`llQJA'DIS,'llQ)\W,QMf'l .llliES~~~SE~i!l~ ~
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`March 18, 2022
`ISSUE DATE: October 11, 2016
`By Authority of the
`Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property
`and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Certifying Officer
`Miltenyi Ex. 1001 Page 1


`I 11111 11111111111 11111 111111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII 111111111111111 IIII
`US009464 I 40B2
`(12) United States Patent
`June et al.
`(JO) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 9,464,140 B2
`*Oct. 11, 2:016
`C /2N 15185 (2013.0J): A61K 2039/505
`(2013.0 1); A6JK 2039/5/56 (2013.01): A6/K
`103915158 (2013.0J ): A61 K 2039/585
`(2013.01); C07K 1317/611 (2013.01): C07K
`1317/ 80 (2013.01 ); C07K 13/9/00 (2013.01 ):
`C07K 1319102 (2013.01): C07K 2319/03
`(2013.0 1); Cl2N 250//515 (2013.01); ,cnN
`2510/00 (2013,()1); Cl 1N 2740/1'5034
`(2013.01 J; crm 274f/lJ5043 (20 t3 .0J)
`(58) Field of C lassification Starch
`Sec application ille for complete search hls101y.
`Refereuccs C ited
`(71) Applicam: T he Tr ustees of the University of
`Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA (US)
`Invcnh)r$: Car l B. Ju ne, Merion Station, PA (US):
`Bruce L. Levine. Cherry l lill, NJ (US);
`David L. Portct-. Springfield. PA (US);
`M ichael D. K atos, Phlladelpliia, PA
`(US): M ichael C. M ilo ne, Cherry Hill.
`NJ (US)
`(73) As~ignee; T he 1\-ustel?S uf the Un iversity uf
`Pennsyh,aniu. Philadolph.i:i. PA (US)
`( "J Notice:
`Subject lo ,my disclaimer. (he (erm l1fthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(h) by 0 days.
`· pateut is subject to a ten11iual dis(cid:173)
`(21) Appl. !No.: 14/996,95:l
`(22) Piled:
`.Jan. JS, 20.16
`Prior P ublication Data
`us 2016/0130355 '\1
`May 12, 2016
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`Primar.i• Examiner - Michael Burkhart
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`Kathryn Doyle
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