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`{Mwwm '!Ill"! "<""".>:I' n• ~ "'it, .\q'ii~oi ~'! I!""'~ "'P'li"'
`·,ynmpan (w J'I \JP!lf,\ ;,qi llm• w ~~ ->,i 111 111
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`IU'.I.W\r '" »ms ~111ri ~II 'll l"ll'lld
`._,.....,.;)"! if,r~m,. f>O'!'!I-F,I


`o·er I orr-unc
`.do..~ H·Jtulll JC$!rc l,a !l-dlild. ffl!. o mllle
`d1ild. 6:,r the N"lll d the opl>O"itc ,ex,
`- OH•l •p.tll ndi,
`o·e, t\\r, Of') JPl't>, d a.!.-. (her,
`oou•nt icr•vr11) 11 .. r;/. MU.•mu («'VDI. 1.
`A work c;r ~ 2, lbt lif,w111k .or :11111rli"
`!Fr.< bl. {lfl>'r.i . 1h)f1U. }
`ot •~•:, ov: .,.,, .,..firn murrusrJ> pr,p. 1. ~ (cid:173)
`ril·o;J v, cominii tr,>ia, Z, O"'fl'II tu: dit•l ti/'
`rk.olt1.-.. 3. 1tw1y from.,. So M to be ><:P.
`.v.ue-:1 ftom : ,.,1wr4 ,,/ .,.,,., di11,.;,, , s.
`fruia the total or '""°'" <:◊mp1i,:i11,. 6.
`C(l,fflfl0il,b3 Of" t.'IWc rµ,m. 7. A~•~tN
`wilh.8, ~ Ot"«ll'lll~(od Iv-. 9,""'
`.. mJn,: " fl,t'NUN 41 ~ - IC. COMalnllli
`11r 1:111rr>·i1111, ,t, s~dli1II .,, "4rprll -Ofu.,
`fur; rhtGa1;h" ,,f&Jm. 1Z. C«i1crina oo:
`,lucc•W l(no~rd, 13, l'r(i,,\,u:c.S bY t.,1-1,
`CW.icl mttd or ldcrn.UlcJ b)\ 1!i. Wi~h
`rtkrn,.;c 10;. ¥1»-JI, 1 &. &l ;nilh1 for: .i 1'"7
`o,/rt#. 17. Bcf.wc: 1)1'1'Ml11111,~ 4/ Ill'(). 19.
`Olui,,, <Jf ~: al rtttnt ,v,rr,. l< OE.I
`~ · The ~ •Cll!lc!J Jo111)k acofdic
`con..,,n,e.ion. 1.1: in <1 /,ltfld Qf .,.,-/,nlttr',:
`,1 ~,J. r,f ,,.;,,I', i, lOfll Wl'p,)rlcJ bv li(q-.
`Ill)' m~dc~. uJ Ul">'C1 a. '-tit/ul P<H"l)\l(!lt.
`ottf¥, .)0 111fr. I. fmou,; 1>%itl.-.
`2. A111 ctrl.lul 1n " "'~~ or ume. t.
`SO HS.. be flO IOl!HI Yl'Cl111iN Or fum;li..ln•
`inc. 4. Son, 10 be- $Um!!«. ffw«. Of' lc!11>.
`s. s., ..... oc, he """))' !'l'Oll'I ,w,,1: •)t\
`-,:,,fi 1, R<"moi.. 2., NIM.""· \ltl;io;hed.,..
`COllllc.:"!cJ . 3. N,;)1 Of)<,r.uln1r « Of'CNIIIONII.
`4. l-lo L>Ntr I l l - pt;,,e: .::uicd«J. S, ln·
`frrii,,t, G, ht,"Olf~I, 7. Gui ... ,0, Ati.c,11 \V
`~Wll)' fruta ,_,xt 0, J.11)': J(,- 's rl/j tl't'IY
`Tw.i.J,1v, -Pl'tP. 1, S... 11i. tu be> rc.:no• W I.JJ'
`J"lill" ft(lm. Z. A .. ,w or ttbot\eJ. ffl)m; 411
`d.111Y. 3,•. 8y ,:oJQe>vmi111: l/\1<1t (1jf Anna.
`b. Wl!h !he m,can .. l)tllvlJcJ by; Ji,'Mlt f>ff
`.wt" IN'•mlc.w, 4,. E.,1endin1 ur brnnd1ill1 OUl
`f, V(n. S. ~\)( "" 1(1 , ... \..<ounl t.lllfl<,l:u,l llf'. ,Jf
`"'°' h/1'1<', 0, $<) lU 10 au-~i... froc:n. 7, To
`ic-.n•1irJ or: .i ndf,- 4/1 Smt,-0' ltoolt. - ·,.
`SfoMf, To eoo\kt, -ldtom, otr miJ OIL 111•
`1trm1aen11)\ I< OE "1'-1
`~ 1• M(l(Jc,. Eiw)i~ 1)1( «,1n•
`llOUlld l'l'ti.'Millo.m oil{¥ il &c11ern!l1 rcgr,J.
`cd ~ i11f<Olmlll • 11J ;.. k,( •v\ltokJ. in r..:i,m:il
`14"C«il nnd ... ni:i .. , : J/, >l<f'Hd o/fl.o! <1/f
`~ f~ r,(«t/,""'·
`ot•tll 16•£,I, ~I ;,lj fl. 1. \lllUlt flM"ll. c,,r,. el
`ir 'bu1.:b411c4 allirmil, 2. Rubfoh, (Mf.,J
`otr· tio~t tilt,~•. M'~> 1r, .\l1ts, .-.. - ·
`(ln,1('11 bcal in II mc:n~ _..,Jj (Of•bi~'.
`,}('I,). SI-,. Lflc.'111\tnl»fll,1.
`Qff~l•c,, 1(1f•lwJlx,, ~f••> qdJ, 1. Ri)M;
`°"'"'' <,r t(cfuirs,I c•,
`Mt •if/~c>(M ~ . Z. V:uyKlf (,- Ille tX•
`Or•llkl•bel:b <ll•f-b111'. or•- ). Jacqu...
`11119- $0, ,..,.,.,eb .:(111'1~.
`of•tend (;1-ftlld.'J T. I. To cnu..c aa,.cr. re·
`"""411,e m , -0r wll)l,l&',Jul r«i..i, i ll , z. 1-:1 be
`n, or di1u,ree11b!c IO. ,. To> vio(cid:173)
`lMc: h",J.MC1«.;, J< l,.'11, uffl'l•iftu S«
`Q""llen.•.t -or•tfflll'• 11 ,
`of •~ (> rta)ll,r, 1, The: :01;1 of ;:ifl'(.air\l,
`Z. A vlol1111,»1 ,:,I a llli'.rr.:J or ,o:11'11 «-.le. 3.
`}, t'filllCI, 4. (\'l(•tn~'I 1ltC' IM.'I of llltkkin&
`or ut.Nli11$. S. •~ilfnt'J. S~on,. A teaia
`i11 ~,c.,.,i.,_ <-f t h(; l"-11 01 1>1.1¢k I< ul,
`.i,t,Nfdff, .'W. Sc-e rtl•n•',)
`nH•n·ll>lt <..nn'~l\·) 1r,/j, 1, Oi~C'~lt
`10 t he !aCMO. 2.. C11u .. i 11•
`IIIIIJ('r. ~CM•
`G'ICQI . « affront. :,.,: an 1111xt; A.
`<tlf'tit-). SJ,..-r11, itd:al.111; 1.,; rliq ,>ITc11•c
`-Of•fH;•th••ly<l:IL -o(•Qnfvtt•- 11.
`s,,u,-Off,,urttf, lntKir,',w. Jv,1rj1<:ffl"t
`M.Sr,, Upt/h1tl. l<(>ttb1•,. n11<h1lf~ ...
`Of· r.r i~•t•. "''"" "· 1. , • ., ~ r .......
`(Cr,'.IUK'e o, tt;:c.:tlM. 2. To "'""':Ill l'.,or
`nk. !t. To rR•t'nl as l'lll·lll(nl: l'tll. 4- Tl'l
`r,'(~ {h llll .... 't ,,r "'""'b!1~. s. To l)llt 110,;
`fflCIUlll. G. n, ~ t « UJ!Nol--xe ... ,hi'
`,111,c. I< (..-.1, i!{frft, : ,,b.. 10) 'f /'1M.
`tonne: i« bh•••.! - oflfW n. -ot'M•tr.
`fltlf-, •Of II.
`ot•ht•lf!0l<l' f~•tna.()f•~r,-111, 1, Tllt~I I/If
`m..l,1,11 M offer. Z. S.-.n,t1h1Qf «'lettd.. ,, A
`N'C-'•''-• mad, 10 11 .J,;il )' 11, >i.YI fl::t ,:,/
`o,,,-,.to· ry t<,•r~r-wt't, -~•1. t,f,M••,,
`,.t. >t1". 1. Oflcn. Of(ffl<:lrJ, Th,r. p:nl ur Ille
`tueh,ui\l al whi~h l'tcild •nil wine life of.
`fcrcd 10 Gehl. 2. A cull«-!~ or o«~.rinn Ill
`11 n•li1iou~ ,;,rr-'1.:e. (..:: 1.J,1 wftnt. tJtttA.J
`ott•hand (Mlhlldl, /jfl,) 11.h. d ifd). Wjl).
`UUI PtCf!llnli,;,n or for\'(h◊alh.t, - oitl••
`IIIIIICl't>d • IJ .,,t,,, - otfltlllfd'..:I· ,_ ».
`of•fk• !<),J),, \lf'h),r. 1..-. A 111-.e i•-,,,hU
`llu~~•. clcrla.t. of' 11rnl'c1.,io11;il ~tl\ilit(cid:173)
`in (~led, b, 'Ille ,u,(I' ""' .... ill ~
`• rl1t...._ 2. !< Jucy Of' fl,,-,cuoo .i.~!,nN ,,., •
`~-.J by Wlll(OIIC, S« S)~ 111 ~
`3. A p,:,,,iuon of-hono ,i\·t11 t o •~
`11, in u ..o•·crnn·c11( or 1..,) 4
`>foo,i of 11 ~'ttUaellltld ~r1w1,-.-
`5,. A 1111blic" oo,i1i011 ,,,fl l!.01r,. 6. 00..
`otnc-. A fil>Of. 7. &,•Jt$ . . -\ )NYi~. '- f'
`!lturck:11 r,r.iytt. (< UL. off1d1tlft, d111r
`or•m• ·itold ·•r ,o,n.,~·.,1~r. 11r•1 .. ,
`One whl) hclJ..<. publi.: o(.:'l(e.
`l. 0tw-..,
`or•O•<« 1t,1n.~.,,. 6(1).) 11
`fl.old, U o(f,cc ol !Wtlltlril)' OI' lttlll •
`Qt'l~ni.a.tion. Z, Oue .... ~ h..~ • (>..ltll(cid:173)
`,;,.,n In 1tw • rmNI (.:M..:es. 3. A perwa
` III lhci m~rch#II ~ *" lil1t•U<
`m.icr. dlle! ~ e r . « 11uti1:ui1 c11ai(cid:173)
`, . A r-,,)1;.:-. l.'(l'occr,
`of•fl •dll (,),n.ti• ;ill wJ/, 1, Of Of rrhlllr•
`;m .,mu ,,r 1unbo)rU). ?. Aintr.orit.N ~
`rr;,prr~hority. 3, Hl.l!Jiolrofl"'k-eia11 II'
`lle<a,och), 4.1:0nruol:Oltl ()f/fi,:r.t/ ~
`- · t, 011'1 .... ho h,""' • om ... cc ot",..
`!I~. 2. $,,..,1.o . A refer~ or um,r,ire. -fl
`tl' ct.l•dom It. -ol•tl•dlil•t, tllf•••
`()(•ff•tJ,l•lilffl l ►rf,h • ~li:r;'~! # . kl.W
`~ c to ◊Iii~ fotml and ~rdu"'
`o1°n•c.1••tt '~"~'•41'} , .. .. 1 -•
`. .._ • ..,
`1. To ~nu 1be foncli~ '1f n11 ""'"'
`~11;on Of lNlh<H'itY. e,o,. m • «11-
`.crvke. 2. StHWu. tow~~ I ttf(cid:173)
`- (ll'• tlltl•~•io, Jt,
`b ~
`OC•fl•dou, 1Nhh•~) 11,6·. Ovcdr e(cid:173)
`offcrln• uw.>111te.S urvket ◊r :i:1"1~, Lo..
`n/ikle1ms. ~ . dirtifill,I - Of•fl 1 . .
`If 11,lt,. -of•flfdoUs•flff5 " ·
`ott•ing (61nn1, ,'lf•is,"' ·n.e l'K'Af r
`llt" tft.,rN.lPmttlf~ 1n IJ.r IJif;Hfi,
`off•bb lO'fbb. 6(11>at1 IIJJ. Oi~.
`-ott•l,ti•t, ,;:,dr, -off'-''MM ,r
`of'f•k'J :(111.1,;c,. «•·• ....U. 1 .. 111,r. o.
`l'lml'. ,Ji;u-p l>f fbt. '2, rn11r1111l!"li1111.(cid:173)
`~ . -ott•i.:e, 1 ..r1.
`Off•lirt1 •it1 <1if-li1n•l\t M·)-.l,' f'(l1t,IJ,ic,,
`• dC$lan:ued 11roop.
`Off.II/If t<t<'lin•. 6''·) mQ . ..-ai ,:t,,r1111,il'
`I «llllnd C«lll'llt«.
`.. -
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