`a2) United States Patent
`US 8,975,605 B2
`(10) Patent No.:
` Neister (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 10, 2015
`(71) Applicant: Us Neister, New Durham, NH
`USPC wee 250/504 R, 365, 372, 482.1, 492.1;
`422/24, 120, 121, 186.3; 210/748.1
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`S. Edward Neister, New Durham, NH
`4,317,041 A
`2/1982 Schenck
`5,843,374 A
`12/1998 Sizer etal.
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`OOoes 3 . ne fcerson
`5 orton,TTwe5 ; ;
`ec Tsacbby0 da adjusted under 35
`7.326.387 B2
`2/2008. Arts et al.
`8,481,985 B2*
`7/2013 Neister oo... 250/504 R
`2004/0175288 Al*
`9/2004 Horton, TD we 422/4
`2005/0186108 Al
`8/2005 Fields
`2006/0188835 Al
`8/2006 Nagelet al.
`2007/0102280 Al*
`5/2007 Hunter et al. 0... 204/157.15
`(21) Appl. No.: 13/936,306
`Jul. 8, 2013
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2014/0140888 Al
`May 22, 2014
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 13/145,663, filed as
`application No. PCT/US2009/032392 on Jan. 29,
`2009, now Pat. No. 8,481,985.
`Int. Cl.
`GOIN 21/33
`G21K 5/00
`A6IL 2/10
`AGIE 9/20
`(52) U.S. CL
`CPC .... A6LE 2/10 (2013.01); A6LE 9/20 (2013.01)
`.... 250/504 R; 250/365; 250/372; 250/492.1;
`422/24; 422/120; 422/121; 422/186.3; 210/748.1
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC ... BO1D 2257/91; BO1D 53/007; HO1J 61/36;
`HO1J 61/547; GOIN 21/33; G21K 5/00;
`A61L 2/10
`WO 2005/061396 Al
`WO 2007/084145 A2
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner — Nikita Wells
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm —Lambert & Associates;
`Gary E. Lambert; David J. Connaughton,Jr.
`This specification relates to an improved method, process and
`apparatus for disinfecting andsterilizing all types of surfaces
`and indoor air and room air contaminated with microorgan-
`isms. The improved apparatusconsists ofa multi-wavelength
`narrow spectral width UV source that is more effective than
`mercury based 254 nm germicidal lamps for destroying the
`DNA andouter shell or membraneof virus, bacteria, spores
`6 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
`a. parallel irradiation
` 14...
`Air Duct-—z0
`b. perpendicularirradiation
`Air Treatmentin high volume ducts
`U.S. Patent
`Mar.10, 2015
`Sheet 1 of 9
`US 8,975,605 B2
` icLecce
`Sele PES
`Figure 1: Dimer Formation by UV Photon
`(by permission of ERG @ UNH)
`SO :
`a Se SSS CO
`Figure 2: Bacillus atrophaeus after FUV photon impact
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 2 of 9
`US 8,975,605 B2
`Figure 3: Serratia marcescens
`Figure 4: Aspergillus Niger
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 3 of 9
`US 8,975,605 B2
`Figure 5: Escherichia coll
`Figure 6: Planktonic algae
`U.S. Patent
`Mar.10, 2015
`Sheet 4 of 9
`US 8,975,605 B2
`b. End View with External Reflectors
`Figure 7. Dual - Single Line Lamp
`U.S. Patent
`Mar.10, 2015
`Sheet 5 of 9
`US 8,975,605 B2
`a. Hand held Surface Treatment
`{ ‘\10
`b. Floor Treatment & Cleaner
`Figure 8: Surface Treatment
`U.S. Patent
`Mar.10, 2015
`Sheet 6 of 9
`US 8,975,605 B2
`a. Unprepared food
`sou dn’+
`b. Serving Counter
`Figure 9: Food Treatment
`U.S. Patent
`Mar.10, 2015
`Sheet 7 of 9
`US 8,975,605 B2
`Air Duct—- 20
`Air Duct— —20
`b. perpendicularirradiation
`Figure 10: Air Treatment in high volume ducts
`U.S. Patent
`Mar.10, 2015
`Sheet 8 of 9
`US 8,975,605 B2
` Lamps; A&B
`Slide surface
`b. Side View
`Figure 11: Caddie Disinfection Cart
`Mar.10, 2015
`Sheet 9 of 9
`U.S. Patent
`US 8,975,605 B2
`a. Top View
`b. Side View
`Figure 12: HVLS Room Disinfection
`US 8,975,605 B2
`tons produces an improvement in killing or deactivating
`pathogens comparedto using either source of photons sepa-
`During the past few years, new UV emitting lamps based
`This application is a continuation application of, and
`on the excitation of excimers are becoming commercially
`claims the benefit to, currently pending application Ser. No.
`available. These emitters produce single line or narrow spec-
`13/145,663 filed Jul. 21, 2011 which is a US National Phase
`tral emission at a wavelength determined by the gas compo-
`Application which in turn claims priority of and benefit to
`sition of the lamp. If the treatment lamp’s wavelength is
`International Application Number PCT/US2009/032392
`chosen to match closely to the peak of absorption of the
`havingafiling date of Jan. 29, 2009.
`different component absorption bands of microorganisms,
`then a lethal dosage can be deliveredto it in a shorter time. No
`patent has been found that teaches the use of FUV sources
`coupled with UV-C sources with supporting equipmentthat
`can effectively and efficiently disinfect and sterilize large
`volumesofair, large and small surfaces, and food stuffs in
`various stages of preparation.
`In this specification, sterilization or sterilize refers to ster-
`ilization or high level disinfectant as defined by US FDA.
`Disinfectant or disinfection refers to all other levels of disin-
`1. Field of the Invention
`This specification teaches an improved method and appa-
`ratus for disinfecting andsterilizing air, surfaces ofall types
`and food from microorganisms. The method utilizes multi-
`wavelength UV photons that combine the effects of Far UV
`photons with UV-C photons to produce a higher level of
`disinfection than possible with either source separately. The
`apparatus consists of two separate chambersthat produce the
`different wavelengths during the same excitation process.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`All prior art for sterilizing and disinfecting air has been
`based predominately on using commercially available germi-
`cidal ultra-violet (GUV) lamps. These lampsare either pulsed
`or continuously excited. Continuous lamps are mercury based
`and emit principally at 254 nm. A number of companies are
`presently producing GUV light based apparatus for the
`destructionofvirus, bacteria, spores and pathogensthat are in
`room air. This is an effective treatment becauseit continually
`exposes room air currentsto the treatmentlight and over time
`has sufficient exposure time for treatment. The required expo-
`sure times range from 10’s to 100’s of seconds, depending on
`the light absorption capability of the different microorgan-
`isms at the 254 nm. While this is effective for treating the
`room air of individual rooms, it is not practical for treating
`large flowing volumesof air that pass quickly down large
`ducts. Its long treatment time requirement makes it imprac-
`tical for treating most surfaces.
`Thebroad ultraviolet spectrum has been divided into four
`regions depending onits different effects on biological sys-
`tems. Reference to these regions are predominantly made in
`medical terminology with UV-A defined as a range or band
`between 320 nm and 400 nm, UV-B defined as a band
`between 280 nm and 320 nm, and UV-C defined as encom-
`passing wavelengths shorter than 280 nm. Recently, the UV-C
`bandhas been further subdivided into twoparts consisting of
`the Far UV (FUV) 185 to 250 nm and UV-C from 250 to 290
`nm. Photochemists and Photobiologists do not generally use
`these terms because absorption spectra of chemical bonds are
`much narrower than these generally defined bands. Instead,
`they use the wavelength ofthe applied radiationto correlate to
`the observedeffects.
`Claims have been made that germicidal UV-C (GUV)
`radiation is used to deactivate DNA. This is because the
`mercury lamp emission at 254 nm is close to a good DNA
`absorption band. No claims are made that combine different
`wavelength UV photons to produce a higher level of deacti-
`vation of microorganisms. Furthermore, no claims are made
`that combine FUV photons with UV-C photonsto produce a
`higher level of deactivation of microorganisms. A source of
`Far UV photonstargets a nitrogenous base absorption band
`that has its peak absorption at 200 nm while a source of UV-C
`photonstarget other nitrogenous base absorption peaks (282
`nm) as well as the aminoacid absorption peak (254-265 nm).
`The application ofmulti-wavelength but narrow line UV pho-
`The genetic makeupofall living organismsis contained in
`their DNA molecule. Replication occursby thesplitting ofthe
`DNA molecule, which duplicates itselfthrough a transforma-
`tion of its structure. Parts of the DNA molecule have been
`given namessuch as pyrimidine bases, cytosine, thymine or
`uracil that form a group of biochemicals that sustain life. The
`long DNA molecule holds itself together by using simple
`bondslike those found in sugars.
`Researchers believe that the energy of the GUV photon
`causes the formation of a strong (covalent) bond to develop
`between specific biochemicals. However, the bond strength
`ofthe covalent bondis very dependent onthe relative position
`of the participating atoms. Whenthe bond is symmetrical on
`both sides of a hydrogen atom in the bond,it is referred to as
`a dimer. A dimeris a very strong bondandis not generally
`broken during the vaporization of the liquid. GUV light is
`known to produce Thymine, cytosine-thymine, and cytosine
`dimers. After the formation ofthe dimer, further replication of
`the DNA stops. FIG. 1 shows the concept of the dimerfor-
`mation ina DNA molecule. Reports found in literature have
`demonstrated that UV photonsat other wavelengths or low
`wavelength blue light can promote repairofthe injured bonds
`and permit the organism to start replicating again. This is
`commonly referred to as photo-reactivation.
`The DNA molecule absorbs light from about 180 nm to
`about 400 nm. The commercial germicidal lamps based on
`mercury excitation are used because they emit photons that
`are near the 260 nm absorption peak of DNA aminoacids.
`The mercury gas andits pressure in the lamp determine the
`wavelength of the emitting light. For low-pressure (LP) and
`low-pressure high output (LPHO)lamps, the emitting wave-
`length is 254 nm. For medium pressure lamps, the emission
`ranges from 200 nm to above 400 nm. However,the strength
`of the emitted light is not effective below 245 nm for the
`continuous emitting lamps and below 235 nm for medium
`pressure lamps. Xenongas in pulsed lamps produces a similar
`multi-wavelength emission to the medium pressure mercury
`lamps. However, critical to this patentis that the multi-wave-
`length source produces two different narrow spectral width
`(commonly referred to as single line) emissions that corre-
`spond to at least two peak absorption chromophoresof the
`microorganism’s DNA.This source is now referred to in the
`rest of the patent as a dual-single line lamp.
`DNA action spectra show multiple peaks that are depen-
`dent on the composition of the nitrogenous bases and amino
`acids that make up the organism. While FUV photons have
`shownto be effective in breaking bonds, it is possible that the
`correct dual wavelength combination of FUV and UV-C
`could be just as or more effective. (See U.S. Pat. Pub US
`A recent technical paper (Peaket al, UV action spectra for
`DNA dimmerinduction, Photochemistry and Photobiology,
`40, 5 (613-620), 1984) suggests that dimmer formation is not
`the only requirement to inactivate DNA. Absorption of dif-
`ferent wavelength photons by different molecular groups in
`the long DNA molecule will enhancethe energytransfer from
`group to group. Damaging or destroying these bond groups
`may be more effective in deactivating the DNA than with
`photonsina single bandthat affect only a few groups. No one
`has donea detailed study ofthe effectiveness of inactivation
`for the different single line UV emitters working in combi-
`US 8,975,605 B2
`acids have a peak absorption band near 260 nm. A UV lamp
`emitting at 222 nm and/or 282 nm will produce the greatest
`photon absorption by the nitrogenous bases and proteins. A
`UV-C lamp emitting at 260 nm will produce the greatest
`photon absorption by the amino acids in the DNA. Conse-
`quently these three wavelengthsare primary absorption bands
`that permit destruction of microorganisms.
`A numberof comparative tests were done using three dif-
`ferent microorganismstotest the concept. Petrie dishes were
`inoculated with each organism and exposedto different com-
`binations ofUV photons. The includedfigures show the same
`dish with light and dark background in order to get good
`contrast of the results.
`FIG. 3 had Serratia marcescens as the test organism. The
`left side of the dish was exposed with a combination of 222
`nm plus 254 nm photons. The right side of the dish was
`exposed with only 282 nm photons. The multi-wavelength
`side produced a significant improvement.
`There are many articles about multi-photon effects on
`FIG.4 had Aspergillus Niger as the test organism. Theleft
`materials that can create different processes because different
`side of the dish was exposed with only 282 nm photons. The
`photon energies will resonate or create different energy levels
`in the electrons or atoms of the molecule. The concept in this
`right side of the dish was exposed with a combination of 282
`specification is to use multiple narrow line wavelengths emit-
`nm plus 254 nm photons. The multi-wavelength side pro-
`ted from the same lampto create multiple absorption pathway
`duced a significant improvement.
`effects on microorganisms. Itis conceivable that greater dam-
`FIG. 5 had Escherichia coli as the test organism. Theleft
`age and a larger reduction in survival can occur since the
`side of the dish was exposed with a combination of 222 nm
`multi-photon interaction could have more pathwaysto create
`plus 254 nm photons. Therightside of the dish was exposed
`its destruction. These pathways can occur simply by resonant
`with a combination of 282 nm plus 254 nm photons. The right
`absorption that causes a physical breaking of bonds in the
`side using the correct multi-wavelength combination of pho-
`pathways. It could also cause significant cross linking of
`tons produced a significant improvement.
`different amino acids, nitrogenous bases, nucleotides and
`FIG.6 had Planktonic Algae as the test structure. The left
`other critical bonds that permit the organism to replicate.
`side ofthe dish was not exposedbut the rightside was exposed
`Cross linking these bonds could and should create conditions
`to FUV photons. Significant cellular damage occurred.
`that the organism could not replicate further and would
`reduce the transmission ofthese infectious agents to people in
`All tests were done using single line photon sources that
`the area.
`emitted near the peak absorption of the two absorption bands
`The energy of the emitted photon is determined by its
`ofthe DNA nitrogenousbases andthe single absorption band
`wavelength. Photon energy is about 5 ev at 250 nm, and
`of the DNA aminoacids. This provided a true measure ofthe
`increases for shorter wavelengths. Different bonds in the
`photon interaction for each of the different chromophore
`DNA will be affected with photons of different energy.
`molecular groups and the interaction with other chromophore
`The 540 kJ/mole photon energy from the FUV lamp
`groups in the DNA molecule.
`exceeds the bond energies of many of the peptide bonds in
`Theresults of the first three tests showedsignificant reduc-
`proteins and those in nitrogenous bases of the DNA. The
`tion in living organisms when multi-wavelength narrow line
`bacterial cell is surrounded by a lipid membraneorcellular
`photons were used compared to single wavelength photons.
`These tests also demonstratedthat the correct combination of
`wall that contains many protein molecules. The cell wallis
`essential to the survival of many bacteria. FUV light can
`dual-single line photons were significant and dependant on
`damagethe proteins in this structure whereas GUV cannot.
`each organism. FIG. 6 demonstrates that the choice of wave-
`This should cause physical damage to the microorganism.
`length is important. FUV photons producesignificant cellular
`FIG. 2 shows a micrograph of the Bacillus atrophaeus with
`damage where GUV photonshave little effect.
`magnification of 1000x. Photon impact resulted in ruptured
`Similar tests done on pathogens would producealist ofthe
`sidewalls and organism segmentation that can be clearly seen
`most effective combination of photon wavelengths that are
`in the 1000x frame. This is the first photographic evidence
`effective in killing or deactivating each pathogen.
`knownthat photonsare actually causing damage anddestruc-
`tion to pathogens. A corresponding slide that received the
`same radiant exposure did not produce any replication indi-
`cating 100% kill of the organisms.
`It has been fairly well established that the peptide bonds in
`all proteins are responsible for the peak absorption at two
`different wavelength regions; namely at 200 nm and at 280
`nm. The peak absorption at either 200 nm and/or near 280 nm
`is also exhibited byall nitrogenous bases in the DNAas well
`as the proteins that form the outer cellular membrane of
`bacteria, spores and viruses. This occurs as well for nucleo-
`and bovine
`(McLaren, et al, Photochemistry of Proteins and Nucleic
`Acids, Pergamon Press, Macmillan Company, 1964). Amino
`Critical to this method is the developmentof a dual-single
`lined lamp that emits at least two narrow wavelength bands of
`ultra-violet photons that match closely to the maximum
`absorption bands for DNA chromophores of nitrogenous
`bases, proteins, amino acids and other component bonds of
`microorganisms. The preferred embodimentis a multi-wave-
`length narrow line source emitting at least two different wave-
`lengths. This spectral emission is significantly more effective
`than standard 254 nm photons for destroying DNA. Kill
`action times are reduced from 10’s to 100’s of seconds to
`times of 0.1 seconds. The dual-single lined lamp can kill
`US 8,975,605 B2
`pathogensin the air onthefly as they pass by. This dual-single
`lined lampis also effective for the breakdown ofbiofilm and
`protein basedallergens.
`Photon energy of the dual-single line lamp where oneline
`is in the FUV is sufficiently high to break carbon bonds of
`chemical toxic substances with similar action times. Unique
`to obtaining short action (kill) times is a determination of the
`specific wavelength requiredto destroy the targeted organism
`or chemical. The dual-single line source is chosen to supply at
`least two narrow emission bands of UV light that are close to
`the peak absorption ofat least two principal absorbing chro-
`mophoresof the targeted organism or chemical.
`Therelative intensity of one line comparedto the other can
`also influencethe kill or deactivationefficiency. Ifthe annulus
`of each chamberin the triax tube is the same width, then the
`intensity of the light from the outer annulus will be greater
`than the light emitted from the inner chamber if the gas
`density is the same for both. Over six combinations of gas
`density and annuluslocation can be producedin a single triax
`lamp design. Adjustmentsin gas density and location provide
`for a photon emission combination that is most effective for
`all of the major pathogens that are desired to be killed or
`This apparatus makesfor a cost effective improved method
`for sterilizing and disinfecting air, all types of surfaces, and
`food during normaldaily activity. (See FIGS. 7-10.) Further-
`more, the apparatus is capable of effectively and efficiently
`disinfecting floors, handrails, and objects that are in constant
`contact with transient populations. Routine disinfection of
`these areas should significantly reduce the transmission of
`disease and toxic substances that can cause injury orillness to
`people and animals.
`The dual-single line lamp radiation can be applied to any
`object or surface that needs to be disinfected and/orsterilized.
`An example would be the use of a caddie cart positioned
`outside a patient room. All instruments, papers and pens used
`in the room would be passed through the caddie cart and
`exposed to the dual-single line lamp radiation as they leave
`the room. (See FIG. 11.) This procedure would prevent the
`transmission of pathogens to the next patient. Testing will
`also determine the correct exposure limits and prevent any
`harmful effects that could occur when used to disinfect
`human skin and woundareas, hands, animal surfaces such as
`skin, fur, and hair, and critical plastics and materials used in
`medical devices.
`Because the dual-single line lamp sourceis a light source,
`it can be directed to expose different levels of thick and loose
`materials by using light conducting fibers to distribute the
`light intensity. An example would have the dual-single line
`lamp source disinfecting a floor by directing it at the floor
`while some ofthe light is directed to the bottom of a rug or
`floor scrubbing brush bylightfibers imbeddedin the brush.In
`a similar manner, products that have cavities or areas not
`exposed directly by the external source could be disinfected.
`An example of this would be a single fiber used to direct
`dual-single line lamp into a tooth cavity to disinfect the walls
`and tissue inside prior to addingthe filling.
`The dual-single line lamp source can be usedto directly
`disinfect room surfaces, apparatus, fixtures and clothing and
`microbesin the room air by directly exposing all objects for
`the required exposure time. Several sources can be combined
`to assure exposure to all surfaces and to reduce total exposure
`time. It can provide effective treatment to isolation room air
`by preventing pathogens from remainingalive after exiting
`the room. Rooms contaminated by bioterrorist agents could
`be treated by using robots to move the dual-single line lamp
`source(s) in many directions and moving it (them) around the
`room during treatment.
`A major source of infection and terrorist’s activity is
`directed at food and material handling. Photon emitters have
`been used to effectively clean food stuffs and surfaces for
`many years. However, this invention uses the dual-single line
`lamp source that makesit cost effective in treating surfaces of
`food and materials since the action time is almost immediate.
`The dual-single line lamp source is an improved method
`for producing a dry chemicalfree disinfection of food stuffs.
`It can be usedto disinfect seeds and sproutspriorto planting,
`food raw stock preparation for transportation from the fields
`to processing centers, to warehousing and storage, to super-
`market handling and kitchen preparation and delivery to the
`consumer. Furthermore,it can be used to disinfect cutting and
`working surfaces of meat and poultry packaging rooms and
`even the cutters and equipmentused to transport and process
`meat, produce and other food products.
`The apparatus of this invention is capable of irradiating
`food stuffs in conveyor assemblies, stationary carts and in
`handling routes during the movement from storage to food
`preparation processes. It can also be usedto sterilize/disinfect
`medicalor critical parts on an assembly line prior to packag-
`There is increasing evidence that room air disinfection
`could be important to reducing infections ofmicrobes carried
`by small aerosols created by sick people when they cough or
`sneeze. Currently, room UV disinfection has been limited to
`using mercury based germicidal lamps placed on walls hav-
`ing shields to ensure thatno people could be irradiated. These
`generally do not incorporate fans but rely on room air currents
`to cause the microbesto pass by the light. A second concept
`uses a box having one or more GUV mercury lampin the out
`flow air stream of a fan or blower. This box is placed in
`appropriate positions of the room in hopes of capturing the
`microbes and causing them to pass over and by the lamps. In
`both cases, only 50% of all the microbes in the room are
`exposedas reportedin literature.
`The dual-single line lamp installed in a different type of
`apparatus will permit exposures up to 90% of all microbes for
`each pass. The new supporting apparatus is based onthe fact
`that large volumesof air can be moved more effectively by
`creating conditions that take advantage of normal drafts and
`circulation room air currents caused by the difference in room
`air temperatures near the ceiling compared tothe floor. This
`apparatus uses either 4 or 5 blade paddle fans operating at
`slow speeds or special fans developed for best efficiency to
`assist the rising ofair, directingit into an upper room air zone
`that could be irradiated by either dual-single line or multiple
`single line lamps (See FIG. 12). The lamps would be posi-
`tioned above the fan to irradiate the rising air column inall
`directions. Baffles would preventlight from penetrating into
`the occupation zone. During the relatively long resonance
`time of any microbesin theair zone, a large fraction would be
`killed or destroyed. Each pass could destroy over 90% ofall
`the microbes in the zone. After three passes in an hour, 99.9%
`would be destroyed for an effective removal of 3 log reduc-
`FIG. 1 is a graphic showing dimer formation in a DNA
`FIG. 2 is a micrograph of the Bacillus atrophaeus with
`magnification of 300x and 1000x.
`FIG.3 is Serratia marcescens as the test organism.
`US 8,975,605 B2
`FIG.4 is Aspergillus Niger as the test organism.
`FIG. 5 is Escherichia coli as the test organism.
`FIG.6 is Planktonic Algae as the test specimen.
`FIG. 7 is a perspective schematic view of a preferred
`embodimentofthe present invention defining the location of
`important components of the dual-single line lamp therein;
`FIG. 8 is a perspective schematic view of a preferred
`embodimentofthe present invention defining the location of
`important components for disinfecting orsterilizing surfaces
`such as chairs, hand rails, counter tops, trays, table tops and
`floor surfaces and the like therein;
`FIG. 9 is a perspective schematic view of a preferred
`embodimentofthe present invention defining the location of
`important componentsfor disinfecting food prior to handling
`by kitchen or cooks before serving therein;
`FIG. 10 is a perspective schematic view of a preferred
`embodimentofthe present invention defining the location of
`important componentsfor disinfecting orsterilizing air flow-
`ing inside air ducts therein;
`FIG. 11 is a perspective schematic view of a preferred
`embodimentofthe present invention defining the location of
`important components for disinfecting orsterilizing surfaces
`of materials and objects that pass through a portable caddie
`FIG. 12 is a perspective schematic view of a preferred
`embodimentofthe present invention defining the location of
`important componentsfor disinfecting orsterilizing room air
`as it is moved through the room using a high volume low
`speed (HVLS)ceiling fan therein.
`The drawingsillustrate the inventionin its different forms
`and the apparatus required to make a dual-single line lamp.
`The lamp consists of a triaxial tube that has two annuluses
`which contain the different gas mixtures to produce different
`wavelength photons when the lampis electrically excited.
`The middle tube diameter is chosen to optimize the relative
`intensity emitted from both chambers. Excitation of both
`gases occurs when high voltage is applied between an elec-
`trode placed on the inside of the inner tube and an electrode
`placed on the outside ofthe outer tube. A screen is used as the
`outer electrode to permit light emission to pass outwardly
`from the lamp.
`FIG.7aillustrates a cross section ofa dual-single line lamp
`that forms part of the disinfecting apparatus of the present
`invention. The high voltage electrode F1 is located inside the
`inner tube of the dual annular lamp. The ground electrode
`screen E2 is located on the outside of the dual annular lamp.
`Onegasthat produces the UV photonsis located in the annu-
`lar region A1 betweenthe inner 3 and middle tube 4. A second
`gas that produces the UV photonsis located in the annular
`region A2 between the middle tube 4 and the outer tube 5. The
`gas types are chosen so that the emitted UV photons are
`absorbed by the targeted microorganism or chemical. UV
`radiation is emitted radially outward 6. Changing the voltage
`or current between the two electrodes changes the amount of
`UV radiation that is produced. Changing the dimensions of
`each annulusor the gas density in each annulus changesthe
`relative intensity of one chamber comparedto the other. The
`preferred embodiment is to choose the gas composition in
`each chamberto produce a FUV wavelength at 222 nm and
`UV-C wavelengths at or near 254 nm and 282 nm. Three
`different dual-single line lamp combinations can be made
`from the combination of three different wavelengths.
`FIG.76 illustrates the dual-single line lamp used to direct
`the UV photons towards a specific location, direction, sur-
`face, material or substance. The dual-single line lamp is
`shown in the center of the drawing as an end view. The
`specialized reflector 10 end view incorporates a specialized
`“gull wing’ design sothat >90% ofthe emitted light is directed
`to the planar surface below. The specialized reflector 10 also
`incorporates barium sulfate (Ba,SO,) as the reflective mate-
`rial in order to maximize the number of photons that are
`reflected onto the planar surface. In somecases, a cover 11 is
`necessary to protect the NUV source andreflector from dirt.
`This cover is transparent to the UV light. The specialized
`reflector can also have different shapes that change the
`directed radiation for different applications.
`FIG.8a illustrates a preferred embodiment with the dual-
`single line lamp contained in a hand held wand. The wandis
`used to disinfect commonly touched objects that act as
`fomites to transmit pathogens from one person to the next.
`Sensing switches can be includedin this embodiment22 that
`shut off the dual-single line lamp when the dual-single line
`lamp is not directed correctly to the desired treatmentsurface.
`The wand would provide a means for wound treatment prior
`and post surgery andfor the treatment of chronic wounds. It is
`also provides a meansto disinfect hospital and health care
`rooms, operating tables, hand rails and equipment surfaces
`that support patient care.
`Furthermore, in cases ofcritical shortages of gloves, robes
`and masks, the dual-single line can be used in a similar
`mannerto disinfect these items periodically when appropriate
`instead of retrieving new ones from supply.
`FIG.86illustrates the dual-single line lamp located inside
`the forward compartment of a vacuum cleanerorfloor clean-
`ing machine. The vacuum cleaner can be either a standup
`floor model or a canister model. It could also be any device
`that would support and carry the dual-single line lamp close to
`the floor. The significant part is that the dual-single line lamp
`with reflector 10 consists of the components as described in
`FIGS. 7a and 7b. As shown, the components comprise a box,
`wheels, and a handle.
`FIG.9aillustrates the dual-single line lamp located above
`a conveyor that carries raw and unprepared food prior to
`kitchen preparation as well as industrial packaging assembly
`lines that carry products that require disinfection. The con-
`veyor assembly 24 is designed to maximize the surface area
`exposed to the dual-single line lamp(s). In some cases, several
`lamps 14 are required because the exposed surface ofthe food
`or product can not be changed to exposethe entire surface
`during the illumination time of one dual-single line lamp.
`Tumblers or vibrators are typically used to change the orien-
`tation of the foodstuffs and they move along the conveyor.
`FIG.96 illustrates the dual-single line lamp 14 located beside
`heat lamps 15 or other heating surfaces used to keep the food
`hot on a serving counter prior to being delivered from the
`kitchen to the customer. In another embodiment, the dual-
`single line lampis usedto irradiate coolor cold foods, so heat
`lamps 15 are not used.
`In use, the dual-single line lamp can be made to any size