`Digital sections and digital line system – Access networks
`Asymmetric digital subscriber line
`transceivers 2 (ADSL2)
`ITU-T Recommendation G.992.3
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1019
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`Parameters for optical fibre cable systems
`Digital sections at hierarchical bit rates based on a bit rate of 2048 kbit/s
`Digital line transmission systems on cable at non-hierarchical bit rates
`Digital line systems provided by FDM transmission bearers
`Digital line systems
`Digital section and digital transmission systems for customer access to ISDN
`Optical fibre submarine cable systems
`Optical line systems for local and access networks
`Access networks
`For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations.
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`ITU-T Recommendation G.992.3
`Asymmetric digital subscriber line transceivers 2 (ADSL2)
`This Recommendation describes Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Transceivers on a
`metallic twisted pair that allows high-speed data transmission between the network operator end
`(ATU-C) and the customer end (ATU-R). It defines a variety of frame bearers in conjunction with
`one of two other services or without underlying service, dependent on the environment:
`ADSL transmission simultaneously on the same pair with voice band service;
`ADSL transmission simultaneously on the same pair with ISDN (Appendix I or II/G.961
`[1]) services;
`ADSL transmission without underlying service, optimized for deployment with ADSL over
`voiceband service in the same binder cable;
`ADSL transmission without underlying service, optimized for deployment with ADSL over
`ISDN service in the same binder cable.
`ADSL transmission on the same pair with voiceband services and operating in an environment with
`TCM-ISDN (Appendix III/G.961 [1]) services in an adjacent pair, is for further study.
`This Recommendation specifies the physical layer characteristics of the Asymmetric Digital
`Subscriber Line (ADSL) interface to metallic loops.
`This Recommendation has been written to help ensure the proper interfacing and interworking of
`ADSL transmission units at the customer end (ATU-R) and at the network operator end (ATU-C),
`and also to define the transport capability of the units. Proper operation shall be ensured when these
`two units are manufactured and provided independently. A single twisted pair of telephone wires is
`used to connect the ATU-C to the ATU-R. The ADSL transmission units must deal with a variety of
`wire pair characteristics and typical impairments (e.g., crosstalk and noise).
`An ADSL transmission unit can simultaneously convey all of the following: a number of
`downstream frame bearers, a number of upstream frame bearers, a baseband POTS/ISDN duplex
`channel, and ADSL line overhead for framing, error control, operations, and maintenance. Systems
`support a net data rate ranging up to a minimum of 8 Mbit/s downstream and 800 kbit/s upstream.
`Support of net data rates above 8 Mbit/s downstream and support of net data rates above 800 kbit/s
`upstream are optional.
`This Recommendation includes mandatory requirements, recommendations and options; these are
`designated by the words "shall", "should" and "may" respectively. The word "will" is used only to
`designate events that take place under some defined set of circumstances.
`ITU-T Rec. G.992.3 (07/2002)
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`This Recommendation defines several optional capabilities and features:
`transport of STM and/or ATM and/or Packets;
`transport of a network timing reference;
`multiple latency paths;
`multiple frame bearers;
`short initialization procedure;
`dynamic rate repartitioning;
`seamless rate adaptation.
`It is the intention of this Recommendation to provide, by negotiation during initialization, for
`U-interface compatibility and
`interoperability between
`transceivers complying with
`Recommendation and between transceivers that include different combinations of options.
`This Recommendation describes the second generation of ADSL, based on the first generation
`ITU-T Rec. G.992.1. It is intended that this Recommendation be implemented in multi-mode devices
`that support both ITU-T Recs G.992.3 and G.992.1.
`This Recommendation has been written to provide additional features, relative to ITU-T
`Rec. G.992.1. ITU-T Rec. G.992.1 was approved in June 1999. Since then, several potential
`improvements have been identified in areas such as data rate versus loop reach performance, loop
`diagnostics, deployment from remote cabinets, spectrum control, power control, robustness against
`loop impairments and RFI, and operations and maintenance. This Recommendation provides a new
`ADSL U-interface specification, including the identified improvements, which the ITU-T believes
`will be most helpful to the ADSL industry.
`Relative to ITU-T Rec. G.992.1, the following application-related features have been added:
`Improved application support for an all digital mode of operation and voice over ADSL
`Packet TPS-TC function, in addition to the existing STM and ATM TPS-TC functions;
`Mandatory support of 8 Mbit/s downstream and 800 kbit/s upstream for TPS-TC function #0
`and frame bearer #0;
`Support for IMA in the ATM TPS-TC;
`Improved configuration capability for each TPS-TC with configuration of latency, BER and
`minimum, maximum and reserved data rate.
`Relative to ITU-T Rec. G.992.1, the following PMS-TC-related features have been added:
`A more flexible framing, including support for up to 4 frame bearers, 4 latency paths;
`Parameters allowing enhanced configuration of the overhead channel;
`Frame structure with receiver selected coding parameters;
`Frame structure with optimized use of RS coding gain;
`Frame structure with configurable latency and bit error ratio;
`OAM protocol to retrieve more detailed performance monitoring information;
`Enhanced on-line reconfiguration capabilities including dynamic rate repartitioning.
`ITU-T Rec. G.992.3 (07/2002)
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`Relative to ITU-T Rec. G.992.1, the following PMD-related features have been added:
`New line diagnostics procedures available for both successful and unsuccessful initialization
`scenarios, loop characterization and troubleshooting;
`Enhanced on-line reconfiguration capabilities including bitswaps and seamless rate
`Optional short initialization sequence for recovery from errors or fast resumption of
`Optional seamless rate adaptation with line rate changes during showtime;
`Improved robustness against bridged taps with receiver determined pilot tone;
`Improved transceiver training with exchange of detailed transmit signal characteristics;
`Improved SNR measurement during channel analysis;
`Subcarrier blackout to allow RFI measurement during initialization and SHOWTIME;
`Improved performance with mandatory support of trellis coding;
`Improved performance with mandatory one-bit constellations;
`Improved performance with data modulated on the pilot tone;
`Improved RFI robustness with receiver determined tone ordering;
`Improved transmit power cutback possibilities at both CO and remote side;
`Improved Initialization with receiver and transmitter controlled duration of initialization
`Improved Initialization with receiver-determined carriers for modulation of messages;
`Improved channel identification capability with spectral shaping during Channel Discovery
`and Transceiver Training;
`Mandatory transmit power reduction to minimize excess margin under management layer
`Power saving feature for the central office ATU with new L2 low power state;
`Power saving feature with new L3 idle state;
`Spectrum control with individual tone masking under operator control through CO-MIB;
`Improved conformance testing including increase in data rates for many existing tests.
`Through negotiation during initialization, the capability of equipment to support the G.992.3 and/or
`the G.992.1 Recommendations is identified. For reasons of interoperability, equipment may choose
`to support both Recommendations, such that it is able to adapt to the operating mode supported by
`the far-end equipment.
`ITU-T Recommendation G.992.3 was approved by ITU-T Study Group 15 (2001-2004) under the
`ITU-T Recommendation A.8 procedure on 29 July 2003.
`It integrates the modifications introduced by ITU-T Rec. G.992.3 (2002) Amendment 1 approved on
`22 May 2003.
`ITU-T Rec. G.992.3 (07/2002)
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`The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of
`telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of
`is responsible for studying
`technical, operating and
`tariff questions and
`Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis.
`The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years,
`establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on
`these topics.
`The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSA Resolution 1.
`In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-T's purview, the necessary standards are
`prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC.
`In this Recommendation, the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a
`telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency.
`Compliance with this Recommendation is voluntary. However, the Recommendation may contain certain
`mandatory provisions (to ensure e.g. interoperability or applicability) and compliance with the
`Recommendation is achieved when all of these mandatory provisions are met. The words "shall" or some
`other obligatory language such as "must" and the negative equivalents are used to express requirements. The
`use of such words does not suggest that compliance with the Recommendation is required of any party.
`ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may
`involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence,
`validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others
`outside of the Recommendation development process.
`As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had received notice of intellectual property,
`protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors
`are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the
`TSB patent database.
` ITU 2003
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the
`prior written permission of ITU.
`ITU-T Rec. G.992.3 (07/2002)
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`Scope ............................................................................................................................
`Definitions ....................................................................................................................
`Reference models..........................................................................................................
`ATU functional model....................................................................................
`User plane protocol reference model..............................................................
`Management plane reference model...............................................................
`Application models.........................................................................................
`Transport Protocol Specific Transmission Convergence (TPS-TC) function ..............
`Transport capabilities .....................................................................................
`Interface signals and primitives......................................................................
`Control parameters .........................................................................................
`Data plane procedures ....................................................................................
`Management plane procedures.......................................................................
`Initialization procedure...................................................................................
`On-line reconfiguration ..................................................................................
`Power management mode...............................................................................
`Physical Media Specific Transmission Convergence (PMS-TC) function ..................
`Transport capabilities .....................................................................................
`Additional functions .......................................................................................
`Block interface signals and primitives ...........................................................
`Block diagram and internal reference point signals .......................................
`Control parameters .........................................................................................
`Frame structure...............................................................................................
`Data plane procedures ....................................................................................
`Control plane procedures................................................................................
`Management plane procedures.......................................................................
`Initialization procedures .................................................................................
`On-line reconfiguration ..................................................................................
`Power management mode...............................................................................
`Physical media dependent function ..............................................................................
`Transport capabilities .....................................................................................
`Additional functions .......................................................................................
`Block interface signals and primitives ...........................................................
`Block diagram and internal reference point signals .......................................
`Control parameters .........................................................................................
`Constellation encoder for data symbols .........................................................
`Constellation encoder for synchronization and L2 exit symbols ...................
`Modulation .....................................................................................................
`Transmitter dynamic range.............................................................................
`ITU-T Rec. G.992.3 (07/2002)
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`Transmitter spectral masks.............................................................................
`Control plane procedures................................................................................
`8.12 Management plane procedures.......................................................................
`Initialization procedures .................................................................................
`Short initialization procedures........................................................................
`Loop diagnostics mode procedures ................................................................
`On-line reconfiguration of the PMD function................................................
`Power management in the PMD function ......................................................
`Management Protocol Specific Transmission Convergence (MPS-TC) functions ......
`Transport functions.........................................................................................
`Additional functions .......................................................................................
`Block interface signals and primitives ...........................................................
`Management plane procedures.......................................................................
`Power management ........................................................................................
`Dynamic behaviour.......................................................................................................
`On-line Reconfiguration (OLR) .....................................................................
`Power management ........................................................................................
`Annex A – Specific requirements for an ADSL system operating in the frequency band
`above POTS..................................................................................................................
`ATU-C functional characteristics (pertains to clause 8) ................................
`ATU-R functional characteristics (pertains to clause 8) ................................
`Electrical characteristics.................................................................................
`Annex B – Specific requirements for an ADSL system operating in the frequency band
`above ISDN as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.961 Appendices I and II..............................
`ATU-C functional characteristics (pertains to clause 8) ................................
`ATU-R functional characteristics (pertains to clause 8) ................................
`Electrical characteristics.................................................................................
`Annex C – Specific requirements for an ADSL system operating in the same cable as
`ISDN as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.961 Appendix III ...................................................
`Annex D – ATU-C and ATU-R state diagrams.......................................................................
`Introduction ....................................................................................................
`Definitions ......................................................................................................
`State diagrams ................................................................................................
`Annex E – POTS and ISDN Basic Access Splitters ................................................................
`Type 1 – POTS splitter – Europe ...................................................................
`Type 2 – POTS splitter – North America.......................................................
`Type 3 – ISDN (ITU-T Rec. G.961 Appendix I or II) Splitter – Europe.......
`Type 4 – POTS splitter – Japan......................................................................
`Annex F – ATU-x performance requirements for region A (North America).........................
`Performance requirements for operation of ADSL over POTS (Annex A) ...
`ITU-T Rec. G.992.3 (07/2002)
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`Performance requirements for operation of All Digital Mode ADSL
`(Annex I) ........................................................................................................
`Annex G – ATU-x performance requirements for region B (Europe).....................................
`Performance requirements for operation of ADSL over POTS (Annex A) ...
`Performance requirements for operation of ADSL over ISDN (Annex B)....
`Performance requirements for operation of All Digital Mode ADSL
`(Annex I) ........................................................................................................
`Performance requirements for operation of All Digital Mode ADSL
`(Annex J) ........................................................................................................
`Annex H – Specific requirements for a synchronized symmetrical DSL (SSDSL) system
`operating in the same cable binder as ISDN as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.961
`Appendix III .................................................................................................................
`Annex I – All digital mode ADSL with improved spectral compatibility with ADSL over
`POTS ............................................................................................................................
`ATU-C functional characteristics (pertains to clause 8) ................................
`ATU-R functional characteristics (pertains to clause 8) ................................
`Electrical characteristics.................................................................................
`Annex J – All Digital Mode ADSL with improved spectral compatibility with ADSL over
`ATU-C functional characteristics (pertains to clause 8) ................................
`ATU-R functional characteristics (pertains to clause 8) ................................
`Electrical characteristics.................................................................................
`Annex K – TPS-TC functional descriptions ............................................................................
`STM Transmission Convergence (STM-TC) function...................................
`ATM Transmission Convergence (ATM-TC) function .................................
`Packet transmission convergence function (PTM-TC) ..................................
`Appendix I – ATM layer to physical layer logical interface ...................................................
`Appendix II – Compatibility with other customer premises equipment..................................
`Appendix III – The impact of primary protection devices on line balance .............................
`Scope ..............................................................................................................
`Recommended maximum capacitance of over-voltage protectors.................
`Capacitance matching requirements of over-voltage protectors ....................
`References ......................................................................................................
`Appendix IV – Bibliography....................................................................................................
`ITU-T Rec. G.992.3 (07/2002)
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`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1019
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`ITU-T Recommendation G.992.3
`Asymmetric digital subscriber line transceivers 2 (ADSL2)
`For interrelationships of this Recommendation with other G.99x-series Recommendations, see
`ITU-T Rec. G.995.1 [B1].
`This Recommendation describes the interface between the telecommunications network and the
`customer installation in terms of their interaction and electrical characteristics. The requirements of
`this Recommendation apply to a single asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL).
`ADSL provides a variety of frame bearers in conjunction with other services:
`ADSL service on the same pair with voiceband services (including POTS and voiceband
`data services). The ADSL service occupies a frequency band above the voiceband service,
`and is separated from it by filtering;
`ADSL service on the same pair as ISDN service, as defined in Appendices I and II/G.961
`[1]. The ADSL service occupies a frequency band above the ISDN service, and is separated
`from it by filtering;
`ADSL also provides a variety of frame bearers without baseband services (i.e., POTS or ISDN)
`being present on the same pair:
`ADSL service on a pair, with improved spectral compatibility with ADSL over POTS
`present on an adjacent pair;
`ADSL service on a pair, with improved spectral compatibility with ADSL over ISDN
`present on an adjacent pair.
`In the direction from the network operator to the customer premises (i.e., the downstream direction),
`the frame bearers provided may include low-speed frame bearers and high-speed frame bearers; in
`the other direction from the customer premises to the Central office (i.e., the upstream direction),
`only low-speed frame bearers are provided.
`The transmission system is designed to operate on two-wire twisted metallic copper pairs with
`mixed gauges. This Recommendation is based on the use of copper pairs without loading coils, but
`bridged taps are acceptable in all but a few unusual situations.
`Operation on the same pair with voiceband services (e.g., POTS and voiceband data services), and
`with TCM-ISDN service as defined in Appendix III/G.961 [1] on an adjacent pair, is for further
`An overview of Digital Subscriber Line Transceivers can be found in ITU-T Rec. G.995.1 [B1].
`Specifically, this Recommendation:
`defines the Transmission Protocol Specific Transmission Convergence Sub-layer for ATM,
`STM and Packet transport through the frame bearers provided;
`defines the combined options and ranges of the frame bearers provided;
`defines the line code and the spectral composition of the signals transmitted by both
`ATU-C and ATU-R;
`defines the initialization procedure for both the ATU-C and the ATU-R;
`specifies the transmit signals at both the ATU-C and ATU-R;
`describes the organization of transmitted and received data into frames;
`defines the functions of the OAM channel.
`ITU-T Rec. G.992.3 (07/2002)
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`In separate annexes it also:
`describes the transmission technique used to support the simultaneous transport of
`voiceband services and frame bearers (ADSL over POTS, Annex A) on a single
`describes the transmission technique used to support the simultaneous transport of ISDN
`services as defined in Appendices I and II/G.961 [1], and frame bearers (ADSL over ISDN,
`Annex B) on a single twisted-pair;
`describes the transmission technique used to support the transport of only frame bearers on
`a pair, with improved spectral compatibility with ADSL over POTS present on adjacent
`pair (All Digital Mode, Annex I);
`describes the transmission technique used to support the transport of only frame bearers on
`a pair, with improved spectral compatibility with ADSL over ISDN present on adjacent pair
`(All Digital Mode, Annex J).
`This Recommendation defines the minimal set of requirements to provide satisfactory simultaneous
`transmission between the network and the customer interface of a variety of frame bearers and other
`services such as POTS or ISDN. The Recommendation permits network providers an expanded use
`of existing copper facilities. All required physical layer aspects to ensure compatibility between
`equipment in the network and equipment at a remote location are specified. Equipment may be
`implemented with additional functions and procedures.
`The following ITU-T Recommendations, and other references contain provisions which, through
`reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
`editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations are subject to revision; all users of this
`Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
`edition of the Recommendations listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations
`is regularly published. The reference to a document within this Recommendation does not give it, as
`a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.
`ITU-T Recommendation G.961 (1993), Digital transmission system on metallic local lines
`for ISDN basic rate access.
`ITU-T Recommendation G.994.1 (2002), Handshake procedures for digital subscriber line
`(DSL) transceivers.
`ITU-T Recommendation G.996.1 (2001), Test procedures for digital subscriber line (DSL)
`ITU-T Recommendation G.997.1 (1999), Physical layer management for digital subscriber
`line (DSL) transceivers.
`ISO 8601:2000, Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange –
`Representation of dates and times.
`ITU-T Recommendation O.42 (1988), Equipment to measure non-linear distortion using
`the 4-tone intermodulation method.
`For Annex B
`ETSI TS 102 080 V1.3.2 (2000), Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Integrated Services
`Digital Network (ISDN) basic rate access; Digital transmission on metallic local lines.
`For Annex E
`ETSI TS 101 952-1 V1.1.1 (2002), Specification of ADSL splitters for European