`JS 44 (Rev. 10/20) - TXND (10/20)
`Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1-14 Filed 05/21/21 Page 1 of 1 PageID 177Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1-14 Filed 05/21/21 Page 1 of 1 PageID 177
`The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except as
`provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the
`purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON NEXT PAGE OF THIS FORM.)
`(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff
`(c) Attorneys (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone Number)
`County of Residence of First Listed Defendant
`Attorneys (If Known)
`II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an “X” in One Box Only)
`1 U.S. Government
`3 Federal Question
`(U.S. Government Not a Party)
`III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Place an “X” in One Box for Plaintiff
`and One Box for Defendant)
`(For Diversity Cases Only)
`Incorporated or Principal Place
`of Business In This State
`Citizen of This State
`2 U.S. Government
`4 Diversity
`(Indicate Citizenship of Parties in Item III)
`Citizen of Another State
`Citizen or Subject of a
`Foreign Country
`625 Drug Related Seizure
`of Property 21 USC 881
`690 Other
`710 Fair Labor Standards
`720 Labor/Management
`740 Railway Labor Act
`751 Family and Medical
`Leave Act
`790 Other Labor Litigation
`791 Employee Retirement
`Income Security Act
`462 Naturalization Application
`465 Other Immigration
`Incorporated and Principal Place
`of Business In Another State
`Foreign Nation
`Click here for: Nature of Suit Code Descriptions.
`422 Appeal 28 USC 158
`375 False Claims Act
`423 Withdrawal
`376 Qui Tam (31 USC
`28 USC 157
`400 State Reapportionment
`410 Antitrust
`430 Banks and Banking
`450 Commerce
`460 Deportation
`470 Racketeer Influenced and
`Corrupt Organizations
`480 Consumer Credit
`(15 USC 1681 or 1692)
`485 Telephone Consumer
`Protection Act
`490 Cable/Sat TV
`850 Securities/Commodities/
`890 Other Statutory Actions
`891 Agricultural Acts
`893 Environmental Matters
`895 Freedom of Information
`896 Arbitration
`899 Administrative Procedure
`Act/Review or Appeal of
`Agency Decision
`950 Constitutionality of
`State Statutes
`820 Copyrights
`830 Patent
`835 Patent - Abbreviated
`New Drug Application
`840 Trademark
`880 Defend Trade Secrets
`Act of 2016
`861 HIA (1395ff)
`862 Black Lung (923)
`863 DIWC/DIWW (405(g))
`864 SSID Title XVI
`865 RSI (405(g))
`870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiff
`or Defendant)
`871 IRS—Third Party
`26 USC 7609
`IV. NATURE OF SUIT (Place an “X” in One Box Only)
`110 Insurance
`120 Marine
`310 Airplane
`365 Personal Injury -
`130 Miller Act
`315 Airplane Product
`Product Liability
`140 Negotiable Instrument
`367 Health Care/
`150 Recovery of Overpayment
`320 Assault, Libel &
`& Enforcement of Judgment
`Personal Injury
`151 Medicare Act
`330 Federal Employers’
`Product Liability
`152 Recovery of Defaulted
`368 Asbestos Personal
`Student Loans
`340 Marine
`Injury Product
`(Excludes Veterans)
`345 Marine Product
`153 Recovery of Overpayment
`of Veteran’s Benefits
`350 Motor Vehicle
`370 Other Fraud
`160 Stockholders’ Suits
`355 Motor Vehicle
`371 Truth in Lending
`190 Other Contract
`Product Liability
`380 Other Personal
`195 Contract Product Liability
`360 Other Personal
`Property Damage
`196 Franchise
`385 Property Damage
`362 Personal Injury -
`Product Liability
`Medical Malpractice
`440 Other Civil Rights
`441 Voting
`442 Employment
`443 Housing/
`445 Amer. w/Disabilities -
`446 Amer. w/Disabilities -
`448 Education
`210 Land Condemnation
`220 Foreclosure
`230 Rent Lease & Ejectment
`240 Torts to Land
`245 Tort Product Liability
`290 All Other Real Property
`Habeas Corpus:
`463 Alien Detainee
`510 Motions to Vacate
`530 General
`535 Death Penalty
`540 Mandamus & Other
`550 Civil Rights
`555 Prison Condition
`560 Civil Detainee -
`Conditions of
`V. ORIGIN (Place an “X” in One Box Only)
`1 Original
`2 Removed from
`State Court
`5 Transferred from
`Another District
`Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing (Do not cite jurisdictional statutes unless diversity):
`3 Remanded from
`Appellate Court
`4 Reinstated or
`6 Multidistrict
`Litigation -
`8 Multidistrict
`Litigation -
`Direct File
`Brief description of cause:
`CHECK YES only if demanded in complaint:
`(See instructions):
`High Energy Ozone LLC d/b/a Far-UV Sterilray and S.
`Edward Neister
`Strafford County
`Kaufman County
`King & Spalding LLP. 500 West 2nd St., Austin, TX 78701
`(512) 457-2000
`Larson Electronics LLC
`35 U.S.C. §§ 100 et seq
`This is an action for Infringement of US Patent Nos. 8,975,605 and 9,700,642
`May 21, 2021
`/s/Jill R. Carvalho
`Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 1 of 38 PageID 1Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 1 of 38 PageID 1
`Civil Action No.
` Plaintiffs,
` Defendant.
`Plaintiffs High Energy Ozone LLC d/b/a Far-UV Sterilray (“HEO3”) and Mr.
`S. Edward Neister (“Mr. Neister”) (collectively, “Plaintiffs”), allege as follows:
`1. More than fifteen years ago, physicist S. Edward Neister developed and
`patented methods for deactivating or destroying harmful microorganisms using a
`new spectrum of ultraviolet (UV) light. Mr. Neister’s methods included the
`development and use of Krypton-Chloride excimer lamps that emit a peak
`wavelength at 222 nm in conjunction with other wavelengths. Unlike the 254 nm
`UV light—which had been used for decades for sanitization but was dangerous to
`humans—applying 222 nm UV light does not penetrate human skin or eyes, making
`it far better and more useful than traditional lamps and methods of use.
`2. Mr. Neister’s patented technology became the foundation for the family
`business. Mr. Neister and his brother John Neister originally founded the company
`Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 2 of 38 PageID 2Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 2 of 38 PageID 2
`that would become HEO3 in 2005 in a small town in New Hampshire. HEO3 is
`producing and selling lamps designed to perform Mr. Neister’s patented methods of
`killing harmful microorganisms.
`The global COVID-19 pandemic took the world by surprise in early
`2020, but the hard work of and vision by the Neister brothers anticipated such a
`crisis. Their Excimer Wave Sterilray™ technology, products, and patented methods
`positioned HEO3 to be a global leader in UV light disinfection technology, providing
`sanitization devices to aid in the fight against the disease.
`As a result of the pandemic, interest in UV light disinfection technology
`reached new heights. Market entrants sprung forth to capitalize on sanitization
`using far-UV light in the 222 nm range—including through unauthorized use of
`HEO3’s patented technology.
`5. HEO3’s patented technology asserted in this case includes U.S. Patent
`Nos. 8,975,605 (the “’605 patent”) and 9,700,642, (the “’642 patent”) (collectively, the
`“Asserted Patents”), true and correct copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibits
`1 and 2, respectively.
`6. Defendant Larson Electronics LLC (“Larson”), founded in 1973, is one
`such company trading on HEO3’s patented technology. As described below, multiple
`Larson products utilize HEO3’s patented systems and methods.
`To protect its hard-earned intellectual property rights, HEO3 sent a
`notice letter to Larson to notify it of HEO3’s patents and to offer to open licensing
`discussions, a true and correct copy of which is attached as Exhibit 3. But still
`Larson refused to cease its infringing activities. This action followed.
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`This is an action for infringement of the ’605 patent and the ’642 patent
`pursuant to the Patent Laws of the United States of America, 35 U.S.C. §§ 100 et
`Plaintiff HEO3 is a company organized and existing under the laws of
`the State of New Hampshire with its principal place of business at 30 Centre Road,
`Suite 6, Somersworth, NH 03878.
`10. Plaintiff S. Edward Neister resides and works in the state of New
`Hampshire. He is the founder of HEO3 and its Chief Technology Officer.
`11. On information and belief, Defendant Larson is a corporation organized
`and existing under the laws of the State of Texas with its principal place of business
`at 9419 U.S. Highway 175, Kemp, TX 75143.
`12. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action under at
`least 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1338.
`13. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Larson because it is
`incorporated in the State of Texas. On information and belief, Larson maintains its
`principal place of business in this District.
`14. Venue is proper in this District under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b)-(c) and
`1400(b) because Larson maintains its principal place of business in this District and
`has committed acts of infringement in this District.
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`HEO3’s 222 nm UV Technology
`15. HEO3 is a leading developer of disinfection equipment using 222 nm
`UV technology. HEO3’s disinfection technology provides a safe and environmentally
`sound means of disinfection using far-UV light to kill bacteria, viruses, mold, and
`fungi in seconds or less. It has been validated by over 40 third-party labs as having
`a greater than 99.99% effective kill rate.
`16. HEO3’s technology permits users to sterilize surfaces without harsh
`chemicals. Additionally, unlike more commonly used UV sterilization techniques,
`HEO3’s technology is mercury free and does not produce ozone—a significant
`advance in terms of safety and environmental impact.
`17. HEO3 offers a wide range of products utilizing its 222 nm UV
`technology. These include, for example: luminaire fixtures; air and surface
`disinfection units for disinfecting ambient air and surfaces in a room; surface
`disinfection rails and disinfection wands for disinfecting surfaces and air; pathogen
`reduction boxes for disinfecting high-touch items (such as handheld medical
`equipment) that can be placed inside the boxes; and airduct units for disinfecting
`air passing through HVAC units.
`18. HEO3 does business under the tradename Far UV SterilrayTM and its
`products feature Mr. Neister’s patented Excimer Wave SterilrayTM Technology.
`Customers across the globe use Excimer Wave SterilrayTM products to create safer
`work, home, and medical environments.
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`19. As described on its website, HEO3’s goal is to reduce the spread of
`infections and the burdens of such illnesses on our healthcare system. Over the past
`year alone, HEO3 has been approached by numerous and diverse organizations—
`including NFL teams, airlines, and robotic companies that specialize in the
`disinfection of office spaces, military barracks, public transportation, and
`hospitals—that have expressed interest in using HEO3’s technology to help prevent
`spread of COVID-19.
`20. HEO3’s 222 nm UV technology is described and claimed in the Asserted
`Patents, on which Mr. Neister is the sole inventor. Mr. Neister has worked in the
`field of laser and UV light technology for over six decades. Mr. Neister drew on his
`decades of experience to develop HEO3’s 222 nm UV technology claimed in the
`Asserted Patents.
`21. Prior to Mr. Neister’s inventions, UV disinfection methods typically
`used light at 254 nm generated by mercury-based lamps. Mr. Neister discovered
`that single line wavelengths emitted from an “excimer” lamp—a lamp using inert
`gases to generate photons at wavelengths matching the maximum absorption bands
`for DNA nitrogenous bases, proteins, amino acids, and other component bonds of
`microorganisms—could be significantly more effective than standard 254 nm
`photons for destroying DNA. As described in the ’605 patent, “[k]ill action times are
`reduced from 10’s to 100’s of seconds to times of 0.1 seconds.” Ex. 1 at 4:65-67.
`22. One of the wavelengths Mr. Neister found to be particularly useful for
`disinfection was 222 nm, falling within the “far-UV” range. HEO3’s Excimer Wave
`SterilrayTM products utilize photons at this wavelength, amongst others.
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`23. Recognizing Mr. Neister’s discoveries, the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office (“USPTO”) issued the Asserted Patents. Mr. Neister is the sole
`inventor of the Asserted Patents and related applications that are currently
`Larson’s Far-UV Sanitation Lighting Products
`24. Although Larson has been in the lighting business for decades, only
`with the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic has it begun to manufacture, market, and
`sell lighting products containing Far-UV wavelengths including 222 nm. Upon
`information and belief, in or around June 2020, Larson began fabricating and
`selling products that perform Mr. Neister’s patented processes for destroying or
`deactivating the DNA or RNA (i.e., the organic bonds and proteins) of
`microorganisms on substances or surfaces of the Asserted Patents.
`In Larson’s “Far UV Catalog 2020, a true and correct copy of which is
`attached hereto as Exhibit 4, Larson touts itself as a “one-stop shop for all of your
`UV sanitation needs,” and it “caters to custom fabrication and rapid engineering for
`far-UV products”. See Ex. 4, Far UV Catalog 2020, at 2. A search of Larson’s
`website, www.larsonelectronics.com, reveals more than 120 lighting products for
`sanitation. These products incorporate either “ozone-free excimer lamps or compact
`microplasma boards that generate far-UV 222 nm bands.” Id. at 1.
`26. Larson’s Far UV Catalog 2020 states the following:
`Far-UV sanitation lights from Larson Electronics are ultraviolet (UV)
`devices for disinfecting surfaces, equipment and the air. These units
`emit far-UV 222 nm light, which is capable of eliminating up to 99% of
`viruses, bacteria, mold and spores. Far-UV 222 nm light is considered to
`be eye and skin safe for humans. Long-term use of far-UV lamps does
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`not cause inflammation, redness or irritation. This time-saving solution
`does not require rooms or spaces to be empty prior to UV treatment.
`Unlike conventional UV 254 nm bands that can cause burns on the skin
`and corneal damage, far-UV wavelengths also do not require personal
`protective equipment during sanitation (see Far-UV Fact Sheet for more
`information). As a result, the far-UV disinfection products in this catalog
`are recommended for use in the following: occupied areas, industrial,
`businesses, commercial locations, transit areas, schools, daycares,
`senior-care facilities, healthcare establishments, hospitals, offices and
`Ex. 4 at 1.
`In terms of specific products, Larson states, “[a]ll products in this
`catalog are equipped with far-UV 222 nm lamps, which can inactivate 99%
`viruses, bacteria, mold and spores.” Id. at 3. Furthermore, in response to the
`question, “What types of far-UV 222 nm lights are used in these products?” Larson
`answers: “[a]rtificial light sources that generate far-UV 222 nm light and are
`found in the sanitization products in this catalog include excimer lamps and
`microplasma boards,” and the specialty excimer lamps include “one atom of
`krypton (Kr) and one atom of chlorine (Cl).” Id. at 4.
`28. Larson’s website reflects at least three categories of 222 nm light
`sources that Larson fabricates into lighting products. First, Larson markets and
`sells a 10W Far UV Microplasma Board – (1) 10W Microplasma Board, 222 nm
`UVC Sanitation – Delrin Mount - Power Supply with 120V Plug (FRL-EMP-
`FUVC-MP-10-2X2-KT-120V) (hereinafter, “Microplasma Board”), as shown below.
`Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 8 of 38 PageID 8Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 8 of 38 PageID 8
`Ex. 5, Microplasma Board Spec Sheet at 1. Larson states that “[t]his unit is Made
`in USA – Manufactured in Texas.” Id. The product “features a 2” x 2” glass chip
`and disinfects 99% of viruses, bacteria, mold and spores from ceilings in occupied
`areas. This eye and skin safe disinfection unit uses one 10-watt microplasma
`board that emits far-UV 222 nm germicidal light.” Id.
`29. The Microplasma Board includes the following “Ratings”:
`Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 9 of 38 PageID 9Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 9 of 38 PageID 9
`Id. “Suggested Applications” include: “Sanitation, disinfection, retail spaces,
`lobbies, commercial locations, industrial parks, schools, public transportation
`hubs, airports, office buildings, medical centers, and more; kills 99% of viruses,
`bacterial, mold, and spores.” Id. at 2.
`30. Larson fabricates and sells down-light products using one or more of
`its Microplasma Boards, including the following representative products: Far-UV
`Sanitation Fixture; Far-UV Recessed Can Light (6”, 8”, 10”, 12”); Far-UV Gimble
`Track Light; Far-UV Recessed Square Light (6”, 8”, 10”, 12”); 12” Far-UV
`Sanitation Strip Light; 10W Far-UV Sanitation Light; and 10W Far-UV
`Disinfection Desktop Light (collectively, “Representative Microplasma Board
`31. One such Representative Microplasma Board Product is the Far-UV
`Recessed 12” Can Light – (1) 10W Microplasma Board, 222 nm UVC Sanitation –
`Recessed Mount (IND-CDL-RD-12-FUVC-MP-1L-V1). See Ex. 6, Can Light Spec
`Sheet, and shown below.
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`Larson states, “[t]his eye and skin safe disinfection unit uses one 10-watt
`microplasma board that emits far-UV 222 nm germicidal light,” and that, “[t]his
`far-UV unit is capable of achieving up to 3 log (99.9%) cumulative disinfection per
`day.” Id. at 1-2.
`32. Additionally, Larson includes the following table:
`Id. at 2. Larson states, “[w]hen mounted at 8ft or below, this fixture effectively
`deactivates organisms twice in one hour, and is actively weakening organisms in
`the air and on surfaces. Airborne organisms will have a higher exposure rate
`while traveling through the air and closer to the fixture.” Id. Its “Applications”
`include: “Sanitation, disinfection, restaurants, retail spaces, lobbies, commercial
`buildings, industrial parks, schools, public transportation hubs, airports, office
`buildings, medical centers and more; kill 99% of viruses, bacteria, mold and
`spores.” Id. at 3.
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`33. Second, Larson fabricates and sells a 40W UV Excimer Lamp – 222 Far
`UVC Disinfection – Surface Mount – Quartz Glass/Ozone Free (FRL-EMX-6-40W-
`FUVC) (hereinafter, “Excimer Lamp”), as shown below:
`Ex. 7, Excimer Lamp Spec Sheet at 1. Like the Microplasma Board, Larson states
`that “[t]his unit is Made in USA – Manufactured in Texas.” Id. This Excimer Lamp
`“offers 40 uW/cm2 UV intensity at 222nm UV wavelength,” and “can disinfect 99%
`of viruses, bacteria, mold and spores in facilities and on surfaces.” Id. at 1-2.
`Furthermore, Larson states that, “[c]onsidered to be eye and skin safe, the far-UV
`lamp offers instant start and cool operation.” Id.
`34. The Excimer Lamp includes the following “Ratings/Features”:
`Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 12 of 38 PageID 12Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 12 of 38 PageID 12
`Id. at 1. “Suggested Applications” include: “Sanitation, disinfection, commercial
`locations, industrial parks, medical centers, labs, manufacturing and
`semiconductors; kills 99% of viruses, bacteria, mold, and spores.” Id. at 2.
`35. Larson fabricates and sells down-light products using one or more of its
`Excimer Lamps, including the following representative products: 120W Far-UV
`Excimer Disinfection Fixture – (3) 222nm Lamp –Pivoting Back Mount (3-Foot or 4-
`Foot); 80W Far-UV Excimer Disinfection Fixture – (2) 222nm Lamp – Pivoting Back
`Mount (3-Foot); 40W Far-UV Excimer Disinfection Fixture – (1) 222 nm Lamp –
`Pivoting Back Mount (2-Foot); 120W Far-UV Excimer Disinfection Fixture – (3)
`222nm Lamp – L Bracket End Mount (3-Foot); 80W Far-UV Excimer Disinfection
`Fixture – (2) 222nm Lamp – L Bracket End Mount (2-Foot, 3-Foot, 4-Foot); 40W
`Far-UV Excimer Disinfection Fixture – (1) 222nm Lamp – L Bracket End Mount (2-
`Foot); and 40W Far-UV Excimer Disinfection Fixture – (1) 222nm Lamp – L
`Bracket End Mount (1-Foot) (collectively, “Representative Excimer Lamp
`36. One such Representative Excimer Lamp Product is the 120W Far-UV
`Excimer Disinfection Fixture – (3) 222nm Lamp – 3-Foot Fixture – L Bracket End
`Mount (IND-DHA-FUVC-EX-36-3L-V1). See Ex. 8, L Bracket Lamp Spec Sheet, and
`shown below.
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`Larson states that this “sanitation fixture is a powerful and sleek lighting solution
`for restaurants, businesses, busy locations and occupied areas.” Id. at 2. Germicidal
`excimer lamps emit far-UV 222 nm light that is generated by specific excimer
`molecules.” Id. “Applications” include: “Sanitation, disinfection, restaurants, retail
`spaces, lobbies, commercial locations, industrial parks, schools, public
`transportation hubs, airports, office buildings, medical centers and more; kill 99% of
`viruses, bacteria, mold and spores.” Id.
`37. Larson also fabricates and sells a handheld Far-UV light product that
`incorporates the Excimer Lamp called the Far-UVC Handheld Surface Sanitizer –
`(1) 40W 222nm Excimer Lamp – Aluminum – 15’ 16/3 SOOW Cord (IND-HL-HDB-
`FUVC-EX-1L-120V-15C). See Ex. 9, Handheld Lamp Spec Sheet, and shown below.
`Larson describes this product as a “Handheld Surface Sanitizer which can disinfect
`99% of viruses, bacteria, mold and spores on surfaces, work stations, tables and
`desks, as well as devices, machines and personal equipment. This unit offers far-UV
`222nm output and comes equipped with a 40-watt excimer lamp.” Id. at 2. The
`“Suggested Applications” include: “Sanitation, disinfection, retail spaces, lobbies,
`commercial locations, industrial parks, schools, public transportation hubs,
`Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 14 of 38 PageID 14Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 14 of 38 PageID 14
`airports, office buildings, medical centers, casinos, labs, hospitals, work stations,
`hotels and more; kill 99% of viruses, bacteria, mold, and spores.” Id. at 3.
`38. Third, Larson fabricates and sells, for example, 90W UV Excimer
`Lamp – 222nm Far UVC Disinfection – Surface Mount – Quartz Glass/Ozone Free
`(FRL-EMX-18-90W-FUVC) (hereinafter, “Excimer Bulb”), as shown below.
`Ex. 10, Excimer Bulb Spec Sheet at 1. Like the Microplasma Board and the Excimer
`Lamp, Larson states that “[t]his unit is Made in USA – Manufactured in Texas.” Id.
`This exemplary Excimer Bulb “offers 80 uW/cm2 UV intensity at 222nm UV
`wavelength,” and “can disinfect 99% of viruses, bacteria, mold and spores in
`facilities and on surfaces.” Id. at 1-2. Furthermore, Larson states that, “[c]onsidered
`to be eye and skin safe, the far-UV lamp offers instant start and cool operation.” Id.
`at 1.
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`39. The Excimer Bulb includes the following “Ratings/Features”:
`Id. This Excimer Bulb is “compatible with 120V AC and 240V AC, 60 Hz and is
`equipped with flying leads to allow operators to complete wiring connections” and
`“can be mounted using customer provided clamps or holders.” Id. at 2. “Suggested
`Applications” include: “Sanitation, disinfection, commercial locations, industrial
`parks, medical centers, labs, manufacturing and semiconductors; kills 99% of
`viruses, bacteria, mold and spores.” Id.
`40. Larson fabricates and sells sanitation lighting products that
`incorporate one or more Excimer Bulbs, including the following representative
`products: Far-UV Sanitation Portal – (5) 222 nm Excimer Lamps – 304 SS/Power
`Cord; 40W Far-UV Sanitation Light – (1) 222 nm UVC Excimer Lamp – Wall Mount
`with (2) 6” Adjustable Arms; 40W Far-UV Excimer Disinfection Square Shoebox
`Fixture – (1) 222nm Lamp – 1-foot Fixture – Remote Ballast – Surface Mount
`Mount [sic]; 240W Far-UVC High Bay Fixture – (6) 222nm Excimer Lamps –
`Surface Mount; 18” Far-UV Sanitation Wall Sconce Light – (1) 40W 222nm Excimer
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`Lamp – Aluminum/Indoor Use; and Door Barrier Germicidal Far UV-C Fixture – (1)
`40W 222 nm UV-C Excimer Lamp – 24” Wide – Hospital Grade Stainless Steel
`(collectively, the “Representative Excimer Bulb Products”).
`41. One such Representative Excimer Bulb Product includes the Far-UV
`Sanitation Portal – (5) 222 nm Excimer Lamps – 304 Stainless Steel/Power Cord
`(IND-DWG-FUVC-5X-R1-120V-25C) (hereinafter, “Sanitation Portal”). See, e.g., Ex.
`11, Sanitation Portal Spec Sheet, as shown below.
`“This sanitation portal consists of five, 40-watt excimer lamps. Each light offers 40
`uW/cm2 UV intensity at 222nm UV wavelength.” Id. at 2. Larson further advertises
`that the “Sanitation Portal can disinfect 99% of viruses, bacteria, mold and spores
`at entry/exit points and high traffic areas.” Id. It is “designed for standalone
`applications” and “can be deployed at entry/exit points of buildings, transit or high
`traffic areas and busy locations requiring sanitation.” Id. at 3. “Suggested
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`Applications” include: “Sanitation, disinfection, commercial locations, industrial
`parks, medical centers, labs, manufacturing and semiconductors; kills 99% of
`viruses, bacteria, mold and spores.” Id.
`42. Each of Larson’s product spec sheets praise the safety and low risk of
`using 222 nm light for sanitation in occupied spaces:
`Far-UV 222 nm light is considered to be eye and skin safe for humans,
`allowing the lamps to be used in occupied areas with minimum risk. The
`222 nm wavelength does not penetrate the cornea of the eye and cannot
`impose corneal impairment. Additionally, this UV band is blocked by the
`top layer of skin (stratum corneum) which protects underlying cells from
`damage. Exposure to far-UV 222 nm lamp does not cause skin
`inflammation or swelling. Due to these safety benefits, extensive
`protective clothing is not required when using this type of sanitation
`light in occupied areas.
`See Exs. 5-6, 8-9 at 2; see also Exs. 7, 10-11 at 2 (“This lamp is considered to be eye
`and skin safe (the 222nm wavelength cannot penetrate the eyes and skin of
`humans), making applications suitable in occupied areas.”).
`43. Upon information and belief, Larson imports its Microplasma Boards,
`Excimer Lamps, and Excimer Bulbs from outside the United States and either re-
`sells them alone (with a power source) or fabricates them into the various
`representative lighting products, described above. Larson describes these products
`as producing Far-UV or Far UV-C wavelengths of 222 nm. See, e.g., Ex. 4.
`44. Larson’s Microplasma Boards, Excimer Lamps, and Excimer Bulbs—
`together with Larson’s Representative Microplasma Board Products, Larson’s
`Representative Excimer Lamp Products, and Larson’s Representative Excimer Bulb
`Products—are collectively referred to hereinafter as the “Accused Products.”
`Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 18 of 38 PageID 18Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 18 of 38 PageID 18
`45. Excimer lamps made from Krypton and Chlorine gas, forming Krypton-
`Chloride (KrCl), like those fabricated and sold as the Accused Products by Larson
`emit photons according to known spectral features, including the signature three
`peaks shown below.
`See, e.g., Ex. 12, www.EdenPark.com at 5-6 (annotations added). This graph
`demonstrates that lamps advertised as producing 222 nm wavelengths also produce
`wavelengths (peaks) around 238 nm and around 257 nm, as recognized and claimed
`by Mr. Neister’s patents.
`Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 19 of 38 PageID 19Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 19 of 38 PageID 19
`In a recent publication, UV experts show the same signature spectral
`analysis from tests of three commercially available KrCl excimer lamps like those
`sold by Larson.
`See Ex. 13 at 4, Simons, R.M., Blatchley III, E.R., Linden, K., Far UV-C and Its
`Potential for Disinfection Applications, UV Solutions Magazine, Sept. 10, 2020
`(available at https://uvsolutionsmag.com/articles/2020/far-uv-c-and-its-potential-for-
`disinfection-applications/), last accessed May 12, 2021. “Emission spectra from
`KrCl* lamps show a dominant peak at 222 nm with full-width-half-maximum ~4
`nm and often a long-wavelength “tail” through the UVGI UV-C range. These off-
`nominal emissions represent ~5% of the total power output of a typical unfiltered
`KrCl* lamp. Though optical filtering can be used to limit emissions outside of the
`Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 20 of 38 PageID 20Case 3:21-cv-01166-X Document 1 Filed 05/21/21 Page 20 of 38 PageID 20
`222 nm peak, excimer sources are not monochromatic (Image 2), and the full
`emission spectrum must be considered when evaluating their safety.” Id. (emphas