`Distortion in Variable-Capacitance Diodes
`is anatyzed
`in variable-capacitance
`the Volterra
`series approach.
`in series- and
`are derived
`and verified
`by experiment
`up to 200 MHz.
`The choice of
`the diode capacitance
`law ex-
`for minimum
`is investigated.
`in multiple-
`is arratyzed
`and the advantages
`the back-to-back
`is shown.
`show the elimination
`for n = 0.5 in this comection.
`diodes are being used in-
`of communication
`the tuning
`tuning offers the advantages
`This method of
`[1] - [6].
`of compactness and the ability
`to place the tuning control
`mote from the actual circuit.
`Also, since the circuit
`tuning is
`by a dc voltage, electronic
`the tuning
`is possible.
`the above advantages of variable-
`together with
`capacitance diodes is the disadvantage caused by the introduc-
`tion of distortion
`by the voltage-dependent
`capacit ante.
`to be able to use these diodes effectively,
`is important
`to have explicit
`the distortion
`produced in
`such circuits.
`In addition,
`such expressions allow the diode
`to examine the possibility
`of producing diodes with
`minimum distortion
`diodes has been
`in variable-capacitance
`examined in the past
`these analyses have been spe-
`cial cases and not generally applicable.
`In this paper, general
`expressions are derived for the distortion
`produced by variable-
`capacitance diodes and these are verified by circuit measure-
`ments at
`frequencies up to 200 MHz. Some general miscon-
`ceptions regarding the optimum value of
`the diode capacitance
`are corrected.
`the relative
`various multiple-diode
`and experimentally.
`are explored
`both theoret-
`used to
`diodes are almost
`tune resonant circuits and that
`is the situation assumed in this
`paper. Circuits other
`than those considered here can, however,
`be analyzed using the same methods.
`Fig. 1.
`(a) Measurement arrangement
`(b) Equivalent
`the parallel-resonant
`A. Parallel-Tuned Circuit
`is shown in Fig.
`used for measurements
`The actual circuit
`l(a) and the circuit model used for analysis is shown in Fig.
`In Fig.
`l(a), C’. is a small series capacitor used to inject
`the signals and Cx is stray capacitance.
`cb is a large bypass
`In Fig. 1(b), all capaci-
`capacitor and ~Q is the bias voltage.
`tance has been lumped into a single nonlinear capacitance and
`a Norton equivalent current source input
`is used.
`For small distortion,
`the output
`voltage UOin Fig. 1(b) can
`be expressed as a Volterra series [9]
`in terms of
`the input
`is as
`+Az(j@l, @Joi~
`the magnitude and phase
`where the operator sign indicates that
`of each term in i:
`is to be changed by the magnitude and phase
`. . . , jon ). A ~(ja)
`is the normal
`of An(jq,
`the circuit.
`Once the Volterra
`“ “ “ , jan)
`are known, any type of distortion
`such as
`cross modulation,
`or harmonic distortion
`be calculated [10].
`The capacitance C(V) of a diode can usually be expressed in
`the form
`incremental diode capacitance
`built-in potential
`total voltage
`law exponent.
`C= dQ/dV
`@ Kv n
`received May 23, 1974; revised September 6, 1974. This
`work was supported by the U.S. Army Research Office, Durham, unda
`Grant DAHC04-74-G-0151.
`of Electrical Engineering and
`R. G. Meyer
`is with the Department
`Computer Sciences and the Electronics Research Laboratory, University
`of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720.
`of Electrical Engineering
`M. L. Stephens was with the Department
`and Computer Sciences and the Electronics Research Laboratory, Uni-
`versity of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720.
`He is now with the
`Signetics Corporation, Sunnyvafe, Calif.
`Page 1 of 8


`If ~Q is the bias voltage and u is a small
`then put
`uo~ = IA I (jcd~)l 1~ Cos (u~t + LA (ju~)).
`Equation (2) can then be expressed as
`c(u) = (o + ~Q)
`C(V)= CO+ CIV+C’2V2
`co= (~+ VQ)”
`+ 1)
`C2= co rr(n
`2(O+ ~Q)2
`arises from the cubic term
`The third-order
`in (1) and the term at frequency (2wa - Ub)
`I;I~ 1A3(jclJa , jua , -jcd~)l CQS[(ua + u= - co~)t
`+ LA3(jcoa,
`is defined as the ratio of
`the magnitude of
`the third-order
`to the
`signal, i.e.,
`~ ~~~b l~3(j~a,j@aj
`1A 1(j~a)l~a
`I. = lAl(jQb)l
`lb = ~0
`where VO is the peak value of each fundamental
`output voltage,
`can be lumped in
`stray capacitance shunting the circuit
`with CO.
`is shown in Appendix
`I that
`the Volterra
`cients for the parallel-tuned
`circuit are given by
`jtia) =
`+jw +juJ
`(C, Am+ $A (jq)A,
`I (h)
`( jul
`+ ju2
`+ ju3)L
`+ (jcol + jw2 *ju3)C’0
`+A l(j@A’(jq
`on inter-
`The experimental work in this paper was performed
`distortion generated by two input sinusoidal signals
`at different
`is =1= COS Cdat
`COS (dbt
`where 1= and ~b are adjusted to produce equal output voltage
`Then substituting
`in (1) gives for
`U. ~ = 1A1( j~a)l
`I. cos (u.
`f + LA W))
`is de-
`fashion, second-order
`In a similar
`fined as the ratio of
`the magnitude of
`the distortion
`nent at (ul
`+ ti2)
`to the fundamental
`signal and
`1M2 = ‘0 1A, (j@
`1A I(j”b)l”
`IM2 and IM3 in the
`The above equations allow calculation
`special case in practice is
`general case. However, an important
`when Ua ==~b and both are close to the tuned circuit center
`is further
`assumed that
`the Q of
`the circuit
`high and the stray capacitance is small. Then, using (6)-(9)
`and (1 1), (18) can be expressed as
`I-M?+J (20)
`and U. =
`is the tuned circuit
`where U.
`~~ ~6.)b.
`Although most of
`the frequency dependence of
`is apparently
`by the simplification,
`tuned circuit
`frequency U.
`is still a parameter, due to
`the frequency-dependent
`diode capacitance’ nonlinearity.
`the frequency
`the tuned circuit are
`contained in the term in parentheses.
`If P is the average output power
`in RP per signal, then
`2 Rp
`Using (21)
`in (20) and rearranging gives
`~M3 = Q~C2P
`2W0 c;
`~ _
`(20) and (22) can be used to calculate IM3 caused
`by variable-capacitance
`diode tuning of parallel-tuned
`Page 2 of 8


`cd —
`Fig. 2. Plot of
`the terms dependent on n in (20) versus diode capaci-
`tance law exponent n.
`MV 1652
`o MV 1401
`BIOS voltage
`( volt)
`plots for typical diodes described
`Fig. 3. Measured capacitance-voltage
`in this paper.
`The term in parentheses in these equations indicates the pos-
`of eliminating
`IM3 for a particular
`value of n. This
`occurs for n = 3 and not
`for n = 2 as has previously been sug-
`gested [3],
`the practicality
`of attempting
`realize this situation is doubtful.
`This is shown in Fig. 2, where
`the terms dependent on n in (20) are plotted as a function
`n. The factor n (n + 1) comes from C2 in (20).
`The null at
`n = 3 is quite sharp and errors in realizing the exponent
`lead to high distortion
`levels. This is discussed further below.
`In (20) and (22),
`the first
`term in parentheses is due to the
`C’2V2 term in (5) and the second term is due to second-order
`In this case the second-order
`acts to reduce overall distortion
`by cancellation.
`In order to check the above theoretical expressions, measure-
`ments were made on a number of variable-capacitance
`The capacitance versus voltage plots for some of
`these diodes
`are shown in Fig. 3 on log scales. Two of
`the diodes are con-
`diffused junctions with
`n s 0.4 while the third is
`hyper-abrupt with n a 1.6. Circuit Q values were kept
`in the
`range 10 to 20 and the input
`frequencies were kept centered
`VQ (volf)
`Fig. 4. Calculated and measured distortion
`for the MV 1652 diode in a
`frequencies ranged from 5.2 to 7.5
`MHz and each signal produced 223 mV rms across the tuned circuit.
`— c alculoted
`0 measured
`~ -30.
`-50 -
`, V.
`Fig. 5. Calculated and measured distortion
`the hyperabrupt
`MV 1401 in a parallel-resonant
`circuit. Signal frequencies ranged from
`3.5 to 10.1 MHz and each signal produced 223 mV rms across the
`tuned circuit.
`in the band. Thus the frequency of measurement changed as
`the bias voltage (and thus the diode capacitance)
`Measured values of
`IM2 and IM3 for
`the MV 1652 (n= 0.47)
`are compared with calculated values in Fig. 4 and good agree-
`is seen. The calculated values were determined from (18)
`and (19), although (20) and (22) are quite accurate under these
`and could be used for
`The value of n found
`from Fig. 3 was used to calculate the coefficients
`in (5).
`Measured distortion
`the hyper-abrupt
`diode MV 1401 is
`shown in Fig. 5 and is seen to exhibit anomalous ripples.
`If a
`law of
`the form of (4)
`is assumed for
`the capacitance
`this behavior
`cannot be predicted
`and significant
`are found
`between measurements
`and calculations.
`Page 3 of 8


`Fig. 6.
`(a) Measurement
`(b) Equivalent
`in (5) were
`the coefficients
`it was found
`routine from
`at each bias point by a curve-fitting
`careful measured capacit ante data,
`the observed behavior was
`well predicted by (18) and (19) as seen in Fig. 5. Thus these
`diodes ekhibit
`ripples in the C-V curves
`are too small
`to be observed visually but
`show up
`in distortion measurements.
`The reason for
`this be-
`can be found
`in the method of
`devices [2].
`The required doping profile is realized as a step-
`wise approximation
`leading to small perturbations
`in the C-V
`it would appear difficult
`the above reasons,
`~ = 3 with sufficient
`precision to achieve the null
`discussed previously.
`to achieve
`in distortion
`B. Series-Tuned Circuit
`The circuit used for measurements is shown in Fig. 6(a) and
`the circuit model used for analysis is shown in Fig. 6(b). C~ is
`a large coupling capacitor and cb is a large bypass capacitor.
`Rb is a large bias resistor.
`voltage UOin Fig.
`express the output
`For small distortion,
`6(b) as a Volterra series in terms of the input us as follows:
`U. =Bl(ju)
`o us +Bz(jq,
`to that
`An analysis similar
`for this case as
`in Appendix
`I gives the Volterra
`D1 (jw) =
`1 + juCoR~ + ( jco)2LCo
`is defined as in (12).
`and DID2
`(18) and (19) again give
`Following the previous development,
`l?n (jti ~,
`the circuit
`the Volterra
`o “ “ , jan)
`are used.
`Again taking the special case of U. =
`Ua = Ub it can be shown that
`the third-order
`int ermodulat
`for the series-tuned circuit
`U. CoR~
`and all other quantities are previously defined. Equation (28)
`is similar
`in form to (20)
`the parallel-tuned
`If P is the
`average out put power
`in R~ per signal, then
`B1 (JcJ)
`+ (jti)2LC0
`= ~ ~jUCoR~
`If (30)
`is substituted in (28), we obtain
`jc.02) =
`1 + (jtil
`+ (jai
`R,(RJ1 +IkI+ +h)
`1 + (jUI +juz+ju3) CoR~ + (jai
`+ ja2 +jti3)2LC0
`*M3 = Q~C2P
`2(4 c;
`~ _
`the circuit Q values are
`to (22)
`is identical
`equal. That
`is, the same formula applies to both the series and
`parallel cases.
`of Fig.
`the series resonant circuit
`Measured distortion
`6(a) with diode IN 5461 (n = 0.42)
`is shown in Fig. 7 together
`from (18) and (19).
`is seen. The deviations are believed due to the dif-
`in realizing accurately
`the required low value of Rs at
`high frequencies.
`The voltage levels are much smaller than the
`Page 4 of 8


`BIOS voltage,
`( volt)
`Fig. 7. Calculated and measured distortion
`the IN 5461
`from 31 to 48
`a series-resonant
`MHz and each signal produced
`22.3 mV rms across the series resistor
`the MV 2101 diode in
`Fig. 9. Calculated and measured distortion
`the circuit of Fig. 8. Signal frequencies ranged from 100 to 137 MHz
`and each signal produced 22.3 mV rms across the resistor R$.
`*CS L
`, LTIT’T+ %Vc
`Fig. 8.
`(a) Resonant
`the measurement
`of distortion.
`resonant case because the series resistance R~ is much
`than Rp and results in more output
`for a given
`comparison with multiple-diode
`the purposes of
`circuits, distortion measurements were made in the resonant
`circuit of Fig. 8(a) where C~ is a small coupling capacitor.
`is convenient
`for high-frequency measurements and the
`is shown in Fig. 8(b).
`The results of mea-
`surements on the MV 2101 diode in this circuit are shown in
`Fig. 9 and compared with calculated vahres where good agree-
`is seen. The expressions for distortion
`in this c~se are the
`same as for the series resonant circuit of Fig. 6 for given output
`schemes have been suggested to reduce distortion
`caused by variable -capacit ante diode tuning [7],
`Two of
`these are the antiparallel
`shown in Fig. 10 and the
`shown in Fig. 11. Capacitors Co are large bypass capacitors.
`Using the analysis methods developed in this paper,
`Fig. 10. Antiparallel
`diode connection.
`;, 4m J
`Fig. 11. Back-to-back
`or composite
`diode connection.
`can now be analyzed and compared with the single-
`diode circuit
`for distortion
`A. Antiparallel Connection
`the capacitance of each diode by a power series as
`the incremental
`applied voltage u in a similar
`a function
`fashion to (5):
`C1(U)=KO +K1V+K*U2
`L1U+L2V2+ .
`. .
`the minus
`The total capacitance is
`the reversed
`LO)+ (KI-LI)U+(K2+L2)U2
`. . .
`For two matched diodes
`2K2V2 +..”.
`Page 5 of 8


`3= %s -
`( volt)
`now applicable with
`these new coefficients.
`From (10),
`= O and IM2 is ideally
`is now lost
`canceling effect of
`the second-order
`(see (20) and (22)) and thus IM3 will be somewhat higher
`for a single diode.
`is compared with calculated distortion
`Measured distortion
`this case in Fig. 12 using MV2101
`diodes and good agree-
`is seen for
`Second-order distortion
`IM2 was not
`These measurements were made in the circuit of
`Fig. 8. A somewhat
`lower Q value for Fig. 12 prevents a direct
`comparison with the single-diode data of Fig. 9, but
`the distor-
`tion data in the two figures are seen to be comparable.
`B. Composite Common Cathode
`The analysis of the circuit of Fig. 11 can again be approached
`by deriving an equivalent power series for
`the capacitance of
`the multiple-diode
`voltage is shared
`the incremental
`In the circuit
`of Fig. 11,
`between the diodes.
`Let u be the total
`C1(V1)=KO +K1U1+K2U;
`C2(U2)= L0-L1V2+L2V;
`the antiparallel
`and measured
`Fig. 12. Calculated
`8 using MV 2101
`in the circuit
`of Fig.
`from 76 to 110 MHz
`and each signal produced
`22.3 mV rms across the resistor R~.
`the resultant capacitance of
`is shown in Appendix
`composite common cathode connection is
`c(v) =p~-
`-POP2)S? +..
`KO Lo
`+ 2L;
`p2 = K:/2
`- KoKz/3
`~ L:/2
`- LoLz/3
`For matched diodes
`02 +...
`term is halved and the
`the constant
`shows that
`term disappears
`as expected.
`is ideally
`The term in V2 (which
`causes third-order
`the factor
`arises from the fact
`that each diode has approximately
`ac voltage
`across it and thus third-order
`is reduced
`the term in parentheses
`shows a second-
`term and the possibility
`this co-
`to zero.
`This will occur
`I. SK:
`is n = ~.
`(7), and (8) the condition imposed by (44)
`Using (6),
`is relatively easy to produce variable capacitance
`In practice,
`diodes with exponents
`close to this value and hence to achieve
`very low levels of second- and third-order
`using the
`composite common cathode connection.
`Measured distortion
`the composite common cathode con-
`nection in the circuit of Fig. 8 using MV 2101 diodes is shown
`in Fig. 13. Good agreement
`is seen between calculated and
`measured distortion
`IM3. The errors in IM2 prediction
`due to the sensitivity
`the circuit
`to unbalance caused by
`associated with
`bias resistor
`direct comparison
`cannot be made with the single-diode data
`of Fig. 9 due to differing Q values. However,
`the general trend
`of much reduced distortion
`the composite common cath-
`ode connection is apparent.
`Closed-form expressions have been derived for distortion
`caused by variable capacitance diodes in series- and parallel-
`tuned circuits.
`The optimum value for
`the diode capacitance
`law exponent
`is shown to be 3 for
`the minimization
`order distortion,
`there are practical difficulties
`in the reali-
`zation of
`this distortion
`null. One of
`these difficulties
`is the
`presence of small
`in the C-V plots of hyperabrupt
`diodes which cause anomalous ripples in the distortion
`teristics of
`these diodes.
`the composite
`the superiority
`In multiple-diode
`over the antiparallel
`cathode connection
`is shown to be due to two factors.
`These are the sharing of
`voltage across the two series diodes in the composite common
`cathode connection
`and also the existence of a second-order
`Page 6 of 8


`-40 1
`(1) in (47) and equating first-order
`terms gives
`— + jcdCO
`R<+ jcoL
`Equating second-order
`terms gives
`O = (jcol +jcdz) CoA2(jcol
`+ ( jcdl + jcoz) ~Al(jol)Al(jco2)+
`I volt)
`Fig. 13. Calculated and measured distortion for the composite common
`cathode diode connection
`in the circuit of Fig. 8 using MV 2101
`frequencies ranged from 135 to 178 MHz and each
`signal produced 22.3 mV rms across the resistor R$.
`Equation (11)
`order terms.
`is derived in a similar
`fashion by equating third-
`for n = 0.5.
`term which causes a null
`in third-order
`Consider the parallel resonant circuit shown in Fig. 1(b). The
`capacitance is given by
`c(v)= d#=co+c1u+c2v2+”
`. .,
`the diodes of Fig. 11. Represent
`capacitance of
`the diodes by
`the incremental
`c1 (VJ =
`dQ ~
`C* (V2) = — = LO- L1V2+L2V;
`charges on the capacitances are
`C(UO)=CO +C1UO+C2V; +”””
`where Co, Cl, and C2 are defined
`capacitor current
`ic is given by
`dQ _ dQ duo
`The incremental
`by (6),
`(7), and (8);
`“’ Cl(vl)dvl,
`Cl dv:
`ic=co —+ ——+—
`Cz dv:
`— +“””.
`Represent VOas a Volterra series in terms of
`is as follows:
`Since this is a series connection
`V. =Al(j@)
`law for Fig.
`l(b) gives
`L J
`vodt + a.
`Q,= Q2=Q.
`Using (53) and performing
`a series reversionon(51)
`and (52)
`‘1 ‘<-2K0
`Page 7 of 8


`Now the total voltage is
`V= V1+U2.
`Using (56), adding (54) and (55), and performing
`reversion gives
`another series
`. . .
`Equation (57) can be differentiated
`to give C(u)= cZQ/drJas in
`K. E. Manchester, J. D. McDougall, O. Tkal, and T. W. Chu,
`rf amplifier
`using ion implantation,”
`in ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 186–1 87, 1973.
`P. M. Norris
`and P. Heidenreich,
`Trans. Broadcast
`and application
`to AM radio,”
`pp. 87-91, July 1967.
`Telev. Receivers,
`M. H. Norwood and E. Shatz, “Voltage variable capacitor tuning:
`a review,” Proc
`vol. 56, pp. 788-798,
`May 1968.
`to am and
`G. Oswald,
`of multiple
`fm tuners~’
`in ISSCCDig.
`Tech. Papers, pp. 138-139,
`IEEE Trans.
`L. Sokoloff,
`“IC voltage variable
`vol. BTR-15, pp. 33-40, Feb. 1969.
`Telev. Receivers,
`R. De Cola, “Varactor tuning applied to AM-FM receivers;’ IEEE
`Trans. Broadcast
`Telev. Receivers,
`vol. BTR-13,
`pp. 82-86,
`and W. John,
`H. Henrici
`entech. Z., vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 517-522,
`of cross-modulation
`distortion with capacitor
`H. Keller and O. Dietrich,
`no. 4, pp. 266-269, 1967.
`diodes~’ Radio Mentor,
`S. Narayanan, “Transistor distortion analysisusing Volterra series
`representation,” Bell Syst.
`“Cross modula-
`R. G. Meyer, M. J. Shensa, and R. Esehenbach,
`tion and intermodulation
`in amplitlers
`at high frequencies,”
`J. Solid-State
`vol. SC-7, pp. 16-23,
`Feb. 1972.
`was born
`Robert G. Meyer
`in Melbourne,
`on July 21, 1942. He
`the B. E., M. Eng. Sci. and Ph.D.
`from the Uni-
`of Melbourne
`in 1963,
`1965, and 1968,
`as an Assistant
`he was employed
`in Electrical
`the Uni-
`of Melbourne.
`Since September
`he has been
`in the Department
`Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
`University of California, Berkeley, where he is now an Associate Profes-
`sor. His current
`research interests are in high-frequency
`amplifiers and analog integrated circuit design. He is a consultant
`Exar Integrated Systems,
`Dr. Meyer is a Member of Sigma Xi.
`in Salt Lake City,
`L. Stephens was born
`He received
`on November
`29, 1947.
`of Tech-
`B. S.E.E. degree from Carnegie
`M. S.E.E.
`from the University
`of Cali-
`at Berkeley
`in 1974.
`Design Engineer
`He has worked
`as a Circuit
`for Hewlett-Packard
`Co., Avondale,
`Pa., and as
`a Research
`the Electronics
`the University
`of Cali-
`He is presently
`Signetics Corporation, Sunnyvale, Calif.
`Page 8 of 8

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