
`1802 Ttrn wireless dE:1vicri 2fi{) rnay ftuttmr include a memory moduk� 140G that inclmfos om� or
`more memorv devices.
`1so4 The nH:�mory module 140G may be arranged be used to store data associated \'Vith an
`application performing the methods herein when executed in the wireless device 250.
`JROl.i The memory module 1406 may communicate \Vith the processing module 1405 .
`.18071\ny other information processed by processing module 1405 rnay be stored in memory
`module 1406,
`1s12 In some embodiments, information may be received from, for exarnplE:,, network node 210
`one or for example, rnu In some embodiments, the receiving port 1407 may be connected
`through receive port 1407.
`more antennas in the \Nireless device 250.
`1sw In other ernbodlments. the w·Ireless device 250 may receivt� inforrnation from another
`structure within the \Vireless communication network 200 through receive port 1407.
`rn.1B Sino� the receiving port 1407 rnay crnnmunicate with the processing module 1405, the
`receiving port 1407 may then transmit the received infonnation tQ the processing module
`1s;.i.1 The receiving port 1407 ma)' be configured to ff'rnive otlwr information as welL
`rn2s Information processed by the processing module 1405 in conm}ction with embodiments of
`thE:� mf.'thods herein may be stored in the memory 1nodule 1406, which, as already
`described, has. the processing module 1405 and the receive port 1407. l\.-fay connnunicate
`!O 192]
`1s.:i2 The proct•ssing module 1405 rnay be further configured to transmit or transmit inforrnatlon
`to the nehvork node 210 through the transmission port l 408, .and the transmis.slon port
`1408 may communicate vvith the processing module 1405 and the rnernory module 1406.
`J83H The various modules 140 l ·· 1404 described above function as described above vvhen
`executed h_'i/ one or rnore processors, such as the processing module ] 405, eg, a
`combination of analog and dig.ital modules stored i.n memory, and / It \.VUl also be
`appn.,dated by those skilled in the art that it may refor one or morn processors
`configured \Nith sofl\,vare and / or firm1;van�,
`12-05-2021 44
`Apple EX1016 Page 1593


`t844 One or rnon� of Hmse proo�ssors and other digital hardv.?arn may be included in a single
`application specific integrated circuit (ASIC}, or some processors and various digital
`hardwan:.' may be individually impk�mented. It may be distributed across several separate
`components, regardless of whether they are integrated into a systenHm-chip (SoC).
`1851 Therefore, the method for the \vireless device 250 according to the ernbodiments described
`\•VHI perform such an acti.on as performed by the v,;-irf.'!ess device 250 described
`herein \•Vhen performed
`on at least one processor, Each is executed by a cornputer prograrn
`produd that includes an instruction that causes this at least one processor to execute, i.e., a
`soft\'\'an• codt• portion.
`1856 The computer program product may be stored on a computer-readable storage medium.
`1857 The computer-readable storage medium on ,vhich the computer program is stored perfonns
`such act.ions as performed by the ,virdess device 250 described herein ,vhen executed on
`at least one processor. \,lay Induck.! instructions to be executed by the computer.
`ttwo In some embodinwnts, the cornputer-readabfr, storage medium may' be a non-temporary
`ccnnputer-readab!e storage mecHum.
`[O 195]
`1s65 \Vhen the terms "comprising" or "comprising'" are used, they are intf.•rprNed to rnean non-­
`limiting, that is, ''consisting of at least". There must be.
`[O 196]
`u:no The embodiments herein are not limited to the preferred embodiments described above.
`t871 Various alternatives, variants, and equivalents .may be employed.
`of the the scop(i rn;--2 Therefore, the above ernbodirrtt.•nts should not be considered as limiting
`Apple EX1016 Page 1594


`This translation is machim"--generatt>tL It cannot be guaranteed that it is intelligible, accurate,
`co1nplete, reliable or fit for specific purposes. Critical decisions, such as cornrnercially relevant or
`financial deci.sions, should not be based on rnachine-translation output
`CLAIMS JP2017503386A
`node (210) and tJH.' 1 s In the vtireless communication net1Nork (200) in ,.vhich the network
`win.�less ck,vicE:? (250) operatt.\ the first synchronization signal and the rdat£.�d information
`message for synchronization beh,vmm the 1;-vir<,!less device (250) and the network node (210), A
`method performed by the network node (210) to trnnsrnit the first synchronization signal. to
`the "-'virek�ss device (250) with tvvo or more OFDl'vI symbols in a subframe. At !east once at tllE:?
`ti.Tn(:'-frequency position in each of the N OFD:tv1 symbols (801), and for each transmission of
`the first synchronization signal, the first synchronization signal in the OFDM symbol. A
`method comprising transmitting a n�levant information mE:?ssage associated \'Vith the first
`synchronization signal at a predefined tirne~frequency position relative to said time-frequency
`position {802.),
`lb' ctairn<:!d that the first synchronization signal is a plirnary synchronization signal (PSS), the
`related information message includes a Sf.•cond synchronization signal to \-vh!cb it is related,
`and the second synchronization signal is a secondary synchronization signal (SSS). Item 1. The
`rnethod according to item 1.
`33 The method of dairn 1 or 2, vvherein the relevant infon:nation message corn prises a related
`physical broadcast channel (PBCH), and the rdated PBCH further comprises rdah�d system
`Apple EX1016 Page 1595


`39 According to claim 1. the first synchronization s.ignal is transrnitted in a bean1 state, and the
`n.'lated information message is transmitted using tlw same bea1n state as the first
`synchronization sjgnal assodated with the re!attxi information message, The method
`accordin° to anv one of 3.
`,w The related information message is different for each OFD!v{ symbol to ,.vhich the related
`information message Is transmitted, and the related inforrnatinn rnessage includes an index,
`and the subframe timing· can be obtained hv detecting the index bv the wireless device f250).
`The method according to any one of claims 1 to 4.
`S3 The related information message is the same for each OF!Jfvl symbol in \•./l1ich tbe related
`information messagP is transrnitted \Vithin a suhfrarne, and the related information messagP is
`for each subframe in \Vhich the related information 1nessage h transrn.itted vv.ithin a
`frame. TlK method according to any one of claims 1 to 4, wherein the
`transmission target
`relevant information message comprises an index and thP frarnP timing can be obtained by
`detecting the index by the \Vireless device (250).
`1.>2 The related information message includes the reiat1c�d SSS, the index is a serk�s index, and tlx�
`subfra1ne timing can be obtained by detecting the series index included in the related SSS by
`the \Vireless deviet,.
`! (250). , Tht.! method of claim 2 or 5,
`t;s Th<:! n:dated inforrnation message includes th<-? related SSS, the index is a series index, and HK
`frame ffm.lng can be obtained by detEictJng tJw series index induded in the SSS by the
`vvireless device (250). The method according to claim 2 or 6.
`l4 In a vdreless cornmunication network (200} in which a network nodEi (210) and a w.ireless
`device (250) operate, transmission is performed by the net\vork node {21 O) for
`synchronization between the vvireless deviu� (250) and the net\,vork node (2] 0}. Also, a
`method performed by the \'\'Tn.>less devkE• (250) to detect a first sync signal and related
`information 1m�ssage, the netvrnrk node {210), which is t\vo or more in a subframe. To detect
`dw first synchronization signal transmitted at least once at the time-frequency position in each
`Apple EX1016 Page 1596


`of the N OFDivl symbols (901) and dm detr>.ct£:1d first synchronization, D£:•tecting the reh:want
`information message associated vvith the first synchronization signal at a predefi1wd time­
`frr:.,quency position relative to the tinw--frnquency position of the signal (903) and said
`association. A method comprising obtaining subframe t!rning and / or frame timing (904) by
`detecting an index contained in an informational nwssage,
`88 Claimed that the first synchronlzatkm signal is a piirnary synchronization signal (PSS), the
`related inforrnation message includes a related second synchronization signal. and the second
`synchronization signal ls a secondary synchronization signal (SSS). Item 9. The method
`according to itt•m 9.
`,.1,'i 10, The method of clahn 10, vvherein detecting the relevant information message comprises
`rnatching the sequence of the detected rdatt�d information nmssage \•Vith one of a set of
`possible information message sequences.
`a co1nprisl�S infonnation nH:�ssage the relevant 101 The method of any one of claims 9-11, vvherdn
`related physical broadcast channel (PBCH), and the related PBCH furiJwr compdses related
`svstem information.
`wr The relatt�d information message is <.Hffen>nt for each OFmvl symbol that the related
`information .message .ls transmitted by thE• rwt\•''>"'ork
`node (2] 0), the rdated information
`message includes an index, and the subframe timing is the index by the \Vireless device
`(250). The method according to any one of claims 9 to 12, \'vhich is obtained by detecting.
`each OFDM symbol in which the related rnessage is the same for u4 The related information
`information message ls transmitted \Vithin a subframe by the net\vork node (210), and the
`related inh-irmation message is such that the n.ilated inforrnation nwssage is the nehvork
`node (2 l 0). 9. The related information message includes an index, and the frame timing is
`acquired by detecting the index by the 1;,vireless device (250), which diffors for each subfranm
`transrnitkd within the transrnlss.ion targd frame, The rnethod according to any one of 12 to
`Apple EX1016 Page 1597


`12-1TlH.� related information message indudes the related SSS, the index is a series index, and the
`subfrmne timing is acquired by detecting the series index included in the rnlated SSS by the
`v.iirdess device (250), The method according to daim l 1 or 13,
`rm A claim that the related information message includes the related SSS, the index is a series
`index, and the frame thning is acquired by detecting the series index included in the related
`SSS by the \Vire less device (250}. Item 10. The method according to item 11 or 14.
`nci 12 or 13 or 1 5. ,vherein the related information rnessage includes the related system
`information and the frame timing is obtained by detecting the index included in the related
`systf�n1 information by the v,dreless device (250), The method dr,scribPd.
`142 In a wireless communication net\-vork (200) in which a network node (210) and a wireless
`(250) and the net\vork nod€' (210) ar0 d1:.>vice (250) are s1:'t to op1:.�rate, the wireless devic1:'
`relative to the \,virdess device {250). A net\.vork node (210) conflgurnd to transmit a first
`sync signal and relah_>d information messagf'S for synchronization with, the first sync signal
`being tvvo or more in a subfn.mK, In the N OFmvI symbols, the transmission is performed at
`least once at the time-frequency position in each of the N OFD:tvl syrnbo!s, and the first
`synchronization signal in the OFDJv1 syrnbol is transmitted for each trans1nission of the first
`synchronization signal. Set to transmit relevant infonnation messages associated ,vlth the
`first synchronization signal at a pnxlefined time-frequency position relative to the time­
`frequency position of the synchronization signal. Nenvork node (210).
`.tss Claimed that tJH,, first synchronization signal is a primary synchronization signal (PSS}, the
`related information rnessage includes a second synchronization signal to ·which it is related,
`and the second synchronization signal is a secondary synchronization signal (SSS}. Item 18.
`The network node (21 O}.
`information message (210) of claim 18 or 19, ,,vherein the n•levant
`162 Thf� 1wt\\-'Ork nod1:.•
`includes a relah�d physical broadcast channel (PBCH), and the related PBCH further contains
`Apple EX1016 Page 1598


`related systm-n information.
`JIJ-.r.; The first sync s.ignal is further configured to transrnit .ln the beam stat1:.' and the related
`information message to be transmitted using the sarne bea.m state as the first sync signal
`associated \Vith the related information message. The network node (210) according to any
`one of claims 18 to 20.
`.t 75 Thf.� related information message is different for each OFD!vl symbol in 1.,vhich the related
`information .message .is set to be transmitted by the rnmvork node (21 0), the related
`information message Includes an index, and the subframe tirning is the wireless device. The
`net\vork node (2 l 0) according to any one of clailns 18 to 21, which can he obtained by
`detecting the index according to (250).
`JR3 The rnlated infonnatlon mr,:ssage is the sarne for each OFDl\.-1 symbol in which the related
`inforrnation message is set to be transmitted within a subfrarne by the network node (210),
`and the related information message is said to be the related information messagt:�. Is
`different for each subframe set to be transrnltted within the transmission taT
`J1l�t frame hy Hw
`network node (2, 10), the r1;.�lated inforrnation message indudl�S an index, and the frame
`timing is the index b,Y the win-'1ess device (250). Tlw m�twork nock� (210) according to any
`one of dahns 18 to 21, \Vbich can be obtained by detecting the above.
`WJ The related information message includes the related SSS, the index is a series index, and the
`subframe tirning can be obtained by dd.<:'.Cting the seriE's index included in the related SSS by
`the \•Vir1:ciless
`device (250), The net\vork norfo (210) according to da!rn 19 or 22.
`wg The related information message includes the related SSS, the index is a series index, and the
`frame timing can be obtained hy detecting the series index induckid in the related SSS by the
`vdreless device (250), The netvvork node (210) according to claim 19 or 23,
`?o:; ln a \.:Virdess communication nr,:t\•Vork (200) in \'Vhich a netv.'ork node (210) and a \'Virekss
`Apple EX1016 Page 1599


`<-k�vin� {2S0} are configured to operntt�, the rietv.?ork for synchronization of the wireh�ss
`devic1:� (250) and the net\vork node (210). The wireless dt.'Vice (250), whkh ls set to detect a
`first synchronization signal and related information message set to be transmitted by the
`node (2 .l 0), by the netvvork node (210). The first synchronization signal set to he tnmsmitted
`at least once at the time-frequency position ln each of the N OFDiv1 symbols in two or more N
`OFDivt symbols in the subfran1e, The association of detecting and being associated with the
`first synchronization signal at a predefined time-frequency position relative to the time­
`frequency position of the detected first synchronization signaL A wireless device {250)
`configured to detect an infonnational nH,•ssage and to obtain subframe timing and / or frarne
`tirning by detecting an index contained in the relevant informational inessage.
`21.9 Claimed that the first S)Itichronlzation signal is a primary synchronization signal (PSS), the
`related information message includes a related second synchronizatinn signal, and the
`second synchronization signal is a secondary synchronization signal (SSS}. Item 2G, The
`\Virnless device (250),
`220 27, The wireless device (250) of claim 27, wherein detecting the relevant Information
`the sequence of the dett.�cted related information messag1:' \Vi th
`messagt.� compris1:'S matching
`one of a set of possible information rnessage seqtmnces.
`za2 The wireless device (250) according to any one of claims 26 to 28, wherein the relevant
`information mt�ssage includes a related physical broadcast channel (PBCH), and Hrn related
`PHCH further contains related system .information.
`23s The related information message ls different for each OFDJvl sy·mbol ln which the related
`information 1m�ssage is set to he transrnitted by U-m net\vork node {210}, the related
`information message .includes an index, and the wireless device (250) The vvireless device
`(250)according to any one of claims 26 to 29, further configured to acquire subframe tirning
`hy detecting the .index_
`2#, Tht� n�lated information 1m�ssage is the same for each OFDM symbol in which the relatt.�d
`information messagP is sr,:t to l_w transrnitted within a sobfranw by thP nPr\'Vork node (210),
`Apple EX1016 Page 1600


`and the relat(�d rnessage is said to he the related information messagt�. Is
`different. for each subfran1e set to be transmitted within the transmission target frame by the
`network node (2 I 0), th1:.� rele-vant information message contains an imkx, and the \Vireless
`device (250) detects the Index. 28-The vdrdess device (250) of any one of claims 26-29,
`v.ihich is further configured to acquire frame
`32 ..
`l:"i(, The related inforrnation message includes the related SSS, the lndex is a seiies index, and the
`in the series index included timing h_y detecting the subframe \•Vire!ess device (250) acquires
`the related SSS. The \Nireless device (250) of claim 27 or 30, further configured.
`'")3 J
`2u2 Further, the 1·r·!ated infonnation rnessage includes thto-related SSS, the index is a series index.
`and the \Vireless device (250) acquires the frame timing by detecting the series .index
`included in the related SSS. The vdrdess devicr' (250) of claim 27 or 31, \'Vhich is seL
`c:us Claim that the related infonnation message includes. the related systern inforrnation and the
`the frame tirning by detecting the index
`\Virdess cfr:.,vice {250) is furHKr configured to acquire
`included in the related systen1 inforrnation. 29 or 31 or 33. Thr, vvirdess device (250).
`z-14 A computer program comprising an instruction to cm.1se at least one processor to perform the
`method according to any one of claims 1 to 8 1.-vhen executed on at least one processoc
`2m A computer in \'Vhkh a computer program including an Instruction for causing the at least one
`processor to execute the method according to an)'' one of claims 1 to 8 when executed on at
`leas!. one proressor is stored therein. Readable storage medium.
`ws A computer program comprising an instruction to cause at least one processor to perform the
`method according to any one of claims 9 to 17, \\'hen executed on at least one processor.
`Apple EX1016 Page 1601


`wo A cornputm-in which a computer program comprising an instruction to caus<� the at h=>.ast one
`processor to execute the method according to any one of daims H to 17 \vlwn l'Xl'Cuted on at
`k.•ast one processor is stored tlwrein. Readable storagt:� medium.
`Apple EX1016 Page 1602


`DOCKET NO: l 1574US05
`SERIAL NO: 16/099,390
`AMENDMENT lJNDER 37 C.F.R § 1.111
`In response to the Office Action dated April 8, 2021, the following is submitted in
`connection vvith the above-identified application.
`Amendments to the claims begin on page 2 of this paper.
`Remarks/arguments begin on page 7 of this paper.
`Apple EX1016 Page 1603


`Application Number 16/099,390
`[Filing Date
`06Nov 2018
`Art Unit
`Firs! Named Inventor Yugeswar DEENOO
`[Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number 11574US05
`0 No additional
`fee ls required D Small entity
`status is claimed
`Additional Fee
`Claims Highest Number Cmrent Extra Rate
`Ren1aining of Claims
`Previously Paid
`Amendmen1 For
`Total Claims
`$ 100.00 $ 0.00
`[nde pendent
`2 -
`... 0
`X $ 480.00 ...
`. 0.00
`$ ..
`APPLlCATlON SlZE FEE (37 CFR l. l6(s))
`$ 0.00
`$ ..
`The Com.'llissioner is hereby authorized to charge any additional fees that may be required for papers being filed
`herewith and for which no payment is en.closed herewith, or credit any overpayment to Deposit A.c:count 602325
`$ 0.00
`Customer Number:
`Apple EX1016 Page 1604


`Doc Code: TRAN. LET
`Document Description: Transmittal Letter
`PTO/SB/21 (07-09)
`Approved for use through 11/30/2020. 0MB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`. .
`Filing Date
`06Nov 2018
`Yugeswar DEI:NOO
`First Named Inventor
`Confirmation No. 4717
`i 1574US05
`Attorney Docket Number
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`(to be used for all correspondence after initial filing)
`Total Number of Pages in This Submission 12
`ENCLOSURES (Check all that apply)
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`Apple EX1016 Page 1605


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`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name: Yugeswar DEENOO
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`Apple EX1016 Page 1607


`Application No. l 6/099.390
`Atiorney Docket No. 1 l574US05
`Reply to OHi.c:e Ac:hon of April 8, 2021
`Favorable reconsideration of this application, as presently amended and m light of the
`following discussion, is respectfully requested.
`Claims 1--40 were pending in the present application as of the outstanding Oflice
`Action. Claim 1 is amended; and Claims 17-40 are canceled without pre;judice or disclaimer
`by the present an1endment. No new ma1.1er is presented.
`In the Office Action:
`Claim 2 is rejected under 35 1:JS.C § l l2(a) or 35 U.S.C. § J 12 (pre-A.IA), first
`paragraph, as failing to coi:nply with the written description requirement
`Claims J -8 and 11 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpaten1.ahle over
`Kubotaba et al (US 20J 6/0234736 A 1) in view of Sun et al. (US 2019/0124650 Al).
`Claims 9-10 are rejected under 35 U.S C. § J 03 as being unpatentable over Kubotaba
`in vievv of Sun and further in view of Kubotaba et al. (US 2017/0064691 Al-hereafter
`Kubota-69 l).
`Claims 12-16 are allowed. The allowance is acknowledged with appreciation
`ln response, the rejection under 35 U.S.C. § l 12(a) is respectfully traversed. Present
`Claim 2 is based on Claim 2 as originally filed. Under MPEP § 2 l 63 and the case law cited
`therein, "[t]here is a presumption that an adequate written description of the claimed
`invention is present when the application is filed." Therefore,
`the PTO has the initial burden of presenting evidence or
`reasons why persons skilled in the art would not recognize in
`the disclosure a description of the invention defined by the
`••· 1· -If-' 1 .•i , -i41 F' 2:l --,57 26.., 191 US 1> (>
`G( q7 ·c• C n � 1()76)
`.. , c1t1ng n re , ertnf,.ni, -- . l �- , , .J, _
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`. .
`In light of original Claim 2 and of the above-noted
`presumption, the Office Action
`does not satisfy the burden of presenting such evidence or reasons. A.lso, by definition, \vhat
`Apple EX1016 Page 1608


`Application No. l 6/099.390
`Atiorney Docket No. 1 l574US05
`Reply to OHi.c:e Ac:hon of April 8, 2021
`was originally filed is not new matter. Accordingly, reconsideration ,md withdrawal of that
`ground of rejection are respectfully solicited.
`It is submitted that the present dairned invention would not have been obvious
`over the applied art. Present Claim l recites, inter alia,
`determine v,-hether a transmission of the one or more SI
`message from the communication network will utilize at least
`one beamft)m1ed. comrrnmication or a non-beamformed
`commumcation based on one or more commi..mication
`parameters, wherein the one or more comnnmication
`parameters include a frequency hand of the transmission or a
`quality of a dovv11link signal;
`** *
`receive at least one of the one or more Sl messages
`from the communication network via the at least one
`beamformed. commi..mication or the non-beamformed
`communication in accordance vvith a result of determining
`whether the transmission of the one or more SI message from
`the communication network vvill utilize the at least one
`beamformed. commi..mication or the non-beamformed
`The Office Action acknowledges that Kubotaba does not explicitly teach non­
`heamformed communication but instead applies Sw1. However, Sun does not teach or suggest
`to determine whether a trnnsmission of the one or n1.ore SI message from the communication
`network will utilize at least one beamformed corrnnunication or a non-heamfonned

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