From: AAAI Technical Report SS-92-01. Compilation copyright © 1992, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
`for the Semiconductor Manufacturer of the
`A. Smith
`Hugh E. Fargher
`8~ Richard
`Process Development Center
`Texas Instruments,
`P.O. Box 655012, MS 3635
`TX 75265
`Texas Instruments (TI) is currently contracted bY the
`Air Force Wright Laboratory
`and the Defense Ad-
`vanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop
`the next generation flexible
`semiconductor wafer fab-
`rication system called Microelectronics Manufacturing
`Science & Technology (MMST). Several revolutionary
`concepts are being pioneered on MMST including new
`single-wafer rapid thermal processes,
`in-situ sensors,
`cluster equipment, and advanced Computer Integrated
`Manufacturing (CIM) software. The objective of the
`is to develop a manufacturing system capa-
`ble of achieving an order of magnitude improvement
`in almost all aspects of wafer fabrication
`[1]. TI was
`awarded the contract
`in October, 1988, and will com-
`plete development with a fabrication
`stration in April, 1993.
`An important part of MMST is development of the
`CIM environment responsible for coordinating all parts
`of the system. The CIM architecture
`being developed
`is based on a distributed
`object oriented
`made of several cooperating
`subsystems. The soft-
`ware subsystems include: Process Control for dynamic
`control of factory processes; Modular Processing Sys-
`tem for controlling
`the processing equipment; Generic
`Equipment Model which provides an interface between
`processing equipment and the rest of the factory; Spec-
`System which maintains factory documents
`and product specifications; Simulator for modelling the
`factory for analysis purposes; Scheduler for scheduling
`work on the factory floor; and the Planner for planning
`and monitoring of orders within the factory.
`This paper first outlines the division of responsibil-
`ity between the Planner, Scheduler, and Simulator sub-
`systems. It then describes the approach to incremental
`planning and the way in which uncertainty
`is modelled
`within the plan representation. Finally, current status
`and initial
`results are described.
`One role of the Planner is to plan and predict work
`completion dates, given a required confidence level, set
`of plan goals and the current state of the factory. This
`requires that the plan representation model factory re-
`source utilization over time, and that the plan be con-
`tinually updated to reflect unexpected events such as
`machine failure. This role is not provided by the Sched-
`uler, which performs more locally based decision mak-
`As part of this role, the Planner is able to warn the
`user of the impact of unexpected events. For example,
`the Planner can determine whether work completion
`dates are slipping, well in advance of their quoted de-
`livery dates. The user can also be warned of any work
`which has been automatically
`replanned due to unex-
`pected events, so that they may request changes to the
`plan if required. Automatic replanning of work will re-
`main an option to be invoked if desired by the user.
`The ability
`to request plan changes is another key
`Planner role which is not provided by the Scheduler.
`’What-if’ plan changes refer to requests such as putting
`a machine on hold or introduction of new work.
`Finally the Planner constrains work release into the
`factory, based on the current plan being executed. This
`is important since early release of work carries
`penalty of increased WIP and early completion of work
`is undesirable. The high level plan representation does
`not allow the Planner to determine the precise mo-
`ment for work release, which may be based on low
`level factory data such as machine queue sizes. This
`is an important role for the Scheduler, since work re-
`leased early will only increase WIP by placing work on
`a queue. Work release
`is accomplished by the Sched-
`uler requesting more work from the Planner, with the
`Planner satisfying
`the request as best as possible given
`the work planned for release over the next chosen time
`Another role of the Scheduler is to make sequencing
`decisions for work on the factory floor, based on de-
`tails such as queue sizes, machine setups, and so forth.
`Although such decisions may be based on currently
`planned ship dates, this service cannot be provided by
`the Planner (which does not distinguish between iden-
`tical resources in the plan representation). Finally, the
`Scheduler is responsible for tracking work in process.
`Ex. 1022, IPR2022-00681, Pg. 1


`the schedule being executed
`The Planner influences
`by constraining work release and predicting work com-
`pletion dates, which may be used in Scheduler dispatch
`decisions. However, work released into the factory can-
`not be directly
`influenced by the Planner. The Sched-
`uler provides
`important feedback to the Planner by
`tracking work in process. This can be used to update
`cycle time estimates used by the Planner, and to warn
`of tardy work which may cause replanning.
`Planner/Simulator Division of
`Both the Planner and Simulator systems provide the
`user with the ability
`to determine the consequences of
`’what-if’ requests. However, the allowed requests differ
`fundamentally between the Planner and Simulator.
`Planner ’what-if’
`requests may be made on a single
`plan only, and result in incrementally updating the ex-
`isting plan to satisfy the request. Typically, tile exist-
`ing plan reflects
`the current state of the factory. Rapid
`feedback is required, since the requests may refer to the
`effect of putting a machine down in the near future for
`maintenance, or the effect of introducing a new hot lot
`onto the factory floor. These requests must be rapidly
`evaluated if a manager is to fully benefit, since they
`may require
`immediate attention. The ability
`to have
`multiple ’what-if’ plans open simultaneously will also
`be important if possible plan options are to be com-
`In contrast to this, Simulator ’what-if’ requests are
`typically performed by running a suite of simulations,
`using factory conditions possibly selected at random
`from a set of work release or machine failure distribu-
`tions. Feedback is not. required immediately since sim-
`ulation results typically refer to changes which are not
`immediately put into practice. Example requests may
`include the effect of introducing new machines into the
`factory, or re-training several of the operators.
`The Planner system may interact with the Simulator
`in two distinct modes. First, by providing a static work
`release plan, generated using some initial
`factory sta-
`tus, which provides the Simulator with a work release
`time table. This is particularly
`important for verifying
`the plan model and algorithms,
`since simulated work
`completion should match plan predictions
`if the Plan-
`ner is correctly predicting processing capacity. Second,
`by providing a dynamic release plan, which is updated
`in response to simulated events (such as machine fail-
`ure) during simulation execution. This is important for
`verifying Planner response times, which must remain
`small if the Planner is to be truly ’reactive’.
`to Incremental
`A plan representation
`has been chosen which models
`the manufacturing environment in enough detail
`achieve the planning fuuctions, while allowing incre-
`mental updates due to replanning. The following sec-
`tion outlines the representation, along with the search
`algorithm used to generate and update plans.
`the Plan
`is based on the processing ca-
`The plan representation
`pacity of resource groups within the factory, divided
`into contiguous
`time intervals.
`Each resource group
`has an associated set of processing capabilities which
`every member of the group is able to perform. Since a
`single semiconductor manufacturing machine may per-
`form several different processes, a machine may be a
`member of several different
`resource groups. Each re-
`source group is represented over contiguous time inter-
`vals, where the planned processing commitment and
`remaining capacity is recorded.
`The plan representation does not distinguish which
`resource, within a resource group, is planned to pro-
`cess a particular piece of work represented within a
`plan. The representation
`simply commits processing
`time for the whole resource group to a particular piece
`of work. Furthermore,
`the plan representation
`not sequence processing within each time interval, only
`between time intervals.
`In this way, the level of detail
`modelled by the plan is a function of both resource
`groups and time interval sizes. If resource groups con-
`tained only one resource, and all time intervals were
`shorter than the shortest processing step, the plan rep-
`resentation would reduce to a Gantt chart describing
`the processing schedule for each resource. If, on the
`other hand, the entire plan were covered within a sin-
`gle time interval,
`the representation would reduce to
`the model frequently used for planning within semi-
`conductor manufacturing [2]. The ’time-phased’
`resentation outlined above lies somewhere between the
`two extremes.
`The plan representation must accurately reflect
`tory capacity, projected forward from the current clock
`time. To ensure this, all planned processing for the ear-
`time interval
`is removed from the plan representa-
`tion when the clock time exceeds the time interval up-
`per bound. Planned processing
`is then compared with
`the current state of the factory (via the WIP tracking
`system) and the system user is warned of any work
`which appears tardy on the factory floor. Finally,
`processing capacity of resource groups within the first
`plan time interval reduce linearly with time, to reflect
`the constantly increasing clock time.
`The Planning
`The planning algorithm is divided into two parts,
`of determining
`the sequence of work to be planned
`(given its due-date, customer priority, etc), and incor-
`porating the required processing into the plan repre-
`(given the current
`resource group commit-
`ments, type of planning requested,
`and constraints
`imposed on which time intervals
`processing may be
`planned for). Planning may use the existing plan rep-
`resentation as a starting point, or some user defined
`Ex. 1022, IPR2022-00681, Pg. 2


`variation if multiple ’what-if’ plans are to be explored.
`Deciding the sequence of work to be planned ul-
`timately determines
`the overall product mix, and is
`determined by an ordered list of goals in which the
`first unsatisfied plan goal is used to sequence work for
`planning. The ordered goal list may be thought of as
`defining the Planner ’strategy’. Each goal sequences
`work using its associated heuristic, which is designed
`to guide plan generation in favor of satisfying the goal.
`All goals have numerical values, which must be met by
`the plan if the goal is to be satisfied. Once a goal is
`satisfied, processing moves to the next unsatisfied goal.
`By ’interleaving’ similar goals in tile ordered list,
`Planner strategy can be used to satisfy several differ-
`ent goals, while ensuring that the plan never deviates
`much from satisfying any one goal [3].
`it must
`Once work has been sequenced for planning,
`be incorporated
`into the time-phased plan representa-
`tion. The resources required for each processing step
`nmst be committed over some time interval
`so that no
`resource group is overutilized and all constraints on
`processing are satisfied. Plan independent constraints,
`such as processing times and required resource groups,
`are determined by querying the Specification
`Within these constraints,
`the planning search algo-
`rithm determines precisely
`in which time interval
`commit resource groups for each processing step.
`The planning search algorithm uses a work repre-
`sentation in which wafer processing is divided into dis-
`crete segments, where each segment represents process-
`ing on resources which may be completed within one
`time interval of the plan representation. Division of
`wafer processing into segments is performed by calcu-
`lating which segment each processing step would lie
`in if processing were distributed evenly over the en-
`tire wafer cycle time. Since the wafer cycle time is
`than the minimum theoretical processing time,
`such a representation accounts for the expected queue
`time during wafer processing. Each search operation
`inserts or removes segments from the plan repre-
`terminating when all required segments for
`processing work have been inserted, or when no further
`processing capacity remains.
`The search algorithm uses a modified beam search
`with chronological
`Maxinmm beam
`width is determined by the ratio of measured wafer
`cycle time to minimum theoretical
`cycle time, since
`the greater
`the ratio,
`the greater
`the choice of time
`for planning each processing segment. The
`search space is further
`reduced by constraining
`beam width to increase
`linearly with search depth.
`One advantage of this
`is that solutions which appear
`unpromising at an early stage in the search are quickly
`discarded, whereas those which appear more promis-
`ing are more thoroughly searched. Another advantage
`is that ’disjoint’ plan representations,
`in which no re-
`sources may be available for an extended period of time
`due to factory
`shut-down, do not prevent new work
`from being planned, as long as sufficient processing ca-
`pacity exists while the factory is operational.
`Replanning due to unexpected resource failure
`quires reasoning at both the goal list and the search
`algorithm level. To ensure that resource groups are not
`in the plan representation when a resource
`goes down, currently planned work must be sequenced
`for replanning. This is performed by removing work
`until resource utilization
`levels are not exceeded, and
`then replanning this work to be released at a later date.
`performance when using this algo-
`Table 1 illustrates
`to plan new work into an existing plan. The
`table shows the fraction of successful search nodes (for
`which a processing segment was successfully
`into the plan representation),
`failed nodes (for which
`there was not enough processing capacity
`in the at-
`tempted time interval),
`and backtracked nodes. The
`results illustrate
`that even for a highly utilized factory
`the search required to plan new work, for which there is
`processing capacity available,
`is not prohibitive. Fur-
`thermore the percentage of backtracked nodes does not
`continue to increase with committed utilization.
`In a
`semiconductor fabrication
`an average of 80%
`utilization across all machines is considered very high.
`The results
`in this case assume tltat human operators
`are not a bottleneck resource.
`100% .
`to Modelling Uncertainty
`The plan representation must be able to model the un-
`certainty inherent in work cycle-times, since such cycle-
`times often form tire best available data for planning.
`The following section outlines
`the approach taken to
`representing uncertainty in the planning process.
`Domain Uncertainty
`Two areas of uncertainty are tackled by the Planner,
`both corresponding to data which is represented by a
`probability distribution. The first
`is water yield, which
`is recorded as the probability of manufacturing n good
`chips given the starting number. The second is cycle
`time, which is recorded as the probability of completing
`all manufacturing steps on a wafer in a given time.
`Ex. 1022, IPR2022-00681, Pg. 3


`This section outlines how cycle time distributions
`used within the Planner.
`The objective of the Planner is to predict work com-
`pletion dates to within some given confidence, which
`may be used to negotiate with customers. For example,
`an order may be represented within the plan so that it
`completes processing on Friday to within a 50% confi-
`dence level, but on the following Monday to within an
`80% confidence level.
`Uncertainty is modelled within the Planner by reinter-
`preting the plan representation
`in terms of fuzzy sets
`[4]. Resource group utilization
`for a given piece of work
`has a degree of membership within each time interval,
`which reflects
`the expected utilization of resources for
`this work during the time interval. For example, the
`total cycle ~time distribution
`for wafer processing may
`be interpreted as the probability distribution
`for com-
`pleting the final processing step at a given time. This
`can be modelled within the plan representation by as-
`signing degrees of membership between time intervals
`to match the given probability distribution
`for the fi-
`nal processing step. Tile advantage gained by this
`is two-fold. First, computation on fuzzy
`sets is much less expensive than on probability dis-
`tributions. Second, cycle time uncertainty within the
`time-phased representation means that resources com-
`mitted to processing a given set of wafer steps within
`one time interval will very likely process some of those
`steps within other time intervals. This closely matches
`the concept of membership degree within fuzzy set the-
`To enable the Planner to reason at this level of de-
`tail, knowledge of the total processing cycle time dis-
`is required, as well as some estimate of the
`required to complete each time interval’s
`wortll of processing. Intermediate processing steps for
`which data is recorded in semiconductor manufactur-
`ing are traditionally referred to as ’log-points’. If log-
`point data were available
`for processing steps within
`each Planner time interval,
`this data could be used to
`model the distributions
`for required processing over all
`time intervals. However, this
`log-point data may not
`be available for all processing steps, only the final cycle
`time. For this reason,
`the Planner uses an algorithm
`to estimate log-point cycle times, given the final cycle-
`time which is available as a distribution.
`The algorithm attempts
`to decompose the final cy-
`cle time probability distribution
`into cycle time distri-
`butions for each successive time interval
`throughout a
`wafer’s processing. This is done so that:


`Interval cycle time distribution variance increases
`with successive intervals,
`to reflect increasing future
`Interval cycle time variance is bounded by the final
`cycle time variance.
`s The final computed interval cycle time distribution
`matches the input cycle time distribution.
`using fuzzy
`The algorithm represents distributions
`using fuzzy
`numbers and performs all calculations
`arithmetic. This approach is based on the job shop
`scheduling system FSS [5] which also uses fuzzy arith-
`metic to model increasing uncertainty in generating fu-
`ture schedules. A key advantage with this approach is
`that calculations on distributions can be performed ex-
`tremely rapidly. The algorithm has been tested against
`simulated results, as described in the next section.
`Once time interval cycle time distributions have been
`calculated for a given wafer processing route, they are
`used to ’fuzzily’
`the resources committed to processing
`steps during each time interval of the plan representa-
`tion. This is achieved by using the fuv.zification opera-
`tor (defined for fuzzy set theory) and results in resource
`utilization being ’smeared out’ within the plan repre-
`sentation. This reflects
`the uncertainty in the time at
`which planned processing will actually
`take place in
`the factory.
`Once work has been planned for a wafer with a given
`processing route, the final cycle time distribution
`used to quote the completion date to within a given
`confidence level. For example, if 50% of the final time
`interval processing has been planned to complete by
`Friday, the wafer may be quoted to complete on Friday
`with a 50% confidence level.
`In fact,
`the confidence
`level associated with any delivery date may be quoted.
`Finally, measured cycle time distributions
`one important method for feedback
`to the Planner
`from the outside world. Cycle time distributions may
`be updated incrementally as wafers complete process-
`ing for each type of manufactured technology. Further-
`more, since cycle times are closely related
`to WIP and
`product mix, distributions used for planning should be
`chosen to reflect
`current conditions. However, plan-
`ning work in semiconductor manufacturing has shown
`the difficulty
`in predicting cycle times up-front, which
`are highly sensitive to conditions such as resource sta-
`tus and WIP levels.
`the cycle time mean and variance,
`Table 2 illustrates
`for part of a processing sequence completing during
`a given time interval, calculated using simulation and
`the proposed fuzzy arithmetic
`algorithm. The simu-
`lated CT mean and variance were calculated by per-
`forming a series of simulations, forward in time, based
`on known time interval
`cycle time distributions.
`resulting final cycle time distribution
`(at time inter-
`val number 5) was then plugged into the algorithm
`generate the set of estimated intermediate time inter-
`val cycle time distributions.
`The algorithm estimated
`time interval distributions were then compared with
`the simulated distributions
`by measuring their mean
`and variance. Time units are measured in numbers
`of time intervals. Agreement between simulated and
`Ex. 1022, IPR2022-00681, Pg. 4


`traditional beam search, and models uncertainty using
`a fuzzy set approach. Initial results indicate that the
`system is able to incorporate new work into an exist-
`ing plan without incurring a large amount of compu-
`rationally expensive backtracking. However, further
`work will be required to verify plan results in an ex-
`isting wafer fabrication environment, and to integrate
`the Planner with the rest of MMST.
`This work was sponsored
`in part by the Air Force
`Wright Laboratory
`and DARPA Defense Science Of-
`fice under contract F33615-88-C-5448.
`[1] J.McGehee, D.Johnson & J.Mahaffey:
`tor manufacturing: a Vision of the Future’, Texas
`Instrumefits Technical Journal, vol.8, no.4, pp.14-
`26, 1991
`[2] PMDS Technical Report CSC-TR89-004, Texas In-
`struments internal
`report, 1989
`[3] PMDS Memo 91-DR-01, Texas Instruments
`report, 1991
`to Fuzzy
`[4] A.Kaufmann & M.Gupta: ’Introduction
`Arithmetic’, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New
`York, 1985
`[5] R.Kerr & R.Walker: ’A Job Shop Scheduling Sys-
`tem based on Fuzzy Arithmetic’, Proc. of 3rd Int.
`Con. on Expert Systems & Leading Edge in Prod.
`& Operations Man. pp.433-450, 1989
`[6] J.McGehee: ’Scenario Analysis’, Texas Instruments
`internal report, 1991
`fuzzy means remains close, while agreement between
`simulated and fuzzy variance
`improves over several
`time intervals. Agreement improves as CT variance
`increases due to the greater number of members in the
`fuzzy ]dumber used to represent
`the distribution. We
`intend to explore several possible variations on the al-
`gorithm in all attempt to improve agreement.
`Fuzzy Simulated
`Current Status
`A prototype CIM system was built as one of the first
`tasks of the CIM program. This helped with the overall
`system design, as well as provide a platform in which
`to plug prototype subsystems and get feedback from
`potential users. However, only small parts of each sub-
`system had been designed at this stage.
`All CIM subsystems have now been designed and
`documented, and are currently being implemented in
`Smalltalk. The MMST Planner
`is currently
`about 25%
`of the way through the development phase. Interfaces
`between subsystems have not yet been completed, so
`many of the results shown above have relied on ’stub-
`bing’ subsystem functionality external to the Planner.
`Functionality has been stubbed to match the expected
`external system performance as closely as possible, and
`is based on a detailed scenario analysis for MMST [6].
`In particular, wafer processing requirements and re-
`sources have been chosen to reflect
`those described in
`the analysis.
`the most de-
`The Planner mechanism that requires
`velopment is the ’what-if’ capability. Several design
`approaches have been documented, although determin-
`ing the best approach (for example, in terms of speed
`of response) will require experimental measurements
`which may only be obtained by implementation.
`Finally, full CIM installation
`and integration within
`a TI fabrication
`remains as the final stage in
`the MMST program.
`A reactive planning system for semiconductor wafer
`has been designed and partially
`mented, as part of the MMST program, jointly
`by TI, Air Force Wright Laboratory and DARPA. The
`planning system has been de8igned to maintain v; plan
`which i8 constantly up to date with the factory envi-
`ronment, and which can reason with uncertain data
`such as processing cycle time distributions. The plan-
`ning algorithm generates plans using a variation on the
`Ex. 1022, IPR2022-00681, Pg. 5

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