`Curriculum Vitae
`Updated July 2021
`2526 Goldsmith St.
`Houston TX 77030
`713-775-2775 (mobile)
`Stanford University: Ph.D. Applied Physics, 1997 (M.S. 1991)
`Advisor: Prof. Martin M. Fejer
`National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
`Dissertation title: Nonlinear Optical Waveguide Devices Utilizing Intersubband Transitions in III-V
`Semiconductor Quantum Wells
`Rice University ECE Dept.
`6100 S. Main St. MS 366
`Houston TX 77005
`713-348-3598 (office)
`Rice University: BSEE & BA Physics, cum laude, 1988
`Fulfilled requirements for BS in Physics. Phi Beta Kappa, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, more; George
`R. Brown Forensics Society, debate team captain; National Merit Scholar; Sid Richardson College
`Fellow & Athenian Award.
`2008-present: Professor in the Practice in Computer Technology, Dept. of Electrical & Computer
`Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX. (Distinguished Professor in the Practice since 2020).
`2006-present: Consultant, specializing in debug of integrated circuits and design of optical and electronic
`systems; Sunnyvale, CA and Houston, TX.
`2003-2006: Senior Scientist, Credence Systems Corp., Diagnostics and Characterization Group, Sunnyvale,
`CA (originally Optonics Inc., acquired by Credence in 2003).
`2000-2002: Chief Technical Officer & co-founder, Spectralane, Inc., Santa Clara, CA
`1998-2000: Senior Researcher, Intel Corp., Santa Clara, CA
`1996-1998: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, ECE Dept. & Quest Center, Santa Barbara, CA
`1988-1989 Member of Technical Staff, Texas Instruments Corp. Dallas, TX (summers)
`1987 Undergraduate research asst., Rice University ECE dept. Houston, TX (summer)
`1985-1986 Computer programmer, US Dept. of Energy, Bartlesville, OK (summers)
`1984 Computer operator, Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, OK (summer)
`Educational programs & university courses taught
`“Senior Design Lab” (Elec 494), ECE Dept., Rice University. AY2009-present. Yearlong 2-3 credit
`“capstone” course for all graduating seniors. Mentored approx. 10 senior teams each year. Co-
`created interdisciplinary “collaborative capstone” course across ECE, BioEngineering and
`Mechanical Engineering. Many senior teams won state, national, and international awards in
`areas ranging from electrical engineering to global health. Every project in my course, every
`year, has had a working prototype by spring. My teams have won numerous national and
`international awards.
`Page 1 of 9
`“Introduction to Physical Electronics” (Elec 305), ECE Dept., Rice University. F’08, F’09, F’10; S’11-
`S’19. A 3-credit junior-level lecture course on semiconductor devices (FETs, ICs, BJTs, etc.),
`transmission lines, and antennas. The course was consistently ranked among the best ECE
`courses by Rice ECE undergrads.
`“Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering II Lab” (Elec 244), ECE Dept., Rice University, S’15, S’20.
`New laboratory course for sophomores covering basics of circuits (RLC, discrete transistors,
`opamps, PWM, class D amplifiers, control with digital hardware in the loop.). After lockdown,
`distributed parts kits & scope dongles to enable circuit construction by students at home.
`“Electronic Measurement Systems” (Elec 243), ECE Dept., Rice University, S’20. Co-taught. A circuits
`course for non-majors, a core course for sophomores in the Dept. of BioEngineering at Rice.
`Developed and administrated new lab assignments.
`“Basic Electronics” (F’19), a 3-hour workshop on introductory electronics taught to about 100
`engineering freshmen. Developed from scratch and funded with an internal grant. Equipment
`purchased includes ADALM2k USB dongle which now supports general activities in the
`Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK).
`“Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I Laboratory” (Elec 240), ECE Dept., Rice University, F’18,
`F’20. A one credit course companion to the core Elec 241 Fundamentals of EE course. Adapted
`from the MOOC which I helped to develop (see below.)
`“Survey of Engineering Disciplines” (Engi 150), ECE Dept., Rice University, F’16. A one-credit
`seminar for freshmen to expose them to types of careers open to engineers.
`“Introduction to Embedded Programming” (Elec 497), ECE Dept., Rice University, S’13, S’14, F’14,
`F’15, F’16. F’17. Zero/one-credit course on microcontroller programming in C and PCB design
`for senior design teams without an ECE student Developed “Escape Platform” embedded
`programming PCB and software base for teaching purposes.
`“Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Laboratory”, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) offered
`through Coursera, Spring ’14. Assisted with development of laboratory assignments and parts
`kit. This was one of the first MOOCs ever to offer a laboratory component through a parts kit
`purchased separately by enrollees.
`“Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering II Lab” (Elec 242), ECE Dept., Rice University, S’14.
`Developed a stand-alone set of laboratory exercises for the 4-credit course. Spun out as a
`separate course (Elec 244) in Spring ’15.
`“Analog Circuits Lab” (Elec 342), ECE Dept., Rice University, S’09, S’10, F’11. Developed a new 4-
`credit lab course on intermediate analog circuits (amplifiers, FETS & BJTs, small signal
`models, feedback, audio power amplifiers, PCB design.) Course culminated in design and
`construction of audio power and amplifier on a PCB.
`“Project Management and Professional Issues” (Elec 394), ECE Dept., Rice University, S’10, S’11,
`S’12. 2-credit course on project management, career choices, professional interactions, and
`intellectual property.
`“Semiconductor device physics in 4 hours,” an original half-day lecture course covering device physics
`from p-n junctions through FETs. Presented at Credence Systems Corp., Feb. 2007.
`14. “Design Debug,” an original 3-day lecture + laboratory course on techniques for debug of IC designs,
`offered through Semitracks, Inc. Presented at U.S. Dept. of Defense, June 2007. See
`• George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching, April 2016 & April 2019. Awarded annually to the
`top 10 instructors out of about 600 at Rice University, based on input from recent students.
`Page 2 of 9
`• George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching, April 2018 & April 2021. Finalist (one of top 25
`but not one of top 10).
`• Hudspeth Award, April 2019. Awarded by Rice Office of Student Activities to the top advisors of
`student clubs.
`Rice academic service and responsibilities
`• Member of ECE undergraduate committee 2008-present, Chair AY20-21. Inputs on curricular
`changes and ABET readiness. Developed new senior design (capstone) course structure. Developed
`new curricular structure to support Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP).
`• Member, Faculty Committee Engineering Design Minor, 2016 – present. Oversight of policies
`supporting the new Engineering Design Minor.
`Faculty Sponsor, Rice Electric Vehicle Club, 2016-present. Starting in AY ’18-’19 I made the REV
`part of my Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) team. They successfully completed the Shell Eco
`Marathon course for the first time in about 5 years.
`Academic advisor, Engineering Design Minor, 2016-present. Advised students pursuing or
`considering the Engineering Design Minor.
`School of Engineering Curriculum Review Committee, F’18-present. (Chair AY’18-’19). Reviewed
`proposed courses within SoE for credit-worthiness. As Chair, tried to convince 7 tenured/ tenure-
`track faculty members to perform a 30-minute task using only constant hectoring and guilt as
`• Coordinator of Vertically Integrated Projects in ECE Dept., 2014-present. Developed course
`content for VIP projects. VIP projects involved about 10-12 undergrads along with grad students,
`postdocs and PIs. Program is currently being expanded to 5 departments in two schools.
`ECE Undergraduate academic advising, 2008-present. Responsibility for curricular and career
`advice for about 1/3 of Rice ECE majors.
`• Oversight of ECE undergraduate teaching lab, 2014-present. Developed and drove implementation
`of plan to update and modernize equipment in the lab where core circuits courses are taught for all
`ECE majors and non-majors.
`• Chair of ECE undergraduate awards committee, 2013-2014 -- responsibility for nominating
`students for Rice awards.
`• Divisional Advisor for Sid Richardson (residential) College, 2010-2019; for Duncan (residential)
`College, F’19-present. responsibility for advising Freshmen and Sophomores majoring in any
`Engineering discipline.
`First-Year Mentor and Faculty Associate, Sid Richardson (residential) College, 2009-2019; for
`Duncan (residential) College, F’19-present. Social interactions with students, informal advising of
`individuals, occasional meetings with freshman groups, frequent lunches, etc.
`• Mentoring of Freshman design teams, AY 2010-11 -present. Mentored 1-2 freshman design teams
`in Engi 120 (Intro to Engineering Design) course in all but one semester.
`• OEDK “office hours” – 2014-present. For 2-3 weeks before the Engineering Design Showcase in
`April each year, I make myself available from 10PM- 12AM nearly every evening to provide
`assistance with electronic design & troubleshooting for any team.
`Grants and awards
`1. G. Woods, F. Li, D. Subramanian, L. Duenas-Osorio, “Scalable and Robust Prototype of Sensor Network
`for Real-Time Street-Level Flood Measurement”, Houston Solutions Lab grant, $73K, AY 2018-19.
`Page 3 of 9
`2. G. Woods, R. Ramos, L.Yu, , “Creating a Curricular Scaffolding Structure to Evaluate and Enhance
`Performance of Vertically Integrated Projects,” Rice University Quality Enhancement Program on the
`Scaffolding Experiential Inquiry and Research in the Curriculum, $30K, AY 2018-19.
`3. G. Woods, R. Simar, “Enhancing Experiential Learning in Design of Electronics”, Rice University
`Quality Enhancement Program on the Scaffolding Experiential Inquiry and Research in the Curriculum,
`$30K, AY 2017-18.
`4. G. Woods, “Freshman Seminar -- Survey of Engineering Disciplines,” Rice University Excellence in
`Engineering Education grant, $7K, AY 2016-17.
`5. G. Woods, “Integrated Electronics Ecosystem for the OEDK”, Rice University Brown Foundation
`Teaching Grant, $5K, 2016.
`6. B. Aazhang, J. Cavallaro, G.L. Woods, on sub-award via Georgia Tech from Helmsley Foundation for
`establishing Vertically Integrated Projects among members of the international VIP Consortium. Jan
`2014-present. Amount due to Rice is about $130,000 over 3 years.
`J. Cavallaro, G.L. Woods, National Space Grant Foundation Award # Xhab 2014-03, "SpaceRing: A
`Versatile, Scalable Power-Generation and Cooling System For Deep-Space Habitats”, (co-PI). $20,000.
`J. Kono, G. Woods, R. Vaitai, (co-PI) “RAMSES: Repetitive advanced magnet for student experiments
`and science international senior design project,” Rice Faculty Initiatives Fund, 2013, $20,000.
`9. G.L. Woods, M.K. O’Malley, Z.M. Oden, (PI) “Course Module on Embedded Electronics Systems for
`Multidisciplinary Senior Design Proejcts”, Rice University Brown Foundation Teaching Grant, 2012,
`10. G.L. Woods, K. Kelly, “Vivid Demonstrations of Concepts in Physical Electronics,” Rice University
`Brown Foundation Teaching Grant, 2011, $4000.
`11. F. Koushanfar, S. Reda, G.L. Woods, “Algorithmic Techniques for Post-Silicon Characterization Using
`Infrared Emissions” (co-PI). NSF #1116858, $260,000, 2011-2014
`Other activities
`Member of Technical Advisory Board and co-founder, 2009-present: InView Technology Corp., Austin
`TX. Advisor to startup company seeking to commercialize compressive-sensing technology
`developed at Rice for the application of non-visible camera systems. Developed an analog
`optoelectronic front end with 100x performance improvement over commercial systems.
`Consultant, 2006-present.
`• Advising semiconductor companies on optical probing related to debugging integrated circuits.
`Several successful “debug wins,” helping to accelerate product-launch dates.
`Expert witness in 6 federal cases (3 trade secret, 3 patent) involving integrated circuits, PCB
`design, and RF design.
`Publications & Patents
`Journal Articles
`1. G. Timothy Noe, G. Timothy Noe, Ikufumi Katayama, Fumiya Katsutani, James J. Allred, Jeffrey A.
`Horowitz, David M. Sullivan, Qi Zhang, Fumiya Sekiguchi, Gary L. Woods, Matthias C.
`Hoffmann, Hiroyuki Nojiri, Jun Takeda, and Junichiro Kono, “Single-shot terahertz time-
`domain spectroscopy in pulsed high magnetic fields, ” Optics Express, vol. 24 (26), p. 30328
`2. G. Timothy Noe, Qi Zhang, Joseph Lee, Eiji Kato, Gary L. Woods, Hiroyuki Nojiri, and Junichiro
`Kono, “Rapid scanning terahertz time-domain magnetospectroscopy with a table-top repetitive
`pulsed magnet,” Applied Optics vol. 53 (26), p. 5850 (2014).
`Page 4 of 9
`3. G.T. Noe II, H. Nojiri, J. Lee, G.L. Woods, J. Léotin,J. Kono, “A table-top, repetitive pulsed magnet
`for nonlinear and ultrafast spectroscopy in high magnetic fields up to 30T”, Review of Scientific
`Instruments vol. 84 (12) p. 123906, 2013.
`4. D.T. Morris, C.L. Pint, R. S. Arvidson, A. Lüttge, R.H. Hauge, A.A. Belyanin, G.L. Woods, J. Kono,
`“Midinfrared third-harmonic generation from macroscopically aligned ultralong single-wall
`carbon nanotubes,” Phys. Rev. B vol. 87 (16), p.161405, 2013.
`Z. M. Oden, M. K. O’Malley, G. Woods, T. Kraft, B. Burke, “Outcomes of Recent Efforts at Rice
`University to Incorporate Entrepreneurship Concepts into Interdisciplinary Capstone Design,”
`International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 28, no 2., pp.1-5, 2012.
`6. U. Kindereit, G. Woods, J. Tian, U. Kerst, R. Leihkauf, and C. Boit, "Quantitative Investigation of Laser
`Beam Modulation in Electrically Active Devices as Used in Laser Voltage Probing," IEEE
`Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, vol. 7, pp. 19-30, 2007.
`J. Y. Liao, G. L. Woods, and H. L. Marks, "Rapid diagnostics of ASIC circuit marginalities using
`dynamic laser stimulation," IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, vol. 6, pp.
`9-16, 2006.
`8. G. L. Woods, P. Papaparaskeva, M. Shtaif, I. Brener, and D. A. Pitt, "Reduction of Cross-Phase
`Modulation-Induced Impairments in Long-Haul WDM Telecommunication Systems Via
`Spectral Inversion," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16, pp. 677-9, 2004.
`9. A. Imamoglu, H. Schmidt, G. Woods, and M. Deutsch, "Strongly interacting photons in a nonlinear
`cavity," Physical Review Letters, vol. 79, pp. 1467-70, 1997.
`10. H. C. Chui, G. L. Woods, M. M. Fejer, E. L. Martinet, and J. S. Harris, Jr. "Tunable mid-infrared
`generation by difference frequency mixing of diode laser wavelengths in Intersubband
`InGaAs/AlAs quantum wells," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 66, pp. 265-7, 1995.
`11. E. L. Martinet, H. C. Chui, G. L. Woods, M. M. Fejer, J. S. Harris, Jr., C. A. Rella, B. A. Richman, and
`H. A. Schwettman, "Short wavelength (5.36-1.85(cid:0)(cid:0)m) nonlinear spectroscopy of coupled
`InGaAs/AlAs Intersubband quantum wells," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 65, pp. 2630-2, 1994.
`12. H. C. Chui, E. L. Martinet, G. L. Woods, M. M. Fejer, J. S. Harris, Jr., C. A. Rella, B. I. Richman, and
`H. A. Schwettman, "Doubly resonant second harmonic generation of 2.0 mm light in coupled
`InGaAs/AlAs quantum wells," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 64, pp. 3365-7, 1994.
`13. H. C. Chui, E. L. Martinet, G. L. Woods, M. M. Fejer, J. S. Harris, Jr., C. A. Rella, B. I. Richman, and
`H. A. Schwettman, "Doubly resonant second harmonic generation of 2.0um light in coupled
`InGaAs/ AlGaAs quantum wells," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 64, 1994.
`14. L. Gordon, G. L. Woods, R. C. Eckardt, R. R. Route, R. S. Feigelson, M. M. Fejer, and R. Byer,
`"Diffusion-bonded stacked GaAs for quasiphase-matched second-harmonic generation of a
`carbon dioxide laser," Electronics Letters, vol. 29, pp. 1942-4, 1993.
`Conference papers and presentations
`Z.M. Oden, E. Richardson, G. Woods, A. Dick, M. O’Malley, “A model for a successful collaborative
`capstone design course,” paper P-Th-670, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting,
`2. G.T. Noe II, Q. Zhang, J. Lee, E. Kato, H. Nojiri, G. Woods, J. Kono, “Terahertz Time-Domain
`Pulsed Magnet”,
`CLEO:QELS_Fundamental Science, 2014.
`3. A.M. Andalcio, P. Breen, L.A. Hendricks, T.J. Sarkar, G.T. Noe, G.L. Woods, J. Kono, and J. Leotin,
`“Compact single-shot terahertz time-domain spectroscopy system for magneto-optics with a
`mini-coil pulsed magnet,” International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz
`Waves (IRMMW-THz) Conference, 2013.
`4. K. Dev, G. Woods, S. Reda, “High-throughput TSV testing and characterization for 3D integration
`using thermal mapping,” in Design Automation Conference, 2013.
`Page 5 of 9
`5. G.T. Noe II, H. Nojiri, J. Leotin, G. Woods, A. Belyanin, and J. Kono, “Superfluorescence from a Dense
`Electron-Hole Plasma in Pulsed High Magnetic Fields” in CLEO:QELS_Fundamental Science,
`S. Su, J. Kerwin, S. Crowe, J. Cavallaro, G.L. Woods, “Teaching embedded programming to electrical
`engineers, BioEngineers, and mechanical engineers via
`the escape platform,”
`Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Education Conference (IEDEC), 2013.
`7. D.T. Morris, G.L. Woods, J. Kono, C.L. Pint, R.H. Hauge, “Second Harmonic Generation in Highly
`Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on GaAs,” American Physical Society Meeting Abstracts, p.28015,
`T. Sun, G. Woods, K.F. Kelly, “Compressive imaging applied to infrared-based semiconductor failure
`analysis,” International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-
`THz) Conference, 2011.
`Z.M. Oden, M.K. O’Malley, G.L.Woods, T.M.Volz, “Work in progress- Implementing and evaluating
`efforts to engage interdisciplinary teams to solve real-world design challenges,” in Frontiers in
`Education (FIE), 2011.
`10. A. N. Nowroz, G. Woods, and S. Reda, “Improved Post-Silicon Power Modeling Using AC Lock-In
`Techniques,” in Design Automation Conference 2011.
`11. T. Sun, G. L. Woods, M.F. Duarte, K. Kelly, C. Li, and Y. Zhang, “OBIC Measurements without Lasers
`or Raster Scanning based on Compressive Sensing,” in Proceedings of International
`Symposium on Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA), 2009. Outstanding Paper Award ISTFA
`12. U. Kindereit, G. Woods, J. Tian, U. Kerst, and C. Boit, "Investigation of Laser Voltage Probing Signals
`in CMOS Transistors," in International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2007, pp. 526-
`13. G. L. Woods, "High Bandwidth Probing of Internal Nodes in Operating ICs," in Pacific Northwest
`Conference on Test (BAST), Bodega Bay, CA, 2006.
`14. Q. Wang, Z. Mai, K. Tan Pik, J. Lam, G. Woods, B. Cain, D. Brown, and L. Ross, "Backside Fault
`Isolation Technique in 0.13¬øm and 90nm Product Prototyping," in Physical and Failure
`Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA), Singapore, 2006, pp. 125-8.
`15. R. Wampler, P.-K. Ong, R. Billings, D. Meehl, and G. L. Woods, "Dramatic Reduction in Optical
`Probing Time Via Test-Loop Compaction (TLC) of ATPG-Generated Test Loops," in IEEE
`Semiconductor Debug and Diagnosis Workshop (SDD), Santa Clara, CA, 2006.
`16. S. Kasapi and G. L. Woods, "Voltage Noise and Jitter Measurement using Time-Resolved Emission,"
`in International Symposium on Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA), Santa Clara, CA, 2006.
`17. G. L. Woods, B. Cain, R. Herlein, A. Syed, and T. Namura, "Analog Circuit Failure Analysis Using
`Time-Resolved Emission," in International Symposium on Testing and Failure Analysis
`(ISTFA), Austin, TX, 2005.
`18. G. L. Woods, "Solving Design Marginality with GlobalScan," in Credence Technical Forum, Santa
`Clara, CA, 2005.
`19. G. L. Woods, "Combining ATPG with in-chip probing to dramatically shorten debug time," in Cadence
`Designer Network CDNLive, Santa Clara, CA, 2005.
`20. K. Sanchez, R. Desplats, F. Beaudoin, P. Perdu, J. P. Roux, G. Woods, and D. Lewis, "Dynamic Laser
`Delay Variation Mapping (DVM) Implementations and Applications," in European Symposium
`on Reliability and Failure Analysis (ESREF), Bordeaux, France, 2005.
`21. K. Sanchez, R. Desplats, F. Beaudoin, P. Perdu, S. Dudit, G. Woods, and D. Lewis, "Dynamic Laser
`Delay Variation Mapping (DVM) Implementations and Applications," in International
`Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA), Santa Clara, CA, 2005.
`Page 6 of 9
`22. K. Sanchez, R. Desplats, F. Beaudoin, P. Perdu, D. Lewis, P. Vedagarbha, and G. Woods, "Delay
`variation mapping induced by dynamic laser stimulation," in International Reliability Physics
`Symposium (IRPS), 2005, pp. 305-11.
`J. Y. Liao, C. Xiaoding, H. L. Marks, C. Nishizaki, G. L. Woods, P. Vedagarbha, and N. Nataraj, "Rapid
`diagnostics of an ASIC IP block using dynamic laser scanning," in Physical and Failure
`Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA), 2005, pp. 27-31.
`J. Liao, X. Chen, H. Marks, and G. L. Woods, "Localization of marginal circuits for yield diagnostics
`utilizing a dynamic laser stimulation probing system," in European Symposium on Reliability
`and Failure Analysis (ESREF), Bordeaux, France, 2005.
`25. G. Woods, H. Koike, P. Vedagarbha, K. Wilsher, K. Sanchez, and R. Desplats, "Laser-Induced Timing
`Alteration in Integrated Circuits," in LSI Test Symposium, Osaka, Japan, 2004.
`26. G. L. Woods, P. Papaparaskeva, I. Brener, D. A. Pitt, and M. Shtaif, "Reduction of self- and cross-phase
`modulation-induced impairments in long-haul WDM telecommunication systems via spectral
`inversion," in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2004.
`27. G. L. Woods and S. Kasapi, "Spectrally- and temporally-resolved dynamic emission from CMOS ICs,"
`in Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, (LEOS), 2003, pp. 598-9 vol.2.
`28. G. Woods and S. Kasapi, "Spectrally- and Temporally-Resolved Dynamic Emission from CMOS ICs,"
`in IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, 2003, pp. 598-9.
`J. S. Vickers, R. Ispasoiu, D. Cotton, J. Frank, B. Lee, G. Woods, and S. Kasapi, "Time-Resolved
`Photon Counting System Based on a Geiger-Mode APD and Solid Immersion Lens," in LSI
`Test Symposium, Osaka, Japan, 2003.
`30. S. Rusu, S. Seidel, G. Woods, D. Grannes, H. Muljono, J. Rowlette, and K. Petrosky, "Backside infrared
`probing for static voltage drop and dynamic timing measurements," in International Solid-State
`Circuits Conference, 2001, pp. 276-7, 454.
`31. G. L. Woods, T. M. Eiles, and V. Rao, "Time-resolved emission measurements for speedpath debug,"
`in Intel Research & Development Conference, Sacramento, CA, 2000.
`32. G. L. Woods, “Silicon Backside emission measurements," (invited talk), in Infrared Emission Users'
`Group Conference, Half Moon Bay, Ca, 2000.
`33. T. Eiles, G. Woods, and V. Rao, "Optical probing of flip-chip-packaged microprocessors," in
`International Solid State Circuits Conference, San Francisco, CA, 2000, pp. 220-1.
`34. T. M. Eiles, G. L. Woods, and V. Rao, "Optical Probing of VLSI IC's from the silicon backside," in
`25th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, Santa Clara, CA, 1999.
`35. G. L. Woods, "Nonlinear optical devices based on intersubband transitions in III-V quantum wells”
`(invited talk) in American Physical Society Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, 1996.
`36. E. L. Martinet, G. L. Woods, H. C. Chui, J. S. Harris, Jr., M. M. Fejer, C. A. Rella, and B. A. Richman,
`"Phase-resolved nonlinear spectroscopy of InGaAs/AlGaAs asymmetric quantum wells in the
`mid-infrared (3-11 mm )," in International Quantum Electronics Conference, Anaheim, CA,
`37. E. L. Martinet, G. L. Woods, H. C. Chui, J. S. Harris, Jr., C. A. Rella, B. A. Richman, and M. M. Fejer,
`"Free-electron laser nonlinear spectroscopy of doubly resonant (5.5-3.0 micron and 4.1-2.1
`micron) InGaAs/ AlGaAs asymmetric quantum wells," in Quantum well and superlattice
`physics V, Los Angeles, CA USA, 1994, pp. 331-41.
`38. E. L. Martinet, G. L. Woods, H. C. Chui, M. M. Fejer, and J. S. Harris, Jr., "Phase-resolved second
`harmonic generation in InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells," in 7th International Conference on
`Superlattices, Microstructures, and Microdevices, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1994.
`39. H. C. Chui, G. L. Woods, M. M. Fejer, E. L. Martinet, and J. S. Harris, Jr., "Tunable mid-infrared
`generation by mixing of near-infrared wavelengths in intersubband quantum wells," in Lasers
`Page 7 of 9
`and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, 1994. LEOS '94 Conference Proceedings. IEEE,
`1994, pp. 175-6 vol.1.
`Magazine article
`P. Vedagarbha, G. Woods, H. Koike, and K. Sanchez, "Laser-Induced Debug and Failure Analysis,"
`cover story of Semiconductor International, Dec. 2004.
`U.S. Patents Issued
`1. Kelly, Kevin F.; Baraniuk, Richard G.; Woods, Gary; Sun, Ting; Turner, Matthew, “Apparatus and
`method for compressive imaging and sensing through multiplexed modulation via spinning
`disks,” USA Patent #9521306B2, Issued 2016.
`2. G.L. Woods, J.M. Tidman, “Adaptively filtering compressive imaging measurements to attenuate
`noise,” USA Patent #8,717,463, Issued 2014
`3. K.F. Kelly, G.L. Woods, L. McMackin, R.F. Bridge, J.M. Tidman, D.E. Hewitt, “Dynamic range
`optimization in a compressive imaging system,” USA Patent #8,634,009, Issued 2014.
`4. M.L. Villafana, M. DiBattista, G. Woods, “Techniques employing light-emitting circuits,” USA Patent
`#8,451,009, Issued 2013.
`S. Kasapi, K. Wilsher, G. Woods, W. Lo, R. Ispasoiu, N. Nataraj, Boiadjieva, N. , “Apparatus and
`method for probing integrated circuits using laser illumination”, USA Patent # 7,616,312;
`Issued 2009.
`6. G. Woods, S. Kasapi, K. Wilsher, “Method and apparatus for measuring high-bandwidth electrical
`signals using modulation in an optical probing system”, USA Patent #7,450,245; Issued 2008.
`7. H. Suri and G. Woods, "System and method for determining probing locations on IC", USA Patent #
`7,243,039; Issued 2007.
`R. H. Livengood, P. Winer, G. Woods, and M. DiBattista, "Method and apparatus for controlling
`material removal from semiconductor substrate using induced current endpointing", USA
`Patent # 7,232,526; Issued 2007.
`9. G. L. Woods and S. Kasapi, "Apparatus and method for determining voltage using optical observation",
`USA Patent # 7,012,537; Issued 2006.
`10. R. H. Livengood, P. Winer, G. Woods, and M. DiBattista, "Method and apparatus for controlling
`material removal from a semiconductor substrate using induced current endpointing", USA
`Patent # 6,780,658; Issued 2004.
`11. S. B. Samaan, P. Madland, and G. L. Woods, "Device and method for probing instantaneous high-speed
`local supply voltage fluctuation in VLSI integrated circuits using IR emissions", USA Patent #
`6,737,880; Issued 2004
`12. S. Rusu, H. Muljono, G. L. Woods, J. A. Rowlette, and D. J. Grannes, "Method and apparatus to
`measure statistical variation of electrical signal phase in integrated circuits using time-
`correlated photon counting", USA Patent # 6,596,980; Issued 2003.
`13. S. G. Seidel, T. M. Eiles, G. L. Woods, S. Rusu, and D. J. Grannes, "Semiconductor die manufacture
`method to limit a voltage drop on a power plane thereof by noninvasively measuring voltages
`on a power plane", Patent # 6,519,744; Issued 2003.
`14. R. H. Livengood, P. Winer, G. Woods, and M. DiBattista, "Method and apparatus for controlling
`material removal from a semiconductor substrate using induced current endpointing", USA
`Patent # 6,579,732; Issued 2003.
`15. D. A. Pitt, K. A. Sigg, J. Tian, and G. L. Woods, "Optical amplifier using wavelength converter", USA
`Patent # 6,501,597; Issued 2002.
`16. R. H. Livengood, P. Winer, G. Woods, and M. DiBattista, "Method and apparatus for controlling
`material removal from a semiconductor substrate using induced current endpointing", USA
`Patent # 6,355,494; Issued 2002.
`Page 8 of 9
`U.S. Patents Pending
`Sid Mullick, Chelsea Rodrigues, Matthew Lopez, Yize Zhao, Roy Wu, Gary Woods, Laurence Ray
`Simar, Jr., “Multisensory real-time feedback training,” USA patent application 20150283428
`A1, published 2015.
`Graduate-student supervision
`Technical advice and service on MS thesis committee of Adam Samaniego, a student in the group of
`Prof. Ashok Veeraraghavan at Rice University, 2013-14.
`2. Darius Morris, a student in the group of Prof. Jun Kono in ECE Dept. at Rice University. 2011-2012.
`3. Hands-on supervision of experimental research of Ulrike Kindereit, a doctoral student in the group of
`Professor Christian Boit at TU-Berlin, 2005-2006. (See publication list).
`Summary of capstone teams
`Primary faculty advisor or technical mentor for >100 capstone teams (~75% with grading
`responsibility, ~25% with significant technical mentorship) in the yearlong collaborative capstone
`(senior design) course. Of all the teams, ~40% were interdisciplinary (not counting double majors).
`Sponsors/ Customers (approx.): Research 26, Students 13, Industry 23, External collaborators 27,
`Other 23
`• Results: ~8 teams with conference/ journal publications or patents; ~8 with clinical trials or
`deployments; ~6 commercializations; ~10 Vertically Integrated Projects; numerous awards at
`university, national, and international levels.
`Page 9 of 9