`Document enter
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`~ '{,,.,,
`for Telecommunications -
`Network and Customer
`Installation Interfaces -
`Asymmetric Digital Subscriber
`Line (ADSL) Metallic Interface
`--· .... ______________ _
`~IV-'1 American National Standards lnstltate
`11 West 42nd Street
`. New York, New York
`Ord0r Nurnbof: 02035766
`Sold locDOCUMENT CENTER INC. [014925].
`2014-12-03 21:22:39 UTC
`Copyright America
`Provided b')I IHS
`No repr-oductiori
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1020
`Page 1 of 186
`ANSI T1-413 95 -
`0724150 0526 □ 89 628 -
`American National Standard
`for Telecommunications -
`Network and Customer Installation Interfaces(cid:173)
`Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Metallic Interface
`Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
`Approved August 18, 1995
`- American National Standards Institute, Inc.
`This standard presents the electrical characteristics of the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
`(ADSL) signals appearing at the network interface. The physical interface between the network
`and the customer installation is also described. The transport medium for the signals is a single
`twisted-wire pair that supports both Message Telecommunications Service (POTS) and full-duplex
`{simultaneous two-way) and simplex (from the network to the customer installation) digital ser(cid:173)
`This interface standard provides the minimal set of requirements for satisfactory transmission
`between the network and the customer installation. Equipment may be implemented with addition(cid:173)
`al functions and procedures.
`Copyrfght American NaUonal S!Mdards lnstiMe
`ProvJded by IHS under !ic-ense with ANSI
`No repmd1.Jction or networking pemiUcd withoul license from IHS
`Order Number: 02035768
`Sold !ocDOCUMENT CENTER INC. [D14925],
`2014-12--03 21c22c39 UTC
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1020
`Page 2 of 186
`ANSI Tl-413 95 •
`0724150 0526090 34T •
`Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the
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`Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards
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`Published by
`American National Standards Institute
`11 West 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036
`Copyright ©1995 by Alliance for Telecommunications lndustiy Solutions
`All rights reserved.
`. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any
`,. fonn, In an electronic retrieval system or otheiwise,
`, without prior written permission of the publisher.
`. Printed in the United States of America
`Copyright American Natior.al Slandards lnstiluto
`Prr:widsd by IHS urider license wjlh .ANSI
`No roproduction or notworldng ponnittod without llccnsefrom IHS
`_Order Number: 02035766
`Sold to:DOCUMENT CENTER INC. (014925],
`2014-12-03 21:22:39 UTC
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1020
`Page 3 of 186
`ANSI T1-413 95 •
`0724150 0526091 28b -
`Foreword ............................................................................................................. vii
`Scope and purpose ................................................................................ 1
`Scope ..................................................................................................... 1
`Purpose .................................................................................................. 1
`Normative references ............................................................................. 2
`Definitions, abbreviations, acronyms and symbols ................................. 3
`Definitions ............................................................................................... 3
`Abbreviations, acronyms and symbols ................................................... 3
`Reference models .................................................................................. 6
`System reference model ......................................................................... 6
`A TU-C transmitter reference model ........................................................ 7
`ATU-R transmitter reference model ........................................................ 8
`Transport capacity .................................................................................. 9
`Simplex bearers ...................................................................................... 9
`Duplex bearers ..................................................................................... 13
`Combined options ................................................................................. 14
`ADSL system overheads and aggregate data rates ............................. 17
`Classification by ATM options .............................................................. 21
`ATU-C functional characteristics .......................................................... 22
`ATU-C input and output V interfaces .................................................... 22
`Framing ................................................................................................ 23
`Scramblers ........................................................................................... 35
`Forward error correction ....................................................................... 35
`Tone ordering ....................................................................................... 36
`Constellation encoder - with trellis coding ........................................... 37
`Constellation encoder - without trellis coding ...................................... 45
`Gain scaling ......................................................................................... .45
`Modulation .......................................................................................... ..46
`Cyclic prefix .......................................................................................... 47
`Transmitter dynamic range ................................................................... 48
`Transmitter spectral response .............................................................. 48
`Transmit power spectral density and aggregate power level ............... 49
`·-· ATU-R functional characteristics ................................... -, .................... 51
`ATU-R input and output data interfaces ............................................... 51
`Framing ................................................................................................ 52
`Scramblers ........................................................................................... 57
`Forward errorcorrection ....................................................................... 57
`Tone ordering ....................................................................................... 57
`Constellation encoder- with trellis coding ........................................... 57
`Constellation encoder- without trellis coding ...................................... 57
`Gain scaling .......................................................................................... 58
`Modulation ............................................................................................ 58
`Cyclic prelix .......................................................................................... 59
`Transmitter dynamic range ................................................................... 60
`Transmitter spectral response .............................................................. 61
`Trans,mitpower spectral density and aggregate power leyel .........•.• :,,62.
`Copyright Amoric:an National Standards lnstiluto
`Provided by IHS undor lic-0nso with ANSI
`No reproduction or networl<ing pormittod without licenso from IHS
`Order Number: 02035766
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`2014-12--03 21:22:39 UTC
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1020
`Page 4 of 186
`ANSI TL-413 95 •
`0724150 052b092 112 •
`ADSL - POTS splitter functional characteristics .................................. 63
`ATU-R to service module (T sM) interiace requirements ...................... 64
`TA interiace definitions .......................................................................... 64
`T 8 interface definitions .......................................................................... 65
`Electrical characteristics ....................................................................... 67
`de characteristics .................................................................................. 67
`Voice•band characteristics ................................................................... 67
`ADSL band ........................................................................................... 69
`ADSL noise the interference into circuit POTS ..................................... 70
`Operations and maintenance ............................................................... 71
`Embedded operations channel (eoc) requirements .............................. 71
`I n•service pertormance monitoring and surveillance ............................ 78
`Metallic testing ...................................................................................... 84
`Out-of-service testing ........................................................................... 84
`Requirements to support OAM of the segment between
`ATU-R and SM ..................................................................................... 84
`lnitialization ............................................................................. _ .............. 87
`Overview .................................................. , ............................................ 87
`Activation and acknowledgment - ATU-C ............................................ 89
`Activation and acknowledgment - ATU-R ............................................ 92
`Transceiver training- ATU-C ............................................................... 93
`Transceiver training- ATU-R ............................................................... 96
`Channel analysis - ATU-C ................................................................... 98
`Channel analysis - ATU-R ................................................................. 102
`Exchange.-ATU·C ............................................................................. 105
`Excha'nge - ATU-R ............................................................................. 108
`On•line adaptation and reconfiguration ........... ~ .................................. 112
`The ADSL overhead control (aoc) channel ........................................ 112
`High-level on-line adaptation - Bit.swapping ...................................... 112
`Changes to data rates and reconfiguration ........................................ 115
`Signaling requirements ....................................................................... 115
`Loop plant, impairments, and testing .................................................. 116
`Test loops........ .................................................................................. ·~.·~ 117
`Impairments and their simulation in testing ........................................ 119
`Test procedures ............................................................... : .................. 121
`Physical characteristics ...................................................................... 127
`Wiring polarity integrity ............................................ : .......................... 127
`Connector ..... · ...................... : .......... .-: ..... : ..... : .............................. : ........ 127
`Wiring requirements for a remotely located POTS splitter/ATU-R ..... 128
`Maximum distance for a remotely located unit.. ................................. 128
`Environmental conditions .................................................................. ; 129
`Protection ..... : ...... : ...................... ;;· .......... ~ ............................. · ............... 129
`Electromagnetic compatibility .............................. ,.,:, .......................... 129
`., 15.1
`Copyright American National Standards· Institute
`Provido3d by IHS under li~ense with ANSI
`No reproduction or netwofi'.ing pcnn!tl.ed without license from rHS
`Ordor Number: 02035766
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`2014•12-03 21,22,39 UTC
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1020
`Page 5 of 186
`ANSI T1-413 95 -
`□ 72415 □ 0526093 059 -
`ADSL sub-channel rate restrictions for default bearer rates ................. 1 O
`ADSL sub-channel rate restrictions 2.048 Mbit/s (optional) ................. 11
`Downstream ATM data cell bit rates ..................................................... 12
`Maximum optional duplex bearer channels supported by
`transport class ...................................................................................... 14
`Optional duplex ATM data cell bit rates for LS2 ................................... 14
`Bearer channel options by transport class for bearer rates based on
`downstream multiples of 1.536 Mbit/s .................................................. 15
`Bearer channel options by transport class - Optional bearer rates
`based on downstream multiples of 2.048 Mbit/s .................................. 16
`Bearer channel options by transport class for optional ATM
`bearer rates ................... ..' ........................................................ -............. 17
`Internal overhead channel functions and rates ..................................... 18
`Determination of aggregate downstream bit rate ................................. 19
`Determination of aggregate upstream bit rate ...................................... 20
`Determination of aggregate bit rate for ATM transport ......................... 21
`Interface data rates for duplex channels (default configurations) ......... 23
`Definition of indicator blts, ATU-C transmitter ...................................... 25
`eoc frame stucture ................................................................................ 26
`Default fast and interleaved data buffer allocations for ATU-C
`transmitter- Configurations for bearers based on multiples
`of 1.536 MbiVs ...................................................................................... 27
`Default fast and interleaved data buffer allocations for ATU-C
`transmitter - Optional configurations for bearers based on
`multiples of 2.048 Mbit/s ....................................................................... 28
`Default FEC coding parameters and interleave depth for ATU-C
`transmitter - Default configurations for bearers based on multiples
`of 1.536 MbiVs ...................................................................................... 30
`Default FEC coding parameters and interleave depth for ATU-C
`·-·1ransmitter- Optional configurations for bearers based.on··
`multiples of 2.048 Mbit/s ....................................................................... 31
`Fast byte format. ................................................................................... 32
`Synch byte format, interleaved data buffer ........................................•.. 33
`Convolutional interleaving example for N = 5, D = 2 ........................... :36
`Forming the binary word u .................................................................... 37
`Relation between 4-dimensional and 2-dimensional cosets ................ .42
`Determining the top 2 bits of X and Y ................................................... 44
`Default FEC coding parameters and interleave depth - ATU-R
`transmitter ............................................................................................. 54
`CopyrightAmorican Natloiiel Standards lnstilulo
`Providod Dj' IHS under licenso- with ANS!
`No roproduci.ion or net.iirorldng ponnitted without trcense from lHS
`Ordor Number: 02035766
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`2014·12·03 21:22:39 UTC
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1020
`Page 6 of 186
`ANSI T1-413 95 •
`0724150 052b094 T95 •
`Fast byte format for synchronization - Fast data buffer ....................... 56
`Synch byte format for synchronization - Interleaved data buffer ......... 57
`Minimum voice-band return losses at PTSN and POTS interfaces ...... 68
`eoc bit functions .................................................................................... 71
`eoc opcode messages .......................................................................... 74
`ATU-R data-registers ............................................................................ 75
`Sync and no sync interpretation (downstream) .................................... 85
`Sync and no sync interpretation for single SM ..................................... 85
`Sync and no sync interpretation for multiple SMs ................................ 86
`Assignment of 48 bits of C-MSGS1 .................................................... 100
`Assignment of 48 bits of R-MSGS1 .................................................... 103
`Assignment of 48 bits of C-MSGS2 .................................................... 106
`Bit pattem for C-RATE:S2 ................................................................... 107
`Assignment of 32 bits of R-MSGS2 .................................................... 109
`Bit pattern for R-RA TES2 ................................................................... 11 o
`aoc message headers ........................................................................ 112
`Bit swap ·request commands .............................................................. 113
`Extended bit swap request ................................................................. 114
`A TU classification by category ........................................................... 117
`Loop sets and maximum rates for category I and category II testing .... 117
`Crosstalk tests for category I .............................................................. 123
`Crosstalk tests for category ll .................................. : .......•.......•.••. : ..•.. 123
`Test loops, interferers, and data rates for impulse tests for category 1 ..... 124
`Test loops, interferers, and data rates for impulse tests for category II .... 124
`Test loops, interferers, and data rates for POTS tests for category 1 .... 125
`Test loops, interterers, and data rates for POTS tests for category 11 ... 125
`. Minimum.test time for crosstalk ....... ;: ........................................... ~-·-126
`. Pin assignments for a-position jack and plug (RJ 31X) at u~R ...... : .... 127
`Pin assignments for a-position jack and plug at remote location ........• 128 .
`ADSL functional reference model... .................................... ;: .... :' ... '. ....•..... 6
`ATU-C transmitter reference diagram ................................................... :7
`ATU-R tr~nsmitter reference diagram ........ : .............................. : ............ a·-
`ATU·C V interfaces (rates for default configuration) .... ; .. ; ....... ,, ... ~ .. : ...... 22
`ADSL supelframe structure -ATU·C transmitter ............ ; ...... : ... : .......... 24
`Copyright American National Standards instilL1te
`Provided by IHS undorlicense with ANS!
`No reproduclion OJ' networking permilled without l1consofrom IHS
`Order Nu-mbcr: 02035766
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`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1020
`Page 7 of 186
`ANSI T1°413 95 -
`0724150 0526095 921 •
`"Fast" byte format -ATU-C transmitter- fast data buffer .................... 25
`"Synch" byte format -ATU-C transmitter- interleaved data buffer ..... 26
`Fast data buffer - ATU-C transmitter ................................................... 28
`Interleaved data buffer-ATU-C transmitter ......................................... 29
`Conversion of u to v and w ................................................................... 38
`Finite state machine for Wei's encoder .................... : ........................... 39
`Trellis diagram ...................................................................................... 40
`Constituent 2-dimensional cosets for Wei's code ................................. 41
`Constellation labels for b = 2 and b = 4 ................................................ 43
`Constellation labels for b = 3 ................................................................ 44
`Constellation labels for b = 5 ................................................................ 45
`ATU-C transmitter PSD mask ............................................................... 48
`ATU-C transmitter PSD mask: pass band detail .................................. 50
`ATU-R data interfaces .......................................................................... 51
`Fast data buffer- ATU-R transmitter ................................................... 53
`Interleaved data buffer-ATU-R transmitter ......................................... 54
`ATU-R transmitter PSD mask ............................................................... 61
`ADSL entrance unit block diagram ....................................................... 66
`Test setup for transmission and impedance measurements ................ 67
`Measurement method for longitudinal output voltage ........................... 69
`Measurement method for longitudinal balance above 25 kHz .............. 70
`In-service surveillance of the ADSL link shown from the standpoint
`of the ATU-C ......................................................................................... 79
`CAM capabilities for the segment between ATU-R and the service
`module .................................................................................................. 84
`Overview of initialization ....................................................................... 87
`Timing diagram of activation and acknowledgment (12.2-12.3) ........... 89
`. _ _!!ming diagram of transceiver training (12.4-12.5) ...... ::.·:·'.·""·"· .......... 93
`Timing diagram of channel analysis (12.6-12.7) ................................... 98
`C-RATES1 and R-RATES1 (12.6.2 and 12.7.4) ................................... 99
`Timing diagram of exchange (12.8-12.9) ............................................ 105
`Format of the bit swap request message ........................................... 113
`Format of the bit swap acknowledge .................................................. 114
`Overview of test setup ........................................................................ 116
`Test loops ...............•........ ; ................................................................... 118
`Test impulse #1 .................................................................................... 120
`Copyright American National Standards Institute
`Provided by IHS under license with ANSI
`No reproduction or networking permillod w1lhout license from IHS
`Order Number: 02035766
`sord to:DOCUMENT CENTER INC, [014925],
`2014-12-03 21:22:39 UTC
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1020
`Page 8 of 186
`ANSI T1.413 95. 0724150 052609b 868 •
`Test impulse #2 .................................................................................. 120
`laboratory test setup for measuring performance margins ................ 121
`High impedance crosstalk injection circuit. ......................................... 122
`Interlace on the customer premises side of the U-R .......................... 127
`Wiring for a remotely located POTS splitter/ATU-R ........................... 128
`ATU-C and ATU-R state diagrams .................................................... 130
`Power spectral density of crosstalk disturbers .................................. 137
`Characteristics of test impulse waveforms ........................................ 147
`Vendor identification numbers ...................... : .................................... 153
`Resistance and insertion loss characteristics of typical telephOne
`cables ................................................................................................. 154
`Overvoltage, surge protection, and EMC .......................................... 156
`Examples of ADSL services and applications ................................... 157
`Aspects of. ADSL systems based 2048 Mkbit/s .......................•......•.. 160
`Items for further study ......................................................................... 169
`Bibliography ........................................................................................ 170
`Ccpyrighl Amel'lcan Natior,a! Standards lnsututo
`Provided by JHS under ltcensc-with ANSI
`No reproducl!on or nelworking pormilled without llconse from IHS
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`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1020
`Page 9 of 186
`ANSI T1-413 95 •
`□ 72415 □ □ 52b □ 97 7T4 •
`Foreword (This foreword is not part of American National Standard T1.413-1995.)
`This specification of the layer 1 characteristics of the Asymmetrical Digital
`Subscriber Line {ADSL) interface to metallic loops was initiated under the
`auspices of the Accredited Standards Committee on Telecommunications,
`T1. The specification should be of interest and benefit to network providers
`and customers using multimedia seivices.
`A single twisted pair of telephone wires is used to connect two ADSL units:
`one at the central office end (an ATU-C) and one at the remote end (an
`ATU-R). This standard has been written to define the transport capability
`of these units on a wide variety of wire pairs and with typical impairments,
`and to help ensure proper interfacing and inteiworking when the two units
`are manufactured and provided independently.
`The ADSL simultaneously conveys all of the following: a downstream simplex
`bearer, a duplex bearer, a baseband analog duplex channel, and ADSL line
`overhead for framing, error control, operations, and maintenance. Nominal
`downstream bearer rates from 1.536 to 7 Mbit/s may be programmed. Duplex
`bearer aggregate rates from 16 to 640 kbit/s may be programmed.
`Two categories of performance are specified. Category I performance is
`required for compliance with this standard; performance enhancement
`options are not required for category I equipment. Category II is a higher
`level of performance (i.e., longer lines and greater impairments). Category
`II characteristics are not required for compliance with this standard. Three
`optional enhancements -
`trellis coding, transmit power boost, and echo
`cancellation - are defined for Category II equipment.
`A future issue of this standard may address the items listed in annex J.
`There are nine annexes to this standard; four are normative, and are con(cid:173)
`sidered part of the standard; five are informative, and are provided for
`information only.
`Suggestions for improvements of this standard are welcome. They should
`be sent to the Alliance for Telecommunications Industries Solutions, 1200
`G Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005.
`This standard was processed and approved for submission to ANSI by
`Accredited Standards Committee on Telecommunications T1. Committee
`approval of the standard does not necessarily imply that all committee
`members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, com(cid:173)
`mittee T1 had the following members:
`A. K. Reilly, Chairman
`G. H. Peterson, Vice·Chairman
`0. J. Gusella, Jr., Secretary
`R. Welborn, Senior Editor
`J. Bingham, Technical Editor
`Organization Represented
`Ameritech Services, Inc ..................................................... Laurence A. Young
`Stephen P. Murphy (Alt.)
`Bell Atlantic Corporation .................................................... John W. Seazholtz
`Roger Nucho (Alt.)
`Name of Representative
`Copyright American Nalional Standards lnsU!ute
`Provldod by IHS under licm1se with ANSI
`No rcprod1..1t:tion or nstwmkirig permitted wilhoul Jioonso from IHS
`Order Number: 02035766
`Sold 1o:DOCUMENT CENTER INC (014925].
`2014-12-03 21 :22:39 UTC
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1020
`Page 10 of 186
`ANSI T1-~13 95 -
`0724150 052b096 630.
`Name of Representative
`Organization Represented
`Bellcore ............................................................................. James C. Staats
`E. R. Hapeman (Alt.)
`BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc ................................... William J. McNamara, Ill
`Malcolm Threlkeld, Jr. (Alt.)
`Cincinnati Bell Telephone .................................................. Thomas C. Grimes
`Renee W. Cagle (Alt.)
`GTE Telephone Operations ............................................... Bernard J. Harris
`Richard L. Cochran (Alt.)
`National Telephone Cooperative Association ..................... Joseph M. Flanagan
`NYNEX ............................................................................. James F. Baskin
`Jim Papadopoulos (Alt.)
`Paciflc Bell ........................................................................ Sal R. Tesoro
`Puerto Rico Telephone Company ....................................... Segundo Ruiz
`Alberto E. Morales (Alt.)
`Southwestern Bell Corporation .......................................... C. C. Bailey
`Joseph Mendoza (Alt.)
`Sprint - Local Telecommunications Divisio