Exploiting Online Sources
`to Accurately Geocode Addresses
`Rahul Bakshi
`Craig A. Knoblock
`Snehal Thakkar
`University of Southern California
`University of Southern California
`University of Southern California
`Information Science Institute
`Information Sciences Institute
`Information Sciences Institute
`4676 Admiralty Way
`4676 Admiralty Way
`4676 Admiralty Way
`Marina del Rey, CA 90292
`Marina del Rey, CA 90292
`Marina del Rey, CA 90292
`Many Geographic Information System (GIS) applications require
`the conversion of an address to geographic coordinates. This
`process is called geocoding. The traditional geocoding method
`uses a street vector data source, such as, Tigerlines, to obtain
`address range and coordinates of the street segment on which the
`given address is located. Next, an approximation technique is
`used to estimate the location of the given address using the
`address range of the selected street segment. However, this
`provides inaccurate results since the approximation assumes that
`properties exist at all possible addresses and all properties are of
`equal size. To address the inaccuracy of the traditional geocoding
`approach, we propose two new methods for geocoding using
`additional online data sources. The first method, the uniform-lot-
`size method, uses the number of addresses/lots present on the
`street segment to approximate the location of an address. The
`second method,
`actual-lot-size method,
`consideration the lot sizes on the street segment and the
`orientation of the lots as well. Moreover, we describe an
`implementation of these methods using an information mediator
`to obtain information about actual number of lots and sizes of the
`lots on the streets from various property tax web sites. We
`geocoded an area covering 13 blocks (267 addresses) using all
`three methods. Our evaluation shows that the traditional method
`results in an average error of 36.85 meters, while the uniform-lot-
`size and the actual-lot-size methods result in the average error of
`7.87 meters and 1.63 meters, respectively.
`Categories and Subject Descriptors
`H.2.8 [Information Systems]: Database Management – Database
`Applications – Spatial databases and GIS.
`General Terms
`Algorithms, Performance, Experimentation
`Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
`personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
`not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
`bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or
`republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
`permission and/or a fee.
`GIS’04, November 12–13, 2004, Washington, DC, USA.
`Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-979-9/04/0011...$5.00.
`Geospatial data integration, Geocoder, Mediator, Information
`As we move to the next generation of the Internet, the World
`Wide Web is turning into a set of data sources that can be queried.
`The challenge lies in using these data sources to solve existing
`problems. One such challenge is to accurately geocode street
`addresses. Geocoding is the process of obtaining the geographic
`coordinates (latitude/longitude) of a given address. The software
`which does this is called a geocoder. Accurate geocoding is
`important for a variety of applications, such as environmental
`health studies to demarcate areas with potential hazardous
`exposure in relation to where people live [3]. Accurate geocoding
`is also important in applications that align vector data with
`imagery [5] and for urban rescue and recovery operations
`According to a report by the US Federal Geographic Data
`Committee (FGDC), the geographic location is a key feature of
`80-90% of all government data [11]. Therefore it is important to
`have geocoding methods that provide results with maximum
`accuracy. The existing approaches to geocoding provide values
`which have a significant error in them as they rely on
`approximation techniques based on the assumption that for a
`street segment all the addresses within a given address range exist
`for the street segment. This error in the values can be appreciably
`reduced if property-related information from various online data
`sources is integrated with the existing geocoding techniques. In
`this paper we describe two approaches to utilize various online
`data sources to obtain more accurate geographic coordinates for a
`given address.
`The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
`describes the traditional geocoding method and shows why the
`traditional method of geocoding results in inaccurate geographic
`coordinates. Section 3 describes our approaches to perform more
`accurate geocoding by utilizing property information from various
`tax web sites.
`In Section 4 we describe an
`implementation of our approaches for more accurate geocoding
`using an information mediator. Section 5 describes the evaluation
`of our approach. Section 6 discusses the relevant related work and
`Section 7 concludes the paper by recapping the key ideas and
`describing some directions for future work.
`Google, Exhibit 1015
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`Step 1: currentaddress ← parse the given address to get street address
`Step 2: Query street data source:
`fromlatitude, fromlongitude, tolatitude, tolongitude ← coordinates of end points
`fromaddrleft, toaddrleft, fromaddrright, toaddrright ← address ranges on either side of the street
`Step 3: If currentaddress % 2 == fromaddrleft % 2
`toaddress ← toaddrleft
`fromaddress ← fromaddrleft
` Else
`toaddress ← toaddrright
`fromaddress ← fromaddrright
`Step 4: rel_loc ← ABS((toaddress - currentaddress)/(toaddress - fromaddress))
`Step 5: Calculate the latitude and longitude based on the ratio
` currentlatitude ← tolatitude - (rel_loc * (tolatitude - fromlatitde))
` currentlongitude ← tolongitude - (rel_loc * (tolongitude - fromlongitude))
`Figure 1. Algorithm for address range method
`The traditional geocoding method uses a street vector data source
`to obtain address range and coordinates of the street segment on
`the given address
` Next,
`it uses an
`approximation technique to estimate the location of the given
`address using the address range of the selected street segment.
`The main sources of street data that the existing services use are
`commercially available products such as the TIGER/Line data
`from the Bureau of Census1, Navtech data from Navigation
`Technologies2, GDT data from Geographic Data Technology3,
`etc. These data sources provide geographic coordinates (latitude
`and longitude) of street segments. They also provide possible
`address ranges on each side of the street between the two sets of
`coordinates for the given street segment. These data sources
`provide a good estimate, but do not give exact information about
`the number of addresses actually present on the street segment.
`For example, if the address “625 Sierra St, El Segundo, CA,
`90245” is queried in the TIGER/Line data source, it returns a
`tuple which has the end-points of the street segment on which the
`address is located and the possible addresses. For this address,
`the range on the left side of the street is 601 – 699 and on the right
`side of the street is 600 – 6984. This information suggests that
`there are 50 address lots present on either side of the street
`segment. However there are only 7 addresses present on either
`side of this particular street segment. Furthermore, there is no
`information about the size of each address/lot in these data
`2.1 Existing Method
`The existing method uses information present in a typical street
`data source to interpolate an address in relation to the end points
`of the street segment to which it belongs. Figure 1 gives the
`2 htttp://
`4 The left and right are the directions taken in the sense when one
`travels from the ‘from’ coordinates to the ‘to’ coordinates in the
`street data sources.
`algorithm for this traditional approach, which we call the address-
`range method.
`As the first step in the algorithm, we parse the given address into
`individual tokens representing the street address, street name, city,
`state and zip. Based on this information, at the second step, we
`query the street data source and obtain the street segment to which
`the current address belongs. We get the end point coordinates of
`this segment (fromlatitude, tolatitude, fromlongitude, tolongitude)
`and also the address range present on either side of the street
`(fromaddrleft, toaddrleft, fromaddrright, toaddrright). Next, we
`find which side of the street the given address belongs to. This is
`done by checking to see if the given address is even or odd. If the
`given address is odd then, we select the side of the street that
`contains the odd addresses. Once the side of the street to which
`the current address belongs is decided we find the relative
`location of the given address (the address to be geocoded) on the
`street segment by taking ratio of number of addresses before the
`current address with the total number of addresses on the street
`segment on the selected side, assuming that all possible addresses
`exist on the segment5. For example, if the street data source
`returns addresses 601 – 699 present on the left side, which is also
`the side where the current address exists, this method would
`assume that 50 addresses are present on the left side of the street.
`It then calculates the relative location of the current address in the
`range of 50 addresses. The relative location calculated is then
`interpolated between the street end points to get the geographic
`coordinates of the current address (step 5).
`2.2 Limitations of This Method
`This method has some limitations. First, it assumes that all the
`lots/addresses specified by the street data source in the address
`range actually exist. Second, it assumes that all these lots are of
`equal size. And lastly, it does not take into account the dimension
`occupied by the corner lots which actually may be a part of the
`other intersecting street segments. Figure 2 shows the geocoded
`locations for the addresses on a block.
`5 For simplicity we do not consider addresses ending with
`fractional number such as 1225 ½. Those are typically handled
`by ignoring the fractional component.
`Google, Exhibit 1015
`Page 2 of 10


`Figure 2. Geocoded locations using the traditional method
`Consider the example of finding the location of a nonexistent
`address in Los Angeles County: “625 Sierra St, El Segundo, CA,
`90245”. We used this address to query a number of the popular
`mapping services on the Internet. All of these services returned
`the location of this nonexistent address. The mapping services we
`used were Yahoo! Map6, Geocode7, MapQuest8 and MapPoint9.
`Thus the present method can be misleading at times, as in this
`case when it gives the location of a nonexistent address. Consider
`another example. The address “645 Sierra St., El Segundo, CA,
`90245” is present on the intersection of Sierra St. and E. Palm
`Ave. However, all of these mapping services display this address
`somewhere on the middle of the Sierra St segment to which this
`address belongs. The apparent reason is that the data source that
`they use returns a result which has addresses 601 to 699 present
`on the side of the street where 645 Sierra St is located. This range
`implies that there are 50 lots present on the selected side of the
`street. In reality, there are seven lots present on this street
`segment. So when the interpolation is done by taking 50
`addresses, it leads to results with a large error.
`These observations validate our claim that the existing services
`for geocoding do not check for validity of addresses and
`approximate the given address based on the information about the
`end-point of the street and an approximation of the address range
`present on the street. The observations also imply that the
`existing services do not consider the size of the lots on the street.
`Google, Exhibit 1015
`Page 3 of 10


`Step 1: currentaddress ← parse the given address to get street address
`Step 2: Query street data source:
`fromlatitude, fromlongitude, tolatitude, tolongitude ← coordinates of end points
`fromaddrleft, toaddrleft, fromaddrright, toaddrright ← address ranges on either side of the street
`Step 3: If currentaddress % 2 == fromaddrleft % 2
`toaddress ← toaddrleft
`fromaddress ← fromaddrleft
`toaddress ← toaddrright
`fromaddress ← fromaddrright
`Step 4: Query the property tax data source for the selected side:
`nb ← number of lots between fromaddress and currentaddress
`na ← number of lots between currentaddress and toaddress
`Step 5: Calculate the length of the street segment obtained in step 2 using the distance formula
`street_len ← SQRT((fromlatitude - tolatitude)2 + (fromlongitude - tolongitude)2)
`Step 6: Assume uniform size for all lots and divide 'street_len' by the number of lots
`present on the street + 1: The additional lot is added to account for the corner lot that may be on an intersecting
`lotsize ← street_len / (nb + 1 + na + 1)
`Step 7: Divide the lot size obtained in Step 6 by two, to get the increment factor 'offset'
`offset ← lotsize / 2
`Step 8: Calculate the slope θ (theta) for the street segment
`θ ← Tan -1 ((tolongitude - fromlongitude) / (tolatitude - fromlatatitude))
`Step 9: Calculate the latitude of the currentaddress
`currentlatitude ← fromlatitude + (offset + nb * lotsize + offset) * Cos (θ)
`currentlongitude ← fromlongitude + (offset + nb * lotsize + offset) * Sin(θ)
`Figure 3. Uniform lot-size method
`More accurate geocoding can be performed by utilizing the
`number of properties on a given street and their dimensions. Our
`approach for increasing the accuracy of geocoding takes into
`account these facts and shows a remarkable improvement in the
`geocoded values. We call the new geocoder Columbus10. This
`section discusses our methods to perform accurate geocoding.
`Section 3.1 describes the uniform lot-size method, which takes
`into account the number of lots on the street. Section 3.2
`describes the actual lot-size method which also takes into account
`the lot dimensions and orientations in addition to the number of
`lots on the street.
`The main reason why the address-range method produced results
`with significant error is because it infers the numbers of
`houses/lots present on the street segment from the street address
`range. It is seldom the case that all the addresses specified in the
`street data source actually exist. If the exact number of addresses
`existing on a street segment is known, it can be used to
`significantly improve the accuracy of geocoding. Furthermore, if
`the orientation and sizes of the lots on the corner of the street are
`known, it would result in further improvement in accuracy.
`10 The geocoder is named Columbus after the famous traveler
`Christopher Columbus.
`3.1 Uniform Lot-size Method
`The idea behind the uniform lot size method is to use the actual
`number of houses/lots existing on the street to calculate the
`latitude and longitude of the current address. This information
`can be obtained from the property tax websites of different
`regions. The property tax websites provide the number of
`address/parcel lots present on the street. Some property tax
`websites also provide the dimensions of each of the lots present in
`their region. Figure 3 shows the algorithm for the uniform lot size
`The first three steps of this algorithm are similar to the previous
`algorithm described in section 2. At the fourth step, we query the
`property tax data source to get the number of houses before (nb)
`and after (na) the current address on the street segment. The fifth
`step calculates the length of the street segment. To do this, we
`use the Euclidian distance formula. This formula is valid for
`planar surfaces. Since the segments on the street data source are
`very small compared to the size of the earth, we can use this
`formula without significantly affecting our results. In the next
`step, we calculate the size of each lot.
`At this stage, we face a challenge of deciding on which street the
`lots on the corners of the street segment belong. A given street
`segment can have at most two corner lots. To generalize, we
`assume that out of the two corner lots one belongs to the given
`street and the other is a part of an intersecting street. The corner
`lot which belongs to the intersecting street however does occupy a
`dimension on the given street segment. It needs to be accounted
`for when we estimate the average lot size on the street. Thus at
`the sixth step, we divide the street length by the number of houses
`Google, Exhibit 1015
`Page 4 of 10


`Step 1: currentaddress ← parse the given address to get street address
`Step 2: Query street data source:
`fromlatitude, fromlongitude, tolatitude, tolongitude ← coordinates of end points
`fromaddrleft, toaddrleft, fromaddrright, toaddrright ← address ranges on either side of the street
`Step 3: If currentaddress % 2 == fromaddrleft % 2
`toaddress ← toaddrleft
`fromaddress ← fromaddrleft
`toaddress ← toaddrright
`fromaddress ← fromaddrright
`Step 4: Query street data source:
`fromlatitudeP, fromlongitudeP, tolatitudeP, tolongitudeP ←
`end points of the street segments that form a block
`relYcoord, relXcoord, relBlocklen_meters, relBlockwid_meters ←
`coordinates and size of the block
`Step 5: If block not rectangular, perform Uniform lot-size geocoding
`Step 6: Query the property tax data source and get the dimensions of each of the lots
`present on the block
`Step 7: Calculate the actual dimensions of the streets in the block based on the data from the
`source used in Step 2 and Step 4 using the Great Circle Distance Formula:
`EarthRadius = 6378137.0
`street_len_meters ← EarthRadius * (Cos-1(Sin(tolatitude) * Sin(fromlatitude) + Cos(tolatitude)
`* Cos(fromlatitude) * Cos(tolongitude - fromlongitude)))
`Step 8: There are 2 possible assignments for each corner lot and there are 4 corner lots. So,
`there are 16 possible combinations of assignments of corner lots in a given rectangular
`orientations[1..16] //array with all 16 possible orientations
`error[1..16] //error in street length for each orientation
`For i ← 1 to 16 do: //for all 16 orientations
`estimated_len_meters = Σ length of all lots on the street in orientations[i] +
`Σ depth of corner lots (if present in orientation[i])
`For k ← 1 to 4
`errorstreet[k] = ABS(street_len_meters of street[k] –
`estimated_len_meters of street[k])
`error[i] ← Σ errorstreet[1..4]
`Step 9: Select the orientation with minimum error in step 9
`j = indexOf(min(error), error) // find element in error with minimum error
`Step 10: Based on the assignement selected, obtain the center point of the lot to be geocoded
`relXcoord, relYcoord ← orientation[j]
`Step 11:Convert the relative position in Step 11 to absolute latitude and longitude
`latitude = toplat – ((relYcoord)*(toplat – bottomlat) / (relBlocklen))
`longitude = leftlon + ((relXcoord)*(rightlon – leftlon) / (relBlockwid))
`Figure 4. Algorithm for actual-lot-size method
`present on the street plus the extra corner lot. Since at this stage,
`it is not known to which end of the street the corner lot exists, we
`start with an offset which is half the average calculated lot size on
`the street segment. The slope of the street segment (θ) is then
`calculated in the eighth step. Once the slope is known, the
`projection of latitude and longitude are obtained from the
`trigonometric functions sine and cosine respectively. We add
`another offset value so that we get to the center of the lot.
`3.2 Actual Lot-size Method
`There are two main reasons to improve further from the uniform
`lot size method. First, it assumes that all the lots on a street
`segment are equal in size (widths). Second, the problem of
`locating the corner lot is not solved. In the actual lot size method
`we find out the exact orientation of the corner lots. However, this
`method currently assumes that the addresses to be geocoded are
`part of a rectangular block.
`Figure 4 gives the algorithm for the actual-lot-size method.
`Similar to the previous two approaches, steps 1 through 3 obtain
`the segment of street to which the address belongs and all the
`relevant attributes of that street segment. The fourth step gets the
`coordinates of the end points of the other streets that form the
`block. After obtaining the coordinates of all the four corners of
`the block, in the fifth step we determine if the block is
`rectangular. If it is, the algorithm proceeds to the next step, else it
`reverts to uniform lot size geocoding method. Next, we query the
`property tax source and get the dimensions of all the lots on the
`Google, Exhibit 1015
`Page 5 of 10


`block. The seventh step calculates the actual lengths of street
`segments that form the block. We use the great circle distance
`formula to calculate the length.
`For a rectangular block, there are four corner lots and each of
`these could belong to either of the two streets which intersect on
`the corner. This leads to sixteen possible combinations for the
`orientation of the corner lots for the given block. In step eight, we
`calculate an error value which is the difference between the sum
`of the actual lengths of the street segments and the calculated
`length of the street for a particular orientation. This error is
`calculated for all possible sixteen orientations for the block. The
`orientation which gives the least error value is selected as the one
`for the current block. Thus at the end of step nine, the exact
`layout of the block and the orientations of all the four corner lots
`for the block are known. Once the layout of the block is known,
`we obtain the center point for the lot to be geocoded in terms of
`relative coordinates for the block. The relative coordinates are
`with respect to the top left corner of the block being the origin
`(0,0). These relative coordinates are converted into latitude and
`longitude values by a simple mapping function. Step eleven
`shows a sample mapping function which assumes that the latitude
`of the block increases as we move from south to north and the
`longitude increases as we move from west to east. A trivial
`change is needed for blocks which do not have this type of layout.
`Thus we obtain the latitude and longitude for the lot.
`The algorithms discussed in Section 3 assume that there exists a
`single source for obtaining property data. However, there are
`over two thousand property tax assessment districts in the US and
`each of these regions organizes the data in different manner.
`Different property tax sites may provide different types of data,
`e.g. some sites may provide dimensions of the property while the
`others may not. The coverage of different property tax sites may
`be limited to a city, county, state or some other aggregate region.
`The challenge is to determine the appropriate property tax sources
`for geocoding a given address. Similarly, street information for
`different regions may be available from different data sources as
`well. In Columbus, we utilize the Prometheus mediator [22, 23] to
`provide a unified query interface to different property tax data
`sources as well as different street data sources.
`The Prometheus mediator is a data integration system that builds
`on previous work data integration [8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16].
`Traditionally, data integration systems have a set of domain
`relations on which the users can specify queries. The task of the
`data integration system is to translate a query into a set of queries
`on the source relations using a domain model that relates source
`relations to domain relations. In order to utilize Prometheus
`mediator for geocoding we have to perform three tasks: (1) model
`web services as source relations, (2) determine a set of domain
`relations, and (3) define relationships between different source
`relations and domain relations.
`The first step of defining a domain model is to describe all
`available web services as source relations. The available web
`services for Columbus are a set of property tax web services
`generated from various property tax web pages, a set of street
`information web services such as, Tigerlines street information
`web service, and a set of services to approximate the location of
`the given address on the given street segment. Each web service is
`modeled as a source relation with binding restrictions, i.e. in order
`to obtain information from the source relation, the values of all
`attributes with binding restrictions must be provided. The input
`attributes of the web services are modeled as attributes in the
`corresponding source relations with binding restrictions. For
`example, the Tigerlines service that accepts the streetaddress,
`city, state, and zip attributes and returns streetname, streettype,
`frlat, frlon, tolat, tolon, zipl, zipr, fraddr, fraddl, toaddr, toaddl
`attributes is modeled as the following source relation. The '$'
`symbol before an attribute denotes attribute with a binding
`LAProperty($sa, $ci, $st, $zi, frlat, frlon, tolat, tolon, fename,
` fetype, zipl, zipr, fraddr, fraddl, toaddr, toaddl)
`Once we have modeled all available web services as source
`relations, we need to determine a set of domain relations for
`Columbus. We define PropertyTax and Street domain relations in
`Columbus as virtual relations representing all available property
`tax and street information web services respectively. The three
`different methods to geocode given addresses are modeled as the
`following three domain relations that user’s can query: (1)
`AddressRangeGeocoder, (2) UniformLotSizeGeocoder, and (3)
`Now that we have modeled all available web services as data
`sources and determined domain relations, we need to define a set
`of rules to relate the source relations with the domain relations.
`Traditionally, data
`integration systems have utilized
`to relate domain relations
`to available source
`relations. In a Global-As-View (GAV) approach, a domain expert
`defines the domain relations as views over the available source
`relations. In the Local-As-View (LAV) approach, available source
`relations are defined as views over the domain relations. In the
`GAV model query reformulation is straight-forward. However,
`adding additional data sources in the GAV model may require
`modifying definitions of all domain relations. In LAV one only
`needs to add the view definition for the new source to add
`additional source. Duschka [6] and Levy [17] have
`described algorithms to translate user queries into set of source
`queries using the LAV approach. More recently, there has been
`another approach termed GLAV [7] that allows user to combine
`the advantages of both the GAV and LAV approaches. The
`Prometheus mediator supports all three approaches. In Columbus
`we use the GLAV approach as it would be complicated to encode
`complex geocoding algorithms in the domain model using the
`Local-As-View model and adding new web services may require
`changing entire domain model if we use the Global-As-View
`As shown in Figure 5 we define some example property tax web
`services and street web services as views over the PropertyTax
`and Street domain relations, respectively. When the mediator
`receives a user query, the mediator inverts these definitions to
`compute PropertyTax and Street domain relations. By modeling
`these web services as views over the domain relations we simplify
`the process of adding new property tax web service or street
`information web service. We discuss more about adding new
`property tax web services or street information web services in
`Section 4.1. Moreover, we can clearly define the coverage
`provided by different web services as order constraints in the
`Google, Exhibit 1015
`Page 6 of 10


`R1: LAProperty(street, city, county, state,
`zip, before, after, fraddr, fraddl, toaddr, toaddl ):-
`PropertyTax(street, city, county, state, zip, fraddr, fraddl, toaddr, toaddl,
` before, after, lotwidth, lotdepth) ^
`(state = "CA") ^ (county = "Los Angeles")
`R2: NYProperty(street, city, county, state, zip, before, after, fraddr, fraddl, toaddr, toaddl ):-
`PropertyTax(streetaddress, city, county, state, zip, fraddr, fraddl, toaddr, toaddl,
` before, after, lotwidth, lotdepth) ^
`(state = "NY")
`R3: TigerLinesCA(streetaddress, city, state, zip, frlat, frlon, tolat, tolon, fename, fetype, zipl,
` zipr, fraddr, fraddl, toaddr, toaddl):-
`Street(streetaddress, city, state, zip, frlat, frlon, tolat, tolon, fename, fetype,
` zipl, zipr, fraddr, fraddl, toaddr, toaddl) ^
`(state = "CA")
`R4: NavTechLinesNY(streetaddress, city, state, zip, frlat, frlon, tolat, tolon, fename, fetype, zipl, zipr, fraddr, fraddl,
` toaddr, toaddl):-
`Street(streetaddress, city, state, zip, frlat, frlon, tolat, tolon, fename, fetype,
` zipl, zipr, fraddr, fraddl, toaddr, toaddl) ^
`(state = "NY")
`Figure 5 Example Source Descriptions for Columbus
`rules. For example, consider the rule R1 that defines LAProperty
`web service as a view over PropertyTax domain relation. The rule
`R1 states
`that LAProperty web service provides property
`information for only properties located in "Los Angeles" county
`in the state of "California". The mediator can utilize the provided
`order constraints to reduce the number of requests sent to each
`web service.
`As shown in Figure 6, the three domain predicates representing
`different geocoding methods are defined as views on the available
`source relations or other domain relations. For example, the
`UniformLotSizeGeocoder domain relation is defined as a join
`over Street and PropertyTax domain
`relations and
`UniformLotApproximation source relation.
` ActualLotSizeGeocoder and AddressRangeGeocoder implement
`the actual-lot-size method and the address-range method for
`geocoding, respectively. Once we have defined the domain
`model, the Prometheus mediator can accept requests to geocode
`different addresses using different methods. For example, to
`geocode the address “123 Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90007”
`the uniform-lot-size method, we would specify
`following query to the mediator.
`Q1(lat, lon) :- UniformLotSizeGeocoder(strtaddr, city, county,
`state, zip, lat, lon)^
` (strtaddr = “123 Main St”)^
`(city = “Los Angeles”)^
`(state = “CA”)^
`(zip = “90007”)
`4.1 Adding New Property Tax Web Services
`New property tax web sites and street information web sites are
`becoming available everyday. As more and more property data
`sources become available online, their descriptions can be
`incrementally added to the mediator’s domain model to expand
`the coverage of Columbus. Therefore, one of the key design
`considerations in Columbus is to make it easy to add new web
`services to the domain model. Adding new property tax or street
`information web services to Columbus’ domain model is a easy
`task as it uses GLAV approach. For example, if new county data
`(say Fresno) is available online, it is defined by the following
`source relation:
`Fresno($streetaddress, $city, $county, $state, $zip, before,
` after, fraddr, fraddl, toaddr, toaddr)
`After modeling the new web service as a source relation, we
`define the new source relation as a view over the PropertyTax
`domain relation.
`Fresno(streetaddress, city, county, state, zip, before, after,
` fraddr, fraddl, toaddr, toaddl ):-
` PropertyTax(streetaddress, city, county, state, zip,
` fraddr, fraddl, toaddr, toaddl, before, after) ^
` (state = "CA") ^
` (county = "Fresno")
`Once we add this source description to the domain model,
`Columbus can utilize the Fresno county property tax web servic

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