` ..=270 +2<
`3GPP TSG RAN WGi1 Meeting #54bis
`#;*0>. C.,1 %.9>+52, &.9=.6+.; D ",=8+.;
`Prague, Czech Republic, September 29 — October3, 2008
`September 29 — October 3, 2008 / NTT DOCOMO,INC.
`in LTE-Advanced
`UL Layered Control Signal Structure
`0.7-* 2=.6
`Agenda item: 11
`8,>6.7= /8; 2<,><<287 *7- .,2<287
`Document for: Discussion and Decision
`Apple EX1008 Page 1
`Apple EX1008 Page 1
`September 29 — October 3, 2008 / NTT DOCOMO,INC.
` 30104&% -":&3&% $0/530- 4*(/"- 4536$563& */ %7"/$&%
`@ Proposed layered control signal structure in LTE-Advanced
` $)*&7&4 )*() $0..0/"-*5: 8*5) $0/530- 4*(/"- '03."54 */ &-
`¢ Achieves high commonality with control signal formats in Rel-8 LTE
` !4&4 -":&3&% $0/530- 4*(/"- '03."54 "$$03%*/( 50 "44*(/&%
`¢ Uses layered control signal formats according to assigned
`53"/4.*44*0/ #"/%8*%5) 50 "$)*&7& &''*$*&/5 $0/530- 4*(/"-
`transmission bandwidth to achieveefficient control signal
`m Investigate UL control sigiStsewccatSTor LTE-Advanced UE with
` /7&45*("5& ! $0/530- 4*(/"- 4536$563& '03 %7"/$&% ! 8*5)
`8*%&3 99 #"/%8*%5) $"1"#*-*5:
`wider Tx/Rx bandwidth capability
`Apple EX1008 Page 2
`Apple EX1008 Page 2
`September 29 — October 3, 2008 / NTT DOCOMO,INC.
` *'+&"++"(' !&
`PUCCH Transmission Scheme
` (* %
`for Rel-8 LTE UE
`Apple EX1008 Page 3
`Apple EX1008 Page 3
` *'+&"++"(' !& (* %
` )06-% 4611035 ! '03 &-
`"4:..&53*$ #"/%8*%5) "44*(/.&/54 3&'
` &B66.=;2, +*7-@2-=1 *<<2076.7=<
`%#&%$$* (( (
` +)-*!'%
` &.1
` <B66.=;2, +*7-@2-=1 *<<2076.7=<
`%#&%$$* (( (
` +)-*!'%
` &.1
`//+)#!3).- .& $)&&%1%-3 2()&32
`Apple EX1008 Page 4
`September 29 — October 3, 2008 / NTT DOCOMO,INC.
` *'+&"++"(' !& '",+
`PUCCH Transmission Scheme Candidates
` (*
`for LTE-Advanced UE
`Apple EX1008 Page 5
`Apple EX1008 Page 5
` *'+&"++"(' !&
`PUCCH Transmission Scheme Assumptions
` (*
`for LTE-Advanced UE
`September 29 — October 3, 2008 / NTT DOCOMO,INC.
` / %7"/$&% ! $"33*&4 '&&%#"$, 4*(/"-*/( "/%
`@ In LTE-Advanced, PUCCH carries feedback signaling (CQI/PMI and
` '03 .6-5*1-& "44*(/&% $0.10/&/5 $"33*&34
`ACK/NACK)for multiple assigned DL componentcarriers
` /7&45*("5& ! 53"/4.*44*0/ 4$)&.& '03 %7"/$&% !
`@ Investigate PUCCH transmission scheme for LTE-Advanced UE
`8*5) 8*%&3 99 #"/%8*%5) $"1"#*-*5:
`with wider Tx/Rx bandwidth capability
` 30104&% 4$)&.& 64&4 4".& ! 4536$563& "4 5)"5 '03 &-
`m@ Proposed scheme uses same PUCCH structure as that for Rel-8
` "4*$"--: 4*/(-&$"33*&3 53"/4.*44*0/
`¢ Basically, single-carrier transmission
` 53"/4.*44*0/ #"/%8*%5)
`1 RB transmission bandwidth
` 11-: */53"46#'3".& '3&26&/$: )011*/( &5$
`¢ Apply intra-subframe frequency hopping etc.
`Apple EX1008 Page 6
`Apple EX1008 Page 6
` *'+&"++"(' !&
`PUCCH Transmission Scheme
` (*
`for LTE-Advanced UE (1)
` '@8 6*38; *99;8*,1.< D
`@ Two major approaches—
` 99;8*,1
` %.><. #( =;*7<62<<287 <,1.6. 27 %.5 '
`@ Approach 1: Reuse PUCCH transmission scheme in Rel-8 LTE
` %.:>2;. 6>5=2,*;;2.; ;.<8>;,. =;*7<62<<287 =8 =;*7<62= ,87=;85 <207*5< /8;
`¢ Require multi-carrier (resource) transmission to transmit control signals for
`6>5=295. ,86987.7= ,*;;2.;< @2=127 ''
`multiple DL componentcarriers within TTI
`%#&%$$* (( (
`Component carrier
`DL/UL linkageSee
` +)-*!'%
`+"* (( (
`Lo Multi-carrier
`*($)# )) %$
` 99;8*,1 (<. 89=26>6 =;*7<62<<287 <,1.6. /8; @2-.; +*7-@2-=1
`@ Approach 2: Use optimum transmission scheme for wider bandwidth
` &2705.,*;;2.; =;*7<62<<287 ,*7 +. *9952.- *5=18>01 7.@ ( 5274*0. 2<
`¢ Single-carrier transmission can be applied, although new DL/UL linkageis
` !.@ /8;6*= .0 +58,4 <9;.*-270 2< .//.,=2?. 27 ,*;;B270 * 5*;0. 7>6+.; 8/
`¢ New format(e.g., block spreading)is effective in carrying a large numberof
`,87=;85 <207*5270 +2=<
`control signaling bits
`%#&%$$* (( (
`Employing optimum
`transmission scheme
`*($)# )) %$ )#
`Apple EX1008 Page 7
`Apple EX1008 Page 7
` *'+&"+ + "(' !&
` (*
` #( =;*7<62<<287 <,1.6. ,*7-2-*=.< 27 99;8*,1
` "9=287
` &2705.,*;;2.; & =;*7<62<<287 @2=1 27=.;<>+/;*6. 1899270
` "9=287 & =;*7<62<<287 @2=1 27=;*<>+/;*6. 1899270 ><270 @2-.;
`=;*7<62<<287 +*7-@2-=1
` "9=287
`)'( 6(%- #411%-3
` &.1,!3 )2
`%$)4, -42%$
` 1%,!)-2 )-
`3(% ,)$$+% /.2)3).-
`.//)-' 6)$%1 3(!-
`&* %$
`$*()+(# %&& $
`)'( 6(%- #411%-3
` &.1,!3 )2
`.,,.-!+)37 3.
`$)5%12)37 '!)-
`&* %$
` ('+$- "%!
`&* %$
` *($)# )) %$
` ('+$-
`%&& $
`%&& $
`Apple EX1008 Page 8
` *'+ & "+ + "(' !&
`PUC CHTrans m isaniScheme
` (*
`for LTE-Advanced UE (3)
`September 29 — October 3, 2008 / NTT DOCOMO,INC.
` /05)&3 *446&
`@ Another issue
`" 0*/5 03 4&1"3"5& $0%*/( 0' $0/530- 4*(/"-*/( #*54 '03 &"$)
`<~ Joint or separate coding of control signaling bits for each DL
`$0.10/&/5 $"33*&3
` .)-3 #.$)-' -#1%!2% )- #.$)-' '!)-
`(A) Joint coding: Increase in coding gain
`Control bits for DL
`componentcarrier #1
`Control bits for DL
`Channel coding
`and modulation
`component carrier #2
`!- "% !//+)%$ 3. ".3(
`Can be applied to both
`Approaches1 and 2
`//1.!#(%2 !-$
`Approach 1 only
`Control bits for
`componentcarrier #Np
` %/!1!3% #.$)-' 1).1)3)8% "!#*6!1$ #.,/!3)")+)37
`(B) Separate coding: Prioritize backward compatibility
`Control bits for DL
`Channel coding
`component carrier #1
`and modulation
`Control bits for DL
`Channel coding
`componentcarrier #2
`and modulation
`Control bits for DL
`Channel coding
`component carrier #Np
`and modulation
`. '!)- )- //1.!#(
`No gain in Approach 2
` .-2)$%1%$ &.1
`= Considered for
`//1.!#( .-+7
`Apple EX1008 Page 9
`Apple EX1008 Page 9
`September 29 — October 3, 2008 / NTT DOCOMO,INC.
`"/+ (' *'+ & "+ + "(' !&
`Views on PUC CHTrans m isaniScheme
` (*
`for LTE-Advanced UE
`Apple EX1008 Page 10
`Apple EX1008 Page 10
`"/+ (' $ (*
`Views on CQI Feedback for LTE-Advanced UE
`September 29 — October 3, 2008 / NTT DOCOMO,INC.
` '&&%#"$, '03 %7"/$&% ! 8*5) 8*%&3 #"/%8*%5)
`™ CQI feedback for LTE-Advanced UE with wider bandwidth
` 03 '&&%#"$, !41&$*'*$ %&%*$"5&% 3"%*0 3&4063$& *4
`¢ For CQI feedback, UE-specific dedicated radio resourceis
`1&34*45&/5-: "--0$"5&%
`persistently allocated
` 15*.6. ! 53"/4.*44*0/ 4$)&.& '03 8*%&3 #"/%8*%5) $"/
`¢ Optimum PUCCH transmission scheme for wider bandwidth can
`&"4*-: #& "11-*&% 8)*-& 5",*/( "%7"/5"(& 0' 4".& ! 4536$563&
`easily be applied while taking advantage of same PUCCH structure
`"4 5)"5 '03 &-
`as that for Rel-8 LTE
` =
` 3&'&3 1130"$)
` 8*5) +0*/5 $0%*/( 50 1307*%& 015*.6. !
`> Prefer Approach 2 with joint coding to provide optimum PUCCH
`53"/4.*44*0/ 4$)&.& '03 %7"/$&% ! 8*5) 8*%&3 #"/%8*%5)
`transmission scheme for LTE-Advanced UE with wider bandwidth
`# &5"*- '03."5 15*0/4 ; */ 1"(&
`Y Detail format (Options 1 — 3 in page 8) is FFS
`Apple EX1008 Page 11
`Apple EX1008 Page 11
`"/+ ('
` $
`Views on ACK/NACK Feedback
` (*
`for LTE-Advanced UE (1)
`September 29 — October 3, 2008 / NTT DOCOMO,INC.
`! /..-+*,4 /8; '-?*7,.- ( @2=1 @2-.; +*7-@2-=1
`ACK/NACK feedback for LTE-Advanced UE with wider bandwidth
` 99;8*,1
` &=;*201=/8;@*;- <,1.6.
`@ Approach 1 ® Straightforward scheme
` #;8<
`> Pros
`$ %.><. 5274*0. /;86 27-.A 27 %.5 ' !8=. =1*= ( !
`v Reuselinkage from CCE indexin Rel-8 LTE. Note that UL ACK/NACK
`;.<8>;,.< *;. 5274.- =8 27-.A 27 %.5 '
`resourcesare linked to CCE indexin Rel-8 LTE
`$ !8 *--2=287*5 27,;.*<. 27 8?.;1.*-
`Y No additional increase in overhead
` 87<
`> Cons
`$ )1.7 6>5=295. =;*7<98;= +58,4< ,8-. @8;-< *;. *9952.- =8
`v¥ Whenmultiple transport blocks (code words) are applied to DL
`,86987.7= ,*;;2.;< 6>5=2,*;;2.; ;.<8>;,. =;*7<62<<287 2< ;.:>2;.-
`componentcarriers, multi-carrier (resource) transmission is required
`=8 <.7- 6>5=295. ! +2=< @2=127 =1. <*6. ''
`to send multiple ACK/NACK bits within the same TTI
`%#&%$$* (( (
`Component carrier
`DL/UL linkageSee
` +)-*!'%
`+"* (( ( *($)# )) %$
`a Multi-carrier transmission
` ) $"
`of ACK/NACK signal
`Apple EX1008 Page 12
`Apple EX1008 Page 12
`"/+ ('
` $
`Views on ACK/NACK Feedback
` ( *
`fo rLTE-Advanced UE (2)
`September 29 — October 3, 2008 / NTT DOCOMO,INC.
`! /..-+*,4 /8; '-?*7,.- ( @2=1 @2-.; +*7-@2-=1
`ACK/NACK feedback for LTE-Advanced UE with wider bandwidth
` 99;8*,1 "9=262C.- <,1.6. /8; @2-.; +*7-@2-=1
`@ Approach 2 » Optimized scheme for wider bandwidth
` #;8<
`> Pros
`$ %.=*27< <2705.,*;;2.; /.*=>;. /8; =;*7<62==270 6>5=295. !
`Y Retains single-carrier feature for transmitting multiple ACK/NACK
`<207*5< /8; 6>5=295. ,8-. @8;- =;*7<62<<287 27 ,12.?.< 58@
`signals for multiple code word transmission in DL » Achieves low
`$ 827= ,8-270 8/ 6>5=295. ! +2=< ,*7 +. ><.-
`¥ Joint coding of multiple ACK/NACK bits can be used
` 87<
`> Cons
`$ ';*7<62<<287 <,1.6. -2//.;.7= /;86 %.5 ' 2< <9.,2/2.- /8; '
`Y Transmission schemedifferent from Rel-8 LTE is specified for LTE-
`-?*7,.- (
`Advanced UE
`$ 7,;.*<. 27 8?.;1.*- %.:>2;.< <.9*;*=. ;.<8>;,.<
`vY Increase in overhead = Requires separate resources
`%#&%$$* (( (
`Component carrier<M>
`Employing optimum transmission scheme using
`)&(* ()%+() *$ *%) %( "
`separate resources than those for Rel-8 LTE UE
`Apple EX1008 Page 13
`Apple EX1008 Page 13
`( '%-+"( '
`Co rclusion
`September 29 — October 3, 2008 / NTT DOCOMO,INC.
` 7?.<=20*=. #( =;*7<62<<287 <,1.6. /8; '-?*7,.- ( @2=1 @2-.;
`# Investigate PUCCH transmission scheme for LTE-Advanced UE with wider
`'A%A +*7-@2-=1 ,*9*+252=B
`Tx/Rx bandwidth capability
`!8=. =1*= @. *<<>6. =1. <*6. #( <=;>,=>;. *< =1*= 8/ %.5 '
`Note that we assume the same PUCCHstructure as that of Rel-8 LTE
` #;.<.7=.- =@8 6*38; *99;8*,1.<
`m@ Presented two major approaches
` 99;8*,1
` %.><. 8/ #( =;*7<62<<287 <,1.6. 27 %.5 '
`¢ Approach 1: Reuse of PUCCH transmission scheme in Rel-8 LTE
` 99;8*,1 995B 89=26>6 =;*7<62<<287 <,1.6. /8; @2-.; +*7-@2-=1
`¢ Approach 2: Apply optimum transmission schemefor wider bandwidth
` "9=287<
` D
`(Options 1 — 3 in page 8)
` $ /..-+*,4 /8; @2-.; +*7-@2-=1
`= CQI feedback for wider bandwidth
` #;./.; 99;8*,1 @2=1 3827= ,8-270 =8 9;8?2-. 89=26>6 #(
`¢ Prefer Approach 2 with joint coding to provide optimum PU CCH
`=;*7<62<<287 <,1.6. /8; '-?*7,.- ( @2=1 @2-.; +*7-@2-=1
`transmission scheme for LTE-Advanced UE with wider bandwidth
`" .=*25 /8;6*= 2< &
`Y Detail format is FFS
` ! /..-+*,4 /8; @2-.; +*7-@2-=1
`m@ ACK/NACK feedback for wider bandwidth
` 8=1 99;8*,1
` *7- 1*?. 9;8< *7- ,87<
`¢ Both Approach1 and 2 have pros and cons
` >;=1.; 27?.<=20*=287 2< 7.,.<<*;B
`=> Further investigation is necessary
`Apple EX1008 Page 14
`Apple EX1008 Page 14