`Filed Aug. 26, 1930
`Sazewed 6 Zzzzzze easy
`322 6%. , 32 V
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`Patented Jan. 10, 1933
`Application filed August 26, 1930. Serial No. 477,823.
`above described class, which method shall be
`This invention, relating as indicated to a
`more accurate than any heretofore employed
`method of mounting units, has particular ref
`and further, be less costly due to the rela
`erence to an improved method for mounting
`tively short length of time in which units
`units such as motors, generators, motor driv
`imay be mounted when employing the method
`en pumps, gear reduction units, motor gen
`erator sets, and any other machinery units,
`comprising my invention.
`To the accomplishment of the foregoing
`including two or more separate elements
`and related ends, said invention, then, con.
`adapted to be mounted on a common or sep
`sists of the means hereinafter fully described
`arate base so as to have their respective ro
`and particularly pointed out in the claims,
`10 tating shafts in axial alignment.
`the annexed drawing and the following de
`The method heretofore employed in mount
`Scription setting forth in detail one approved
`ing separate units so that the rotating shafts
`method of carrying out the invention, such
`thereof are in axial alignment, has been to
`disclosed method, however, constituting but
`provide a base for such units, which base con
`one of the various ways in which the prin
`15 sists of a casting or welded structural steel
`ciple of the invention may be used.
`element to form a platform usually provided
`in said annexed drawing :-
`with pads designed to register with the legs
`Figs. 1 to 3 show the successive steps com
`or other supporting means of the units to be
`prising my invention by which a motor gen
`mounted thereon. After the cast iron or
`erator set may be properly mounted on an
`20 welded structural steel base has been pro
`uneven base; Figs. 4 to 6 are fragmentary en
`vided it has been the practice to finish off
`larged elevational views, respectively, of por
`the pads on such base to different planes, the
`tions of Figs. 1 to 3, both inclusive; and
`vertical distance between the surfaces of the
`Fig. 7 is a fragmentary, part sectional, part
`pads for the different machines correspond
`elevational view, similar to Fig. 6, showing
`25 ing to the difference in the distance between
`the employment of dowel pins for aligning
`the axis of rotation of the shafts of such ma
`the unit upon the base after the same has
`chines and the lower surface of the legs or
`been temporarily removed.
`other means by which such machines are
`Referring more specifically to the draw
`supported. After the pads have been prop
`ing, the method comprising my invention will
`30 erly planed and finished to the required level,
`be described in connection with the mounting
`as above outlined, it has been customary to
`of the separate units of a motor generator set
`place the separate units in their proper po
`so as to have the rotating shafts of such ma
`sition on the base and to then mark on the
`chines in proper operating axial alignment.
`pads the holes which were to be drilled and
`1 designates a common form of base or plat
`8 tapped to receive the bolts by means of which
`form adapted to receive the machines, which
`the machine was eventually secured to the
`platform may be either a cast iron structure
`platform or base. After the holes have been
`or a platform built up by Welding together
`marked it is necessary to remove the ma
`a plurality of structural steel units, it being
`chines and to drill and tap the holes and
`noted that the principles of my invention are
`40 then replace the machines in order to re
`applicable regardless of the particular type
`ceive the securing bolts.
`of platform employed to receive the ma
`This method of positioning, aligning and
`Securing separate units on a common base or
`chines. The machines 2 and 3 are here shown
`provided with legs 4 and 5 which may have
`platform, or even on separate platforms, has
`laterally extending legs or pads 6 adapted to
`4 been very undesirable due to the cost thereof
`rest upon the means supporting such ma
`which necessarily resulted from the time re
`chine. The legs 6 are provided with aper
`quired to effect all of the above named opera
`tures 7 which are of a size hereinafter more
`clearly specified.
`. It is among the objects of my invention to
`When employing the principles compris
`provide a method of mounting units of the
`Page 2 of 4
`2 5
`5 5
`ing my invention, blocks such as 8 are pro
`but by a simple screw adjustment of bolts,
`vided which have threaded holes therein
`such as 9, the several machines may be
`adapted to threadably engage locating bolts,
`brought into proper alignment and main
`such as 9. It will be noted that the thickness
`tained in such aligned position while the sup
`of the blocks 8 may vary according to the par
`porting blocks 8 are secured to the base by the
`ticular requirements of each installation,
`deposition of the molten metal and/or shims
`such blocks being carried in stock of different
`thereunder. By providing the blocks S with
`thicknesses so as to facilitate the carrying out
`Screw threaded apertures adapted to receive
`of the method comprising my invention. It
`the securing bolts for the machine, the neces
`sity of drilling and tapping carefully aligned
`should be noted, however, that blocks of a
`single standard thickness may be employed
`holes in the base is entirely obviated, but
`for all installations so long as the normal dis
`such blocks may be drilled and tapped easily
`tance between the two planes on the base on
`and quickly before the installation of the ma
`which the machines are to be mounted do not
`chines is undertaken. If there should be any
`vary an extraordinary amount.
`expansion or contraction of the several units
`After the blocks are inserted under each
`resulting from the heat incidental to deposit
`of the legs of the two machines, the bolts such
`ing the molten metal under the blocks, cor
`as 9 are threaded into such blocks and, by
`rection for such minute inaccuracies in the
`screwing down each of such bolts, the two
`level or position of the blocks 8 may be effect
`machines may be brought into position so
`ed by inserting thin shims between the legs. 8:
`that the axes of the rotating shafts thereof
`6 and the upper surface of the blocks. This,
`are in proper axial alignment, as illustrated
`however, is very seldom necessary and even if
`in Figs. 2 and 5. When the bolts 9 have been
`it should be necessary, requires only a very
`so screwed down, each machine will be sup
`short time to accomplish and does not entail
`ported simply by the bolts in engagement
`8, gi'eat expense.
`with the base for the machines, the aperture 7
`By providing the size of the apertures 7 in
`in the legs being of sufficient size so that the
`the legs 6 slightly greater than the outside
`blocks 8 will be forced upwardly against the
`diameter of the shank of the securing bolts
`lower surface of the legs 6.
`11, the machine may be moved slightly rela
`After the machines have been brought into
`tive to its base to further correct slight inac
`proper alignment, as illustrated in Fig. 2,
`Ctiracies resulting upon cooling of a metal, so
`the spaces between the blocks 8 and the base
`that the machines may be properly aligned
`1 may be filled in by molten metal deposited
`with bit a minimum amount of adjustment.
`by suitable welding apparatus, which metal
`A further description of the principles
`will rigidly secure the blocks to the base and
`comprising my invention is believed unneces
`also maintain the same in proper elevation.
`sary for those familiar with the art, suffice
`If desired, shim means, such as 10, may be
`it to say that numerous changes may be made
`inserted under the blocks prior to welding so
`in the specific form of the above described
`that when the molten metal is deposited the
`method without departing from the princi
`edges of such shims will be fused and united
`ples of my invention.
`Other modes of applying the principle of
`with the base 1 and the blocks 8 so that a
`rigid structure is insured.
`my invention may be employed instead of the
`After the molten metal deposited under
`one explained, change being made as regards
`the edges of the blocks 8 has had time to cool,
`the method herein disclosed, provided the
`the bolts 9 will be withdrawn and replaced by
`step or steps stated by any of the following
`short bolts, such as 11, which will be of such
`claims or the equivalent of such stated step
`a length as not to project through the blocks
`or steps be employed.
`8 and contact with the base 1 before the heads
`I therefore particularly point out and dis
`of such bolts are drawn down tightly on the
`tinctly claim as my invention:-
`legs 6 of the machines, thereby rigidly se
`1. The method of making a supporting bed
`curing the machines to the foundation or
`for a machine comprising providing a suit
`able metallic base, placing a desired machine
`When the particular type of installation is
`on said base with metallic blocks under its
`legs, providing bolts extending through said
`such that occasion demands that the machines
`be temporarily removed from the base or
`legs, in threaded engagement with saidblocks
`foundation, close fitting dowel pins, such as
`and abutting said base, rotating said bolts to
`12, may be inserted in close fitting holes pro
`space Said blocks from said base sufficiently
`vided therefor in the legs 6 and the blocks 8,
`to properly position said machine, and fill
`which will determine the position occupied
`Weiding said blocks to said base.
`by the machine relative to the base when the
`2. The method of making a supporting bed
`. 25
`same is reset.
`for a machine comprising providing a suit
`It will be noted that by employing the
`able metallic base, placing a desired machine
`above described method of locating units no
`on said base with metallic blocks under its
`expensive plaining and aligning of the sup
`legs, providing bolts extending through said
`porting pads on the base need be resorted to,
`legs in threaded engagement with said blocks
`Page 3 of 4
`and abutting said base, rotating said bolts to
`space said blocks from said base sufficiently
`to properly position said machine, shimming
`the space between said blocks and base, and
`5 fill welding said blocks to said base.
`3. The method of making a supporting bed
`for a plurality of machines which comprises
`providing a suitable metallic base, placing
`the selected machines on said base in juxta
`10 position with metallic blocks under the legs
`thereof, providing bolts extending through
`said legs in threaded engagement with said
`blocks and abutting said base, rotating said
`bolts to space said blocks from said base suf
`lificiently to bring said machines in proper re
`lation, and fill welding said blocks to said
`4. The method of making a supporting bed
`for a plurality of machines which comprises
`20 providing a suitable metallic base, placing
`the selected machines on said base in juxta
`position with metallic blocks under the legs
`thereof, providing bolts extending through
`said legs in threaded engagement with said
`blocks and abutting said base, rotating said
`bolts to space said blocks from said base suf
`ficiently to bring said machines in proper re
`lation, and fill welding said blocks to said
`base while the same are maintained in such
`80 adjusted position.
`Signed by me this 19th day August, 1930.
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