f1lRiES~ ~IWSE~~ SmttJJte~~~l fEt;_,
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`March 18, 2022
`ISSUE DATE: Ja111w1J' JO, 201 7
`By Authority of the
`Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property
`and Director of the United States Patent and Tr ademark Office
`Certifying Officer
`Miltenyi Ex. 1001 Page 1


`I 1111111111111111 0111 111111111111111 IIIII 111111111111111 llllll llll 11111111
`02) United States Patent
`June et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 9,540,445 B2
`*Jan. 10, 201 7
`(71 ) Applicant The Trus tees of the University of
`Peoo~')'lvauia, Philadelphia. PA (US)
`loven1ors: Carl A. June. Merion Slntion, PA (US):
`Bruce L. Levine, C herry Hill, NJ (US):
`Duvid L. Porter, Springfield, PA (US);
`Mkbal'I 0 . KaJos, Pllilndelphiu. PA
`(US): M ichael C. 1"Jilonc, C h1my I lill,
`NJ (US)
`(73) Assig nee: The Trustees of the U1dversity of
`Pennsylvania. Pl1ifodelphi<1. PA (US)
`( •) Nnlice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ufthis
`patent is ex1ended or adjusted 11nder 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`Tl1is patent is subjcc1 to a terminal dis(cid:173)
`c laimer.
`(2013 .01): Cfl7K J417fl578 (20 13.0 1): CfJ7K
`14170596 (20 13.01 }: CfJ7K l(i/2c'W.1 (20 13.01 ):
`C07K 16/30 (201:\.01 ): C07K / 613061
`(2013.01): Cl2N 5/0636 (2013.0J): Cl2N
`7/flO (2013.0 1): C/ 2N 15185 (2013.0 1 ); A61K
`2039/505 (2013.01): A6/K !03915156
`(2013.0 1 ): A6l K '1039/5158 (2013.0 I): A61 K
`1039/5156 (2013.01); A61K 1039/585
`(2013.01): C07K 13l7153 (20 13.01): C07K
`]317/621 (2013.0 1 }: C07K 2317176 (20 13.0 1);
`C07K 1317/lifl (2013.0J ): C07K 2319/00
`(20 13.0J ): C07K 1319/01 (2013.0 1): CD7K
`1319/03 (2013.01)>: C07K 23/J/130 (2013.01):
`C07K 1319/3:3 (2013.01): C07K 1319/ 74
`(2013.0J): C11N 15011515 (20l:t01): C l 2N
`2510/00 (2013.0J ): C llN !'140/ 15034
`(20 13.0 1): C llN 1740/15043 (2013.0l): CJ1N
`1740/15071 (2013.01)
`J,'iclcl of Classification Search
`See nppl ica{io n rile for complete search hi~tury,
`(21) A ppl. No.: 14/997,136
`(22) Filed:
`.Jan. 15, 20Hi
`US 2016/0208012 A l
`P rior Publication Data
`Jul. 21, 20 16
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Cuminuatioa of ~1pplicution No. 13/992,622, riled as
`opplication No. PCT/ lJS20 11 / 064191
`l)O Dec. 9.
`201 I.
`(60) Provisional application No. 611421.470. filed on Dec.
`9. 2010. provisional application No. 61/502.649. filed
`on Jun. 29. 201 I.
`(2010.0 1)
`(2006.0J )
`(2006.0J )
`(200f>.OJ )
`(2006.01 J
`(2006.0 1)
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`Tnt. Cl.
`Cl2N 51071
`Cl2N 510783
`C12N 5/22
`Cll7K 16118
`.MJK 35/1 7
`A61K 39/00
`A61K 39/395
`C/2N 15/ 85
`C07K 141705
`A61K 411/(l(I
`C()'11( /4/525
`C07K 141725
`CfIT!( 161.W
`C12N 7/0fJ
`A61K 38/1 7
`A61K 45/06
`CPC ........... C07K 1612896 (20 13 .01): A61K 35/17
`(2013.01); A61K 38/1 77 (20 13.0 1 ): A61K
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