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`age©0 EXHIBIT 1026
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`AISC © 2005
`American Institute of Steel Construction
`ISBN 1-56424-055-X
`All rights reserved. This book or any part thereof
`must not be reproduced in any form withoutthe
`written permission.of the publisher. .
`_ The AISC logois a registered trademark ofAISC.
`The information presented in this publication has been prepared in accordance with recog-
`nized engineering principles and is for general information only. While it is believed to be
`accurate, this information should not be used or relied upon for any specific application
`without competent professional examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability, and
`applicability by a licensed professionalengineer, designer, or architect. The publication of
`the material contained herein is not intended as a representation or warranty on the part of
`the American Institute of Steel Construction or of any other person named herein,that this
`information is suitable for any generalor particular use orof freedom from infringementof
`any patent or patents. Anyone making use of this information assumesall liability arising
`from such use.
`Caution mustbe exercised when relying uponother specifications and codes developed by
`other bodies and incorporated by reference herein since such material may be modified or
`amended from timeto time subsequentto the printing of this edition. The Institute bears no
`responsibility for such material other than to referto it and incorporate it by reference at the
`time oftheinitial publication of this edition.
`Printed in the United States of America
`First Printing:December 2005
`Second Printing: July 2006
`Third Printing: April 2007
`Fourth Printing: June 2008
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`The dimensions-and properties for structural products commonly used in steel building
`design and construction are given in this Part. For availability and proper material specifi-
`cations for these products, as well as general specification requirements and other design
`considerations, see Part 2. For the design of members, see Parts 3 through 6. For the design
`of connections, see Parts 7 through 15. For AISC Specifications and Codes, see Part 16. For
`other miscellaneous information, see Part 17. For torsional and flexural-torsional properties
`of rolled shapes see AISCDesign Guide 9, Torsional Analysis ofStructural Steel Members.
`For surface areas, box perimeters and areas, W/D ratios and AIDratios, see AISC Design
`Guide 19, Fire Resistance of Structural Steel Framing.
`Ww-, M-, S-, and HP-Shapes_ .
`Four types of H-shaped (or J-shaped) members are covered in this Manual:
`« W-shapes, which have essentially parallel inner.and outer flange surfaces.
`¢ M-shapes, which are H-shaped membersthat are not classified in ASTM A6 as W-, S-,
`or HP-shapes. M-shapes may have a sloped. inside flange face or other cross-section
`features that do not meetthe criteria for W-, S-, or HP-shapes.
`¢ S-shapes (also known as American standard beams), which have a slope of approxi-
`mately 16/3 percent (2 on 12) on the inner flange surfaces.
`¢ HP-shapes (also known as bearing piles), which are similar to W-shapes, except their
`webs and flanges are of equal thickness and the depth and flange width are nominally
`equal for a given designation.
`These shapes are designated by the mark W, M, S or HP, nominal depth (in.) and nomi-
`nal weight(lb/ft). For example, aW24x55 is a W-shape that is nominally 24 in, deep and
`weighs 55 lb/ft.
`The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manual for the W-,
`M-, S-, and HP-shapes covered in ASTM A6:
`* Design dimensions, detailing dimensions,axial properties, and flexural properties are
`given in Tables 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and 1-4 for W-, M-, S-, and HP-shapes, respectively.
`« SJ-equivalent designations are given in Table 17—1 for W-shapes and in Table 17-2 for
`M-, S-, and HP-shapes.
`Tabulated decimal values are appropriate for use in design calculations, whereas frac-
`tional values are appropriate for use in detailing. All decimal and fractional values are
`similar with one exception: Because ofthe variation in fillet sizes used in shape production,
`the decimal value, k,,., is conservatively presented based on the smallestfillet used in pro-
`duction, and the fractional value, k,,., is conservatively presented based onthe largestfillet
`used in production. For the definitions of the tabulated variables, refer to the Nomenclature
`section at the back of this Manual.
`When appropriate, this Manual presents tabulated values for the Workable Gage of a
`section. The term Workable Gagerefers to the gage for fasteners in the flange that provides
`for entering and tightening clearances and edge distance and spacing requirements. When
`the listed value is footnoted, the actual size, combination, and orientation of fastener
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`components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compati-
`bility. Other gages that provide for entering and tightening clearances and edge distance and
`Spacing requirements can also be used.
`Two types of channels are covered in this Manual: :
`¢ C-shapes(also known as Americanstandard channels), which have a slope of approx-
`imately 16/3 percent (2 on 12) onthe inner flange surfaces.
`° MC-shapes (also known as miscellaneous channels),which have a slope other than
`16°/3 percent(2 on 12) on the inner flange surfaces.
`These shapes are designated by the mark C or MC, nominal depth (in.) and nominal
`weight(Ib/ft). For example, a C12x25 is a C-shape that is nominally 12 in. deep and weighs
`25 Ib/ft.
`The following dimensional and property informationiisgiven in this Manual for the chan-
`nels covered in ASTM AO:
`° Design dimensions,detailing dimensions, and axial, flexural, and torsional properties
`are given in Tables 1-5 and 1-6 for C- and MC-shapes, respectively.
`* SLequivalent designations are given in Table 17-3.
`For the definitions of the tabulated variables, refer to the Nomenclature section at the back
`of this Manual.
`Angles (also known as L-shapes) have legs of equal thickness and either equal or unequal
`leg Sizes. Angles are designated by the mark L, legsizes (in.) andthickness (in.). For exam-
`ple, an L4x3x1/2 is an angle with one 4-in.leg, one 3-in. leg, and 1/9-i-in. thickness.
`The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manual for the
`angles covered in ASTM A6:
`¢ Design dimensions, detailing dimensions;-andaxial, flexural, and flexural-torsional
`properties are given in Table 1~7. Theeffectsof leg-to-leg andtoefillet radiihave been
`considered in the determination of these section properties. Workable gages on angle
`legs are tabulatedat the end of Table 1-7.
`¢ Sl-equivalent designations are given in Table 17-4.
`For the definitions of the tabulated variables, refer to the Nomenclature section, at the back
`of this Manual.
`Structural Tees (WT-, MT-, and ST-Shapes)
`Three types of structural tees are covered in this Manual:
`¢ WT-shapes, which are made from W-shapes.
`* MT-shapes, which are made from M-shapes.
`* ST-shapes, which are made from S-shapes.
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`These shapes are designated by the mark WT, MT, or ST, nominal depth (in.) and nomi-
`nal weight(Ib/ft). WT-, MT-, and ST-shapesare split (sheared or thermal-cut) from W-,
`M-, and S-shapes, respectively, and have half the nominal depth and weight of that shape.
`For example, a WT12x27.5 is a structural tee split from a W-shape (W24x55), is nomi-
`nally 12 in. deep and weighs 27.5 lb/ft. Although off-center splitting or splitting on two
`lines can be obtained by special order, the resulting nonstandard shape is not covered in
`this Manual.
`The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manualfor the struc-
`tural tees cut from the W-, M-, and S-shapes covered in ASTM A6:
`. Design dimensions, detailing dimensions, and axial, flexural, and torsional properties
`are given in Tables 1-8, 1-9, and 1-10 for WT-, MT-, and ST-shapes, respectively.
`¢ Sl-equivalent designations are given in Table 17-5 for WT-shapes and in Table 17-6
`for MT- and ST-shapes.
`Forthe definitions of the tabulated variables, refer to the Nomenclature section at the back
`of this Manual.
`Hollow Structural Sections (HSS)
`Three types of HSS are coveredin this Manual:
`¢ Rectangular HSS, which have an essentially rectangular cross-section, except for
`rounded corners, and uniform wall thickness, except at the weld seam(s).
`¢ Square HSS, which have an essentially square cross-section, except for rounded cor-
`ners, and uniform wallthickness, except at the weld seam(s).
`¢ Round HSS, which havean essentially round cross-section and uniform wall thickness,
`except at the weld seam(s).
`In each case, ASTM A500 covers only electric-resistance-welded.(ERW) HSS with a max-
`imum periphery of 64 in. The coverage of HSSin this Manualis similarly limited.
`Rectangular HSSare designated by the mark “HSS,” overall outside dimensions(in.), and
`wall thickness (in.), with all dimensions expressed as fractional numbers. For example, an
`HSS10x10x!/2 is nominally 10 in. by 10 in. with a '%o-in, wall thickness. Round HSSare
`designated by the term “HSS,” nominal outside diameter (in.) and wall thickness (in.) with
`both dimensions expressed to three decimal places. For example, an HSS10.000x0.500 is
`nominally 10 in. in diameter with a 1/2-in. nominalwall thickness.
`Per AISC Specification Section B3.12, the wall thickness used in design,¢,,,, is taken as
`0.93 times the nominal wall thickness, t,,,,- The rationale for this requirementis explained
`in the corresponding Commentary Section B3.12.
`In calculating the tabulated b/t and h/t ratios, the outside corner radii are taken as 1.5t,,,, for
`rectangular and square HSS, per AISC Specification Section B4.2. In other tabulated design
`dimensions, the corner radii are taken as 2¢‘es: 0 the tabulated workable flat dimensions ofrec-
`tangular (and square) HSS, the outside corner radii are taken as 2.25t,,5m: Lhe term Workable
`Flat refers to a reasonable flat width or depth of material for use in making connections to
`HSS. The workable flat dimension is provided as a reflection of current industry practice,
`although the tolerances ofASTM A500 allow a greater maximum corner radius of 3¢,ost
`Page 6 of 27
`The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manual for the HSS
`covered in ASTM A500, A501; A618 or A847:
`* Design dimensions, detailing dimensions, and axial, strong-axis flexural, weak-axis
`flexural, torsional and flexural-torsional properties are given in Tables 1-11 and 1-12
`for rectangular andsquare HSS, respectively.
`* Design dimensions, detailing dimensions, and axial, flexural, and torsional properties
`are given in Table 1-13 for round HSS.
`« ST-equivalent designations are given in Tables 17-7, 17-8, and 17-9 for rectangular,
`square, and round HSS, respectively.
`For the definitions ofthe tabulated variables, refer to the Nomenclature section at the back
`of this Manual.
`Pipes ‘have an essentially round cross-section and uniform thickness, except at the weld
`seam(s) for welded pipe.
`Pipes up to and including NPS 12 are designated by the term “Pipe,” nominal diameter
`(in.) and weight class (Std., x-strong, xx-strong). NPS stands for “nominalpipe size.” For
`example, Pipe 5 Std. denotes a pipe with a 5-in. nominal diameter and a 0.258-in. wall thick-
`ness, which correspondsto the standard weight series. Pipes with wall thicknesses that do
`not correspond to the foregoing weight classes are designated by the term “Pipe,” outside
`diameter (in.), and wall thickness (in.) with both expressed to three decimal places. For
`example, Pipe 14.000x0.375 and Pipe 5.563x0.500 are proper designations.
`Per AISC Specification Section B3.12, the wall thickness used in design, tes? is taken as
`0.93 times the nominalwall thickness, ¢,,,,. Therationale for this requirement is explained
`in the corresponding Commentary Section B3.12.
`The following dimensional and property informationis given in this Manualfor the pipes
`covered in ASTM AS53:
`* Design dimensions,detailing dimensions, and axial, flexural, and torsional properties
`are given in Table 1-14.
`* SI-equivalent designations are given in Table 17-10.
`Forthedefinitions of the tabulated variables, refer to the Nomenclature section at the back
`of this Manual.
`Double Angles
`Double angles (also known as 2L-shapes) <are made with two angles that are interconnected
`throughtheir back-to-backlegs along the length of the member,either in contactfor the full
`length orseparated by spacers at the points of interconnection.
`‘These shapes are designated by the mark 2L, the sizes andthickness of their legs (in.),
`and their orientation when the angle legs are not of equal size (LLBB or SLBB).! For exam-
`ple, a 2L4x3x!/2 LLBBhas two angles with one 4-in. leg and one3-in. leg and the 4-in.legs
`are back-to-back; a 2L4x3x!/2 SLBB is similar, except the 3-in. legs are back-to-back. In
`both cases, the legs are '/2 in. thick.
`' LLBB standsfor long legs back-to-back. SLBB standsfor short legs back-to-back. Alternatively, the ori-
`entations LLV and SLV, which stand for long legs vertical and short legs vertical, respectively, can be used.
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`-The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manualfor the dou-
`ble angles built-up from the angles covered in ASTM A6:
`_e Design dimensions,detailing dimensions,and axial, strong-axis flexural, weak-axis flex-
`ural, torsional, and flexural-torsional properties are given in Table 1-15 for equal-leg,
`- LBB and SLBBangles. In eachcase, angle separationsofzeroin., */s in., and 7/4 in. are
`covered. The effects of leg-to-leg and toe fillet radii have been considered in the deter-
`minationof these section properties. For workable gagesonlegsof angles, see Table 1—7.
`For the definitions of the tabulated variables, refer to the Nomenclature section at the back
`of this Manual.
`Double Channels
`Double channels (also known as 2C- and 2MC-shapes) are made with two channels that are
`interconnected through their back-to-back webs along the length of the member, either in
`contact for the full length or separated by spacers at the points of interconnection.
`These shapes are designated by the mark 2C or 2MC, nominal depth (in.), and nominal
`weight per channel(lb/ft). For example, a 2C12x25 is a double channelthat consists of two
`channels that are each nominally 12 in. deep and each weigh 25 Ib/ft.
`The following dimensional and property information is given in thisManualfor the dou-
`ble channels built-up from the channels covered in ASTM A6:
`¢ Design dimensions, detailing dimensions, and axial, strong-axis flexural, and weak-
`axis flexural properties are given in Tables 1-16 and 1-17 for 2C- and 2MC-shapes,
`respectively. In each case, channel separations of zero, 3/g in.,.and 7/4 in. are covered.
`For the definitions of the tabulated variables, refer to the Nomenclature section at the back
`of this Manual.
`W--Shapes and S-Shapes with Cap Channels
`Common combined sections made with W- or S-shapes and.channels (C- or MC--shapes) are
`tabulated in this Manual. In either case, the channel web is interconnectedto the W-~shape
`or S-shape top flange, respectively, with the flange toes down. The interconnection of the
`two elements must be designed for the horizontal shear,g, where |
`q = horizontal shear, kips/in.
`V = vertical shear, kips.
`Q = first moment of the channel area about the neutral axis of the combined cross
`section, in.
`moment of inertia of the combined cross-section, in.*:
`The effects of other forces, such as crane horizontal and lateral forces, may also require con-
`sideration, when applicable.
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`The following dimensionalandproperty information is given in this Manual for combined
`sections, built-up from the W-shapes, S-shapes, and cap channels covered in ASTM A6:
`* Design dimensions, detailing dimensions, and axial, strong-axis flexural and weak-axis
`flexural properties of W-shapes with cap channels are given in Table 1-19.
`-* Design dimensions,detailing dimensions, and axial, strong-axis flexural and weak-axis
`flexural properties of S-shapes with cap channels are given in Table 1-20.
`For the definitions of the tabulated variables, refer to the Nomenclature section at the back
`of this Manual.
`Plate Products
`Plate products may be orderedassheet, strip, or bar material. Sheet and strip are distinguished
`from structural bars and plates by their dimensional characteristics, as outlined in Table 2~2.
`The historical classification system for structural bars and plates suggests that there is
`only a physical difference between them based upon size and production procedure. In raw
`form,flat stock has historically been classified as a bar ifit is less than or equal to 8 in. wide
`and as a plate if it is greater than 8 in. wide. Bars are rolled between horizontal and vertical
`rolls and trimmedto length by shearing or thermal cutting on the ends only. Plates are gen-
`erally produced using one of two methods:
`1. Shearedplates are rolled between horizontal rolls and trimmed to width and length by
`shearing or thermalcutting on the edges and ends;or
`2. Stripped plates are sheared or thermal cut from wider sheared plates.
`Thereis verylittle, if any, structural difference between plates and bars, Consequently,
`the term “plate” is becoming a universally applied term today and a PL!/2x4!/2x1'-3", for
`example, might be fabricated from plate or bar stock.
`Forstructuralplates, the preferred practice is to specify thickness in 1/16-in. increments
`up to */s-in. thickness, 1/s-in. increments over 3/s-in. to 1-in. thickness, and '/-in. incre-
`ments over 1-in. thickness: The current extreme widths for sheared plates is 200 in.
`Because mill practiceregarding’plate widths vary, individual mills should be consulted to
`determine preferences.
`Forbars, the preferred practice is to specify width in Y/4-in. increments, and thickness and
`diameter in /s-in. increments:
`Raised-Pattern Floor Plates
`Weights of raised-pattern floor plates are given in Table 1~18. Raised-pattern floor plates
`are commonly available in widths up to 120 in. For larger plate widths, see literature avail-
`able from floor plate producers.
`Crane Rails
`Althoughcranerails are notlisted as structural steel in Code of Standard Practice Section
`2.1, this information is provided because somefabricators may chooseto provide cranerails.
`Cranerails are designated by unit weightin lb/yard. Dimensions and properties for the crane
`tails shown are given in Table 1-21. Cranerails can be either heat treated or end hardened
`to reduce wear. For additional information or for profiles and properties of crane rails not
`listed, manufacturer’s catalogs should be consulted. For crane-rail connections, see Part 15.
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`Other Structural Products
`The following other structural products are covered in this Manual as indicated:
`+ High-strength bolts, common bolts, washers, nuts, and direct-tension-indicator wash-
`ers are covered in Part 7.
`Welding filler metals and fluxesare covered iin Part 8.
`Forged steel structural hardware items, such as clevises, turnbuckles, sleeve nuts,
`recessed-pin nuts, and cotter pins are covered in Part 15.
`e Anchor rods and threaded rods are covered in Part 14:
`The productionof structural products is subject to unavoidable variationsrelative to the the-
`oretical dimensions and profiles, due to many factors, including roll wear, roll dressing
`practices, and temperature effects. Such variations are limited bythe dimensional andpro-
`file tolerances as summarized below.
`Hot-Rolled Structural Shapes
`Acceptable dimensionaltolerances for hot-rolled-structural shapes (W.,!M-, S-, and HP-
`shapes), channels (C- and MC-shapes), and angles are given in ASTM A6 Section13 and
`summarized in Tables 1-22 through 1-26. Supplementary information, including permissi-
`ble variations for sheet and strip andfor other gradesofsteel, can also be found in literature
`from steel plate producers and the Association of Iron and Steel Technology.
`Hollow Structural Sections
`Acceptable dimensionaltolerances for HSSare given in ASTM A500 Section 10, A501
`Section 11, A618 Section 8, or A847 Section 10, as applicable, and summarized in
`Tables 1-27. and 1-28, for rectangular and round HSS, respectively. Supplementary
`information can also be found in literature from HSS producers and the Steel Tube
`Institute, such as Recommended Methods to Check Dimensional Tolerances on Hollow
`Structural Sections (HSS) Made to ASTMA500.
`Acceptable dimensional tolerances for pipes are given in ASTM A53 Section 12 and
`summarized in Table 1-28. Supplementary information can also be found in literature
`from pipe producers.
`Plate Products
`Acceptable dimensional tolerances for plate products are given in ASTM A6Section 13
`and summarized in Table 1-29. Note that plate thickness can be specified in inches or by
`weight per square foot, and separate tolerances apply to each method. No decimal edge
`thickness can be assured for plate specified by the latter method. Supplementary infor-
`mation, including permissible variations for sheet and strip and for other gradesofsteel,
`can also be foundin literature from steel plate producersand the Association of Iron and
`Steel Technology.
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`Depth,4 esre_Thickness, |___
`a |
`Table 1-1 —
`W Shapes
`x294 .
`40.8 |4
`© Shapeis slender for compression with F, = 50 ksi.
`h Flange thickness greater than 2 in. Spacial requirements may apply per AISC Specification Section A3,Te,
`“Shape does notmeetthe Avi, limit for shear in Specification Section G2.1a with F,= 50ksi.
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`" '
`Table 1-1 (continued)
`W Shapes
`W44 - W40
`Axis Y-Y
`Nom Section
`lb/ft} 2¢|int|in?|in.|in?|in’|in?|in.|in3 Tin.|in.|int|
`335|4.50/38.0 |150|3.49 |23617.8 11620 1200 535000
`290|5.02)45.0 |132|3.49 |20517.8 11410 1040 461000
`262|5.57/49.6 (117.|3.47 |18217.7 \1270 923 405000
`230|6.45/54.8 3.43|15717.5 1100 796 {101 346000
`593) 302|3.80 |4812.58/19.1 17.0 |2760 |2520 997000
`503|2.98]22.3 16.8 |2310 |2040 |249 | 3.72|394 789000
`431} 208|3.65 |3283.44}25.5 16.6 11960 (1690 638000
`397|3.66/28.0 3.64|30016.6 (1800 (1540 /|191 579000
`372|3.93)29.5 1177|3.60 }27716.5 11680 (1420 528000
`16.5 11640
`{3.60 /270
`324|4.40}34.2 {153|3.58 |23916.4 |1460 1220 448000
`297|4.80/36.8 {138|3.54)215 .16.3 11330 (1090 399000
`277| |132|3.58 |2045.03]41.2 16.4 11250 1040 379000
`249; |118|3.55|1825.551 45.6 16.3 |1120 926 334000
`215) 16.2|964 796=|101 3.54|1566.45152.6 284000
`199} 16.0|869 88.2|3.45|1377.39152.6 695 246000
`392|2.45)24.1 1130|2.64 }21216.1 |1710 803 306000
`331|2.86) 28.0 06)|2.57 |172[ 15.9 |1430 644 241000
`327|2.85)29.0 |105|2.58 |17016.0 |1410 640 239000
`294} 93.5|2.55 11503.11)32.2 15.9 |1270 562 208000
`278|3.31]33.3 15.8 1190=|521 87.1|2.52 |140 192000
`264|3.45)/35.6 82.6|2.52 113215.8 /1130 493 181000
`2351 74.6|2.54 |1183.77/41.2 15.9 |1010 444 161000
`211) 15.8|9064.17)45.6 390 66.1-| 2.51 |105 141000
`183) 15.7|774 56.0|2.49}4.92/52.6 331 88.3 118000
`167|5.76)52.6 15.3|693 283°|47.9|2.40} 76.0 99700
`149] 7.11]/54.3|9800 15.0|598 229 38.8 12.29} 62.2 80000
`Page 12 of 27
` Table 1-2
`M Shapes
` wea!
`popm, Lee|Flange|istanco
`in?|in,|in,iin.|__in. in.|in. in.|in.|in,|
`M12.5x12.413.63 [12.5 |12¥2]0.155|Ve|Vie] 3.75|3%
`x11.6" 13.40 |1272/0.155|Ve|V6] 3.50|3i/2112.5
`Mi2x11.8° [0.177|%he| ¥e|3.07|3%|3.47 |12.0 }12
`x10.8° |0.160|36] Ye|3.07|34a13.18 [12.0 |12
`Mi2x10% |2.95 |0.149|Ve|Ve} 3.25|34|12.0 |12
`M10x9° 0.157|She] Va|2.69|2542.65 110.0 |10
`x8° 2.37|9.95/10 [0.141|Ve|Ye} 2.69|2%/4
`M10x7.5°" |2.22|9.99/10 [0.130|Ye|Vie] 2.69|25/4
`M8x6.5° |1,92|8.00) [0.135|Ve|Vie] 2.28|2's8
`x6.2° 11,82|8.00] [0.129|Ve|Ve) 2.28|2%8
`M6x4.4° 141.29|6.00) 10.114|Ve|Vie} 1.84|1%:6
`x37" 1.09|5.92} 5%e}/0.0980] Va|Vie} 2.00|2
`M5x18.9' |5.56|5.00} |0.316|%/16| 5.00|55 “/16}
`M4x6! 1.75|3.80] 33/4]0.130|Vs|Vie) 3.80|3%
`x4.08 11.27|4.00] [0.115|Ve|Vie] 2.25|2a4
`x3.45 11.01|4.00 2.25|240.0920) Vie} Vie)
`xd2 1.01|4.00 0.0920) V6} Vie|2.25|2Va
`M3x2.9 2.25|24a0.914] 3.00 0.0900) Vie} Vie}
` © Shape is slender for compression with F, = 36 ksi.
`' Shape exceeds compact limit for flexure with F, = 36 ksi.
`9 The actual size, combination, and orientation offastener components should be compared with the geometry of
`the cross-section to ensure compatibility.
`' Shape has tapered flanges while other M-shapes have parallel flange surfaces.
`¥ Shape does not meet the Art, limit for shear in Specification Section G2.1b(i) with F, = 36 ksi.
`— Flange is too narrow to establish a workable gage.
`Page 13 of 27
`Table 1-2 (continued)
`M Shapes
`9.22] 0.672
`6.93] 58.4
`0.000411) 0.0314
`7.39) 65.0
`8.20/ 0.593
`6.60/ 3.85]
`7.77) 0.562
`4.63) 3.11)
`5.43] 0.376
`4.39] 3.10}
`5.15/ 0.352
` Compact
`Axis X-X
`Axis Y-Y
`8.22) 74.8
`8.29] 74.8
`0.000355] 0.0500
`0.000300) 0.0393
`0.000240] 0.0292
`0.000289| 0.0187
`0.000509 0.0184 .
`0.000455} 0.0156
`6.81] 62.5
`7,30) 69.2
`9.03) 74.7
`9 8 7
`7.17) 71.0
`6.03] 53.8
`6.44) 56.5
`5.391 47.0
`2.41) 2.36]
`2.80] 0.180
`0.000707) 0.00990]
`7.75) 54.7
`2.01|2.34) 2.33)0.173
`0.000459) 0.00530}
`6.01] 11.2
`6 4
`2.48) 1.64]
`2.74: 1.47
`6.62] 26.4
`1.77) 1.67}
`2.00) 0.325
`8.65} 33.9
`1.43} 1.68) 1.60] 0.248
`8.65) 33.9
`1.43) 1.68}
`1.60] 0.248
`1.00] 1.28]
`.1.12| 0.248
`8.65) 23.6
`14 of
`Page 14 of 27
`™ a
`Table 1-3
`S Shapes
`a T
`“od 7
`xT T
`8 The actual size, combination, and orientation of fastener camponents should be compared with the geometry of the
`cross-section to ensure compatibility.
`— Flange is too narrow to establish a workable gage.
`Page 15 of 27
`Table 1-3 (continued)
`S Shapes
`Nom-/Section i Properties
` b;
`in3 a3
`;r SrrereeatTTTEA
`0.970) 0.676
`0.821 0.638
`0.656} 0.605
`Page 16 of27
`Page 16 of 27
`‘ Shape exceeds compactlimit for flexure with F, = 50 ksi.
`Table 1-4
`HP Shapes
`Y *bf
`© Shapeis slender for compression with F,= 50 ksi.
`Page 17 of 27
`Axis Y-Y
`Axis X-X
`Wt ee zi
`rf] s[r{[z|
`Ib/it|24 in|in?|in.|in?|int|in?|in|in?|in.|in.|
`4.15] 13.41
`0.00348] 8.02|19900
`194 |443|59.5|3.59
` 117|9.25) 14.2|1220
`4.10} 13.31
`169|380 [51.4|3.56
`102 |10.5-|16.2|1050
`| 67.7
`4.05 113.22
`0.00143] 2.01|11200
`118|261 [35.8|3.49
`93.2 3.41|11.60 0.00345| 4.24 7140
`84|8.97)14.2| 650
`46.6 3.38|11.52
`0.00276|2.98 6160
`105 |186|30.4|2.92
`0.00202|1.83 5000
`38.7 3.33|11.43
`88.3) 153|25.3 | 2.88
`0.00148|1.12 4080
`53 113.8|22.3] 393
`0.00355} 1:97
`57|9.05}13.9} 294
`0.00202] 0.813}
`48.3| 71.7) 14.2|2.41
`42 |12.0|18.9) 210
`9.88] 1.95
`15.2 0.00341|0.770 578
`36|9.16)/14.2) 119
`Table 1-4 (continued)
`HP Shapes
`Page 18 of 27
`Page 18 of 27
`4 The actual size, combination, and orientation of fastener camponents should be compared with the geometry of the
`cross-section to ensure compatibility.
`— Flange is too narrow to establish a workable gage.
`5 x
`Page 19 of 27
`Table 1-5
`C Shapes
`Page 19 of 27
`Torsional Properties
`Table 1-5 (continued)
`C Shapes
`0.512) 0.987
`0.478) 0.913
`0.484) 0.757
`0.493] 0.531
`0.455] 0.543
`Page 20 of 27
`Table 1-6
`MC Shapes
`Thickness, T|ableWidth, Thickness, k 7 °