
`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII I II Ill lllll 1111111111111111111111111111111 IIII IIII IIII
`International Bureau
`(10) International Publication Number
`(43) International Publication Date
`30 September 2010 (30.09.2010)
`WO 2010/111433 A2
`(51)International Patent Classification:States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`H02M 7148 (2007.01) H02M 7/12 (2006.01)
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`(21)International Application Number:
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP,
`(22)International Filing Date:
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`24 March 2010 (24.03.2010)
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`NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
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`(25)Filing Language:
`(26)Publication Language:
`(30)Priority Data:
`(84) Designated
`States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`25 March 2009 (25.03.2009) us
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`(71)Applicant (for all designated States except US): POW­
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG,
`ERGETICS, INC. [US/US]; 3150 18th Street, Suite 414,
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`San Francisco, CA 941 lO (US).
`TM), European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
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`(72)Inventor; and
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`(75)Inventor/Applicant (for US only): SMITH, Lynn, B.
`[US/US]; 35 l Megan Blvd., Ozark, AL 36360-6166 (US).
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`(74)Agents: KIM, Elaine A. et al.; Wilson Sonsini Goodrich
`& Rosati, 650 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA
`94304-1050 (US).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report (Rule 48.2(g))
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`(57)Abstract: The invention provides a bidirectional converter that operates under an AC generation mode or a charge mode. The
`bidirectional converter may be a single component or circuit, which may include a DC-DC conversion stage using a unique
`"Smith 2 Stage conversion" technique and a DC-AC conversion stage or AC-DC conversion stage using a switchable filter de­
`pending on the mode. During the charge mode, the converter may be able to control the voltage and current of the DC output us­
`ing a software algorithm, to match the battery being charged, or the DC receiver. This may enable the converter to control the na­
`ture of the DC output so it can be adapted to any energy storage technology. The controllable output voltage and synchronizable
`frequency may allow the converter to be used in series combinations to achieve a variety of high voltage outputs from simpler
`building blocks.
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`WO 2010/111433
`PCT /0S2010/028556
`This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/163,214 filed
`March 25, 2009, which application is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
`energy converters to transfer systems have utilized [0002] Traditional energy storage or conversion
`from DC to AC, or vice versa. For instance, an inverter may be utilized to convert energy from DC to
`AC, and a rectifier may be used to convert energy from AC to DC. Systems have been developed to both
`charge and discharge an energy storage system. Traditionally, separate inverter and rectifier circuits are
`utilized for each type of energy conversion. Various energy conversion configurations have been
`developed in order to allow such functions. See, e.g., U.S. Patent No. 6,160,722, U.S. Patent Publication
`No. 2004/0062059, U.S. Patent No. 6,587,362, U.S. Patent Publication No. 2003/0057919, and U.S.
`Patent No. 6,750,685, which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. Furthermore,
`traditional energy conversion systems used as battery chargers are unable to adapt to various energy
`storage technologies, such that single customized designs are required for a given battery technology.
`between AC converter that enables bidirectional conversion [0003] A need exists for a bidirectional
`and DC within the same component or circuit. A further need exists for an AC to DC converter, which
`may be used to charge an energy storage device, capable of controlling the DC output to adapt to an
`energy storage technology.
`[0004] The invention provides systems and methods for bidirectional energy conversion. Various
`aspects of the invention described herein may be applied to any of the particular applications set forth
`below or for any other types of circuits or devices. The invention may be applied as a standalone system
`or method, or as part of an integrated package, such as an energy storage charging or discharging system.
`It shall be understood that different aspects of the invention can be appreciated individually, collectively,
`or in combination with each other.
`[0005] In accordance with an aspect of the invention, a bidirectional converter may be provided.
`The bidirectional converter may be formed such that it may function as a DC to AC energy converter
`and/or an AC to DC energy converter within the same device or component. For example, a circuit may
`be provided that may function for bidirectional energy conversion. Within the circuit, current may flow
`in opposite directions, depending on the mode of operation. Thus, the same bidirectional converter may
`be able to function as an inverter and as a rectifier.
`from an AC control, reconfigure itself [0006] A bidirectional converter can, under software
`generation mode to a charge mode. In an AC generation mode, DC input power from an energy source
`such as a battery or capacitor may be converted to AC. For instance, the DC input power may be
`converted to 120 V AC, 50/60 Hz, single phase. In a charge mode, AC may be converted to DC. In one
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`WO 2010/111433
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`implementation, 120VAC, 50/60 Hz may be converted to DC under a specified algorithm to recharge the
`DC power source.
`[0007] The bidirectional converter may operate in series, parallel, or series/parallel combinations
`with other bidirectional converters as a part of an energy storage unit (ESU). The ESU may supply
`240V AC, 50/60 Hz, single phase, 208 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 3 phase Wye or 480V AC, 3 phase Wye or Delta
`connected AC power at various power levels determined by the ESU configuration and number of
`bidirectional converters. The operation of the converters in series may be advantageous in enabling a unit
`operating at 120VAC to 138VAC as a building block for another voltage output, such as 240V AC, 208
`VAC or 277 VAC up to 480 VAC. Traditional inverters operate at either 120 or 240 VAC and can
`operate in parallel, but not as a building block to higher voltages.
`[0008] The output voltage and current of the bidirectional converter may be controlled very precisely
`so as to enable precise delivery of power and energy to the desired load or when interconnected to an
`electric grid to deliver a precise amount of power and energy to the grid. For example this would allow
`the bidirectional converter to deliver a precise number of watts of power against a given load or a precise
`amount of energy on command.
`[0009] The response time of the bidirectional converter to change from the charge mode to the AC
`generation mode may be less than one cycle at 60 Hz (16 ms). However, the actual time of mode change
`may vary, and may depend on the time it takes to detect the circumstances that can trigger the change
`(loss of AC, etc.). The invention may advantageously provide a design that can convert from being an
`inverter to being a battery charger. The bidirectional converter may change modes 'on the fly.' The
`bidirectional converter may also have a programmable battery charger algorithm in charge mode as well
`as a smooth transition to AC generation mode (including a constant voltage mode). This can be
`especially useful in energy recapture applications such as automobile regenerative braking, elevator
`energy recapture, standby power, etc. This may reduce or eliminate duplicative charge vs. power systems
`and the attendant harmonic and resonance problems that can arise from feedback loops attendant to
`traditional two part designs.
`[0010] In the AC generation mode, the bidirectional converter can be programmed to monitor the
`AC line and provide power under specified overload or 'spike in usage' conditions.
`[0011] The bidirectional converter design may be efficient and reliable. Fault monitoring and
`reporting software may be part of the control system. Such monitoring and control may provide a
`sophisticated design for a single converter module in use with others. The bidirectional converter can
`also be commanded to tum off or isolate from a group of converters. The converter may perform some
`form of self-check, which may be adopted in the software and hardware control.
`[0012] Another feature that can be implemented into the system may be to shift the frequencies ( e.g.,
`100 KHz and 30 KHz) slightly on a constant basis in co-ordination with the other bidirectional converters
`in the system to minimize or reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions. A control system may
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`WO 2010/111433
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`be coordinating and communicating with the bidirectional converters to operate at desirable frequencies
`with respect to one another.
`[0013] Other goals and advantages of the invention will be further appreciated and understood when
`considered in conjunction with the following description and accompanying drawings. While the
`following description may contain specific details describing particular embodiments of the invention,
`this should not be construed as limitations to the scope of the invention but rather as an exemplification of
`preferable embodiments. For each aspect of the invention, many variations are possible as suggested
`herein that are known to those of ordinary skill in the art. A variety of changes and modifications can be
`made within the scope of the invention without departing from the spirit thereof.
`mentioned in this specification are herein [0014] All publications, patents, and patent applications
`incorporated by reference to the same extent as if each individual publication, patent, or patent application
`was specifically and individually indicated to be incorporated by reference.
`in the appended claims. A are set forth with particularity [0015] The novel features of the invention
`better understanding of the features and advantages of the present invention will be obtained by reference
`to the following detailed description that sets forth illustrative embodiments, in which the principles of
`the invention are utilized, and the accompanying drawings of which:
`mode. for an AC generation block diagram [0016] FIG. 1 shows a functional
`FIG. 2 shows a DC-DC converter driver stage.
`FIG. 3 shows an example of a drive waveform for Ql -Q4.
`stage. synchronous rectifier [0019] FIG. 4 shows a DC-DC converter
`[0020] FIG. 5 shows an example of a timing relationship between drivers Q 1 -Q4 and synchronous
`rectifiers Q5 -Q8.
`stage. bridge AC output [0021] FIG. 6 shows an "H"
`[0022] FIG. 7 shows an example of timing relationships for an "H" Bridge output stage.
`[0023] FIG. 8 shows a functional block diagram for a charge mode.
`FIG. 9 shows an example of where Q9 -Ql 1 may reverse roles and serve as a bridge
`FIG. 10 shows an example of rectifier timing.
`FIG. 11 shows a DC to DC converter driver stage.
`FIG. 12 shows an example of a timing relationship for Q5, Q6, Q7, and Q8.
`FIG. 13 shows a DC output stage to a battery.
`FIG. 14 shows a functional block diagram for an AC generation mode, in accordance with
`another embodiment of the invention.
`[0030] FIG. 15 shows a DC-DC converter driver stage.
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`WO 2010/111433
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`FIG. 16 shows an example of a drive waveform for Q7, Q8.
`FIG. 17 shows a DC-DC converter synchronous rectifier stage.
`FIG. 18 shows an example of a timing relationship between drivers Q7, Q8 and rectifiers Q5
`and Q6.
`FIG. 19 shows an "H" bridge AC output stage.
`FIG. 20 shows an example of timing relationships for an "H" Bridge output stage.
`FIG. 21 shows a functional block diagram for a charge mode.
`FIG. 22 shows an example of where Ql -Q4 may reverse roles and serve as a bridge
`FIG. 23 shows an example ofrectifier timing.
`FIG. 24 shows a DC to DC converter driver stage.
`FIG. 25 shows an example of a timing relationship for Q5, Q6, Q9, and Q 10.
`FIG. 26 shows a DC output stage to a battery.
`[0042] While preferred embodiments of the invention have been shown and described herein, it will
`be obvious to those skilled in the art that such embodiments are provided by way of example only.
`Numerous variations, changes, and substitutions will now occur to those skilled in the art without
`departing from the invention. It should be understood that various alternatives to the embodiments of the
`invention described herein may be employed in practicing the invention.
`[0043] The invention provides a bidirectional converter, that may operate in an AC generation mode,
`where the bidirectional converter may function as an inverter to convert DC to AC. The bidirectional
`converter may also operate in a charge mode, where the bidirectional converter may function as a rectifier
`to convert AC to DC. The bidirectional converter may be able to operate in both modes within the same
`device or component, rather than utilizing two separate circuits or components for each mode. A single
`circuit may be utilized to form the bidirectional converter. For different modes, the same circuit with the
`same paths may be operating in forward or reverse. In an AC generation mode, a circuit may be provided
`with a path to convert DC to AC. In a charge mode, the same circuit may be provided with the same path
`to convert AC to DC. In some instances, current may flow in different (and/or opposing) directions along
`the same circuit for a DC to AC mode and an AC to DC mode.
`and at least one AC [0044] A bidirectional converter may comprise at least one DC terminal
`terminal. A DC terminal may function as a DC input when the converter is in AC generation mode, and
`may function as a DC output when the converter is in charge mode. An AC terminal may function as an
`AC output when the converter is in AC generation mode, and may function as an AC input when the
`converter is in charge mode.
`[0045] The bidirectional converter may include a DC-DC conversion stage disposed between the DC
`terminal and the AC terminal. The converter may also include a bridge conversion stage disposed
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`WO 2010/111433
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`between the DC-DC conversion stage and the AC terminal, wherein the bridge conversion stage is
`selectively operable to invert a current when the current is flowing from the DC terminal to the AC
`terminal, and to rectify the current when the current is flowing from the AC terminal to the DC terminal.
`Thus, a bidirectional converter may include at least two stages in either mode. In an AC generation
`mode, the bidirectional converter may include a DC-DC conversion stage and a DC-AC conversion stage.
`In a charge mode, the bidirectional converter may include an AC-DC conversion stage and a DC-DC
`conversion stage. Optionally, additional stages may be provided in either mode. In some embodiments,
`one or more transformer may be utilized in the DC-DC conversion stage, and one or more bridge may be
`used in the bridge conversion stage.
`I. AC Generation Mode
`inverter. bidirectional converter may operate as an [0046] In an AC generation mode of operation, a
`Thus, a bidirectional converter may operate in a forward direction, by receiving DC as input and
`providing AC as output. In one implementation, the inverter may be taking 48 VDC as input and
`delivering 120VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, single phase output. Alternatively, the inverter may be configured to
`take any value DC as input, such as about 6 VDC, 12 VDC, 2 4 VDC, 48 VDC, 72 VDC, 100 VDC, 200
`VDC, or 500 VDC. The inverter may also be configured to provide any sort of AC output. For example,
`the output may have any value VAC, such as about 10 V AC, 20 V AC, 50 V AC, 120 VAC, 200 VAC, or
`500 V AC; or any Hz output, such as 20 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 400 Hz.
`[0047] FIG. 1 shows a functional flow of the bidirectional converter in the AC generation mode. A
`DC input may be provided, as well as an AC output. The bidirectional converter may include a DC-DC
`converter stage, DC-DC synchronous rectifier stage, and a DC-AC inverter stage.
`[0048] The bidirectional converter may also include a single or a plurality of digital signal
`processors (DSP). A single DSP, or alternatively two DSPs, may be used to control the input and output
`functions on the respective sides of an electrically isolated data path. In some instances, using two or
`more DSPs may be advantageous over using one DSP, since much logic would have to be electrically
`isolated for one DSP to do all the work. The use of two or more DSPs may also be advantageous
`considering the low cost ofDSPs and the high cost of isolation hardware. Furthermore, doing everything
`in hardware may be unnecessarily complicated, and may take a long time to debug and may be prone to
`iteration errors that can also consume development time. However, in alternate embodiments, one DSP
`may be utilized. For example, a single DSP may provide a plurality of pulse width modulated (PWM)
`outputs. In one example, the plurality of PWM outputs may include an output to Ql-Q4, Q5-Q8, Q9-
`Ql2, and/or Q13.
`[0049] In some embodiments, the DSPs may be a microcontroller or microprocessor. An isolated
`data path may be provided between two or more DSPs. A plurality of DSPs utilized by the same
`converter may communicate with one another via a data path. One or more of the DSPs may be
`configured to communicate with one or more other energy converters. For instance, a DSP may include
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`WO 2010/111433
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`an input/output interface that may be an interprocessor input/output to other converters. Any
`communication between DSPs or converters may occur through a wire or wirelessly.
`A. DC-DC Converter Driver
`[0050] FIG. 2 shows a DC-DC converter driver stage. A DC input may be conveyed to the DC
`converter stage. In FIG. 2, a 4 8 VDC input voltage is fed into the DC to DC converter stage comprising
`Ql thru Q4 driving the isolation transformer. Ql thru Q4 are shown as IGBT's, but could be transistors
`or power MOSFET's. Ql thru Q4 may form a full bridge driver, and may pulse width modulated up to a
`49% duty cycle for maximum or increased efficiency. The frequency of operation may be 100 KHz.
`Positive feedback controls the regulation at this stage.
`[0051] A local power supply may also be provided. The local power may optionally provide isolated
`outputs to a DSP and/or sign al from the DC input.
`[0052] In DC to AC (Inverter) mode a filter may be provided. The filter (represented by C l in FIG
`2)may isolate any noise and electrical transients generated in the DC to DC converter from being
`reflected back into the battery bus circuit. In AC to DC (Charge) mode the filter may eliminate high
`frequency noise in the output of the DC to DC converter, preventing this noise from being conducted into
`the battery bus circuit.
`[0053] Input voltage and/or current may be monitored and the data may be stored in a DSP (e.g.,
`DSP 1) to determine power used from the source. The DSP may include an analog-digital (AID)
`converter, which may receive the data. This data may be required for some battery charging algorithms,
`while it may be optional in others. Such data may be helpful because the bidirectional converter may also
`function as a battery charger. In some battery charging algorithms it may be desirable to know how much
`charge has been removed from the battery.
`[0054] The DSP may provide a pulse width modulation (PWM) output. The output may be directed
`thru the PWM logic and isolated drivers to Ql -Q4, providing a drive waveform. The DSP may or may
`not consider the input voltage and/or current in providing PWM output.
`[0055] FIG. 3 shows an example of a drive waveform for Ql -Q4 in this configuration. In one
`implementation, the drive waveform may be 100 KHz with a pulse width modulated up to a 49% duty
`cycle. However, other drive waveforms may be provided, which may have varying degrees of frequency
`(e.g., the waveform may have any Hz value, such as 1 KHz, 50 KHz, 200 KHz, 500 KHz, or 1 MHz) or a
`different duty cycle, ( e.g., the waveform may have any value percent for the duty cycle, such as 10% duty
`cycle, 20% duty cycle, 30% duty cycle, 45% duty cycle).
`[0056] Galvanic isolation may be provided. In one embodiment, galvanic isolation may be provided
`by a transformer.
`B. DC-DC Converter Synchronous Rectifier Stage:
`[0057] FIG. 4 shows a DC-DC converter synchronous rectifier stage. The synchronous rectifier
`stage may include Q5 -Q8, which may receive a PWM output from the DSP or a second DSP. In some
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`WO 2010/111433
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`embodiments, Q5 -Q8 may be IGBT' s, transistors, or power MOSFET' s. The pulses to Q5 -Q8 may
`control the voltage on a bus across a capacitor. The voltage from the bus may be inputted to the DSP,
`through the AID converter of the DSP. Such data may or may not be utilized by the DSP to control the
`PWM output at this stage or another stage.
`In at a given frequency. rectifier that operates [0058] In FIG. 4, Q5 - Q8 may form a synchronous
`some embodiments, the operation frequency for Q5 -Q8 may be synchronized with the frequency for Q 1 -
`Q4. For example, if Ql - Q4 operate at 100 KHz, Q5 - Q8 may also operate at 100 KHz. Furthermore,
`Q5 - Q8 may be pulse width modulated to control the DC voltage on a "50-230VDC Bus" across
`capacitor C2.
`DC half sine driven to form a pulsating [0059] For instance, the 50-230 VDC bus may be actually
`wave. In one implementation, the produced wave may be a 120 Hz pulsating DC half sine wave that may
`be about 50 volts above the 60 Hz sine wave that will be output ( e.g., by the "H" bridge class D amplifier)
`in a later stage. This may allow a two stage approach to smoothing the AC sine wave. This may also
`save power in Q5 - Q8 because they don't have to keep a 230 volt charge on C2 and may also save power
`(e.g., on an "H" bridge) in the later stage because it now can use broader PWM pulses of lower amplitude.
`This approach may be more efficient, resulting in lower power dissipation with less heat generated. This
`approach results in the "H" bridge output amplifier switching only at 50 VDC or below, above 50 VDC
`the sine wave is created by the DC - DC converter output at 1 00KHz. C2 provides an additional stage of
`low pass filtering when operating in this mode. Q9 -Ql2 ("H" bridge class D amplifier) will not be pulse
`width modulated when the DC bus is above 50 VDC but will remain in a condition to provide the proper
`phase for the DC - DC converter output. This technique may be referred to as a "Smith Two Stage
`synchronization DSP 2), may maintain [0060] A process within the DSP or on a second DSP, ( e.g.,
`with the AC line frequency and this may be used to both regulate and synchronize the 120 Hz pulsating
`DC and to regulate and synchronize the output from the "H" Bridge amplifier. In a preferable
`embodiment of the invention, both of these functions may be provided in one DSP on the "hot" side or
`"cold" side. However, in alternate embodiments, separate DSPs may be utilized for each function, or one
`or more of these functions may be combined with the first DSP.
`Q5 -between drivers Ql - Q4 and rectifiers relationship [0061] FIG. 5 shows an example of a timing
`Q8. As discussed previously, the frequency of the pulses for Q5 - Q8 may be synchronized with Q 1 - Q4.
`If the frequency used for Ql - Q4 is varied, the frequency for Q5 -Q8 may be adjusted accordingly to
`match the frequency for Ql - Q4. In FIG. 5 the pulse widths of Ql - Q4 may be controlled to produce a
`desired output. In one example, the desired output may be a 120 Hz output that is 50 VDC above and
`tracking with the output AC waveform (also see FIG. 7). However, if the desired output is varied, the
`duty cycles of Q5 and Q6 may be varied accordingly. In some implementations, the duty cycles for Q5
`and Q6 may be lower than the duty cycles for Q7 and Q8. The pulse widths and frequencies of Q5 and
`Q6 may be controlled by either the main DSP or DSP 2.
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`DC output. In some provide a half wave pulsating [0062] This technique may advantageously
`embodiments, the output may be a 120 Hz half wave pulsating DC, which may be used to feed an "H"
`bridge output. A half wave DC output may be advantageous over using a feed line that was at 23 0 VDC
`(or some other desirable voltage) all of the time. If the feed line were at 230 VDC all the time, large
`narrow spikes may result in the "H" bridge output, and have to be suppressed by a low pass output filter.
`By contrast, the synchronous rectifiers Q5 -Q8 may have less load because they can operate at a specified
`frequency (such as 100 KHz) and may not be required to hold up the 230 VDC bus at the maximum level.
`The output of Q5 -Q8 may be smoothed by a capacitor C2. This has the benefit of reducing duty cycle
`and increasing efficiency.
`C. DC-AC Inverter
`FIG. 6 shows an "H" bridge AC output stage. The "H" bridge may receive a DC from a prior
`stage. Preferably, the DC received may be a half wave pulsating DC. The "H" bridge may also include
`Q9 -Ql 1 , which may receive PWM outputs from a DSP. The DSP may control the drive signals
`provided to the "H" bridge. From this, the "H" bridge may provide an AC output. In some embodiments,
`Q9 -Ql l may be IGBT's, transistors, or power MOSFET's.
`the In one implementation, class "D" amplifier. stage may operate as a [0064] The "H" bridge output
`bridge may operate as an amplifier with a PWM frequency of 30 KHz to produce a 50 or 60 Hz sine
`wave. Depending on the desired output, a bridge may provide a PWM frequency to produce a desired
`frequency output. The output may be passed through a low pass filter to filter out all the PWM (e.g., 30
`KHz and 100 KHz) switching noise and pulses leaving only the pure sine wave.
`by the rectifier. In a preferable may be synchronized bridge [0065] The input voltage to the "H"
`embodiment of the invention, the input voltage to the "H" bridge may always be around 30 volts higher
`than the required output. In another embodiment, the input voltage may always be some specified
`number of volts higher than the required output ( e.g., which may be any value, such as about 1 volt, 5
`volts, 10 volts, 20 volts, 2 5 volts, 3 5 volts, 40 volts, 50 volts, 100 volts). This margin may provide
`enough voltage to deliver any surge requirements. Any margin of volts may be used, which may be
`sufficient to deliver surge requirements, depending on expected surge magnitude, or other characteristics
`of the system.
`a to one or more fuse. In one example, may be provided [0066] The AC output from the "H" bridge
`first fuse may be provided with 120 VAC single phase H, and another may be provided with 120 VAC
`single phase N. In some embodiments, a current conditioning circuit and/or a voltage conditioning circuit
`may be provided, which may affect the AC output provided to the fuses.
`DC, and the output of the drive signals, the pulsating relationships [0067] FIG. 7 shows the timing
`waveform of the "H" bridge class "D" amplifier.
`In one as shown in FIG. 7. [0068] The drive sign als, the Q9 -Ql2 may be pulse width modulated
`implementation, Q9 -Ql2 may be pulse width modulated at a 30 KHz rate. In other implementations, Q9
`-Ql2 may be modulated at another rate, depending on the desired characteristics of the output voltage.
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`The "H" bridge is PW modulated at 30 KHz only when the DC bus voltage is at 50 VDC or below. When
`the DC bus is above 50 VDC the "H" bridge operates at 60 Hz to provide the proper phase for the DC -

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