`Page1 of 13
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`Microwave Engineering
`Second Edition
`David M. Pozar
`University of Massachusetts at Amherst
`New York • Chichester • Weinheim
`Brisbane • Singapore • Toronto
`Page 2 of 13


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`Thi, t'<~,l "a~ ,~tin 10/ 1.::! Times Roman by ETP HA RRI S() and
`pnnuxl :rnd ~mnd b) R.R. Donnelky & Sons Company, Crawfords ilk.
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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publicarion Dara
`Pozar, David M.
`Microwave engineering/ David M. Pozar. ·- 2nd ed.
`ISBN_ 0-47 1-17096-8 (cloth : alk. paper)
`l. Microwaves. 2. Microwave devices
`. 3. Microwave circuits.
`l. Title.
`TK7876.P69 1998
`621.381 13--dc20
`Printed in the United States o f Arnericu
`JO 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
`Page 3 of 13


`A Short History of Microwave
`Introduction to Microwave Engineering
`Applications of Microwave Engineering
`1.2 Maxwell's Equations
`1.3 Fields in Media and Boundary Conditions
`Fields at a General Material Interface
`Fields at a Dielectric
`Fields at the Interface with a Perfect Conduc tor (Electric
`The Magnetic Wall Boundary Condition
`l S
`The Radiation Condition
`1.4 The Wave Equation and Basic Plane Wave Solutions
`The Helmholtz Equation
`Plane Waves in a Lossless
`Plane Waves in a General Lossy Medium
`Plane Waves in a Good Conductor
`1.5 General Plane Wave Solutions
`Circularly Polarized Plane Waves
`Energy and Power
`Power Absorbed by a Good Conductor
`Plane Wave Reflection from a Media Interface
`General Medium
`Lossless Medium
`Perfect Conductor
`Impedance Concept
`Oblique Incidence at a Dielectric Interface
`Parallel Polarization
`Perpendicular Polarization
`Total Reflection and Surface Waves
`Some Useful Theorems
`The Reciprocity Theorem
`The Uniqueness Theorem
`The Surface
`Image Theory
`Page 4 of 13


`Point of Interest: Decibels
`The Slotted
`The Multiple Reflection Viewpoint
`2.1 The Lumped-Element Circuit Model for a Transmission Line
`Wave Propagation on a Transmission Line
`The Lossless Line
`2.2 Field Analysis of Transmission Lines
`Transmission Line Parameters
`The Telegrapher Equations Derived
`from Field Analysis of a Coaxial Line
`Propagation Constant,
`Impedance, and Power Flow for the Lossless Coaxial Line
`2.3 The Terminated Lossless Line
`Special Cases of Lossless Terminated Lines
`and Nepers
`2.4 The Smith Chart
`The Combined Impedance-Admittance Smith Chart
`2.5 The Quarter-Wave Transformer
`The Impedance Viewpoint
`2.6 Generator and Load Mismatches
`Generator Matched to Loaded
`Load Matched to Line
`Conjugate Matching
`Lossy Transmission Lines
`The Low-Loss Line
`Terminated Lossy Line
`The Distortionless Line
`The Perturbation Method for Calculating
`The Wheeler Incremental Inductance Rule
`TE Modes
`General Solutions for TEM, TE, and TM Waves
`TEM Waves
`TE Waves
`TM Waves
`l IO
`Attenuation Due to Dielectric Loss
`Parallel Plate Waveguide
`TM Modes
`TEM Modes
`Rectangular Waveguide
`T&no Modes of a Partially
`TM Modes
`TE Modes
`Loaded Waveguide
`Point of Interest: Waveguide Flanges
`Circular Waveguide
`TM Modes
`TE Modes
`Coaxial Line
`TEM Modes
`Interest: Coaxial Connectors
`Higher-Order Modes
`Point of
`Page 5 of 13


`Point of Interest:
`3.6 Smface Waves on a Grounded Dielectric Slah
`TM Modes
`TE Modes
`Root-Fi,ufo,g Algoritl11m
`3.7 Sttipline
`Fonnulas for Propagation Constanl. Characteristic Impedance. and
`An Approximate Electrostatic Solution
`3.8 Microstrip
`Fommlas for Effective Die lectric Constant. Characteristic lmpcdunce, a nd
`An Approximate Electrostatic Solution
`3.9 The Transverse Resonance Technique
`TM Modes for the Parallel Plate Waveguide
`Partially Loaded Rectangular Waveguide
`3. 10 Wave Velocities and Dispersion
`Group Velocity
`TEo,, Modes of a
`3.11 Summary of Transmission Lines and Waveguides
`Other Types of Lines and Guides
`Point of Interest.· Power Capacity
`of Transmission Lines
`Impedance and Equivalent Voltages and Currents
`Equivalent Voltages and Currents
`The Concept
`of Impedance
`Even and Odd Properties of Z(w) and f (<.,,•)
`Impedance and Admittance Matrices
`Reciprocal Networks
`Lossless Networks
`4.3 The Scattering Matrix
`Reciprocal Networks and Lossless Networks
`Generalized Scattering Parameters
`Interest: The Vector Network Analyzer
`The Transmission (ABCD) Matrix
`Relation to Impedance Matrix
`Signal Flow Graphs
`Decomposition of Signal Flow Graphs
`Analyzer Calibration
`Microwave Circuits · 222
`Discontinuities and Modal Analysis
`Modal Analysis of an H-Plane Step in Rectangular Waveguide
`of Interest: Microstrip Discontinuity Compensation
`Excitation of Waveguides- Electric and Magnetic Currents
`Current Sheets That Excite Only One Waveguide Mode
`Excitation from an Arbitrary Electric or Magnetic Current Source
`A Shift in Reference
`Point of
`Equivalent Circuits for Two-Port
`Application to TRL Network
`Point of Interest: Computer-Aided Design f or
`Page 6 of 13


`Excitation of Waveguides- Aperture Coupling
`Coupling Through an Aperture in a T ransverse Waveguide W~II
`Coupling Through an Aperture in the Broad Wall of a W aveguide
`Point of
`Series Stubs
`. 252
`5. 1 Matching with Lumped Elements (L Networks)
`Analytic Solutions
`Smith Chart Solutions
`Interest: Lumped Elements for Microwave Integrated Circuits
`5.2 Single-Stub Tuning
`Shunt Stubs
`5.3 Double-Stub Tuning
`Analytic Solution
`Smith Chart Solution
`5.4 The Quarter-Wave Transformer
`5.5 The Theory of Small Reflections
`Multisection Transformer
`Single-Section Transformer
`5.6 Binomial Multisection Matching Transformers
`5.7 Chebyshev Multisection Matching Transformers
`Chebyshev Polynomials
`Design of Chebyshev Transformers
`5.8 Tapered Lines
`Exponential Taper
`5.9 The Bode-Pano Criterion
`Triangular Taper
`29 1
`6.1 Series and Parallel Resonant Circuits
`Series Resonant Circuit
`Loaded and Unloaded Q
`6.2 Transmission Line Resonators
`Short-Circuited >../ 2 Line
`Open-Circuited >../ 2 Line
`3 11
`6.3 Rectangular Waveguide Cavities
`Resonant Frequencies
`Circular Waveguide Cavities
`Resonant Frequencies
`3 18
`6.5 Dielectric Resonators
`Resonant Frequencies of TEo16 Mode
`6.6 Fabry-Perot Resonators
`Stability of Open Resonators
`Parallel Resonant Circuit
`Short-Circuited A/ 4 Line
`3 10
`Q of the TE,oe Mode
`3 15
`Q of the TE,unt Mode
`Page 7 of 13


`C'lllll' .11 C1111plt1I}!
`Cavi1y P~rturha1 i1111~
`Material Pcrt11rhati1111,
`/\ (i11p-C'11upk<l M1umtnp
`/\ 11 /\ pc1111rc-(..'11upk d (':iv,ry
`Shupe l'crturhal11Jn~
`7. 1
`36 1
`Unequal Power Di vision and ./\·.way
`Design of Multihole Couplers
`35 1
`Basic Properties of Dividers and Couplers
`Four-Port Networks (Directional
`Three-Port Networks (T-junctions)
`35 1
`Poinr of lmeresr: Measuring Coupler Direcrii:ity
`The T-Junc.;tion Power Divider
`Lossless Divider
`Resistive Divider
`The Wilkinson Power Divider
`Even-Odd Mode Analysis
`Wilkinson Dividers
`Waveguide Directi0naJ Couplers
`Bethe Hole Coupler
`The Quadrature (90°) Hybrid
`Even-Odd Mode Analysis
`Coupled Li ne Directional Couplers
`Design of Coupled Line
`Coupled Line Theory
`Design of Multisection Coupled Line Couplers
`The Lange Coupler
`The 180° Hybrid
`Even-Odd Mode Analysis of the Ring Hybrid
`Analysis of the Tapered Coupled Line Hybrid
`Other Couplers
`Point of Inte rest: The Rejlecrometer
`Even-Odd Mode
`8.1 Periodic Structures
`Analysis of Infinite Periodic Structures
`Terminated Periodic
`k -{3 Diagrams and Wave Velocities
`8.2 Filter Design by the Image Parameter Method
`43 1
`Image Impedances and Transfer Functions for Two-Port Networks
`m-Derived Filter Sections
`Constant-k Filter Sections
`Composite Filters
`Page 8 of 13


`Bandpass and Bandstop
`Kuroda' s Ide ntities
`8.3 Filter Design by the Insertion Loss Method
`. Maximally Flat Low-Pass Filter
`Characterization by Power Loss Ratio
`Equal-Ripple Low-Pass Filter Prototype
`Linear Phase Low-Pass Filter Prototypes
`8.4 Filter Transformations
`Impedance and Frequency Scaling
`8.5 Filter Implementation
`Richard's Transformation
`Impedance and Admittance Inverters
`8.6 Stepped-Impedance Low-Pass Filters
`Approximate Equivalent Circuits for Short Transmission Line Sections
`8.7 Coupled Line Filters
`Filter Properties of a Coupled Line Section
`Bandpass Filters
`8.8 Filters Using Coupled Resonators
`Bandstop and Bandpass Filters Using Quarter-Wave Resonators
`Bandpass Filters Using Capacitively Coupled Resonators
`Direct-Coupled Waveguide Cavity Filters
`Design of Coupled Line
`9. 1 Basic Properties of Ferrimagnetic Materials
`The Permeability Tensor
`Circularly Polarized Fields
`Effect of Loss
`Demagnetization Factors
`Interest: Permanent Magnets
`9.2 Plane Wave Propagation in a Ferrite Medium
`Propagation in Direction of Bias (Faraday Rotation)
`Transverse to Bias (Birefringence)
`9.3 Propagation in a Ferrite-Loaded Rectangular Waveguide
`TEm.o Modes of Waveguide with a Single Ferrite Slab
`of Waveguide with Two Symmetrical Ferrite Slabs
`9.4 Ferrite Isolators
`Resonance Isolators
`9.5 Ferrite P hase Shifters
`Nonreciprocal Latching Phase Shifter
`The Gyrator
`9.6 Ferrite Circulators
`Properties of a Mismatched Circulator
`The Field Displacement Isolator
`Point of
`TEmo Modes
`Other Types of Ferrite Phase
`Junction Circulator
`Page 9 of 13


`Noise Power and Equi valent
`Measurement of Noise Temperature by the
`Noise Figure
`Noise Figure of a
`10.1 Noise in Microwave Circuits
`Dynamk Range and Source!'. of Noise
`Noise Tcm1>craturc
`) · -fac tor Method
`Cascaded System
`10.2 Detectors and Mixers
`565 Balanced
`Single-Ended Mixer
`Diode Rccti Hers and Detectors
`57 1
`Mi xer
`Other Types of Mi xers
`Point of Interest: The Spectrum Analyzer
`10.3 PIN Diode Control Circuits
`PIN Diode Phase Shifters
`Single-Pole Switches
`10.4 Microwave Integrated Circuits
`Hybrid Microwave Integrated Circuits
`Integrated Circuits
`10.5 Overview of Microwave Sources
`Solid-State Sources
`Monolithic Microwave
`Microwave Tubes
`• Microwave Bipolar
`11 .1 Characteristics of Microwave Transistors
`Microwave Field Effect Transistors (FETs)
`11.2 Gain and Stability
`Two-Port Power Gains
`6 18
`11.3 Single-Stage Transistor Amplifier Design
`Design for Maximum Gain (Conjugate Matching)
`Circles and Design for Specified Gain (Unilateral Device)
`Amplifier Design
`11.4 Broadband Transistor Amplifier Design
`Balanced Amplifiers
`Distributed Amplifiers
`11.5 Oscillator Design
`One-Port Negative Resistance Oscillators
`Dielectric Resonator Oscillators
`Constant Gain
`I 2. 1 System Aspects of Antennas
`Definite of Important Antenna Parameters
`Antenna Pattern Characteristics
`Efficiency, Gain, and Temperature
`Basic Types of
`Page 10 of 13


`Pulse Radar
`Cross Section
`Total Power
`. S steins
`Friis Power Transmission
`C mmumcauon y
`,., Microwave O
`. Systems
`nd Receivers
`. .
`l 2.-
`C mmun1cauon
`Transnutters a
`Types of o
`. r
`of a Microwave Receive
`Noise Charactenza11on
`. Multiplexed Systems
`3 Radar Systems

`The Radar Equation
`6 77
`r lions of Radiometry
`Theory and App ica
`Th Dicke Radiometer
`? 5 Microwave Propagation
`Atmospheric Effects
`12.6 Other Applications and Topics
`Microwave Heating
`Biological Effects and Safety
`Ground Effects
`Vector Analysis
`Bessel Functions
`Other Mathematical Results
`Physical Constants
`Conductivities for Some Materials
`G Dielectric Constants and Loss Tangents for Some Materials
`Properties of Some Microwave Ferrite Materials
`Standard Rectangular Waveguide Data
`Standard Coaxial Cable Data
`Page 11 of 13


`ill , I ) -+
`••(: , I)
`2.1 The Lumped-Element Circuit Model lor a Transmission Line
`Transmission Line Theory
`In 11130v ":i,s rrJn~mi,-.., i,111 hne theory bridges Lhe gap between field analysis and
`bJ.,,, ...rc-u,; th~~. and ,o is of ~ig11itica11t importance i 11 microwave network analysis.
`-1.~ "e " ill ,<'C. the phenomenon ,if wave propagation on transmission lines can be
`appnl1ld1t'd from an cx1cn.,ion of ,ircuit theory or from a specialization of Maxwell's
`equatio,i., : we ,hall prc.-eni ~.>th viewpoints and show how this wave propagation is
`dco-crii:,cd b~ equation, ,·cry ,imilar to those used in Chapter I for plane wave propagation.
`Tu kn difTercocr between circuit theory and transmission line theory is electrical
`s1zt. Circui~ analysis assumes that the physical dimensions of a network are much smaller
`than the electrical wa\'ele.ngth. while transmission lines may be a considerable fraction
`of a wavdengtb. or many wavelengths. in size. Thus a transmission line is a distributed(cid:173)
`parameirr ne1work.. where voltages and currents can vary in magnitude and phase over
`its length.
`N. shown in Figure 2. la. a transmission line is often schematically represented as a
`t~·o-wire Line. i.ince,mbsion lines (for TEM wave propagation) always have at least
`1~·0 conduetori,. The ,hon piece of line of length Ci.z of Figure 2.1 a can be modeled as
`a lumped-element dn:uit. as ,hown in Figure 2.1 b, where R, L , G, C are per unit length
`quantities ddine-d as follows:
`R = , erie, resistance per uni1 length. for both conductors, in 0./m .
`L = series induc:tance per unit length. for both conductors, in Him .
`C = shuni conductance per unit length, in S/m.
`C = shunt capacitanc.e per uni1 length. in F/m.
`and The i.crie, iodu~tance L the total self-inductance of the two conductors,
`e_ s_hum caparnance C is due Lo the close proximity of the two conductors. The
`. .
`,encs rcMstaoce /? represent the
`. -
`resistance ue to the linue conductivity of the conduc-
`tors, and tile ,hunt conductan . C' · d
`is ue Lo d1elec1m; loss in the material between the
`i (:. +A: . 11
`••/, + 6 :. r/
`/(:.. I) -+
`,,(:.. / )
`FIGURE 2.1 Vo hagc and turrent definitions and equivalenl circuit for an incrcmcn1al length
`of transmission line. (a) Vohage and currem definitions. (bl Lumped-clement
`equivalent circuit
`conductors. R and G. therefore. represent loss. A finite length of transmission line can
`be viewed as a cascade of sections of the form of Figure 2. 1 b.
`From the circuit of Figure 2. 1 b, Kirchhoffs vohage law can be applied to give
`&i(z, t)
`v(z , t) - R6.zi(z, t) - L6.z-r - -u(z + Ci.z. t) = 0.
`~. la
`and Kirchhoffs current law leads to
`&v(z + Ci.z, t)
`) GA
`i z,t - uzv(z+ u z, t) -Cll.z
`- ·1(z +Az.t) = 0.
`Dividing (2. la) and (2. lb) by A z and taking the limit as Ci.z - 0 gives the following
`differential equations:
`L &i(z, t)
`~ = -Ri(z, t)- --'lit'
`8i(z, t) = -Gv(z. t) - C&u~, t).
`These equations are the time-domain form of the transmission line. or telegrapher. equa(cid:173)
`For the sinusoidal steady-state condition, with cosine-based phasors. (2.2) simplify to
`dV(z) = -(R + jwL)l(z),
`dl(z) = -(G + jwC)V(z).
`Page 12 of 13


`Chapter 2: Transmission Line Theory
`Note the similarity in 1l1e fonn of (2.3) and Maxwell's curl equations of ( 1.41a) and
`Wave Propagation on a Transmission Line
`The two equations of (2.3) can be solved s imultaneously to give wave equations for
`I '(z) and / (:):
`dlV:z) - ,l\f(z) - 0,
`21()- 0
`~ - - y z - ,
`) =a+ j 6 = /(R+ jwL)(G + jwC)
`is the complex propagation constant, which is a function of frequency. Traveling wave
`solutions to (2.4) can be found as
`V(z) = V/e-'F + vo- e'l'',
`I(z) = r: e_,,, + I;; e ,,,,
`where the e-1 = term l\epresents wave propagation in the +z direction, and the e'l'' tenn
`represents wave propagation in the -z direction. Applying (2.3a) to the voltage of (2.6a)
`gives the current on the line:
`J(z) =
`R + jwL
`[v+ e- ')'Z - v-e-.•]
`Comparison with (2.6b) shows that a characteristic impedance, Zo, can be defined as
`R+ ·
`Zo = _ _ JwL
`to relate the voltage and current on the line as
`v,,+ - Z, - - vo(cid:173)
`lt -
`lo .
`o -
`Then (2.6b) can be rewritten in the following form:
`v +
`·1(z) = -2-e-'l'' -
`- 0- e-r•.
`Converting back to the time domain, the voltage waveform can be expressed as
`v(z, t) = IV/I cos(wt - {3z + tp+)e-"'
`+ iv.-1 cos(wt + /3z + r)e'",
`~ -
`... ± is the phase angle of the complex voltage V/. Using arguments similar to
`where 'I'
`·n Section 1.4, we find that the wavelength on the lme 1s
`those 1
`2.2 Field Analysis of Transmission Lines
`and the phase velocity is
`The Losslesa Line
`(J ,
`Vp: f3 : J..f.
`2. 11
`T he above solution was for a general transmission line. including loss effects. and it
`was seen that the propagation constant and characteristic impedance were complex. In
`many practical cases, however, the loss of the line is very small and so can be neglected.
`resulting in a simplification of the above results. Setting R = G == 0 in (2.5) gives the
`propagation constant as
`'Y =o + j(J =jwFG,
`(J = w../Lc,
`o =O.
`As expected for the lossless case, the attenuation constant a is zero. The characteristic
`impedance of (2. 7) reduces to
`which is now a real number. The general solutions for voltage and current on a lossless
`transmission line can then be written as
`V ( z) = V.,+ e- i/l• + v0-ei11•,
`J(z) = -Le- 1/J• - _2...e3/J•
`2. 14a
`The wavelength is
`and the phase velocity is
`Vp = f3 = .;re·
`2. 16
`In this section we will rederi,•e the time-harmonic fonn of the telegrapher's equations.
`staning with Maxwell's equations. We will begio by deriviog the uansmission line
`Page 13 of 13

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