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`Deon Reynders »
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1005
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`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1005
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`Practical TCP/IP and
`Ethernet Networking
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1005
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`Titles in the series
`Practical Cleanrooms: Technologies and Facilities (David Conway)
`Practical Data Acquisition for Instrumentation and Control Systems (John Park,
`Steve Mackay)
`Practical Data Communications for Instrumentation and Control (Steve Mackay,
`Edwin Wright, John Park)
`Practical Digital Signal Processing for Engineers and Technicians (Edmund Lai)
`Practical Electrical Network Automation and Communication Systems (Cobus
`Practical Embedded Controllers (John Park)
`Practical Fiber Optics (David Bailey, Edwin Wright)
`Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting (Steve
`Mackay, Edwin Wright, John Park, Deon Reynders)
`Practical Industrial Safety, Risk Assessment and Shutdown Systems for
`Instrumentation and Control (Dave Macdonald)
`Practical Modern SCADA Protocols: DNP3, 60870.5 and Related Systems (Gordon
`Clarke, Deon Reynders)
`Practical Radio Engineering and Telemetry for Industry (David Bailey)
`Practical SCADA for Industry (David Bailey, Edwin Wright)
`Practical TCP/IP and Ethernet Networking (Deon Reynders, Edwin Wright)
`Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics (Malcolm Barnes)
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1005
`Page 3 of 324
`Practical TCP/IP and
`Ethernet Networking
`Deon Reynders Pr Eng, BSc BEng, BSc Eng (Elec)(Hons), MBA
`Edwin Wright MIPENZ, BSc(Hons), BSc(Elec Eng), IDC Technologies, Perth,
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1005
`Page 4 of 324
`An imprint of Elsevier
`Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
`200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803
`First published 2003
`Copyright 2003, IDC Technologies. All rights reserved
`No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including
`photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether
`or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without
`the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the
`provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of
`a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road,
`London, England W1T 4LP. Applications for the copyright holder’s written
`permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed
`to the publisher
`British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
`A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
`ISBN 07506 58061
` For information on all Newnes publications, visit
` our website at www.newnespress.com
`Typeset and Edited by Vivek Mehra, Mumbai, India
`Printed and bound in Great Britain
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1005
`Page 5 of 324
`Data communications
`Transmitters, receivers and communication channels
`Types of communication channels
`Communications channel properties
`Data transmission modes
`Encoding methods
`Error detection
`Network communication
`Types of networks
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1005
`Page 6 of 324
`vi Contents
`The open systems interconnection model
`Interoperability and internetworking
`Protocols and protocol standards
`IEEE/ISO standards
`Network topologies
`Bus topology
`Star topology
`Ring topology
`Other types of topology
`Media access methods
`IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD (‘Ethernet’)
`Physical layer
`Signaling methods
`Medium access control
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`Frame transmission
`Frame reception
`MAC frame format
`Difference between 802.3 and Ethernet
`Reducing collisions
`Ethernet design rules
`Contents vii
`Achieving higher speed
`100Base-T (100Base-TX, -T4, -FX, -T2)
`Fast Ethernet design considerations
`Gigabit Ethernet 1000Base-T
`Gigabit Ethernet design considerations
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1005
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`viii Contents
`The origins of TCP/IP
`The ARPA model vs the OSI model
`The TCP/IP protocol suite vs the ARPA model
`Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4)
`Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6/IPng)
`Address resolution protocol (ARP)
`Reverse address resolution protocol (RARP)
`Internet control message protocol (ICMP)
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`Routing protocols
`Interior gateway protocols
`Exterior gateway protocols (EGP’s)
`TCP (transmission control protocol)
`UDP (user datagram protocol)
`File transfer protocol (FTP)
`Trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP)
`TELNET (telecommunications network)
`RLOGIN (remote login)
`NFS (network file system)
`DNS (domain name system)
`Contents ix
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`x Contents
`SNMP (simple network management protocol)
`SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol)
`POP (post office protocol)
`BOOTP (bootstrap protocol)
`DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol)
`PING (packet Internet groper)
`The HOSTS file
`Media converters
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`Print servers
`Terminal servers
`Thin servers
`Remote access servers
`Network timeservers
`The Internet and internet
`The objectives, background and history of TCP/IP
`The Internet organizational structure
`The World Wide Web
`An introduction to HTML
`Contents xi
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`xii Contents
`Scripting: JavaScript
`Server side includes
`Connecting a single host to the Internet
`Connecting remote hosts to corporate LAN
`Connecting multiple hosts to the Internet
`Hardware and software issues
`Speed/bandwidth issues
`Legal issues
`Internet telephony
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`Voice mail
`Video conferencing
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`Additional information
`The security problem
`Controlling access to the network
`Intrusion detection systems (IDS)
`Security management
`The public key infrastructure (PKI)
`Contents xiii
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`xiv Contents
`Legacy automation architectures
`The factory of the future
`Network drivers
`Network card/driver configuration
`Network driver interface specification (NDIS)
`Open data link interface (ODI)
`Packet drivers
`Plug and play architecture
`PCMCIA interface
`Protocol analyzers
`Maintenance and troubleshooting of real TCP/IP networks
`Network troubleshooting
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`Troubleshooting with TCP/IP utilities
`Overview of satellite communications
`Advantages of satellite networks
`Applications of satellite systems
`Review of TCP/IP
`Weaknesses of TCP/IP in satellite usage
`Methods of optimizing TCP/IP over satellite channels
`Appendix A: -RUYYGX_
`Contents xv
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`One of the great protocols that has been inherited from the Internet is TCP/IP and this is being used as
`the open standard today for all network and communications systems. The reasons for this popularity
`are not hard to find. TCP/IP and Ethernet are truly open standards available to competing
`manufacturers and providing the user with a common standard for a variety of products from different
`vendors. In addition, the cost of TCP/IP and Ethernet is low. Initially TCP/IP was used extensively in
`military applications and the purely commercial world such as banking, finance, and general business.
`But of great interest has been the strong movement to universal usage by the hitherto disinterested
`industrial and manufacturing spheres of activity who have traditionally used their own proprietary
`protocols and standards. These proprietary standards have been almost entirely replaced by the usage
`of the TCP/IP suite of protocols.
`This is a hands-on book that has been structured to cover the main areas of TCP/IP and Ethernet in
`detail, while going through the practical implementation of TCP/IP in computer and industrial
`applications. Troubleshooting and maintenance of TCP/IP networks and communications systems in
`an office and industrial environment will also be covered.
`After reading this book we would hope you would be able to:
`• Understand the fundamentals of the TCP/IP suite of protocols
`• Gain a practical understanding of the application of TCP/IP
`• Learn how to construct a robust local area network (LAN)
`• Learn the basic skills in troubleshooting TCP/IP and LANs
`• Apply the TCP/IP suite of protocols to both an office and industrial
`Typical people who will find this book useful include:
`• Network technicians
`• Data communications managers
`• Communication specialists
`• IT support managers and personnel
`• Network planners
`• Programmers
`• Design engineers
`• Electrical engineers
`• Instrumentation and control engineers
`• System integrators
`• System analysts
`• Designers
`• IT and MIS managers
`• Network support staff
`• Systems engineers
`You should have a modicum of computer knowledge and know how to use the Microsoft Windows
`operating system in order to derive maximum benefit from this book.
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`xviii Preface
`The structure of the book is as follows.
`Chapter 1: Overview. This chapter gives a brief overview of what is covered in the book with an
`outline of the essentials of communications systems.
`Chapter 2: Networking fundamentals. An overview of network communication, types of
`networks, the OSI model, network topologies and media access methods.
`Chapter 3: Ethernet networks. A description of the operation and performance of Ethernet
`networks commencing with the basic principles.
`Chapter 4: Fast and gigabit Ethernet Systems. A minimum speed of 100 Mbps is becoming
`de rigeur on most Ethernet networks and this chapter examines the design and installation issues for
`fast Ethernet and gigabit Ethernet systems, which go well beyond the traditional 10 Mbps speed of
`Chapter 5: Introduction to TCP/IP. A brief review of the origins of TCP/IP to lay the
`foundation for the following chapters.
`Chapter 6: Internet layer protocols. Perhaps the workhorse of the TCP/IP suite of protocols this
`chapter fleshes out the Internet protocol (both Ipv4 and Ipv6) and also examines the operation of ARP,
`Chapter 7: Host-to-host (transport) layer protocols. The TCP (transmission control protocol)
`and UDP (user datagram protocol) are both covered in this chapter.
`Chapter 8: Application layer protocols. A thorough coverage of the most important application
`layer protocols such as FTP (file transfer protocol), TFTP (trivial file transfer protocol), TELNET,
`Rlogin, network file system, domain name system, WINS, simple network management protocol
`Chapter 9: TCP/IP utilities. A coverage focussing on the practical application of the main
`utilities such as Ping, ARP, NETSTAT NBTSTAT, IPCONFIG, WINIPCFG, tracert, ROUTE and the
`hosts file.
`Chapter 10: LAN system components. A discussion on the key components in connecting
`networks together such as repeaters, bridges, switches and routers.
`Chapter 11: The Internet. A brief discussion on the origins of the Internet and the various
`associated standards organizations.
`Chapter 12: Internet access. The typical methods of connecting to the Internet are outlined here
`with a discussion on connecting a single host to the Internet, connecting multiple remote hosts to a
`corporate LAN, and in connecting multiple hosts to the Internet.
`Chapter 13: The Internet for communications. Speed/bandwidth issues, the different options
`for E-mail, voice over IP and voice mail will be described in this chapter.
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1005
`Page 18 of 324
`Preface xix
`Chapter 14: Security considerations. The security problem and methods of controlling access
`to a network will be examined in this chapter. This is a growing area of importance due to the
`proliferation attacks on computer networks by external parties.
`Chapter 15: Process automation. The legacy architectures and the factory of the future will be
`examined here together with an outline of the key elements of the modern Ethernet and TCP/IP
`Chapter 16: Installing and troubleshooting Ethernet systems. The functions of the various
`types of network driver software together with the parameters to set the network card to match up to
`the software for correct operation will be described here.
`Chapter 17: Troubleshooting TCP/IP. Maintenance of a TCP/IP network together with three
`typical methods requiring troubleshooting and the use of the utilities such as NETSTAT, Ping, tracert,
`and ripquery.
`Chapter 18: Satellites and TCP/IP. An overview of satellites and TCP/IP with satellites.
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1005
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`When you have completed study of this chapter you should be able to:
`• Understand the main elements of the data communication process
`• Understand the difference between analog and digital transmission
`• Explain how data transfer is affected by attenuation, bandwidth and noise in
`the channel
`• Know the importance of synchronization of digital data systems
`• Describe the basic synchronization concepts used with asynchronous and
`synchronous systems
`• Explain the following types of encoding:
`• Manchester
`• RZ
`• NRZ
`• MLT-3
`• 4B/5B
`• Describe the basic error detection principles.
`Communications systems exist to transfer information from one location to another. The
`components of the information or message are usually known as data (derived from the
`Latin word for items of information). All data are made up of unique code symbols or
`other entities on which the sender and receiver of the messages have agreed. For example
`binary data is represented by two states ‘0’ and ‘1’. These are referred to as Binary digiTS
`or ‘bits’. These bits are represented inside our computers by the level of the electrical
`CommScope, Inc. Exhibit 1005
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`signals within storage elements; a high level could represent a ‘1’, and a low-level
`represent a ‘0’. Alternatively, the data may be represented by the presence or absence of
`light in an optical fiber cable.
`A communications process requires the following components:
`• A source of the information
`• A transmitter to convert the information into data signals compatible with
`the communications channel
`• A communications channel
`• A receiver to convert the data signals back into a form the destination can
`• The destination of the information
`This process is shown in Figure 1.1.
`Figure 1.1
`Communications process
`The transmitter encodes the information into a suitable form to be transmitted over the
`communications channel. The communications channel moves
`this signal as
`electromagnetic energy from the source to one or more destination receivers. The
`channel may convert this energy from one form to another, such as electrical to optical
`signals, whilst maintaining the integrity of the information so the recipient can understand
`the message sent by the transmitter.
`For the communications to be successful the source and destination must use a mutually
`agreed method of conveying the data.
`The main factors to be considered are:
`• The form of signaling and the magnitude(s) of the signals to be used
`• The type of communications link (twisted pair, coaxial, optic fiber, radio etc)
`• The arrangement of signals to form character codes from which the message
`can be constructed
`• The methods of controlling the flow of data
`• The procedures for detecting and correcting errors in the transmission
`The form of the physical connections is defined by interface standards, some agreed
`coding is applied to the message and the rules controlling the data flow and detection and
`correction of errors are known as the protocol.
`An interface standard defines the electrical and mechanical aspects of the interface to
`allow the communications equipment from different manufacturers to operate together.
`A typical example is the EIA/TIA-232-E interface standard. This specifies the
`following three components:
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`• Electrical signal characteristics – defining the allowable voltage levels,
`grounding characteristics etc
`• Mechanical characteristics – defining the connector arrangements and pin
`• Functional description of the interchange circuits – defining the function
`of the various data, timing and control signals used at the interface
`It should be emphasized that the interface standard only defines the electrical and
`mechanical aspects of the interface between devices and does not cover how data is
`transferred between them.
`A wide variety of codes have been used for communications purposes. Early telegraph
`communications used Morse code with human operators as transmitter and receiver. The
`Baudot code introduced a constant 5-bit code length for use with mechanical telegraph
`transmitters and receivers. The commonly used codes for data communications today are
`the Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCIDIC) and the American
`Standards Committee for Information Interchange (ASCII).
`A protocol is essential for defining the common message format and procedures for
`transferring data between all devices on the network. It includes the following important
`• Initialization: Initializes the protocol parameters and commences the data
`• Framing and synchronization: Defines the start and end of the frame and
`how the receiver can synchronize to the data stream
`• Flow control: Ensures that the receiver is able to advise the transmitter to
`regulate the data flow and ensure no data is lost.
`• Line control: Used with half-duplex links to reverse the roles of transmitter
`and receiver and begin transmission in the other direction.
`• Error control: Provides techniques to check the accuracy of the received
`data to identify transmission errors. These include Block Redundancy checks
`and cyclic redundancy checks
`• Time out control: Procedures for transmitters to retry or abort transmission
`when acknowledgments are not received within agreed time limits
`• Xmodem or Kermit for asynchronous file transmission
`• Binary synchronous protocol (BSC), synchronous data link control (SDLC)
`or high level data link control (HDLC) for synchronous transmissions
`• Industrial protocols such as manufacturing automation protocol (MAP),
`technical office protocol (TOP), Modbus, Data Highway Plus, HART,
`Profibus, Foundation Fieldbus, etc
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`that are changing
`An analog communications channel conveys analog signals
`continuously in both frequency and amplitude. These signals are commonly used for
`audio and video communication as illustrated in Figure 1.2 and Figure 1.3.
`Velocity of
`signal movement
`though channel