
`Doc Code: N572
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O, Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Kirk E. Sanford
`Sue Z. Shaper —
`SUITE 350
`HOUSTON, TX 77027
`SUITE 2800
`CINCINNATI, OH 45202-2409
`Date Mailed: 12/06/2013
`The request for Powerof Attorneyfiled 11-26-2013 is acknowledged. However, the request cannot
`grantedat this time for the reason stated below.
`CJ) The Powerof Attorney you provided did not comply with the new Powerof Attorney rules that became
`effective on June 25, 2004. See 37 CFR 1.32.
`L) The revocationis not signed by the applicant, the assignee of the entire interest, or one particular
`principal attorney having the authority to revoke.
`L) The Powerof Attorneyis from an assignee and the Certificate required by 37 CFR 3.73(c) has not been
`L) The person signing for the assignee has omitted their empowermentto sign on behalf of the assignee.
`LJ The inventor(s) is without authority to appoint attorneys since the assignee has intervened as provided
`by 37 CFR 3.71.
`, a co-inventorin this application, has been omitted. The Powerof
`L) The signature(s) of
`Attorney will be entered upon receipt of confirmation signed by said co-inventor(s).
`U) The person(s) appointed in the Powerof Attorney is not registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office.
`Q Only one Customer Number can be designated for the Powerof Attorney in an application. The
`* Customer Numberthat was capturedis the first Customer Number provided on the Powerof Attorney
`EVERI EX. 1004; Page 1
`Everi v. Sightline IPR2022-00707
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`Doc Code: N572
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`CHA request under 37 CFR 1.48 to add an inventor was grantedin this application, however, no power of
`attorney consistent with the powerof attorney granted by the originally named inventive entity has been
`received. Thus, the addition of the inventor has resulted in the loss of powerof attorney in the
`/.... See 37 CFR 1.32(e).
`The powerof attorney has not been accepted becausethe party whois giving power of attorney has not-
`been identified. Powerof attorney may only be signed by the applicant for patent (37 CFR 1.42) or the
`patent owner. A patent owner who wasnotthe applicant must appoint any powerof attorney in
`compliance with 37 CFR 3.71 and 3.73. See 37 CFR 1.32(b)(4).
`Q) The powerof attorney from the inventors has not been accepted becauseit is a copy from a prior
`national application for which benefit is claimed and the continuing application names an inventor who
`was not named as an inventorin the prior application.
`UL) The powerof attorney from the inventors has not been accepted because the powerof attorney must be
`igned by the applicant for patent. See 37 CFR 1.32(b)(4).
`Any requestto correct or update the nameof the applicant must include an application data sheet (ADS)
`in compliance with 37 CFR 1.76 specifying the correct or updated nameof the applicant in the applicant
`information section. Any request to change the applicantafter an original applicant has been specified
`under 37 CFR 1.46(b) must include a new ADSin compliance with 37 CFR 1.76 specifying the applicant
`in the applicant information section and comply with 37 CFR 3.71 and 3.73. See 37 CFR 1.46(c).
`Any inquiries regarding this notice should be directed to the Application Assistance Unit at 571-272-4200.
`Sa; Lutol
`Application Assistance Unit.
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`NOV 2 6 2013
`Gertificate of Facsimile Transmission
`{hereby certify that this corraspondence is being
`facsimile transmitted to the U.S, Patent and Trademark
`Office (Fax No. (571) 273-8300 on November26, 2013.
`Signature:_/Lucas V, Hauoh?
`Kirk E. Sanford et al.
`Docket No. 35777-0119
`Serial No.
`September 28, 2012
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.Q. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Dear Madam:
`Attached, please find the following documents to be filed with the United States
`Patent andTrademark Office forthe above-referenced application:
`Power of Attorney to Prosecute ‘Applications Before the USPTO (Form
`PTO/AIA/80); and
`Statement Under 37 CFR 3.73(c).
`Please charge any fees required, orcredit any overpayment, to Deposit Account No.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Lucas V. Haugh/
`Lucas V. Haugh
`Registration No. 60,795
`Attorney for Applicant(s)
`600 Vine Street, Suite 2800
`Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
`(513) 698-5126
`PAGE 27 * ROVDAT 11/26/2013 4:17:04 PM [Eastem Standard Time]* SVR'W-PTOFAX-003/4 * DNIS:2738300* CSID: * DURATION (mam-ss):01-15
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`NOV 2 6 2013
`Approved for use Hrouch 11/20/2014, OMS 9651-0035
`U.S, Patent and Trattarnork Often: U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Undutthe Pupttwark Reductan Act df 130, nb petscn aie trquited 10 rearcOnd tO & Collacban df utornalon unless it Replays 8 walld OMB centro! nurnter.
`hereby revoke all previous powers of attomey given in the application identified in the attached statement
`under 37 CFR 3,73(c
`thereby appoint:
`onassocinicdwithCusiamerNumber: 69082
`im Practibanens) named bataw {if more than (en patentgrecttionersave to by named. Mien customer number must be vead’
`Aa attorney(a} of agents) to reprarent the undossigned before the Uilited States Patent and Trademark tee (USPTO)in connection wilh
`any and af patent applications assigned grty to {he undersigned accoming ta the USPTO ascignment racords or assignments documants
`elached ic this farm w scconance with 37 CPR 3.73(c).
`Pisasa ehonge Sha caregasndaice address for the apalicaton ldentifted in the atachsd statement under 3? CFR 3.73(¢) lo:
`| {al
`Tha addrass asaecisted wilhCustonser Numbor 63908?
`F inciiduat Name
`Assignee Nixie and Address: VANTIV, LLG
`8800 Governor Mill Orhew
`Cincinnati, Oho 45249
`SIGNATURE of Assignee of Record
`glure and tile is supplied below is authorized to acl on behalf of tne assignee
`Telephone 856-622-2880
` TNS CaRECton OF INTOrMEbon /9 required by ’ Ue MARCAON 1 Petuired to OOlaN OF felon & GeralDy tne pUdlc which © to The Gare
`by the USPTO to peocesn) an pppiication, Confittenhslty 5 groVurtdd by 5 U.S.C_ 122 fit 37 ORR 3,12 and 134. Tree ooltetben ut aaimasiod to take 3 nines
`fo connate,Inctughng galngiing. preperng, and submuting ts cafpisind applicavon form lo te UBPTO: Tite we varycapenchng upon the IndMidunl case, Any
`eAMmmgnts on the amount of linea you regula to contstile te {Onn and/or euggedions for reducing ths nundan. shoud be sentto Ine Chief iformation Cifoer,
`12.8, Patent and Tordgmork Cees, U.S, Besanmtent of Conneros, 0.0. Box 1460. Almsanito, VA 22913-1450 DO NOY SEND FEES ORCOMALETED .
`FORMS TO THES ADDRESS. SEND TO. Commisntonarfor Patents, P.O. Bar 1450, Aloxandria VA 22214-9450.
`ityoy need gasistance m completing the form, call 1-200-PTO-9199 and select eation 2.
`PAGE3/7 * RCVD AT 11/26/2013 4:17:04 PM fEastem Standard Time]* SVR:W-PTOFAX-003/t * DNIS:2738300* CSID: * DURATION (mim-ss}:04-15
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`Privacy Act Stabement
`Tha Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93+579} requires that you ba given certain information jn connection with your
`submission of the atlached form retated to a patent application of patent Accordingly, pursuantto the
`raquiraments of the Act, please be advised that (+) the general authority for the collection of this Infarmatian is 35
`U.S.C. 2(b\(2); (2) furnishing of the infarmation sallcited is voluntary; and (3)the principal purpose for which the
`information is used by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Is to process and/or examine your submission
`ralated to a patent application or patent. tf you do nat furnish the requested information,the U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office may not be able to process and/or examine your submission, which may resutt in termination of
`oroceadings or abandonment of the application or expiration of the patent
`The information provided by you in this form will be subject to the fallowing rouline uses:
`4. The Information on thie form will be treated confidentially to the extentallowed under the Freedom of
`Information Act (5 U.S.C. £52} and the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C 552a). Records from this systam of records
`inay be disclosed tc the Departmentof Justice to determine whether disclosuré of thase records is
`required by the Freedom of information Act.
`2. Arecord from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use,in the course of preseming
`avidence to a court, magistrate, of administrative tribunal, including disclosures lo opposing counsel in
`the course of settlement negotiations.
`3. Arecord in this system af records may te disclosed, as a routine uae,te a Member of Congress
`submitting 3 request involving an individual, to whom the racord pertains, when the individual has
`requestad assistance from the Member with respectto the subject matler ofthe recard.
`4, Areécord In this system of records may be disclpsad, as a routine use, toa contractor of the Agency
`having aeedfor the information in order to perform a contract, Recipients of information shall be required
`to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, pursuant to 5 ULS.C. 852a(m).
`5. Arecord related to an International Application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in this system of
`records may be disclosed, as a routina use,to the Intemstlonal Bureau of the World intellectual Property
`Organization, pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
`6. A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine usa, to another fedara} agency for
`' puraoses of National Sacurity review (35 U.S.C. 161} and for review pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act
`(42 U.S.C. 218(c)).
`7. Arecord from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to the Administrator, General
`Services, or hia‘her designee, during an inspaction of records conducted by GSA as past of that agency's
`sasponsibliity to recommend Improvementsin records management practices and programs, under
`authority of 44 U,S.C, 2804 and 2908. Such cisctosure shall be made in accordance with tha GSA
`regulations goveming inspection of recordsfor this purpose, and any other relevant(i.¢., GSA or
`Commerce) directive, Such disclosure shail not be used lo make datanminations about individuais.
`8. Aracord from this system of records may be disclosed, as 6 routine use, ta the public after elther
`publication ofthe application pursuant to 35 U.S.C, 122(b) or issuance of a patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C.
`451. Further, 9 record may be disclosed, subject to the limitations of 37 CFR 1.14, as a Toutine use, to the
`public If tha record was filed in an application which became abandoned or in which tha proceedings were
`terminated and which application is referenced by silher a published application, an appfication apen to
`public inspection or an issued patent.
`9. Arecord from this system of records may ba disclosed, as a routine use, fo a Federal, State, or local law
`enforcamant agency, if the USPTO becomes awere of a violation or potantial violation of law or
`PAGE4/7* RCVDAT 11/26/20134:17:04 PM Easter Standard Time}* SVR:W/PTOFAY.003/1*DNIS:2738300" CSID:* DURATION (mim-ss).01-18
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`NOV 2 6 2013
`PTO/AIA/96 (08-12)
`Approved for uga through 01/31/2013, OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patant and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`esoond io a colfectton of information Unless id digplays a yslic OMB control number,
`Applicant/Patent Owner: Vantiv LLC
`Application No./Patent No.: 81/744,584
`Vantiv LLC
`a Limited Liability Company
`(Name of Assignee)
`Filed/isgue Date: September 28, 2012
`fa assignee of the entire right, tlle, and interest.
`2. [J An assigneeof less than the antire right, tite, and interest (chack applicable box):
`LJ The oxtent (oy percentage)of its ownership interestis
`%. Additional Statement(s} by the owners
`holding the balanceofthe Interest must be submitted to accountfor 100% of the ownership interest.
`O There aré unspecified parcantages of ownership. The other panies,including Inventors, who together own the entire
`Tight,title and interest are:
`tType of Accignes, @-9., corporatinn, partneralp, univeralty, government agency, ete.) States that, for the patant appiication/patent identified abave, Il 1s (choose one of options 1,2, 3 or 4 below):
`Additional Statameni{s) by the owner(s) holding the balance of the Interestmustbesubmitted to account for the entire
`right, tItla, and Intarost.
`3. [ The assignee of an undivided Interastin the entirety {a complata assignment from oneofthe joint Inventors was made).
`Tha otherpartias, including inventors, who together own the entira right,tla, and interest are:
`Additional Statemant(s) by the owner(s) holding the balanceofthe Interest must be submitted to accourt for tha entire
`right,tte, and interest.
`4. CI the recipient, via a court proceeding orthe lika {@.¢., bankruptcy, probate), of an undivided interest in the antiraty (a
`complate transfar af ownership interast was made). The certifiad document(s) showing the tranefarIs attached.
`Theinterest identified In option 1, 2 or 3 above (not option 4)is evidenced by elthar (choose one of options A or 8 below):
`A. (J An aselgnmentfrom the inventor(s) of the patent application/patent identified above. ‘The aselgnmentwas recordedin
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office at Rool
`, Frame
`, or for which a copy
`thereofIs attached.
`Achainoftitle trom the inventor(s), of the patent application/patent identified above,to the current as¢ignea as tolicws:
`1.From: KIkE.Sanfordetal. To; Sightline Interactive LLC
`The document was racordedin the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Ree! 034198
`, Frame a921
`or for which a copy thereofis attached.
`2From: Sightline Interactive
`To: Vantiv LLC et al.
`The document was racerdadin the United States Patant and Trademark Offica at
`Ree) 031199
`, Frame 0398
`, orfor which a copy thereofis attached.
`This coltection of information ta required by 37 GFR 3.73(5). Tha information is required to obtain pr retain a benefit by the publle wachta to fite (and by the USPTOto
`process) an applicatton. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.6,0, 122 and 47 CFR 1.11 and 1.14, This collections estimated to tske 42 minutes to complete, {nctuding
`gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO.Time will vary depending ypan the tindiiduat cease. Any comments on ine amount
`of time you raquire to complete thés form and/or suggestions for reducing {his burden, should be sent to the Chief Infarmation Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark
`Offica, U.S. Ospartment of Gommarca, P.O, Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22319*1450, DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND
`TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1460.
`Ifyou need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-PTO-9199 and select option 2.
`PAGE Si? * RCVD AT 11/26/2013 4:17:04 PM Eastern Standard Time] * S¥R:W-PTOFAX-003/1 * DNIS:2738300* CSID: * DURATION (mm-ss):01-15
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`Approved for use through 01/21/2019. OMB DE51-0031
`U.S. Patent ano Trademark Offica; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996, na peraons are requitad to respond to 8 collection ot Intormation unieas kt dlepleys a valki OMB control number.
`The document was recordedin the United Siatas Patent and Trademark Office at
`Frameor for which a copythereofis attached.
`‘The dooument was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Oftice at
`, Frame
`, or for which a copy thereofIs attachad.
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`, Frame
`or for which a copy theraofIs attachad.
`The document was recordedin the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`, Frame
`, or for which a copy thereofis attached.
`O Additional documents In the chaln oftia are fisted on a supplemental sheet(s).
`As required by 37 CFR 3.73(c}(1)(i), the documentary evidence of tha chain of tile from the origina! owner to the
`assignee was, or concurrantly is baing, submitted for recordation pursuant to 37 CFR 3.11.
`[NOTE:A separate copy(i.¢., 4 true copy of the original assignment document{s}) must be submitted to Assignment
`Division in accordance with 87 CFR Part 3, to record the assignmentin the records of ha USPTO. See MPEP 302.08]
`The undersigned {whosetitle is supplied below) is authorized ta act on bahaff of the assignee.
`Lucas V. Haugh
`November 26, 2013
`. we ©
`/Lucas V. Haugh/
`Attorney - 60,795
`Printed or Typed Name
`Title or Registration Number
`{Page 2 of 2]
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`Privacy Act Statement
`The Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579) requires that you be given certain Information in connection with your
`submission of the attached form related ta a patent application or patent. Accordingly, pursuant to the
`requirements of the Act, please be advised that: (1) the general authority for the collaction ofthis information is 35
`U.S.C. 2¢b)(2); (2} furnishing of the information solicited is voluntary; and (3) the principal purposa for which the
`Information is used by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Offica is to pracess and/or examine your submission ralated
`{o a patent application or patent.
`If you do not furnish the requested information, the U.S. Patent and Trademark
`Offica may not be able to process and/or examina your submission, which may result in termination of proceedings
`or abandonmentof the application or expiration of the patent.
`The information pravided by you in this form will be subject to the following routine uses:
`1. The Information on this form will be treated confidentially to the extent allowed under the Freedom of
`Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and tha Privacy Act (5 U.S.C 552a). Rovords from this system of records
`may be disclosed to the Department of Justice to determine whether disclosure of these recordsis
`required by the Freedom ofInformation Act.
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as 3 routine use,in the course of presenting
`evidence to a court, magistrate, or administrative tribunal, Including disclosures to opposing counselIn the
`course of settlement negotiations.
`A record in this system of teerds may be disclosed, as 6 routine use, to a Member af Congress
`submitting a request involving an Individual, to wham the record pertains, when the individual has
`requastad assistance from the Memberwith respectto the subject matter of the record,
`A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use,to a contractor of the Agency
`having needfor the information in order to perform a contract. Reclplents of information shall be required
`to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(m).
`A racord related to an International Application filad under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in this system of
`records may bedisclosed, as a routine use, to the International Bureauof the World Intellectual Property
`Organization, pursuant to the Patent Gacperation Treaty.
`A record in thig system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to another federal agency for
`purposes of Natlonal Security review (35 U.S.C. 181) and for reviaw pursuantto the Atomic Energy Act
`{42 U.S.C. 218(c)).
`A record from this systam of records maybe disclosed, as a routine use,to the Administrator, General
`Services, or hisfhar designee, during an inspection of racords conducted by GSAas part of that agency's
`responsibility to recommend improvements in records managemantpractices and programs, under
`authority of 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2906. Such disclosure shall be made in accordance with the GSA
`regulatlone governing inspection of records for this purpase, and any other relevant (/.e., GSA or
`Commerce) directive. Such disclosure shall not be used to make determinations aboutindividuals.
`A racord from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use,to the public aftereither
`publication of the application pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 122(b) or Issuance of a patent pursuantto 35 U.S.C.
`454. Further, a record may be disclosed, subjectto thelimitations of 37 CFR 1.14, as a routine use, to the
`public if the record wasfiled in an application which became abandoned or in which the proceadings were
`terminated and which application is raferenced by elther a published application, an application open to
`public inspection or an issued patent.
`4 racord from this system of records may bedisclosed,as a routine use, to a Federal, State,or local law
`enforcement agency,if the USPTO becomes awareof a violation or potential violation of law or regulation.
`PAGE7/7 * RCVD AT 11/26/2013 4:17:04 PM (Easter Standard Tinme]* SVR'W-PTOFAX-003/1 * DNIS:2738300 * CSID: * DURATION (mm-ss}:01-15
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`‘ulmerl|berne Ilp
`NOV 26 2013.
`diract 513.696.5126
`diract fax 513,693.5127
`November 26, 2013
`fax cover sheet
`- To:
`From: Duke HaughNN
`You will be receiving 7 page(s) including this cover sheet. Theoriginal of this document
`will be sent by:
`] Ordinary Mail
`] Overnight Courier
`] Messenger
`[ X]_ This will be the only form of delivery
`lf you have any transmission problems, please call 51 3-698-5939,
`U.S. Serial No. 61/744,564
`Filing Date September 28, 2012
`Please see the attached documentsto hefiled with the USPTO for the above-
`referenced action.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Lucas V. Haugh
`ff you
`Unless otherwise indicated, the Informationin this transmittal is confidential and intended only for the recipientlisted above.
`are neither the Intended recipient nor a parson responsible for delivering this transmittal to the intended recipient, you are hereby
`notifled that any distibution or copying of thls transmittal is prohivited.
`If you received this transmittal in error, please Immediately
`notify us at 613.698.5000 and retum the trangruittatto us at our expense.
`File No. 35777-0119
`Sent By,
`CINCINNATI, QHIO 45202-2409
`PAGE 1/7*RCVDAT 142620194:17:04 PM Easter Standard Time)*SVR'A-PTOFAX-O001* DNIS:2738300"CSI: “DURATION nmaspO45.|“""""*
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`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO. Box 1456
`Alexandria, Viginia 22313-1450
`wwwispte gov
`371(¢) DATE
`Sue Z. Shaper
`SUITE 1450
`HOUSTON, TX 77027
`Date Mailed: 11/21/2012
`It will not be examined for patentability and will
`Receipt is acknowledged of this provisional patent application.
`become abandonednotlater than twelve monthsafter its filing date. Any correspondence concerning the application
`mustinclude the following identification information: the U.S. APPLICATION NUMBER, FILING DATE, NAME OF
`APPLICANT, and TITLE OF INVENTION. Fees transmitted by check or draft are subject to collection. Please verify
`the accuracy of the data presented on this receipt. If an error is noted on this Filing Receipt, please submit
`a written request for a Filing Receipt Correction. Please provide a copy of this Filing Receipt with the
`changes noted thereon. If you received a “Notice to File Missing Parts” for this application, please submit
`anycorrections to this Filing Receipt with your reply to the Notice. When the USPTO processesthe reply
`to the Notice, the USPTOwill generate another Filing Receipt incorporating the requested corrections
`Kirk E. Sanford, Las Vegas, NV;
`Thomas M. Sears, Henderson, NV;
`Omer Sattar, Las Vegas, NV;
`Kirk E. Sanford, Las Vegas, NV;
`Thomas M. Sears, Henderson, NV;
`Omer Sattar, Las Vegas, NV;
`Powerof Attorney:
`Sue Shaper--31663
`If Required, Foreign Filing License Granted: 10/19/2012
`The country code and number of your priority application, to be usedfor filing abroad under the Paris Convention,
`is US 61/744,564
`Projected Publication Date: None, application is noteligible for pre-grant publication
`Non-Publication Request: No
`Early Publication Request: No
`page | of 3
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`Dual prepaid/Loyalty card for gaming
`Since the rights granted by a U.S. patent extend only throughout the territory of the United States and have no
`effect in a foreign country, an inventor who wishes patent protection in another country must apply for a patent
`in a specific country or in regional patent offices. Applicants may wish to consider the filing of an international
`application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). An international (PCT) application generally has the same
`effect as a regular national patent application in each PCT-member country. The PCT process simplifies the filing
`of patent applications on the same invention in member countries, but does not result in a grant of “an international
`patent" and doesnoteliminate the need of applicantsto file additional documents and fees in countries where patent
`protection is desired.
`Almost every country has its own patent law, and a person desiring a patent in a particular country must make an
`application for patent in that country in accordancewith its particular laws. Since the laws of many countries differ
`in various respects from the patent law of the United States, applicants are advised to seek guidance from specific
`foreign countries to ensure that patent rights are not lost prematurely.
`Applicants also are advised that in the case of inventions madein the United States, the Director of the USPTO must
`issue a license before applicants can apply for a patent in a foreign country. Thefiling of a U.S. patent application
`serves as a request for a foreign filing license. The application's filing receipt contains further information and
`guidanceasto the status of applicant's license for foreign filing.
`Applicants may wish to consult the USPTO booklet, "General Information Concerning Patents" (specifically, the
`section entitled "Treaties and Foreign Patents”) for more information on timeframes and deadlinesfor filing foreign
`patent applications. The guide is available either by contacting the USPTO Contact Center at 800-786-9199, or it
`can be viewed on the USPTO website at
`For information on preventing theft of your intellectual property (patents, trademarks and copyrights), you may wish
`to consult the U.S. Government website, http:/ Part of a Department of Commerceinitiative,
`this website includes self-help “toolkits” giving innovators guidance on how to protectintellectual property in specific
`countries such as China, Karea and Mexico. For questions regarding patent enforcementissues, applicants may
`call the U.S. Governmenthotline at 1-866-999-HALT(1-866-999-4158).
`Title 35, United States Code, Section 184
`Title 37, Code of Federal Regulations, 5.11 & 5.15
`The applicant has been granted a license under 35 U.S.C. 184, if the phrase "IF REQUIRED, FOREIGN FILING
`LICENSE GRANTED"followed by a date appears on this form. Such licenses are issuedin all applications where
`the conditions for issuance of a license have been met, regardless of whether or not a license may be required as
`set forth in 37 CFR 5.15. The scope andlimitations of this license are set forth in 37 CFR 5.15(a) unless an earlier
`license has been issued under 37 CFR 5.15(b). The license is subject to revocation upon written notification. The
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`date indicated is the effective date of the license, unless an earlier license of similar scope has been granted under
`37 CFR 5.13 or 5.14.
`This license is to be retained by the licensee and may be usedat any time on or after the effective date thereof unless
`it is revoked. This license is automatically transferred to any related applications(s) filed under 37 CFR 1.53(d). This
`license is not retroactive.
`The grantof a license does not in any way lessen the responsibility of a licensee for the security of the subject matter
`as imposed by any Government contract or the provisions of existing laws relating to espionage and the national
`security or the export of technical data. Licensees should apprise themselvesof current regulations especially with
`respect to certain countries, of other agencies, particularly the Office of Defense Trade Controls, Department of
`State (with respect to Arms, Munitions and Implements of War (22 CFR 121-128)); the Bureau of Industry and
`Security, Department of Commerce (15 CFR parts 730-774); the Office of Foreign AssetsControl, Department of
`Treasury (31 CFR Parts 500+) and the Departmentof Energy.
`No license under 35 U.S.G. 184 has been granted at this time,
`LICENSE GRANTED" DOES NOTappear on this form. Applicant maystill petition for a license under 37 CFR 5.12,
`if a license is desired before the expiration of 6 months from the filing date of the application. If 6 months has lapsed
`from thefiling date of this application and the licensee has not received anyindication of a secrecy order under 35
`U.S.C. 181, the licensee may foreign file the application pursuant to 37 CFR 5.15(b).
`The United States represents the largest, most dynamic marketplace in the world and is an unparalleled location
`for business investment, innovation and commercialization of new technologies. The USA offers tremendous
`resources and advantages for those whoinvest and manufacture goods here. Through SelectUSA, our nation
`works to encourage, facilitate, and accelerate business investment. To learn more about why the USAis the best
`country in the world to develop technology, manufacture products, and grow your business, visit
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`AL [O@[(aH
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`in, Virginia 22313-1450

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