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`Apple EX1016 Page 1454


`A�,,,urding tu lntcmatfonat Patcm Classific;.t!wa fl.PC) ,:,r ,,:, bo,h umional dussification antl IPC
`H04W72/04, HG4W16/28
`�-111bolsJ (ck1ssifical.ion �ys1em followed by cia,sificatiou \·:liltimum do,�umt11wtion se,irched
`l)m;nrni:ulalim1 ,e,m;;hcd nlher tlim1 mimumm dlJi.:nmcJ1lalim1 to lhe c.xlrnl 1hal sucli clo<:.1.1menls m;;-ind,ickd in Ill;;-!kids �eardii:d
`�Titf;uyo ��!ti.nan r<,.::,ho 1922�1996 Jj_t�=r:.�J«J Shinan To:rc-ku !{::,ho 1996�.:?0ltj
`t<(.)kai 1�Li.:tsu;Jl<.:.-Shinan Keh<'.) 1971-2()14 T·vr()ku �Jitsu:/c Stti.r�a.:n K'oh.c 19�i4-2014
`Elecl.ronic dm,i base cournhed during the imemmiom1l search (aamc of d;iia hase amL. where practicable. sea:.::h tenn.s used)
`Catego.ry� Cil:atiou (lf documimt with iudic:itim1. where appropriaw. of ;he r�levam P<l��ag�, .Relevam to claim No.
`I-Jn�:.:.\,J(�i, D::,:ir�•:J J�,_f.\S fc,.r: co·\tt�:�·aqe rr�Ddificatj_cn
`2:ss�r-:)\I� V-JG3#81 F{3�13l532..,
`fc,nline.J, .?.GP:1?
`Internet <UBL:�ran/
`WG? ru/T�GF3 81/Do�s'R?-1]1531.�ip�, 2013.08.23
`WO 2013/132920 Al
`p,:n:-bg:uiphs [00121, [0024], (CO2€], [00391 to
`[00 :l?j
`:..-1�/: nor�E=')
`Indust:r�ie:::�r I.,td .. )
`1 9 ;.: D.l y ��'.012 { 1 9 .. 0 7 .. 2' 012 ) ,
`pt:::�<:1.Jr[0078] to [0088], [O�l01J t:.-) [0."IC-4] .:::r.,ns
`& US 2013/0343214 Al
`S.p�;.:iaj :.'..":..'-l:t.:;:;gories <:tf dH�d tkw.::i:1fi1,,.�nts..
`"T'' b,;:crdo-cumrnt pt,blis�.xl ;1tt�r th� imcrnational filin" do1,;:c ,,r Pfl'>rity
`docu.nt�11t d-c..:fcning tht" gcn.;:ral st_.H>:: o:frhc il�� v,:Mch h no1 c:--t.ntskk.r-.:-rl �iJ
`tl ah: mt.1 rSOt in ,x� �lllii;:t \((ith th� app t k�;H.�t• t1 but cite� u:, u n{k�r:;twxi
`he i.:ifp:snk�►:i:t;lr 1.;.:�k-'.\·<l::rK:\'.::
`th,;;:,�ipl.::� t1f th,;;:,,;ry nm.1.::-:
`.d.yin�!. th.,;;:. }n,,.::�utit•Js
`''X'" d,,rnmem
`earlier appJH:ation <tr p;tt'..'.:n( but ptlb.!.i�he-0 (1fi. 1.1r &�r the Hlmg
`,,f p,,rtkn !ar r�!ev;m,;-e: ih� cla, m�d im·entiN, cam,N be
`,�\.:n,:,,,l<li.:ri::d SH)\··�l fH -.�;wsH)t bt Ct)rt$�tln�d. t•..'t irt\•t)h·� �ln irt\·t.'.:ntt,·c
`�ti.:p �l11;n th� d1-,.:;umi;'.Ht js ;.;il,;i::n i�kl�ti:,:
`dci::nrn�nt v••fllth ma)' HB{cw d<td:u.,; (H1 prinrsrr cfahn{s�t1•hic�l h .i i)r
`''Y'. d,,cument ,,f 11<1rti,,ilat r�le;-�11,;e: th� � i,,,enti<Jn c,l!UlN l;,�
`Cis(d m e,tab!i�il \he p\:ble,�,Hion dat•� <)f �n.-itll�r Cil:lli(ln (lf •Jsll(r
`,p:x1,,l rea,;,_)r> (as sp�6tkd,
`(t1H�;.ii._11.:r(:d t.:-; 11.:.:t1lv� .tHi �m;tr..:p 1,vh.:;�l th.:; dt>1::.·u
`.:-.;·rSt�,._,, rntnt ; ��
`ut;_�;,"-l;'i (ither !->1ch d.u:..:fHnen�s., :'.\iJcfi c;_�rnJJjH.:i:fo;n ,;,,-:{JJn:hiH-t:d u•.ittl t)fK; l�r
`docu.nt�11t n;:fcrri.nfi h> :_:rn ,aat th�;k��lffC: u�. exh;birl1)n or othct m-:.·.:trt$
`be.t:1g i:�h'-lOus !:i:� a :)Crsnn s.k1!!-�d :nth\; art
`d:r-ttc but. !:Her t.!irH1 the
`documi;:.nt ixib.!ishOO pri-0r to the rnt�rtmhOf1<!! fiiiog
`''&:' doi::1un:::ot m�mberoflhe :..:un� p::umi� f;imil)
`pri:orny d�lt.C cL;Hm�
`D,nc or Hie w:wal completion oftll;: wternational ;;;::an;h
`20 (),::�t()b�·1:·, ?f.).J..�l (20 .. J .. O .. J..�l)
`Date or rnailrng o:f ,he intcrn;it1orn,l sc;ixc!1 report
`28 October, 2014 {23.10.14)
` and H1;c1ili11g address of till': TSA/
`Japanese Patent Office
`Form.PCT/ISA/21U (�eci)it<l sheet_} (July 2.0l)'})
`Tdcnhnm:: :'<o_
`Apple EX1016 Page 1455


`C (Com.inuatl◊U).
`W0 2013/108585 Al (Panasonic Corp.),
`25 July 2013 25.07.2013),
`Rdcvan! to d11im No.
`p�lrE,qraph r□O 4 :l
`& US 2011/007 911 Al 103477694 & CN A
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (cominumioa of second sli�d) {July 2009)
`Apple EX1016 Page 1456


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`Apple EX1016 Page 1457


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`1911 Al & CN 10:n776fM A
`4] &. ts 2011/\)07
`l l
`Apple EX1016 Page 1458


`Espacenet -Bibliographic data
`M!ZUSAVVA NISHIKI [JP]_:: (71<.::� iffi)
`Applicant(s ):
`SONY CORP [JPJ:: (1/=.-�:it�t±)
`� internatlonal:H04W16/28; H04W72/04
`� cooperative: H04B7l0617 (EP, KR, US); H04L5!0023 (EP, KR,
`US); H04L5/005 !EPt KR.1 US}; H04L5/0073 !EPt
`KR US}; H04L5/0048 iEP, US); H04L5/0053 (EP,
`W02014JP71244 2014081 ·1
`Global Doss!er
`20130924 Priority number JP20130197005
`Also published CA2924029 (A1 l CN105557049 IA) CN105557049 (B}
`EP3051906 (A 1 ) EP3051906 (A4) nmre
`[F�roblen1} To tn;3ke ft posslb!e t(} keep
`· fron1 iner{1as�nf�� v·./hile
`rez�tidn9 the load associated with
`\�·.�.:-.... ir;..-.; t"r�-�� ..... ;-..... 1 T��, .... : ....... ·
`tS� ..... .-,
`: ,:,_.,,:s,,,•�· ,,,,,_<.,lA>s>
`j , i:,◊ :!: •<:-<• ,<_,,,,
`pro\tkit:��� Cl cornrr:un�caUc·n c:c·ntro! ::.i:::.)\t�ct:�
`prt)\.tirJt�rJ v-lith thg foflnv�llntJ: .Ben acquisihon
`unit th,�t acqutres ce!l•·ld��ntfyin[J
`lnforrr�auon aHocated to an �n{Hv�(it}8J 30
`bt�an·1 frJrn1:::.?d by c1 d:r:::.?chonal antt�nna
`.:-....,. �r-.. .:-f::
`-: ... � .. -:.'
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`::,:•;:-,':.. ::S �:,::,:�. ;-,:�����::�❖ �:�.,
`bat is G<':i!X,ible of forminq 30 tieams: and
`'\.<::�:$ ]$ -�•:., ❖t: ���'�$�-:;?::�;:;_':• '--'l:-°! ."-�{":-:':f:-'»�--
`.<:;."-:-:�� =� ;\ $-::i::..::�
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`�,:❖� : :,;:,.-.:,.;..::S,;-:
`;3 control unn t}l�:H that:. on the iJasis
`:.:._"X: �}:�.::;:.-x;:;:;�t�;:�
`:-.;: x--: -: ;�=-� :
`.� ::.·�:$"•:�-.:: ;: ·x.� �:��
`::,:;;;:,.�. :::.:.:·:, �.i:;;;-: -�x;:o:�•:.i::,:;-;r
`sa�d c��?ir ... :til�ntify:nq �nton-r!ahc·n� con:trQls
`the transrnission of' a refBrer-:ce slgna� vja
`suci: u:at the n.:lerence s:ignal �s transn1�tted us�ng a .sp�;::cdfic resource b!ock fron1 the
`set G:� a\•'aHab!e resr)urce b!oct-:;s.
`htlps:i/world\vide.espac.enet.comipub1katkmDetails/bfolio?CC=WO&NR=201504565 .. . 202.1 /04/ l 3
`Apple EX1016 Page 1459


`Espacenet -Clairns
`Claims not available for WO2015045658 (A 1}
`Claims of corresponding document EP3051906 (A1)
`A high quality text as facsimile in your desired language may be available
`amongst the following family members:
`G.1-\2924029 (A1} CN10S5ff!049 CA\ EP3051906 (Al) JPvV02D'!5045658 iA1\
`f{FU02223418 iB1l US2016218786 (Ai) EP3448-W5 !All_ ,JP2020036354 {A.}
`�- :·;��:t•:NJ?;t s:�3t,.,.��:,
`+ ::::.;;:n1s. rr�:=:-
`The EF'() doe�� not accept arri respo·nslt1lHty ft;r the accuracy' r:l d��ta ��nd infonr:ation
`(n,�g�natn9 frt!fn of.her author�ties the EPO; in particutar
`i the EPO does not
`9uarantee t}l�:H they· ;3r�· cornpiete.
`purposes, �Jp��toc�{j;Jte t"Jf fa for specific
`·1. l-\ cornn1unlcauon control apparatus con��pris�n9�
`an acquis�tlon unit configured to acquire ceH identif�.cation �ntOn11ation assigned to .an
`lnd�vldual n1ree�dirn��nsiG·nal br��rn forrn:��t�: by a t1h·��Ghonaj antr�nna capabl�:: of ft;n1·1�n9
`�H:�ns� bearr�; and
`a three.,.fjfr1
`a contro� unit eonfii�turt:�d to c ontrol trart;n1iss.ion \)fa ref.t:!rencf.� t�ig-na� p�i:rtorrned us�nt1
`t�·1e individual thrt�t� .. d�rr:i�r-:sional
`b��an:� on tht� basjs of th�� Gl�ij kil�ntification �n-fonT:ation �
`v,:-her:eln tf1a control un�t. tJ)ntrG�s the trru1srr::ission so that t.he reference si9r1:�� �s
`transrnitted in Et Bn1ited porUon of avcdlat.:�e res�Jurce }JhJck:s.
`2.Thf� C(H1'1tYB.H1�G.ation controt appar; acc�Jrd�n9 tf:J cia�rn 1,
`\-\:·herein the Hrnlted portion
`of th:e�e� resource blocks ts a resource bloc!...: or
`3.The con:rnurdcation control apparatus ac.con:Hn9 to cJain1 2:
`vvtit�:rt:�in thi:! contrQl un�t contro�s tra.nsrnit�sk.1n of s·yst,i:rn infonr:f�tion pt::rrorrne<1 u·�;in9
`th�� individual three�cnrn��ns�onal tH::�n-1 so that tht� systt�n1 �n-forrnation for tht� irH.HvkhJa!
`thre·a--d�rnens}onaJ �]B(�rn is transrnltted �'-ilthln a Hrnited perk.xi of ti�T:e�
`4 The cnrnrnunic:aU::.)n contro! appar��tus ��cGr::n-J�nq to r;!��irn 2:
`v,the·reln the C(! tH1�t. Ct)ritro�� transrr::iss!on of a S'lnchron�zat�on signal per�\;rn;ed
`s�gnai for t�1e the synchronization usdng the fncH··./fduai tt�ireebe;Jrn so tt1at c�dknens�onal
`\•Vithin .:3 nrnit-Od pt�riod of tirl:e.
`indhnd(t3! three-ditnt:Jns�o-r1a1 !::-earn �s transrnittt:!d
`5.Tl1e cornrY1tH1�catk;,n co-ntroi ;)pp�)ra.tus �:;ccorcBng to (:.!airYl 2.
`\,vhere:n the control ur1it contro�s transn:tssion of �nfonl:ation �n<hcating the hrr:itec
`pgnot1 of hrne.
`6.·rhe corr:rnunic.;:.)th:n1 control apparatus ac.conJ�ng to c!airn 2i
`\:vhf:rt�ln thr1 ��n1H��d period of' th"nt� is t���tt::rrnin��d fl.n-��ach Gt:�n. anc1 �s tHff��n:�nt frcrn a
`l 50456.. 202.1 /04/ l 3
`Apple EX1016 Page 1460


`Espacenet -Clairns
`7.The GOff,n1un1c8fo'.!n cGntro! apparatus accon:Hng to c!ahYi
`vvt1e-reln the Hr-nHed period of un1c.� !s a. Hnttect port�on of radio fr:arrH.��s

`8 ... r�·1f� c:on·:rntu1tc�1tinn cnntroi apparatus acc.f.:rd�ng to eiah1·1 "1,
`yvt��erein the �in1lted porUon of the a:V;�llab�t� rB-sourc® blocks i$ a resour�:e b�ock. or
`9.The cornrnun1crifo:m c;:mtro! appara.t\.is I'lccon:iing to c!airn S,
`vvhe-rc�in the control u n�t contro!s transrri:ission cl a rnaster inforn1ation t!ock pc.�rforrn<-�(i
`:f bearn .. and
`us�ng the �nzjj\/�duai thre��-�cHrnens�onr�
`!irnited portion of the 8\/s:.J8ble frequency band.
`\•Vherein the lnforrr�abon btock contains fr1ft)r�T1.ahon in;:�h::.atin�1 a bandvikitf: of the
`·10 The cnrnrr:unh:::atiG·n! appar��tus aeGord�n�1 to r;!airn J:
`V·/hereln the Ct)! un�t. cc::ritnJ�s transrniss!on c{ a S)''Sten1 inforrnation block pertorrned
`using U:e individual three---d�rcH:.�ns�ona.f t)earn, and
`\:vhf:rt�ln thr1 systr1n1 infc-rrnaUon b!nr:.k
`U1�� av·aHab!eCG·ntain�) �nft)nnatlon �nd�cahn�i
`app:aratu�; accorzi�nt1 to c!airn �1.
`·n contro!
`··� 1. Th�:! cornrr:unicaUc
`v,:-hereln tf1a ceH �(ienhficahon inforrn:at�on is dffterent
`fro�T: ceH \;:1entifk:.atit)n �nforrr:ation
`;3ssi9ned to an adjacent (:eH, in a resource allocation pattern tOr a ret€rern::e s�gnaL
`·t 2. l
`� ..
`'a'he e.o�TH1H.H1�Gi�tion r):)r-:trr)t apparatus accor<:.Hng to ch3�tTl
`\•vherein the contn-Jl un�t eontro�s transrnission of �nforn-1:�tion for si>ec�f:ling the Hn�:�ted
`o� u:e ;9\l�.Uab�e re.�source blocks,
`·13. ,,.,,_ comrnunk:ation contrn! method comprising:
`acqulrlnfl Cf.}i! �d�·ntification infonr::at�on assigned to an !ndht!dut�! three-�[�irrH1nsion;3;
`t)earn forrr�E.�d by a dlrt�.cJ�onai 8ntenr:-a capat)le of forrning a 1�1ree---dirru;::nsiona� be.an1�
`ccntroH�n9. by a processor. transrn�ssion of a: refBrence� sif�nai perforrned usin9 U:e
`incHvldt.t���! u·u·ee�·din·10·nsional befH1·1� on thE� basjs est the ceH jdenUficaUon jnforrnauon.
`v-ihHr�1\n n1�1 rgferr1ne�� si9nal rs ha.nsrnH.t��d in a nrnitt:�d portion of HvaHHb!H rr��)otn-cr�
`·14_ A terminal appmatus comprl:�inq:
`an acqulsg\on unlt. cr}nfigured tG� �--ii�1en a base station configure�:j to co:r1tro�
`transn1�ssion of a reference s�g:naf pe�iorrr�ect t.ising
`an indi\ddua� three-�dln1ensiona�
`bean1 forn-1ed by· a d:rect�onaf ant€.�nna. capsbk�� of forn1in�] a H1ree---ditnen.s�ona� tH:.:an1.
`on th�.$ t}c:.�=;i�) of c��H k1��nUfieah�.:.;n inf<.HrnaUQn ass�gned tn thr� inc�hllliua� H1rf�f��
`dirY1ensionai bearn= transn1�ts inforrnat!on ior specifyin9 a i!rnitt.�d portion of avaHa�}le
`resource· biocks �n \vhich H1e reference signal is transir:itt�;;d. ac:qujre the infonr:ahon.;
`in ce signal transmlHed to nwasurn the referena cmnmunkatkm contml unit .:xmflgured
`U1e Hrnited portion of tt1e ;-:.1va�i;-:.1ble rfasoun::.c.� blocks.
`\1Vhe-reln the Hn1hed portion of the avcdlable rest1lffCe tJ!tH::ks is a resc�urce bic�ck or
`·15, The terfnin(�l :apparatus (�c-cordln[] to :..:t�hT1 ·;4�
`ret;ource tdocks. \•Vithin
`a HrnHf.'3d pt$riorJ of tin1��?. ar:ci
`re�=;oun:�et.he lirnitefj portion of tr:€ ��\.tailab�e
`\•Vhereln the infon1·1ation for spec.lf��in9
`blocks contains inforrnaUon incfo:::Jsting the lirnlte,:l period of tin1e,
`ki d;;�im �4.·w The terrr,ina! :apparatu�� accord1n9
`vvhe-rt�ln th�� �irnh�d portiori of th:e ;�vall;�b�e resource �J!ocks is a resource bkJc.k or
`resource blocks vvithin :1 limited porti,:,n of an avaliat,!e frequency b,1nd, ano
`202.1 /04/ l 3
`htlps:i/world\vide.espac.enetcomipublkatkmDetails/claims?CC"°WO&NR"°20 l 50456__
`Apple EX1016 Page 1461


`Espacenet -Clairns
`wherein the informatlon for specifying the iirnlte,:l portion of ti1e available resource
`a band\•Vidth of the un,aea poruon or tt1e ava�!abh!�
`bk:H.::ks contains l nforrnauon lrH.:Hc8ting
`frequency b�:H1d.
`�!l. ·rt1e terrnin8!
`apparatus 8ccordlng to c�airn "16,
`\:vhf:rt�ln }nforn1atnn ;ntjit�1tn9 thr� t)andvvk.H.h of thH hrnlttN.1 portion of u·1t:� aval�abfr�
`bioc!< tnJnst0iUed using the
`freqw�ncy !x,1nd is contained iri a mast�r information
`inclivk:luai three-dimensionai t:,,aam,
`·)8, The tern�int�d ;app,3rat.t;s accon:Hnt] to c�airl1 ·11,
`b�ock containing irrf(1rrnationvvhe-rc�in the acqL��sltion unit v:.then a systzH11 infon-r1ation
`lnd�Gi"�tin�1 the l:landvlidth of the <.�\lr�·il<.=§b�e fn.�quenc�/ band i�� tran�ffn�tted using t�Te
`lndhddual: thraa--dknenslonal be.arn� acqukes the int(1rrnaton contained in the Sfstern
`lnforrnation anc�
`\·vherB:n the c:on:rnunic��tion controi unit contro�s radio cornrr:unicat1on p{:!r��J�Tne{i by· H1e
`-frequency the avaHab!e radkJ resource \Nithin terrrdna! apr}aratus so u·�at ��.r-: aHrx:ated
`b;�nd is used.
`·is. A communication control rndhod compnsin9:
`\•Vhen a base st.1tio•n confiqured to txJntroi transn1h�s�on of a reference s\1na! perfz1rrned
`using an individual three.-.din1cH1s�onaJ bean�� 1-=on-rH.��d by a cHrectional antenna capable of
`forrnin9 £: thrt:�t:��t�in·1i�:·nsional befH1·:� on the t\asis ot cen kienUflcaUon inforrnatk.1n
`ass�gned ti) the inzihdti\�aJ three--dirnensionai tH��.ani. t.rans
`rnits inforn1at.�on for spec.ffying
`;3 t�rnited porUon of availab�e resour(:e blocks in ·vvhich
`the reference signal is
`transrnittt�d; acquinng t11e lnforn;a.Uon� ancl
`av�'l:Habk, resource b!ocks.
`rneasurino: t}y a process.Gr: the reference s igr:��i tr��nsrnitted in the !irnitezj pr>rUon of tr1e
`20 }\n jnfr_;rrnation pf()Gessin9 <.�pp<.�r��tus cnn1pr�slng:
`a �r�erno�./ conf\;iured to ston� a progr;3;n� and
`one or n1orf.} processors (:apat)le of exeGuting u·1e prograrn
`E.�xecutes vvl1en:.�1n Hr�e pn,9ran-1
`Yvhen a b��se st.jUon confi&11�red to cGntro! transn1ission of a reference signal perft)rn1ed
`us�ng an individual three.-.dfr11cH1s�ona.i bean�� ton·Y�ed t)y a cHrectiona! antenna capab!e of
`f�Jrrning a u·:ree�din·10·nsional bean·=� on the basjs est ceH �denUficaUon jnforrnauon
`... dirlH::nsionai t1t:�<'JJ:r\ transrnlts jr:fcrrnaUon -f{n-spec:jfyh·19
`ass�gned to thf; intt"/H�1uai thn����
`-� t�rn�teti pcHi}on of <�v;�il<�b�e fBsourt�.B blocks In \:�./hlch the reference signa! �s
`transrnitteti; aequ:rtnq t1·1f.� intcfrna.UQn� anfl
`resource block.
`rne��surino u·�e reference sl9na� tf��ns.rr::itte,j in the H�Tdted portk)n of the av��Hab���
`202.1 /04/ l 3
`.espac.enet.comipub1katkmDetails/claims?CC"°WO&NR"°20 l 50456__
`Apple EX1016 Page 1462


`Espacenet -Description
`Description not available for WO2015045658 (A 1}
`Description of corresponding document: EP3051906
`A high quality text as facsimile in your desired language may be available
`amongst the following family members:
`CA2924029 (A1) CN105557049 {Al EP:3051906 {All JPW020·15045658 (.A. 1 i
`KR!OZ:2234113 {81). US201621S786 {A 11 EP344$1051A1 l JP2020036364 fA}
`The EPO does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of data and information
`originating from other authorities than the EPO; in particular, the EPO does not
`guarantee that they are complete,. up-to�date or fit for specific purposes,
`f000·1} Ttr�E.� prest:�nt dtsc!o.sun;.� re�ates to cornrnun�cation control apparatuse.s
`con1rnunieation ccntn.1i rngU·1ods� terrninai apparatus�::r�. anc1 �nforrnation proc��sr�in�1
`[0002] i\ tec}1niquc} <..'.BHed 1�
`1 h;;.1s in recent years t£���n v-/�de�y knO\•Vn� \-v}1i(:t'·J
`ls used b�f a t;ase station havin9 a plurahty o:� antenna e!r;:rr:ent�� to forrn a beafrl f�hTH.-3d
`at a ten1·1inaJ t1pp.aratus using t��ie p!uraHty of antenna e�ernents. For e��arr:pie, Lon9
`·i O spec.J�fas th;;.1t a bas€ station is equipped \:Vith ei�1}1t
`·Te-rr-n Evo\.Jion {LT-E} rc.�lease
`[0003] i\ccording to tH.��arnforn1�n:tJ:, a bean1 ;;.1\n1ed in a desireci direction �s ·torn:eti by
`.. jn eoefhc�ent For f.�::-<.arnpi{� tYy a \:ve�t1ht rr}uH:piy:n9 a s�9nal or t:!act1 ant,ann:a t:�h::rn::)nt
`L�rE.� a trHTn�nal �pp�ratus sr�ii�Gts a rgcornn1end�::d :set frcrn s�::ts of \:V��l9f1t co��fflclent:s
`(�.ec: precod�n9 rnat.r\ces} Gt)ntained in .a code t1ook; on the t1asis of rec.ept.�on of a
`refe-n.��nce signal -transrrdttcH.:i by ;-:.1 base station: and not!fiBs 1}1e base staUon of the
`recr;rnrrier:ded set i\lterr::�thre\-� .. a t���se
`station G��k;u!��tes a set o-f \·\•'et;ht Goe-ffk;ients
`on the basis of recapt�on of a reference si9nal transrnitted t1y a terrn�na� apparatz�s.
`·seit�cts a �1 incHcah�:s that a terrnina! apparatus f0004] For ��>=:an1plB, F}atBnt LJtt:ffatt:rt:�
`. containezj in a r.:z;de �_;ooi<: ��nd ·feeds tr1��
`·f \Ve�9t·1t coeffic:!ents
`desired set frorn �:;ets G
`can be t1€\:<ibly
`des�red set back to a base staton{ so that a set [;f \:veig�1t
`/04/ l 3 htlps:i/world\vide.espac.enet.comipub1katkmDetai1s/descriplion?CC""WO&NR""2015 .. _ 202.1
`Apple EX1016 Page 1463


`Espacenet -Description
`Technica! Prob!em
`[00061 t�k::'.:Vt�-..t�1r ! acecrding to H1f� bacl<.9round art jnc:luzijn�1 thr� at:1ovr� tr�ef1nk1u��
`lJterature ·1; an �ncrease in the nzHnber of antenna elen1ents
`described �n Patent
`possessed by a base station rna�i !J�� ac.con1pfH1ieci by an incn.:�asB �n load invoh . .-·t.�d in
`tlearnf(:1rn·1in9 .. A.�:; an exarnpfe .. an increase· in H ... :e nurnber
`cl ��nh�nna eh�nH:�nts is
`accornpanied by an increase in the nurnber of \:Vei9ht coeffic�ents, \Vf:ich in turn
`·s a proc�·ss for ca�ct:Iatlng tt1e set of \v€dgt1t cooft1cients�
`[0007] H Gr>utd be envl�==-��9e(� tha( �n op:.ler to n�rJur;e the incre��se �n the �oad .. a cen :n ·s
`region corresponc!!n9 to the iried to ;;l_n individut':i! beam so friat a comrnunicaticn
`.covered by -U1e bearn) is nand�ed as a v�rtuai c�:!L �·iW\·'./�:;/er. the
`t)earn (Le�.�. re9�or1
`nurnbgr or rH:soureg anc•cation path:!rns foJ a cr1n"'��pHciflc
`n::f��n:u1cr� s�9ncJJ {C:RE�) H1Ht js
`transrnjtted for e:acf: ceH (Le.� patterns of atlo·caUon cl resource e!ernents tt) a c:R�-; in a
`resource bloc��) is Iin1�tect and therefore� interference rnay occur bet'.:veen C:R�;s_ /\San
`a (�RS tran·�-;r1"1ittf.?d us�ng f� bearn and a (:Rs
`t:�x*l;Tlph.:!� �ntl�rfi:�tl�ncr�? n·1ay QCcur bt:�h:v��?E:n:
`transmitted in an adjacent ce!L
`fOOOa] VVit11 111�� abovB ln rnlnc�� �t is desirabh? to prov�rh� an arrangerr:-t��nt eapable cl
`.e in th€ �nterference vvhHe reduejn�1 �oa,i invz}�ve::.j in bearnfGrrn�n�1-
`redue.in9 an incrBas
`[0009} f\ccording to the present di:sGh1sure
`t�ontroi . there �s prov�ded ;::� con1n-1unication
`;�pparatus inc!u(iing: l�n acquis�Uon t.H)it Gonfigured to acquire cen �cientifi¼�tk.)n
`ir1"fc.:n11ation assignt:�d to an �ndi..,./�dua.f thre·e·---din1E.�nsionai t)ean1 fon11E.�d by a dirE.�ctionai
`antenna capabfe of forrn\ng: a tf1ree�-d�rn:enslonai be��r1"1; and a cz;ntroi un�t configured to
`control transrnission of a referenc�� s�tJn:a! pfarforn:eti us�ng U·1B indi"-lidua� U1ree�
`dirnensionf:.l bean·1. on u·:e basis of thE� cen ich�:nhfh::-f�lion intorrr�f�hon. ·rhe c:ontrt:1 unH
`eontro�s U1�1 transn1lssinn so th�t U1�� r��1\:!rr�-=nc�1 �)\Jna� i:s tran�)rnh'ted in a nrnHt:�d portion
`"le resoun::e
`of a\.�all:at
`[00·1 O] .Acemdin9 to frw present r:Hsdoswe, there is provkjezj a cornmunin�t!on confro!
`:�nethod inc�uziing: acqulr�ng t:.e�� lz�ent�ficatlon �nft1rir:ation assigned to an indiv�dua�
`i �Je�:;rn fi)rrneo iJ!/ a Olre(;t\onal antenna c��P��ble of forn1ing ;� three,•
`signal .ssk:H1 01,: a re'ft�::rE.�nce
`dirnen.sion�.l bt:�8n1. B.nd controHing� tri a proct:ssot transn1�
`p�.$f1�nnned usin9 H1t? ind�vitiuB� thn.�i�-z�irnensinnai b::}an\ on the t)aslr; of th::} c:eH
`ldentlficatlon inforrn;-:.1tlon� Tl:e ref��tence signal �s transn1itteci !n a Hrniteci porth:.:�n of
`avaHalJ!e resource bloc�:s.
`[Q0·1 ·11 i\ct:.on:Hng to t��1e pre1;ent cHsc.k::s;.�re
`= ther:a is prO\tkjezj <� terrrl� app::.�r��tus
`inciucHnfl: an acqulshlon un�t cc�nngured to, ;vt��en ;� b;asB St{]t!on configun��cj to contr()�
`thre��-.. (Hrner:sk:::1aj tr::�nsrnission of a referenc€ s�9na.t perforrned: usjn9 an jnd1\1k1u��j
`a tf:ree•,din·:ens�onanter::r::a capabie cl forrnin�1 bean� 1-=orn�1ad by :a dlrecUonaJ .ai bearr1,
`on the basis of ceH identifcation infon11auc�n assigned to the ir"Hjiviijua� three,­
`di;Tl�:!n��ionai t:Hi?arn;. trf:nsrr:�ts intcfrnati<)n f<)r sp��r;itying a lirr:H-ed porhon or f�\,..aHf�b!��
`irn\)rrn��tion.: resource block�:; �n \1vhk:h th€· reference si�}·1al rs tr��r:srr:it:te<:J1 acqujre the
`ic:Hid a comn1unks:1tkm contn:::! unit configured to rneasure tM reference signal
`tra.nsn1itted in tht� hn:�tt�d port�on ot tt1e· ava:i!abh�:: rBsourcB bk).cks.
`[0012] l\c.cordjr;g to the present di:sr:tosure, there �s provided ;:3 corrn11unh::.ation control
`rnetho�j inck�ding: \·vhen a base station conflgured to �::ontroi transiriission of a reference
`.! 5 .. _ 202.1 /04/ l 3
`Apple EX1016 Page 1464


`Espacenet -Description
`.ns�onai bean1 forn1ec� by a ijkectiona�
`th:ree�·dhYH?sdgnai perforrned tJSing ;�n lncHvldtJal
`:s;;·nsk)na�,� on th€.� t)asis of cE.�n idE.�nUficauon
`antenna. capat)!e
`of forrn:ng: a H1n;.�€.� ... .::1�ir:
`thr�·�· .. cHrnensiona�
`tn3nsrnits �nfcn11aUon
`infcny�;�tion ;3�si9ned to the �ndh/�du;�l
`for spt,cilying a !irdtBd pr>rfo::in cf available rc.,scurct, blocks in 'Nhlch th-s rn!E:rt,nc-s
`s�gnaJ is tran.srnitted� acqu�rh19 u1,;; inforrnation� and n1�:asunng, b�l .a �H·ocBssor, i�,E.�
`rf:fHtt:'ncr1 si9nat hansrngh�:-d in tht� hrnitt�d portion of H1�� d\.•'HHabl�:: n::sourct:: bk;cks.
`process�n9 an irH\.)rrr�f�lion u·it�re �s provh:h�:d t�i��c!QsunJ.; .. �ccorrHnti to tht:� prf::s.l�n:t
`apparatus includin9: a n·H:;rncry conhqur��d to storH a pn.:\;ran\ an�J ont� or rnorH
`processors c.ap:ab�e of e�:ec:utln[1 tf1e proqn:�rn The prt)gra�T1 B}(ecute�\ V'ihen a base
`station configuted to control transn1ission of a referBnct} si9nai perforrnBd using an
`lndhd(h.t�! three .. ,dknens�G
`of fonr:ing fJirect�onaj antenna G��rn�b!e ·nal t�earn fr}:Tn:e(�: by a
`a three .. �:ifr1�H��nsion.a! bean\ on the t�asis o-f ceH identification inforrnaton ass�9ned to the
`lncHvlchJat U:ree�·din1enslonai bearn� tn:.�nsrnits inforrnaton for specif�:ling a Hn1Hec{ portion
`or avadabit:� resource blocks �n \.vh!ch the n.:�r��.HfHlG�) sit1na� is transrnHtB{( acquirir\1 ttl�:!
`lnfGrrnaUor\ and rne��.�==-urin9
`the reference s!gnaj transrnated in the Hrnjted portion o-f the
`[00·14} l-\s dc�scribe-d abO\le, accon:Hng to the prBstu1t cHsck}StJre}� £Hl incre:�ast� in the
`int�)n\�f�)nCt�:· can bl� n.:�duc.�1::.i vvhih�:· !oati invohn.$t1 in bearntorrr�lr\1 can bl� rt$t1ueed. Nott$
`t! .. 1at the effects dascr�be{i abo:../e
`are not necessarH:i lfrrlited, and .a�on9 "�vHf:
`01;: tt1e �-fh:.=:·cts� any effect t!1at �s des�n�ct to be intn:1ch
`or.. a::ed in the present specification
`othl$f �:!f:\:�ct; tt1at c.::u1 be i�·>::pt$Ctt::d frotr:: H1t:: pn:£:st�nt specification tYHi\i tJ�:£: extublh�c
`o·t a ceH forrneci by a
`an �$xarnp�i:: [ F!(3 4] F�C3. it is an iHushativ�1 dia{Jran1 for dHserR)�n\1 of an .irnprovt�.nH�)nt
`roo�i 51
`the c.Ha.gram for ,:iescrlbing a rel:1tlonsh1p between
`[ HG. ·n F!G. ·1 is <'m nustrathie
`e!ernent and the thr�e .. -cHrnensionai
`pos�tion of f.H:1ch antenna
`cHrec�th::H: of a }::eartt
`f FiG. 2] F�G� 2 is 8n �HustraUve d:a.grarn for -:h:.:scru,�ng an Bxarnp�e of a tE.�ct1nique of
`us}ng \!V"fllf1f:t. coeff�c�ents for t1earnforn·::ing,
`[ FH3. 3-] F�G� 3 is an Hk�strative chatJrarn for describing an exan1p�e
`sector anh;Jnna.
`in galn by<� bearn.
`r F!(3. 51 F�(;� 5 is an illu��tra.thlf:: ::.i:a.9rarri for df!·t;crUJing an ex�:�rnp!l� or�:� r>.�:tato:1t;hip
`ete·n:e.nts. Hnd the peak o-f ��n antenna
`tletvveen the nun-1t1er G.f Hntenna
`[ FH3. 6] F�G. 6 ts an Hlustrafi\te r.:.iL��1rt�n1 f"t)f" describing a first exair:p!e of a resource
`aHocaUon pattern for a c:Rs�
`for a c:.R.S.
`aHocathJn patt��rn
`[ Ftl�. 8] F:�G� 8 is an iHusttaUve d�;;.1n1 fot th�}scrit��n9 £{ c:;:�n
`not transmitted t..:sing a hn:.:1:.H.:lirnensional be2m.
`transrnitted using a tf1ree .. d\rnensionat bearY1.
`[ Fie.:;. ·103 F�G� ·10 is an Hk�strative diatJrarn shov')
`.-�n9 an Bxarnp�e of a scht.�n:atic
`c.onf\�uratlon of�� cornrnunlcaHon systern according to ��n ernbodfrnent c:4 tr:€ present
`dhTH.:!ns,ionai t:Hi?arn tornlt:�d t)·y a bat��1 t;tatior
`beantw1d reception of a signa! in a thre.e--d.imens!,!
`lF!G. 1 Jj HG. ·13 is a bkH.::k diagram s!,owing an E,xaff,ple of a c:onngunition of a base
`stabon ae.cordino to an en:b{)C.trnent of the· present rHsek)StHe.
`bean-,.which a CRS is tmnsrnilted using ;J thre.e.--dimensk)nai
`lF!G. 7j HG. ? )$ an mustrative ,.tagrs:in1 rx describing a second exarnplc.i of a resource
`a sjgnai isa c,r�g jn a cH:se \·\•'f1��re [ F�C?. 9] F�c;. r� rs an iHustrahvr� dia.qrarn for dr��)GrUJ�n9
`in .a case \.•vherB a signal is
`[ HG. ·1 ·11 F!G. 11 is an HusttJiUve. dlagrnrn for describlng an exarnple of a t!1ree-­
`[ F!G. 12] FH3. ·12 �s ��n �HustraHve c.taqrarn ·tor describing an ex��tTlp��� of trar:stTliss�on
`[ HG. "141 F!G. l4 is an Uustrative dla.gram for describing an exar0p!e cf racilo fran,es in
`.! 5 .. _ 202.1 /04/ l 3
`Apple EX1016 Page 1465


`Espacenet -Description
`an eX;:)rnp�e of;:) frequency f()f' des�::rlbing ati\le cHagrarn [ FH3. ·15] F�G� ·15 is an Hi�Jstr
`b�nd in \--vhk:/1 a CF<)3 �.s transrnitt,;;d us�ng a three�dh11E.�nsionai !:)eatn,
`[ Ft(-:;_ ·16] F�G. ·is �s a b�ock dlagn�rr1: sho\Nlng an e}o3rnpie of ;:3 configurabon of a
`tern:�nal apparatus accon:iing to an ernbodin:1ent of the prt.�sBnt (��sck)surB.
`f Fi(3. �17] F � G � '"! 7 is a fk)vvcrtart sho'--�ving an exan1ph!� 01,: a sctH;::rn.ath.:: 1,:k:r¥v of a nrst
`con1rnunieation controi prnr:.gss in a. base stat:cn according to an r�n1L1othrnr�nt of u·1t:�
`present (Hsciosure.
`[ F�c:;. ·1 aJ F·.-�c;.
`·18 is a n()\•vchart sr1ovvin9 an £:x·an·1plf.� or a sef1{�rr�f�lic fl0\1�.} of a seeond
`of tht� �n a. !�talion acc:onJ!n9 to an ��rnbozijn1��nt
`eornn1un\cahon control pro·cess
`present disdosure.
`[ Ft(.;. ·1 £( F �
`G. ·19 is a ftovvch;-:.1rt
`s���ov:.dng an exarnpie of a sct1E.HY1 aiic fh:J\�J of a thin:i
`. in �� base statGn ��ccordir:g ft"> an en1bor.Hrnent o-f the
`Gon1rnunk:.atk)n cr)ntro! process
`present disdosure.
`flovv of a fourH1

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