`Apple EX1009 Page 1


`1981 byG. & C. Merriam Co.
`Philippines Copyright 1981 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
`Library ofCongressCataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster's new collegiate dictionary.
`Editions for 1898-1948 have title : Webster's collegiate dictionary.
`Includes index.
`1. English
`ISBN 0-87779-408-1
`ISBN 0-87779-409-x (indexed)
`ISBN 0-87779-410-3 (deluxe)
`Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary principal copyright 1973
`COLLEGIATE trademark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.
`this work covered by the copyrights hereon
`rights reserved. No part of
`may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means
`graphic, elec-
`tronic, or mechanical,
`including photocopying,
`taping, or
`mation storage and retrieval
`systems-without written permission of
`Made in the United States of America
`Apple EX1009 Page 2


`Explanatory Chart
`Explanatory Notes
`The English Language and its History
`Abbreviations in this Work
`31a i22hW
`Pronunciation Symbols
`1 st
`Dictionary of the English Language
`. i9d
`Foreign Words and Phrases
`1361M -N
`Biographical Names
`Geographical Names
`Colleges and Universities
`Signs and Symbols
`A Handbook of Style 1514
`Index 1532 ib
`5a 0
`Apple EX1009 Page 3


`1: a device for producing a beam
`lco-lon \'kö-lən\ n, pl colons or co-la \-lə\
`fr. Gk kolon] :
`radiation or for
`forming an infi-
`of parallel rays of
`light or other
`part of the large intestine that extends from the cecum to the rec-
`tum -co-lon.ic \ko-"län-ik\adj
`nitely distant virtual
`image that can be viewed without parallax
`:a device for obtaining a beam of molecules,atoms, or nuclear
`2colon n, pl colons or co-la \-l5\
`[L, part of a poem,
`fr. Gk kölon
`particles of limited cross section
`limb, part of a strophe
`more at CALK]
`1 pl cola : a rhythmical
`unit of an utterance; specif.
`in Greek or Latin verse : a system or
`kä-\ adị (ISV]
`1 :
`Iying on or passing
`series of from two to not more than six feet having a principal ac-
`through the same straight
`2: having axes lying end to end in
`a straight line (
`antenna elements)- col.lin-ear-ity \-lin-ē-'ar-
`cent and forming part of a line
`2 pl colons
`a: a punctuation
`-ēl n
`mark : used chiefly to direct attention to matter
`(as a list, explana-
`tion, or quotation)
`the sign : used between the
`\'käl-ənz\ n (prob.
`the name Collins]
`: a tall
`iced drink
`parts of a numerical expression of time in hours and minutes (as in
`that usu. has lemon juice added to a base of distilled liquor (as gin)
`1:15) or in hours, minutes, and seconds (as in 8:25:30), in a biblio-
`col-lin-sia \kə-lin-zē-ɔ, kä
`n [NL, genus name, fr. Zaccheus Col-
`graphical reference (as in Nation 130:20), in a ratio where it is usu.
`lins t1831 Am botanist]: any of a genus (Collinsia) of U.S. bien-
`read as "to" (as in 4:1 read "four to one"), or in a proportion where
`nial or annual herbs of the figwort
`it is usu. read as "is to" or when doubled as "'as " as in 2:1::8:4
`\kə-lizh-ən\ n [ME,
`fr. L collision-, collisio,
`fr. collisus,
`read "two is to one as eight is to four)
`pp. ofcollidere] 1: an act orinstance of colliding: CLASH 2: an
`Jco-lon \kö-lõ9, kə-lõn\ n (F,
`fr. L colonus] : a colonial
`farmer or
`encounter between particles (as atoms or molecules)
`resulting in
`plantation owner
`exchange or transformation of energy
`4co-lon \kə-'lõn\ n, pl co-lo-nes \-'lö-,nās\ (Sp colón]- seeMONEY
`-ən-1\ adj
`collision coursen: a course (as of moving bodies or antithetical
`colon bacillus n: any of various bacilli (esp.generaEscherichia
`philosophies) that will result in collision or conflict if continued
`and Aerobacter) that are normally commensal
`in vertebrate intes-
`unaltered (Roosevelt's
`idealism was on a collision course with Sta-
`tines; esp: one (E. coli) used extensively in genetic research
`lin'sspheres-of-interestrealpolitik -E. M. Harrington)
`\'kərn-1\n [alter. ofcoronel, Îr. MF, modif. of OIt colon-
`sce COLL-
`nello column of soldiers, colonel, dim. of colonna column,
`fr. L
`col.Ho-cate \'käl--,kāt\
`vb -cated;
`-cating [L collocatus, pp. of
`a: a commissioned officer in the army, air force, or
`fr. com- + locare to place,
`locus place
`more at
`marine corps ranking above a lieutenant colonel and below a briga-
`STALL] Vt :
`to set or arrange in a place or position; esp :
`to set side
`dier general b:LIEUTENANTCOLONEL 2: a minor titular official
`byside ~ vi:
`to occur in conjunction withsomething
`of astateesp. in southern or midland U.S. - usedas an honorific
`co.lo-ca-tion \käl-a-kä-shən
`n: the act or result of placingor
`title -col.o-nel-cy \°l-sẽ\n
`arranging together; specif: a noticeable arrangement or conjoining
`Colonel Blimp \,kərn-1-"blimp\ n [Colonel Blimp, cartoon charac-
`of linguisticelements(as words) - col-lo-ca-tion-al-shnə,
`ter created by David Low]: a pompous person with out-of-date or
`col-lo-di-on \ka-lõd-ē-ən\ n [modif. of NL collodium,
`fr. Gk kol-
`Blimp-ism \-"blim-piz-əm\ n
`lodes glutinous,
`fr. kolla glue]: a viscous solution of pyroxylin used
`\kə-lõ-në-əl, -nyəl\ adj 1: of, relating to, or character-
`esp. as a coating for wounds or for photographic films
`istic of a colony
`2 often cap : of or relating to the original 13
`col-logue \kə-lõg\ vi col-logued; col-logu-ing [origin unknown]
`colonies forming the Ùnited States: as
`a: made or prevailing in
`1 dial: INTRIGUE.CONSPIRE2:to talk privately :CONFER
`America during the colonial period (
`architecture was a modifi
`col-loid \käl-,ôid\ n [ISVcoll. + -oid)
`i a: asubstancethat is in
`cation of English Georgian)
`b: adapted from or reminiscent of
`a state of division
`passage through a semipermeable
`anAmericancolonial mode ofdesign (~ furniture) 3: possess-
`ing orcomposedofcolonies (Britain's ~empire)
`membrane, consists of particles to0 small for resolution with an
`\-i2\ vt -co-lo-nial-ly \-ē ady- co-lo-nial-nessn
`ordinary light microscope, and in suspension or solution fails to
`settle out and diffracts a beam of light b: a system consisting of a
`Zcolonial no1: a member or inhabitant of a colony
`a: a
`colloid together with the gaseous, liquid, or solid medium in which
`product made foruse in a colony
`b:a product exhibiting colo-
`it is dispersed
`2: a gelatinous or mucinous substance found in
`nial style
`tissuesindisease ornormmally(as in the thyroid)
`- col.loi-dal
`co-lo-nial.ism \-iz-əm\ n1:
`thequality or stateofbeingcolonial
`\kalỏid-1, kä\ adj–\-1-ē\adv
`2: somethingcharacteristicof a colony 3 a: control by one
`collop \käl-əp\ n [MEJ
`1: a small piece or slice esp. of meat 2
`power over a dependent area or people b: a policy advocating or
`afold of fat lesh
`\-st\ n or adj– co-lo-nial-
`is.tic \-lõ-nē-a-'lis-tik, -nya-lis-\ adj
`colloq abbr colloquial
`1: of or relating toconversation
`\kə-lō-kwē-əl\ adj
`\'käl--nəst\ n
`1:a member or inhabitant of a colony
`2: one that colonizes or settles in a new country
`a: used in or characteristic of familiar and
`col-o-ni-za-tion \,käl--na-zā-shən\ n: an act or instance of colo-
`informal conversation
`b: using conversational style
`quialn -col-lo-qui-al-i-tyl-lö-kwē.'al-at-ē\n–col-lo-qui-al-ly
`nizing or of being colonized
`\-sh(ə-)nəst\ n
`|-lō-kwē--lē\ ady
`col-o-nize \'käl-a-,nīz\ vb -nized;
` vt
`to establish a
`colony in or on or of
`to establish in a colony
`to send
`col-lo-qui-alism \-lõ-kwē--,liz-əmn\ n 1
`a:a colloquial expres-
`illegal or irregularly qualified voters into (the machíne was coloniz-
`b: a local or regional dialect expression
`2: colloquial style
`ing doubtful districts)
`to infiltrate with usu.subversive mili-
`col-lo-quist \'käl-+kwəst\ n:SPEAKER
`tants forpropagandaandstrategyreasons (~ industries) ~ vi:
`col-lo-qui-um \ka-lö-kwē-əm\ n, pl -qui•ums or -quia \-kwē-a\
`make or establish a colony : SETTLE-
`col-o-niz-er n
`colloquy]: a usu. academic meeting at which one or more special-
`col-on-nade \\käl-3-'nād\ n [F, fr. It colonnato, fr. colonna column)
`ists deliver addresses on a topic or on related topics and then an-
`:a series of columns set at regular intervals and usu. supporting
`Swer questions relating thereto
`thebaseofa roofstructure - col-on-naded \-'nād-əd\ adj
`n, pl -quies [L colloquium,
`fr. colloqui to
`-()nē\ [L,
`farmer]: a frees
`converse, fr. com- + loqui to speak]1: CONVERSATION,DIALOGUE co-lo-nus \kə-lõ-nəs\ n, pl -ni \,nī,
`born serf in the later Roman Empire who could sometiímes own
`2: a high-level serious discussion : CONFERENCE
`property but who was bound to the land and obliged to pay a rent
`\'käl--,tip\ n [ISV]
`1: a photomechanical process for
`usu. in produce
`making prints directly from a hardened film of gelatin or other
`col.o-ny \'käl-a-nē\ n, pl -nies [ME colonie, fr. MF & L; MF,
`fr. L
`colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent parts
`2: a print
`colonia,fr.colonusfarmer,colonist, fr. colereto cultivate - more
`made by collotype
`at WHEEL) 1
`a: a body of people living in a new territory but
`col.lude \ka-lüdi vi col.lud-ed; [Lcolludere, fr. com- +
`retaining ties with the parent state b:
`the territory inhabited by
`ludere to play, fr. ludus game - more atLUDICROUS]:CONSPIRE.
`such a body
`2 : a
`within a
`oftermites) 3 a: acircumscribedmassofmicroor-
`col-lu-sion \kə-lü-zhən\ n [ME,
`fr. MF,
`fr. L collusion-, collusio, fr.
`ganisms usu. growing in or on a solid medium b:
`the aggregation
`collusus, pp. of colludere]: secret agreement or cooperation for an
`of zooids of a compound animal
`a:agroup of individuals or
`illegalordeceitfulpurpose- col-lu-sive\-lü-siv,-ziv\adj - col-
`things with common characteristics or interests situated in close
`lu-sive-ly adv
`association(an artist ~) (the growing ~ of off-Broadway satires
` \kə-lü-vē-əm\ n, pl -via \-vē-ə\ or -vi·ums (NL, fr.
`-Current Biog.) b:
`thesection occupied by suchagroup
`ML, offscourings, alter. of L colluvies, fr. colluere to wash, fr. com-
`group of persons institutionalized away from others (as for care or
`+ lavere to wash–more
`at LYE] :
`rock detritus and soil accumu-
`(a leper
`(a penal ~); also :
`the land or buildings
`latedatthefoot ofaslope - \-vē-əl\adj
`occupied by such a group
`col-ly "käl-a\ y col-lied; [alter. of MEcolwen, fr. (as-
`col-o-phon ("käl-a-fən, -,fản\ n [L, fr. Gk
`sumed) OE colgian,
`fr. OE col coal] dial chiefly Brit : to blacken
`kolophõnsummit, finishing touch]1
`with or as if with soot
`: an inscription placed at the end of a
` \kə-lir-ē-əm\ n, pl -ia \-ē-a\ or -i•ums (L, fr. Gk kolly-
`book or manuscript
`usu. with
`rion pessary, eye salve,
`fr. dim. of kollyra roll of bread]
`: an eye
`relative to its production
`2 : an identi-
`lotion : EYEWASH
`fying device used by a printer or a pub-
`\'käl-ē-,wäb-alz\ n pl but sing or pl in constr [prob.
`by folk etymology,
`fr. NL cholera morbus, lit., the disease cholera)
`co-lo-pho-ny \ka-läf-ə-nē, "käl-ə-,fö-\ n,
`pl -nies [MEcolophonie, deriv. of Gk
`Colo abbr Colorado
`Kolophõn Colophon, an Ionian city]
`see cOL-
`\'kəl-ər\ n, often attrib [ME col-
`to place two or more units in
`'kô-lö-\ vt :
`close proximity so as to share common facilities
`our, fr. OF,
`fr. L color; akin to L celare
`to conceal
`more at HELL] 1
`a: a
`n (L
`: a Mediterranean
`and African herbaceous vine (Čitrullus colocynthis)
`related to the
`phenomenon of
`light (as red, brown, pink, or gray) or visual per-
`watermelon; also :
`its spongy fruit
`from which a powerful cathartic
`IS prepared
`colog abbr cologarithm
`thelogarithm of
`colog-a-rithm )ko-lög-ə-,rith-əm,
`the reciprocal
`co-logne \kə-'lõn\n [Cologne, Germany]
`1 :a perfumed toilet
`water 2 : a cream or paste of cologne sometimes formed into a
`semisolidstick -co-logned \-'lönd\ adj
`ä cot, cart
`ä bake
`g gift
`yủ furious
`zh vision
`ch chin
`colophon 2, of printer
`y yet
`ē easy
`yü few
`Apple EX1009 Page 4


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