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`- - - - - - - - - - - THIRD EDITION - - - - - - - - - - -
`Textbook of
`Tadataka Yamada, MD
`Adjunct Professor
`Department of Internal Medicine
`Division of Gastroenterology
`University of Michigan Health System
`Ann Arbor, Michigan
`David H. Alpers, MD
`William B. Kountz Professor of Medicine
`Department of Internal Medicine
`Division of Gastroenterology
`Washington University School of Medicine
`St. Louis, Missouri
`Loren Laine, MD
`Department of Medicine
`University of Southern California School of
`Medicine; and
`Chief, Gastroenterology Section
`Los Angeles County and University of Southern
`California Medical Center
`Los Angeles, California
`Chung Owyang, MD
`Professor of Internal Medicine
`H. Marvin Pollard Collegiate
`Professor of Gastroenterology; and
`Chief, Division of Gastroenterology
`University of Michigan Health System
`Ann Arbor, Michigan
`Don W. Powell, MD
`Edward Randall and Edward Randall, Jr.
`Distinguished Chairman; and
`Professor, Internal Medicine
`Professor, Physiology and Biophysics
`The University of Texas Medical Branch at
`Galveston, Texas
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`Acquisitions Editor: Beth Barry
`Developmental Editors: Rebecca Irwin Diehl; Glenda Insua
`Manufacturing Manager: Tim Reynolds
`Production Manager: Liane Carita
`Production Editor: Sally M. Scott
`Cover Designer: Christine Jenny
`Indexer: Gerry Lynn Messner
`Compositor: Maryland Composition Company, Inc.
`Printer: World Color
`© 1999, by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers. All rights reserved. This book is protected
`by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any
`form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise-without the
`prior written consent of the publisher, except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and
`reviews. For information write Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 530 Walnut Street, Philadelphia,
`PA 19106-3780.
`Materials appearing in this book prepared by individuals as part of their official duties as U.S.
`Government employees are not covered by the above-mentioned copyright.
`Printed in the United States of America
`9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Textbook ofgastroenterology / [edited by] Tadataka Yamada ... [et
`al.].-3rd ed.
`p. cm.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-397-58735-X (set)
`1. Gastroenterology. 2. Gastrointestinal system-Diseases.
`I. Yamada, Tadataka.
`[DNLM: 1. Gastrointestinal Diseases. WI 140 T3551 1999]
`RC801.T48 1999
`for Library of Congress
`Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information presented and to describe generally
`accepted practices. However, the authors, editors, and publisher are not responsible for errors or
`omissions or for any consequences from application of the information in this book and make no
`warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the contents of the publication.
`The authors, editors, and publisher have exerted every effort to ensure that drug selection and
`dosage set forth in this text are in accordance with current recommendations and practice at the
`time of publication. However, in view of ongoing research, changes in government regulations, and
`the constant flow of information relating to drug therapy and drug reactions, the reader is urged
`to check the package insert for each drug for any change in indications and dosage and for added
`warnings and precautions. This is particularly important when the recommended agent is a new or
`infrequently employed drug.
`Some drngs and medical devices presented in this publication have Food and Drug Administration
`(FDA) clearance for limited use in restricted research settings. It is tl1e responsibility of the health
`care provider to ascertain the FDA status of each drug or device planned for use in their clinical
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`Enteric Pathways for Motility Control
`Interstitial Cells of Cajal
`Enteric Pathways for Secretomotor Control
`Sympathetic Enteroenteric Inhibitory Reflexes
`Conclusions and Summary 30
`Preface to the First Edition
`Basic Mechanisms of Normal and
`Abnormal Gastrointestinal Function
`A. Components
`The Integrated Response of the
`Gastrointestinal Tract to a Meal
`Helen E. Raybould, Stephen J. Pandol
`Cephalic and Oral Phases
`Esophageal Phase
`Gastric Phase
`Duodenal Phase
`Small Intestinal Phase
`Colonic Phase
`The Enteric Nervous System and Its
`Extrinsic Connections
`John B. Furness, Joel C. Bornstein,
`Wolfgang A.A. Kunze, Nadine Clerc
`Structural Organization of the Enteric Nervous
`Microscopic Structure of the Enteric Nervous

`Histochemical Profiles and Transmitter Multiplicity of
`Enteric Neurons
`Physiologic Characteristics of Enteric Neurons
`Functionally Defined Enteric Neurons
`Extrinsic Connections
`Gastrointestinal Hormones
`and Receptors
`Laurence J. Miller
`Organization of the Gut Endocrine System
`History of Gastrointestinal Endocrinology 37
`Hormone Secretory Cel ls
`Endocrine Cell Localization and Characterization
`Biosynthesis and Processing of Gastrointestinal
`Hormone and Transmitter Molecules
`Measurement of Hormones
`Receptor Characterization and Quantification
`Hormone-Specific Insights
`Hormones in Gastrointestinal Disease
`4 7
`The Brain-Gut Axis
`G.J. Dockray
`Developmental Biology of the Brain-Gut Axis
`Methods for Studying the Brain-Gut Axis
`Brain-Gut Connections
`Signaling From Gut to Brain
`Efferent Functions of Peptidergic Visceral Afferent
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`CNS Control of the Gut
`Vagovagal Reflex Mechanisms
`Satiety Mechanisms
`Smooth Muscle of the Gut
`Gabriel M. Makhlouf
`Structure of Smooth Muscle
`Interaction of Contractile Proteins
`Mobilization of Activator Calcium
`Electrical Properties of Smooth Muscle
`Rhythmic Electrical Activity of Smooth Muscle
`Neural Regulation of Smooth Muscle by the Myenteric
`Hormonal Regulation of Smooth Muscle Function
`Humoral Regulation of Smooth Muscle Function
`The Immune System
`Richard S. Blumberg
`Properties of the Immune System
`Components of the Immune System
`Cellular Interactions in the Immune System
`Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue 115
`Autoimmunity and Oral Unresponsiveness 119
`Gastrointestinal Inflammation
`William F. Stenson
`Leukocyte Trafficking and Adhesion Molecules 125
`Leukocyte Chemotaxis and Activation
`Lipid Mediators of Inflammation
`Nitric Oxide
`Epithelial Cells
`Inflammation and Epithelial Cell Gene
`Mast Cells 136
`Motility 137
`Epithelia: Biologic Principles
`of Organization
`James L. Madara
`Organization of the Gut Wall
`Organization of Epithelial Sheets 141
`Epithelial Barriers
`Epithelial Responses to Disease and Injury 151
`B. Motility
`Esophageal Motor Function
`Piero Biancani, Karen M. Harnett, Jose Behar
`Pharynx and Oropharynx 162
`Upper Esophageal Sphincter 165
`Lower Esophageal Sphincter 173
`The Physiology of Gastric Motility
`and Gastric Emptying
`William L. Hasler
`Smooth Muscle Characteristics of the Stomach
`Innervation of the Stomach
`Regional Motor Patterns in the Stomach and
`Duodenum 190
`Gastric Emptying 198
`Motility of the Small Intestine and Colon
`William L. Hasler
`Anatomic Considerations
`Smooth Muscle of the Small Intestine and Colon
`Innervation of the Small Intestine and Colon
`Physiologic and Pathophysiologic Motor Patterns During
`a Basal Fasting State
`Physiologic and Pathophysiologic Modulators of Small
`Intestine and Colonic Motility 227
`Correlation of Motor Patterns With Transit in the Small
`Intestine and Colon
`Sphincteric Function of the Lower Gastrointestinal
`Tract 235
`Motility of the Biliary Tree
`Norman W. Weisbrodt
`Anatomic Considerations and Species Variations
`Functional Considerations
`· 248
`Mechanisms for Physiologic Regulation and of
`Pathologic Changes
`C. Secretion and Absorption
`Salivary Secretion
`Birgitte Nauntofte, Janicke Liaaen Jensen
`Salivary Glands and Salivary Functions
`Morphology 264
`Reflex Arch for Salivary Secretion
`Stimulus-Secretion Coupling 267
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`Secretion of Electrolytes and Water From Acini
`Ductal Fluid Modification
`Regulation of Salivary Protein Secretion
`Salivary Proteins
`Buffer Systems of Saliva
`Salivary Dysfunction
`Gastric Secretion
`John Del Valle, Andrea Todisco
`Anatomy of Gastric Mucosa
`Regulation of Acid Secretion
`Cellular Basis of Acid Secretion
`Other Gastric Secretory Products
`Clinical Implications of Gastric Secretion
`Electrolyte Secretion and Absorption:
`Small Intestine and Colon
`Marshall H. Montrose, Stephen J. Keely, Kim E. Barrett
`The Intestinal Epithelium
`Principles of Epithelial Transport
`Electrolyte Transport Proteins
`Transepithelial Electrolyte Transport
`Regulation of Electrolyte Transport 338
`Pancreatic Secretion
`Chung Owyang, John A. Williams
`Formation and Composition of Pancreatic Juice
`Stimulation of Pancreatic Secretion
`Intracellular Control of Pancreatic Secretion
`Inhibition of Pancreatic Secretion
`Patterns of Secretion
`Bile Secretion
`Richard H. Moseley
`Bile Composition
`Morphologic Considerations
`Physiologic Considerations
`Bile Acid-Dependent Bile Formation
`Bile Acid-Independent Bile Formation
`Paracellular Pathway
`Regulation of Bile Secretion
`Bilirubin Transport
`Biliary Excretion of Drugs
`Biliary Lipid Secretion
`Biliary Protein Secretion
`Acinar Heterogeneity
`Ductular Events
`Gallbladder Structure and Function
`Enterohepatic Circulation
`Clinical Correlates
`D. Nutrition
`Carbohydrate Assimilation
`Peter G. Traber
`Chemistry and Structure of Carbohydrates
`Dietary Carbohydrates
`Dietary Fiber
`Carbohydrate Assimilation
`Lumenal Phase of Digestion: Starch Hydrolysis
`Brush Border Carbohydrases
`Absorption of Monosaccharides
`Spatial Localization of Hydrolysis and Transport Along
`the Crypt-Villus Axis
`Efficiency and Rate-Limiting Steps of Carbohydrate
`Intestinal Lipid Absorption
`Nicholas 0. Davidson
`Intestinal Lipid Balance
`lntralumenal Lipid Digestion
`Intracellular Events in Lipid Reassembly
`Intestinal Lipoprotein Assembly and Secretion
`Lipid Absorption in Malabsorptive States
`Protein Digestion and Assimilation
`Vadivel Ganapathy, Frederick H. Leibach
`Aspects of Dietary Proteins
`Digestion of Proteins
`Absorption of Protein Digestion Products
`Fate of Absorbed Protein Digestion Products
`Physiologic and Clinical Significance
`Regulation of Amino Acid and Peptide Absorption
`Protein-Energy Malnutrition
`Defects in Digestion and Absorption of Proteins
`Vitamin and Mineral Absorption
`Stephen W. Lacey, Richard H. Seidel, Jr.
`Absorption of Water-Soluble Vitamins
`4 7 4
`Absorption of Fat-Soluble Vitamins
`Absorption of Minerals
`Localization of Vitamin and Mineral Absorption
`General Nutritional Principles
`David H. Alpers, Samuel Klein
`Basic Nutritional Principles
`Altered Nutritional States
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`E. Miscellaneous
`Gastrointestinal Blood Flow
`Karen D. Crissinger, D. Neil Granger
`Anatomy of the Gastrointestinal Circulation
`Techniques for Measurement of Blood Flow
`Basal Hemodynamics and Oxygenation
`Blood Flow Regulation
`Physiology and Biochemistry of lschemia
`Growth and Development
`of the Gastrointestinal Tract
`Mark W. Babyatsky, Daniel K. Podolsky
`Embryology and Histogenesis
`Functional Maturation
`Transcriptional Regulation of Development 564
`Growth and Differentiation in the Mature
`Gastrointestinal Tract
`Neoplasia of the Gastrointestinal Tract
`John M. Carethers, C. Richard Boland
`Normal Cellular Control Mechanisms
`Molecular Carcinogenesis
`Tumor Formation and Behavior 602
`Clinical Markers of Neoplasia
`The Barrier Function of the Gut
`Paul B. Watkins
`The Functional Anatomy of the Gastrointestinal
`Barrier 612
`The Metabolic Barrier of the Gastrointestinal
`Tract 614
`Metabolites Generated Within the Enterocytes
`Pharmacology of the Gut
`The Gastrointestinal Biota
`Kenneth H. Wilson
`Composition of the Biota
`Host Defense Function
`Antibiotic Effects on Gastrointestinal Biota
`Interactions of Biota and the Host 632
`Approaches to Common
`Gastrointestinal Problems
`Psychosocial Factors in the Care of Patients
`with Gastrointestinal Disorders
`Douglas A. Drossman
`Biopsychosocial Model of Illness and Disease
`Interactions of Biological and Psychosocial Factors in
`Gastrointestinal Illness
`Establishing a Therapeutic Physician-Patient
`Obtaining Psychosocial Data: The Interview 644
`Understanding the Data
`Concluding Comment: Physician Considerations
`Approach to the Patient With Dyspepsia
`and Related Functional Gastrointestinal
`Nicholas J. Talley, Gerald Holtmann
`Clinical Presentation of Dyspepsia and Related
`Functional Gastrointestinal Complaints
`Dyspepsia in the General Population and Clinical
`Structural Causes of Dyspepsia
`Pathogenesis of Nonulcer Dyspepsia
`Diagnostic Approach to the Patient With Uninvestigated
`Management Strategies
`Approach to the Patient With Dysphagia
`and Odynophagia
`Donald 0. Castell, Philip 0. Katz
`Pathophysiologic Considerations
`Patient Evaluation and Diagnosis
`Therapeutic Considerations
`691 -
`Approach to the Patient With Noncardiac
`Chest Pain
`Joel E. Richter
`Prevalence and Health Care Impact 694
`Characteristics of Esophageal Chest Pain
`Causes of Esophageal Chest Pain
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`Chest Pain and Esophageal Motility Disorders
`Chest Pain and Gastroesophageal Reflux
`Brain-Gut Interaction in Noncardiac Chest Pain
`Differential Diagnosis of Substernal Chest Pain
`Algorithm for Evaluating Noncardiac Chest Pain
`Treatment of Esophageal Chest Pain
`The Author's Approach to Treating Noncardiac Chest
`Approach to the Patient With Gross
`Gastrointestinal Bleeding
`Grace H. Elta
`Clinical Presentation
`Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
`Acute Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding
`Bleeding From an Unknown Source
`Approach to the Patient With Occult
`Gastrointestinal Bleeding
`Graeme P. Young
`The Problem and its Prevalence
`Pathophysiologic Considerations
`7 45
`7 4 7
`Clinical Manifestations
`7 48
`Tests for Occult Bleeding
`Approach to the Patient
`Fecal Occult Blood Screening for Colorectal
`Therapeutic Considerations
`7 43
`7 44
`Approach to the Patient With U nexplained
`76 1
`Weight Loss
`Dean L. Antonson, James K. Madison, Renee L. Young
`Unintentional Weight Loss
`Intentional Weight Loss
`Psychotherapy and Psychotropic Medications for
`Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa
`Approach to the Patient With Nausea
`and Vomiting
`William L. Hasler
`Socioeconomic Impacts of Nausea and Vomiting
`Pathophysiology of Nausea and Vomiting
`Differential Diagnosis of Nausea and Vom iting
`History and Physical Examination
`Laboratory Studies and Diagnostic Testing
`Principles of Management
`Complications of Nausea and Vomiting
`Approach to the Patient With Abdominal
`Pankaj J. Pasricha, Michael D. Crowell, Gervais Tougas
`Neuroanatomy of the Visceral Pain Pathway
`Neurophysiology of Pain
`Neurochemistry of the Pain Pathways
`Sensitization and Visceral Hyperalgesia: Current
`Clinical Syndromes
`Future Directions
`Approach to the Patient With Gas and
`Jay A. Perman, Debra N. Boatwright
`Composition and Sources of Intestinal Gas
`Clinical Gas Syndromes
`Clinical Assessment 819
`Breath Tests
`8 15
`Approach to the Patient With Acute
`Michael W. Mulholland
`Neuroanatomy of Abdominal Pain
`Associated Gastrointestinal Symptoms
`History 829
`Physical Examination
`Confounding Factors
`Causes of Acute Abdomen in Adults
`Operative Therapy for Acute Abdomen
`Approach to the Patient With Ileus and
`Robert W. Summers
`Pathophysiologic Considerations
`History 846
`84 7
`Physical Examination
`Differential Diagnosis and Diagnostic Strategies
`Assessment 851
`Therapeutic Considerations
`Approach to the Patient With Diarrhea
`Don W. Powell
`Pathophysiology of Diarrhea
`Acute Diarrheas
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`Acute Infectious Diarrheas
`Prolonged Infectious Diarrheas
`Nosocomial Diarrheas
`87 4
`Runner's Diarrhea
`Chronic Diarrheas
`Steatorrhea (Ma labsorptive Diseases)
`Watery Diarrheas
`True Secretory Diarrheas
`Inflammatory Diarrheas
`Clinical Evaluation of Chronic Diarrhea
`Specific Laboratory Tests for Steatorrhea (Malabsortion
`Syndromes) 890
`Laboratory Tests for Watery Diarrhea
`Laboratory Tests for Inflammatory Diarrhea
`Evaluation of Severe or Elusive Diarrhea
`Antidiarrheal Therapy 896
`Approach to the Patient
`With Constipation
`Arnold Wald
`Socioeconomic and Medical Consequences
`Pathophysiologic Considerations
`Evaluation of Constipation
`Diagnostic Strategies
`Treatment Considerations
`Approach to the Patient With Jaundice
`Cary A. Caldwell, Marion G. Peters
`Bil irubin Metabolism
`lntrahepatic Cholestasis
`Extrahepatic Cholestasis
`Evaluation of the Patient With Jaundice
`Approach to the Patient With Abnormal
`Liver Chemistries
`Richard H. Moseley
`Clinical Evaluation
`Hepatic Function Tests
`Serum Markers of Hepatobiliary Dysfunction
`Disease-Specific Markers
`General Approach
`Approach to the Patient With Ascites
`Bruce A. Runyon
`Causes of Ascites and Mechanisms of Ascites
`Evaluation of the Patient With Ascites
`Complications of Ascites
`Treatment of the Patient With Ascites
`Summary and Conclusions
`Skin Lesions Associated With
`Gastrointestinal Diseases
`Joseph L. Jorizzo, Elizabeth F. Sherertz,
`Michelle L. Bennett
`Inflammatory Bowel Disease
`Rheumatologic Diseases
`Skin Disease and Gastrointestinal Bleeding 998
`Syndromes Associated With Gastrointestinal
`Cutaneous Signs of Gastrointestinal
`Bullous Diseases of the Skin That Can Directly Affect
`the Gastrointestinal Tract
`Skin Conditions Associated With Abdominal
`Pancreatic Disease
`Dermatologic Disorders Associated With
`Nutritional Disorders 1004
`Perinea! Skin Lesions
`Oral Manifestations of Gastrointestinal
`Sherin S. Koshy, Timothy T. Nostrant
`Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
`Polyposis Syndromes
`Bleeding Disorders
`Immunodeficiency States 1010
`Collagen Vascular Disease
`Vitamin Deficiencies and Malabsorption
`Inflammatory Bowel Disease
`Lead Poisoning 1013
`Plummer-Vinson Syndrome
`Approach to Gastrointestinal Problems
`in the Elderly
`Daniel M. Quirk, Lawrence S. Friedman
`Physiology 1015
`Esophageal Disorders
`Peptic Ulcer 1019
`Colonic Disease
`Constipation and Fecal Incontinence 1024
`Biliary and Pancreatic Disease
`Gastrointestinal Cancer
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`Approach to Gastrointestinal Problems
`in the lmmunocompromised Patient
`Phillip D. Smith, Edward N . Janoff
`Clues to Underlying Immune Dysfunction
`Evaluation of Patients With Gastrointestinal Illness
`Suspected of Having an Underlying Immune
`Defect 1043
`Approach to the Patient With a
`Gastrointestinal Neoplasm
`Bernard Levin
`Epidemiology 1050
`Approach to Patient Care
`Management of the Patient With Terminal
`Gastrointestinal Cancer
`Approach to Gastrointestinal Disease
`in the Female Patient
`Ellen M. Zimmermann, Gregory M. Christman
`Gastrointestinal Diseases and Pregnancy 1059
`Gynecologic Disease as an Etiology of Lower Abdominal
`Approach to the Patient Requiring
`Nutritional Supplementation
`David H. Alpers, Samuel Klein
`Nutritional Assessment 1081
`Choosing the Route for Nutrition Support 1085
`Enteral Nutrition
`Parenteral Nutrition
`Micronutrient Deficiency and Treatment 1090
`Nutritional Support in the Hospitalized Patient With
`Gastrointestinal Disease
`Genetic Counseling for Gastrointestinal
`Leon B. Henderson, Jerome I. Rotter
`Contribution of Genetics to Gastrointestinal
`Organization of Genetic Material and Molecular
`Types of Genetic Diseases and Modes of
`Inheritance 1111
`Gene Map, Linkage, Association, and Positional
`Clinical Genetics
`Approach to the Patient With Drug
`or Alcohol Dependency
`David W. Crabb
`Drugs of Abuse and Brain Reward Systems
`Principles of Treatment 1134
`Individual Drugs of Abuse
`Diagnosis of Patients With Suspected Substance
`Management of Acute Drug Overdose or
`Advice to Travelers
`Samuel L. Stanley, Jr.
`Pretravel History 1145
`General Precautions
`Protection Against Malaria
`Other Infectious Diseases That Pose a Risk
`Travelers' Diarrhea
`N osocomial Infections and Risks to Health
`Care Providers
`Paul B. L'Ecuyer, Victoria J. Fraser
`Overview of Hospital Epidemiology
`Blood-Borne Pathogens
`Nosocomial Transmission of Gastrointestinal
`Gastrointestinal Diseases
`A. Esophagus
`Esophagus: Anatomy and Structural
`Gregory A. Boyce, H. Worth Boyce, Jr.
`Adult Anatomy
`Histology 1182
`Developmental Anomalies
`Pharyngoesophageal Diverticula
`Esophageal Diverticula
`Esophageal Hiatal Hernias
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`Motility Disorders of the Esophagus
`Peter J. Kahrilas
`Oropharyngeal Swallowing Disorders
`Esophageal Motility Disorders 1209
`Corrosive Esophagitis
`Radiation Esophagitis
`B. Stomach
`Reflux Esophagitis
`Roy C. Orlando
`Epidemiology 1235
`Etiology 1236
`Potency of the Refluxate
`Esophageal Defenses
`Conditions Associated With Reflux
`Clinical Manifestations 1244
`Diagnostic Studies and Differential Diagnosis 1245
`Clinical Course and Complications 1249
`Therapy 1252
`Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants and
`Alkaline Reflux Esophagitis 1258
`Esophageal Infections, Including Disorders
`Associated With AIDS
`C. Mel Wilcox
`Epidemiology and Predisposing Factors
`Fungal Infections 1264
`Viral Infections 1268
`Mycobacterial Infections 1272
`Bacterial Infections
`Protozoa! Infections
`Specific HIV-Related Esophageal Disorders
`Esophageal Neoplasms
`Anil K. Rustgi
`Squamous Cell Carcinoma
`Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
`Other Epithelial Tumors
`Nonepithelial Tumors
`Overall Summary and Future Directions 1295
`Miscellaneous Diseases of the Esophagus
`Douglas 0 . Faigel, M. Brian Fennerty
`Foreign Bodies in the Esophagus
`Systemic Diseases Affecting the Esophagus
`Dermatologic Diseases Affecting the
`Esophageal Trauma
`Pill Esophagitis 1314
`Stomach: Anatomy and Structural
`Jean-Pierre Raufman
`Anatomy of the Stomach and Duodenum
`Gross Anatomy
`Microscopic Anatomy 1329
`Embryology of the Stomach and Duodenum
`Congenital Abnormalities of the Stomach
`Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
`Congential Abnormalities of the Duodenum
`Disorders of Gastric Emptying
`William L. Hasler
`Disorders With Delayed Gastric Emptying 1341
`Disturbances of the Gastric Electrical
`Pacemaker 1352
`Disorders With Rapid Gastric Emptying
`Functional Dyspepsia
`Acid Peptic Disorders
`John Del Valle, Hartley Cohen, Loren Laine,
`James M. Scheiman
`Impact of Peptic Ulcer Disease
`Epidemiology and Natural History 1370
`Pathophysiology of Peptic Ulcer Disease
`Clinical Manifestations and Differential
`Diagnosis 1394
`Diagnostic Studies in Peptic Ulcer Disease
`Therapy for Ulcer Disease
`Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
`John Del Valle, James M. Scheiman
`Epidemiology 1445
`Pathophysiology 1445
`Tumor Distribution
`Clinical Manifestations 1446
`Differential Diagnosis and Diagnostic Studies 1448
`Tumor Localization
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`Gastritis, Gastropathy, Duodenitis,
`and Associated Ulcerative Lesions
`John H. Yardley, Thomas R. Hendrix
`Classification of Gastritis and Gastropathy 1464
`Approaches to Diagnosis of Gastritis and
`Gastropathy 1465
`Common Forms of Gastritis and Gastropathy 1466
`Pathology of Gastric Ulceration in Relation to Chronic
`Gastritis 14 78
`Uncommon Forms of Chronic Gastritis
`Chronic Duodenitis and Duodenal Ulcer 1489
`Other Gastric Tumors
`Surgery for Peptic Ulcer Disease
`and Postgastrectomy Syndromes
`Neal E. Seymour, Dana K. Andersen
`Elective Surgery for Peptic Ulcer Disease 1530
`Surgery for Duodenal Ulcer 1531
`Surgery for Gastric Ulcer 1537
`Surgical Treatment for Peptic Ulcer
`Complications of Surgery for Peptic Ulcer 1542
`Tumors of the Stomach
`C. Richard Boland, Thomas J. Savides
`Cl inical Manifestations 1506
`Clinical Course
`Miscellaneous Diseases of the Stomach
`Robert S. Sandler, Andrea Todisco
`Gastric Bezoars
`Foreign Bodies
`Gastric Rupture
`Gastric Volvulus
`C. Small Intestine
`Small Intestine: Anatomy and Structural
`Deborah C. Rubin
`Gross Anatomy
`Microscopic Anatomy
`Embryology 1571
`Congenital Anomalies
`Structural Anomalies
`Dysmotility of the Small Intestine
`Michael Camilleri, Sinn Anuras
`Clin ical Manifestations
`Diagnostic Studies
`Differential Diagnosis Between Chronic Intestinal
`Pseudoobstruction and Mechanical
`Treatment 1604
`Small Intestine: Infections With Common
`Bacterial and Viral Pathogens
`Harry B. Greenberg, Suzanne M. Matsui,
`Jeffery S. Loutit
`Food Poisoning and Common Source
`Travelers' Diarrhea
`Bacterial Infection
`Viral Pathogens
`Therapeutic Considerations
`Chronic Infections of the Small Intestine
`George T. Fantry, Lori E. Fantry, Stephen P. James
`Whipple Disease
`Tropical Sprue
`164 7
`Mycotic Infections 1653
`Celiac Disease
`Paul J. Ciclitira
`History 1660
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`Epidemiology 1660
`Pathology 1661
`Cereal Chemistry
`Toxicity Studies
`Hypothesis for Pathogenesis
`Genetics 1665
`Clinical Features
`Laboratory Tests
`Diagnostic Tests
`Disease Associations
`Treatment 1673
`Disorders of Epithelial Transport
`in the Small Intestine
`Adrienne M. Scheich, Richard J. Grand
`Defects in Intestinal Carbohydrate Transport
`Disorders of Amino Acid Absorption
`Disorders of Electrolyte and Mineral Transport 1680
`Primary Bile Acid Malabsorption
`Disorders of Lipid Malabsorption
`Defects in Intestinal Cobalamin Absorption
`Disorders of Lactose and Sucrose Absorption
`Bacterial Overgrowth
`Ellen Li
`Conditions Favoring Bacterial Overgrowth
`Pathology 1700
`Clinical Manifestations 1700
`Diagnosis 1701
`Treatment 1702
`Short Bowel Syndrome
`Richard N. Fedorak
`Etiology 1705
`Factors Influencing Short Bowel Syndrome
`Clinical Manifestations 1709
`Management 1711
`Tumors and Other Neoplastic Diseases
`of the Small Intestine
`Peter Lance
`Epidemiology 1722
`Etiology: Possible Pathophysiologic
`Clinical Manifestations of Small Bowel Tumors
`Differential Diagnosis
`Diagnostic Modalities 1726
`Varieties of Small Bowel Tumor 1728
`1 722
`Miscellaneous Diseases of the Small
`Marc S. Levin
`Ulcers of the Small Intestine 1739
`Drug-Induced Small Bowel Disease
`Necrotizing Enterocolitis
`Protein-Losing Gastroenteropathy 1752
`17 46
`D. Colon
`Colon: Anatomy and Structural
`Steven M. Cohn, Elisa H. Birnbaum
`Colonic Development
`Histology 1762
`Structural and Congenital Abnormalities
`Inflammatory Bowel Disease
`William F. Stenson
`Epidemiology 1776
`Etiology and Pathogenesis
`Ulcerative Colitis : Clinical Findings and Natural
`History 1782
`Crohn's Disease: Clinical Findings and Natural
`History 1785
`Extraintestinal Manifestations
`Differential Diagnosis
`Nutritional Management 1802
`Drugs Used in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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