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`United States Patent and TrademarkOffice
`June 21, 2010
`FILING DATE: June 26, 2009
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`Docket Number: P29465-US1
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`Provisional Patent Application
`The present invention relates to a method and arrangementin a telecommunication
`system,in particular to methods and arrangements for carrier aggregation in LTE.
`The long-term evolution of the UTRAN, E-UTRAN, also denoted LTE has recently
`been standardized in Release 8 of the 3GPP specifications. This release supports
`bandwidths up to 20 MHz; however, in order to meet the upcoming IMT-Advanced
`requirements, 3GPP has initiated continued work on LTE, whereby one aspect
`concems supporting bandwidths larger than 20 MHz. One important requirement on
`these future releases is to assure backward compatibility with LTE Rel-8. This
`includesinter alia spectrum compatibility which implies that an LTE-Advanced carrier
`wider than 20 MHz appears as a numberof LTE carriers to an LTE Rel-8 terminal.
`Each such carrier can be referred to as a componentcarrier. In particular for early
`deployments of future LTE-releases it can be expected that there will be a smaller
`number of advanced terminals compared to many LTE legacy terminals. Therefore it
`is necessary to assure an efficient use of a wide carrier also for legacy terminals,i.e.
`it shall be possible to implement carriers where legacy terminals can be scheduledin
`all parts of the wideband LTE-Advanced carrier. The straightforward way to obtain
`this would be by meansof carrier aggregation. Carrier aggregation implies that an
`LTE-Advanced terminal can receive multiple component carriers, where the
`component carriers have, or at least the possibility to have, the same structure as a
`Rel-8 carrier. Carrier aggregationisillustrated in figure 1.
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`Provisional Patent Application
`The number of aggregated component carriers as well as the bandwidth of the
`individual component carrier may be different for Uplink (UL) and Downlink (DL). A
`symmetric configuration refers to the case where the number of componentcarriers in
`DL and ULis the same whereas an asymmetric configuration refers to the case that
`the number of componentcarriers is different. It is important to note that the number
`of component carriers configured in a cell may be different from the number of
`component carriers seen by a terminal: A terminal may for example support more DL
`component carriers than UL componentcarriers, even though the cell is configured
`with the same number of UL and DL componentcarriers.
`LTE applies DFTS-OFDM for modulation in the UL. DFTS-OFDMis a special kind of
`Frequency Division Multiplex (FDM) where different users are assigned different
`portions of the spectrum. Orthogonality among different users relies on the time-
`aligned arrival of the UL signals of the various users. In LTE a cyclic prefix is used
`which relaxes the requirement on timing alignmentslightly; it is sufficient if the signals
`are aligned within a fraction of the cyclic prefix. The normal cyclic prefix in LTE is
`around 5 ys; signals from different users should then be aligned within a ps or so.
`Terminals synchronize their DL timings to DL signals transmitted from an eNodeB.
`Signals used for this purpose are — but notlimited to — synchronization signals and
`reference signals. After established downlink synchronization a terminal can start to
`transmit signals in the UL from the terminal to the eNodeBat a well defined offset
`relative to the DL timing. However, due to varying terminal-eNodeB distances among
`terminals the synchronization signals arrive at different time instances at the terminals
`creating terminal specific DL timings at each terminal. This results in different
`transmission instances among the terminals. Terminals close to the eNodeB receive
`the synchronization signal early and thus also start to transmit early; their respective
`UL signals require furthermore only a short propagation time to arrive at the eNodeB.
`Terminals far away from an eNodeB ontheotherside start to transmit later and their
`UL signals require also more time to traverse the distance to the eNodeB resulting in
`2 of 6
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`Provisional Patent Application
`later signalarrival times at the eNodeB. The time difference betweenarriving signals
`from two terminals is the difference in round trip time between these two terminals.
`Roundtrip time is defined as the time duration that is needed for a signal to traverse
`the distance eNodeB-terminal and back (assuming zero processing delay at the
`terminal) and is calculated as twice the distance eNodeB-terminal divided by the
`speed oflight.
`In order to align the arrival times of UL signals from different terminals the eNodeB
`measures the arrival times of the different signals relative to a desired arrival time
`reference and informs the terminals by how muchthey have to advance/delay their
`UL transmission timings (relative to their UE specific DL timings). This process is
`called timing alignment procedure and the commandusedto notify the terminal about
`the required correctionis called timing advance command.
`In case of a terminal! with completely unsynchronized UL timing the terminal does not
`transmit a regular UL signal but a random accesssignal. This signal is specifically
`designed for UL timing unsynchronized terminals. After the eNodeB has determined
`the required correction of UL transmit timing it transmits a corresponding timing
`advance command to the terminal which corrects its UL timing accordingly. After that
`the terminal can now start to transmit regular UL signals which assumealigned arrival
`timings. The eNodeB continuously monitors UL signal arrival timings and sends
`timing advance commandsto maintain a valid ULtiming. !f a terminal is not active in
`the ULfor a long time or looses UL synchronization for another reason a new random
`access needsto be performedto establish a valid UL timing again.
`In case of UL carrier aggregation all UL signals within a component carrier and
`possibly across contiguous component carriers need to be timing aligned to maintain
`orthogonality. Inter-band UL carrier aggregation does not require alignment across
`bands,at least not from an orthogonality point of view.
`3 of 6
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`Provisional Patent Application
`A straight forward extension to the case of carrier aggregation with multiple UL
`carriers would be to use either a common timing advance for all UL component
`carriers or an UL componentcarrier specific timing advance.
`It has been observed to be a problem that none of the extensions described above
`flexibility to efficiently cover all conceivable scenarios.
`provides sufficient
`particular in case of carrier aggregation and TDD with different UL/DL allocations
`among the aggregated bands, a common UL timing advance cannot be used since
`the different DL/UL allocations require different UL timings.
`It is thus an object of embodiments of the present invention to achieve an improved
`time alignment for carrier aggregation with multiple UL carriers.
`The present invention relates to a method where UL componentcarriers, which
`originate from one terminal and which should have a common UL receive timing and
`share the same reference timing for their transmission, use a common timing
`advance command. The present invention also relates to means for implementing
`said method.
`Embodiments of the present invention thus enable the usage of a single UL timing
`advance command whenpossible and only needs to revert back to multiple UL timing
`advance commandsfor certain required cases. This implies the advantage to reduce
`overhead while at the same time simplifying terminal processing if a common UL
`timing advance can be used.
`Other objects, advantages and novel features of the invention will become apparent
`from the following detailed description of the invention when considered in
`conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
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`Provisional Patent Application
`Figure1illustrates an example ofcarrier aggregation.
`Figure2illustrates a terminal receiving two DL componentcarriers and transmitting
`on two UL componentcarriers.
`receiving three DL component carriers and
`Figure 3 illustrates a terminal
`transmitting on two UL componentcarriers.
`The arrival
`time of two or more UL component carriers is influenced by the
`transmission timing of each respective UL carrier as well as the propagation delay
`experienced by each UL signal.
`In case of contiguous component carriers all component carriers will experience the
`same propagation environment and thus also equal propagation delays.
`In case of
`inter-band carrier aggregation different carriers can theoretically experience different
`propagation environments; for example objects may be transparent at one frequency
`layer but not at another and therefore influence the propagation time. However, such
`effects are rather theoretically and are not considered further here.
`The remaining factor is then the transmission timing of the UL componentcarriers. In
`case they share a common DLtiming reference — and thus have a common UL
`transmit timing —- and UL componentcarriers should have the same ULreceive timing
`one timing advance commandis sufficient. The same also appliesif they use different
`— but well defined with respect to each other — DL timing references. The UL transmit
`timings and thus also the UL receive timings will have the same relationship to each
`other as the DL transmit timings of the timing references. A common DL timing
`reference could be for example the synchronization signal of one DL component
`carrier. Another example of a common DL timing reference could be synchronization
`signals on different componentcarriers if they are synchronized. DL timing references
`that are not the same but anyway share a well defined relation with each other could
`5 of 6
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`Provisional Patent Application
`be synchronization signals on DL componentcarriers where the transmit timings are
`not the same but have a clearly defined offset relative to each other.
`Figure 2 illustrates a terminal receiving two DL componentcarriers and transmitting
`on two UL componentcarriers. Both UL componentcarriers derive their transmission
`timings from DL component carrier 1 and share the same UL timing advance
`Figure 3 illustrates a terminal receiving three DL componentcarriers and transmitting
`on two UL componentcarriers. UL componentcarrier 1 derives its transmission timing
`from DL componentcarrier 1. UL componentcarrier 2 derives its transmission timing
`from DL componentcarrier 3. The transmission timings of DL componentcarriers 1
`and 3 are not related to each other. In order to guarantee clearly defined UL receive
`timings for both UL componentcarriers individual UL timing advance commands are
`An example where a common UL timing advance does not work is aggregation of
`multiple TDD carriers with different DL/UL allocations across them. Since TDD DL
`transmitters are typically timing aligned with neighboring TDD DL transmitters to
`mitigate interference it is necessary that each of the TDD component carriers can set
`their DL timings individually. Due to possible different DL/UL allocations individual UL
`receive timings are required making individual UL timing advance commands
`necessary. More generally one can say that all UL component carriers which UL
`receive timings should have the same relation as their respective DL timing
`references can share the same ULtiming advance command. The validity whether a
`timing advance commandis just valid for a single UL component carrier or multiple
`UL component carriers can either be indicated directly in the timing advance
`commandor can be configured via higher layer signaling, e.g. RRC signaling.
`6 of 6
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`'] 20MHz| 20MHz| 20MHz| 20MHz} 20MHz
`Aggregated bandwidth of 100 MHz
`Fig. 1
`Fig. 2
`CommonDLtiming reference
` Common ULtiming advance
`JCC 1
`UL timing
`reference 1
`UL timing
`advance 2
`reference 2
`Copyprovided by USPTO from the IFW Image Database on 06/16/2010

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