a2, United States Patent
`US 6,220,510 B1
`(10) Patent No.:
`*Apr. 24, 2001
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Everett et al.
`Inventors: David Barrington Everett, East
`Sussex; Stuart James Miller, Berks;
`Anthony David Peacham, Kent; Ian
`Stephen Simmons, Cambs; Timothy
`Philip Richards, Herts; John Charles
`Viner, Windlesham, all of (GB)
`3/1982 Braun etal. .
`7/1982 Benton .
`9/1983 Rivest et al.
`10/1983 Campbell .
`12/1983 Zeidler.
`(List continued on next page.)
`8/1985 (EP) .
`10/1985 (EP).
`(73) Assignee: Mondex International Limited, 0190733—-8/1986. (EP).
`London (GB)
`4/1987 (EP).
`3/1988 (EP).
`(List continued on next page.)
`“Security for Computer Networks: An Intro-
`Davies et al.,
`duction to Data Security in Teleprocessing and Electronic
`Funds Transfer,” John Wiley & Sons 1984.
`Primary Examiner—Mark Tremblay
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Baker Botts L.L.P.
`A multi-application IC card which processes two or more
`applications using an Application Abstract Machine archi-
`tecture. The AAM architecture only allows one application
`to be executed at a time and allowsfor shared processing by
`performing a delegation function to a second application. A
`data space for each application is allocated when the appli-
`cation is selected to be executed. The data space includes a
`Volatile and non-volatile region. The delegation function
`temporarily interrupts the execution of the first application,
`saves the temporary data ofthe first application, shares any
`data needed with the second application and the second
`application is executed until the delegated task is competed.
`The first application then retrieves the saved data and
`completes its execution. A delegator stack is used to keep
`track of the delegator’s identity when multiple delegations
`occur. The AAM modelallowsfor a high level of security
`while transferring data between applications.

`(*) Notice:
`This patent issued on a continued pros-
`ecution application filed under 37 CFR
`1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year
`term provisions of 35 U.S.C.
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`US.C, 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/064,915
`Apr. 23, 1998
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Provisional application No. 60/046,514, filed on May 15,
`1997, and provisional application No. 60/046,543,filed on
`May15, 1997.
`Tint, C07 oeeceecessssscsssssssssseseesnssseeusseeetnesee G06K 5/00
`(52) U.S. Che cessnecsesntsenene 235/380; 235/379; 705/41
`(58) Field of Search
`2351379 380
`ee335/492: 705’41
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`63 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
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`* cited by examiner


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 24, 2001
`Sheet 1 of 7
`US 6,220,510 B1


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 24, 2001
`Sheet 2 of 7
`US 6,220,510 B1
`y 207


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 24, 2001
`Sheet 3 of 7
`set delegator application _ id to selected _ file. application _ id
`push delegator_ application _ id on to delegate _id_ stack
`send application command to AAM operating system US 6,220,510 B1
`set selected _ file_ application _ id to delegate _ request.delegate
`_ application id
`set application _ command to delegate _ request.application _
`command parameter


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 24, 2001
`Sheet 4 of 7
`US 6,220,510 B1
`get application_responses from delegatee
`set delegate_response_status to "success"
`set delegate_response_application_responses
`set delegate_response_delegate_application_id
`data stock
`pop delegate_application_id
`set select_file_application_id
`to current application


`U.S. Patent
`Apr.24, 2001
`Sheet 5 of 7
`US 6,220,510 B1
`Receive Delegate
`id request
` Is ID stack empty?
`set status to failure
`set status to “success”
`set responseto "no
`delegator application”
`retrieve data from
`stack and set response
`to delegatorid
`Send responseto
`operating system


`U.S. Patent
`US 6,220,510 B1
`Apr.24, 2001
`Sheet 6 of 7
`Control Logic


`U.S. Patent
`Apr.24, 2001
`Sheet 7 of 7
`US 6,220,510 B1
`~ ° —_
`OY 708


`US 6,220,510 B1
`This application claimspriority to U.S. Provisional appli-
`cation 60/046,514 filed on May 15, 1997, entitled “Design
`for a Multi Application Smart Card” and U.S. Provisional
`application 60/046,543 filed on May 15, 1997, entitled
`“Virtual Machine for a Multi Application Smart Card”.
`Integrated circuit (“IC”) cards are becoming increasingly
`used for many different purposes in the world today. An IC
`card (also called smart card) typically is the size of a
`conventional credit card which contains a computer chip
`including a microprocessor, read-only-memory (ROM),
`electrically erasable programmable read-only-memory
`(EEPROM), a random access memory (RAM), an Input/
`Output (I/O) mechanism and other circuitry to support the
`microprocessor in its operations. An IC card may contain a
`single application or may contain multiple independent
`applications in its memory. MULTOS® is a multiple appli-
`cation operating system which runs on IC cards, among
`other platforms, and allows multiple applications to be
`executed on the card itself. The multiple application oper-
`ating system present on the IC card allows a card user to run
`many programsstored in the card (for example, credit/debit,
`electronic money/purse and/or loyalty applications) irre-
`spective of the type of terminal (i.e., ATM,telephone and/or
`POS)in which the card is inserted for use.
`A conventional single application IC card, such as a
`telephone card or an electronic cash card, is loaded with a
`single application card and only executes that one applica-
`tion wheninserted into a terminal. For example, a telephone
`card could only be used to charge a telephonecall and could
`not be used as a credit/debit card. If a card user desires a
`variety of application functions to be performed by single
`application IC cards issued to him or her, such as both an
`electronic purse and a credit/debit function, the card user
`would be required to carry multiple physical cards on his or
`her person, which would be quite cumbersome and incon-
`venient. If an application developer or card user desired two
`different applications to interact or exchange data with each
`other, such as a purse application interacting with a frequent
`flyer loyalty application, the card user would be forced to
`swap multiple cards in and outof the card-receiving terminal
`during the transaction, making the transaction difficult,
`lengthy and inconvenient.
`Therefore, it is beneficial to store multiple applications on
`the same IC card. For example, a card user may have both
`a purse application and a credit/debit application on the
`same card so that
`the user could select which type of
`payment(by electronic cash or credit card) to use to make
`a purchase. Multiple applications could be provided to an IC
`card if sufficient memory exists and an operating system
`capable of supporting multiple applications is present on the
`The increased flexibility and power of storing multiple
`applications on a single card create new challenges to be
`overcome concerning the integrity and security of the infor-
`mation (including application code and associated data)
`exchanged between the individual card and the application
`provider as well as within the entire system when commu-
`nicating information between applications.
`For instance, the existence of multiple applications on the
`same card allows for the exchange of data between two
`applications, while one of the applicationsis being executed.
`As stated above, a frequent flyer loyalty program may need
`to be accessed during the execution of an electronic purse
`application. If data is passed between applications in an
`insecure manner, it may be possible for a third party moni-
`toring the transaction to determine the contents of the
`transferred data or even other private data associated with
`one or both of the applications. Thus, it would be beneficial
`to provide an application architecture and memory organi-
`zation which protects an application’s data from being
`discovered by a third party when it is exchanged with other
`applications present on the IC card.
`Accordingly,it is an object of the invention to provide an
`application architecture and memory organization which
`provides for a secure data interaction between applications
`and allows multiple applications to be accessed while per-
`forming a desired task or function.
`The present invention provides for a multiple application
`architecture for an IC card called an application abstract
`machine (AAM)and a method for implementing that archi-
`tecture. The processing of multiple applications is accom-
`plished by generating for at least one application (the “first
`application”) a data memory space including at least two
`segments, a volatile memory segment and a non-volatile
`memory segment, commencing the execution of the first
`application’s instructions; delegating or switching execution
`from thefirst application to the delegated application and in
`so doing, saving any data generated by thefirst application
`in the logical data memory space associated with the first
`application; executing the second application’s instructions;
`retrieving the saved data and completing with this data the
`execution of the first application’s instructions.
`Additional delegation commands can be issued by the
`second application or other subsequent applications. The
`commanddelegatedis interpreted by a delegated application
`in the same manneras a selection command being issued
`directly by a terminal and therefore each application per-
`formsthe security functions at the samelevel as if a terminal
`is issuing the command.
`The volatile memory segment can further be separated
`into public (“Public”) and dynamic (“Dynamic”) portions.
`Data can be exchanged between a plurality of applications
`and/or a terminal whenstored in the Public region of the data
`memory. The Dynamic memory region can be used solely as
`temporary work space for the specific application being
`Further objects, features and advantages of the invention
`will become apparent from the following detailed descrip-
`tion taken in conjunction with the accompanying figures
`showing illustrative embodiments of the invention, in which
`FIG. 1 is block diagram illustrating the data memory
`space segment and associated registers for an IC card
`application using the AAM organization;
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating the code memory
`and the data memory spaces for an IC card application using
`the AAM architecture;
`FIG. 3 is a flow diagram illustrating the steps of perform-
`ing a request for a delegation fuinction by one application to
`FIG. 4 is a flow diagram illustrating the steps of perform-
`ing a return delegation control function for a delegate
`application to a delegator application;


`US 6,220,510 B1
`FIG. 5 is a flow diagram illustrating the steps of perform-
`ing an inquire delegator ID request of a delegation function;
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram of an IC card chip which can
`be used as a platform in accordance with the invention; and
`FIGS. 7A, 7B and 7C illustrate multiple delegation calls
`made between three applications.
`Throughout the figures, the same reference numerals and
`characters, unless otherwise stated, are used to denote like
`features, elements, componentsorportionsof the illustrated
`embodiments. Moreover, while the subject invention will
`now bedescribed in detail with reference to the figures,it is
`done so in connection with the illustrative embodiments.It
`is intended that changes and modifications can be made to
`the described embodiments without departing from the true
`scope and spirit of the subject invention as defined by the
`appended claims.
`The present invention provides for a method and appa-
`ratus for processing multiple application programs with
`associated data stored on an IC card which can be accessed
`and executed. An application stored on the card can be
`selected by a terminal, or other interface device, or another
`application. Each application program whichisstored on the
`IC card when executed is allocated a memory space orga-
`nized by the program’s software code (instructions which
`are executed by a processor located on the IC card) and the
`associated data which the application stores and uses during
`execution of the program.
`For example, a multi-application card may store a purse
`application, or an electronic money application, and a spe-
`cific loyalty application such as a frequent flyer awards
`application. Each application has software code and associ-
`ated data to support the execution of that software code.
`Each application is allocated a memory space when
`executed. In this example, there is interaction between the
`two applications stored on the card. For each dollar elec-
`tronically spent to make a purchase, the user may beentitled
`to one frequent flyer mile which is stored and processed by
`the frequent flyer program. The purse application need not
`be aware of the specific loyalty program stored on the card,
`but instead may contain an instruction to communicate with
`any loyalty program stored on the card. The loyalty program
`will require input data representative of the amount of a
`particular electronic value so that it can update its own
`stored data of current frequentflyer miles for the user of the
`When two applications need to communicate during the
`sametransaction, a system architecture is required to process
`both applications in an efficient and secure manner. One
`approach could be a windows type model where both
`applications could be running at the same time. Presently,
`however, IC card platforms are not powerful enough to
`simultaneously operate multiple programsefficiently. Also,
`transferred data may be exposed to unwanted third party
`access. The solution to this problem, provided by the current
`invention, which is described in greater detail below, is to
`selectively interrupt the execution of applications in a secure
`manner. This allowsthe integrity of the applications’ data to
`be maintained and allowsthe best utilization of the available
`memory space in the IC card.
`An efficient architecture for processing multi applications
`in an IC card is termed an Application Abstract Machine
`(AAM)architecture and is described herein. The AAM
`Architecture applies to any platform independent of its
`hardware and enables developers to write applications to
`store on the IC cards which are portable across many
`different types of platforms(e.g., IC cards built by different
`manufacturers with different processor configurations) with-
`out the need for knowledge about the specific hardware of
`the platform.
`An application abstract machine (AAM), a term for the
`memory allocation and organization for the data stored and
`used by each application, is created for each application
`stored on the IC card which is executed by the processor on
`the card. In order to ensure data integrity and security when
`data is transferred between applications which are executed
`on the IC card, only one application on the IC card is
`allowed to be executed at a time. Each application has a data
`memory space whichis virtually allocated and mapped onto
`the physical memory addresses available in the IC card
`memories. Data is then passed between two or more appli-
`cations within a specified memory location and in a manner
`consistent with transferring data to an external terminal or
`device with which the IC card is securely interacting. At a
`general level, each AAM spacecreated for each application
`being executed includes two separate address spaces, one for
`the program codeitself and one for the program data which
`is stored and/or used by the application. The program data
`address space is effectively divided into three segments: a
`Static segment, a Dynamic segment and a Public segment
`which are described in more detail in conjunction with FIG.
`1. As stated above, the Static, Dynamic and Public segments
`are logically mapped to the physical memory;
`they are
`virtual memory segments as opposed to physical memory
`segments. The AAM data address space is preferably
`addressed and processed using seven different address reg-
`isters and two control registers.
`FIG. 1 showsan illustrative diagram of a logical data
`space allocation 101 created for an application used in
`conjunction with the present
`invention. The AAM data
`portion 101 includes a Static data space 103, a Public data
`space 105 and a Dynamic data space 107. Also shownare a
`series of address registers: the Static base address register
`the Static top address register 111,
`the Public base
`address register 113, the Public top address register 115, the
`Dynamic base address register 117, the Dynamic top address
`register 121 and local base address register 119 which serves
`as a local stack frame pointer in the Dynamic data space
`when the application is being executed. The address regis-
`ters can contain physical memory addresses but preferably
`contain offset addresses for the various data address spaces
`in order to be hardware independent. An example of the
`overall address space is 64K bytes, although the size varies
`with the applicable platform and the available memorysize.
`The registers can also be considered pointers or can be any
`other conventional addressing mechanism.
`the Static
`Within the allocated AAM data space 101,
`portion of the memory is non-volatile which is not erased
`after power
`is removed from the IC card (such as
`EEPROM), the Dynamic space is volatile (such as RAM)
`which may be erased after power is removed from the card
`and the Public space is also volatile (such as RAM). An IC
`card can receive power from a terminalafter it is interfaced
`into the terminal. Although an IC card may contain a battery
`to maintain some power for memory andcircuitry, volatile
`memory will typically be erased after the IC card is removed
`from its power source.
`The defined AAM data space has bytes in each segment
`which are contiguous, so that applications can perform
`pointer and offset arithmetic. For example, if the segment
`addresses “1515” and “1516,” or any other pair of sequential


`US 6,220,510 B1
`numbers, are both valid and are present within the same
`segment, then they address adjacent bytes. This allows offset
`values stored in registers to determine the location of a
`desired memory address. The segment address of the first
`byte of the Static segment
`is zero, so that the segment
`address of a given location within the Static region is equal
`to its offset.
`Pointers to other specific regions of the Static data area
`can be stored in the Static data because the Static region is
`non-volatile. For example, if the card user’s nameis stored
`in the Static memory of a credit/debit application,
`application will know the card user’s name will always be
`stored in the 5” memory location above the starting point for
`the Static portion of memory. The location can be noted as
`SB[5] or the 5” byte above the Static Bottom. Since the
`Static memoryis non-volatile, it will not be erased after each
`transaction and the application will always know of its
`location relative to the Static segments’ address registers.
`Onthe other hand, the segment address of any location in
`the Dynamic or Public segments is not always equal to a
`particular offset from the beginning of the respective seg-
`ment because the contents of those segments change for
`each operation. The fourth location in the Dynamic segment
`will be different for each operation performed by the appli-
`cation. The address of a memory location of Dynamic or
`Public segmentis fixed preferably only for the duration of
`one command-response pair operation. Because segment
`addresses in Dynamic or Public are not fixed, MULTOS
`Executable Language (MEL)™instructions (or any other
`program instructions) cannot refer to data using only seg-
`ment addresses. Instead, a tagged address preferably is used
`to identify data which is to be retrieved, manipulated,
`transferred and/or stored with the IC card system.
`A tagged address is a nineteen bit value consisting of a
`three bit tag (address register number) and a sixteen bit
`offset. Each of the seven address registers for the AAM data
`space contain a segment physical address. For instance, the
`address registers SB 109 and ST 111 point to the boundaries
`of the Static, the address registers PB 113 and PT 115 point
`to the boundaries of the Public and the address registers DB
`117 and DT 121 point to the boundaries of the Dynamic. For
`each segment, the top register points to the byte immediately
`after the last valid byte. For example, the last valid byte of
`the Static is ST[-1]. Register LB functions as a stack frame
`pointer. It points to a location in the Dynamic segment to
`indicate a specific byte of local data for the currently
`executing application.
`the allocated Static segment 103
`Referring to FIG. 1,
`contains the application’s non-volatile data. Static data
`includes data which is associated with each application for
`every transaction such as the card user’s name, account
`number, PIN value and address. Static data also includes
`variable data which is stored for use in future transactions
`using the application. For example, in a purse transaction,
`the electronic value data would be read from the Static
`segment and later saved in the Static segmentat the end of
`the transaction. Additionally, transaction information data or
`available credit limits in the case of a credit/debit application
`would be stored in Static data.
`The Static data is addressed using register SB (Static
`Base) and the register ST (Static Top) as offset registers.
`These registers contain the offset value from a physical
`address in a memory on the IC card. The individual memory
`location is then further offset from these starting points such
`as SB[3] or ST[-5]. SB is defined as zero and STis equal to
`the size of the application’s Static data which is set when the
`application is loaded onto the IC card. The multiple appli-
`cation operating system ensuresthat no other application can
`read or write the data stored in the Static segment of a
`particular application. Using current technology, the Static
`is preferably mapped onto an EEPROM
`(Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory)
`which is non-volatile.
`The Dynamic segment 107 contains the application’s
`volatile or temporary data. Dynamic data includes data
`which is temporarily used during the execution of an appli-
`cation such as intermediate values used in calculations or
`working variables. For example, a purse application may
`temporarily store the value of a transaction in order to reduce
`the amountof the value in the purse. The temporary data is
`used much like conventional computer programs use RAM
`to perform their assigned operations. The Dynamic segment
`preferably is divided into twoparts, the session data portion
`and the stack data portion. The size of the session data is a
`constant for each application and is determined when the
`application is loaded. The stack holds variable data which is
`unique to the particular transaction being executed. The
`stack data portion stores data in a last-in-first-out manner.
`The stack is initially empty, but expands and contracts
`during execution of the application.
`The Dynamic data is addressed from the register DB 117
`to register DT 121. Register LB 119 serves as a local stack
`framepointer to particular memorylocations in the Dynamic
`segment for delegate commands or function calls. Register
`LB 119 is used to address the topmost frame, that of the
`currently executing function’s session data. Register DT 121
`serves as an address offset for the stack pointer. A one byte
`data item at the top of the stack is addressed as DT[-1], the
`next byte below is addressed by DT[-2], and so on. A push
`operation increments the relative value of DT for each item
`on the stack and a pop operation decrements the relative
`value of DT for each item on the stack. For example, a data
`element located at DT[-5] will be located at DT[-6] after an
`additional data item is placed on the stack.
`the Dynamic
`When an application is being executed,
`segment created for that application also contains the appli-
`cation’s session data which is used in performing the
`assigned task(s) or operation(s). The multiple application
`operating system ensures that no other application can read
`or write the data stored in the Dynamic segment of a
`particular application. The session data is set to zero upon
`the start of the execution of the application. Stack data will
`be saved in the stack if the application delegates a task or
`operation to another application.
`A delegation function occurs when one application selects
`another application to process a commandinstead of pro-
`cessing the command itself. An example of a delegation
`function occurs when a delegator application receives a
`commandthatit does not recognizeoris not programmed to
`process. The selected application should not reject
`command and provide an error response to the interface
`device (IFD), but instead should pass the command to the
`appropriate receiver, or delegated application. In order to
`perform a delegation, the delegator calls the Delegate primi-
`tive. The Delegate primitive is a subroutine recognized by
`the multiple application operating system which is executed
`when the operating system interprets the Delegate instruc-
`tion. Primitives can bestored as part of the operating system
`loaded as a separate routine when the operating
`system is installed. Primitives are preferably written in
`machine executable language so that they can be executed
`quickly although they could be written in a higher level
`language. When a Delegate command is executed, execution


`US 6,220,510 B1
`of the delegating application is suspended, and the delegated
`application is executed instead. The delegated application
`then generates its own data memory space according to the
`AAM architecture. The data stored in the Public memory
`space of the first application (stored in RAM)is sentto the
`Public memoryspace of the second application (which could
`be physically the same memory butis allocated separat

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