`operable to implement business
`[3.3] business process services
`transfer protocol emails;
`message services and simple mail
`message peer-to-peer, short-
`including one or more of short
`different notification channels
`to send notifications through
`[3.2] notification services operable
`from channels;
`mechanisms to accept messages
`(API) and other communication
`application programming interface
`including a communication
`[3.1.2] the integration tier also
`financial transactions,
`and maintain the integrity of
`to manage mobile wallet sessions
`[3.1.1] an integration tier operable
`comprising one or more of:
`and other entities, the system
`transactions between subscribers
`for conducting monetary
`[3.0] A monetary transaction system
`Claim 3
`operable to implement business
`[2.3] business process services
`transfer protocol emails;
`message services and simple mail
`message peer-to-peer, short-
`including one or more of short
`different notification channels
`to send notifications through
`[2.2] notification services operable
`from channels;
`mechanisms to accept messages
`(API) and other communication
`application programming interface
`including a communication
`[2.1.2] the integration tier also
`financial transactions,
`and maintain the integrity of
`to manage mobile wallet sessions
`[2.1.1] an integration tier operable
`comprising one or more of:
`and other entities, the system
`transactions between subscribers
`for conducting monetary
`[2.0] A monetary transaction system
`Claim 2
`operable to implement business
`[1.3] business process services
`transfer protocol emails;
`message services and simple mail
`message peer-to-peer, short-
`including one or more of short
`different notification channels
`to send notifications through
`[1.2] notification services operable
`from channels;
`mechanisms to accept messages
`(API) and other communication
`application programming interface
`including a communication
`[1.1.2] the integration tier also
`to manage mobile wallet sessions,
`[1.1.1] an integration tier operable
`comprising one or more of:
`and other entities, the system
`transactions between subscribers
`for conducting monetary
`[1.0] A monetary transaction system
`Claim 1
`U.S. Patent 9,892,386 – Comparison of Claims 1-3
`(Claim Numbering in Petition Added)
`APPLE INC. / Page 1 of 8
`transaction statistics to enforce
`and use the gathered financial
`gather financial transaction statistics
`[3.7] a rules engine operable to
`debit cards processors, bill payment
`or more APIs of banks, credit and
`payment processors including one
`operable to use APIs of different
`[3.6] a payment handler service
`money containers;
`store customer profiles, and manage
`store financial transaction details,
`[3.4] database services operable to
`platform objects;
`handling errors, and logging
`invoking third-party services,
`auditing financial transactions,
`executing financial transactions,
`workflows, including at least one of
`Claim 3
`transaction statistics to enforce
`and use the gathered financial
`gather financial transaction statistics
`[2.8] a rules engine operable to
`debit cards processors, bill payment
`or more APIs of banks, credit and
`payment processors including one
`operable to use APIs of different
`[2.7] a payment handler service
`run a monetary transaction system
`[2.6] a mobile device configured to
`money containers;
`store customer profiles, and manage
`store financial transaction details,
`[2.5] database services operable to
`operable to perform subscriber
`[2.4]/[2.9] a security service
`platform objects;
`handling errors, and logging
`invoking third-party services,
`auditing financial transactions,
`executing financial transactions,
`workflows, including at least one of
`Claim 2
`transaction statistics to enforce
`and use the gathered financial
`gather financial transaction statistics
`[1.6] a rules engine operable to
`debit cards processors, bill payment
`or more APIs of banks, credit and
`payment processors including one
`operable to use APIs of different
`[1.5] a payment handler service
`money containers;
`store customer profiles, and manage
`store financial transaction details,
`[1.4] database services operable to
`platform objects;
`handling errors, and logging
`invoking third-party services,
`auditing financial transactions,
`executing financial transactions,
`workflows, including at least one of
`Claim 1
`APPLE INC. / Page 2 of 8
`monetary transaction system;
`are to be performed using the
`or more specified transactions that
`transaction system application, one
`indicates, via the monetary
`[3.5.2] wherein the subscriber
`transaction system,
`in the database of the monetary
`system the subscriber profile stored
`with the monetary transaction
`system subscriber that has a profile
`[3.5.1] a monetary transaction
`least one entity is the agent;
`transaction system; wherein the at
`having a profile with the monetary
`transaction, the at least one entity
`involved in the specified
`[3.9] at least one entity that is to be
`perform subscriber authentication;
`[3.8] a security service operable to
`transaction constraints;
`business constraints including
`Claim 3
`monetary transaction system;
`are to be performed using the
`or more specified transactions that
`transaction system application, one
`indicates, via the monetary
`[2.11.2] wherein the subscriber
`transaction system,
`in the database of the monetary
`system the subscriber profile stored
`with the monetary transaction
`system subscriber that has a profile
`[2.11.1] a monetary transaction
`least one entity is the agent;
`transaction system, wherein the at
`having a profile with the monetary
`transaction, the at least one entity
`involved in the specified
`[2.10] at least one entity that is to be
`operable to perform subscriber
`[2.4]/[2.9] a security service
`transaction constraints;
`business constraints including
`Claim 2
`to deposit funds at an agent branch,
`transaction system is implemented
`[1.9.1] wherein the monetary
`least one entity is the agent;
`transaction system: wherein the at
`having a profile with the monetary
`transaction, the at least one entity
`involved in the specified
`[1.8] at least one entity that is to be
`perform subscriber authentication;
`[1.7] a security service operable to
`constraints including transaction
`Claim 1
`APPLE INC. / Page 3 of 8
`transaction system,
`connected to the monetary
`over one of a plurality of channels
`message from the mobile device
`[3.10.2] receiving a communication
`including performing the following
`transaction system application,
`device configured to run a monetary
`to transfer funds using the mobile
`transaction system is implemented
`[3.10.1] wherein the monetary
`Claim 3
`transaction system,
`connected to the monetary
`over one of a plurality of channels
`message from the mobile device
`[2.12.2] receiving a communication
`transaction system,
`connected to the monetary
`over one of a plurality of channels
`message from the mobile device
`[1.10.1] receiving a communication
`including performing the following
`transaction system application,
`configured to run a monetary
`branch using the mobile device
`to withdraw funds at an agent
`transaction system is implemented
`[2.12.1] wherein the monetary
`Claim 2
`following steps:
`transaction system performing the
`application, the monetary
`run a monetary transaction system
`using a mobile device configured to
`a subscriber at the agent branch
`[1.9.2] the funds being deposited by
`Claim 1
`APPLE INC. / Page 4 of 8
`attributes of the subscriber's
`tier to the database services to query
`communicating from the integration
`subscriber's account comprises
`validating the status of the
`subscriber's account, wherein
`[3.10.5] validating the status of the
`comprising a secure, perishable
`[2.12.5] the communication
`account associated with the
`specified amount of funds from an
`subscriber desires to withdraw a
`message indicating that the
`[2.12.4] the communication
`of the monetary transaction system,
`associated with the integration tier
`message being received by an API
`[3.10.3] the communication
`Claim 3
`of the monetary transaction system,
`associated with the integration tier
`message being received by an API
`[2.12.3] the communication
`Claim 2
`attributes of the subscriber's
`tier to the database services to query
`communicating from the integration
`subscriber's account comprises
`validating the status of the
`subscriber's account, wherein
`[1.10.4] validating the status of the
`subscriber's account;
`specified amount of funds into the
`subscriber desires to deposit a
`message indicating that the
`[1.10.3] the communication
`of the monetary transaction system,
`associated with the integration tier
`message being received by an API
`[1.10.2] the communication
`Claim 1
`APPLE INC. / Page 5 of 8
`notification services, a receipt
`[3.10.9] sending, through the
`that a pending transaction has been
`from the business process services
`[3.10.8] receiving a confirmation
`process services;
`commitment request to the business
`communicates a transaction
`[3.10.7] wherein the integration tier
`process services,
`transaction through the business
`[3.10.6] committing a pending
`subscriber's account to a recipient;
`specified amount of funds from the
`subscriber desires to transfer a
`message indicating that the
`[3.10.4] the communication
`Claim 3
`notification services, a receipt
`[2.12.11] sending, through the
`that a pending transaction has been
`from the business process services
`[2.12.10] receiving a confirmation
`process services;
`commitment request to the business
`communicates a transaction
`[2.12.9] wherein the integration tier
`process services,
`transaction through the business
`[2.12.8] committing a pending
`notification services, a receipt
`[1.10.8] sending, through the
`been committed;
`that the pending transaction has
`from the business process services
`[1.10.7] receiving a confirmation
`process services;
`commitment request to the business
`communicates a transaction
`[1.10.6] wherein the integration tier
`process services,
`transaction through the business
`[1.10.5] committing a pending
`subscriber's account;
`services to query attributes of the
`integration tier to the database
`code and communicating from the
`validating the secure, perishable
`the transaction is valid comprises
`[2.12.7] wherein determining that
`transaction is valid and in progress,
`[2.12.6] determining that the
`Claim 2
`Claim 1
`APPLE INC. / Page 6 of 8
`payment handler;
`agent account balance using the
`[3.11.6] holding funds from the
`history record;
`services a new pending transaction
`[3.11.5] creating with the database
`engine, velocity rules;
`[3.11.4] applying with the rules
`number and an access control list;
`services, one or more of a PIN
`communication with the security
`[3.11.3] validating, through
`active account;
`services, that the subscriber has an
`[3.11.2] ensuring, via the database
`orchestrated by the business process
`comprises the following steps as
`pending transaction further
`[3.11.1] wherein committing the
`to the database services; and
`committing the pending transaction
`the business process services,
`confirmation of commitment from
`[3.10.10] upon receiving a
`notification to the mobile device;
`Claim 3
`payment handler;
`agent account balance using the
`[2.13.6] holding funds from the
`history record;
`services a new pending transaction
`[2.13.5] creating with the database
`engine, velocity rules;
`[2.13.4] applying with the rules
`number and an access control list;
`services, one or more of a PIN
`communication with the security
`[2.13.3] validating, through
`active account;
`services, that the subscriber has an
`[2.13.2] ensuring, via the database
`orchestrated by the business process
`comprises the following steps as
`pending transaction further
`[2.13.1] wherein committing the
`to the database services; and
`committing the pending transaction
`the business process services,
`confirmation of commitment from
`[2.12.12] upon receiving a
`notification to the mobile device;
`Claim 2
`payment handler,
`agent account balance using the
`[1.11.6] holding funds from the
`history record;
`services a new pending transaction
`[1.11.5] creating with the database
`engine, velocity rules;
`[1.11.4] applying with the rules
`number and an access control list;
`services, one or more of a PIN
`communication with the security
`[1.11.3] validating, through
`active account;
`services, that the subscriber has an
`[1.11.2] ensuring, via the database
`orchestrated by the business process
`comprises the following steps as
`pending transaction further
`[1.11.1] wherein committing the
`to the database services; and
`committing the pending transaction
`the business process services,
`confirmation of commitment from
`[1.10.9] upon receiving a
`notification to the mobile device;
`Claim 1
`APPLE INC. / Page 7 of 8
`the funds.
`transaction history record to reflect
`database services, a pending
`[3.11.8] updating, using the
`payment handler; and
`subscriber account using the
`[3.11.7] loading the funds to the
`Claim 3
`history record to reflect the funds.
`services, a pending transaction
`[2.13.8] updating using the database
`payment handler; and
`subscriber account using the
`[2.13.7] loading the funds to the
`Claim 2
`the funds.
`transaction history record to reflect
`database services, a pending
`[1.11.8] updating, using the
`payment handler; and
`subscriber account using the
`[1.11.7] loading the funds to the
`Claim 1
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