
`RU 2 419 213 C2
`ilpsaM6yrna CMernaHttoro pe}K1>1Ma
`� TCY"f"
`!1peaM6ym3. cpopMma Ha HOBO� OCHOBe
`(1,opMa,a Ha Hf-GF-STF HT-LTF'l
`HOBO� OCHOBE! "------'-----'----...__--'---'---'------------------l
`HOBO� OCHOBe 230 qJOpMani Ha
`NOP q:,opMaTa
`...... 301-l,il�- ......
`Ka.Qp MAC
`Teno KaApa
`C$11 Yse.qOMIJeHHe
`IYnpalrneH!At NDP
`Crn.: 28
`Apple EX1016 Page 787


`RU 2 419 213 C2
`0AHOH,mpa18neHHOe q)Oj)M�lp018ilHi-'le ny'-la C j'!BHO!li o6piil!THO!>i
`..... il"iw1o-".i1L u"'t !.ii &1no "tM.u n�o111Y,i.A��u�i11�c..1,
`....,1;;,n,.,;,.ic;,i:v in ,,iwrr- ,,a;(.,JTJMV;t"v�'lwlln'n'tii''lfll
`Hey11paB11�1eMbl1A :::anpoc
`C o5paTHOi:i CBfi3biO
`RTS 410
`y11pasnfIeMoro HT
`. . . . . . . . . .
`' ....... .
`RDG 416
`< • :-:Uai-i;;i:.1e :-: :-
`. . . . . . . . . . .
` <
` 0
`Heynpa6J1l'lEllltb!&I C ASHOl.1
`oopaTHOIA CB!l3b>O
`Cnm1.11,u1 B
`CTS/ 412
`[AaHHble] -418
`0,llHOHanpaeneHHOe (j:lopMMpOBal·U'lE! J1y<ia c He�IBHO!'I
`o6parnofl! CB.fl3bBO 11 NDP 30HAHPOBaHl-leM
`ROG 514
`ynpaB.f!!10MOro HT
`: ·:, : ,/;lclHHbie:.: ·: , :
`PPDU::: 0
`,............_. 518
`CrnH411,1 B
`.Qsymmpaem,tmoe cpopM1o1posa1-me ny"la c HeHBHO�
`o6pani0iii Ci�!3b!O 1,1 NDP ::mti,[!"11'.)0BitlHilleM
`� i
`628 y,-,pao;;�eMOCO HT
`ynpaan�eMOCO Hr
`.Rl'JG -,vv
`JliiHHbU! �i!:V'!P3�J1R"3-MOm HT
`A�HH�•e i-ieyr.pa2n�euoro Hf
`,QononHt.,rreJn:Hblii PPDU =: 0
`Aono.nH•nenbHb1&1 PPDU :.-: 1 6,2
`,....-.,.. ,'/..
`Crn.: 29
`Apple EX1016 Page 788


`RU 2 419 213 C2
`0AHOHanpasneHHOe (f)opM>ipOillaHl<'le ny•HI. c :RBHOM
`o6parno� CS5l3bl-O !II 30H,c\!l!!)O!llatmeM MPDU
`,[.l,aHHb!e ynpasn>1eMoro HT,
`30HIJ.f'lpoaam1e PPDU c
`301-11J,11posattl/le PPDU
`3ar1pocoM oopaTHoiil cai:;2v1
`sanpOCOM o6paTHOIII C85'131t!
`RTS 71{)
` . "" ..
`HeynpaBr1SleMbl� c 51BHOM
`o5paTHOl1 CBf!3bfO
`HeynpassmeMbiiA c >'IBHOIII
`o6parHOiA CB>l3bl()
`0.qHOHanpaBJ'leHHOe (f)opM!llpOBaHMe .ny•ta c HelflSHOH
`o6parnoiii C:BHJb!O I<'! 30HA11tposaH�1eM MPDU
`ynpaBn>1eMoro HT
`HeynpassmeMbl �
`TRQ 810
`. • :r.Ra"!,Qai-1fi1,.ie: ·:
`..... ". ' ..
`. ". ' ... ' . "
`3oHgv,posaHw: PPDU
`AaHHbie 8-t2
`CTaHl_\1111< B
`Asy1-1anpaem!HH08 ¢opMllliJOBl:I.Hlll8 ny,-1a C Hel'!BHO�
`oop1mmri! cal'IJbiO II! 30H�1-1posamtieM MPDU
`30HAMpoBaHl/le PPDU
`Ynpasm,eMble ,Q.aHHbl8 HT
`30HA,ipoeaH!lle PPDU
`TRQ 910
`Cra1-14v,;, B
`Ynpaern,eMb1e .11aHHbm HT
`30Hg1,1posa1-1llle PPDU
`" ".. . . . '
`CTSrrRQJAaHHliIE! 912
`r,;" : : : :- : : •••• '
`... .. . . . . . . . . .
`..... , • ' " . < ' • ' • •
`Ynpasm1eMb,e t\aHHble HT
`30HA•lPOBamie PPDU
`Cra.: JO
`Apple EX1016 Page 789


`1/J'JO 1014
`RU 2 419 213 C2
`NOP Kam-16pOB!{iil C mnsoiii 06pan-1oi CBl113b!O CSI M 30HAMPOBaH!l!eM
`C sal'lDOCOM Ha
`HeynpasrnieMblM 06pan;yt0 cB�3b CSI Hey11paBnHeMb1i1
`Koppe�qVHO 638IIIMHOGH'!
`I 016
`. RDG 1018
`HeynpaBrn'l8Mbli1 C
`Hey11paarn1eMblV. C
`ooparnoirl ce>13bKl CSI
`o5parno� cBH:JblO CS!
`AononHVlTeiibHblirl PPDU :::7 AononHviTe.n1>HblW PPDU =O
`1022 ,.-A-.,
`________ 1_02_o___J,�L...-..L .Ji ,>,.. _c_F_B_t.__·1_02_4 _____ ...,....,
`CTaH1'!11Sl B 1.... ___ ___lil,&!lLc_T_s_j_•_1_01_2
`Kan!i!6pom::a c �s1-1ovi o6parno� csua:31:,io CS! 111 :301-1,q111poaa1-111eM !\l!PDU
`30Hµ,111p0Bal-H'18 PPDU C
`sanpocoM Ha o6pamyKl CBil3b
`CSI 11 :ianpOCOM Tl:!C1'111)0BclrWIR
`KOppBKL\vlKl 8381,lMHOCTvl
`CTIUII.\Vl.l'l A
`TRQ 1110
`30H.t1t--1posaHY1e PPDU c
`oeiparno� GB�:,b�:) CSI
`CTS/CFB ·1112
`Kan111fipomca c .ABHO� o6panmiii ci:rn3b!O CSI 1<1 OAHOBpm-,11eH1-1b1M 30t1.Q111poea1-11t1eM NDP III MPDU
`C wnpoCOM oeipaTHOV,
`1214 Heynpas11>1eMa1i.i PaCC4,H3Tb
`CBR3!,,1 CS!
`KOppeKL(o1H) f!381MiHOCTV!
`CRO 1210
`RDG 1216
`30H,11,v!posaH11e PPDU C
`o6parno(:i CBf!3blO CSl
`CFB 12/8
`CTI!Hllllis:! B
`era.: J1
`Apple EX1016 Page 790


`RU 2 419 213 C2
`3anpoc MaTpl.1L\
`YCTaHOBL4Tb s o AJlfl Ng = 1
`(OTCYTCTB!ll8 rpynn!llpOBKl/l
`f!0/.1, HeCyUJ,VlX)
`YcTaHOBli!Tb s 3 Aflfl Nb = 8
`(nom;a:R TOl..{HOCTb 3!1eMeHTOB
`np�1Hf!Tb 3anpoc TeCT!ApOB6Hl•'ls-1
`epe,QaTb nepBbilll Ka.lip
`30HAi'ipOm:1HVffl B OTSeT Ha
`3an osaH��
`npv1HRTb aanpoc 11a f!BHYKJ 06parny1-0
`CBR3b .o,.n!-1 QJOPMll!pOB8Hlll>l ny4a
`CreHeplllpoaarb 5'-1BHY!O 06pa1HyKJ
`CBfl3b Ha OCHOBe BTOporo Ka,{.\pa
` F-BHYKJ o6paTHYK'l
`CSs:136 B OTBST Ha 3anpoc Ha
`f!BHYl-0 06pern1yi-0 CBH3b
`Apple EX1016 Page 791


`RU 2 419 213 C2
`MOAYflb .r:im� npv1eMa 3anpoca
`Mo.r:iynb ,a,rn:1 nepeAaYll! nepsoro
`Kaf.ipa 30H,Q111pOB8Hll'!H B OTBEiT
`Ha 3anooc T9Cn-!POB8HV!R
`MOAYflb ,qrn::i npll'!eMa 3anpoca
`Ha RBHY!O oopaTHy!O CBR3b AJl,;:j
`¢opMV!POBaHllls:1 ny4a
`Mop,yn1:i .qns:i np111eMa BToporo
`KaAPa 30HAll'!POB<:!HVIS",l
`MOAYJlb A.llH reHeplllpOBe!HHfl HBHOl'i
`o6paTHO!ll CBR3ill Ha OCHOBe BTOporo
`Kap,pa 30H!J,ll'!pOBaHlllR
`Mo,qyrn:i ,qn11 nepe,QaY111 f!BHOH
`oopaTHO� C8R311'! B OTBeT Ka 3anpoc
`Ha f!BHYK) o6paTHylO CBR3b
`era.: J3
`Apple EX1016 Page 792


`RU 2 419 213 C2
`nepe,o,aTb nepSbl� Ka,Ll.p C 3anpOCOM
`Ha f!SHYIO o6paTHyl-O CBf!3b
`nepeA8Tb NOP, !,1M81Cl.l.\fllll1, 170 MeHbLlJ91/l
`Mepe, OAHO none HaCTpOrl!Klil, HO He
`CO/-V''Jp:iKall!!I!� none A8HHblX
`np!i!Hmb BTOpovi Kap,p C 51BHOV!
`oopaTHOftl CB5'!3bl0, BblB6A6HHOV!
`+ r1618
`BbiB9CT!I! fllHtj)OpMa4v1r0 ynpaeneH1t1s:l
`Ha OCHOB8 f!BHO!fl o5paTHO� CB5'13!,1
`nepeA8Tb ynpasn!<leMblll! KSAP C
`cpopM1t1pOB8Hii!9M ny1.1a Ha OCHOse
`VIHq)OpMa41,•w1 ynpaBJ18Hli1s:l
`Km1eli )
`Crn.: 34
`Apple EX1016 Page 793


`RU 2 419 213 C2
`MOAYJ'1b ,a.ns:i nepeAa41t1 nepBoro
`Ka,qpa c 3anpocoM Ha }"lBHYl-0
`o6paTHy!-O C8fl3b
`MO,f.\Yl1b AJ7� nepep,ao..;1,1 NDP, PIIM6!-0l.i.\8f0,
`no M6Hbwe'1 Mepe, O.l\HO none H8CTpO�Kl,l,
`HO HE! CO,[lep>Kai.l\ero none ,t\aHHblX
`I r1716
`MOAYJ1b A.l7A np111eMa BTOporo
`Kap_pa C f!BHO� o6paTHOl4 C8�3bto,
`I r1718
`Mo.i.w.nb Afl� Bb!BOAa Vii·,cpOpMaL\ltl[,1
`ynpaeneHIII� Ha OCHOB8 HBHOlll
`o6paTHOVI CBf!3111
`Mo,D,ynb 1-1m-1 nepep,al.{111 ynpasn5leMoro
`Ka, C cpopMMpOBaHVISM ny-ia Ha
`OCHOBe IIIH(pOpMSL\ilHr'i ynpaaneHVIR
`Apple EX1016 Page 794


`RU 2 419 213
`, v!M61-0IJ.\ltWl, no MElHbW611'!
`Mepe, o,o,Ho none recw1posaH1tm,
`He COA8P>K:8LI.\v'IH
`none gaHHblX
`BblB6CT!ll VIHtpOpMaL\!IIIO
`c cpopMviposaH!lleM
`11y4a Ha
`OCHOBe VIHq::!OpMaq1;1V1
`Mo,qynb .am:i nepe..QaYM
`1<aP,pa c aanpocoM
`Mo�ym, ,llflH np1-1eMa NDP, t-iMerou.iero;
`Mepe, o,qHo none TecrnpoaaHl-!71,
`HO He CO,[iep11<al.J,.\ef0
`none ,l\SHHblX
`MaAym, Aflf! BbiBOAa
`MOAYJ1b A.115-1 nepe1,ta4t11
`KaApa C cpopMv!pOBSHVIGM
`.ny'-la Ha
`OCHOBe !l!HqJOpM8!_\!l!VI
`... 1918
`Apple EX1016 Page 795


`RU 2 419 213 C2
`nepeA8Tb nepBbl!A KSAP C
`3anpocoM recrnposaH1t1i;i
`nepeAaTb neps1:i1� NDP, 111Meiol.li111,;,, no
`1\/lElHbWelii 1111epe, OAHO T<eCT111poaaHll!s:l,
`HO He COA6P)K�:ll,4111!1l none AillHHblX, S111100
`nepe;i., 1111160 r:ocne nepsoro K�pa
`+ r2016
`np1t1HSHb nepsbllti ynpaBm"mMb!� Ka,Qp
`C tj:lopMIAp088Hlt!eM nrm Ha OCHOBe
`nepso� !f1H¢opMal.\�Wl ynpas.ne1-1vifl,
`BbiB8ASHHOM !1!3 nepsoro NOP
`np .. UHffb BTOpo!li NDP 13 orneT
`H_a 3anpoc recn11poaaHvi�
`8b!86CTv'l BTOPYl-0 !l!Hcj:)OpMal.\llll-0
`ynpasneH\llfl Ha OCHOBe BTOporo NDP
`i r2022
`nepep,aTb ernpo!4 ynpasnm:Mbl(li Kap,p
`C tj:lopMVlpOBaH!lleM ny1.1a Ma OCHOBe
`BTOpoi.1 !l!Htj:)OpM0L\!l'!!I'! ynpaaneHlt!H
`( KoHei_t )
`Apple EX1016 Page 796


`RU 2 419 213 C2
`Mo,a.ynb J:i.115-'1 nepe,l.\a41tl nepsoro
`Ka,Gpa C sanpoCOM TeCTVIPOBSHv!5l
`Mo�yni, ,!).rm nepeJJ.a4!11 nepe,oro NDP,
`11Me10w,ero, no MeHbWe!fl uepe, 0,[IH0 mme
`TeCll'!po11aH!lll'i, Ho He co,qep)!CE!l.l.Varo
`AcrHHb1x, 11111tfo nepe,a, vum nocJ1e nepaoro «a.11pa
`Mo�yrn, Am! npi,,eMa nspaoro
`ynpasnm:iMoro c ¢opMi<lpoaaH�eM
`.riy�a Ha OCi·lOBe nepaoi,'i ll!H(j:)OpM8Lii<llll
`ynpas.neH!ll!'I, s1:,10et1eHHOill W3 nepsoro NDP
`MOAYDb ,qnr1 npvieMa arnporo NDP
`s OTBST Ha sanpoc recrV1posa1-u,,R
`Mo,qynb ..qmi BblBO,a.a STOpOlll
`V!HqJOpMaL\�111'1 ynpaeneHV!� Ha
`i ,.2122
`MOAYJ7b ,l'JJ1R nepe,!J)341tl BTOporo
`ynpaa.nRSMOfO K2AP8 C
`¢opMlllPOB8HVIE!M nyya Ha OCHOElE!
`STOOO!ll V!HcbOOMBUIIWl vnoas.neHl,1$1
`era.: J8
`Apple EX1016 Page 797


`RU 2 419 213 C2
`nepe,qarrb nepebivi 1<at:1p
`c sanpOCOM H8 �BHYfO o6paTHYfO
`CBf!Sb 115-'! KfU1!110DOBKil!
`nepei.i,8Tb NOP, r'!MefOl.J.IVli'l, 170 M9HbLUevi
`Mepe, 0,1.'l.HO TeCTlllPOB8Hlllf!, HO He
`COP,e )K8 vi� none ,1.l,8HHblX
`npviHmb STOpo� Ka.Qp C HBHO�
`06p8THOif. CBrl3b!O
`npviHflTb Ka,qp 30HAV!POBSH1Afl, KOTOpblF/1
`MO>KeT npe.QCT8BrHlTb co6o� NDP !lifll/1
`Ka.Qp, VIMSfOlJ.\lo1!11 nonf! TeCT!IIPOBSHll!i:I vl
`B1::>10ecrll! 04eHey KaHana Ha
`OCHOBe K8Apa 30HAMPOB8Hl'1fl
`Bbl!10J1H!l'!Tb K8Jlit!Op08KY (HanpviMep,
`Bb!B8CTII! 88KTOpb! KOppeKl\�11/l
`838111MHOCTV!) Ha OCHOBe OL\8HK!r'l
`KaHana Vl f!BHOlli o6paTHOvi CBH31/l
`Apple EX1016 Page 798


`RU 2 419 213 C2
`MoAynt, A.ll� nepe,1.1,aYV! nepeoro
`K8AP8 C sanpocoM Ha f1l:3HYKl
`06parny1-0 CB$13b ,O.i7fl K8J11r10pOBKil!
`MOJJ.YJ'lb P,l1R nepe,!l,a'-ili! NDP, 1<1MEHouiero, no
`M8HbUHEi� Mepe, O,IIHO none recniposaHll!S'I,
`HO He COAeptKa1..1.1ero none ,11,!:IHHb!X
`I t"2316
`Mop,ynb AJ1f! npv1eMa eroporo
`Ka,l.'lpa C HBHCCii 06parno1t1 CBf!3bfO
`I r2318
`Mo.D,yflb J:l,J1R f1PlilOMa Ka,; ZOH,q,1poaaH1-1�.
`KOTOpb!� MO}KeT npe,(iCTaBn51Tb co6oiil NDP.
`l'!flill K3AP8, illMelOU\8rO f10J1S'I Tec-rvipOBi:IHl,!l'!
`!;l .l:!,8HHblX
`I .r2320
`Mo,o,ynb AI1fl Bb!BOAa OL\6HK!ll KaHana
`Ha OCHOB6 KaApa 30HAIIIPOBai-lllls:!
`Mop,y.rib AflH BblnOI1H6Hvm K8Jlv!Dp0Bi<l'l
`(Hi,mp1;1Mep, BblBOAa seKTopoa
`KOppeK41,w1 B3a!l!MHOCTl/l) Ha OCHOBe
`OyeHKl/l KaHana III HBHO� o6paTHOV!
`<bv1r .23
`Apple EX1016 Page 799


`RU 2 419 213 C2
`npl/lHf!Tb sanpcc Ha 06parny10
`ces::isb CSI ,qni:i 1<arw16pca1<!/I
`nplt1Hf1Tb Ka,o.p 30H,1.1,lllp0Baf·ll•'lf!
`reHepV1poaarb 06parny1-0 css:131:,
`CS! Ha OCHOBe Kap,pa 30HA!/IPOBe!H!,u:1
`f!epe,Q,:ffb oopaTHyi-0 cs�3b CS!
`063 rpynn!/lp06Kl/l f!OAHSCYLL\IIIX
`(Hanp!llMSp, Ng "' 1) vi c f!OJ7HO�
`Nb c::8
`Mop,ynb A.ilfl npfl!eMa 3anpoca Ha
`oopaTHY!-0 cBfl3b CSI _.qn51 KanV16po0Kvi
`OAYDb ,!J.llf! reHep111poaaHvtR
`o5paTH014 C8f1311! CS! Ha OCHOBe
`Ka, 30HP,ltlp088Hll!Si
`op,ynb AJ7n nepe.i:taYll'l o6paTHO� caf1311!
`CSI 6es rpynnviposKVI nop,Hecyll..\l<'1X
`(HanpviMep, Ng ::: 1) f;'! c nonHoM
`TOYHOCTbfO {Hanplt1Mep, Nb ;;; 8)
`Apple EX1016 Page 800


`RU 2 419 213 C2
`CTa.Hl.11/!R A
`CTillH�!,lfl B
`2614 2f;2()
`. c,p npocrpai;-
`ilpf_lqecr .
`Komponnep/ npm1eccop
`Apple EX1016 Page 801


`Espacenet -Bibliographic data
`.:.--1;,� .. 1.:.� �,�� ,:.� ....... �
`�� ����,§ �.-§�%� ....... �� ,�--�$-�\
`til ... J���t.,�� I :.:s t \..��.t.. J .................. � �\.! ; &!�tJ��M&! I
`............................................. � .......... � ...................................................... .
`t�C.1�1fvll,if,H(�i\1�1(1N l.JNK i\Nt) f..)Et�RE.t\SE3. IN t)El. .. A)� t.J;SPERSl()N lJS�Nt�
`�1l�iL,1""'�PL,E l'�R�ANS�irr�,..,�N(-; AN[} RE(�E�\l"�Nt; .:.L\.Nl"�ENNAS
`[US]± {HACC!l1P!l1-TYCC!l1 KapviM {US), ; r!l1Jl5EPT .Q>Ke¢¢pv1 M.
`(US), ; WYHr LlyeH-WeH (US), ; 4EPH$i8CK!llill ,QMt..1TpVl!A
`Mt..1xaiAnoa1111..1 {US))
`SAJ8!M INK [US] ± (CAl/15!11M, !11HK. (US), ; SAJ8!M, INK)
`w international:H04B7/06
`w cooperative: H04B7/0617 (EP, KR).; H04B7/0684 (EP, KR).;
`H04B7/0851 {EP, KR}.
`RU20080136896 20070214
`US20060773508P 20060214; US20070706711 20070213
`AU2007215029 (A1)_ AU2007215029 (82)_ AU2007215029 (BB)_
`EP1992083 (A2)_ EP1992083 (B1)_ EP2840720 {A1)_
`published as:
`{T2)_ (T3)_ HUE035055 EP2840720 (81 )_ ES2632067
`KR101329433 (81)_ KR20080104311 {A)_ RU2008136896 (A)_
`US2007205943 {A1)_ US2010178884 (A1)_ US7710319 (82)_
`US7982669 {82)_ WO2007095354 (A2)_ WO2007095354 {A3)_ less
`lUtln� thtJ
`C)f irr1i)k��n·1entcin s:)ntJ '-tf..1rsit)n tt)t:hnt1it)Q�l, l\ SlJB�)�T)-\NC:!E:: F�E:.L,[): inftH--·rl1c1Utln
`rnt�tht)ti t";tlrr1i)rk�t.�t) �l�i�iis�1Ut:ln t1f ��H.:fa��;ti\"e l1l�.H.�rn t;tJntrr)! using rr1uaipie tr1�nsrr1ittint1 i"inci
`tl�t�t�i\tinti i"intf.�nnt.:1s inl-;h .. E.iinti iteri1ti\"e rf.�i"iikSi�UtJn f)f tri"iininti setlUf.�nci�s �1i�h\ \tVht�rl� t.:l
`i1i"iir t1f trt�ining si�t1tH.�H�1t;t�s int��s 8\lt.:l�Ui�tk.1n rJf t�1:1nsrnittt�r i"irr�1y \:Vt�it1hUn{:1 v1�r;tcH� i"inci
`rf;c;t�i\tt�r t�rra�t �"\l&i{JhtJn�i ve(:;tf)r� A E::F·F:E:.c�·T: inc;rt�ast� in ccJn·1n·1unicc1tkln link rt�St)Urt--;e.
`6{) (�� � 4141 (lVV{l
`Apple EX1016 Page 802


`This translation is machine-generated. !t cannot be guaranteed that it is intelligible, accurate,
`complete, reliable or fit for specific purposes. Critical decisions, such as commercially relevant or
`financial decisions, should not be based on machine-translation output.
`1s This application asks for disclosure on the filing date of US Provisional Patent Application No.
`60/773508, entitled "Adaptive Beam Steering Techniques for Maximizing Wireless link
`Resource and Reducing Delay Spread Using Multiple Transmit and Receive Antennas," filed
`Feb. 4, 2006. incorporated herein by reference.
`22 State of the art
`w In most wireless communication systems, a radio channel consists of a propagation channel
`between one transmitting antenna and one receiving antenna.
`2s However, it has been found that the use of multiple antennas in the transmitter and receiver can
`significantly increase the link resource and hence the link capacity.
`30 The disadvantage of this approach is that the complexity of the system can also increase
`dramatically. Systems with multiple transmit and receive antennas are referred to as wireless
`MIMO (Multiple Input/ Output Chain) systems.
`36 For MIMO systems, an increase in link resource or link capacity is achieved through one of the
`following approaches: incremental diversification, multiplexing, and beamforming.
`Apple EX1016 Page 803


`3B When an approach that increases diversification is used, similar replicas of signals are
`transmitted and received by multiple antennas. These multiple transmissions are not separated
`(made uncorrelated) in time using separate delays or in frequency using separate frequency
`offsets, or in encoding space using specific permutations and I or encoding. Numerous
`techniques are combined using an optimal MRC receiver (differential weighted summation of
`each channel). This approach does not require knowledge of the channel transfer function from
`the side of the transmitter. In some approaches, however, it requires significant portions of the
`transmit and receive data channels (analog and digital front-end), which must be duplicated for
`each antenna.
`50 Most of the current MIMO systems follow the first (diversification) approach mentioned above.
`s1 The link resource created by this approach is approximately N times less than that resulting
`from beamforming, where N is the number of antennas. In addition, in most cases, existing
`implementations require complex systems where entire portions of the analog and digital data
`channel front-end are copied for each antenna. In the multiplexing scheme, accurate knowledge
`of the channel transmission function is used to form a common transmitting and receiving
`function into separate (orthogonal) transmission lines, over which data is multiplexed using
`appropriate coding and power allocation based on the principle of water filling (more power and
`data over more stable communication lines). As mentioned, this approach requires knowledge
`of the channel transfer function from the side of the transmitter. !t also requires significant parts
`of the transmit and receive data channels (analog and digital), which must be duplicated for
`each antenna.
`62 However, if engineered optimally, it can provide maximum throughput
`66 There are options for implementation based on the multiplexing approach, but their complexity is
`rather excessive for the consumer and mobile wireless applications, as long as the dimension of
`the MIMO system, i.e. the number of antennas is not limited, which in turn limits the maximum
`achievable increase in the link resource.
`function is used transmission of the channel knowledge 10 In the beamforming approach, accurate
`to focus the transmission on the most stable subspace, referred to as the eigenvector of the
`common transceiver channel. The signal is then transmitted over subspace. This is done by
`adjusting the signal phase appropriately and possibly gain separately for each transmit and
`receive antenna. This scheme certainly requires knowledge of the channel transfer function on
`the transmitter side. However, it may ideally be implemented by copying only a subset of the
`analog traffic channel and therefore may require a simpler implementation and I or allow more
`antennas to be used. It also provides a better link resource than the increased diversification
`approach described above and, for channels that are highly correlated, can approximate the
`throughput of the multiplexing method described above. This method requires the transmitting
`24-11-2020 2
`Apple EX1016 Page 804


`frequency range to be a small fraction of the carrier frequency.
`a1 It should be noted that multiplexing can be performed through parallel beamforming along with
`different eigenvectors of the transceiver channel.
`aa Beamforming embodiments can generally be found in radar applications where, first, the
`transmit and receive units are the same, and second, the target of beamforming is completely
`different from link resource or link capacity maximization.
`B9 Other beamforming assumptions use straightforward singular decomposition techniques that
`result in very complex implementations that are not suitable for consumer and mobile wireless
`applications and therefore place constraints on the dimensionality of the MIMO system, i.e. the
`number of antennas, and hence the maximum achievable increase in the resource of the
`communication line.
`91 The essence of the invention
`101 A method and apparatus for adaptive beam steering are disclosed.
`102 In one embodiment, the method comprises performing adaptive beam steering using multiple
`transmit and receive antennas, including iteratively performing a training sequence pair, the
`training sequence pair including estimating a transmitter antenna array weight vector and a
`receiver antenna array weight vector.
`[001 0]
`109 Brief Description of Drawings
`113 The present invention wm be understood more fully from the detailed description given below
`and from the accompanying drawings of various embodiments of the invention, which,
`however, should not be taken to limit the invention to specific embodiments, but only for
`explanation and understanding.
`120 1 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a communication system.
`24-11-2020 3
`Apple EX1016 Page 805


`124 2 is a block diagram of one embodiment of an integrated device.
`12a 3A and 3B illustrate various stages of beam search.
`132 4 illustrates one embodiment of a beam steering state machine.
`136 5 illustrates the layers of one embodiment of a beam search process.
`FIG. 5.
`140 6 illustrates a partial beamforming that has occurred as a result of the beam search process of
`and, respectively, at a destination I receiver.
`145 7 illustrates one embodiment of a beam search and tracking pattern at a source I transmitter
`150 8 is an example of a Hadamard matrix.
`154 9 is a flow diagram of one embodiment of a beam tracking process.
`1sa 10 illustrates an alternative embodiment of a beam search process.
`1e2 11 illustrates the concept of a clustered distribution channel.
`24-11-2020 4
`Apple EX1016 Page 806


`166 Detailed description of the present invention
`110 An efficient and adaptive technique for performing beamforming for time varying propagation
`channels with reduced and potentially minimal complexity and increased, potentially maximum
`113 In contrast to existing solutions, beamforming is done without directly performing singular
`decomposition {SVD), which is very difficult to implement.
`11s Instead, the optimal channel eigenvector or subspace is achieved through an adaptive iterative
`180 The second effect of beamforming is that the resulting beamforming channel typically has a
`shorter delay spread, meaning that the IS! window will also be shorter.
`1a5 In the following description, many details are set forth in order to provide a more complete
`explanation of the present invention.
`181 However, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that the present invention can be
`practiced without these specific details.
`189 In other instances, well-known structures and devices are shown in block diagram form in order
`to avoid obscuring the present invention.
`194 Some parts of the detailed description that will follow are presented in terms of algorithms and
`symbolic representations of operations on data bits within a computer memory or an
`equivalent electronic computing device.
`191 These algorithmic descriptions and representations are the means used by those skilled in the
`art of data processing to most effectively convey the essence of their work to others in the art.
`199 The algorithm is found in this document and is generally conceived of as a self-consistent
`sequence of steps leading to the desired result
`201 Stages are those stages that require physical control of physical quantities.
`202 Typically, although not necessary, these quantities take the form of electrical or magnetic
`signals that can be stored, moved, combined, compared, and otherwise manipulated.
`204 It has proven convenient at times, principally for common use reasons, to refer to these signals
`as bits, values, elements, symbols, letters, terms, numbers, or the like.
`Apple EX1016 Page 807


`209 However, it should be appreciated that ail of these and similar terms should be associated with
`the corresponding physical quantities and are only convenient designations used for these
`212 Unless specifically stated otherwise, it is evident from the subsequent discussion, it is
`appreciated that throughout the specification, consideration using terms such as "processing"
`or "combining" or "calculating" or "determining" or "displaying" or the like, refers to the
`operation and processes of a computing system, or a similar electronic computing device that
`controls and converts data represented as physical (electronic) quantities within the registers
`of the computing system and storage devices into other data similarly represented as physical
`quantities within the storage computing system devices or registers or other similar information
`storage, transmission or display devices.
`223 The present invention also relates to a device for performing the operations herein.
`224 This device may be specially designed for the required purpose using digital components, or it
`may comprise a general purpose computer selectively activated or reconfigurable by a
`computer program stored in the computer.
`221 Such a computer program may be stored in a computer-readable storage device, for example,
`but not limited to, any type of disc including floppy disks, optical disks, compact disks (CD­
`ROMs), and magneto-optical disks, read-only memory (ROM, ROM), random access memory
`(RAM, RAM), electrically programmable ROM (EPROM), electrically erasable and
`programmable ROM (EEPROM), magnetic or optical cards, or any type of medium suitable for
`storing electronic instructions, or each connected to a computer system bus.
`236 The algorithms and display devices presented in this document are not inherently associated
`with any particular computer or other device.
`23a Various general purpose systems may be used with programs as taught herein, or may be
`convenient to create a more specialized apparatus for performing the required method steps.
`240 The required structure for many of these systems will appear from the description below.
`241 Moreover, the present invention is not described with reference to any particular programming
`243 !twill be appreciated that a variety of programming or digital design languages can be used to
`implement the ideas of the invention as described herein.
`24-11-2020 6
`Apple EX1016 Page 808


`24a Computer-readable media includes any device for storing or transmitting information in a
`computer-readable form (eg, a computer).
`250 For example, computer-readable media includes read-only memory ("ROM"), random access
`memory ("RAM"), magnetic disk storage; optical storage device; flash memory devices;
`electrical, optical, acoustic or other form of propagated signals (for example, carrier waves,
`infrared signals, digital signals, etc.); etc.
`251 Communication system example
`251 1 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a communication system.
`262 Referring to FIG. 1, the system includes a media receiver 100, a media receiver interface 102,
`a transmitter 140, a receiver 141, a media player interface 113, a media player 114, and a
`display 115.
`268 The media receiver 100 receives content from a source (not shown).
`269 In one embodiment, the media receiver 100 comprises an upper group box.
`210 The content may include baseband digital video such as but not limited to content
`concatenation in the HDMI or DVI standards. In such a case, the media receiver 100 may
`include a transmitter (eg, an HDMI transmitter) for routing received content
`216 The media receiver 100 sends content 101 to the transmitter 140 via the media receiver
`interface 102.
`218 In one embodiment, the media receiver interface 102 includes logic that converts content 101
`to HDMI content.
`280 In such a case, the interface 102 of the media receiver may contain an HDMI connection and
`the content 101 is sent via a wired connection; however, transmission can occur over a
`wireless connection.
`283 In another embodiment, content 101 comprises DVI content.
`281 In one embodiment, the transfer of content 101 between the interface 102 of the media receiver
`and the transmitter 140 occurs over a wired connection; however, transmission can occur over
`a wireless connection.

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