
`Espacenet -Description
`[4} (:,arrier aggregation ls supported for t)oth �:onUguous and non-�c(H1tiguous
`con1ponE.�nt carriers
`a <Hft-erent nurnber of a tJE: to ag�1r�:gatB
`.. ft �s possible to con.figu:re
`cornponent carr�ers orlg�na.Ung fr�Jrn the sarn�· et�B ;:3nr3 of possib�y different b;:3nt3\-t�irHhs
`in the iJL ancl u:e-[}L. SoliJtion to Problen:
`[51 Th��H·gfor���� HH} pr��sent fr1v��ntlon a rando.n-1 acci::8s
`pr::)Gedur��: and
`propose� >30 �n)proven�er:t in the rnethod therefore.
`[61 �rr1�1 prgsent h1Vi�ntion prnpos��:s a. rn:��·ct·:
`U1�� i\A.4C: c:-ontrci :c1nLsn1 to uptiatehneiut1��
`inforrnat�on elerr1ants Hk:e PHR and B.SR etc V\/hk:h are reported to E��8 to schedule,
`maintain and operate the n.,,,pr)rbn9 UC h Blso provii:les ffi..,.,thoi:ls and rneans to harKlie
`fv1s93 forrnHtion Hn(j ref'orrnHt.�or-:. vv�·1en Ri\C.H f��Hs Gn one rx;n1ponent c��rner and is
`contnued on another in c:artier .l\ggre9atlon. Nev-J tr�99ers ft)r BSR and PHR report.�ng
`are provided tn ti:is s(-::enado. [7] l\ccordlngly tt1e present invention pnJ\••tjes a rnethod
`ror inciuchn�1 tht� �,t-l\(� controi �r-n\)r(nation t:�lt::rnent�; in u:�� rr:sga packet ba.s.�:!d on U-1B
`9r£u1t received in u·�e rn�==-tl2 frG·n: the netvvork in G��se �T:sg:-1 is belr:g fransrnated first
`tlrne. FurU1e:\ the rnethod cornprises of deterrn�nir1g �f i�ny f\1$\(�: control triggers ha,Je
`!)ecc.::11e activE.� sinct:� pr�or tt8nsrrdss:on(s} ot\ and incorporat�ng updatBd fvtt\C
`. t---:c:: contn:.J; inforrnatlon �::!tJrnHnt� ct;rr��spond�n9 to th�::��H
`control inrorrnation or nr�\v r . .t1 .
`tr�99ers for retn:�nsrn�ss�on
`·s.ent in\lf)nton provid£:!; a n{I\:V 8(-3R tr\;9er
`[81 �O..ecorc�in�iiy tht:� pri�
`to b,t:! �nvo!-::ezi '-l\�tH�:n
`sv�lltchjn9 frorn c;c to another on Rl\(.:H faHure on the first c::c:. and theret1y, eUrninat�n9
`the a1;:orernentio-ned probien1. �sir0Hady-, t�)e invention provides a nevv PHR trigger \:V}1en
`svvitct��n9 cornpcH""R:�nt t�:1rr�i�-r for R.�c.,c:�·i contnuatlon. c:ons��qu-EH1!!y. lJE is provich�ti
`a rnethorj to a�1air: inck�lie ��.nd/Gr upliate
`PHR infonr:ation in the t\As�13 <:Juring Ri\CH
`attempt on 0U-10r component carrier
`. .,� faHure and
`[9]i-\e.z:ortilngiy the present invent.Jon rl:sq:J
`is (��scan.1��,1 nn Rl�.{��
`on a c:c�
`tvisg3 �,ased on t!1ein t�;e nevi!'/ fonr:ed t�ie BSR. and F�HR inforrnat�on is inc�uded:
`triggers inc!u(iing the E.{SF� and F3�'"1F�, trigger
`propZ1seci in the invenHon�
`r.:f Ri�\C�·i on a for considering taiiure . TR�O..NS) is taken as condition
`(F�RE.AJ\11 ... fv1i\\ ..
`eornpont�nt carrif:r, c:onsf}quenHy� \�--f1f}n pr��arnbl�:: transrnj��slon c:ount HquH�s or
`exceeds thfs� R.A.C-::H S\t.Atch�ng t.o anGther r.:orY1ponent carrier �s tri9[iered. l\nother
`apprC:�lGh to Ch:!C:ide Cf::Til�f t�vv:h::hin9 for R;-c.,c::;•i retr�f�I js vvhen tf1{� Hnk��d C)L cc:: t}t:!lS
`deact\,Jated -..,,vhen l}E ls perf:c:;nnino R/\CH on an lJl __ CC.
`t·1 ·1] :<\ccordlnfl(l' ·H1.e pre.sent inventon pr(}Vi(h?.s rh:::scnbes various aspects related to C,C�
`se;:ecth.:.:n for in�ti�.l f� .. t�Cli ar1diot f"<i\C�--� retrial$,
`['1.3} f\ccorcHng(.,1 ln pn!�t}ent in\lention� tr::ethods fiJr pn:.�\..-enting the �oss of F{LC P[1lJs
`lnc�uded �n n-tsG3 art� described
`[·14] i\CC�ordlng�y ln t!1e pn:.=:·sent invent�on:, the Ri-\CH is init�ated because o'f arrhtal o'f
`us�:!r data or si9nai:nq n1f.�st;a9e (E�-9-RR(: conn.t:!Gtion
` �n L2 bu!Ter (P.�tc:
`:::;:< d<��t;� or
`tluff'er) or \:\d·1en or(i€red by neh�lork Uur.>uoi·1 Pf)CCl"1 nrder. The arriva3
`a SSR v��hich In turn initiates
`sdgnaHng rnessag�· trlggers
`( it is
`SR and Ri\(:H� Hovvever
`proposed in �nvention that ·for th€.� case· coir1pc•n�H1t carrier .addiUon F�f?C! indicates
`. ia�f€T to tnihate Rl\(::H ��ncl: nGt gener��te or buffer any signahn9
`directly to f,.l\i\C
`rnessa;f:, in L2 buffer.
`/04/ l 3 htlps:i/world\vide.espac.enet.comipub1katkmDetai1s/descriplion?CC""JP&NR=201352. .. 202.1
`Apple EX1016 Page 1055


`Espacenet -Description
`{ the carder S\•\rit(:!1ln.g for R.,•\C:H retr�ai is not perf(1n11ed \vhen R.i\CH faHs on
`[·1 :)} Fur�t1er
`� ndication ts ghlBn n·orn i'vt:�\r:: to f"<f�C: l.�lyt�::c Ti1�;::
`U1e specifk��d carriE.�r and F<i\(.::t·i faHure
`8ppma;:J, ensures thi�t in case of Ri\CH failure, the sign:'iliing rnessage \".loes get stuck
`(LH:cdeared) ln l2 tn.Jffc}t. OU1er\Nise an: FtlC� reestabHshrnent or reset '.:V◊u�d be reqtJ�reci
`vvl1ictr� v��outd b-E.� probletn8UC a s data a!sc: nE.�s in F�LC! buf1\�
`.d in rant1on·1
`[·;01 �rr1�1 proposed pr�1si:;nt � n\lt�nuon can bt:: r eadHy inecrporatt:�d anti utH�zr�
`access n·1ach:an�srr1 ernp!oy·ed �n: \V\re!ess corn�THJnh::abon Sfsterrls e.9 .. LTE�
`L TEl-\dvanced etc� Brief Dc}scrlption of c,rav�dngs
`["17] Figure 1 depicts <':l block ,:iiagrarn describing the messa9e exchanqe durin9
`contention based randon1 ac(:ess.
`[1 S] F��1ure .2 dep�cts �� bk)Gk dia9r��rr:: descrit}\ng the rr:essag�� exchange ,�t�ring
`randorr:. ;icc·ess. Best f\•lode
`nonc.onterrth':�n b.�sed
`for c:arr}/ing out the trnn��ntion
`[19j Thr1 prest�nt in'-/f�•nt�on propost::s a. n·::t::ehanjsrn
`to updatHnnclud�:: thr� i\.--J.AC; c:ontroj
`lnforn�(1tk;n etarnents Hke PHR anzi B�)R. etc 1h'hich .are reported to EN8 to sc.hezitde,.
`rnaintain and opc.,rnte the reporting UE. !t aiso pn:.vldt% rn-sthods and n-1tians to handlt,
`l\l�st1:3 :\Jnr:c:hon and ff)forrr:ahon \-�lht:�n
`Ri'.\(:�·� tai�s on ()nf.� eorr�ponent t�Jrri��r and �I;
`contnued on another in Carrier /ltqqregation. Ne�./-/ tr�99ers for BSR and PHR report�n9
`;3re. pr()vh:��·d �n this scen;�rio.
`�� the shoftcorr:ings
`< exlsUn9 ranzjorr: acr;ess
`[.20] The propo�:;ed �rr-:lenhon
`duhn9 C:f�r-rier S\·'.dtch appHt:abte
`are avaHab�e fz1r\,Vhen n�1ore than one Ci�fr�er
`perfc.:n11ir1g f�8ndon: i\ccess, lt !1as been €.�nv:sa�]�:d ti1at H1B rancon1 .acc:E.�s.s pa1-doad
`v-/ii! d1an9e from c,�rrier to Gar,-ie:" Thus it becomes essential to devise ,� rned1anism for
`the UEs to fo!!c-w-durin9 R;�ndorn a,::cess n�t:"i8is in such scen:'ilrios, The invention
`broacHy <Hscuss�·s the rneu:ocis to t:pclate rness��ges exzJ1iH1ged betvv·een l)E and 1�1e
`[2·1] ln accordance} to 3GPf--) LTT:: r./1/,C� Specification� t\-·1s£�3 !s creatt.�d onct.� anti is
`stored and sarne rnessagE� :s retra.nsrnlttE�ci vvr:::.:n n:;qu�rE:,L VVith the prt:cedure. the
`. contro·� i:!l��r
`sy-stt�:-r1 intn)t1uces an t�rrGr in f'./1 .. t�(:nHnt (C:E} rr�port�n9 f�"Jr lnforn1ation
`e�er1'1ents \:vhich ��re tkne vaf)/ing {for ex<FYlple
`ptY��\fef head rt>on·: report (PHR)� buffer
`.ent t��isck.1stfft':\
`st�ltus, rt:�port (BSR) l�tc:).-in tht:� pri�:·s
`\-ve outik)e
`a proc��dure� \.vf1jet1 ean
`chan9e the f,/t�c. tx)ntro·� inforn:abon
`eternents in tt:e t\A��{J3; bas��d on v��Hdif;t. r��porhn9
`trigger:�-: ne\:\i values of i\Ai\C control eternents
`t:.:=�rriers and . cf:anf}fil of cornponent
`appHcaUon en� n€.h'V ft.11l\C control e.�ernents. Tl1a rrH.�.�u-10[� reports correct and �atest
`. e�€.�trH;;·nts to ti1�: et�B� and t1B�P H1e €.�NB to
`lnforrn8Uon of �/li.\(.:: controi inforrnat�on
`i�Ghf::rh.:ie l)E.�=; in � t)f?Hf}:" \'Vf:.l'y'.
`f22J Tt·le randorn procedure is perrorrned by an lH5: {tJser t:.!qujprnent or a rnobde
`de\lict�\ pr\n·��rily to 9f;t inH�a! aCCi:!!�S to n1e air �ntHrfac�� rt�SOlHC
`·�:!�) �n a Vi�r�::iess
`cor1'1rnunication systern. f)r�or to lr::itlatng the randon·: ��ccess procediJre� the tJE needs
`to dc�code H)e Systen� tn-forn1ation rnfassaf�es \-v�1ich �n(Hcates t�:e F�andon1 acct.�ss
`c.hanrH�:! p<:H\:Hneters for the r<�d�o ceH (nun1!Jer
`t frequer:cy posjtk.::n
`1 tjn1€ perk)tt, anzi
`tlrn�ng offset), prearnt)}e forrnat for the ceH� sequence ineHces, po\ver rarnpin�1 step size,
`rnaxirrn.n11 nun1ber of prearnbie retransrniss\ons etc. There are tvv'<.1
`types iJf procedures
`t1as.t:!cJ and U·H�: Sf.�()C:ncJ ()nf.� be�nt1
`:\Jr randon·: acct:!s.s, the first onf"= bein9 the c(::Ytf.�nhon
`the non---e.ontenbon t:1��.�:;ed.
`[24]hovvever ln (:ase of non.contenbon t)c::sed proci::H:hJfB:
`the pre;3rn�J�e to be used tr{
`.. 202.1 /04/ l 3
`Apple EX1016 Page 1056


`Espacenet -Description
`UE is indicated by the n�t\x/ork t)y rn€.�ans of cie.�dk:-:att�.:d .signahng.
`, .�fhE.� prGarnnie is
`J1 (net\�\,•'ork entty) "for U;e �:orresponding lJE thereby
`�3tatGreser-vt�{� by the 8;3St�
`avo�tHn9 U1e· contenUon phasB as �n contc�nuon base(i randon1 BC{:t�ss as st)O\•Vn in
`[25} The (:ontent�on tn�sed rar-H.:lorn access� ls a four s·t.:�p proc.edure. f\,4sgi incHJdes -the
`randcrrl aceet�s prr;.?arnbit:\ vvhit�f1 cocdti ti��"= any orH.$ out or H1e 64 p<)s�-;�bh� pn.�:arnb�l�
`s�1qut�ncr1s asscciatgtJ v::dth each cr�H. Tl1H phy:sica! r��scn.n-e�� (Urnr� . ..,f(r�qut�ney 9ric1) -f{n­
`t��u� F�RA�C;H
`trt1nsrr1issk;n ls randorn!y c:hosBn frt)n1 v· .. dth�n the S•et of a\{anable PR.AC-H
`re·source-s, For transrnittinfl ;\�1sg�� th:e lnltiaj po\-ver target \.:aiue
`(PRE ... ,c.JJ18LE.�l��!Tli\L.�REC::t]\/ED� Ti\RGE.T �P()VVER or Po�pr��) �s obtaine,� frorn the
`Systern lnforrnation, k!r retransrrfrssion of f\�1sg� tf:e po"�ver
`is �ncrease;j in step size
`!nforrnation, v�a �;ysten1 is indicated \•\thich .,,,Ri\fvlP ,,,f:?.TEP or dP �rarnpup)
`{PRE .. A..i\48LE� TRi\NS�fvli\X)
`[-?6] i-\lso� U:e rr:axirT1urn rnn1:ber of r€tr��nsrnissions
`t�on .. 8.ased on the
`.3Ho\.•·'led �s h1d\e;�ted via a paran:l� in the Systen1 :tnforn1a
`dO\•vnnnk�, loss n1E.�asuren1ents done
`·rs� and tht:�
`knc.:vv!edgE.� of tht:� three patfHYH;;te
`lnd�1pf�ndenHy t)y thg tJE __ an C)ut��r Loop F\)vvt�r ecntro� ai9cr�thn1 eH�cuiHtr��) U:��
`P�, is transrrlit po\:ver
`transrnjt pov�(er for fv1s9! gl\len by Equation ·1, vvhere
`N_,.JJre is the
`. PL ls the rneaSLired (�ov-::1niink paU1'a'ioss�
`that the� f\11S c�1n transn:it \,'\tit��i:
`it�)ration nurnber or t1·1f.� pr�1*ln·1t:�i�:· ff.)tra.nsrnit�s\on, \-�t:��re() < N pr�i= --� {f)F�E:�<\f.ll8LE: ...
`�rRl\NS �.JvV\X �·1 ),
`[29]i-\fter transn1lthn9 rvisoi, the l}E needs to \,vaa for a randnn: access resp<)nse
`(Ri\R\ or fvisg2 R;r \:'./h�ch the tJE needs to n1on�tor the P[)C�:(;H {ccnitroi ch�3nnei)
`Hn:e (;3 of F{/\ response �-in 1�1e v�dndov�· ·F-Zf·{Tf (F<.aJ::ciorn H.)) \.\i]U1
`-H1.a F<.f\�assocklted \1\.tH1
`fEr· .. �v ·r·ris -Transtniss�on T�(nt:� tnt,;;rv·a.� as s\9na!Bd in th€.� Systerl1 lnfon·nauon). Tt1B F�l\--­
`R�JT� (jssozjated ��vith the PR;-.a.,c.H resource ls ca!cu�ated usin;1 Equahon 2� �vhere Ld is
`U)e index of the first sub�:fta.n:e o:f ·U1�� specified �1F�i\(::�
`'"i resourct} (0 Ld <·10\ and f�ci !s
`U-1e index or n1e speciflec.{ F�R,�c;•i resource �van in H1at sut�---trarne� k) ascending t:rder t:f
`frf:qur1ney t1ornain (0 fk1< G). [:1Dj
`l°1€" reso� {upHni�. grant; \�-l:ich H1c.: LH;: can utihze
`i\Hgnn1ent v8hJt�� l
`to tra.nsrr:it
`fTl 'l./hicr1 H1e �\1(� need8 tz) �nc!ude in fvh�g:s. ln the event� th;�t
`"tt}rnporary ldf.�nttfier (� .... �lf'·.
`fv1ssr2 is not fE}ceived \�-�ithin the Ft,; respons�� t�rne. the tJSEH. equiprnt�nt
`(LH::1 rnay �nitiatB
`·d abov.:;.�,
`V1/�th a pov:.:-er ra.rr::p up as t:)q)ia�nl�
`l\11sgr retn�:.nsn·issjon
`l'v1srf\ ��nd another unique id� th<�t ea.n be used fc:�r (.'ZJnt€ntk:H1 res:oh.Jtion is ;Jsed over
`be 9ranted uplink resource (UL--SCH· UpHnk Shared Channei_j_
`R�J·T� UV1sg4)
`untH tt�ie �·xpir)l of (�ontent!on resolution tkner. :tn case� the Pt)C:-CH is
`succE.�ssfu�!-y· decodt:�d� U:e LlE \X/:�{ verify u::,;;· fvt-=�C: Pf)l} (on C)L�SCt·i} for t!:e unique �d
`V·ihk�-h the tJE. had encz;ded in l\As.g3! and the �JE consi,�er aseh-: to be a \Ninner or !os��r
`of the ci1ntention re$oiuton. T� ... iereafter
`the procedure of Upnnk and Do\-v·nnni� data
`;:er initiates� and Randorn l\ccess procedure is conshjerec{ to be cornp�eted�
`.. 202.1 /04/ l 3
`Apple EX1016 Page 1057


`Espacenet -Description
`tne UE is based randofn access� (JS} 1\s sho\:i-�.,..n in Flgurt:� 21 for H1€' non�contention
`_anocated ;� randorn ;3cces:s (Rl\) pt€�a.n:t)�e by the enhance�j �JodeE.i (ef�B\ \:vhk:.h the
`liE neecis to rnake use of during prearntde transrn�ssion step (t\--tsg(L 'The
`cc.:rresponr.Hn9 randor"n .access pn1cE.�dure (transn1issJon of !\:;sg� and rec:E.�puon or t\.-tsg.2)
`ba.!�gti RAc::��t
`ls slrnHar to thr1 casg for r:.onh:H·1hon
`[36]ln aeec·nJanct:�
`ath�r grant reeepton and f�!ter firstto LTI:: rvli\C� Sp�1cifieatiort
`fvtAC:L rvt� .. c:. n����c1s to obta�n th�::
`succt�ssfu� randorn access rt�spo·nsr� rlH::ssage {i\..-J�)92.
`trorn the �1·t,iu�t.iple�jng anzi assernb�i<� entity· Depen;jfr19 ()n the 9rant
`PDLJ to transrnit
`size, f\JlJ\C: \VCB.J!s:1 add control �nforrn;;.1ton e�eir:ents Hkt.� bt.Jfer statas report (8.SR) and
`povN:r i·iead i'i'.,orn report (PHR} are inchxled in the f'-il.AC PDU �)ased on Hh':: triggers at
`that inst.ant (F�rohibit 7nrr�er and Periodic tkner) and the rvtl\C f)OtJ �s store;j in the fvls£f3
`'a'he PHR repG-rtin9 ls used to prr}v!de u·w3 serv�nq e;\�8 v·Ath irn\)rrn��lion ��bt">Ui trH�
`[�37] l
`dffferenG.e betvieen the nornina� lJE rnaxirnurn transir:it po\ver i�nd the est�rnated po�./-/er
`for LiL~SCli tr8nsr"nk�s:ort ·ri1e Pt·!F-� is t riggered if any of the foHov•,
`iing Bv�:nts occur:
`[38} •· T���e F�Rf)r'-HB·lT
`....... PHR.....-T'HVlER expfres or has exp!red and the path �oss has
`changed rnoni� ti·1an [)L,.,.,Pathioss{::hange dB sincB thB �ast pO'.?VBr ht�adr(1orn re.�port
`\Vht�n lJE� h��s. lJL fl?StJ:Jrct?S for ru.�r'-/'l transrrilt;�;�cn;
`iJe!t:\·V toin Vlh�ch case the PHR is referred [39]� The PERl(l[}j(: PHR T!f,iER B>=:pkes,
`. lJpon conti9unat}on and reconfit1urat�on or-a F\$riocHe F+1R.
`as F�t':!tiocHc F�t·�R.; [-40_1 ..
`[4·1 J ·rhe Buf1ter Str:�tus reportin9 pn)GetiurB is usezi to prnvkie the sef\!ino et�B "�vhh
`lnforrn80on 8bout U:e an1ount of data S\/8:�sbte.� for transn1�.ssion in the tJL bufi\-ers of the
`based asfor BS·R reporUng !U-:;e tjn1er based or e\i-ent
`are nn.i!tip!B triooers
`detgHe�j bek:::\N.
`f-42} � tJL <tat8 bec.c.�rnes .a\•'t:Hab!e· fo( transn1tssion and eiU1er the data i,eiongs tc� a
`!09�Gt--l! c.hanrH�� \f/jth higher priority than tf1e prk)rities c�f the !09ica! channe!s \:\lhk:t:
`= or there is
`bc�iong to ;:any lC�G and -fot \V}1l(J�t data is ake;:_1{jy a\.:aHab�e for transrr:issk)n
`no data for transrr!lssion fer a:ny-or t�1E: !ogfc.:ai channe�s �v!•;:ic:h b�:;!cn9 to a
`lJL n�:·sourct�·s art:! *lHoc�*ltt:�d
`[4�)J �
`:an<i nun1iJE:r \)f padding bas h� ·t:!quf�I
`to or ifffger U-1an
`the size of the Buffer Statas. Report tvtAC control ejen:��nt p�us �ts subhe��der
`fer -�1f(:l 01�avanable 1-0r tr�1nsn1iss!on [44]�� retxBSF{��·r�n:�-r eKp�res and t�1e tJE r1as (iat�1
`belong to a L.CG
`vv!:�(t·� U1e !ogk::8! ctr�annt�ls
`[46J ...:\tJ tr\1[Jt�rBti BSRs an=J Cf�nct�Hed in c.;c�;t� t hH lJL 1;rarJ can aecornn·1odatt� aH
`pending d ata �vall�bfe for trans�Y1lss\on t�i�t is not suffh:Jant to adcHhonaHy
`accornn-:odate tt)e 8Sf� fv1/\C� contro� eterY1ent plus !tt-; subhea(jBr, �i\tJ tng9Bn��cj Bf�f�s
`,,:,re akm canceHed \.Vhen a ESR hi included in ,� 1v1AC PDU for trnnsrnission.
`[47]ln c,;3rrler ,;399regaHon scenario. vvh:en R/\C,H atternpt fans on one carrier LJE n1ay
`cont:nul� th�) R.��(::}•{ on anotl-1f.�r c.arrlt::r and posslt:!y· on a�! 0U·1�i:r carrjers one ath�r the
`other unW success. Durin9 t1·11s rntria! UE G,�n re--initit::h':: Hie step i H1rm.1Qh 4 in case of
`on tt1e other carrier as v·./e�i-if it does not Sl.J(:ceed.
`Ri\(:H f;:)i!ure is indicated by �11/\(:. to
`upper !aytffS.
`[48]Th�� pre:t:t�nt invenUcn prov�de� rneans to t�3rgets the �r:entioned problet�'1s and
`t:hortcorning$ of the rnethoo descrt.1e.d in the prior art ano overcorne thern narneiy:
`htlps:i/world\vide.espac.enet.comipub1katkmDetai1s/descriplion?CC""JP&NR=201352. .. 202.1 /04/ l 3
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`Espacenet -Description
`(491 ·1. f�epcrUng o f �i!t.\.C cc.�ntro! lnforrna·non eienients are not carY:/h1g updat��d vah.J�.:s
`in the subsequent tr>3n:srnls:sions of fv1sg�1 cu1d thereby· stale vah.H�S are
`[f."t·1} 2. V\lhen triggered fr"l b��t-l��een transnt�s\ons of rv1sg3� F�eporUng of �it-�\c:: control
`inrcrrnaUon is. not includt:!d in sub��f)quf.)nt tn;�nsrn;ssions ()f h11sg3
`[52} 3. VVhen t.he t.rig9ers c��ase or bec.orne no ion9er appHcable� undes�rezi report�n9 of
`inforrnation �s stHl pe;tony:ed.
`stafe fv-1i\C: control
`[55j 5 VVhgn R.ACi�i rags on orH� cornpon��nt carrit�r U1�� 8SR Hn�J/or F)��iR h�99t:HT� ar�::
`canceHed ot ce<':iSed, therefore no new' BSR and/or PHR 1nforffiation
`is lnciw:ie;:i w'hen
`"'"'-,�<it,,,iy�nt,,1,-• P At'!-
`-! ,,--:q prv�t[·«,,
`r ,,�,v1-�r1,,,n"'nt r"''<';<"r
`f;:;:p,1 ·-rh,,, n,-ip,-,:-,,-t !';< ,fi'"•"C. fr,-,,-,.,
`r•.:...•,• ...... •,•:t. ....,,..;:;;.�-... -,, V....-J ��i...._, r·�•,.,•� .::,;::, ..... ......... 1,,...._,;; • .., }�...._,,il
`•'f"' ... �' � . ,, •·v . ....... , . ..:.;i:.�v� i.....,, ""�"-•5,,·
`,...._. -\.-.\,.,.,.__,
`pot��?ntia! pnJt:4{�:Tl of not corrf.�CH�/ hantii�n:9 u·:t:: fvt�c: eontroi �nforrnahon r��porUn9 In
`t-:.r.--t�es t)f faHures in the R_A.CH pr::)cerh.ffe.
`[58} in the n�etf1Gd descr�bed in the prior art san1e t-·isg3 F�DtJ (stored in rvtsg3 b�Jffer)
`�:!etnents}. inforn1at�on fvii\C contro� tne c�!der .nsn1�Hed (vvt1�ci1 iru.:Jud€.�s
`\,vi!l: be rE.�tr�
`fJf the of thne :1.Jr U1e cornp!ebon F{anzjon·: az:cess (Ri-\) prz;cezlure tak.e arly .arnount
`R_;�n�jorn a�::ce�s e.g:. th�re vvou�d be deh3y because of contenUon resoiut�on phase(
`'"i t�tternpt 0Asgl or
`dek�y ��s L)E <.�ppHas the bacJ, .. off before inli!atng a nevv f�/\C:�
`prearnbre transrn:ssion de�8\l (U:.,;;n:.�
`:s €.�nd:t€.�ss pnean1bh:.� transn1kts�on atterl:pt tH!
`success)� de!ay in getting ranciGrn access success (ir:sg2) etc. The d ela:ls \-vould be
`addc�d t:p.
`t1r} lnv·aHd ur\vH! b�� ri�port��(i ·�vouk.{ [59]'ffH)tefore, tht� fvtt\(:. eontro.f �nft)rn·�ahon '-'''ihlch
`out(t.�te{i_ �./10-reovat
`= on!y GnB Ri\t:H at.t�n)pt or iteration is co:r1s�dered. �k)V-iever: tt:��re
`!T}��y· _bt:� :T}��ny-t�Uct1 F�/�(:}·l �ft:=r��U()n,s P<)SSitli�: befon.$ tJE con·1p!Btt:�t� Ri-.\(:�·{ Pf()CE�dunJ
`t)€Ct)�T:€.sin such r.:��ses� the deh"�':l rr:-ay be o\.,·erk)��dett s ucc€ssfuHy e. r�. Neh-vork
`excesshre�y iatge.
`in lnforrnaUon ei€.�rn��nts CO;..�id bl;.� tr�gg��red (60} F-�uth€.�f\ -Ur�€.� r'eport:ng of tv1l\(,:: contr'Oi
`bet\,vfH:an thr: transrnj�;sions of fvk;92, {�:.9. a Fl1R rHpGrtinq is triggt::rezi Hfter flr��.t
`trans�Tfiss�on of �tsg3 not inck�ding the Pf'"ff� report t'"!(,v')'."€\··er n:E}thz;<J descra:.1eti in the
`pdor art sutrem from he deficiency of not reporfa',Q PHR in Hw subs1:.iqut,nt
`rf:transn-1\:ssions of tii:s93. �-;tn;{ariy � if tht:: trit19r1r:s f�"Jr i\.--J.AC; eontro� inforn1ahon n�portin9
`ce��se or becon·1e not applicable betvvefiln transrrlis.sions of t-·isg3
`! the ir:ethod describe;.:1
`in the pnor art is not ab�e to avoid reportng of U·1e t.�iernents in StJ!:)sequent
`the l\.t.-=\C. control
`[6·1 j ln one e·rnbod�rne·nt
`{ t!1e ln\lention inc!u{jes rnetho�j 'frJr including
`inforn·1ation ��?!{�rrR:�nts :n H1,a n1Sf��:3 packet based on th�J grHnt r�JCf.�lvt�d in th�J rnsg2 n·orn
`cGrnpr�se�; the netvvGr!< �n c:asB tTlS{J3 is be!n9 transrnitted first tjn1€. Fl�rther. the rnetr1{KJ
`of deterrrdrdng if :1ny tvl/\C control triggers have becorne a.cth1e since prior trnnsn1lssion
`(s} o·f rr:sg3� ar1d incorpo-rating �ipdat€.�d !V1i\C. contro� inforn1at�on or ne\•'l fvt-=�C: control
`lnfGrrnaUon e!er;-1Bnts correspondinq to these triggers for retransrnlssion.
`htlps:i/world\vide.espac.enet.comipub1katkmDetai1s/descriplion?CC""JP&NR=201352. .. 202.1 /04/ l 3
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`Espacenet -Description
`or no longer appfo:::ab!e since prior trJsnsnlission(S) of rnsg3. removing reiatec1 fvt<\C
`cor1tro! :n·fc.:tTnatk)n ccrrespontHng: to€.� triggers for fvisgJ retransn1iss�on and/or
`inc�:-rporahng nth·V fvt.t�c; cor:tro�
`��lBrnents in the sp;3ce gett�ng avaHab�e after
`tt1is f€.!:Yl0Vi:lL
`ln (:.c:rrit�r
`i\�1{}ff.)9ation v�·t1t�:n,:� tht$ !\t)��9] i:nc:lut1l$t� f� BSf{ {t$. t1-L�L d.ata .arriva� {��·�-;t�)
`anti R.Ac::��i rc1Js on one cc:: anti it is co·ntlru.H:!Cl en anou·1t:�r c;c:-.. ::.\s pr�r BSR prcc�::durH,
`8SR trj99er V1louki t)B cancelled \Vhen 8�)R !nffJrtr:ation ts included in !\tl\C: POt) (�T1s�13)
`\·'./Ou!d transrnissionposs�bly 8}3R trigger . J\lso_=
`also be canceHed \�:·ht.�n aH pencHn£� data
`is £H.xx::mrnodated but BSR control infrnTnat.ion could not be induded in the tvV\C PDU.
`[6��-} c:,onsequenUy� there n:·ay· n ot be any £1�:?,R
`tdgger av;JUab!e vvhen conbnu�ng Ri\ on
`be .inc:k.H.i"t:�t1 v�itH�n attetnpt�ng Ri-\C:l-1
`anottH?r c:c:, and H1en?fore� t�S�� intofcnation cannot
`on another cc:. The propose(j �nvent\G·n prov:{.1€s a r:t=f\:V 8SR tri99er to tH? �nvoked
`c:c: and thereby� faHure on the first V·/hen S\lr'itchlng-frorn c:c� to anoHier on Ri\C�H
`.e.�nt:or1ed probte.�rn. Slrni�arl)i. th€.� �nv�;::ntion pro\lkies
`a nB\·V F'�·if�
`etin:inating thE.� aforen1
`rUy1 tJE ls
`tr�t1t)gr Vt/hgn sv-/itchin9 cornpongnt c.arrit::r for R.AC:-��i conhnuation. c:oru�r1qut�r
`pro\.:kied \-Vith t1 rnetf:o{i to <.1�}a�n inc.\�{iB andh.)r z�p;jafe PHR inforrnaUon in the !'-l1s93
`on ot!1er ccu�nponent c.anier.
`during R.l·\C�'"i attfan1pt
`[66]ln t1nother ernbocHrnen(
`usedthe t--i:sg3 . the in\lento·n prt1vhjes a rr:ethod in \:�./hie.fl
`to be faHed: is <:.Hsear,�e,� ��nd a ne:,?./ t�i1sg:-1
`Ri,CJ4 atte:T1pt on one c:c \\tw:r-:. (jetenr1\ned
`ls forn·1ed '-llf1i!e R/�c:H is t:t)nt�noe:.:i or.: anGther cc:_. 8SR and f)HR inforn·1.atkH1 is
`8�)f"{ and �nchJ<hng tt1B nE.�v'l on the tnggers forrned t\:�sg:3 ba.sed lrH.::�uded in ti-1e nt:�vvl�{
`f1}·-iR tr\1�1er prop:c:)sezl �n the invention.
`[67]Ms93 f()rmed during Up!ink i:1at�� arrivt�i v/iH contain BSH, PHR {if n�quired) arn:l
`L)urin�] f�andon1 accessrnay a!so inch .. K.h�: F�LC S[)l.J in the case· \\.,·ht:�n grant is suf1,:h:dE.�nt.
`tf1at the it is possib!e cc;� as the pre\l]ous t�-:4sg:') buffer is discarded�
`retries on anotf1er
`F�LC s:[�lJ (part of fv1sg3) a�so gfats dlsc.ardecL �n one approac�: u:�s loss can be
`recovered try-retransn1ission based on �J.�C}< n:.:cehted later durk)g the data
`transrnLssion, in anothf;r rnt�tl1od fv1AC� dnt::s !�t��r�ct�vr�ly d�sc:anJ of i\Asg3 cf thr� pn::v•ious
`cc: :and k.eep the non fvt�C spec�flc {RL.(: POL!) to be included dudng the t-·isg�3
`of trant�rrdssion inchJdes jndication c:c>-()n�1 0H1�1r apprt1ach
`:\Jrrr:�ltion on tht:! n�1v�·
`RLC failure (or ne9ative acknowleds;ement} of the RLC PDU frmn M.AC to n=::ievant
`enUty for the R.LC:: PQLjs \ncludeti in rY1sg3 and RL.C entit.y· the s:3ki POlJs for
`transn1�ssion .;��gain. l\s in yet t�no·u1er appro��:ch. RLC p:[)LJs �lre nr::t inc�uded <!(�nng
`�.nd Hr�ert:�b�t
`rvlsg.3 forn:�.tion H1e prob�t:�iri is prevBntE.�d fron1 artsing.
`(f)RE.Afv1�,J\tA){",is tak.Hn as eonciHiof: fer cortsldi::rint1 fa Hun:: of R.�c;� .. 1 on a
`cornponent c��rrter. Consequently� \:v'hen pret�n-1t}!e transtT1i��sion count equais or
`exc�:.Hs-cjs this{ F�i\C�
`'"i S\�:·ftc�1�ntJ to�1z.�r cc�rnponent �:arrier �$ triggert�tL i\noH·1Br
`��pproact: to decide earrifir s\-vitc.1•1ing for R.,i\(��; retrial k� \:\:·hen H"":e Hnked DL C(: 9€ts
`deactivatec� \�/f1an LJE is peliotrr::in9 R."AC;H on an lJL c:c::.
`on ·�-;{�{�jng t)ackoft h{��d
`ft)OJ ln onl� rnl�thod� tJE sv�tdches tr1��"= c.arriE:r �'or R .. �c:�-i retrif��
`tTlethozj involves present in Randorn access respG·ns•e (Ri\R) n-lessafi\r:r>ther :.i�� (rr:s92).
`E\H3 r�direc:ting the UE to svvitch to <=mother carrier \:V!1!ie doing R>'\CH by incncating a
`nevv field rer.Hrecuon ln -U"'�e n:sg:2, On S\-:vitct1\n;1
`carrk�::· for F�i\C.�·i
`after rec�;::h.dng backof1
`! BS·R! PHR ��nd other rvt6..r:
`contrr>! �n-fonT:afion are updated/ included.
`or redirection
`/04/ l 3 htlps:i/world\vide.espacenetcomipub1katkmDetai1s/descriplion?CC""JP&NR=201352, .. 202.1
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`Espacenet -Description
`po:ssibh� LJLC�c;s on \�'.ihlch Randon: access C;3n be atternptecL \1..:\(:: further �:onsiders ff
`t}'·1c} cc�rresponchng [)l..,(:.c -fot the lH_'a"(:c:: is acth..:e or riot in case c:L ... c:.c:� is
`deact:vatt:�d lrerrH)ved\ th.e.� corre·sporn:Hn9 UL---c.c is not be usE.�d �n H1B F�i\Cli c:c. �)et
`Hn�J paran·u::t��rs \�-t1ich T"t1H R��C'::}�i c::c:: Set shn.uid b�� sorh::ti t;ast::t1 on c:c: atfrjbutt:�s
`inc�ude t)L c-::c� p��th ioss� expec:t��d \rdUa! tr;3nst�<)a po\:ver fer F$rean:�:11e, avaUabHity of
`· 9roups c·n LJL�c::c::. prf::\.-ious R .. �c:?·i success t1�story etc. A\vaHa!JiUty {)f
`n1easurHn·H:;nt t1�PS is a�so ccrts�dert::ti for i:!\lt�ry c;c:; '•l,ihH�:: F�R.AC;}�i r��soure�� d'.lHHablhty
`on a c;c; �s e�--:•:a!u.atad.
`! c:(::s \1vhk:h do i·�ave Gornpatib!e pr��arnbk=: group confi�1urafion ar�� not
`[7·1 J Futiher
`for Ri\C:H Sat R::r Ri). .. (;H ret.ri.a�s-tJE se�ects on�t those lJL c:c�s
`used �n Ri�\C;H
`..... ed the lJL grant recei� tt1at This ens(�res saroe prearnt�ie gr()Up. retrlal:s \1Vhich provh:�es
`��A(�}9rantt; �n rnst12 H1 pn.:f�liOt�s n.:�c{:�hled as pre,l�Ousiy· in n1s.g2 �vou!d t�e t�an:t:!
`-for further reeenUy could ah=;o be avokJ��rJ a tternr}ts. L!L c:c;s. G·n \1vhk::h R_..:\CH h��(� failed
`se�ect�on �lnfJ R:&\C�H retrials
`[72j ln a furtht�r f:rnt)Gd\n·H:;nt� ·v�lr1enevt�r !�vvHchlng of cantr�r for R.AC:-��i n:�tda� !:s
`undertaK.en; .a t:t1rrier spec.�fic fv1/ltC; reset ls pBrforrned_
`. !t involves reset /in�tianz.ation of
`thY1ers, p;.:.1rarneters, state \lariab�es� bufffar
`e'ac�earh1£� spec�f!c to the carr�er on \.-vh!ch
`to the (�<;:HT{er is / h1ltianz.ed; L)l./DL rii¾R()
`[73] E.g. PriR t�rner .specfflc
`. carrie·r spt:=t:tnc
`f\Al�c: resBt ts pertorn·H�d \t/1Bn an lJL
`buff��r(s) ��re t:�lt:���red.-Furt�1t::r:
`Garher a nd/or its Hnke{! DL carrier is acthrt¾te(i ��nd/Gr zjeactlvated. /;s fL:rH1��r
`enht',H"\cernent SSR/PHR triggers are in,,.iokezi \Vhen ,;\n UL carrier and/of its !inked DL
`carrier is activ8ted 8nd/or deact:\lat€.�d,
`(fJ".g. F�F<.C- connfJ"chon r€.�quest) in L2 tn .. :Jf$;;'r (F=:Lc tnJff��r) or \,vt1en ord��ted b:,/ net�vork
`throu&1f1 PDCC-H Gtder .. The ant·•-i���
`of (jata or s�9nai�ng rness�:;ge tdggers a 8S·R �vhk:f1
`in turn �nlttates SF( and f�i\C�� .. L ; .. �O\VE}ver. It �s proposeci in �nv��nt!on thB1 tc�r the casB
`and cc;TlponE�nt carris-r addrt�on b!f.;.�c incHcat};;s d�n;Jc:Uy to f�./�i\C: layer to initiate F·tA;C�·i
`not t)gnHratt� or t)uff�1r any s;9naHnt1 rnt�s:sagi:! fr1 L.2 buff��r. FtHtht�r� thr� cardt�r r�v�-•jh::hjng
`fr:>r R_.ACH retrh:--ll �s not perfGrrnezi �,vhen Ri�CH faHs en the spec.�fh�H:1 c;�fT�er arH:1 Ri\CH
`·rne approac!·1 ens�Jr��I; H1at jn cat�e
`:1ailt:rt:� H:tiic.atk::n is 9ivlN: rrorn !VI-�(:. to F-�F-�(:. la\.tEH.
`ct R.-C..CH faBure, n-H?s,saqe (uncieare<:J} jn L.2 buffer.
`the S·�or-:aHnq cl:oes net stack·
`[7:�,] Cl°Hl€.ffVlfse
`an RLC reestabHsr1rnent or reset \Nc::uhJ be required \Nl!i<:!1 vvoul<! be
`�WObl\�n1atic as other d8ta 8fSO Hes �n F=:.Lr..:: !)uffer, ("?BJ /\.,s d�:SC(U)ed 01�: Pf\':;$�H1t
`dh;c!osure tarqf..�t�; H:f..� problt::rns an(1 proviz�:::;.1:s n·1eU:oc�s to ov{:rc:on·1f; thf; shortcnn:in9s
`[79]2. f�Al�thod Gf assisting tr�e scheduler at eNB; in sche(hj�n9 and rr}<�:jntenance of
`n1u!tip!e users in the netw·ork
`[80]:3 . .l\voldino
`ope.rJstion of the scheduier
`thereby, preventing in<::orrect
`un(�es�red f'Bportin9 of stale· ir:forrnatk.H1 to the ef'�B �;chedu�er <�nd
`[81]4. ��IeU:nd for upd��ttn9 rvt�C-cr.>ntrG·� irrtonn��lion e!ernenfs e.9. po\�/��r hea,�roorn
`in-fcnr�>3tion ;3nd Buffer sta.tas inforrn:at�on to b·B reported � n the f'v1sg3 retransn:�ssions to
`the eNB schedu\er
`/04/ l 3 htlps:i/world\vide.espac.enet.comipub1katkmDetai1s/descriplion?CC""JP&NR=201352. .. 202.1
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`Espacenet -Description
`8uffc�r statf;s lnfo-rn1auon
`fv1sg3 retransn1iss!on(s) './')''t:en the$€� �nforrnf:�t!on becotY1e
`in n·ic�
`avaHat)!e tff their r:c.�port�ng: ts t(iggen;;-cj a.ttef €.�arHE.�r transrn�ssion(s}
`8ufftH· :statas lnfonnation in H1f� fv1st13 ti:!transrnl:sslon(s) '•l,ihHn U1�tse in-f(n·n1atlon
`becotnes �nvaHd or neezi not be reported .as the reporting tr\1�1ers becorne no k)n9er
`appHcable attc}t earlier transn1ission(s)
`[84} 7c V\lhen detarrnjrdng: to rernove t���e l\!tAC:� �nft)r�T:ation frorrl the fvls£f3, fin up
`the sp.;3ce vv'ith padding or other fvV\(: (":tH1tr(i lnforrnation eien1ents and appr(1pr�ate�y
`lnc:�u��ion of padding or otl1fff fvtsc:; c:ontro! :nh::rrnatk)n t1Ba3_:h�.n-t; or H1dk.�:rtCH"S.
`f)t)lJ ar)propnatf:!y \;vHh rernovai nf paddlntJ or pHc1cHn�i head�::rs or h°H.Hcators Hnc1
`lnc�usk)n of appropr�.ate heriderB for Ct}ntn:�·� inforrnation elen1ents
`[86]9. lJpc�at�1 or iVlac contro! lntorrriatic
`·n t:�lt::rnent�; �::r./en pf.�rfon-r�int1 �·-L°'RC� \•Vh•t:!n
`retransmissions of fv1s�-;'.3 !x':lSed on ;3ppHc;3b!e reporting triggers.
`fB7] ·1 O. vvt1en updat�ng: pa.r1iculi3r f\�ac contro� intOrrnation in rv;sg3 retransrnisslon ..
`af}f}ropriate chan9-a or forrnattinq r.lf Qther tvl.A.C r.:z;ntro! jr:fGrrnation js perfonT:e,�.
`(88} E,Q. lf U1e {:J��if"<. report:ng: �s n;;rnov,ed ttc.�rn fv1s�13 n;;trnnsrnissh.::r\ a .si:ort or
`Bf�FZ rvl,.:\(: cc�ntro� inforn1at�on· could !Je reph:.1(:.ed '.A::-�th a �ong 8}SF� \-t.t\(� ():::intn::�
`!\:·1.1\C,of one or n1on.:� 1he reporhng avoicHn£� [89] ·1 ·1. ;t-.\s anoU1er approac��i:. aitogethfar
`ccntroi :nfc.:rn·1ation �.:1lenlE�nts �n f\1is93 retransrniss�on.s \vnict1 'l•len:; jnc:�uded in ear�f��r
`Ms93 tn,,nsrnission.
`ft�O] 12 .. As on�i? n·1ort:! approach �n (�a.iTi�)r .•�9:��rt:!t1f�lion .. v .. }t1f.�n
`F{A\(:t·i r�i:tna� is p{�rfonr:-t:!cJ
`r_;n ��noU:er corn�x)n€nt carrier� the µJsq3 use{1 on fjrst con:pon��nt c��nfer is <:Jisc��r,1e,1
`and a ne\:\i f'.:.�1Sf13 �s forn1ed.
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