

`Surface science
`D.E. Aspnes, Raleigh, NC, USA
`F.H.P.M. Habraken, Utrecht, The Netherlands
`S. Ushioda, Sendai, Japan
`VOLUME168 (2000)
`Amsterdam — London — New York — Oxford — Paris — Shannon — Tokyo


`Professor D.E. Aspnes
`North Carolina State University
`P.O, Box 8202
`Raleigh, NC 27695-8202
`Fax: + 1919 515 1333
`K.M. Maex, Leuven
`PR. Norton, London, Ontario
`Xie Xide, Shanghai
`M. Balkanski, Paris
`Professor §. Ushioda
`ResearchInstitute of Electrical Communication
`Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku
`Sendai 980-8577
`Fax: +81 22 217 4736
`E-mail: ushioda@ushioda.riec.tohoku,
`United Kingdom
`D.A. King, Cambridge
`J.C, Bean, Charlottesville, VA
`S.A. Chambers, Richland, WA
`C.J. Powell, Gaithersburg, MD
`J.E, Rowe, Research Triangle Park, NC
`JM. White, Austin, TX
`LT. Yates, Jr., Pittsburgh, PA
`Fax: +31-30-2535787
`E-mail: f.h.p.m.habraken@
`Advisory Editorial Board
`B.N.Dev, Bhubaneswar
`E, Rimini, Catania
`J. Chikawa, Hyogo
`M.Hirose, Hiroshima
`H. Ishiwara, Yokohama
`The Netherlands
`J.W. Niemantsverdriet, Eindhoven
`A journal devoted to applied physics and chemistry of surfaces and interfaces
`Founding Editor: R.L. Park; former Editors: L.C. Feldman, W.F. van der Weg
`Professor F.H.P.M. Habraken
`Debye Institute
`Utrecht University
`P.O. Box 80.000
`3508 TA Utrecht
`The Netherlands
`M.Henzler, Hannover
`S. Hofmann, Stuttgart’.
`Applied Surface Science is concerned with applied physicsand chemistry of
`surfaces and interfaces and with the atomistic description of processing,
`modification and characterization of surfaces, interfaces and thin films. These
`include growth and epitaxy, Gxidation,
`reactivity as yell as surface
`modification by directed energy déposition (lasers, ions or#lectron beams)
`or other techniques (i.e. plasma etching). Important areas in the field are
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`Special Issue
`Proceedings of the European Materials Research Society 2000 Spring
`Meeting, Symposium D: Photon-induced Material Processing
`Strasbourg, France, 30 May—2 June, 2000
`Guest Editor
`Abdelilah Slaoui
`Laboratoire PHASE-CNRS, Strasbourg, France
`Dave H.A. Blank
`Research Institute MESA, University of Twente, The Netherlands
`Patrik Hoffmann
`Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland
`Ian W. Boyd
`Departmentof Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
`University College London, UK
`Amsterdam — London — New York — Oxford — Paris — Shannon — Tokyo


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` a
`surface science
`Applied Surface Science 168 (2000) ix=xii
`Special Issue: Proceedings of the European Materials Research Society 2000 Spring Meeting, Symposium D:
`Photon-induced Material Processing, Strasbourg, France, 30 May-2 June, 2000
`Fast selective metal deposition on polymers by using IR and excimer VUV photons
`H. Esrom
`Local laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition of diamond
`Z. Toth, A. Mechler and P. Heszler
`High powerdiode laser surface treatment of mullite crucible material
`M.J.J. Schmidt and L. Li
`Photo-induced preparation of (Ta2O5);—,.(TiO2), dielectric thin films using sol-gel processing with xenon excimer
`N. Kaliwoh, J.-Y, Zhang and I.W. Boyd
`Diode laser ablation machining of 316L stainless steel powder/polymer composite material. Effect of powder
`A. Slocombe, A. Taufik and L. Li
`The effect of pigment addition in diode laser ablation machining of ceramic/polymer composite material
`A. Slocombe, J. Clarke and L. Li
`The influence of shield gases on the surface condition of laser treated concrete
`J. Lawrence and L.Li
`High-intensity sources of incoherent UV and VUV excimer radiation for low-temperature materials processing
`U. Kogelschatz, H. Esrom, J.-Y. Zhang and 1.W. Boyd
`Silica film preparation by chemical vapor deposition using vacuum ultraviolet excimer lamps
`K. Kurosawa, N. Takezoe, H. Yanagida, J. Miyano, Y. Motoyama, K. Toshikawa, Y. Kawasaki and A.
`Description of the coherent and incoherent processes in two-photon photoemission on Cu(111) surface
`YJ. Dappe, A.A. Villaeys and FP. Lohner
`Structural and vibrational characterization of hydrogenated carbonnitride thin films obtained by laser-induced CVD
`A. Crunteanu, M. Charbonnier, M. Romand, J. Mugnier, R. Alexandrescu, F. Negoita and D. Pantelica
`Optical and morphological properties of laser photo-deposited hydrogenated CN, thin films
`A. Crunteanu, M. Charbonnier, M. Romand, J. Mugnier and C. Sandu
`Photo-induced deposition and characterization of variable bandgap a-SiN:Halloy films
`N. Banerji, J. Serra, 8. Chiussi, B. Leén and M. Pérez-Amor
`Photo-assisted MOCVDof copper using Cu(hfa)(COD) as precursor
`S. Vidal, F. Maury, A. Gleizes and C. Mijoule
`Crystallinity of titania thin films deposited by light induced chemical vapor deposition
`E. Halary, E. Haro-Poniatowski, G. Benvenuti and P. Hoffmann


`Palladium thin film deposition from liquid precursors on polymers by projected excimer beams
`K. Kordas, L. Nanai, K. Bali, K. Stépan, R. Vajtai, T.F. George and S. Leppavuori
`Determination of the absorption length of CO, and high power diodelaser radiation for a high volume alumina-
`based refractory material
`J. Lawrence and L. Li
`Modelling of high-aspect ratio microdrilling of polymers with UV laser ablation
`V.N. Tokarev, J. Lopez and S. Lazare
`Photoemission characteristics of diamondfilms
`D. Vouagner, Y. Show, B. Kiraly, B. Champagnon and J.P. Girardeau-Montaut
`Tailoring nanoparticles of aromatic and dye molecules by excimer laser irradiation
`Y. Tamaki, T. Asahi and H. Masuhara
`Fabrication of microlenses by direct photo-induced crosslinking polymerization
`C. Croutxé-Barghorn, O. Soppera and D.J. Lougnot
`Variousstructural changes in SiO, introduced by one-photon excitation with undulator and two-photon excitation
`with excimer laser
`K. Awazu
`Influence of atomic collisions in vapour phase on pulsed laser ablation
`A.V. Gusarov and I, Smurov
`Charged species analysis in YNi2B2Claser ablation by time-of-flight mass spectrometry
`X. Wang, S. Amoruso, M. Armenante, R. Bruzzese, N. Spinelli and R. Velotta
`Laser-induced evaporation, reactivity and deposition of ZrO, CeO2, V,0; and mixed Ce-V oxides
`C. Flamini, A. Ciccioli, P. Traverso, F. Gnecco, A. Giardini Guidoni and A. Mele
`Sr-ferrite thin films grown on sapphire by pulsed laser deposition
`MLE.Koleva, S. Zotova, P.A. Atanasov, R.I. Tomoyv,C. Ristoscu, V. Nelea, C. Chiritescu, E. Gyorgy, C. Ghica
`and IN. Mihailescu
`Laser ablation induced formation of nanoparticles and nanocrystal networks
`Z. Paszti, G. Peté, Z.E. Horvath and A. Karacs
`Room temperature growth of indium tin oxide thin films by ultraviolet-assisted pulsed laser deposition
`V. Craciun, D. Craciun, Z. Chen, J. Hwang and R.K. Singh
`Low-temperature growth of high-k thin films by ultraviolet-assisted pulsed laser deposition
`V. Craciun, J.M. Howard, N.D. Bassim and R.K. Singh
`Pulsed laser deposition of hydroxyapatite thin films on Ti-SAl-2.5Fe substrates with and without buffer layers
`V. Nelea, C. Ristoscu, C. Chiritescu, C. Ghica, I.N. Mihailescu, H.Pelletier, P. Mille and A. Cornet
`Modelling of growth ofthin solid films obtained by pulsed laser deposition
`M. Kuzma, M. Bester, L. Pyziak, I. Stefaniuk and I. Virt
`Analysis of the plume expansion from laser ablated SmBaCuOtarget
`A. Di Trolio, A. Morone, S. Orlando and A. Paladini
`Electrical and optical characterization of multilayered thin film based on pulsed laser deposition of metal oxides
`V. Marotta, S. Orlando, G.P. Parisi, A. Giardini, G. Perna, A.M. Santoro and V. Capozzi
`Experimental study on droplet generation during excimer laser ablation of polyethylene glycol 1000
`T. Smausz, B. Hopp, Cs. Vass and Z, Toth
`Comparative study of the expansion dynamics of Ga” ionsin the laser ablation of Ga and GaN using time-resolved
`extreme UV absorption spectroscopy
`K.W. Mah,J. Castro, J.T. Costello, E.T. Kennedy, J.G. Lunney, E. McGlynn, P. van Kampen and J.-P. Mosnier
`Surface phenomena during ArF laser heating of graphite. Model calculations, fast photographic and electron
`microscopic imaging
`Zs. Marton, B. Hopp, Z. Kantor, G. Safran, G. Radnéczi, O. Geszti and P. Heszler
`The angle dependence of structure formation on excimer
`laser ablated ramps in stretched poly(ethylene
`F. Wagner and P. Hoffmann


`Excimer laser structuring of bulk polyimide material
`G. Danev, E. Spassova, J. Assa, J. Ihlemann and D, Schumacher
`Non-selective photoionization for isotope ratio measurementsby timeofflight mass spectrometry with laser ablation
`E. Vors, A. Semerok, J.-F. Wagner and S.V. Fomichev
`Spectroscopic characteristics of the plume generated during laser ablation of a ceramic-polymer composite
`D.K.Y. Low, M.J.J. Schmidt and L. Li
`VUV laser ablation of polymers. Photochemical aspect
`M.C. Castex, N. Bityurin, C. Olivero, S. Muraviov, N. Bronnikova and D. Riedel
`Combination of contour and half-tone masks used in laser ablation
`A. Braun, K. Zimmer andF. Bigl
`Application of near infrared pyrometry for continuous Nd:YAG laser welding ofstainless steel
`Ph. Bertrand, I. Smurov and D. Grevey
`Materials modification by electronic excitation
`A.M. Stoneham and N.Itoh
`Photo-induced ultrathin electropolishing layers onsilicon: formation, composition andstructural properties
`H. Jungblut and H.J. Lewerenz
`Rapid photothermal processing as a semiconductor manufacturing technology for the 21st century
`R. Singh, M. Fakhruddin and K.F. Poole
`Local laser induced rapid thermal oxidation of SOI substrates
`M. Huber, R.A. Deutschmann, R. Neumann, K. Brunner and G. Abstreiter
`Superconducting andelectro-optical thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique
`J. Schubert, M. Siegert, M. Fardmanesh, W. Zander, M. Prémpers, Ch. Buchal, J. Lisoni and C.H. Lei
`Precursor of copper nitride films: laser photoionization of Cu(NHs), clusters in a supersonic beam
`M.Satta, T.M. Di Palma, A. Paladini and A.G. Guidoni
`Pulsed laser deposition of epitaxial PbZr,Ti,_,O3 ferroelectric capacitors with LaNiO; and SrRuQ, electrodes
`C. Guerrero, F. Sanchez, C. Ferrater, J. Roldan, M.V. Garcfa~-Cuenca and M. Varela
`Imposed layer-by-layer growth with pulsed laser interval deposition
`G. Rijnders, G. Koster, V. Leca, D.H.A. Blank and H. Rogalla
`Pulsed laser deposition and characterization of perovskite thin films on various substrates
`W. Biegel, R. Klarmann,B. Stritzker, B. Schey and M. Kuhn
`Thin tantalum and tantalum oxide films grown by pulsed laser deposition
`J.-¥. Zhang and I.W. Boyd
`Ultraviolet-assisted pulsed laser deposition of thin oxide films
`V. Craciun and R.K. Singh
`Laser deposition of thin SiO, and ITO films
`S. Acquaviva, M.L. De Giorgi, L. Elia, M. Fernandez, G. Leggieri, A. Luches, M. Martino and A. Zocco
`Dependenceof nitrogen contentand deposition rate on nitrogen pressure and laser parameters in ArF excimer laser
`deposition of carbon nitride films
`T. Sz6rényi, F. Antoni, E. Fogarassy and I. Bertéti
`Surface micro-structuring of silicon by excimer-laser irradiation in reactive atmospheres
`A.J. Pedraza, J.D. Fowlkes, S. Jesse, C. Mao and D.H. Lowndes
`Explosive vaporization in fused silica initiated by a tunable infrared laser
`R.F. Haglund Jr. and D.R. Ermer
`Ultra short laser pulse induced charged patticle emission from wide bandgap crystals
`M. Henyk, D. Wolfframm and J. Reif
`Pulsed laser ablation of Al-Cu—Fe quasicrystals
`R. Teghil, L. D'Alessio, M.A. Simone, M. Zaccagnino, D. Ferro and D.J. Sordelet
`Polymers designed for laser microstructuring
`T. Lippert, J. Wei, A. Wokaun, N. Hoogen and O. Nuyken


`Effect of added Co on the laser ablation of 3,4,9,10-perylene tetracarboxylic dianhydride
`H. Sato and S. Nishio
`Picosecond pulsed laser ablation of silicon: a molecular-dynamics study
`P. Lorazo, L.J. Lewis and M. Meunier
`A multifunctional laser linking and cutting structure for microelectronic circuits
`O. Mende and D. Niggemeyer
`Zirconium carbide thin films deposited by pulsed laser ablation
`L. D'Alessio, A. Santagata, R. Teghil, M. Zaccagnino, I. Zaccardo, V. Marotta, D. Ferro and G. De Maria
`Ultrathin silicon dioxide films grown by photo-oxidation ofsilicon using 172 nm excimer lamps
`N. Kaliwoh, J.-Y. Zhang and I.W. Boyd
`Production of low cost contacts and joins for large area devices by electrodeposition of Cu and Sn
`J. Ferreira, H. Seiroco, F. Braz Fernandes, R. Martins, E. Fortunato, A.P. Marvao and J.I. Martins
`Lifetime investigation of excimer UV sources
`J.-Y. Zhang and LW. Boyd
`Excimerlaser treatment of PET before plasma metallization
`S. Petit, P. Laurens, J. Amouroux and F. Arefi-Khonsari
`Surface charge analysis characterisation of ultraviolet-induced damagein silicon nitride dielectrics
`D.H. Korowicz, P.V. Kelly, K.F. Mongey and G.M. Crean
`Photo-deposition of tantalum pentoxide film using 222 nm excimer lamps
`J.-Y. Zhang, B. Hopp, Z. Geretovszky and I.W. Boyd
`Formation of silicon dioxide layers during UV annealing of tantalum pentoxide film
`J.-Y. Zhang and I.W. Boyd
`Fabrication of novel 22 GHz hairpin type HTS microstrip filter using laser ablated thin films
`C.-S. Kim, §.C. Song and S.Y. Lee
`Excimer-laser induced chemical etching of transition metals
`C. O'Driscoll, R. Winfield, K. Khalfi, P.V. Kelly and G.M. Crean
`Defects at the interface of ultra-thin VUV-grown oxide on Si studied by electron spin resonance
`A. Stesmans and V.V. Afanas’ev
`Effects of deposition and post-fabrication conditions on photoluminescentproperties of nanostructured Si/SiO, films
`prepared by laser ablation
`A.V. Kabashin, M. Charbonneau-Lefort, M. Meunier and R. Leonelli
`Comparison of the optical properties of ZnO thin films grown on various substrates by pulsed laser deposition
`S.H. Bae, S.Y. Lee, H.Y. Kim and S. Im
`F2 laser etching of GaN
`T. Akane, K. Sugioka, S$. Nomura, K. Hammura, N. Aoki, K. Toyoda, Y. Aoyagi and K. Midorikawa
`Influence of PZT template layer on pulsed laser deposited Pb(Mg,,,Nb2,/3)O3 thin films
`P. Verardi, M. Dinescu, F. Craciun, R. Dinu and I. Vrejoiu
`Direct writing of conformal mesoscopic electronic devices by MAPLE DW
`D.B. Chrisey, A. Pique, R. Modi, H.D. Wu, R.C.Y. Auyeung and H.D. Young
`Author Index
`Subject Index


`surface science
`Applied Surface Science 168 (2000) 29-36 Se
`High-intensity sources of incoherent UV and VUV excimer
`radiation for low-temperature materials processing
`U. Kogelschatz*”, H. Esrom?,J.-Y. Zhang*, I.W. Boyd*
`"ABB Corporate Research Ltd., 5405 Baden, Switzerland
`’University of Applied Sciences, Windeckstr. 110, 68163 Mannheim, Germany
`“University College London, Torrington Place, London WCIE 7JE, UK
`The principles and properties of ultraviolet (UV) and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiation generated by decaying excimer
`complexes are discussed. Excimer lamps offer high-intensity narrow-bandradiation at various UV and VUV wavelengths and
`reach high efficiencies. They can provide high photon fluxes over extended areas. The use of excimers offers several
`advantages: excimers can be extremely efficient energy converters transforming electron kinetic energy into UV radiation. No
`self-absorption is observed in excimer systems. In most cases, excimer forming gas mixtures exhibit one dominant narrow
`emission band, Excimer systems can be pumpedat extremely high powerdensities before saturation effects start to limit the
`spontaneous emission. Thus, extremely bright UV and VUV sources can be built. Different types of excimer lamps can be
`fabricated utilising, repetitively pulsed high power discharges, microwave discharges and dielectric-barrier discharges(silent
`discharges). For large-scale industrial applications dielectric-barrier discharges using fairly simple discharge configurations
`currently represent the most mature excimer lamp technology. Recent applications of excimer lamps include photo-deposition
`of large area or patterned thin metal films, of high- and low-dielectric constant insulating layers, photo-assisted low-
`temperature oxidation of Si, SiGe and Ge, UV curing, polymer etching and microstructuring of polymer surfaces.
`Applications investigated so far clearly demonstrate that low cost, high power excimer lamp systems can provide an
`interesting alternative to excimer lasers for industrial large-scale low-temperature materials processing. © 2000 Elsevier
`Science B.V. All rights reserved.
`Keywords: Excimer lamps; Vacuum ultraviolet radiation; Photo-induced materials processing, Patterned metal deposition, Polymeretching;
`UV curing
`1. Introduction
`Sources emitting UV/VUV photons in the energy
`range of 5-15 eV have found a numberofinteresting
`applications because such photons art capable of
`breaking most chemical bonds. They can be used
`* Corresponding author: Tel.: +41-56-486-81-67;
`fax: +41-56-493-45-69.
`E-mail address: ulrich.kogelschatz (U. Kogelschatz).
`for a variety of photo-initiated volume and surface
`processes. Applications include UV curing of photo-
`reactive polymers, photo-induced thin film deposition
`of metals, semiconductors and dielectrics, as well as
`surface cleaning, surface modification and microstruc-
`turing of polymeric materials. VUV photonsare also
`utilised on a very large scale in plasma display panels
`and in mercury-free fluorescent lamps. In these appli-
`cations phosphors are used to convert VUV excimer
`radiation to visible light.
`0169-4332/00/$ — see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
`PII: S0169-4332(00)00571-7


`U. Kogelschatz et al. /Applied Surface Science 168 (2000) 29-36
`2. Generation of incoherent excimer radiation
`2.2. Discharge-driven excimer lamps
`2.1. Rare gas excimers, halogen excimers and rare
`gas halide exciplexes
`High density rare gases at around or above atmo-
`spheric pressure have the uniqueability to efficiently
`convert electron kinetic energy to electronic excitation
`energy and rapidly funnel that excitation to a few low
`lying atom and excimerlevels [1]. These systems have
`been intensively studied with pulsed electron beam
`pumping for VUV laser applications [2—5]. It has also
`been demonstrated that simple and efficient excimer
`lamps can be built using different types of gas dis-
`chargesto induce excimer formation and subsequently
`utilising the fluorescence radiation of decaying exci-
`mer complexes. Theoretical predictions of the fluor-
`escenceefficiency of rare gas excimerradiation lie in
`the range 45-80% [3,6-9]. At particle densities of
`about 107 m~? excited species and ions rapidly form
`excimer complexes. Vibrational relaxationis very fast
`under such conditions and the spectrum is dominated
`by the 2nd continuum band originating from the
`bottom two excimer states. These excimer states do
`not interact with the ground state and can only decay
`by radiation. The 2nd excimer continua of the pure
`rare gases He", Ne2", Ara”, Kr2", and Xe” peak at 74,
`83, 126, 146 and 172 nm,respectively. Typical half
`widths of the observed fluorescence bands are found to
`be 10-15 nm. With mixed rare gases the emission can
`be spread over a wider wavelength region due to the
`formation of heteronuclear diatomic molecules
`The energy of excited rare gas atoms and tons can
`also be efficiently utilised to form halogen excimers
`X," or rare gas—halide exciplex molecules of the type
`RgX* (Rg: Ar, Kr, Xe; X: F, Cl, Br, I) [2-5]. Bound-
`free transitions are also utilised in these excimers to
`generate spontaneous VUV/UV emission with high
`efficiency and even smaller bandwidth,typically in the
`range 2-4 nm. Table | summarises such excimers and
`their respective peak wavelengths.
`High-energy electron beam generators are bulky,
`expensive and capable of operating at only low repeti-
`tion rates. For many practical applications excimers
`generated by an electric discharge inside a closed UV
`transparent vessel have proved to be much simpler and
`less expensive. Such excimer lamps, spontaneous
`emission sources based on excimer formation, can
`be pumped bypulsed or dc longitudinaldischarges, by
`pre-ionised pulsed transverse discharges, by micro-
`wave discharges or by dielectric-barrier discharges
`(silent discharges). More recently, discharges in super-
`sonic jets, constricted glow discharges and microhol-
`low cathode discharges have also been used to obtain
`excimer emission. Excimer
`lamps were initially
`mainly investigated for
`spectroscopic purposes
`{12,13}. During the last decade powerful efficient
`excimer lamps have been developed that have found
`several applications in industrial UV induced pro-
`cesses [14—16]. In this presentation, we concentrate
`on more recent developments concerning high power
`pulsed excimer sources and on sealed electrodeless
`lamps with potentially long operating lifetime. Pre-
`vious literature on laboratory type excimer lampsis
`reviewed in [6,15,17—20].
`2.2.1]. High-power excimer flash lamps
`Since excimer formation in gas discharges can be
`achieved at very high powerdensities in the plasma
`(10°-10’ W/cm?) repetitively pulsed excimer flash
`lamps with UV peak powers of several megawatts
`and average UV powers in the kilowatt range have
`been built [21-26]. For purposes of materials proces-
`sing, it may be more useful to state the maximum
`achievable optical power density at the radiating sur-
`face which reaches peak values of a few kilowatt per
`centimetre square and average values up to 1 Wiem?.
`Large area planar excimer UV sources of several
`100 cm? luminous area can be built, Also in the
`VUV region high emission powers of 1.5 kW peak
`value and 140 ns duration have been reported [27].
`Table 1
`Halogen and rare gas halide excimers with corresponding peak wavelengths in nm
`175 193 222 248157 253 259
`XeBr" XeF* Br” —-XeC* it


`U. Kogelschatz et al./Applied Surface Science 168 (2000) 29-36
`Discharge UV Transparent
`UV Transparent
`Fig. 1. Sealed cylindrical and planar dielectric-barrier discharge excimer lamp configurations.
`The VUV emission of this Kr,* lamp peaks at 147 nm
`with 12 nm spectral width.
`2.2.2, Microwave driven excimer lamps
`First demonstrations of rare gas excimer fluores-
`cence excited by microwave discharges operating at
`2.45 GHz date back to 1954 [28]. Microwave excita-
`tion offers the advantage of initiating electrodeless
`dischargesin sealed UV transparent vesselsfilled with
`excimer forming gas mixtures. With standard magne-
`trons also used in microwave ovens extremely cheap
`and powerful microwave sources are available. For
`efficient coupling of the microwave energy into the
`discharge carefully designed waveguides and cavities
`are required. Based on this principle many excimer
`lamps with VUV/UV radiation at different wave-
`lengths have been built: Ar*, Kr", Xe." [28-31],
`ArF” [32], KrF* [33], XeCl* [34], KrCl* [35] and F,*
`(36]. With special equipment pulsed microwave
`power densities of 10’ W/cm? have been reached in
`high pressure Kr and Xe plasmas [37]. Recent inves-
`tigations on a microwave driven Xe,” excimer lamp
`claim an intrinsic efficiency of 20-40% [38]. The
`most powerful commercial excimer lamp is a micro-
`wave driven XeCl* excimer lamp with a UV output of
`900 W in a 30 nm wavelength range around 308 nm,
`correspondingto an overall efficiency of 15% [39]. It
`uses sealed cylindrical quartz bulbs of 25 cm length
`mounted in an elliptical microwave cavity which also
`acts as an optical collection system. This excimer
`lamp is mainly used for UV curing processes [40,41].
`lamps based on dielectric-barrier
`2.2.3. Excimer
`The use of dielectric-barrier discharges to generate
`excimer radiation has proved to be a very useful
`[6,14—-20,42,43]. Their main advantage is
`simplicity, lack of internal electrodes, high efficiency
`and low cost. Sealed lamps of different planar and
`cylindrical geometries can be designed (Fig. 1). The
`width of the discharge gap ranges from 0.1 mm to
`several mm. Filling pressures range from 10* to
`5 x 10° Pa. In manycases, a third buffer gas (He,
`Ne) is added to the binary excimer forming mixture.
`This facilitates ignition and provides additional con-
`trol over the electron energy distribution. Operating
`frequencies range from 50 Hz to 1 MHz, applied
`voltages from a few 100 V to several kilovolt. Com-
`mercial excimer lamps now are offered for the wave-
`lengths 126 nm (Ar,"); 146 nm (Kry"); 172 nm (Xe>");
`222 nm (KrCl"*) and 308 nm (XeCl"). For UV curing
`applications cylindrical XeCl* lamps up to 2 m length
`are available. Typicalefficiencies range from 540%.
`In recent years also powerful and efficient XeI” and
`XeBr" lamps radiating at 253 [44] and 282 nm [45],
`respectively, have been investigated. Most excimer
`lamps concentrate their emission in a narrow wave-
`length region. Even at high electrical input powers
`cooled versions can operate close to room tempera-
`ture. Phosphors can be used to transform the UV
`radiation to visible light. This is the basis of mer-
`cury-free fluorescent lampsandofflat plasma display
`panels with up to 1.5 m picture diagonal.
`3. Applications of incoherent excimer radiation

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