` _________________________
` EcoFactor, Inc., )
`Plaintiff, )
` vs. ) Case No.
`) 6:21-cv-00428-ADA
` ecobee, Inc., )
`Defendants. )
` _________________________)
`Lafayette, California
`Friday, February 2, 2023
`Volume I
` Reported by:
` CSR No. 6426
` Job No. 5698028
` PAGES 1 - 76
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`Exhibit 2008
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` _________________________
` )
` EcoFactor, Inc., )
` )
` Plaintiff, )
` )
` vs. ) Case No.
` ) 6:21-cv-00428-ADA
` ecobee, Inc., )
` )
` Defendants. )
` _________________________)
` Zoom Videotaped deposition of DAVID AUSLANDER,
` Volume I, taken at Lafayette, California, beginning at
` 9:00 a.m., and ending at 11:25 a.m., on Friday, February
` 2, 2023, before LORI M. BARKLEY, Certified Shorthand
` Reporter No. 6426.
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`Exhibit 2008
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` A P P E A R A N C E S :
` R U S S A U G U S T & K A B A T
` B Y : J o n a t h a n L i n k
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 1 2 4 2 4 W i l s h i r e B o u l e v a r d , 1 2 t h F l o o r
` L o s A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 2 5
` J l i n k @ r a k l a w . c o m
` V E N A B L E L L P
` B Y : J u s t i n O l i v e r
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 6 0 0 M a s s a c h u s e t t s A v e n u e , N W
` W a s h i n g t o n , D C 2 0 0 0 4
` ( 2 0 2 ) 7 2 1 - 5 4 2 3
` J o l i v e r @ v e n a b l e . c o m
`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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` I N D E X
` Examination by Mr. Link 5
` Exhibit 1 Declaration of David Auslander 15
` Exhibit 2 Ground 1 Opinions 18
` Exhibit 3 Ehlers 330 Reference, 3-28-03 19
` Exhibit 4 Copy of 719 Patent 20
` Exhibit 5 Table 28 from Wruck 22
` Exhibit 6 Overview of Ehlers 330 46
` Exhibit 1006 Column 19, Lines 1-24, Outdoor 65
` Climate Conditions
` Exhibit 1007 Boiat Reference in Auslander 66
` Declaration
`6 7
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`Exhibit 2008
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` Lafayette, California; Friday, February 2, 2023
` 9:00 a.m.
` having been administered an oath, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Auslander.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. How many depositions have you been in?
` A. I don't know, I haven't counted.
` Q. Are we talking, you know, single digits or
` double digits or over a hundred --
` A. No, modest double digits.
` Q. And how many of them have been remote
` depositions like this?
` A. This started of course with COVID. So I've been
` in, how many, three at this point, maybe, something like
` that.
` Q. Okay. Just a reminder on that since we're
` making a written record. Both of us want to be mindful
` of allowing the other to complete their question or
` answer before talking. If a question's unclear, just
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`7 8
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` let me know and we can figure out why it's unclear or I
` can re-ask it, okay?
` A. Sure.
` Q. All right. And if you need a break, just ask.
` The only thing I'll want is for you to answer the
` question that's pending before we go on that break,
` okay?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Is there any reason you can't give truthful
` testimony today?
` A. No reason.
` Q. And just for the record, do you have any notes
` in front of you right now?
` A. No, nothing.
` Q. And I believe you said earlier that you do have
` electronically clean copies of your declarations and
` your exhibits; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. Any other materials that are related
` to these two IPRs?
` A. I mean, there's all the working material, but I
` won't access that.
` Q. Is there anyone with you in the room there?
` A. Is anyone in the room? No.
` Q. Perfect. All right, and just so is that we're
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` kind of on the same page, this deposition is for two
` declarations that you prepared with respect to US patent
` number 8596550, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if I refer to that as the '550 patent,
` you'll understand what I'm referring to?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the two declarations, one is for IPR
` 2022-00983, correct?
` A. I don't know those numbers.
` Q. Okay. Let me try it this way, one of the
` declarations that you prepared was with respect to
` claims 1 through 16 of the '550 patent, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And then the second declaration is for claims 17
` through 23 of the '550 patent, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Did you prepare for your deposition today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What did you do to prepare for it?
` A. Reviewed the material on my own and with
` Mr. Oliver.
` Q. Did you talk to anyone else besides Mr. Oliver?
` A. No.
` Q. About how long did you talk to Mr. Oliver?
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` A. We had three or four meetings of several hours
` each.
` Q. And in total, about how long did you prepare for
` your deposition today?
` A. Total hours or total when did I start?
` Q. I would say start total hours.
` A. Gee, I don't know, 15, maybe.
` Q. Did you write each of your declarations?
` A. Like, do you mean did I write the original
` draft?
` Q. Yes.
` A. No.
` Q. Who did write that?
` A. The procedure was I think fairly common. We
` went through all of the issues verbally and in meetings.
` The lawyer for Ecobee at the time was Leslie Lee. She's
` no longer with the firm, but she was the one I worked
` with and of course I don't know who she worked with on
` her end.
` Q. Did you identify the -- let me rephrase that.
` How did you find the prior art that you ended up citing
` in these two declarations?
` A. Well, that was identified by the law firm that
` asked me to make opinions on it.
` Q. When they sent you the first draft, did you make
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` any changes to your declarations?
` A. Oh, yes, we had a lengthy procedure going
` through line by line kind of stuff.
` Q. So you read the entirety of both of the
` declarations?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And everything in both of those declarations was
` substantively accurate?
` A. Yes, and then no, short of the usual typos and
` stuff.
` Q. Certainly. Dr. Auslander, when did you first
` hear of EcoFactor?
` A. 2007, I believe it was.
` Q. And how did you first hear about EcoFactor?
` A. I was at -- I still am part of the faculty of
` University of California at Berkeley working on a
` project in -- research project on demand response in
` residential dwellings and was contacted by initially,
` John Steinberg. At that point I think EcoFactor
` consisted of John Steinberg and Scott Hublou, so they
` contacted me at that point. So that was my first
` exposure.
` Q. Have you ever performed any work with or for
` EcoFactor?
` A. Yes, that initial contact ended up being I guess
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` a better part of a year of activity in which we had
` cooperative activity between EcoFactor and my research
` group, particularly graduate students, and so that went
` on from I guess early fall of 2007 into spring of 2008,
` and then I guess I'd have to get the exact dates, but
` sometime in 2009, I did a small amount of consulting for
` them.
` Q. Okay. Were you paid for the consulting that you
` performed for EcoFactor?
` A. The consulting? Yes.
` Q. How much were you paid; do you recall?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you perform any consulting for EcoFactor in
` the 2011 timeframe?
` A. No.
` Q. When you said you did a small amount of
` consulting for EcoFactor, what was the nature of that
` consulting?
` A. My recollection is that at that point, the
` primary interest is what in a broad sense I would call
` fault diagnosis.
` Q. What do you mean by "fault diagnosis"?
` A. Trying to figure out from data what's wrong with
` the system.
` Q. Do you remember roughly how much time you spent
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` consulting for EcoFactor in this fault diagnosis?
` A. Yeah, it wasn't very long. I don't know how
` many hours, but it was a few meetings at their place in
` wherever it was, down in the peninsula someplace, maybe
` Redwood City, and some time on my own, scattered over a
` few months. I think by that time, EcoFactor had a
` pretty substantial staff -- staff. And I wasn't adding
` much to what the staff was able to do.
` Q. Now, during the 2007/2008 timeframe when you
` had, I think you referred to it as, cooperative activity
` between EcoFactor and your research group, EcoFactor was
` doing some field studies work, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay, and that involved collecting data from
` some thermostats installed in some different homes,
` right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And then EcoFactor and some of your graduate
` students analyzed that data. Is that accurate?
` A. Well, on our side, graduate students. EcoFactor
` gave us access to the data, but they didn't present
` whatever analysis they did or didn't do.
` Q. But EcoFactor published a paper about those
` field studies, right?
` A. Well, now you're in my technical field. A paper
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`Exhibit 2008
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` means something published, and, you know, they -- there
` was some kind of document that they put out that had
` some information on it, yeah.
` Q. Okay, so there was a document that EcoFactor
` prepared regarding the data that came from those field
` studies; is that accurate?
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. And you wrote the forward for that document,
` correct?
` A. Yeah, that was myself and Ed Arens, I believe.
` Q. All right. So you were aware of what EcoFactor
` was doing at least with respect to what was in that
` paper -- or in that document, correct?
` A. Yes. I don't remember the date on the document.
` That could have been after we actually finished the work
` we were doing with -- I'd have to look at the dates for
` sure to get that straight.
` Q. Would it surprise you if it were in the 2008
` timeframe?
` A. No.
` Q. When were you engaged by Ecobee to provide an
` expert opinion in these two IPRs that you prepared the
` declarations for?
` A. I don't remember what date they were actually
` done. They were done probably in the spring of last
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` year, so they would have engaged me sometime shortly
` before that.
` Q. And you've been engaged by Ecobee to provide
` opinions regarding the validity of EcoFactor patents in
` other proceedings, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And one of those was in an ITC proceeding in
` front of the International Trade Commission, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Any other proceedings?
` A. There were two ITCs, I believe. I don't know if
` Ecobee was involved in both of them, though. I'd have
` to go check the record. This group was multiple
` clients, they kind of merge.
` Q. Understood. And one of those other clients was
` Google who had engaged you to opine on the validity of
` some EcoFactor patents, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How much have you been paid in total between
` Google and Ecobee to offer opinions about the validity
` of EcoFactor patents?
` A. Gee, this goes back over three years now, I
` guess, you know, because this work started initially
` with just Google and it started before COVID, because I
` can recall the very first deposition that they were
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` going to do, that had to end up being postponed because
` of all the COVID closures. So that gives you the
` timeframe. So over that period, Google and Ecobee, I
` don't know, maybe a hundred thousand dollars, maybe, you
` know, that's utterly rough, I'm not -- you know, there's
` no calculation going in there.
` Q. Understood. I'm not going to require any math
` in this deposition.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Thank you. I want to start with the declaration
` that you provided for the 983 IPR and this is for claims
` 1 through 6 (sic). So I'm going to put that declaration
` into the Exhibit Share. And I've also provided the '550
` patent in case that's ever any use to you.
` A. 1 through 16, you mean?
` Q. Yes, I'm sorry, yes, 1 through 16.
` A. Okay. Tell me when you've done it and then I'll
` refresh here.
` Q. I just put it in there, so.
` A. Okay. I see patented declaration. So let's see
` now. Copy them over to the right place. Okay, I have
` them.
` Q. If you could take a look at this declaration
` just real briefly and confirm this is the declaration
` that you provided and signed?
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` A. Wait, hold on. I've got the wrong stuff here.
` (Technology discussion.)
` THE WITNESS: Okay, I have it.
` Q. Great. Just take a quick look and confirm this
` is the declaration you provided giving your opinions on
` the validity of claims 1 through 16 of the '550 patent?
` A. Looks like it, yes.
` (Exhibit 1 was marked for identification by the
` court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` MR. LINK: One thing I wanted to ask you are you
` familiar with the term inherency as it relates to
` teachings in prior art?
` A. I have had some discussions from time to time,
` but since you bring it up, you'd better, you know, give
` me the correct legal definition.
` Q. I didn't see any mention of that under your
` understanding of the relevant law and I wanted to know
` what your understanding of the term inherency is, if you
` happen to have one.
` A. Yes, I could give you one. As I say, I'm not a
` legal person, but my understanding of inherency is some
` combination that is so strong that it kind of must be.
` Q. The next thing I wanted to turn your attention
` to is at page 11 on your declaration here. And this is
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` for the level of ordinary skill in the art. Do you see
` that?
` A. Got it, yeah.
` Q. And in paragraph 24 you provide your opinion,
` "it would require at least a bachelor's degree in
` engineering, computer science or a comparable field of
` study." And 2, "at least five years of, 1, professional
` experience in building energy management controls or 2,
` relevant degree experience." Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What do you mean by "building energy management
` controls"?
` A. Energy in buildings is heavily -- the heaviest
` user in non-industrial buildings for energy is climate
` control. And so building energy management, in its most
` common, refers to control of the equipment that's used
` to provide climate control in a building. There are
` other energy issues in a building, but they're not a
` concern in this matter.
` Q. What type of careers or jobs would you say have
` professional experience in building energy management
` controls?
` A. Well, right at the top of the list would be
` those companies that provide that kind of equipment, so
` that would be Johnson Controls, Siemens, Honeywell,
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`Exhibit 2008
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` although I think Honeywell may be getting out of that
` business, I'm not sure. Those kinds of companies. So
` that would be the kind of center of that universe. And
` then surrounding that are the companies that make the
` equipment: Train, Goodman, etc., because of how they
` build their equipment, they obviously have to have
` control involved and they have to interact with building
` controls, they have to know that stuff, and then things
` like thermostat manufacturers, which is one piece of the
` controls puzzle, so that's kind of an overview of some
` of the companies that would represent professional
` experience.
` Q. Would you consider the people that use those
` controls, such as a building engineer, to be a
` professional -- or a person having professional
` experience in building energy management controls?
` A. Yes. Particularly in large buildings. A large
` building would have at least an individual and maybe
` more, whose sole job is the care and feeding of the
` system, so yes, that would qualify as well.
` Q. Are you aware of any other courts or agencies
` that have ruled on the level of ordinary skill in the
` art associated with the '550 patent?
` A. ITC. I assume ITC.
` Q. So you're aware that the ITC provided its ruling
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` on what the level of ordinary skill in the art
` associated with the '550 patent, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You didn't consider that determination in coming
` to your opinion, did you?
` A. No.
` Q. Would it surprise you to know that the opinion
` of the administrative law judge in the ITC is different
` than the opinion that you provide for your level of
` ordinary skill in the art?
` A. No, it would not surprise me. There was a
` difference between what EcoFactor presented and what
` Google and Ecobee presented. What I'm presenting here
` is basically the same as my opinion was at that time.
` Q. You didn't feel it was necessary to let the
` Patent Trial and Appeals Board know that the ITC had
` come to a different conclusion than you did?
` A. I didn't think of that one way or the other.
` Q. I want to move now to ground 1 of your opinions,
` which starts on page 22 in your declaration. You let me
` know when you get there.
` (Exhibit 2 was marked for identification by the
` court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` THE WITNESS: 22, okay, got it.
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` Q. In ground 1, it's your opinion that claims 1
` through 16 are obvious over Ehlers 330 in view of Wruck;
` is that right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And at paragraph 457 you say that you understand
` that "Ehlers 330 was not of record during the
` prosecution of the application leading to the '550
` patent, although a different Ehlers, US patent number
` 7130719, Ehlers 719, from a different patent family
` having a different disclosure was cited along with
` numerous other references." Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How did you come to this understanding?
` A. This was information I got from the -- it would
` have been Leslie at the time was my main -- whatever
` lawyers I was talking to.
` Q. Did you look and compare the Ehlers 719 patent
` to Ehlers 330?
` A. No, I didn't.
` Q. So I have put in the marked exhibits, Exhibit
` 1004, which is the Ehlers 330 reference, if you want to
` pull that up.
` A. Sure.
` (Exhibit 3 was marked for identification by the
` court reporter and is attached hereto.)
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` Q. On the front page under Related US Application
` Data, do you see that the Ehlers 330 reference, which is
` a published patent application, is a continuation of
` application number 10/402370 filed on March 28, 2003?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if you look at the top of the second page of
` Ehlers, you'll see that it has a sheet, 1 of 18 for the
` drawings there, doesn't it?
` A. Where are you looking?
` Q. You know, on the second page of Ehlers on the
` very top --
` A. Second page, sorry. Yeah, 1 of 18, it says.
` Q. So there's 18 sheets of drawings, right?
` A. Right.
` Q. I have also put in your marked exhibit folder a
` copy of the 719 patent. So if I could have you pull
` that up.
` (Exhibit 4 was marked for identification by the
` court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` Q. And again, under Related US Application Data on
` the first page of Ehlers 719, do you see it says a
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` continuation of application number 10402370?
` A. Where are you looking.
` Q. Yeah, under Related US Applications.
` A. Oh, yeah, item 63?
` Q. Yes. It says continuation of application number
` 10402370, filed on March 28, 2003. Do you see that?
` A. Yep.
` Q. So you agree that the Ehlers 330 document and
` the Ehlers 719 patent are both continuations of the same
` application, aren't they?
` A. Appears to be, yeah.
` Q. And there on the first page of Ehlers 719, right
` below the abstract, it says 18 drawing sheets, doesn't
` it?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that's the same number of drawing sheets
` that are found in Ehlers 330, isn't it?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Would it surprise you to know there are no
` differences in the drawings between Ehlers 330 and
` Ehlers 719?
` A. Just that I have never looked at the 719, so I
` really don't have any familiarity with it.
` Q. So despite never looking at the 719 patents, you
` still provided in your declaration that the Ehlers 330
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` patent and the Ehlers 719 patents are from different
` patent families and have different disclosures; is that
` correct?
` A. Yes, that's what I said, that was the
` information I was supplied with; I did not check it.
` Q. And as you told me before, your initial draft of
` these declarations -- of this declaration was provided
` to you, correct?
` A. The initial text, yeah, the initial, right.
` Q. All right. So moving on to -- well, go to page
` 26, where you start your overview of the Wruck
` reference.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And Wruck is Exhibit 1005, so I'm going to also
` put that into the marked exhibits. But you can also
` look at, it's part of paragraph 60, but it shows up on
` the next page on page 28, there is a table 28 that you
` refer to in Wruck. Do you see that?
` (Exhibit 5 was marked for identification by the
` court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` Q. So this is just a portion of table 28 that has
` been reproduced here, correct?
` A. Correct.
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` Q. And here in your declaration, there is
` highlighted, among other things, the comments or a
` portion of the comments on the last line and that
` highlighted portion says "Display actual temporary set
` point at Delta value less than, greater than zero."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes. That symbol is normally read not equal.
` Q. Oh, so not equal? Okay.
` Apart from this entry here in table 28, where in
` Wruck does it describe this phrase "Delta value"?
` A. As far as I know, that's the main place. I
` could go check, but as far as I know, I'd have to look
` up the discussion in table 28. I could do that if you'd
` like.
` Q. Well, I mean, you didn't -- other than this --
` referring to this table 28 in paragraph 110 in Wruck,
` you didn't point to any other sections of Wruck in your
` declaration, did you?
` A. Not that I recall.
` Q. Now, you say that "Delta value is a comparison,"
` correct?
` A. Yeah, Delta is a difference. The term Delta is
` a -- in mathematical terminology means difference.
` Q. Is there anywhere in Wruck that describes what
` is being compared or what that difference is?
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` A. Well, just what it says here, for sure, I mean,
` it's a difference between a -- a set point, the actual
` set point and the original setpoint.
` Q. Where does it say in Wruck that it's a
` difference between a actual set point and the original
` set point?
` A. I don't know. I'd have to look for that. I
` don't think we cited anything.
` Q. Okay. You would agree that the comment section
` there in table 28 that you highlighted, only refers to,
` it says "display actual temporary set point," right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So that's not telling you what's being compared,
` does it?
` A. Not specifically, but it's -- I mean, again, to
` me, seems reasonable to -- that it's obvious from what's
` going on that that's what it's looking at.
` Q. Is it possible that that Delta value is merely
` comparing whether something got turned on or off?
` A. You wouldn't use the word Delta for that.
` Q. Why not?
` A. Well, because Delta in normal mathematical
` terminology, it's written Delta, it's usually the Greek
` letter Delta, is used for differences, literally, and
` something turned on and off is a difference as in
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` subtraction. Something being turned on or off is not a
` difference in that sense.
` Q. If, in your words, Delta is normally written
` mathematically as a Greek letter Delta and here it
` wasn't, does that mean that Delta does not fact mean a
` difference?
` A. No, I mean, it's not unusual to write out Greek
` letters. People often do that for clarity or because
` they don't happen to have Greek letters, particularly in
` the old typewriter days.
` Q. So in your opinion, it's not possible that this
` Delta value is merely determining the difference of
` whether something is on, which could be indicated as a
` one, and off, as indicated as a zero?
` MR. OLIVER: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I assume I could go ahead and
` answer now despite the objection?
` MR. LINK: Yes, please do.
` THE WITNESS: Now, repeat it. I want to get the
` legalities straight here.
` Q. I guess it's not possible that this Delta value
` merely determines the difference between whether
` something is on, where the system that is indicated as
` on when there's a 1 and that the system is indicated as
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`Exhibit 2008
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` off when there's a zero?
` MR. OLIVER: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: I -- you know, as an engineer, I
` don't like the "not possible" in the sense of its
` finality. But in my opinion, no.
` Q. I wanted to go to your claim mapping, which
` starts on page 31 of this declaration. So if you'd let
` me know when you get to there.
` A. Okay, I'm on 31.
` Q. You see where you have a heading F, Claim
` Mapping?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then you start with independent claim 1?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You've broken these out where you've given or
` assigned them, I guess I would call them sub numbering,
` so in this case this is the preamble that you'd call
` claim element 1A. Is that accurate?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So for purposes of ease of reference, I'll
` continue to use that. This claim element 1A is the
` preamble of claim 1, right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So it's your opinion that the preamble of claim
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 26
`Exhibit 2008
`Page 26


` 1 is limiting?
` MR. OLIVER: Objection, mischaracterizes.
` THE WITNESS: I didn't make any discussion or
` opinion on that.
` Q. So for purposes of your analysis, you made the
` assumption that claim 1A, the preamble, is in fact
` limiting and then analyzed it accordingly?
` A. I would more just say claim 1A was there and I
` described within it rather than skip it.
` Q. Moving to page 35, that's where we have claim
` element 1B.
` A. 1B, yes.
` Q. Okay. And in paragraph 81, yo

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