`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`1111111111111111 IIIIII 111111111111111 IIIII 111111111111111 IIII IIIIIII IIII IIII IIII
`(43) International Publication Date
`25 October 2001 (25.10.2001)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 01/80558 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification 7:
`H04N 7/00
`(21) International Application Number: PCT/US0l/40452
`(74) Agents: CHAU, Frank et al.; F. Chau & Associates, LLP,
`Suite 501, 1900 Hempstead Turnpike, East Meadow, NY
`11554 (US).
`(22) International Filing Date:
`7 April 2001 (07.04.2001)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`14 April 2000 (14.04.2000) US
`(71) Applicant: SOLIDSTREAMING, INC. [US/US]; 32nd
`floor, 80 Pine Street, New York, NY 10005 (US).
`(72) Inventor: BASTONE, Daniel; Apt. 4A, 123 East 54th
`Street, New York, NY 10022 (US).
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ,
`BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
`ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP,
`KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD,
`SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, UA, UG, UZ, VN,
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF,
`CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`[Continued on next page]
`Java Audio/Video Client
`(57) Abstract: A system is provided for delivering
`streaming multimedia from a server to users via
`a communication network. Embedded clients at
`the users make requests for single datagrams. The
`server adopts to the variable bandwidths of the
`users and sends individual datagrams in response
`to the requesting user at the rate of available
`bandwidth of the requesting user.
`iiiiiiii -iiiiiiii -iiiiiiii
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
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`WO 01/80558 A2
`1111111111111111 IIIIII 111111111111111 IIIII 111111111111111 IIII IIIIIII IIII IIII IIII
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`without international search report and to be republished ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`upon receipt of that report
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 2 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to a device and method
`for delivering video and/or audio data. More particularly to
`a device and method for delivering video and audio data in
`real time (streaming) through a communication network.
`2. Description of Related Art
`As high bandwidth medium such as DSL, cable, and Tl
`lines becomes more readily available for users of
`communication networks such as the Internet, content
`providers quickly move to take advantage of the increased
`bandwidth to deliver livelier and snazzier content.
`Countless websites are capable of delivering live
`(streaming) video or multimedia in real time.
`users having a high bandwidth connection medium and a
`desktop PC with a higher speed processor receive the
`streaming video with little difficulty. Typically, software
`receivers such as the Real Player by Real Networks or Media
`Player by Microsoft are installed on the users' PCs. The
`receivers receive and decode the encoded video data
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
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`WO 01/80558
`delivered by content provider websites and display the
`decoded data as streaming video to the user.
`At the content providers end, the video is first
`compressed or encoded. A popular video/audio compression
`format is MPEG, which is the format decoded by Microsoft's
`Media Player. MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) format is
`used in, for example, the Real Player and the Microsoft
`Media Player.
`The MPEG technique for compressing digital video
`includes use of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT),
`Quantization, Huffman coding, and Motion Compensated
`Predictive coding, in which the differences in what has
`changed between an image and its proceeding image are
`calculated and only the differences are encoded. Predictive
`coding requires interframe processing, i.e., data from
`neighboring frames are needed to successfully encode and
`decode an image; therefore, individual frames must be
`temporarily stored in a buffer and the image is encoded and
`decode using multiple frames. Buffering allows a server to
`send data at a constant rate, regardless of the rate at
`which the client displays the data. A disadvantage of MPEG
`and the buffering technique is that a considerable amount of
`memory is needed for buffering.
`In portable devices,
`sufficient memory may not exist.
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
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`WO 01/80558
`Another video compression technique, known as JPEG
`(Joint Photographic Expert Group), employs the MPEG coding
`process except predictive coding. Thus, JPEG compression
`does not rely on interframe processing, i.e., each frame is
`independently processed and has no processing relationship
`to another frame. Therefore, JPEG compression does not
`require frame buffering.
`Various methods and protocols for delivering data are
`available depending on the bandwidth of the connecting
`medium. One example is the Transmission Control Protocol
`(TCP). The TCP typically functions in conjunction with the
`Internet Protocol (IP). The TCP provides reliable,
`stream-oriented connections that hide most of IP's
`shortcomings; i.e., the basic nature of IP cannot guarantee
`the data will be delivered correctly. The TCP/IP protocol
`suite gets its name because the TCP protocol is layered on
`top of the IP protocol. The TCP layer interfaces on one side
`to application processes and on the other side to the IP
`TCP data is organized as a stream of bytes, much like a
`file. The datagram nature of the network is concealed. A
`mechanism (the Urgent Pointer) exists to let out-of-band
`data be specially flagged. Sequence numbers are used to
`coordinate which data has been transmitted and
`TCP will arrange for retransmission if it determines that
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
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`WO 01/80558
`data has been lost. This method provides for reliable
`delivery. TCP will dynamically learn the delay
`characteristics of a network and adjust its operation to
`maximize the throughput without overloading the network,
`this gives TCP the quality of network adaptation. TCP
`manages data buffers, and coordinates traffic so its buffers
`will not overflow. Fast senders will be stopped periodically
`to keep up with slower receivers, resulting in flow control.
`TCP operates in both directions (full duplex) and in an
`almost completely independent manner, akin to two
`independent byte streams traveling in opposite directions.
`No TCP mechanism exists to associate data in the forward and
`reverse byte streams. Only during connection start and close
`sequences can TCP exhibit asymmetric behavior, i.e., data
`transfer in the forward direction but not in the reverse, or
`vice versa.
`Each endpoint of a TCP connection will have a buffer
`for storing data that is transmitted over the network before
`the application is ready to read the data. This lets network
`transfers take place while applications are busy with other
`processing, improving overall performance. To avoid
`overflowing the buffer, TCP sets a Window Size field in each
`packet it transmits. This field contains the amount of data
`that may be transmitted into the buffer. If this number
`falls to zero, the remote TCP can send no more data. It must -
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
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`WO 01/80558
`wait until buffer space becomes available and it receives a
`packet announcing a non-zero window size.
`Sometimes, the buffer space is too small. This happens
`when the network's bandwidth-delay product exceeds the
`buffer size. The simplest solution is to increase the
`buffer, but for extreme cases the protocol itself becomes
`the bottleneck (because it.doesn't support a large enough
`Window Size). Under these conditions, the network is termed
`an LFN (Long Fat Network).
`When a host transmits a TCP packet to its peer, it must
`wait a period of time for an acknowledgment. If the reply
`does not come within the expected period, the packet is
`assumed to have been lost and the data is re-transmitted.
`The time that the protocol will wait for a reply is a
`variable. Over an Ethernet, no more than a few microseconds
`should be needed for a reply. If the traffic must flow over
`the wide-area Internet, a second or two might be reasonable
`during peak utilization times. If a communication device is
`on a satellite traveling toward Mars, minutes may be
`required before a reply.
`Round-Trip Time (RTT) estimates are an important
`performance parameters in a TCP exchange, especially when
`dealing with an indefinitely large transfer. All TCP
`implementations eventually drop packets and retransmit them,
`no matter the quality of the link. If the RTT estimate is
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
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`WO 01/80558
`too low, packets are re-transmitted unnecessarily; if too
`high, the connection can sit idle while the host waits to
`The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is used in higher
`bandwidth communication links. UDP is a connectionless
`protocol that, like TCP, runs on top of an IP network.
`Unlike 1 TCP/IP, UDP/IP provides very few error recovery
`services, offering instead a direct way to send and receive
`datagrams over an IP network. UDP is used primarily for
`broadcasting messages over a network. UDP packets are
`delivered like IP packets; connectionless datagrams that may
`be discarded before reaching their targets. UDP is useful
`when TCP would be too complex, too slow, or just
`UDP provides a few functions beyond that of IP. For
`example, Port Numbers. UDP provides 16-bit port numbers to
`let multiple processes use UDP services on the same host. A
`UDP address is the combination of a 32-bit IP address and
`the 16-bit port number. Unlike IP, UDP does checksum its
`data, ensuring data integrity. A packet failing checksum is
`simply discarded, with no further action taken.
`A common gateway interface (CGI) is one way for a web
`server to pass a web user's request to an application
`program, which in turn passes data back to be forwarded to
`the user. When the user requests a web page (for example, by
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
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`WO 01/80558
`clicking on a hypertext link), the server retrieves the
`requested page, sending the page to the client. However,
`when a user submits a form on a web page, it usually needs
`to be processed by an application program. The web server
`typically passes the form information to a small application
`program (applet) that processes the data and may send back a
`confirmation message. This method for passing data between
`the server and the application is called the common gateway
`interface (CGI). The CGI is part of the web's Hypertext
`Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
`For a client system having a lesser connection
`bandwidth, such as connection through a 56K modem, specific
`communication protocols can be established by an application
`program predownloaded or installed in the client's computer.
`A CGI can be used to pass a client's request to the
`application program. The CGI provides a consistent way for
`data to be passed from the user's request to the application
`program and back to the user. In other words, CGI operates
`in conjunction with clients and servers regardless of which
`operating system (OS) is being used by the parties, for
`example, Windows, Macintosh, UNIX and Linux, 08/390, or
`others. A CGI application may be written in a number of
`different languages.
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 9 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`An alternative to a CGI application is Microsoft's
`Active Server Page (ASP), in which a script embedded in a
`web page is executed at the server before the page is sent.
`In a desktop client environment in which memory speed
`and connection bandwidth are sufficient, the connection rate
`is stable and servers can 'push' the MPEG-type datagrams to
`the clients synchronously, i.e., frames are buffered at the
`server and the buffer content is dumped or transmitted to
`the clients at a substantially periodic rate. At the
`desktop PC, the datagrams are also buffered because a single
`image depends on several datagrams.
`As wireless applications and devices grow in
`popularity, the limitations of wireless applications and
`devices such as narrow bandwidth and limited memory and
`processing capacity must be addressed.
`In particular,
`content providers who wish to deliver substantially the same
`streaming video contents to wireless users as desktop users
`must find a viable solution to overcome these limitations.
`Therefore, a need exists for a system and method for
`delivery of streaming media to the client regardless of the
`client's available bandwidth.
`These and other objects, features, and advantages of
`the present invention will become apparent from the
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 10 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`following detailed description of illustrative embodiments
`thereof, which is to be used in connection with the
`accompanying drawings.
`A method for streaming video data over a network in
`real time is provided. The method includes initializing a
`transport mode for the video data, sending a data request
`for a single frame of video data from a client to a server,
`retrieving the single frame from a memory at the server, and
`sending the video data to the client.
`The step of initializing also includes listing
`available transport modes for the client, determine whether
`incompatibilities exist between the available transport
`modes and software, choosing a transport mode from the list,
`and initializing parameters of the transport mode at the
`client for client control of video steaming.
`Initializing is performed by a client application which
`is capable of running in different operating systems.
`Alternatively, initializing is performed by a client
`embedded in a web page. The client embedded in the web page
`can be a common gateway interface and an active server page.
`The transport mode is chosen from the following, a UDP, a
`TCP, and an HTTP, however other modes are contemplated.
`The steps of sending a data request for a single frame
`from the client to a server, retrieving the video data from
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
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`WO 01/80558
`a shared memory, and sending the retrieved video data to the
`client, are repeated for each video frame.
`Storing video includes capturing a thread from a
`specified source, and storing the captured thread in the
`server's shared area of memory.
`According to another aspect of the present invention, a
`storage medium having a stored program which is executable
`by a processor for causing the processor to perform method
`steps for streaming video communication is also provided.
`The method steps comprising requesting a packet representing
`a single datagram from a server over a communication
`network, receiving a requested packet, processing and
`displaying the requested packet, incrementing a datagram
`frame counter, requesting a next packet based on the frame
`counter value from the server, and asynchronously processing
`and displaying the next packet when received.
`The communications between the processor and the server
`is preferably by Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). The
`server is accessed by said processor via HTTP. The packet
`representing a datagram is preferably JPEG encoded, and the
`step of asynchronously processing and displaying is
`independent of data from the step of processing and
`displaying the requested packet.
`An apparatus is also provided for communicating
`streaming video data between a plurality of users and a
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 12 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`server connected by a communication network, comprising a
`stored program executable by a processor in said server for
`causing the server to receive requests for individual
`datagrams from the plurality of users and forwarding
`individual datagrams in response to each request to the user
`making the request at a rate based on available bandwidth of
`the user making the request.
`The preferred embodiments are described with reference
`to the drawings wherein:
`FIG. 1 is a diagram of a system for streaming data
`according to one embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 2 is a flow diagram of a preferred embodiment of
`the invention for streaming audio/video data to a client;
`FIG. 3 is a flow diagram of a preferred embodiment of
`the invention for streaming video data;
`FIG. 4 is a flow diagram of a preferred embodiment of
`the invention for streaming audio data; and
`FIG. 5 is a flow diagram of a method for streaming
`audio data over a CGI HTTP transport mode.
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 13 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`Preferred embodiments of the present invention will be
`described below in more detail with reference to the
`accompanying drawings.
`The present invention relates to a system and method
`for streaming video. The invention is implemented over a
`network of processors. The network can include, a local area
`network (LAN), a wide area network (WAN), an Intranet, an
`Internet, a wireless network, or the like. These networks
`can be in any configuration including, for example, star,
`ring, and bus.
`For purposes of the present invention a client will, by
`definition, be receiving and displaying data, while the
`server will be providing data to the client. A system and
`method of the present invention enables the client to
`receive audio/video data in real time regardless of the
`bandwidth available to the client. This is achieved through
`the implementation of a dynamic bandwidth adaption method
`for managing the flow of data. As a result, devices such as,
`PDAs, hand-held PCs, and various mobile devices with little
`bandwidth are able to receive streaming video in real time.
`It is readily appreciated by one ordinarily skilled in the
`art that the invention is not limited to these devices and
`is also suitable to desktop computers, servers, and the
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 14 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`A system and method according to the present invention
`can be construed as a browser that allows a client to access
`the server's network to receive streamed data content. The
`browser is preferably WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
`compatible, but can be deployed to any device including
`those which are not WAP compatible. The browser preferably
`adapts to different codecs which do not require interframe
`processing, for example, Motion JPEG and Wavelet, allowing
`the flexibility to port software to embedded devices having
`limited memory resources. Frame buffering at the server can
`be dispensed with because each frame can be independently
`processed and delivered.
`As shown in FIG. 1, the server 110 having audio/video
`data is connected to a network 100, in this example a bus
`network. While FIG. 1 depicts a bus network 100, any other
`network capable of supporting a server and client is
`contemplated by the invention. Alternatively, both the
`server and client may be embodied in the same computer and
`operate without a network. Typically a server is a computer
`program the provides a service to a another computer
`program, the client. A server can function as a client and a
`client as a server depending on whether services are being
`offered or requested. The server, for purposes of the
`invention, is a stored program including· a script for
`downloading audio/video data and an applet. A client 120 or
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
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`WO 01/80558
`130 is also connected to the network. The client 120
`captures the data from the server 110. The capture can take
`place from a local capture card, a local looped file, a
`local file on-demand, or a remote IP address. Each will be
`explained below in more detail. It should be readily
`apparent to one ordinarily skilled in the art that the
`client is described for client 120 but the embodiment is
`applicable for multiple clients.
`The client 120 is a script which may be stored in the
`memory of a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), PC or embedded
`in a web page. The client is a application which is capable
`of running in different operating systems, for example,
`Windows CE, Palm OS, Nokia PDA's, Windows, Linux etc.
`Alternatively, the client is embedded in a web page, for
`example, a common gateway interface (CGI) or a Microsoft
`Active Server Page (ASP). A CGI may be written in different
`programming languages, for example, C, C++, Java, and Perl,
`though this is not a complete list of possible applicable
`languages. Execution of the client ensures cross-platform
`and cross-browser functionality. Referring to FIG. 2, upon
`startup 200, the client gathers information 205 regarding
`its own operating environment needed to choose available
`transport modes. The information is checked against known
`bugs or incompatibilities 210 with certain operating systems
`(OS) and browser combinations. An example of a bug includes,
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 16 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`the Java Interpreter used in Microsoft Internet Explorer
`v4.0 which has broken implementation of User Data Protocol
`(UDP). An appropriate transport mode is chosen according to
`the incompatibilities 210. The client will detect this and
`default to suitable protocol, for example, Transmission
`Control Protocol (TCP) or Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
`modes. The method of connection, e.g.UDP, TCP, HTTP, are
`referred to as a transports. The client initializes
`parameters which control the transport mode. This allows the
`same client to operate all possible configurations, for
`example, audio, video, audio/video, on-demand, live, or
`other similar configurations.
`Assuming that no incompatibilities have been detected,
`the client attempts a UDP connection 215 to the server to
`retrieve a frame of video 230. In one embodiment, if the
`connection fails 245, a second attempt 220 is made to
`establish a UDP connection. After a specified number of
`attempts to establish a UDP connection, a TCP connection
`will be attempted. Note that in the present example, UDP is
`preferable to TCP connections based on bandwidth, however
`other connections may provide superior bandwidth than UDP,
`in such a case the wider bandwidth connection would be
`attempted first and the UDP second. In an alternative
`embodiment, an attempt to establish a TCP connection is made
`after the first failed UDP connection attempt.
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 17 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`Likewise, if the TCP connection fails 250 to retrieve a
`frame 235 then an attempt to establish a HTTP connection 225
`is made. Alternatively, more than one attempt to establish a
`TCP connection will be made. Further attempts to establish a
`connection are made with progressively narrower transports
`until the transport mode with a narrowest acceptable
`bandwidth has been reached. For example, a HTTP connection.
`Attempts to establish this transport mode will be continue
`until a connection is established, 240/255. At this point it
`is assumed that the server is down or the network has
`failed. When the server comes up or the network improves,
`video will begin streaming once the connection has been
`established. In an alternative embodiment, the transport
`mode with the narrowest ac_ceptable bandwidth will be
`attempted a specified number of times.
`Once a successful video connection has been established
`and an audio format has been selected, an audio connection
`will be made and display the data will begin 260.
`If at any point a connection fails 265, a connection
`will be attempted'with the next bandwidth, for example from
`UDP to TCP. While in the alternative transport mode, the
`mode with a lower bandwidth, periodic attempts to establish
`a connection with the original transport will be made. No
`user intervention is needed during operation of the method.
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 18 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`Alternatively, if the connection is maintained, the
`datagram frame counter is incremented 280. A request is then
`made for the next packet based on the frame counter value
`from the server. The steaming video data will continue until
`the client terminates the connection with the server.
`If displaying a stream on-demand, the client is given
`the ability to fast forward, rewind, and jump to arbitrary
`parts of the stream. A clock is also displayed indicating
`the current location in the stream. The client initially
`sends a query to the server requesting the length of the
`stream in frames. Proceeding with each frame, the server
`sends the frame number, allowing the client's clock to
`remain accurate regardless of the speed of the stream. When
`the user wishes to fast forward, rewind, or jump to a
`specific location in the stream, it sends a request with the
`desired target frame number to the server. The server
`responds by seeking to the requested frame number and
`streaming from there. All other functions of rate adaption
`and protocol selection operate as normal.
`An advantage to the present invention, related to the
`client's ability to move on the stream, is error resilience.
`That is, since each video frame is independent, if an error
`occurs in a frame the invention can either attempt to fix
`the error or drop the frame. When a frame is dropped, the
`invention requests the next frame and preserves the
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 19 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`continuity of the video and/or audio display. This is
`especially advantageous in devices having limited processing
`power, and therefore, lacking the resources to fix errors.
`Having described the role of the client above, the
`method will described in reference to various types of
`capture. Other types of capture may also be implemented in
`the present invention.
`The server may capture a thread 305 from a specified
`source, e.g., a local capture card. Example of a local
`capture card include the SunVideoPlus Osprey and the
`SunVideo (sun) capture board. In this instance, the server
`makes use of native Solaris threads to achieve rate-adaptive
`connections to the clients. A thread is a placeholder
`information associated with a single use of a program that
`can handle multiple concurrent users. From the program's
`point-of-view, a thread is the information needed to serve
`one individual user or a particular service request. If
`multiple users are using the program or concurrent requests
`from other programs occur, a thread is created and
`maintained for each of them. The thread allows a program to
`know which user is being served as the program alternately
`gets re-entered on behalf of different users. One way thread
`information is kept is by storing it in a special data area
`and putting the address of that data area in a register. The
`OS always saves the contents of the register when the
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 20 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`program is interrupted and restores it when it gives the
`program control again.
`On startup, the server creates two threads which
`capture video 300 and audio 400 from the specified source.
`The server places the captured data 310 into a shared area
`of memory 315 which is accessible to all other threads
`within the server. Other threads are created which accept
`incoming requests for each transport type. These incoming
`requests for each client are handled as part of a non-
`blocking loop. Each transport type is handled differently.
`For example, for UDP video 325 connections, the non(cid:173)
`blocking loop accepts and services connections. Since UDP is
`"connectionless," there is no need to maintain a persistent
`connection to the client and each client connection is
`really a request for a single frame. The thread receives a
`single byte datagram from a client 340, immediately
`retrieving 355 and sending 370 back the frame currently
`stored in the shared memory segment 315. A datagram is a
`self-contained, independent entity of data carrying
`sufficient information to be routed from the source to the
`destination computer without reliance on earlier exchanges
`between this source and destination computer and the
`transporting network. This process continues indefinitely.
`Since sending a UDP datagram is a non-blocking
`operation, the server need only have one thread. Thus, the
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 21 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`amount of CPU time and memory required from UDP is
`drastically less than that needed for other connections.
`Another example is TCP connections 330. The server
`waits for a new connection to be established with a client
`345. A non-blocking loop accepts incoming requests. The
`client corresponding to the requests are arranged in a
`connection pool list. Since TCP is a connected protocol, an
`independent thread is then created to service 360 each
`client. The service threads act like the UDP thread,
`awaiting 375 a single byte (request) from the client, the
`requested frame is retrieved 385 by the server from the
`shared memory 315. The retrieved frame is then sent 390 to
`the client.
`The above two examples are rate adaptive solutions. By
`allowing the clients to control the flow of video frames
`rather than simply pushing each frame to each client as it
`is captured, data bottlenecks typically associated with
`streaming media over the Internet are eliminated.
`As an illustration, two desktop PCs are connected to a
`server. The first by l00Mbps Ethernet, the second by a
`28.BKbps dialup Internet connection. The l00Mbps machine
`will receive video at the rate it is captured, up to 30fps.
`The rate of speed of the video is due in great part to the
`available bandwidth, the l00Mbps sends out frame requests to
`the server fast enough to allow for a 30 fps stream.
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1012
`Page 22 of 39


`WO 01/80558
`However, the 28.BKbps machine requires more time to receive
`each frame and therefore sends out frame requests less

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