94301
`Tel: +1 650 388 1650
`Fax: +1 650 388 1699
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